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Everything posted by Seibzeihn
[font=garamond][color=navy][b]OOC: He's a pseudo-NPC, so to speak. He's connected with the Prophet, but I purposely made him ambiguous because that was the response I was hoping for -- no one knows who he is or how to act around him. He will become more clear as the situation proceeds.[/b] IC: "Thank you," the man replied with a smile. Taking the jar in one hand, he unscrewed the bottle of liquid and poured himself a lidfull. Tossing his head back, he drank and twisted the cap back on the bottle. His expression brightened somewhat, as if that was possible. "Hmm, not bad, not bad at all." His eyes returned to Aria. "How much?" She blushed again. After he had paid her, Aria rang his credits up on the register (one of the few technologies remaining after the Rise of the Angels). Happening to glance up, she noticed that the man had disappeared. Turning towards the back of the shop to inform Kamui, she gave a start in surprise. The man was right beside her now -- odd, since she had never heard him move -- cupping her chin in one hand. His eyes filled her gaze. "My name is Kadaj, beautiful angel. I am sure we will meet again." Before Aria could give her name, the man had vanished again. Outside, she heard a cry of rage and several voices yelling. Running to the back of the shop, Aria yelled to Kamui. "Something's going on outside, it doesn't sound pleasant!" ----------------- "You and your master come here preaching these tales of horror, death and destruction," bellowed Lieutenant Vaske, shaking his longsword at the man opposite him. "But all we want is to be left alone and live in peace! Your kind are not welcome here!" Kadaj raised his eyebrows. "You will not be living in peace for long with an attitude like that," he said with just a hint of laughter. "Please, Lieutenant, let it go!" his younger sister tugged at his chainmailed sleeve, but Vaske pushed her back into the waiting arms of another woman. The townspeople, drawn by the commotion, had assembled around the two in the twon square, each making sure to keep several meters away from both. Vaske yelled back at Kadaj, his voice red with fury. "It is people like you who caused the descent of the Angels in the first place! Your sins drew Heaven's judgement unto us!" Kadaj's eyes narrowed. "If that's what you think, then you're more naive then I thought!" he bellowed, his voice reaching a frightening pitch. "You dare to draw arms against a fellow human! Who is sinning now?!" "Enough!" Vaske cried out. "I have heard enough of your talk, heathen!" With that, he charged, sword raised high. Offering a smile, Kadaj did not draw his sword. Using the scabbard, he knelt and whacked Vaske solidly in the stomach as his slash passed harmlessly by overhead. Vaske doubled up and Kadaj rose, bringing the scabbard crashing down on the man's unprotected shoulderblades. Now lying prone on the ground, Kadaj drew his sword and pointed it at Vaske's throat. Aria blinked in surprise -- Kadaj wielded a [i]double-sword[/i], a unique weapon with two curving blades placed side-by-side. "Think more carefully before you choose to act next time, lest this event be repeated by one less merciful than I." [b]OOC: At this point, all of your characters will have come outside to see what was going on. Thus, you are all in the same area -- though whether or not you choose to remain in the same area or interact with Kadaj is up to you.[/b][/color][/font]
[color=navy][font=garamond] Siaga's eyes caught movement to her left. Turning in the direction of the Alchemy shop, she immediately zoned in on the figure of a tall man with a curving sword sheathed across his hips. He was well-built for a human, with platinum hair falling almost to his shoulders. Wearing close-fitting black leather armor crisscrossed with straps and belts, the man moved with a swordsman's grace. Due to his garb, however, he stuck out like a sore thumb. Siaga wondered as to whether or not he had come with the Prophet -- since she certainly would have noticed him walking around Atma before. Striding into the Alchemy shop, the man stopped to investigate the herbs and mixtures lining the walls of the store. Both Kamui and Aria noticed him enter, but continued to talk amongst themselves. The stranger made no motion to speak with either of them; he just continued to walk past rows and rows of alchemy tools and solutions, giving each a quick glance. After a time, Aria began to feel like someone was watching her. She paused for a moment and looked over her shoulder, only to find the man's eyes on her. "Can I help you?" asked Kamui, trying to sound friendly. The man nodded. "Actually, I'm looking for a solution for muscle aches. Do you have anything of that sort?" he asked, his voice deep and precise. Stepping up to the counter, the man watched as Kamui nodded and vanished into the back of the shop, finding what the man desired. turning around and leaning his back against the counter, the man was now only a few inches from Aria, his toned muscles rippling beneath black leather armor. Her breath caught it her chest as his gaze dropped to meet hers. He had the most amazing green eyes... "Are all the women in Atma as beautiful as you?" he asked, smiling. [b]OOC: Attatched are two pictures of the man[/b] [/color][/font]
[color=navy][font=garamond]With the sharp cracking of twigs and branches underfoot, Astaroth landed on the ground and closed his wings slightly. With a muttered incantation, his garb changed from one of a God's regalia to a long black coat and boots, with gray silk pants and undershirt. Pushing a length of nightdark hair behind his ear, Astaroth smiled. Earth...it had indeed been some time since he had descended to this mortal prison in person. The air was crisp and clear, the morning bright amidst the woodland setting where Astaroth stood. Waving one hand almost absently at the sky, clouds began to gather almost immediately and a light rain began to fall. Of course, the other gods and goddesses would feel the resonance of the storm and know that it was him, but the God of Darkness didn't care. Most of them would play by the rules, regardless. Almost immediately, it began to rain. Astaroth's smile faded somewhat -- so, there were others attempting to alter the weather besides himself. Well, he had expected that. At least most of the gods and goddesses appeared to be in the same region. Astaroth would have to keep his eye out for them, since it served his cause to stir up trouble. Glancing idly eastward, Astaroth noticed buildings rising in the distance. Unconcerned, he retracted his wings and began to walk. Lost in his plotting, Astaroth failed to watch where he was going -- the solid oak wall stopped him in his tracks rather efficiently. Rubbing his injured nose, annoyed but not hurt, Astaroth took stock of his situation. He had run smackbang into the wall of a small cottage, set near the border between woodland and city. It had a tidy garden and a large willow tree hanging over the doorway. It seemed no one was home, but it was definitely inhabited...and....Astaroth thought he could sense an odd sort of energy in the general area. Shrugging to himself, Astaroth continued into the city. [b]OOC: Hope you don't mind me bumping into your house, Spiritbreeze :P. Who knows, Astaroth might catch up with Droana if you like -- I planned on intertwining with a few others at some point. P.S. Aqua, is there a specific location (i.e. a city on earth) where we're all supposed to be, or should we make it a fictional city?[/b][/color][/font]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Navy]Thanks for your signups, everyone! I really appreciate it. Since I'm feeling a bit better and can be online more, this RP is now up in the Adventure Square. Mind you, signups are still open; you can jump in whenever you like (as long as it's appropriate, which most of the time it will be). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Anyways, enjoy! [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Navy] [b]Backstory[/b] [i]Dawn. The light of life and birth. Or at least, it was, once...[/i] [i]So pale. So cold. A deathly cold...[/i] [i]A reminder that we are not free...[/i] Once, Terra had been a bright and vibrant world, filled with the light of Aether. The human race marveled at their skills as they built towering cities of stone, wood and steel, harnessing the Aether (the energy of the planet) to power their inventions. Technology and the magic of Aether worked side-by-side to create a utopia for Man -- this utopia became known as New Eden, a place of peace and freedom. At the center of this beacon of idealistic society laid the jewel of humanity's labor, the capitol city of Sanctus. This city had been constructed of Aether crystals and stocked with mankind's most advanced technology. For hundreds of years, humanity knew olny prosperity and the calm of pacifism. But it was not meant to be. On a day darker than the rest, where lightning cracked against a blackened sky, the wind began to roar. Directly above the pinnable of Sanctus, the roar reached a fever pitch, and the Heavens themselves parted like curtains being drawn back. And that was the day that the angels of God descended to rain judgement upon the world of men. A column of force like the Finger of God lanced from the sky to shatter the crystalline Sanctus like glass. Following the beam from the heavens, a mighty fist of airships materialized above the proud human civilization and unleased a powerful salvo of Aether beams. The reeling human coalition gathered its wiits and launched a counterattack, but the unmarked battlecruisers proved that they were more than a match for the Terran frigates. Their advanced Aether 'wave-fields' deflected Terran guns, while their beams tore through frigate hulls. But the most terrifying spectacle had yet to come. Haloed in brilliant silver, a colossal seven-winged figure appeared in the sky. With a wave of one hand, the figure generated a shockwave of blinding white energy that swept over the surface of the planet, destroying all in its wake. Buildings were laid low and machines blasted to ruin as God dealt out his wrath. Over 99% of the human population perished that day. Since then, humanity has lived in fear. Driven to hide underground in makeshift towns or high in the mountains where the weather beats at the shattered human sanity, many fear that the race of men has ended. One such small civilization was the mountain-town of Atma, containing a sparse population of human survivors. They had escaped the wrath of the Angels (for that was what humans had come to call these strange unmarked ships and their unknown pilots) and built their lives anew, far from the Angels' center of control -- which was now in the once-mighty city of Sanctus, rebuilt with the Angels' mysterious technology. But their rare serenity in this age of war was about to change once again... [i]"The time has come for you to stand up for your people!"[/i] cried the Prophet to the assembled masses, who looked at him with a combination of horror and awe. [i]"It has been written that the last of Adam's children shall come forth to lead the Vanishing out of the darkness! I see you look at me with your blank faces, you do not know of the Vanishing! But, in fact, you do,"[/i] the Prophet gestured with one hand to the crowd, his voice rising above the howl of the wind. [i]"YOU are the Vanishing! Our species is becoming extinct from the face of Terra. The strong must rise and heed my call! The time of the Vanishing is now! Who will join me?"[/i] The number of people assembled were pitifully few, even for a place as populated as Atma. Suprisingly, as the Prophet looked into the crowd, most were young women, with the odd man standing hesitantly near the back. From beneath his cowl, the gray-robed old man who called himself 'The Prophet' studied their faces. Stepping down from the rocky outcropping atop which he had been addressing the few who would hear his message, he swept his gaze to the mist-shrouded mountain town, Atma. None of the other human villages had offered him aid. But Atma was different...the Prophet could feel a resonance stirring within the heart of their land, and in the people who tended it. As the Prophet turned his back to the rocky platform and leaned on his staff, he addressed those gathered before him in a more casual tone. [i]"So? Are any of you willing to fight for your people?"[/i] he asked, his tone unreadable. ----------------------------- [b]OOC: Whew, now that I've shaken off my cold, let's get this under way! [/b] [/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Navy]Astaroth leaned forwards in his black marble throne, a look of anticipation on his perfect features. The God of Darkness had hoped that Suray would make a decision like this, one that would even the playing field -- but only for those deities who decided to follow the rules. Fact was, Astaroth's powers were more than just the element he wielded; his appearance was a power the God could not turn off (nor did he wish to). Pushing back a length of black hair, Astaroth's cold violet eyes surveyed the others assembled in the chrome hall. They all appeared to be in thought, some consulting with their own minions, all preparing for the journey to earth. Astaroth allowed himself a quiet smile. This was going to be no problem. "Will you need anything for the journey, Lord?" asked Asmodeus, Astaroth's strong right hand and the one he was leaving in charge. Together with Belial, his general, the two dark angels met Astaroth's gaze impassively. "No," said Astaroth smoothly, rising from his throne. "I have everything I need." His long black robe traced his path as the God of Darkness approached his minions. "You know I have done this before, do you not?" "Yes, Lord." Both angels knelt as he approached. "We will keep things running smoothly here." Astaroth nodded once. "Good." Belial raised his head slightly, only enough to catch a glimpse of Astaroth's black boots. "When do you plan to depart, Lord?" Casting off his long plumed cape, Astaroth allowed his black mechanical wings to sprout forth. With a hiss of metal, the God of Darkness flexed them in anticipation. "Now." [/COLOR][/FONT]
[color=navy][font=garamond][b]An FFIX thread! Capital![/b] [b]Name:[/b] Amarant Coral [b]Age:[/b] 25 (This is an educated guess) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~joyv/amarant.jpg]Click[/URL] (Ignore text) [b]Personality[/b]:Amarant is a cold and competitive bounty hunter who values his own hide above all else. It's unknown what exactly Amarant hopes to gain by joining with Zidane and the rest of the party, but whatever it is, it's a strong enough desire to keep him around. Amarant isn't overly friendly with the rest of the party -- in fact, he's rather cruel and brooding most of the time. Will this new adventure change the hard-bitten bounty hunter's ways? Only time will tell... [b]Class[/b]: Bounty Hunter (Somewhere between Mage and Warrior) [b]I wish I could make it longer, but there's really not much to say about Amarant. If something else comes to mind, I'll add it.[/b][/font][/color]
[font=garamond][color=navy]Crucifix and demonchild, both of thsoe look good. And Crucifix, Kuja is awesome, so don't worry about ripping him off :D Here's a little point that I forgot to mention earlier: [b]Elements aren't unique to each person. Everyone on Terra has an affiliation with an element, so don't worry if someone is the same element as you; it doesn't matter. All humans hold an affiliation with one element or another. [/b][/color][/font]
[font=garamond][color=navy]Eikou and Aqua...both of you are lookin' good! Approved! Keep 'em coming! :D[/font][/color]
[font=garamond][color=navy]I'm going to build a little bit on what James is saying... First off, the association with goths and 'nonconformity' just plain doesn't work. Period. I mean, come on, only the first goths were really nonconformist because the stereotype didn't exist back then. In American culture (and pretty much anywhere else as well) we now have a generalization for the word 'goth.' The goth kids have become conformists just by trying too hard NOT to be conformists (if that makes any sense :P). They're just like the geeks, the thugs, the preps...etc and so forth. Not in dress or in attitude, but all of these groups now have a category in society. If you associate being goth with nonconformity, this is just the opposite than what you were trying to achieve. That's not to say that all goths are trying to be nonconformists, of course. I don't plan on making any stereotypical comments about gothic people myself, because honestly I think there's a lot of gray area there. Shopping at Hot Topic or wearing black doesn't make you gothic, at least not in my opinion (well honestly speaking, I hope the Hot Topic thing doesn't do it for any of you. I mean, come on, are we going to stereotype people just because of a store they decide to shop in, regardless of where else they happen to shop???). So then what IS the definition of gothic when it comes to issues of society? Well, amazingly enough, [b]there isn't one.[/b] Or rather, we each come up with our own definition individually. It's just like 'what makes certain people thugs, preps or geeks?' -- it isn't hard to see where people's opinions might differ. Saying that goths worship Satan and are always depressed is a stereotype, and one I despise quite a bit. I know a couple of kids who dress 'gothic' by other people's opinions and they're perfectly nice and content people. These are merely tags that have been added on by people who make other goths look bad, or by societies that don't accept differences in culture. It's similar to the stereotype that all Muslim people were terrorist (this was immediately post-9/11, and I hope this stereotype has all but died out) just because a few extremists decided to join a terrorist organization and kill hundreds of people. Do some teens join groups because they think it will give them a sense of identity? Yeah, I can see that, but I think James has pretty much covered that issue and thus I will say no more on the subject. Just my two cents :D[/font][/color]
[font=garamond][color=navy][i]Dawn. The light of life and birth. Or at least, it was, once...[/i] [i]So pale. So cold. A deathly cold...[/i] [i]A reminder that we are not free...[/i] Once, Terra had been a bright and vibrant world, filled with the light of Aether. The human race marveled at their skills as they built towering cities of stone, wood and steel, harnessing the Aether (the energy of the planet) to power their inventions. Technology and the magic of Aether worked side-by-side to create a utopia for Man -- this utopia became known as New Eden, a place of peace and freedom. At the center of this beacon of idealistic society laid the jewel of humanity's labor, the capitol city of Sanctus. This city had been constructed of Aether crystals and stocked with mankind's most advanced technology. For hundreds of years, humanity knew olny prosperity and the calm of pacifism. But it was not meant to be. On a day darker than the rest, where lightning cracked against a blackened sky, the wind began to roar. Directly above the pinnable of Sanctus, the roar reached a fever pitch, and the Heavens themselves parted like curtains being drawn back. And that was the day that the angels of God descended to rain judgement upon the world of men. A column of force like the Finger of God lanced from the sky to shatter the crystalline Sanctus like glass. Following the beam from the heavens, a mighty fist of airships materialized above the proud human civilization and unleased a powerful salvo of Aether beams. The reeling human coalition gathered its wiits and launched a counterattack, but the unmarked battlecruisers proved that they were more than a match for the Terran frigates. Their advanced Aether 'wave-fields' deflected Terran guns, while their beams tore through frigate hulls. But the most terrifying spectacle had yet to come. Haloed in brilliant silver, a colossal seven-winged figure appeared in the sky. With a wave of one hand, the figure generated a shockwave of blinding white energy that swept over the surface of the planet, destroying all in its wake. Buildings were laid low and machines blasted to ruin as God dealt out his wrath. Over 99% of the human population perished that day. Since then, humanity has lived in fear. Driven to hide underground in makeshift towns or high in the mountains where the weather beats at the shattered human sanity, many fear that the race of men has ended. One such small civilization was the mountain-town of Atma, containing a sparse population of human survivors. They had escaped the wrath of the Angels (for that was what humans had come to call these strange unmarked ships and their unknown pilots) and built their lives anew, far from the Angels' center of control -- which was now in the once-mighty city of Sanctus, rebuilt with the Angels' mysterious technology. But their rare serenity in this age of war was about to change once again... [i]"The time has come for you to stand up for your people!"[/i] cried the Prophet to the assembled masses, who looked at him with a combination of horror and awe. [i]"It has been written that the last of Adam's children shall come forth to lead the Vanishing out of the darkness! I see you look at me with your blank faces, you do not know of the Vanishing! But, in fact, you do,"[/i] the Prophet gestured with one hand to the crowd, his voice rising above the howl of the wind. [i]"YOU are the Vanishing! Our species is becoming extinct from the face of Terra. The strong must rise and heed my call! The time of the Vanishing is now! Who will join me?"[/i] -------------------------------- Terra is a world of ruin. Battles are fought using conventional weaponry on foot (namely, swords, spears, and the like) or on airships equipped with Aether-based beams. Guns and other such projectile weapons of our day and age do not exist. Aether is basically magic, and there are some humans who have learned to better wield it (thus making them more like mages). Aether is the energy of the planet, which mages tap to fuel their spells. Most spells are of the elemental class, since them stem from the earth: [b]Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Earth. [/b] ((I'd like to have at least 4-5 people to start, but there's no limit. One character each, please. You will be playing inhabitants of Atma who are considering taking up the Prophet's offer)) ((I will create an Underground thread as soon as I have a few sign-ups in case there are any questions/comments)) Sign-Ups: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (19-35) [b]Appearance: [/b](Pic or good description) [b]Class: [/b](Either Mage or Warrior depending on whether you prefer using Aether or your own strength to do battle) [b]Element:[/b] (Everyone is aligned with an Element of Aether, whether you're a mage or not. They are listed above in bold) [b]Weapon:[/b] (Anything medieval) [b]Occupation:[/b] (Basic medieval jobs; blacksmith, alchemist, scribe, teacher, etc and so forth) [b]Personality: [/b] [b]History:[/b] (Everyone was born in Atma, but what has happened to you since then? What are your parents like, if they are still alive?) [b]Spells/Skills:[/b] (Two per person, please something weaker i.e. no godly area-of-effect spells. Make sure whatever you choose is aligned with your Aether Element) ** I will play the Prophet, and the Angels, and pretty much everyone you all don't play (i.e. any NPCs you meet along the way). I may or may not play another basic character, and if I do I will post his profile.[/font][/color]
OOC: Sorry for the delay, I am here as well -- but judging from Houka's profile, she hasn't been online since the 7th (which was when she last posted here). Anyone know what's going on there? IC: As soon as Blynd materialized in Mac Anu, he felt it immediately. [i]Virus![/i] he sent urgently to Zen. [i]Someone has released a virus in the Root Town![/i] All around the small party, players were dead or dying. Even Blynd began to feel his abnormally high HP begin to fall, slowly but surely. The background of the server had changed, no longer the merry blue sky; only a maelstrom of stygian energy remained. Zen clutched Blynd's hand in hers tightly, Blynd's other hand drifting to one of his longblades. Ryu materialized nearby. "What the ****!?" "Ryu! There is a virus in Mac Anu! We need to get out of here now -- we will die if we stay!"
OOC: I shall join the ranks as well :D [b]Position:[/b] God of Darkness [b]Person you left in charge:[/b] Asmodeus (Astaroth's right-hand advisor, a dark angel) [b]Name:[/b] Astaroth [b]Human Name:[/b] Katan [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Occupation:[/b] College Student (Philosophy Major) [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://konoko.free.fr/angel_sanctuary/images/Lucifer20.jpg]Click[/URL] [b]Personality: [/b]Astaroth is cold and mysterious, just like the element he governs. The God of Darkness believes that humanity should never have been created to begin with, and has lost sight of who their real masters are. Astaroth is advocating that the human race be eradicated, to wipe the slate clean for the engineering of another race -- one which will continue to hold reverence in their creators, or else. However, being the God of Impurity as well, Astaroth can be charming and seductive when the need serves him, and he is a known womanizer. [b]Bio:[/b] Astaroth has always been the ringleader of trouble in the council of gods and goddesses, as he represents the opposite end of the ideological spectrum -- the belief that humanity deserves nothing more than total annihilation. He does, however, hold a healthy respect for Suray and those who support alternative means to an end. The trial that Suray proposed is one that Astaroth has undertaken with a certain degree of pleasure, for it is another chance to meddle with the lives of those humans who have forgotten about the gods and goddesses of their world. While not innately evil, Astaroth is most definitely NOT a kind and caring person -- at least, not to humans.
Angel sign-up Name: Ethan Fury Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.angelsword.net/img/oav/1/AS-ova129-kira.jpg]click[/URL] Weapon: A glaive. The pole is slightly taller than Ethan (around 6') and topped with a two-foot blade with ripplelike curves. The pole is metallic in color, and the blade is inlaid with silver runes. Magic: [i]Telekinetic Burst[/i]: Ethan gathers his psionic energy into a focused busrt of unseen energy, which he can strike a single target with. Angel Appearance: His hair lengthens slightly and turns platinum-blond, and two large white wings spout form his back. His clothes begin to pulse gold and silver. Ethan's body appeares to be haloed in light, and his glaive's blade extends slightly and the silver runes shine with energy.
Frowning to himself, Blynd polished both longblades and sheathed them in one fluid motion. Yes, there was definitely something unusual going on...hackers, maybe? Blynd was one of them, or had been at one time, but he had never engineered anything more than chathacks or ALTMIT optimizers. To create creatures, monsters that were of infinite hit points and could move freely about The World -- that was an accomplishment. But for all of the players, it was a massacre waiting to happen. The administrators were powerful, but hackers had matched them on the same level before...maybe Helba knew something. It had been a while since Blynd had heard from the legendary hacker. Blynd glanced over his shoulder at Zen. [i]Are you OK?[/i] he sent.
Blynd took the lead, his two longblades held at ready. Dodging Macha's initial strike, he caught hold of the beast's arm, swinging himself onto its back. Freezing his feet to the creature in order to keep his balance, Blynd struck viciously at it with both blades. Macha reared backwards, carrying Blynd into a nearby wall and momentarily stunning him. The impact threw him to the ground, as Macha rose above him in preparation for the killing blow. A quick 'Repth' spell from Zen brought his HP back into safe range, but Macha stil had to be dealt with. His weapons knocked clear, Blynd raised both hands to the approaching beast and released a powerful fire spell, scorching Macha's head and eyes. Scrambling to his feet, he retrieved his weapons as Balmung and Flame flanked the beast. And onward the battle raged...
[i]I know....[/i] Blynd didn't know what else to say. Something was very wrong, now. The pieces didn't fit. Macha's appearance, and the skill that Ryu had used...someone was toying with them. Someone, or something. And Blynd didn't like the feeling that he was being controlled. He had the hilt of one longblade clutched tighly in his right hand, feeling the metal hilt cut into his skin from beneath the glove. Blynd's other hand rose, coming to rest gently on Zen's shoulder reassuringly. [i]Whatever happens, I won't leave you.[/i] "Balmung. You are not unfamiliar with something like this occuring, methinks. Have you seen this happen before?" asked Blynd.
[quote name='Houka']Settle down Sevotharte I told everyone that they can post one more time before I put it on pause I even sent you one. :([/quote] It's my bad then, sorry :confused: . Didn't mean to sound harsh, I apologize.
[quote][b]As Of Now The Rp will be put on Pause Until Ruby Comes Back Okay?[/b] [/quote] Did you not understand that...???
Still in shock from receiving a kiss on the cheek from Zen, Blynd walked over to where he had thrown his second sword. Pulling it out of the ground and resheathing it, he returned to where Zen, Ryu and Balmung were standing. His step was somewhat awkward, and he had no idea what to say. Arriving back to his original location, Blynd acknowledged everyone present with a brief nod. Zen smiled at him, causing Blynd's heart to beat faster. Now that he was able to see Zen in a new light, Blynd began to notice how truly beautiful she was. "So...I guess I won," said Blynd simply. He looked at Zen and smiled. "The prize was well worth the effort."
Caught up in the feverish excitement of the moment, Blynd barreled forwards into the river, followed by at least a score of other players. Though he was faster than most of the other characters, Blynd caught sight of a few trying to freeze the river with their magic to make crossing easier. Pulling out one longblade, Blynd tossed it to his other hand blade-first, using the long handle to ward off those around him. Sending players tumbling left and right using a combination of the clublike sword hilt and several kicks in each direction, Blynd emerged dripping from the river at the head of the mass. Running forward several paces, he stopped dead about a foot from where Zen sat. "What are you waiting for?" yelled Lyn. [i]There's no way I'm going to sweep her up in my arms like some knight in shining armor. I'll do things my way,[/i] thought Blynd with a crooked smile. Whirling to face the oncoming army of characters, Blynd hurled the sword upwards into the air. The others quickly lost sight of it as it spun upwards into the night sky, then streaking downwards to land point-first in the ground, mere centimeters away from the frontrunners of the crowd. Immediately Blynd drew his second sword and planted his feet, grounding himself in front of Zen. [i]"If anyone fancies a go at the lady, you'll have to come through me first,"[/i] laughed Blynd almost good-naturedly. But his challenge rang out, strong and serious.
As if in a trance, Ethan rose from his seat at the computer, still wearing the visor that connected him to The World. Feeling about for the door handle of his room, he shut and locked it. ****** Blynd stood stock-still as Zen's arms encircled him, the young girl burying her face in his kimono. He touched her hair gently, unsure as to what to do, when he caught sight of Zen's wish pinned against a tree turnk by the wind. Though he thought it would be unwise and disrespectful to read someone else's wish, Blynd did not avert his sight quickly enough. What he read caused his mind to go blank with shock. She had wished, not for her own happiness, but for [i]his[/i]. But how could she have known? Was it all too obvious that Blynd was on a quest to find something that didn't exist, and the pain it caused him? And why, why of all things, did she wish for HIS happiness? They had met only a short time ago, after all, and he hadn't even been particularly nice to the girl... Which only made Blynd feel even more guilty. It twisted his stomach and made him sick inside. Had he really been so cold? The realization was painfully clear. He had pushed away everyone who had come close to him, just to keep himself from more pain...but he did not realize the pain that he was causing others with his actions. And the truth was...Blynd had forgotten a long time ago what it felt like to have a friend... And so Blynd raised his arms slowly, embracing Zen's trembling form as gently as he could. Tears slid down his face from beneath the blindfold as Blynd wept in silence for all the pain he had caused. With one hand, he stroked Zen's light blue hair, trying to comfort the young girl. [i]"There, there...Please don't cry, you've done nothing wrong...It is I who should ask forgiveness..."[/i] ...And for the first time, there was genuine compassion and caring in the hard-bitten warrior's words. ***** Unconsciously, Ethan depressed a button on the remote for his CD player, switching CDs and punching in a number he had long since forgotten. The music that flowed from the speakers spoke of Blynd's pain...and Ethan's as well. [i]This is my December This is my time of the year This is my December This is all so clear This is my December This is my snow covered heart This is my December This is me alone... And I Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed And I Take back all the things I said To make you feel like that And I Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed And I Take back all the things I said to you... And I'd... Give it all away Just to have somewhere to go to... Give it all away To have someone to come home to...[/i] (( Ugh, sorry about the length of this post. Glad you liked the poem though, Houka :D ))
Blynd was in a foul mood. Those kids had gotten the jump on him, but that wouldn't happen again. He was shamed. Upon proceeding to the Tanabata Event, Blynd slipped away from the group quietly. Walking along one of the lamp-lit paths, Blynd stopped before a smaller bamboo tree and knelt before it. So...he was supposed to...put a wish on it? What the hell did that mean? Or better yet, what did Blynd want to wish for? When he spoke softly into the moonlight, it was not a wish that Blynd sent forth...or was it? [i]Faint memories remain in my mind Save yesterday, like a broken song Searching for the true future, a lonely traveler... My heart is crying, Eyes are gazing at me... Who are you? I only can fight, with my dream concealed. Far Off Dawn[/i] Deep in thought, Blynd did not notice Zen approach him from behind. [i]I forgot my face under the mask Like endless darkness that covers everything The morning grows embraced by peace Is the color of blood that is from the soldiers. I am looking for the future That cannot be expected by anybody... Who are you? Pale flame that colors the sky Far Off Dawn[/i] Here, Blynd paused and touched one hand to his forehead reverently, finishing the verse even more quietly than before. Had he not been wearing the blindfold, one might have been given the impression that Blynd was weeping. [i]With a wish that would not be granted I start on a journey to the sky all by myself.[/i] Remaining kneeled for a moment, Blynd rose and began to turn...
Blynd frowned at himself, having just finished changing into his wine-red kimono with the sash to match, his black boots a decent pairing of color with the deep crimson of the cloth. He did not, however, unclip the two longswords at his sides, in case they should become necessary. Blynd felt naked without his weapons anyway, and would rarely part with them under any circumstances. Stepping out of the armor shop, he adjusted the sash before sauntering off moodily towards the Chaos Gate. With a dramatic wave of one hand, he whispered as quietly as he could. "Ahh....[i]Lovers Passing Road.[/i]" Blynd watched his surroundings disappear, replaced with forest and a pool below. The Twin Blade had appeared atop a small cliff, beside a river that became a waterfall and flowed down into the pond below. He caught movement at the edge of the pool, though whoever it was, they were on their way out. Blynd sighed to himself. [i]Why am I here again?[/i] [i]Oh, I remember. Mischief. Mischief, disorder and chaos....[/i] Without a backward glance, Blynd leapt off the edge of the cliff on which he stood. Rotating twice in midair, the warrior landed in a crouch in the shallow end of the rock pool below. Deciding to follow whoever it was that was at the pool before him, Blynd scanned for footprints on the ground. There were several sets, and Blynd began to follow them, hoping they would lead to the main road. He must have been walking fast, because after a few minutes of walking through woodland, Blynd began to hear voices a few meters ahead of him. Slowing down so as not to be heard, the Twin Blade accidently stepped on a dry stick... [i]CRACK![/i]
After several minutes of searching through a wide variety of kimonos and accessories, Blynd finally decided that it was time to go. He had decided to go with the wine-red kimono, which was edged with silver, and a sash of silver to match. His normal black boots would do fine, no need to go overboard for the occasion. Taking the items up to the counter, he waited patiently in the ever-growing line. Looking totally out of place, especially with everyone wearing vibrant colors in celebration of the holiday, Blynd stepped up to the counter, proffing gold. The checker gave him an odd glance but averted his eyes quickly, putting the kimono and sash in a bag for Blynd. He didn't want to have to change into them until it was absolutely necessary. On his way out, Blynd happened to pass by Zen, Lyn and the others. Zen was looking over her shoulder at the area where Blynd had been standing only moments ago. Stepping out of his way slightly, he brushed against her. She turned and gave a start. "Blynd!" He gave her a crooked smile. His 'gaze' lowered to the bag she was carrying. "If you picked any shade of blue, you chose well," said Blynd, indicating the kimono in the bag. Zen blinked and stared at him for a moment. ***** Ethan leaned back in his chair. This was indeed an interesting situation...