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Everything posted by Seibzeihn

  1. Blynd's reply to Zen's message was a single word. [i]Likewise.[/i] "Interesting, I never thought you would be one to associate with their kind," said a voice to Blynd's left. The Twin Blade turned to see another player, a Heavy Blade, dressed in an overlong grey coat with plate mail over it. His sword was massive and black in color, matching his spikey midnight-colored hair. The expression he wore was one of amused surprise. Blynd turned to face him. "It's been a while, Genmou," said Blynd in as friendly a tone as he could muster, realizing that Genmou could read his outgoing messages. It was a hack they had designed together in the 'old days,' though it still had several flaws at the time. "How have you been keeping?" Genmou leaned on his sword. "Well enough, I suppose. I haven't been playing a lot recently, because of school and stuff." Blynd nodded knowingly. "So, are you going to the Valentine's Event?" asked Genmou with a sinister smile. He knew that Blynd would do no such thing, at least under normal circumstances. "Yes, actually." Genmou's eyebrows rose at Blynd's reply, so he hurried to explain. "See, those social events are always really boring...so I think I might go and...well, you know. Stir up some excitement." His last words brought a grin to Genmou's face. Shouldering his sword, he gestured offhandedly. "Make it a good show, Blynd. I have some things to attend to, but I might be able to make it back in time for the Event's start. 'Till then." "Aye, 'till then." After Genmou logged out, Blynd allowed himself a minute to think. He should probably buy a kimono anyways, just to make it look like he belonged at the event...sighing to himself, he approached the Chaos Gate and entered the correct keywords. The shop was abustle with players, but Blynd ignored them, thumbing through the kimono on the far wall. Choosing one that was wine-red in color, he studied it absently. He could tell that Zen and her friends were in the shop as well.
  2. [i]Incoming Private Message![/i] chimed the custom program patch that Ethan had overwritten. He froze Blynd momentaily and keyed in a command. /Message-newwin The message opened up in a pop-up window over Ethan's screen of The World. It appeared to be from one of players who had been in the Beach zone -- her name was Zen, another Wavemaster like Lyn. It was a simple message, as she was simply inquiring whether or not he would be attending the Valentine's Day Event. Under normal circumstances, Blynd would have dismissed it as the predecessor to an invitation (which he did not want or need), but some inkling of doubt led him to begin typing a reply. It was short and concise. [i]Zen, I will be attending the Event, one way or another. ~Blynd[/i] Returning to The World, Blynd noticed that Zen's character had appeared in Mac Anu, by where Lyn and Ryu were standing. Pulling himself upright from where he had been leaning against the wall of the Item Shop, Blynd moved to stand off to one side, only slightly closer to the group but near enough to eavesdrop. Ryu logged out almost immediately, whereas Lyn and Zen switched locations to the Kimono Shop. Laughing quietly to himself, Blynd used a chat-over hack to speak to Zen, even though she was in a different area. He recalled that she had apologized for intruding on Lyn and Ryu. [i]Don't apologize next time. They project their voices as if they wish for the whole world to hear what they are talking about. It just begs for interruption.[/i]
  3. Blynd watched Balmung and the Wavemaster girl, Lyn, using his mind-sight. He was inclined to dismiss the pair, but as of late, his disdain for the Blademaster seemed to have grown. It probably had something to do with Valentine's Day festivities, Blynd's/Ethan's least favorite holiday. The bright colors and the way everyone paired off and walked around like their heads were in the clouds was incessently irritating. Lost in thought, Blynd failed to notice a young Long Arm character dressed in what appeared to be pink armor with a bow in her long blond hair approaching him. She took a deep breath and tugged at his sleeve, drawing Blynd into reality. "What is it?" he asked harshly. The girl jumped. "Oh...ahh..I'm sorry if I disturbed you...I was just wondering--" [i]"NO![/i] bellowed Stryfe. "But I--" [i]"NO TO THAT, TOO!"[/i] "Ohhh! You are MEAN!" the girl flounced off to look for another date. Blynd allowed himself a thin smile. Activating one of the many modules he had coded himself, Blynd prepared to data hack into the Valentine's Event Area. Perhaps he could stir up some mischief....
  4. Ethan entered his password idly with one hand, switching on his stereo using the remote with his other hand. A familiar song by Tool, [i]The Grudge[/i], began to play, bringing a small smile to the youth's face. Closing the door to his room, Ethan's eyes bulged when he realized where the login had deposited him. ******* Blynd materialized and immediately studied his surroundings with a disdainful frown on his face. He had somehow ended up in....what was this place? He had heard some newbies talking about it...Sunny Beach Paradise, if he remembered correctly. Just wonderful. In all his black armor and clothing, Blynd looked totally out of place. Patting both of the longblades at his sides as if to make sure they hadn't been lost in the transfer process, Blynd's mental sight continued to scrutinize everyone in the sun-baked area. There were actually quite a few of them, though Blynd only recognized one -- the Blademaster called Balmung. Blynd merely knew his name, he had never played with the man, nor had any intention to...not that it was anything personal. Blynd just preferred to play alone. Striding to one of the larger palm trees, Blynd sat beneath it in the shade, lost in thought. However, the constant chatter and antics of those not far away at the beach's shore served only to distract and annoy the Twin Blade. After a time, he rose to his feet and casually began to make his way over to where the other characters were standing. Inwardly, he fumed, angry that the others should so callously disregard that other people might be trying to think...but his face did not show it. He offered a crooked smile to the person closest to him, a Wavemaster by the look of her. He thought he had heard someone call her 'Lyn.' "Ahem! Might you do me a favor and quit talking so loud..." Blynd trailed off as she raised an eyebrow at him. He immediately became aware of how stupid he must have sounded, and resorted to his original plan. "...Meaning, [i]FOR THE LOVE OF THE TWILIGHT DRAGON, BE SILENT![/i]" [Blynd's not mean, he's just...anti-social. You'll get used to him.]
  5. [b]REAL WORLD INFO[/b] Name: Ethan Rainheart Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Of average height with long black hair that falls to his shoulders, usually hanging over his grey eyes. He generally dresses simply, in a t-shirt and pants. Prefers dark colors, especially blues or greens. [b]THE WORLD INFO[/b] Name: Blynd Age: 17 Gender: Male Rank: Twin Blade Level: 200 Appearance: See attatchment Item: Orion Soul and Aurora Soul, twin longblades that serve as Blynd's weapons Signs: Blynd wears a blindfold over his eyes, having learned to use his keen sense of impulse to do battle. Those who have heard Blynd's name tend to shy away from him, since he is known for his cold and mysterious nature. Blynd works best alone, and doesn't mind if everyone knows it. Ethan sat down at his computer after a long day of school, intending to type his reasearch paper for English...but the sight of the icon labeled "The World" continued to draw his attention. After a time, Ethan sighed and gave in to his desire to be amused; double-clicking on the icon, he prepared to launch the advanced server programs he had coded. These programs connected him to the server in "The World" with more speed than the connection alone, a plus when it came to gaming online. User Name: Blynd Password: ********** Loading.... Who knew what a new day would bring? [Sorry it's a bit short, thus I might add some later...]
  6. Ahh, if I might throw in my two cents... Quite a bit of it also depends on the players. If you have two players who know each other (OOC I mean, probably using the PM system) and can work together relatively well in an RP environment, that helps a lot. Communication, as in most RPs, is very important. I've done a few romantic RPs in the past, and it's so much easier to make something romantic if A) Both, or a number of, characters can work together well, and B) If they communicate even just a little bit to try and coordinate the storyline. Hope that helps a little.
  7. [color=navy]Hmm, this looks interesting. Count me in! [b]Name: [/b]Ethan Fury [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]In Your Own Words:[/b] You had better be a doctor with the school, else I'm not telling you anything... Regardless, here I am. I was sent here on probation after I was arrested for causing someone 'injury.' It was one of Jameson's aides who recognized my psychic potential and offered to let me enroll in their school. Whatever, as long as it got me out of prison. Hell, people don't understand the self-defense factor any more, do they? Anyways, school was always something that came easily to me...since I didn't do much else. I never knew my parents and all my uncle did all day was sleep or watch TV. He didn't even know when I got arrested. As for my current situation, well, school is STILL coming easy to me but I'm not complaining. I got involved in the art of Bushido just because I needed something to do...but I prefer to practice it alone. People are stupid. As for these 'psychic powers'....hell, what am I supposed to think? Sure, I guess it's cool and all, might come in handy someday. But that's about it. They've gotten me in trouble before, too... I'm about 6' tall and weight about 167 lbs. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20412&stc=1]Here is a picture of me[/URL]. [b]Student File #1566, Subject: Ethan Fury[/b] Ethan is a talented young man, if he would just apply himself a little more. Sure, he gets almost perfect grades, but it doesn't seem like he cares much about anything. Even at a school with mostly all girls, Ethan has shown a lack of emotion towards all of his classmates. This may be the result of his different frequency of brainwaves, but it is doubtful (as all students here function on a level higher than that of the normal human). He uses his abilities with lightning and electricity only when he is ordered to do so...otherwise he keeps mostly to himself. This lack of emotion may also be connected to a troubled childhood, however studies have shown no indication of this. [/color]
  8. [i]BOYFRIEND!?!?[/i] Sevotharte had nearly fallen over when Nyx had blurted it out. He had lived a long time, as Alatariel had, and didn't look a year older for the wear, but still....the concept that anyone could actually love him baffled the fallen angel. Who would want to be near such...impurity? Even though he had lived a life of righteouness and honor, it didn't change the fact that he was who he was. A fallen angel. A being doomed to live out his life forever on the Earth, his prison. Not like Sevotharte had known any other life, but that was irrelevant to him. Compassion wasn't something he was shown often, least of all....love. After the others had introduced themselves, Sevotharte nodded. [i]"Well met. It seems that Damien is out hunting for the blood of the non-human once more. I figured he would have learned his lesson a long time ago..."[/i] the White Angel sighed wearily. [i]"But alas, it seems like we are needed once more. I did not stand by and idly watch as Damien kills innocents before, and I have no intention of doing so again. If you would accept my offer of help, then I will aid you."[/i] Sevotharte walked quietly to one side and peered into the surrounding landscape, apparently listening for something. However, Sevotharte's motion put him closest to Alatariel, with his head near her shoulder. He dropped his voice as much as he could when he spoke, though even so the angel's voice carried on the wind. [i]"The years have been far kinder to you then they have to me, I fear,"[/i] Sevotharte crooked what might have been a sad smile. [i]"Do not mind what the other might say. You have the beauty that even those who are young in mind and body do not possess. My Lady, you are as beautiful as...."[/i] he turned slightly, averting his eyes to the ground. [i]"...an angel."[/i] Nyx burst into a fit of giggles. Sevotharte pulled back, his robes carressing Alatariel's shoulder and arm as they caught the breeze and swept outwards. Turning to the others, Sevotharte's face wore an expression like the midnight chill itself. [i]"Perhaps we should find a safer place than this to sit and plan, as Damien may send more troops to find you here..."[/i]
  9. The strange white creature before Alatariel didn't move, and his gaze never wavered. In his head, Sevotharte searched through the names of those he had encountered or heard of in the past...but it was in vain. The name never appeared. But then why did this young woman seem so familiar? What was going on? Sevotharte mentally shook himself awake. Oh, she had asked him a question. His name. Well, that made sense, considering. Sevotharte fell to one knee and bowed, his robes falling about him like the winter rains. [i]"I am called the White Angel, Sevotharte, My Lady."[/i] Looking up slightly, but not rising to his feet, Sevotharte hissed another question. [i]"It seems we share a common enemy. What about the rest of you? From whence do you come, and what do they call you?"[/i] Sevotharte would not rise unless Alatariel allowed him to do so. He was only being polite, of course.
  10. Sevotharte lowered his sword slowly. Around him, the ground was littered with the corpses of Damien's soldiers. Surprisingly enough, the white blade of Sevotharte's sword was not stained with blood. The enchantments surrounding the blade took care of that. Slowly, the White Angel knelt and recited a quick prayer. [i]"Father, see the souls of these unworthy washed free of sin and cleansed."[/i] Rising from his crouch, Sevotharte looked down at the bodies for a moment, then let his gaze drift skyward. [i]"May you find peace at last."[/i] The wind picked up slightly, causing Sevotharte's cloak to writhe about him. It was a clear, cold wind, and it swept over the battlefield like some great bird from a faraway land. As it washed over the living, they felt somewhat revitalized, and each loosened their grasps on the ferocious bloodlust that the battle had placed upon them. Sevotharte's eyes shifted over each of the 'creatures' who had fought as well, his icy gaze eventually coming to rest on the shadow-creature. He had seen her in the midst of the battle; something about her tugged at his memory. Perhaps it was her black wings, the mark of a true fallen angel. Technically they were the same, but Sevotharte had been born on earth, having never known a life in Heaven... He walked towards her slowly, stopping a few feet away. Sheathing [i]Sleipnir[/i], Sevotharte looked the shadow-creature over several times. A twinge in his stomach caused Sevotharte to grimace slightly, as a familiar feeling rose in him. Pushing it aside as best he could, he spoke. [i]"Who are you....?"[/i] Sevotharte asked in his deep, windlike hiss.
  11. Hmm, I think I'll play a role as well, if nobody minds... [b]Name:[/b] Kaitou [b]Role:[/b] One of Sobriety [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapons:[/b] Two semi-automatic handguns, and a daikatana [b]Abilities:[/b] Kaitou has enhanced strength (which allows him to actively wield his massive daikatana) as well as mobility. After years of training his mind and body to be as one, Kaitou is actually capable of using his mental energy as a weapon -- meaning he has limited telekinesis abilities. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kaitou dresses in a long white robe with silver crosses sewn into each shoulder. His pants are long and grey, and over each he wears metal leg greaves. A sword amulet hangs about his neck, and beneath the robe he wears a silver, sleeveless shirt. Kaitou's silver hair is relatively short, and he usually wears it so that a few lengths hang over his eyes (which are ice blue in color). He carries himself with an air of passive calm and compassion, and all who look upon him know that he has recognized his place in life. Kaitou's face usually holds little expression, and when it does, it is sparing. [b]Personality: [/b]Since his conversion and the 'message', Kaitou has become utterly devoted to God and His will. Anything that hinders this will should be eradicated, either by his hand or God's. However, Kaitou knows that God would not want him to kill needlessly, and thus Kaitou works hard to first know his enemy before he decides whether or not to battle. Having been devoid of most emotions early in his life, Kaitou rarely expresses his feelings, and when he does it's usually in a subdued or quiet sense. It is quite rare for Kaitou to get excited about something, or display any kind of extreme feeling. To normal mortals, Kaitou is compassionate and will sometimes go out of his way to help others even if it puts himself in danger. He has faith that God will protect him until it is his time to die. [b]Bio:[/b] Born into a very Catholic household in the California valley, Kaitou led a relatively simple life for his first handful of years. His father was a businessman and his mother stayed home and tended to the house while Kaitou went to school. But when Kaitou became a teen, everything changed. He rejected the religion that his family had placed upon him and ran away from home, determined to make up his own mind about the universe and his place in it. For a month he remained away, wandering the wilderness and small rural towns in search of purpose. In time, he fell ill from malnutrition and was brought to his parents' house once more by the police. Barely conscious, the doctors weren't sure if Kaitou was going to live out the night. It was then that red light suffused everything. From the nothingness came forth horrible creatures of nightmare -- demons, they were called. They slaughtered Kaitou's parents before his eyes and then turned upon the sick youg boy, who was only 17 at the time. As the killing blow was about to fall, Kaitou felt his body become haloed in white light. In his mind spoke the Word of God, telling him to take up the hammer of God's judgement and strike down the demons. A massive daikatana appeared from nowhere, allowing the now-revitalized Kaitou to take a deadly revenge on his parents' killers. Since this day, Kaitou has been a devout follower of God. Taken care of by the local church, Kaitou has received the summons of God and will now go forth after his years of servitude and training to battle the demonic minions that plague his -- and God's -- world.
  12. His robes rippled slightly. The battle seemed to call his name. Down below the rooftop, he could see the soldiers of King Damien turn to face their new foe, weapons drawn. He had been there the whole time, standing atop a village home near the outside of the village, to avoid immediate notice. Were it not for the cover of darkness, he might have been spotted immediately and set upon by the King's retinue. Not like it would have mattered. One way or another, they would die. Was it right? Was it just? Sevotharte could feel the question teasing about in his mind. Technically no, slaughter was the last way to deal with a problem. However, Damien's men had already wetted their hands and drowned their souls in the blood of innocent men, women and children. Thus, the answer seemed obviously to be 'yes.' If sin was to be judged an eye for an eye, the men would've been dead a long time ago. But Sevotharte quickly came to learn that the world did not work that way. That was why he existed. To deal out judgement on the sinners of the world. Either way, all Sevotharte had really been waiting for was a distraction. Taking a step forwards, the fallen angel leapt of the top of the village hut. Rotating in midair, he unsheathed [i]Sleipnir[/i] in one fluid motion, cleaving a soldier below him in two. Landing feet-first on the ground, Sevotharte delivered a rising slash to a nearby armsman, sending him crashing to the ground. He knew that there were others fighting, but he had to concentrate on himself. [i]To be hasty is to be dead[/i]. With vengeance as his weapon, Sevotharte launched himself into the battle.
  13. A little late, I know, sorry Aiyanna. Been a bit busy lately... [b]Name:[/b] Sevotharte [b]Age: [/b]Unknown (somewhere around 13500) [b]Creature Type:[/b] Fallen Angel [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Sleipnir[/i] (Greatsword/Longsword). Sleipnir is a greatsword/longsword hybrid, about 5'5'' long with a moderately thin blade (for a greatsword). It has a quarter blood channel running down the center of the blade, and the grip is large enough for both one and two-handed wielding. The pommel is set with a white gem, and the hilt itself is made of silver metal. Blade is also silver in color. [b]Description: [/b]None have seen Sevotharte's face. He is almost constantly dressed from head to toe in white, complete with a white cloak and scarf to hide all but his eyes (which are grey-blue in color). He stands about 6'8'' tall and is well-built and muscular from years of training in combat. Sevotharte rarely reveals his wings (which are white as well) unless the need arises, and to date it doesn't happen often. Sevotharte's hair is long and silver, often trailing out from beneath the hood he wears. His skin is a pearl white, and Sevotharte usually conceals his sword Sleipnir within the folds of his cloak. [b]Personality:[/b] Sevotharte is alone in the world. Having never known his father or his mother, Sevotharte is a very independent and solitary soul. Inside, he doesn't know why anyone would want to be close to him regardless, because of who he is -- a fallen angel. Because of this, Sevotharte has secretly dedicated himself to a life of justice and judgement, in hopes that he might atone for whatever sins cursed him with the body of a fallen angel. Though he doesn't like to work with others much, he will if the need arises and/or he is forced to. Sevotharte usually tries to refrain from showing too much emotion, because emotion can lead to sin and weakness. Sevotharte's largest flaw is his somewhat selfish attitude, since he's never had to look out for anyone but himself. However, that may change as time goes on... [b]Weakness:[/b] Angelic-based magics (mostly strong forms of light magic, though the weaker forms he can resist). If Sevotharte accidently sins somehow, he'll become hard to deal with and probably become rash and impulsive in search of a way to repent for the sin.
  14. I'm inclined to agree with Harry on this one...heh :D Err... On a serious note, I'm also somewhat in agreement with Hayashi. If you have a valid reason, then more power to you. Just make sure you explain things completely and thoroughly. Also, make sure to hear his side of the story. HOWEVER, it sounds like you're ready to break up with him even if he pleads for a second chance (which will probably be 'his side' of the story, since he's the one being broken up with), thus I can't really emphasize that.... What I will say, though, is thus: (Hayashi, don't take offense to this, but I'm just trying to throw in a different opinion) You say you're fifteen. Chances are your boyfriend is probably around the same age (no, I'm not asking for ages, I'm just speculating). Thus, the phrase 'If he loves you, he'll understand' IMHO is irrelevant. While I hate people who say that you have to be older to experience true 'love', in this case I'm going to insert what I would do if I was fifteen and in the same situation. Not only do you want to break up with the poor guy, you also have a thing for his best friend. At fifteen, even if he DID love you, that's enough to make most people flip out. And chances are he will -- hell, I would too. I think his reaction is at least [i]somewhat[/i] justified. Unfortunately, there's really no other way to do this. So just grin and bear at, and say what needs to be said. One warning though -- if you're dating his best friend, chances are it will take him quite some time to get over that fact. During which, he probably won't want to be anywhere near either of you.
  15. Hmm, a tough question. I have several favorites.... [b]Sephiroth:[/b] He carries the Masamune, has platinum hair, and wears a long black trench coat. Need I say more? Oh, and he can transform into an angel, and has magical skills beyond anything you can think of. And he's trying to become God (the scary part is, he's doing a pretty good job). [b]Squall:[/b] I really connected with this guy, because he has several qualities that reminded me of myself. You also get to see how he develops as a character over the course of the storyline, which is very cool. Also, he has an awesome gunblade, and an even more awesome limit break. Renzokuken, anyone? [b]Vincent Valentine:[/b] The guy has the most tragic history I've ever heard. Yet still he fights on, because he believes in something greater than himself or his scarred and painful past. His clothes are pretty cool too, with the red cape and headscarf-thingy.
  16. I guess I'd fall somewhere between Heero from Gundam Wing and Rei from Evangelion. If I don't know you, don't talk to me, and if you do then don't expect much of a response. It takes a lot to earn my respect since it seems like I've been around stupid people for most of my life. But when something is important to me and needs to be done, I'll do it, no questions asked. (Note that this doesn't apply online, only offline. Anyone is free to talk to me here, and I won't judge you or be cold to you :D. Most people I meet online tend to be quite a bit different from the people I meet offline, which is a good thing). Online I tend to be more like Kaworu (also from Eva). Meaning that I'm always willing to lend a helping hand and listen to what anyone has to say. I'm usually pretty friendly here, and can offer advice from a neutral standpoint.
  17. I'm definitely not in favor of both Rei+Shinji and Heero+Relena. Heero+Relena just doesn't make any sense to me. In fact, Heero+ anyone doesn't make sense to me. I mean, the man's a natural-born loner and soldier (ahh, so he was emotionally conditioned. Either way...). Pairing him up with someone, or trying to pair him up with someone, just doesn't work. That's not what Heero is all about. I agree with Arisa too; it's not that Heero feels something for Relena, it's that she reminds him of an incident that happened in the past. That's why he can't kill her, not because he's 'secretly in love' with her or anything. Also, I just don't like Relena's character. Total pacifiscm? Grow up and open your eyes. Even if it was possible, it would take a lot more than a girl like you to make the vision a reality. Rei+Shinji....don't even talk to me. Sure, it was hinted at during the series, but I think Shinji would more likely end up with Asuka anyways. After all, she represents all of the desire and feeling inside Shinji, which is why he continues to try and understand her or be nice to her. Rei is just too cool for Shinji -- she's still my favorite character in the series and can do way better than the whiny little boy Shinji. Honestly, I'm in favor of a Rei+Kaworu pairing, since they're basically the same anyways and Kaworu is awesome :D
  18. The show's pretty good, not the best I've ever seen but definitely up there. I've played three of the four games, and they're OK too....things can just get repetitive after a while, but the story's good. I wish it would have just been one or two games though, as each one only lasts about fifteen hours (which is short for me -- I'm used to playing like 45-hour-long Final Fantasy RPs). Four games is a bit much, especially if you buy them all at full price :nope: I look forward to watching more of the show, though :D
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