Manga Title:Soul Crystal
(also give me a break this is the first manga I am trying to think up.)
How it will start:
The Story:In the year 3011 where monsters roam a planet called kaizen.
A crystal with great power was made so the person who weilds it can protect civilians from these monsters such as zombie warriors etc.But it also has the power to give the weilder great abilities and strength so if it falls into the wrong hands the world can be destroyed.This crystal was protected by a sorcerer named Sheila.Untill a team of villians named "Dark Watch" ganged up on her so she used her magic to turn the crystals into little orbs.Seven of them to be excact.She survived from the dark watch and she goes to her kingdom.Her king see's her bruised from battle.The king quickly gets her medical attention.Then she tells the king what happened.The king say's we must destroy the dark watch!Then the sorcerer sends a "awakening crystal" that she
has stored in her mind (awakening crystal=has the power to awaken the power within.) to someone pure hearted but it will take time.
5 years later
--In Leivor city--
A man named Lionel was in his daily Training.
Lionel:*mumbling* Come on training is almost over is almost over.....
Training finished and Lionel flew out of the "kaitesu training room".
Lionel:Finally,I am tired.
Narrarator:But what he didn't know was that awakening crystal was
coming after him.
Lionel:I can't wait to go....
Once he gets onto the sidewalk.The awakening crystal hits him and gets
he get knocked on the floor landing on his head.The crystal then dissolves inside him.
Civilians:"ohh.......someone call a ambulance........what happened to him?"
Then he gets to the hospital and gets glue stich (just like stitches
you just squirt it over the cut and it will work like stiches.)
He wakes up.
Lionel:What happened?
Doctor:You just got knocked out!Your lucky to be alive!
Lionel:Ohh yeah I got hit by that thingiemagig.....
Doctor:yeah pretty much...
Doctor & Lionel:Ok bye.
Narrarator:The dark watch were stalking him.Now they are going to make
a increase in monsters to find him dead!
Lionel walks out of the hospital.And see's atleast 20 monsters named
"neo nakugiki" waiting to strike him.
Lionel:What the hell!?
He hears a mysterious voice
Unknown voice:You now have great power.Put all your might into you hand
then point it to the middle of the mob.
Lionel:Why should I?
unknown voice:Just do it or just get killed
A explosion of dark energy killed atleast half of them.(came from Lionel)
unknown voice:Try to figure out the rest of your skills yourself.
Then with a quick motion of his hands he destroyed the other half of
the mob.
Lionel:I can get used to this.
unknown voice:Sure yeah whatever.Just remember to keep practicing
those attacks so they will get stronger so the new monsters won't be a
Lionel:Sure,sure.....How did I get these orbs in my hands though.Did that happen when I got hit and knocked out?
Lionel:Ohh well,time to go home and get some rest like I was going to do before I got knocked out.
::Stuff To Know::
-Kaitesu is a new style of fighting.The word I just thought up off the top of my head.
-neo nakugiki a name I just thought up randomly.It is supposed to be a monster.
So anything you have to say,say it!Because I really need suggestions.I wanna get better at this.I am good at drawing but not this so I wanna improve.This is probably bad though.I have a bad imagination.Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I tried to do this very quickly!