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[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Just a manga idea I came up with and I will be making into an online manga if all goes well. So far I have done four panels of the whole thing lol,anyway the storyline in below and soon when I am done with an OUTLINE of the first page I will post how the main character will look. This is also or might turn into an rp. ~*~ -+Broken Paradise::The Star Theif+- Have you ever wondered what the stars purpose was except for shining and what they represent? Far into the future where they started to find out more about these new stars and life on other planets. They noticed that when some one dies a star shines out and thats when all of this begins. They found out that the stars have a link to each and every person on this universe and when they announced that world wide the hunting of the stars began. One woman who was a great theif and possessed great magic rose up from the streets and lunged towards the sky. Where she would through her mini capsules,capture the stars, then who ever the stars were linked to would turn to stone and if the star was harmed they would get harmed with it. When this happened they announced this information world wide and now every police man and women along with the whole army are out for this woman. They are giving awards for her even if she is dead or alive. Now even some pedestrians are out for her but none of them stand a chance.....this is where we come in, 4 people with great power has risen and are out to get this woman for what she has done. Each one of these fighters has a grunge against her that won't give up and they want her head for that. ~*~ cdf Soon I will upload the first page/[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Well,since its school time I am starting to lose intrest at drawing like some other guy on another forum. So I am going to post some art here to gain momentum unless all you have to say are bad remarks....I won't really care I am just going to post my art!Here are a few drawings that I did a while back.........ENJOY!!!! [B]::Art::[/B] -[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/Photo_2004_10_16_13_11_46.jpg]Drawing 1[/URL] -[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/Photo_2004_10_15_11_27_25.jpg]Drawing 2[/URL] -[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/Photo_2004_10_14_11_19_19.jpg]Drawing 3[/URL] -[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/Photo_2004_10_16_13_44_58.jpg]Drawing 4[/URL] ||//Note||I can't color,lol\\|| And I am making an online comic book soon because I found a good host!!!! YEAYUH!!!!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Hmm,Ok,MysticKnight is working on a gothic fairytale so you should wait for that unless atleast two people wanna do my star theif idea then I can post this at the adventure inn and then the two people can sign up and other people can sign up too. But if you wanna go with MysticKnights type of idea then we can. "Well, I'm still working on it. It's a gothic fairytale, you know, an evil villain, damsel in distress, and handsome hero. And it's a big fantasy setting, where crazy things can happen." That is what he sent me so we should probably make a vote,unless your wanna improve my star theif idea or mystics idea when I get it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]-+Broken Paradise::The Star Theif+- Have you ever wondered what the stars purpose was except for shining and what they represent? Far into the future where they started to find out more about these new stars and life on other planets. They noticed that when some one dies a star shines out and thats when all of this begins. They found out that the stars have a link to each and every person on this universe and when they announced that world wide the hunting of the stars began. One woman who was a great theif and possessed great magic rose up from the streets and lunged towards the sky. Where she would through her mini capsules,capture the stars, then who ever the stars were linked to would turn to stone and if the star was harmed they would get harmed with it. When this happened they announced this information world wide and now every police man and women along with the whole army are out for this woman. They are giving awards for her even if she is dead or alive. Now even some pedestrians are out for her but none of them stand a chance.....this is where we come in, _ (However much people signs up for this) people with great power has risen and are out to get this woman for what she has done. Each one of these fighters has a grunge against her that won't give up and they want her head for that. ~*~ Just something I came up with,wanna do this idea? If you do I will post an official underground thread. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]I hope your story has something to do with ninjas >< I love ninjas lol. Anyway I look forward to it so we can finally start this online manga style rp! This is good practice for those who want to make a manga,it helps train them in things and make them try new things out. Thats why I suggested it on these forums anyway I can't wait untill we start![/SIZE][/COLOR]
Manga The Golden Griffin, and a few of my other manga ideas.
naota replied to goldengriffin's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Well I think this manga idea can be good but you have some flaws in your drawing. Like when you put the words glare,it could look much more dynamic and exciting if you tried. And it can be draw better but I am not going to nagg you about that since I am not that good of a artist.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]OCC|I couldn't think of anythiing to post >< ~*~ Shidobu finished sprinting up to the base and didn't break a sweat.Shidobu walked up into the door and seen three boys and two girls there talking among eachother as Shidobu walked up. He gave aria a boy along with her grand father as Shidobu bent on his knees so he could rest alittle. "Hello" a woman said calmly "Yes,yes hello." Shidobu said anxious to get information "Whats your name" He said squinting his eyes "Aria, yours?" Aria said calmly "Shidobu" He said as he walked away Shidobu started to started to observe the room and started to concentrate when he was done. He was trying to concentrate so he could find a source of information from somewhere in this building. It was a technique his teacher taught him. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Shidobu Shidoyu [B]Age: [/B]15 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~gotton4/sasuke.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] He is more like a tough character, he is very secretive and easy to get aggravated. If he gets to know somebody he is welcoming and nice to them and will always protect them no matter what but if they come at him the wrong way he will back smack them. He is known as a twitchy person sometimes and even some ninja senai's fear him because of what he is capable of so he is very secretive and rarely talks. [B]Grades:[/B] [I]Ninjitsu[/I]- This is what he is best at,he studies alot at it and he is almost a pro at it. He also reconises alot of the techniques that his enemies use. [I]Taijutsu-[/I] This one is about a medium he is good at it but not the best,many people would give him a very good fight if they verse him in a good hand to hand combat and if he is lucky he will win but he is fairly good. [I]Genjutsu-[/I] He is bad at this subject and someone can beat him with these illusionary techniques if he can't use ninjutsu. [B]Introductions Are In Order:[/B] [I]"Shhhhhhhhhhshhhhh" was the only noise you could hear as Shidoyu walks through the forest. It was raining heavy and very cloudly making it harder for him to hear the noise of that shhshhing noise that were maby the noises of his training program which were "Black Ninja Parasites". Shidoyu started to run as he saw a pair of glowing blood red eyes appear from the shadows of a bush and leap out at him. He jumped and dodged it then got a good look at it seeing that it was a short black creature that had very long and sharp claws that made ten deep holes in the group. Then more of these monsters jumped out and lunged towards Shidoyu as he jumped on to a tree branch and then clapped his hands together and started to rub them quickly together and say a chant as a thick dark orange mist started to raise up from his hand to his face. He made his hands part then did a big blow making a big blue fire go towards all of the enemies that were lunging towards him. What he forgot is that he was in a forest that get caught in a fire as he was running for his dear life sprinting very fast with the fire racing behind him....... [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]If people want to they can fight with mechas or they can fight by their self. It does have some futuristic things in it like mechas,robots,mechas,futuristic cars.....I guess you can say its like "Escaflowne". Only thinng I don't know is what Escaflowne is.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]OCC||This storyline might not be so good so if people could help me with a story line even change it completely that would help. Yes,I am going down in the ob history for this idea. MWUUUUAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHHHAAAAA!!!!! ~*~ [B].::Story::.[/B] -In the future on a planet on the opposite side of the sun there was a unique planet that lyed there called "Myth". This planet was conisidered paradise to earthers who traveled there since they discovered this planet a long time ago. This planet had a big planet right next to it to sheild it from meteors and this was the first planet found that had life like earth. But this planet had much more beutiful scenes and areas than earth with much more unique beings than humans. Untill one day a being born from darkness known as a "moon drift" (which was a rare race) started to make chaos occur around this planet by spawning monsters that he made using dark magic and alchemy. This was going on for 1 year to them which was 12 months and 18 days in the human world and then the whole planet went into chaos. The monsters were trying to destoy anything they could and there was multiple wars going around the world and where ever the being who created these monsters whos name was Denshi Sutaru he would leave a sign that said "Darkness" in their planets main language. Denshi then created a team of extrodinary fighters which helped him make chaos all over the world. This is when a vast amount of warriors have risen to fight off this evil which helped some areas across the world stay calm. Even though the whole world was a beutiful placae some of the things that were happening weren't so great.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]OCC| I changed my appearence and edited my elemental powers so my profile is all done. If I can't do that darkness spell in the beginning or anything is wrong pm me so I can fix it. ~*~ Shidobu was in a sacred village where he would always get his tips from,this village had [I]"The Wise One"[/I] who knew almost everything. At the timei Shidobu was a bounty hunter and he was trained by the wise ones apprentice. Shidobu was walking through the middle of the village untill he saw fairly big village house that showed the words "Wise One" and he walked through the door. The door opened and let out a loud creeking noise as he saw an old man sitting on a pillow at the end of the room. "Excuse me, I have finished off the criminal that I was after" Shidobu said as he was bowing "Its time..." The Wise One whispered "Ok,follow me. I am going to bring you to a base where you will no longer need to get instructions from me." The wise one said Shidobu nodded his head as the old man and him walked through the village slowly taking his time. They arrived at a forest next and none of them still haven't said a word and as they were walking the saw the base ahead. "This is my stop" The wise one said Shidobu gave another nodd as he sprinted towards the base. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]OCC|If I did something wrong pm me and I'll fix it ~*~ The communicators were vibrating from the communicators that were left,and Sutaru quickly grabbed his and got ready to respond. "Dave,you gotta get us out of he-" Sutaru was interrupted which pissed him off alittle "I found a way to teleport you back to the vessel" Dave said calmly This information eased Sutaru's anger as he waited for another response from Dave so he can get out of the place. This wind was blowing violently and he took a quick glance at Canathael alittle freaked out because he was acting real stupid to him. "Ok,two of the peoples life force is going alittle wild over there and I am guessing it is one of you. So with this information I can trace this life force back to you and make a portal spawn over there which you can walk through and you will appear at the entrance of the portal and your home free." Dave said with confidence that this would work Sutaru looked at Peiter giving him a shrug about the life force this as it looked like the wind started to blow even more violent like a tornado or just high speed winds were building up. "OK,HURRY UP!" Sutaru screamed with impatience "A TORANDO IS BREWING!" Maya said right after Sutaru said Sutaru started pacing around as he heared a grumble on the communicator. The ground started to shake making some of the group fall as the portal appeared under Sutarus feet. The portal was 30 feet high and in the portal you could see some kind of abstract backround as Sarek and the others quickly stepped in with no questions asked.They appeared to the entrance of the vessel in a flash as they walked in the vessel and the portal exploded so no dinosaurs would get in the portal either. When the group arrived.......[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1]Ok,I can't participate in this event anymore because I found out when I was uploading the character to this comic rp the scanner was messed up and wasn't working which means I can't upload my comic book pages :( . But I can help with the story and stuff like that if ya need it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I was the first one who chose courages so there fore I shouldn't change it since I posted it first. Plus I think thats the only thing left there that would suit someone who uses darkness as their element. ||Edit|I changed it to intellegence||[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Ok, I need some artists to make this new type of rp since I got a working scanner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]I am goon going to finish soon I am just gonna draw a picture of him when I get back from school. ----------------- [B]Name:[/B] Shidobu Derukunesusu Suki [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Element:[/B] Darkness [B]Language:[/B] Japanese [B]Virtue:[/B] Intellegence-He is unbelievable smart at about anything....He sounds very mysterious when he is using his intellegence. [B]Element Power:[/B] Shidobu is able to controll darkness at his own will and pleed when ever he wants. He can also make his darkness element morph,make himself morph,make people see illusions and more. [B].::Weapon(s)::.[/B] [I]3 Katanas[/I]| Shidobu holds three long katanas that are made by lobe which is a hard material that was made especially for his katana. Two of his sheeths are gray and the other sheeth is black. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://animewallpaper.de/wallpaper/wallpapers/D_N_Angel/aah.sized.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [B] Personality:[/B] My character is very friendly and nice to strangers and especially to his friends. He loves to make friends and sometimes jokes around but he is never a coward. He is very couragous and intellegent in and out of battle and isn't afraid to do anything. [B] Bio: [/B] [I]Shidobu was living a normal regular life with his clan who lived in a village called "Metaru", like any other baby he was normal except for the fact that he had two red scars on his cheek that he got from an unknown person. But that wasn't important,when Shidobu turned to the age of two he and many of his male comerades were plauged with a dangerous virus that the clan has been getting for many years now. He was immediatly rushed to a village hospital where he sat layed down sweating bullets on a long white bed. When he was about to get his last heart beat and he was passing out he saw a glowing red light that slowly went through the ceiling of the village house as if it was invincible and slowly went to Shidobu's face. Thats when it rushed and jammed it self into Shidobu's eye and he started to scream in pain. The village doctors quickly rushed towards him and put him to sleep. "Whats wrong with him!?" "We never encountered this before" was all he could here from the doctors as he was slowly passing out. A few hours later he woke up with the remaining members of his clan there but what he couldn't see was from his eyes. Instead of seeing from his eyes he was seeing from something inside him that he didn't know what,but all he knew was that he couldn't move his eyes. When he sat up on his bed he saw that his clan was now looking disappointed. "You have to go ....." his clan leader said He didn't know much about what he was saying so he layed back down. They kept him in the clan for seventeen more years that were the hardest years of his life. They trained him extra hard because these were his last years then kicked him out. What they also taught him was justice and courage and from then on he has been drifting around the world protecting the needy and helpless. While he was doing that he found out that he can transform into a black panther and he had dark powers and thats where it all started.....[/I] [B]Beast Form: [/B]Black Panther [B] Beast Form Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.davidyounker.com/ecards/ecats/blkpan3.jpg]Black Panther[/URL] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OCC|I used your sign up...if you don't want me to then pm me. I will sign up as Laguna Loire --------- Name: Laguna Loire Age: 27 Height: 185 cm Weapon: Machine Gun Birthday: January 3 Blood: B Special Attack: Desperado An ex-soldier turned journalist, Laguna is a strong-willed man with amazing energy. Out of compassion for the unfortunate, he helps those who are weak, and destroys those who seek to oppress. Using his pen as a mighty instrument of justice, he now stands strong against the evils of the world. Picture Displayed: Here[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Well ya think,of course I need more information. Why do you think I am asking for peoples help :confused: . I don't think I will make this rp on thise forum I am going to post it on another forum because there it will be more popular.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] [I] "Can you Hear it.............the heartless are back....." Far into the future on a world of paradise where no crimes to abide with and there is friendship and laughter everywhere the one who holds "the key" which is Sora and his group Donald and Goofy were roaming the world to make sure they would destroy any heartless and they were actually in on the cross roads on a gloomy night walking towards a city that was near by. A cloaked figure known as the "Silver Haired Unknown" appearend infront of them in a electrical black mist and stopped them. He took off his hood to find out it was Tycole who was working undercover for the unknowns. "The door to the light...........it will be destroyed. But its not Ansem its the Neo king mickey" he said in a deep voice "Where are they and who is neo king mickey.....wait king mickey!?" Sora screamed the first part then said the other part confused "Mickey has been taken over by the neo heartless by staying there too long, they were slowly eating out his heart" Tycole said in a deep voice Tycole dissappeared into the air leaving Sora to find this all himself,and Sora assumed the heartless were back along with a new breed of heartless.[/I] ----------------------------- Can you all help me on this I am trying to turn this into a great rp. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OCC|Lol,next time put that I was just standing there smiling or somehting like that because in situations like this I would try to act cute.Also anything I need to edit pm me!! ~*~ Denshi raised from his seat and his wind spreaded widley accidently hitting Dubbel in the face and thunder striked as Denshi was looking dangerous as it suddenly turned dark and thunder striked. This was a very dramatic scene that happened to come as if it was just for Denshi as he started to smile again and it suddenly turned to day light again as he got prepared to say something. "Oh girl your silhouette make me wanna light a cigarette" he was singing from his favorite song from Kanye Wests new work out plan He was trying to cheer up everyone so he started to walk around in circles clapping a beat of the song while everyone was just staring at him looking at him like he was crazy. But Denshi was actually enjoying this.... " Thanks to Kanye's workout plan I'm the envy of all my friends See I pulled me a baller chick and I don't gotta work at the mall again" he sang as he started to break dance in front of everyone. He was doing very fancey foot work as Niko interupted him by knocking Kitty off of him and then thowing his bat at him knocking him out. Dobbel went over there and picked him up and put him infront of him on the table looking at everyone like he was going to explode. "Anything else you guys would like to get out of your sytem?" he said annoyed Out of no where Denshi woke up quickly and started singing "I'm alittle tea pot short and stout as Niko was starting to explode.Dobbel was looking at him freaked out as he quickly jumped up and then sat at the table and stopped singing and just waited there for something to happen.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Sutaru was following them not knowing where they were walking to,the wind started to blow wildely as Sutaru looked into the sky bored as ever. He gave Canathael a breif look and then just looked ahead of him. "Hey Ca-"Sutaru was about to say calmly but was interupted Sutaru's and Peiters body started to glow a very bright glow while Sutaru's was very dark. No one knew what was happening but they just started to glow and mist started to appear. Then all of this stopped in a flash as they all looked at eachother,and they started to limp like they were hurt. "......What the hell was that?......." Sutaru said curiously Peiter shrugged as they kept on walking and Canathael opened his eyes to see a figure running towards them and a big trail of dust behind it. There was silence for alittle while as the figure ran towards them. They stopped limping finally but Sutaru's chest stang because of that strange eruption that just happened. "Watc........watch out..." Canathael said faintly They group turned backwards to get attacked by......... ||OCC:Sorry Guys I gotta go to school,either you can finish it or I will when I come back.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Peronally I think that the game would suck,sure the movies were funny but the game would stink very badly. I hope they make the game just so I can see how badly it fails..... I just don't think it would make it and it would actually be good is all because to me movies like that are only made for the tv and movies not for the system consles.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]A boy was walking slowly by the sub dock,the wind was blowing gently on his face and his big navy blue wing was wrapped around his chest. That was untill he spotted a sign where it said "Recruiting good bakers for the rise of the COOKIE AVENGERS!". The boys wing sprung up and behind his back lifting the boy one foot into the air for a minute then he landed back down. The boy was jumping in joy and ran towards the sub dock and climbed up a ladder where he saw a big table with multiple chairs around it. The boy walked to a chair and then screamed out "WHERE DO YOU SIGN OUT" He said with a big grin on his face The hawian music stopped and Dobbel immediatly stared at him. ".......idiot" he grumbled in a low voice "What was that" The boy said calmly while he stared at him "Right here" he then said with a calm face but sweat dripping down his head The boy quickly ran next to him in a flash then sat down close to him. There was a moment of silence as Dobbel was waiting for him to say somethings about himself. It took the boy a while to figure out that he was supposed to speak and Dobbel was getting more angry and angry as the seconds passed by. "I am Denshi Nego, and I have been baking cookies and dough since I was born. I find it very intresting actually and thats why I wanna join." he said trying to make himself act smart Dobbel didn't look intrested so Denshi showed him one of his skills by transforming himself into a very cute girl who was wearing a bikini even though his parents forbid it. Dobbel then opened his eyes widely and then started to blush alittle as he stared at her or him if you prefer. Denshi was a girl who had long black hair shiney baby blue eyes that glistened from the sun smoothe skin and was only wearing a bikini,and his/her hair was waving and blowing away with the wind. "I-I-I'll get back to you on this. I will soon need to see your baking in action" he said trying to get a hold of himself Then Denshi just sat there staring at Dobbel then changed back to his kid form which disappointed Dobbel alittle but he still was thinking about letting Denshi join or not..... |OCC::If I need to edit anything tell me!| [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Man,I can't wait untill this game comes out in english for the ps2! I played the gameboy advance version (thanks penpal lol) and it was NICE! Mainly this thread is about your thoughts about how the Full Metal Alchemist game will be.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]To tell the truth I don't like their band or that song. To me that whole song was boring and I had no intrest in it at all. But that might be because I hate alot of songs that are this type of music but still I really hate (or if you prefer dislike) this song.[/SIZE][/COLOR]