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Everything posted by naota

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Any questions or information you need to ask or know about the rp post it here. Also if you want any events or anything like that to happen you can post it here.This rp will allow some humor in it like the hot dog things like I said at the sign ups which means when your in a fight you should be very creative because that will allow you to win matches or fights that people want to do with you easier. [/SIZE][/COLOR][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42915]Sign Ups[/URL]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]The full metal alchemist Eddy and his brother Alphone found the Philosopher's stone and regained their original bodies back. It has been twelve years since then and a new force of evil has been made over those years. The alchemist Eddy and his brother heard about the rise of evil on the news because they were starting to send threats all over the world but no one took it seriously. Thats when Eddy and his brother Alphone was on a search for the new force of evil by searching villages for any clues and information. One year later they found the new force of evil's hide out and they confronted them. There was many types of people at the head quarters and many enemies there too,Eddy and Alphone knew they couldn't defeat them since they were cornering them in and they had no escape. They started to fight off all of the enemies they could then they used a forbidden alchemy that they learned in the years that passed called "Area Transmutation" which made the area that they were in turn to a solid material. Depending on how well they knew Alchemy is the amount of miles long it is.Eddy's and Alphone's explosion was one mile long and it effected many people. Using quick thinking the owner of the sorcerer and alchemist so he just used a teleportation skill that let him and alot of other members escape. Which meant Eddy and Alphone only killed a small fraction but a huge fraction of people in the area. Now that he was out of the way the owner of the new force of evil (who's name was Vector Niwa and named the group Death Alchemy) learned a forbidden alchemy called "Imagination Transmutation" which allowed him to make monsters spawn from drawings,photos,or just any image of a monster. He used this technique to make a vast amount of monsters to flood the world, which would lead him to rule the world. This is when alot of chaos started and there was many battles ,blood shed, and sorrow going around the world. Which also made everyone work together to fight off and kill these monsters. Everyone was searching for the source of this madness and they always got lost of their journey to find out. Thats when Vector made a book giving all of the secrets to this technique and weakness of the monsters that was stored at a secret area locked by a powerfull barrier. He made this book just incase these monsters should ever try to betray him ,incase he dies,and incase he needs to pass on his knowledge to someone else. This is where your adventure begins with six members of a clan who posses the knowledge of many forbidden alchemy who are on a journey to to find the Death Alchemy and destroy their group once and for all. These clan members were apart of the forbidden alchemists list but still continued to use to save the world even though they still were dangerous wanted criminals.Which makes it even harder for them to save the world while getting chased by cops. ~*~ I got this idea from full metal alchemist which I know little about so I try to customize it alittle so thats why this story may seem crappy....Ok this rp may contain funny scenes in it like two people having a fight and one person turns their legs into hotdogs or something like that and this also may contain some sexual moments depending if the poster wants to. Also you have to be a good and reliable poster.I don't think people are going to sign up for this rp but hey what the heck I will give it a try. [I][B]||Sign Ups||[/B][/I] [B]Name:[/B] English or Japanese doesn't matter [B]Age: [/B]15+ [B]Gender: [/B]Male Or Female [B]Race:[/B] Yes I will allow different races but don't go over board [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Appearence:[/B] [B]Abilities:[/B] no more than 8 and it can just be a list if you don't wanna describe it and don't make it all alchemy also put some physical abilities... [B]Weapons:[/B] The max amount is 5 [B]Bio: [/B] [I][B]||My Sign Up||[/B][/I] [B]Name:[/B] Vixen Aruchimi [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Personality:[/B] Vixen is a kind of quiet boy but is very understanding and loves to make friends. He doesn't talk much but he prefers if people come to him and make friends. In battle he is very serious and fearless but when he isn't in battle he likes to laze around but still is quiet and never speaks unless spoken to. [B]Appearence:[/B] Vixen has big spikey red hair that covers his part of his right eye and stops at his neck. He has bushy red eye brows and blood red eyes with light blue pupils that are the shape of a spiral.He has regular sized teeth and pink gums with a diamond ear ring that is all black and is on the top of his right ear.His body is slightly muscular and he has one long navy blue wing and he wears a navy blue torn tank top that has stiches on some parts of it that also reveals parts of his body.Over the tank top he wears a navy blue button down trench coat that he wears opened, the shape of his buttons are the shape of stars, and are blood red.Attached to the trench coat he has a hood that covers his face even in the light to keep his identity secret.He wears a light blue tapping as a belt and he wears navy blue baggy pants that has long pockets,with navy blue loose lace shoes to help him in fighting and the laces are blood red. [B].::Abilities::. [/B] 1.[I]Human Transmutation[/I]- Can transform a part of a human body of his choice 2.[I]Speed[/I]- He is so fast he can be a blur to the human eye sometimes 3.[I]Power[/I]- He has enchanced power 4.[I]Kicking[/I]- He has more kicking power than his arm power 5.[I]Object Transmutaion[/I]- He can make an object transform to what he chooses .::Weapon::. [B]Broken Katana::[/B]A thin short sword that he uses his alchemy to make a large wide sword that contains an ancient language going down the middle of it. This sword is all navy blue including the hand and has tapping on parts of it since that is what was on the broken katana to keep it together. [B]Bio[/B]: *Still editing! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Welll it depends what system you would make it for, if its for ps2 you have a few choices like you are supposed to focus on one thing more that the other. If you focus on the action to much then the backround might not be too good if you focus on the backround and settings it might not be to good.You gotta make it just right and if your going to test out the game then your going to have alot of work to do. But if you do it with X-box to me you won't have much problems because of the amount of space it has on it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OCC| It needs to turn morning already :grumble: ~*~ Denshi was finished ordering the knife and he decided to walk to the house that they meet at to pick up the ordered items. He walked out of his room and when he was on his way out he saw Mahony who just spotted him. "Where are you going?" Mahony said curiously and alittle angry "....a place......" Denshi just stared at her with a dangerous face on He continued to walk passed her and out of the house. The door slammed with a loud noise as it started to rain lightly and Denshi turned his head and looked up into the sky. Denshi was starting to look very peacefull as he walked up the street slowly while also observing everything around him. He arrived at a store called "UnderWorld" that was a huge navy blue building with ghosts painted all over it. Denshi opened the door lightly and walked inside and was in the lobby. That is when he arrived at the building cashier which already knew who he was. He has been to this place tons of times and he took the box from the cashier.He walked back out of the building and the rain started get heavier. He walked to the building and he was drenched in water. He walked in the house dripping in water and walked back into his room not caring who saw. "........" Mahony was just standing there getting angrier by the second He started to open the box and take out the knives, then he just started to test the weapon out alittle.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]I actually agree with Eliwood,to me there is to much cartoons that start out in Tokyo and it is starting to get alittle boring. You should try and make up a fantasy world and make up your characters completely from scratch to math that fantasy world. That way it might be better instead of starting in Tokyo like alot of other anime which is kinda starting to get boring. But why am I saying this you don't even post here anymore do you Misenki lol. I think I am going to try and make a manga idea now.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Sutaru was standing there as he saw Canathael slowly bleeding there on the ground and then he decided that in order to save Canathael he needs to kill the dragon quickly.Sutaru then started to focus himself only to attack the eyes of the dragon. "Peiter start attacking the dragons eye" Sutaru said Confidently "I was going to through it in the mouth which would be more damaging" said Peiter calmly "Its throat looks to big so it probably would do litle damage. Look just trust me..." said Sutaru looking like he was going to kill someone The dragon settled down in the air and started to conversate with his dragon partner about tactics forgetting all about Peiter.Thats when Peiter took his grenade,and the dragons partner told the other and flew down launching Peiter into the air. But Peiter was still focusing and he threw one of the dragons in the pupil twice and when they lunged towards Sutaru thats when he used his speed and dodged the dragons fall since it fell from the pain and then Sutaru through his bomberang at the dragons eye slicing in badly and then Sutaru lunged towards the dragons jamming two of his swords in his eyes. They he put his sword in his mouth and quickly turned his head and sliced the dragon badly as it started to roll around uncontrollable on the ground. Then the other dragons lunged towards Peiter who was still in the air and he threw another grenade that dragon at the pupils making it get hurt and falling down.Peiter landed to the ground next to where Canathael was with a big thud as Sutaru saw as it was falling down its stomach had no scales to protect it.Thats when Sutaru jumped into the air slicing a hole in its stomach making it bleed badly as it fell to the ground making a big thud and it started to slowly die. The dragons were dying and thats when Peiters egg started to shake violently and glow along with Sutaru's.It was shaking because it was disturbed and thats when it bursted away from Sutaru and Peiter and into where they first recived them. It then lunged towards Sutaru and Peiter faster then they react and dissolved into their bodies.They didn't think there was anything that happened but they knew something changed.They decided to forget about it and contact Sarek.Peiter went to go pick up his rifle first. [Canathael is badly wounded,we need to get him some proper healing] he sent to Sarek in a serious voice [Ok,go search for the vessel and put him in there.He will be taken care of there...} Sarek said seriously ~*~ OCC|If I need to edit anything just pm me! ~*~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Denshi Nego -The angelic elf- [B] Age:[/B] 6 (|Original age is 200|) [B] Gender: [/B]Male [B]Personality:[/B] He is a very cheerful little boy,and he never frowns even when hit. The only faces he makes are smiles,smirks,and a normal face. He is always trying to make friends and is very innocent. But in serious times he can be dangerously............cute! [B]Appearance:[/B] Denshi stands at 3'1 and has long navy blue long hair that goes down to his shoulders. He wears a long light blue head band on his fore head that has a picture of 2 navy blue wings on it in the middle. He has bushy navy blue eye brows, light blue eyes, and pupils the shape of a spiral. He has sharp teeth that he was born with and that he sometimes uses in a fight,and clean pink gum. He wears a long short sleeve shirt that is a solid light blue color with a red inside tank top. On the back of his shirt he has a picture of the blue sky and a few clouds in a circular frame and on his back he has one big navy blue bird wing.. He wears a solid red belt and the buckle is light blue. He wears long baggy navy blue pants with regular pockets and a pair or light blue shoes with red laces. [B] Weapon:[/B] His feet,he is very strong at kicking and very fast at running. He uses this to his adventage alot by running away or kicking someone. [B] Bio:[/B] Denshi was born from a fallen star and was a mystic angel for 200 years on the earth.In this part of his life he was very daring,fearless and a ruthless killer. One day when he was walking at a canyon he got hit in the head by a boulder giving him amnesia and he forgot about this part of his life. This knocked him back into a kid form (He was a morpher) and was adopted by a couple of loving parents. This lead him to think that he was born as a regular boy who just wanted to be a cook or something that had to do with food when he grew up. He loved loved to make tons of food like cake, cookies, french fries and more. When Denshi was one year old his first word was bake which he stuck to. At the age of two his parents saw that he loved to bake and cook things like cookies and more but at that age it was very crummy and messed up. When he was 4 he was making cookies for his class and was turning to be a very good baker.Thats when his life changed and a fallen angel has come to earth trying to escape both hell and heaven. There was many minions from hell and inocent angels from heaven looking for him. Denshi didn't know that any of this was happening because this couldn't be seen by the human eye. When Denshi was on his way to home when he was coming from school the fallen angel was running away from both minions and angels looking behind his back. The fallen angel accidently bumped into Denshi combining his soul with Denshi perminently fusing it giving Denshi the special speed, transformation ability,and making him grow one wing since he wasn't a full angel. No one knew that this happened and he just fell to the ground in a thud giving him alittle scrape but he didn't cry. He continued to to bake cookies untill he was ten and he saw that a poster on a sub dock that he usually went passed on the way to his grand parents house. It said they were hiring and it looked good to Denshi so he decided to join. Denshi was missing from his house alot since he joined the job and he did miss his parents but he carried a picture of him every where he went to remember them. He explained to his parents where he has been on his fourth month of being ten and they saw that they couldn't talk him out of it and since he was a very smart boy they let him stay. [B] .::Speciality::.[/B] [I]Transformation[/I]| He can transform into anything that he choses,which is good for when he is hiding or trying to get away from someone. *I hope this is good![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Denshi didn't feel like sleeping on the bed and stayed up. He was alittle pissed off about sleeping with his own gender in the room since he hates that and isn't used to that. He took a labtop out of his back pack and turned it on.He went on a weapons website that was a very secretive and private website to some people. It sold very valuble and special weapons to people who knew about the website. It turned dark and Denshi was starting to get a scary face because of the darkness. Hyo walked into the room coming back from another room and Denshi gave him a devilish look. Hyo just avoided eye contact for the rest of the day as he went on doing his buisness. Denshi then turned around making sure Hyo wouldn't see the website he was on and then he started to search for daggers that were online. He saw a nice long dagger that was all black, had a sharp knife part, the handle was the shape of a wavy snake,and the handle was also black and it had an orb at the end of it that had blue sand in it. Denshi decided to order that weapon but because he had connections with the store manager and the website master so he got it for free. He then turned off the labtop and there wasn't much light left in the room. He then just sat there in the chair staring at the ceiling.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Sutaru was ready and waiting for everyone to say there ready and start searching. Sutaru wasn't that excited about searching around the jurasic ages looking for nothing so he just walked north of the area. The sun was beeming on him as he was starting to sweat alot and he wiped his head. They continued to walk in the hot weather untill they got to long white plains of grass with beutiful tree's along the way. There was many dinosaurs in that area but they didn't look dangerous. They paused looking at the area and Sutaru tightly clenched his swords as the began to walk again. "Why did Sarek have to take the girls" Sutaru mumbled then he said in a serious voice "If they attack lets go for their legs!" "I don't know.....they look pretty harmless to me" Canathael said calmly Sutaru,Canathael,and Peiter walked closer through the plains and the dinosaurs weren't attacking. These dinosaurs weren't meat eaters which relieved Sutaru thinking he had to fight. They walked passed the dinosaurs quickly and then arrived to a place where there was rectangular boulders forming a star. "What the hell........" Sutaru said curiously They all walked to the boulders and saw two small eggs with very detailed designs. The first egg had a design of the moon and the night sky and another had the design of the sun and the morning sky. [We found something intresting that I think you should know] contacting Sutaru in intrest [What is it?] said Sarek curiously contacting Sutaru [There is two of these mysterious eggs in the middle of no where. One of them have the design of the sun and the morning sky and another has the design of the moon and the night sky...] Sutaru sent back to Sarek [Ok,carry them with you untill we meet back up. Also do not harm it!] Sarek sent back in a serious voice "Ok,lets just take it and carry it with us guys. Let two different people carry it just in case something happens to one of us who is carrying the egg and it gets harmed. I will carry one of them." said Sutaru calmly "I'll take one" Peiter said calmly The group slowly walked over to the egg and Sutaru took the night sky egg, and Peiter took the morning sun egg.Once Sutaru put the egg in his pouch and Peiter put it away gentally the ground started to violently rumble. The group stood there ground and especially Peiter and Sutaru since they had the egg.The ground stopped shaking for a moment then two long blood red dragons rised from the ground in a thick red mist.The dragons then hovered into the air and had a deadly look on their face as they were staring down the group.They then charged towards the group as Sutaru tightly clenched his katana. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]*Sigh* Just do it on pm even though you still might get on trouble.Anyway I wish I signed up for this rp because it looks fun! But the sign ups are done right?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Denshi was walking silently in the streets trying to act as normal as possible. He walked into a store that had some batteries which is what he needed for his high tech hacking utility. He walked into the store and picked up the pair of batteries and went to the cashier to hand him the money. "That will be 2.00$ please"said the cashier calmly "....." Denshi quickly handed him the money and put the batteries into the book bag he carried along with him that had his suit for robbing and all of his utilities.He walked out of the store casually and then spotted a theives wanted poster on a pub in which he quickly jogged over there but then walked because there was a cool breaze touching him. Then he walked inside the pub and saw a girl with multiple other people there but it didn't matter to him he just continued to walk over to the teenage girl. ".......are you Mahony?....." Denshi said in a deep and deadly voice as he came closer The teenage girl looked up and looked at him good. "Yes I am"she said calmly "I want to join your assassi......join you in theiving......"he said in a deep voice glaring at her with his eyes looking like he was going to hurt someone "Ok,what can you do?" Mahony said calmly and with intrest Denshi ordered 4 drinks and threw them lightly in to the ceiling,Mahony looked up quickly and then looked back at the direction that Denshi was but he was gone.He swiftly and silently jumped into the air and Mahony looked back up at the bottles and looked at him.He took his dragon shaped knives out of the side pockets of his bag and then sliced the bottles cleanly in half and then fell to the ground landing lightly.The peices of the bottles fell to the ground breaking as Denshi looked back at her. "I can use these dragon knives proffesionaly,hack,do high security raids,diversionary tactics,assassination,security hacking,and crack vaults." ".....I will need to see you preform those skills later."she said after she was alittle suprised after what he did and then said it calmly Denshi took a seat and then waited staring at her with a dangerous look on his face that was starting to lift because he felt that he was starting to think she was attractive. But no one knew because his emotions are hard to tell. OCC|I hope this is okay![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name: Denshi Suki Natsume Age:19 Speacialty:Stealth,Deversionary tactics,Assassination,High Security raids,Security hacking,crack vaults ::Weapons:: Knives|Denshi weilds 2 knifes the height from his elbow to his hands.These knives are all black and it is the shape of a curvey dragon. Bombs|He weilds a few bombs that are smoke bombs,fire bombs,mini cherry bombs, and cherry bombs. Personality:He is a very secretive person and doesn't like to conversate alot.He kinda likes to be a one man army unless he gets friends which is rare since not many people like him.It is hard for anyone to get a word out of him because he doesn't speak and to others his emotions are a mystery.But he speaks when spoken to sometiimes. Bio: Denshi was born as a nice loving kid but its his own fault for becoming what he is today or thats what he thinks....When he was born his family were very loving,rich,and more but it is his friends that were dirty and evil. He was trained in his mansion by some people hired to train him for when he gets bullied and gets in any fights,which taught him stealth but that was nothing since he couldn't even walk.But when he was five years old thats when he really learned how to do stealth and a new thing which is assassination and this is when the parents started to keep a better eye on him. They didn't expect for the boy to be this good at the training and they wanted to test him so they brought him close to the safe and he had to get passed the security to get to the safe.He did it successfully but he didn't know how to crack or hack which is what the parents taught him next. That is when the parents started to send him out to banks all over the city to start getting money and he kept doing this untill he was 18.Over the years he learned to crack,hack,do high security raids and more.He moved out of the mansion at age 19 and thats when he started to blame himself for what he has become.But he just trys to forget it and do what he does best which is steal. Apperance: Denshi is 6'2 and has short black spikey hair and black eyes.He has bushy black eye brows and a black diamond on the top of his right ear.He is slightly muscular and wears a tight long sleeved shirt that is black and over it he wears a vest in which he carries all of his utillities.The vest he wears is grey and he wears long black gloves that stop at his elbows.He wears long baggy black pants and grey boots with black laces. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OCC||Sorry I haven't been posting for a while,I couldn't find enough time to because of my stupid school.Also I was using most of my time drawing,I would have posted yesterday but I got kicked off >.< _____________ Rejinde was walking around at his favorite store barnes and nobles looking around the store for some intresting books.Rejinde slowly walked to the back gazing at the manga section as a ran over there.He picked up a book and started looking at it and he saw many other manga's he liked so he bought them and then walked out of the store.He then decided he would take a stroll down the street while he was reading his manga. " *sign* I'm bored like hell" he said with a miserable face on Rejinde put his book in the plastic bag and then headed back home quickly.The wind was blowing violently as he ran home and finally reached there.He opened the door and ran up stairs to his room and put down his books.He ran down the steps quickly. "I am going to hang out with my friends." Rejinde quickly said "Ok!" His mom said quickly Rejinde ran out side and then started to walk around the place looking for where his friends might be at.He then started to wonder around out of boredom hoping he would run into someone. __________________________ OCC||Sorry its so small next post will be bigger.But right now I have to finish my website![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]This should be intresting...I am going to test out my new type of magic lol Name:Birusu Rejindo Suki -{also known as Virus}- Age:24 Character:mysterious dude ::Weapons:: Ninja Star|Birusu weilds a ninja star that is big as the height from his head to his chest. This ninja star is all black and has a opening in the middle for him to hold.This ninja star is dangerously sharp and is made from a hard material called Harudo. Ninja Daggers|Birusu has two long ninja daggers that he carries in his small carrying pouch at his waste area.These daggers are the size from his hand to his elbow and these are also dangerously sharp and made from a hard material called Harudo. X|He has a sharp x on his arms that can make itself larger in battle.This weapon is attached to his wrist and spins also when in battle.These are also made from the same hard material called Harudo. Ninja Stars|He carries multiple sharp ninja stars that are all black and are made from the same hard material called Harudo. Gender:Male Appearance:Birusu has short spikey blood red hair that cover parts of his left and right eye.He has blood red eye brows and blood red eyes with navy blue pupils that are the shape of a diamond.Under his right eye is a tattoo written in an ancient language that says "Virus" but he doesn't know that.He wears a long button up black trench coat that covers his whole body except his head and up.The buttons are navy blue and are the shape of diamonds,and under the trench coat he has navy blue taping on his chest and stomach that are partially ripped up.His body is slightly muscular and he wears a slanted black belt that he carries his daggers and ninja stars in and a pouch is attached to it.He also wears two long gloves that goes to his elbows and ripped up black shorts with deep pockets also and then he wears black martial arts shoes. History:Birusu was born apart of the dangerous assassin clan called the shadows. Each member of the clan were very deadly and had a different way of controlling darkness.They were all trained to be an assassin as soon as they were born just like Birusu was.At the age of four he was sent to his clans academy where they train young members of the academy like Birusu.This is when he discovered he used the shadow virus techniques which was one of the best techniques know in many of the clans. Birusu found this very intresting and was training everyday all day and was one of the best students in his academy of assassins.But the ruler of the academy said that there would be a deadly event coming up some year and that if your not ready for it then you should quit. But Birusu stayed knowing that he was one of the best students in his academy and used one of the best techniques.From then on when Birusu heard about this his training schedual was eat,drink,train,and sleep.Birusu had very few friends and in his spare time all he would do was train.Not many people liked him because of that and because he was like a dork.At the age of six they introduced to the academy the samurai robots that students would train with and each student was assigned a weapon.Birusu was made special weapons that he loved very much and trained alot with. He broke alot of robots when he got his giant ninja star and daggers and this kept going on untill he turned nineteen.Thats when they finally introduced the dangerous event came that ruined Birusu's life.The event was that each student were to report to a huge collosium with only the instructors and ruler of the academy watching and each student would fight to the death and the last one standing would win.It wasn't only the students who had to fight eachother but they also had to fight the samurai robots.After using many of his techniques Birusu was the last one standing and thats when the ruler of the academy said that this was a set up to kill most of the shadow virus clan but he was tracked down and killed. This is when there was much sorrow in the clan but Birusu was now considered a true assassin and thats when he turned into a drifter.But before he left they told him about the stories of Guo and how everytime someone leaves the clan they have to search for it.He was told this when he was littler but he didn't search for it yet and he didn't have as much knowlege.This is when he found out about the guo and luckily found one of them using it for his personal use. Powers: Birusu gets better each time he uses his powers also but he does know how to use them at the beginning his element his shadow virus -Shadow Controll -Enchance Speed (He already is pretty fast though) -Enchance Strength (He already is also pretty strong) -Very Smart -Air Virus -Illusion -Teleportation -Barrier [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OCC||Sorry I haven't been posting its just that I was in the drawing mood and I was drawing more than usual.Then I had to finish my website about kingdom hearts anyway here my post is! ~*~ Sutaru was lost and didn't know where anyone was,and he was hoping he would see somebody soon.He was slowly taking a stroll though the forest looking at how calm it was and the wind gentally blowing on him except that he felt that he was feeling stalked.He reached a giant tree and one he passed it there was a rumble of some dinosaurs that were coming.Sutaru looked around then he heard the sound coming closer and he clenched his hands on one of his swords while the other one was on his bomberang.Then it was quiet for a minute and Sutaru was confused then five dinosaurs alittle bigger than him jumped from behind a tree and was coming towards him. Sutaru then quickly unsheathed his swords putting deep gashed on their stomach.The dragons then stalled and looked at Sutaru deeply with a devilish look on their face.The dinosaurs had blood red thick skin on then and a pair of small wings on their back.It also had blood red eyes,very big ears,long teeth stained with blood,and a bage stomach. Then the dinosaurs quickly sprinted towards him and Sutaru held his bomberang and then jumped high into the air and landed on a very thick branch.He held his bomberang and then it doubled its size and the dinosaurs then jumped towards him.He got a deep cut on his cheek by to of them putting a x shaped scar on him.He fell on the tree branch and while in the air he threw his bomberang at them cutting through the branch and then it cut three of the dinosaurs in half while hurting the other two as they fell off the branch and hit the ground with a big impact. "Hmph,you damn idiots"Sutaru said with a evil look on his face The two dinosaurs hissed and then lunged towards him and he quickly put his bomberang away and then took out two of his swords and started spinning in a circle slitting both of the dragons throats.The dragons then slowly feel to the ground with a thud and started to twitch for a while. Sutaru then put his two swords back in his sheaths and walked away casually but instead of walking from the surface he started to jump from tree to tree because he didn't feel like killing anymore dinosaurs.He knew if he fought one that could spit acid in his face and kill him but to him thats what the legends and stories said.Then Sutaru lunged from tree branch to tree branch and trying to contact anyone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]This is an easy one,if they want to push your friends off a skate board and stuff you can just skate board with a bat in your hand. They won't wanna mess with you with that on you so they will probably shut up.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Sutaru walked slowly into the vessel and the first thing he saw was the training room door. He already knew he was going to like this place but he still felt like going home to see his family and friends. But he decided to enter the training room and there was many doors showing different types of training types. Sutaru walked into the swords training program,and he saw atleast 48 robots that were dressed as samurai's. The room was dark but he could tell how much there were and when he took one more seat all of the lights turned on.Sutaru unsheathed his 3 swords and got in his swordsman stance. The robots eyes flickered on blood red and they charged towards him. Sutaru jumped high into the air as the robots jumped into the air also.Sutaru started to slice the robots and the robots head and arm came off squirting out oil onto the ground. Sutaru got slashed on the back and alittle on his pants he fell to the ground with alittle blood dripping out of the cut on his back and his pants. Sutaru stood up and did a 360 spin slicing all of the robots horizantaly in half squirting all of the oil on the robots eyes blocking alittle bit of the robots eyes making them blind for a short period. Using his speed he ran up on the wall and onto the ceiling standing their for about 1 minute.While on the ceiling he took out his bomberang and threw it slicing many of the robots that were on the surface.Sutaru lightly jumped down and stomped one of the robots into the ground............................. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][U][B]Year 2087[/B][/U] This year was the year of love and peace and the year when they were celebrating the fact that there hasn't been a war for 32 years.There was a rumor that there was a big threat to the world that was going to be alive on the very day that this celebration will air. No one knew if the rumors were true or if it was fake but some people just minded their buisness and disregaurded the rumor. When it came to the day of the celebration the weapon was alive and it was standing right in the middle of the whole celebration.The weapon was no robot of a big death bomb it was a dangerous 18 year old teenager so no one would suspect it. The 18 year old teenager was paralyzed and kidnapped at the age of 12 then was took to a lab where they experimented with his body.The teenager now has enchanced strength,alot of speed,vast knowledge of fighting techniques,but this is all the abilities of his alter ego.They got a dark sorcerer to seal gaurdian soul right next to his to make him have a alter ego.The gaurdian soul was a customly made from the souls of many dangerous fighters and sorcerers.This teenager didn't remember anything that happened but they made him think that he couldn't make it to college for the celebration. This brain washed teenager who's name was Axel Delugar was struggling to find out what he was doing. They brain washed him to much so now Axel is a very confused teen who doesn't know what to do.Axel then see's that he has a staff with a big orb on top and he is dressed differently but he doesn't know what to do.But it was too late and the scientist named Birusu and his henchmen already sent a death threat to all of the countries and showed them a video of Axel but he was just standing there.The scientist forgot that he was still on the screen and he said that they had to convince him to come to the evil side,this gave one of the country's an idea to convince him to stay good. They let this news out to all of the countries and unfortunatly this made him a wanted man from both criminals,villans and good guys.So now Axel is on a journey to find out about his past,chose to be good or evil,and have a choice to protect the world or destroy it. [B] ~*~[/B] [U][B]::Characters he meet::[/B][/U] -Rejinde Asuka -Chiruri Leto -Leon Mephitso -Sukare Rionu [B]~*~[/B] [U][B]IF[/B][/U] I were to make this it would probably be a web manga and the first chapter would probably be called birth of a deadly weapon and the second one would be called dilemma.I need comments,feed backs,and if any good artists are intrested post here :) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. naota

    My Oekaki

    [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I did two new Oekaki's to put up,I am getting alittle better each time but whatever. I did a Shippo pic but it was erased :smirk: . Here Are The Pics|[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/oekaki1.bmp]Pic 1[/URL] , [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/oekaki2.bmp]Pic 2[/URL] More comments please![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Well,here is my 3rd ever attemp of making a Oekaki.I like this one alittle but it can be better WAY BETTER.Believe me if I practice as much as I did like some other guys that I drew with on a picture chat thing I would be the best lol. Anyway your comments are needed and sorry the picture is kinda small. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/Enoki/3rdattempt.bmp]Click Here[/URL] |Also if anyone wants to know where the picture chat is which is a chat room where you get to make oekaki's with talented oekaki artists I can pm you!|[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OCC|We are all in the lunchroom I am guessing?Anyway if you guys want me to fix anything pm me. ~*~ Rejinde was quietly eating the lunch untill they saw Raven and Andy walk out of the lunchroom.Rejinde quietly took his lunch up and started to follow them.He was walking up untill he saw Calypso on the locker and Raven and Andy talking to her. He slowly walked up in curiousity and stepped right behind Raven and Andy.Rejinde was looking at her face and he thought it was very creepy. "Ohh man,your face is pale and ugly go see a docter." said Rejinde jokingly They shot him a frustrated face to show him that wasn't funny.Rejinde couldn't stand it, so he fixed his sentence to make it sound nicer. "I mean what happened Calypso?"said Rejinde calmly ?I couldn?t go back in there. Not with Gary and James in there. To much for my daytime conscious to handle." Raven said in quotes Rejinde wondered how was it hard to just walk into a room? He is starting to think she is a softy,while he was staring at Calypso's pale face still thinking those questions as he waited for someone to start conversation. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Name:Axel Birusu Age:23 Gender:Male Character: Vampire Appearance: [URL=http://kh-2.net/images/pparty/1.jpg]axel[/URL] Bio:Axel was turned into a vampire at the age of 3 months because a dying vampire had snuck up on his and bit him on his arm while he was sleeping.Instead of taking his blood he gave Axel some blood turning him into a vampire.Due to a spell that was put on the vampire now Axel is immortal through night and mortal through day.When Axel turned 7 his parents finally found out about him being a vampire.They knew he was going to kill them either way so they started training him and using his techniques on animals once he got out of his school. Axel was always teased at his school because of his vampire teeth. No one knew he was a vampire so they just teased him.When Axel turned 11 he knew alot about being a vampire and how to sneak up on their targets very stealthy.But at the time his whole family were hiding deep within the house because a group of bandits came in town. His parents thought this was his time to practice his vampire skills on a human so they sent him out.He was lurking in the shadows and then attacked,he was successful and killed them and sucked their blood.The parents then kept him and trained him untill he was 20,and what they predicted didn't happen. Then he started to travel around the world protecting cities and towns from any harm.Untill he met a girl that he fell in love with and got married with.They were in a town and she was killed by a bandit who raped her. From then Axel was a heart broken,lonely drifter.He doesn't have to be deeply in love he just wants friends since he never had any except for 1....... Hobbies: He is a artist... [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Here is how it is alot like Inuyasha. Yutarin is very much alike Miroku because of the curse and some object to conceal it.I think the way kagome got in the other world or dimension was by getting attacked by the demon just like Miroshi.The soul getting shattered is like getting the jewel shattered and the dimension they are in is like Inuyasha's dimension. Thats how I think it is very much alike Inuyasha. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]This is a hard choice but I would have to pick "Simple And Clean" by Utada Hikari. I first heard it in Kingdom Hearts and from then on I forced myself to remember it and I think I just forgot it.But I still like the song! The FLCL ending song "Riding on a shooting star" by the pillows was very close. But sadly "simple and clean" will always be my favorite song![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Rejinde was looking for gym class now and he was very excited.It was time for dodge ball and it was shirts vs shirtless.In a fun game because he thought it was time for the students to have alittle fun.Lionel went into the boys locker room and changed into his grey shorts with white designs all over it. He was wearing white socks and then a solid grey pair of sneakers.Rejinde then ran down to the gym and got on the right side of the gym which was where the shirtless were,the teams were ready and they gave the ball to the shirts team. The winner of this game got to chose what activity they would do next time,and in order to lose you have to get hit three times,there was 10 people on each team by the way. One of the members of the shirts team named Axel threw it straight and hard and it hit one of the members of the team shirtless named Natsume.It hit him straight across the face while Rejinde got the ball and threw it hard and it hit someone in the stomach and then a member of shirts threw it at Rejinde and he caught it and threw it quickly at a persons face as it bounced off of his face and hit another person. 37 minutes passed and Rejinde's team won so they got to pick what they got to do next time at gym. They picked jogging around the track and Rejinde walked out of the gym still excited from the game of dodge ball and then walked back into the locker. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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