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Everything posted by naota

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]CRUCIFIX IS A HER!!??!? Err I mean I like the plot too,but I have questions. Will this be a web manga or a manga that will be sold? If you need anyone to make a website about the manga I am open since I can make pretty good websites unless you already got someone to make it. To me it sounds like it would have some funny scenes in it lol.Anyway I can't wait IF you guys make it and when you get two pages up can you post it so I can see the coolness? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Year 3001[/B] There will be a chaos era due to a virus,this virus has effected many people on the earth,not by killing them but a scientist was working on a portal to the moon so it could enchance the time that it takes for them to travel from planet to planet untill one of his liquids that contained the chemicals he needed to put into the time machine has fell and broken which put a dark green mist in the world that traveled the sky.This made a big portal in the form of a black whole that spits out anything from the dimension it was linking to.Unfortunatly the dimension it was linking to was hell,and demons then started to roam the earth and celebrated their escape by killing. The mist that contained the virus did many things to change the world like by putting alot of portals around the world transporting demons and many other creatures from different universes like goblins,elves,dragons and much more.The world earth has turned into a world with great chaos.Spirits were floating around demons were out murduring and the human race has gone down alot. Untill a great ex assassin and a scientist named now started to take notes on these intresting creatures. [B]Year 3014[/B] The human race is strugling to survive by a world war against the demons using every weapon they got,fighting for their dear lives.There wasn't a way that the humans knew of defeating the demons since they would just travel through the portal again. Except the great scientist and former assassin Rinku,he had found the demon portal deep inside a destroyed forest and started to take notes on it.He was starting to get an answer to how to end the portal and the demons from coming. Untill a darkness came lurking out of the portal and started to follow Rinku with out him knowing. ~~*~~ [U]||The Note||[/U] [I]Rinku Demihura[/I] [I]-I am learning more and more about the portal each second which means I can make a stop to all of this! The portal was in the shape of the black whole which means that it has the same attributes as regular black whole except for a few.Maby if I can learn someone to make a portal I can plant it right next to another portal and they with cancel eachother out.But where do I get the supplies from........I hope I can do it in time before a demon finds me and kills me unless I can find a way to paralyze them.Yes that is what I must do,I will paralyze them to find out more about them and their inner orgins for when I might need them. Hmm,I wonder if only certain beings can pass through this portal like only evil and darkness.I think I got to travel back to my lab and get more supplies.[/I] [B]Year 3019[/B] The people of earth started fighting back with the help of special gaurdians that were sent by hell to get in human bodies and help send the demons right back to hell.These gaurdians were made by pure darkness but have a good heart and many fighting skills.They were sent all over the earth and even sent into the bodies of little children,but some people of earth were still dying and there was only twenty-nine thousand people left on the earth.This is when they sent the gaurdians of Herurukarudo which no one knows who he/she is.These gaurdians are very powerfull and are taking the bodies of already skilled fighters and helping destroy the demons. Again no one knows who the creator of these gaurdians is but they have much grattitude for him/her.Thi is when the battle against the demons and other monsters really starts. [B]Year 3024[/B] Rinku has been out of the picture for a while and know one knows what happened to him,but his book full of the entries he had that told the secrets of telling humans is somewhere around the earth in a very hidden place as if Rinku hidden it himself not wanting anyone to read it. But he has become very popular because a rumor scattered around the earth that was about him figuring out how to destroy the portals and now many fighters,demons,fallen angels and more are on a hunt for the book destroying anyone who tries to stand in their way. While a knew demon has risen from the darkness and also lurks around the earth for the book.This demon may be the strongest demon on earth yet... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got the way it was written by another rp creator named Vicky,this rp may be stupid to you but I dunno I just want to start a successful rp and I won't rest untill I do,well I hope this rp goes well.Also I shall post my character later,and the underground thread will come soon. Sign up:: [B] Name::[/B] |Be Creative [B]Age:: [/B]|15+ [B]Race:: [/B]|No saiyans,but if you are making it a custom race put somethings about it. [B]Description:: [/B]|Be Descriptive [B]Weapons::[/B] |5 max guns are allowed [B]Special Possesions::[/B] |optional,and its just if you have a special ring or necklace or something like that. [B]Personality::[/B] [B]Bio:: [/B]|Make it intresting [B]Abilities:: [/B]|optional //Note\\ No Ultimate characters[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Position:[/B] Custom Character [B]Name:[/B] Rikore Aruterego [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B] ::.::..Weapon(s)::.::..[/B] [I][U]Staff[/U][/I]|Rikore uses a navy blue staff that is as big as the height from his chin to his ankles.The top of the staff has a image of a dragon going in a spiral formation that is in solid gold.Anytime when Rikore uses the staff the dragons eyes turn navy blue. [I][U]Orb[/U][/I]|In the middle of the spiral on his staff there is a navy blue orb there.This orb gives him a perminent power boost in his magic,and it is un-removable since the orb has been on the staff for a while now and it starts to attach to anything if it is on it for to long. [B] Favored Element:[/B] Aquaticus [B] Appearence:[/B] Rikore has long black wavy hair that is in a pony tail that goes down all the way to the middle of his back,and it covers little parts of his face. He has light blue shiney eyes and a marking on the middle of his head that has hirigana text that says sorcery.He has a slightly muscular body that has some parts covered in mummy taping that he has got in past battles he has fought.He wears navy blue tapping on both of his hands that go all the way up to his elbow.He wears a navy blue long robe with blood red designs on it.He uses tapping as his belt and the bottom of is robe is ripped up alot from pass battles.He wears a pair of baggy navy blue pants with some blood red designs on it and a regular samurai style pair of slippers [B] Personality[/B]: Rikore is a balanced out person,when he is in any serious situation he is fearless, unflinching, and has a serious expression on his face but when he isn't in a serious situation he likes to conversate with anybody around him to get to know them ,he tells jokes,and just acts very friendly. [B] History:[/B]Rikore was born as an only child and had very strict parents.His parents were legendary sorcerers who protected the village that they lived in and they were practically the owners of the village.The parents wanted to pass down their knowlege so they decided to pass it down to Rikore. By the time Rikore was four he already knew how to do multiple fire spells and at the time he was using a wand with a image of the moon on top of it. Much was expected of Rikore so to not let down what almost everyone who knew Rikore's parents they trained him night and day to become a sorcerer.They even sometimes forgot to feed Rikore.When Rikore was six he was using alot of black magic at that age and was sent to a academy of magic arts where he trained there for twelvehours a day along with other kids.He made his first friends on the first day and he was starting to lose intrest in sorcery.But his parents didn't let him,he had to put up with the academy's training and his parents training for most of the day. Rikore didn't mind because he was used to it but he kept one thing in his mind that his parents told him when he was five which was "That harder we train you,the more we love you....remember that" which Rikore always did. By the time Rikore was twelve he passed the training academy for his great knowlege of the sorcery they taught and he was a helper with his parents helping protect the town.When he was 21 his parents were murdered by a demonic vampire group and they almost murdered him but since his parents wore them down they fled.From that day on Rikore turned into a drifter protecting as many villages he can since he doesn't want any innocent person to be murdered on his watch......... Lol,I was just waiting untill today so I could start a custom character man.But my bio sucks :( I gotta think up a better one sometime maby today or some other day. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Rejinde finished got up when he finished his laughing. He stretched and then looked around at everyone around him,and the bell rang "Heh,I gotta go piss."he said in a joking voice While he was getting up he rubbed Ravens back and then ran so she couldn't hit him. He was running in the hall when he got stopped by a teacher. "No running in the halls,and the bell rang so get in your class"said the teacher calmly Rejinde gave her a dirty look and then started to walk past her.When she close her door he continued running and got into the bathroom.When he got in there he unzipped and started peeing away. "Ohh yeah! Thats the stuff,YES YES!"said Rejinde loudly and this was his joke People in the hall were peeking in the bathroom to see what he was doing. Rejinde just ignored them and finished his peeing.He slowly walked out of the bathroom and ran into his science room.He gave the teacher a quick smile since he liked the teacher since the teacher taught his favorite subject.Rejinde quickly found a seat and looked around the class while they were shocked that he was late since he was usually the first one there. "Wow,you late! But I will let it slide since this is a rare case."said the professor calmly Rejinde was handed a lab coat from the professor and he wrote a formula down for him to make a special dark orange liquid...... ~*~ Tell me if I need to fix anything! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Lionel and his long version of Styx immediatly went over to Valo and went right beside him while a big mob of enemies were coming down towards them.Lionel started to say a chant while Valo held up his hands and blinded the enemies with his light element.A giant dragon came from the skies while Valo then charged into the sky to attack. "Get them alittle exhausted Valo I have a plan"said Lionel confidently The enemies could see again and the first thing they could see was Valo charging up to them and he jammed one of his poles into one of the enemies mouth making it cough alot while the giant dragon was in the sky waiting for the right time to strike. Lionel then charged in there while dodging a blue fire breath from one of the enemies. He jumped into the sky and started chanting something else while Valo was wondering why he wasn't helping. "Valo,move!"Lionel screamed before he said the last word of his chant Valo and Angelus quickly flew out of the enemies range,the enemies were about to chase him but they got stuck in darkness and couldn't move there bodies untill Lionel would run out of energy.The big dragon that was in the skies then swooped down and ate all of them.While it was still getting burned on the inside since the monsters were blowing fire all around to make a way out. "Valo,aim your light energy onto the dragons stomach"said Lionel calmly "Ok....."Valo said Valo shot his light energy into the dragons stomach causing it to make a big explosion and that explosion made a thick mist which made the dragons inside not be able to breath and they died from no air.Valo and Lionel flew away to a safe place and watched the mist go away. When the mist was finally gone about 19 more of the evil dragons came. Lionel had a shock reaction on his face while Valo kept his cool and he had an expression on his face that said he would never give up. ~*~ OCC|Since I know you want me to fix something Takuya just pm me it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]The wind was blowing violently as Lionel and Styx were charging at the group of the new evil dragons.They were dodging many fire balls that they were shooting.When he got infront of one of then Lionel smacked it in the eye with his staff and Styx bite its head and ripped it off as it then fell to the ground and crashed with a big thud and broke its body. Lionel wondered why he didn't think of using his elements magic yet. Lionel put two of his fingers into the sky and then started saying a chant.While they were still dodging all of the fire in the air.Then a big falcon came and ate all of them to make them stay in that one spot.Then a giant skull was summoned and hovered above the evil dragons and the skull ate them and charged for the ground.All of the new dragons were only hurt but not killed. "What the hell.......how did they survive"said Lionel in a small shock [Wow,they sure improved the dragons] Styx whispered into Lionel's mind Styx then did a nose dive whle Lionel was still on him and then Styx started to blow some blue fire which started to make the injured dragons burn along with the town.It didn't matter to him because this situation was a kill or be killed situation. Lionel then started to chant something that made a giant skull come again and then it ate them and went through the ground teleporting them to a world of darkness.The new dragons were dead and Lionel actually had a happy face on untill he looked into the sky and saw another batch of the dragons going on.Lionel was watching them in come blowing deadly fire balls everywhere while Lionel was exhausted. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Now this song stuck in my head I find it weird why I remember it. One day I was listening to a song I never heard of that contained the words ".....The love and confusion it makes me feel it makes me shout for the love and confusion it makes me feel it makes me shout it makes me feel it makes me shout it makes me feel I got you under my skin I got you under my skin......." I don't know but I kept on humming it because I liked the tune but I didn't want to remember it.When I woke up the next day I don't know if I heard it on the radio to much at night but I was hooked on that song like heck.I couldn't get it out of my head. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]My favorite cinimatic scene is from Kingdom Hearts.The ending was a very good Cinematic scene, [spoiler]where the lands are parting and Sora and Kiari grab eachothers hand. Sora says "I will always be with you in you heart" and she says something that I forgot what.Then the worlds part and he is trying to scream something but since so many things were going on it was to loud for her to hear and then the lands slowly started to part while he was reaching out to her and then she ends up back at her home island where she starts to look through secret cave and cries when she see's that Sora drew a picture of him giving her a poupu fruit.[/spoiler][/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=#4B0082]Added spoiler tags. Please remember to use them in the future. (If you don't know how, take a look at the sticky thread at the top of the forum.) - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B][U]OCC|[/U][/B][I]Lol this thread was dying so I decided to post and get the attack started so maby you guys wouldn't forget about it.[/I] [B]~*~[/B] Lionel was sitting on Styx's back looking in the sky carefully when he saw a group of the deformed dragons and a big fireball coming towards the building.Lionel quickly turned around and gave Styx a little kick making him fly into the are and the fireball went straight through the ball ceiling injuring many people. All of the dragon riders quickly got on their dragons and flew upto the sky to start the battle. When Lionel was about to go towards that group of deformed dragons a big batch of blue fire balls came quickly towards the town damaging it and putting it up in flames while all of the people who lived in the town were screaming in horror. King Orion was looking out of his window because he heard a big crash and he was looking out of the window watching the town slowly burn down and he had a sad expression on his face. Lionel charged towards the group of deformed riders along with the other dragon riders and started attacking. Lionel was dodging alot of fireballs as Styx and Lionel flew high up in the sky and Lionel then jumped off while he was holding up his to fingers and pointed it up in the air while he took his other arm and put it at his elbow.The battle was still raging and a group of the deformed dragons came towards him and when he got in their sight a he landed on one of the deformed dragons and smacked them in the head with it causing it to loose conciousness.Lionel was falling quick and when he was about to hit the ground Styx was a very long dragon that had black skin and Lionel landed on his back with a thud. "Lets go make 'em burn"said Lionel with a demonic smlie on his face "As you wish"said Styx in a deep voice Lionel and Styx headed for a group of deformed riders and Styx started to blow white fire burning them all to a crisp and not leaving anything left of them. He was finished with his bath of enemies and them him and Styx started to ride over to the others when he saw a group of new dragons that had blood red scales,long wings, and blood red glowing eyes. Lionel looked in shock as he knew that those dragons would be more stronger then the deformed ones. He snapped out of his shock and charged after the group ready to battle and still with Styx at his longer dragon form.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B]Sutaru Birusu [B]Age:[/B]302 [B]Race:[/B]Moon Drift|A new race that was born from a virus that came from humans.The humans got the virus from the moon and it makes a female and sometimes a male have a baby with out having to go through sex.Every person born as a Moon Drift has a tattoo or sign of a big Moon Crescent going down their back and they have more abilities than a normal human.They also have a different way of aging and where ever a group of them are the area changes so they have a special place on the earth where they live. Alot of Moon Drifts are born different,some people have a half moon, some people have a crescent moon, some people have a full moon.These show how special they are if someone has a full moon that means they are extrordinary.Everytime there is a full moon all of the tattoos and signs change to a full moon also making them very powerfull only untill the full moon goes down. [B]Timeline:[/B]3019-The period of the Moon Virus- [B]Special Skills:[/B][U] [I]Science & Martial Arts[/I][/U]|Sutaru is an expert at science and been training most of his life.He is an expert at it since he has been training at science since he was four so he knows how to make alot of scientific things.Also he knows alot of martial arts.He has been training martial arts at the age of 247 and found it very intresting and trained at martial arts for the rest of his life. [U][I]Death Chant[/I][/U]|Sutaru says a chant that turns his area in complete darkness and cuts off the sun lights making everyone except him start to freeze to death,but he hasn't mastered this technique yet. [U][I]Speed and kicking[/I][/U]|He is very quickin running so since he is fast with legs he is also good at kicking,and sometimes he gets so fast he is only a blur to the human eye. [B]Weapons:[/B] [I]Three Katana's[/I]|He has three long katans that he uses all at the same time when in battle.It took him quite a while to master it but he did.Two of the katanas have a navy blue sheeth and one blood red sheeth. They seem unbreakable especially to a sword from the 2,000's since these swords were made of a new material called "Rone" that is very powerfull and can break something made by metal,gold,and even can brake a ruby. [U][I]Bomberang[/I][/U]|He has one bomberang that is as big as the height to his elbow to his hand. It is all navy blue and has images of bright red stars all over it. [B]Special Items:[/B] [I]Moon Chain[/I]|A long navy blue chain he wears that has a full moon that is very detailed at the end of it.This chain makes who ever touches it there mind go into space for a short period of time. [B]Weakness:[/B]His weakness is fire,its not any type of fire but only blue fire and higher that can kill him easily if it touches him for to long.A regular orange fire won't effect him as much. [B]Personality:[/B] Sutaru is a pervert at sometimes but only to his friends that are girls,also if he knows a girl for a long time he will get alittle perverted with them also. But Sutaru is also very friendly and caring,he trys to make friends with anyone he is around and likes to start conversations.But in battle he gets very serious, fearless, and doesn't play around. [B]Description:[/B] Sutaru has long wavy black hair that goes to the middle of his back.His hair covers his right eye and his eyes,he has black bushy eyebrows and navy blue eyes. Instead of pupils he has a crescent moon as a pupil that allows him to see better than a regular human. On the middle of his forehead he has a navy blue crescent moon,he also has very sharp teeth and pink gums.He is slightly buff but has a good amount of muscles and has a full six pack.He wears no shirt on him so they can see the big half moon on his back. He wears navy blue tapping on both of his hands that goes all the way to his elbow and stop.The tapping on his hands are partially ripped up showing parts of his arm.He also wears navy blue tapping as a belt and a pair of baggy thin pants that are navy blue.He is bare foot so he is more silent that way. Note||Even though he is 302 he has the body of a man in his 20's. [B]Bio:[/B] Sutaru was born as a only child and his parents were Moon Drifts and were famous scientist. They tried to encourage him to learn science and he did,he was training to be a scientist when he turned to the age of four. He went didn't go to a regular school but he went to a school where you had to fight to survive.His parents didn't want him now know how to defend himself so he went to a school where it was only Moon Drifters who went there so the whole school changed. There was more gravity which allowed them to jump higher but it was harder to fight. The whole school had to go to training everyday which was very intense since it was like trying to train their self like a pool of water.It was very hard to train because the gravity was so hard they could bearly move in the gravity they were in. But it was only in that specific room. When Sutaru turned 9 he encountered his first bully and there was a different way of handling it. The principle aranged a way to make them fight and who ever wins never gets bullied again and the person who loses gets teased and suspended from the school. Instead of Sutaru using pure strength he used smarts and had liquid coated needles which he threw at the bully's arm. It injected the liquid in him and he went numb and couldn't move his body.That made it an autommatic win which made his name very powerfull in the school and his parents rewarded him with 3 swords. He never used them and when he turned 20 he moved out and started training his scientific fighting.Thats when hewas reminded about his 3 swords which he put some technology into it to make who ever it strikes get petrifyed.He then turned into a drifter where he started drifting around the world occasionally stopping crimes if he sees them and he had no home.But he still carried his scientific supplies along with his 3 around him with a little gem that he carries around with him that can store up to 100 objects.When he was traveling through a forest one day he encountered a door big as a tree in the middle of the forest with statues around it that were a pheonix which in that time represents a time traveler. He was curious so he went up to it and got close to the door he the door imediatetly opened and sucked him in like a black hole. He was brought to a new time period which he found fascinating but still wanted to get to his own time and is looking for a new portal while taking his time since he kinda likes this time period...... *Tell me if I need to edit anything![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]OCC|I would have put something better than violating but I don't like to describe sex.........when I do I get to carried away and to detailed making it sound nastey if you know what I mean. ~*~ Hiro was standing right next to Lyllith looking into the face of death.Hiro decided to leave because he knew he didn't have a say in this. He had no feelings for connor what so ever so he just made himself disappear into the darkness in a flash leaving Lyllith and the others to argue to themselves and leave him out of it.Hiro decided to take a walk on the streets just to get the taste of blood for his dinner. While walking down the street in his teenager form and his eyes closed because he wanted himself to be in silence for that moment.He took a short glance at the girl he bumped into before and just walked away like she wasn't even alive.When he passed her he took another look behind him and noticed she was passed out laying down on the pavement.He had got to choices that he thought to himself in his head the first one was to carry her to the hospital in his demon for so it would be quickly.Or the second one is just leave her there. Hiro walked far away since he has no feelings for any human or pretty much anybody to be exact.Hiro walked into a hotel and went into a bathroom in the lobby where he turned into a demon and started to quickly run pass everyone so they wouldn't notice him. He made his way up the stairs and decided to sneak into a random hotel room. The hotel room he snuck into was a womens hotel apartment.When he slowly stepped in the room there was no light on so his eyes glowed blood red as he made his way around.He heard the water running in a shower so he slowly stepped into the bath room and opened the door slowly.He then quickly opened the curtains to see a beutiful naked women who started to scream her lungs out. Hiro then turned into his demon form which made her scream even louder untill he lunged at her making her fall and him getting wet.He got a demonic smile and then slowly put his head right in front of hers.He first started "violating" her then bit her neck making her unconcious and then he started ripping her flesh while standing in a bath tub full of blood. But that didn't satisfy him,he didn't know what to do in life anymore. He is a very confused person and doesn't know how to please his ownself.He wasn't loved and he loved no one,there was nothing to ever bright up his life.Hiro doesn't know what to do now so he went out of the bathtub all bloody,went to the kitchen,and grabbed a knife.He then thrusted it straight through his temple and that was the end of him.His body got covered in darkness and that was the end of him...........[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Are the sign ups open now!? I thought people already signed up for it. If its open now I will sign up for it definently!Also I was wondering if you can tell me how to put html in posts maby by a pm.On the sign ups for it you put music and I wanna put music on my posts to so pm me telling me how please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Shirentsu Deathflight [B] Age:[/B] 29 [B]Agenda:[/B] Male [B]Weapons:[/B] three long swords [B]Appearance: [/B][URL=http://www.toonmasters.hpg.ig.com.br/entretenimento/18/Animes-Cartoons/One%20Piece/One%20Piece-Zoro.jpg]Click Here[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] He's a joker,and is almost never serious unless in battle. He is fearless and serious in battle but when out of battle he jokes around,sometimes get perverted,and starts to make conversation with people. [B]Posessions:[/B][I]Skull Chain[/I]|He wears a long black heavy skull chain that is known to possesss strong power in it.It was given to him by a group of dangerous pirates so he couldn't remember something important that was very dangerous information to them. [I]Three Swords[/I]|He carries 3 long swords with him to use it for self defence.Two of the sheeths he carries around is black and the other one is white. [B]Bio:[/B] Very little is known about him,he was abducted by a group of villanus pirates and given a chain with a huge skull. There was a rumor that he knew dangerous information and they had to erase it some how but no one knows how. Everytime someone touches the skull they forget what they were doing. Lately Shirentsu was fascinated by pirates so he learned the style of the three swords then started looking for a team of pirates to join.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B]Rejinde Sutaru [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B] Role:[/B] Member [B]CodeName:[/B] Virus [B]Appearance: [/B]Rejinde stands at 5'9 and has long black smooth wavy hair that covers his right eye.He has clean black eye brows and dark orange eyes but always wears a pair of navy blue and a mix of blood red glasses,and under his left eye are 4 black ear rings.He has 2 shiney ruby ear rings that is surrounded in a gold frame that lie on the top of his right ear.He has a slightly muscular body and a tattoo on his back that shows a giant crescent moon going down his back. [I]Daytime clothes|[/I]In the Daytime he wears a navy blue button down vest with no undershirt on him.The buttons on his vest are blood red and are the shape of stars. He also wears a pair of navy blue shorts with a blood red chain coming from the side of his pockets,his pockets are very deep also.Then he wears a pair of regular wooden sandles. [I] NightTime Clothes|[/I]In the NightTime he wears a hooded button down trench coat that is blood red.The buttons on his trench coat are navy blue and are the shape of a crescent moon.He usually wears the hood to hide his identity and keeps the trenchcoat un- buttoned.He also wears navy blue tapping on his hands and he wears no shirts under his trench coat but wears a belt that is slanted which is where he holds all of his valuable liquids and experiments he might need.He also wears a pair of blood red baggy pants that has very deep pockets and then a pair of regular navy blue lace boots which the laces are blood red. [B]Bio:[/B] Rejinde was raised by parents who were both geniouses.He was taught alot about science when he turned 4 and he found it very intresting and he always studied more about it.At the age of 12 he was addicted to it and was making all types of scientific things.But that year is when he encountered his first bully and came home bruised by him.Thats when his parents taught him how to use his smarts as a defence.Thats when he learned how to fight and defend himself by using his technology. When he went to school the next day he injected some liquid into his body causing him to go numb,he got suspended from school for 1 week as a warning but he loved the revenge he got. He injected the liquid into him by slashing him with a small needle.The next day Rejinde was know all over the school as the dangerous dork. Not many people messed with him when they heard about what he did to that bully.He lost alot of his friends except for one which made his life a living nightmare.Not many people liked him and alot of people gossiped about him. Now him and his one friend helps him get through the school without being lonely. Even though being one of the most hated person in school he still tries to get through it. [B] Personality:[/B] Rejinde is a very nice.Sometimes he is too nice and gets a head of himself and gets alittle touchy. In other words he is a pervert but he cares for his friends or friend alot and would risk anything for them. In the face of danger he very fearless but when he isn't he jokes around and trys to start a conversation and he knows how to work as a team. [B] Talents:[/B] Rejinde is an expert as science and knows how to make many scientific things.He never got lower than a A in science because he has practiced so long. [B] ~*~[/B] Tell me if I need to edit anything! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]They don't have to draw very good.It can be simple drawings if you want a sample of how it would look,look in the pm I will pm you.They all draw different some chose to color some have better detail and stuff like that.But what you said is true someone can loose intrest in drawing it out....what is a Omekei? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Yeah,so when people are going to post some se-........ I mean good action scenes they can draw it out and make it look real good.I would really like to see a good artist or drawer attend this.That would really spice up the rps atleast I think.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Hiro was walking in the streets at his teenager human form looking for a good building to go in.He was slowly walking around the city since he had time on his hands,and was picking a building by random.He didn't care about what Lyllith said about the building she told him about.He was walking past a bank that was being robbed and the police and shooters were having a shoot out.He was slowly walking by and one of the burgurlars shot his hair damaging it. Hiro slowly looked at the burgurlar with a evil look on his face.Hiro then ran while dodging the bullets past the bank and into an alley where he turned into a Incubus. He then jumped off the building slowly and without a sound.He snuck behind the burgurlars and stuck his finger right through the middle of their chest to both of them to make it seem they got shot. He then put them on his shoulders and jumped high into the air,high enough so he got out of the sight of the police.The police were shocked and didn't believe their eyes. He landed on a tall building and started to devour the first burgular while the other burgular who had alittle life in them watched in terror.The first burgular was screaming loudly and in horror.Hiro finished eating the first burgular and left only the bones and then ate the second one and through both of their bones off the building. "Well,I got all of the food I need for the day I guess"said Hiro menacingly to himself He then jumped high off the building into an alley where he turned back into a teenager.He then decided to take a stroll of the city to see if he should find another thing to eat,he was kind of in the mood for a female now......[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Hiro was walking around the streets of the city in his human name Rejindo and in his teenager form.He was looking for his partner so he looked back in the apartment they went to yesterday. [I wonder if she killed that male yet]Hiro said in his mind He entered the building and slowly went up the steps and knocked on the dor lightly enough so the male they saw before would hear him.The boy slowly opened the door and peaked to see who it was and he saw it was the teenager he saw before. "Have you seen Lyllith?"he said in a small voice "Come in"Connor said as he said as he was moving out of the way while he had a surprised look on his face Hiro walked in there slowly looking around to spot Lyllith and he saw Lyllith in her demon form. But he didn't change yet,he waited untill he got next to Lyllith first to ask her something. "What are you doing....I thought you would have killed him by now. Also why are you in your demon form!"said Hiro curiously while whispering "Its ok I can handle this"said Lyllith calmly Hiro then just decided to follow what Lyllith was saying and his whole body turned pitch black.Then when all of the blackness dissapeared off of him he was in his demon form and he went to a wall and started to lean on it.Hiro hasn't eaten flesh in a while so he was trying to calm himself down while Lyllith was going to handle things....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Lionel was at a drink table just hanging out and humming the tune of his favorite song.Styx was outside just incase he would spot anything trying to attack the ball.Lionel then closed his eyes and lost himself humming the tune of his favorite song untill he heard someone coming towards him.He immediatly opened his eyes to see who it was and he found out that is was just a woman coming. He then continued to close his eyes and humm. "Will you dance with me?"she said calmly as Lionel looked her up and down [I][I have to find a way to kill time....she ain't bad looking anyway] said Lionel in his head[/I] "Fine"Lionel said calmly The woman grabbed him as his and dragged him to the dancefloor.He started slowly dancing with her and then started conversation with her. [I][Attack the queen so I can get this over with already]Lionel said in his head [/I] Lionel then told the woman to look behind her as he disappeared in the darkness and re-appeared at the drink table again.The woman had a sad look while Lionel kinda felt sorry for her.Then he saw a group of woman coming so he quickly jumped on top of the shandellier while no one was looking so there would be no more distractions for him. Lionel then hopped down to the door quickly so no one would notice and then he made his way out.He jumped on top of Styx and decided to sit there and watch to see if anyone was going to crash the ball.Lionel then started to look into the sky with a serious face on. "Why aren't you dancing with anyone?"said Styx calmly "I hate dancing with strangers"said Lionel seriously "Then go dance with Vanilla or something"said Styx jokingly "What was that?"said Lionel with a evil look on his face "Then lets go eat some Vannilla and Pudding I said"Styx said kind of creeped out by his face "No,by the way fly onto the roof we can get a better sighting that way"said Lionel seriously Then Styx took off into the sky and landed lightly on the top of the ceiling for the ball.Then Lionel sat on Styx backwards so Lionel could see the back view and Styx can see the front view.Lionel then started to humm the tune of his favorite song with looking into the sky. "If the king asks you if I attended the ball say yes.Since I am on top of the ball ceiling its like attending the real thing right?"said Lionel curiously "What ever you say..."Said Styx calmly Lionel then dropped the topic and started to stare into the sky again. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Yes another rp by me.I hope people will actually sign up this time.I am still editing my profile and I might change the title if this rp actually makes it to adventure square. ----------------------------------------------------------------~*~---------------------------------------------------------------- 98 years into the future,and it was the time of peace and love.There was no wars going on and the criminal ratege has gone down by more than half over the years.There was a faint rumor that scientists had discovered a new planet in the exact opposite side of the sun.They would never crash into eachother because there orbits are different and the new planet is going in the exact orbit earth is going in.Untill they released information about the new planet on the news and decided to send astronauts with video cameras so they can get a first row seat in watching them.When the astronauts arrived there they saw that it looked alot like the earth except with more technology.They also saw that it had more races then the earth had like demons,half demons,archangles,elves,goblins and more. They decided to name the planet Myth because alot of races they had there were myths on earth.But what they didn't know is that they were being watched by alot of races they saw because they were the only humans on the planet Myth.They were then murdered and eaten by a group of demons that they encountered in a large city.But they didn't eat the video camera because they were familiar with the video camera.They looked at the video camera menacingly and then got a evil grin on their face. "No outsiders are allowed on our planet EVER. Now this mean we will do war..."said the demon menacingly "But w-"they were interupted as they turned off the video camera The only reason they knew how to speak english is because on their planet they can learn a new language just by looking at the target.When the demons carried the camera and reported to the news manager of the whole planet Myth that there will be a war between planets.Then scientist from that planet traced where the signal was coming from to earth/The planet Myth gathered up all of the fighters on planet Myth and started sending them away in large pods to get to earth.But the earth thought it was a bluff and disregaurded the message and didn't report it to anyone and the earth was still in the time of peace and love. Untill one day about 10 large pods that can hold 298 people in there at once.There was a surpise attack and they started to destroy towns and go on raids to make the planet suffer.Untill all of the world was informed as they then sent all of their armies to search the world for these demons.Mean while scientists were making a poison gem that has a green liquid in it that all humans are immune to and there is a tower that uses camoflauge techonolgy to hide itself from everyone and in order to see it you need the gem.It is on the other side of the world where that gem is supposed to go into the center of it and a mist will spray all over the world.That will vanquish all of the demons that roam the earth and leave the humans safe. They need to get the gem over to the tower some how so they called 15 people to come to there lab and get the mist,while 15 other fighters gaurd the tower.A group of extrodinary fighters are the only ones who made it there alive and now it is their responsibilty to get the gem to the tower and save the earth.This is where the peace ends and the war starts...... I will need 5-8 people to sign up for this rp. Sign Ups Name::Be Creative (Doesn't have to be Japanese like mine Age::18+ Gender::Male Or Female Personality::Optional Appearence::Be Descriptive or Use Picture Weapon::4 is the max amount and weapons are allowed but dont' go crazy with them. Bio::It doesn't have to be long it just has to be intresting Element::Optional ----------------------------------------------------------------~*~---------------------------------------------------------------- My Sign Up Name::Shidobu Birusu (call him Shido) Age::22 Gender::Male Personality::This is a man who loves to joke around alot,he will joke around in the most serious situations and he almost never gets angry.This man is a man who trys to make the best out of the worst situations. Appearence::Shido has long black wavy spikey hair that covers his right eye and goes down all the way to the middle of his back.He has black bushy eye brows and dark orange shiney eyes.He wears navy blue mummy taping that cover his chest and his stomach that are ripped up causing some parts of his chest and stomach to show,and he wears blood red tapping on his hands also.Over his tapping he has a long blood red button down shirt that goes down to his pants pockets.On the side of his button down shirt it says freestyle samurai with ripped sleves.Shido wears navy blue shorts that go alittle past his knees and they have deep pockets.He also wears a regular pair of samurai sandles that are navy blue. ..::.::Weapon::.::.. 3 Katanas::Shido uses 3 long steel full navy blue katana that he bought from a black market. Katanas are rare in that time so Shido was lucky to get them while it was still in stock.He has 3 because he is one of the very few people who know how to use the techniques of the 3 sword style. Bio::Shido was born as a regular kid,who had dreams to become a great cartoonist.He drew night and day and all of his pictures he made were about samurai's.Shido loved samurai's and wanted to be them but since he knew that katanas were hard to find he thought he would never get one.His parents could see he loved samurai's since they looked at all of his artwork now and then.They decided to buy him a wooden katana so he can practice with and when the parents get enought money and Shido turns old enough they will buy him a metal katana. When Shido turned 14 they bought him his first navy blue katana that he trained with night and day wanting to become a expert samurai more and more.He was a kid who was about all work and no play at that time and he was training non-stop.When Shido turned 17 he practically mastered the arts of one katana.His parents bought him 2 more katana's that he trained to use for the rest of his life.He moved out of the house at age 21,When he finally felt that he really mastered it he got very relaxed from then on and he got alittle muscular from that whole experience.When he was searching for a job he got a job as a bounty hunter and he was one of the best. When he heard about the demon raid at earth that was going on he took action quickly and headed for the lab where he would get the gem at.Thats where this all starts for him....... Element::Shadows [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Hmm,the first song I like from anime is "The Real Folk Blues" from Cowboy Bebop.I can't get that song out of my head for some reason.I didn't remember the words but I remembered the same tune and sometimes kept humming it inside of my head. The second one is from the "Zoids Chaotic Century".I loved that one,it was the ending to some of the episodes.I forgot whats the name of it but all I know is that it has the use of a guitar.I always hummed that tune to me at school,going to sleep,and any time I am bored. The third song is from FLCL,Furi Curi,Fooly Cooly what ever you wanna call it. I loved that song!I actually liked this song more then any of the other shows I listed here. I don't know why I like it so much but I just do.I am listening to it right now also lol. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1](-OCC::If I need to edit anything tell me.) --------------------------------------------------- Out of the shadows from a valley formed a dark body that had the look of a demon. The skin started to show and it turned red as the figure started cracking his knuckles. The figure then started to walk aruond searching into other peoples apartments looking for something while also having fun by devouring some females flesh on the way. Untill he finally came to a room where a succubus was devouring the flesh and sucking the blood of a male as the blood started dripping down the males neck. The figure got closer to the succubus and took a good look at her while her eyes were closed while enjoying the flesh of the male.She didn't notice because he was very silent while he was observing what she was doing. "Having fun Lyllith?"said the figure menacingly The succubus opened her eyes immediatly because she didn't notice him come in. "Ohh Hiro,what took you so long?"said the succubus while devouring the flesh "I was having fun while I was coming back for you.Anyway where or whos apartment should we raid today?"said Hiro with a devilish smile on "Anyone,we can just go traveling to random apartments."said Lyllith calmly Lyllith then finished eating the males flesh and threw him back onto the futon and then Lylliths and Hiros bodys got covered in darkness as they then started to dissolve into the air like some smoke.When they finished dissolving into the air they appeared in the alley of a building.They then walked in the builing and started to walk up the steps......[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Can it be astroboy? He is the only cyborg in a ancient anime that is a cyborg.But I don't know if he has a eight on body or chest.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] (::OCC::If I need to fix anything tell me!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/COLOR] [color=darkred][size=1]Lionel woke up with a small head ache from his hang over as he stood up from the tree and yawned.The wind was blowing the leaves lightly as Lionel was enjoying the nice breaze and thinking what he should do next.He decided to walk in the castle and see what the other dragon riders were up to and when Lionel entered the castle a servent came to the dragon riders with a serious face on. "Dragon Riders,King Orion ordered that you all go to the ball that will happen tonight. It is a celebration for the 100 year wars ending.He said you can wear what you like but you must be there" said the servent seriously in a deep voice The dragon riders then started talking among eachother about the ball as the servent left and was on his way to go back to the king to tell him that he did the task. Lionel was standing there excited because there was going to be a celebration.He loved celebrations because there was dances, women, food, women, and drinks.Lionel then went out to the garden to tell Styx about the news untill he saw Heero hanging out at a big tree and decided to walk up to him and inform him also. All of the riders then started preparing for the ball that was going to happen.There was conversation about the ball inside the castle as all of them were preparing. Lionel was about to leave and go to a private place so he can get dressed properly but the servent came back again with another message to tell us. "The King said get ready before 20 minutes end because it would have started if you do it any later and if you do it earlier that would be better" said the servent calmly but still in a deep voice Lionel put the saddle on Sythes back and then hopped on him into town to shop for clothes while he started a conversation with Sythe about what they would do at the ball. [/size][/color]
  25. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I was searching on my favorite how to draw website today and went on their forums.I decided to see what type of adventure rp's they do to see if it is as good as these rp's.When I went on it they were intead of writing it out they would let you draw it for yourself.When I looked at some of the comics they did on the rp's they were BRILLIANT! So maby you can try to put a part of the forum dedicated to adventures that are drawn out.But you can keep the adventure square since not all people draw that good so they can describe it.But like I was saying if you put a part of the forum dedicated to that then the rp's will turn into comics!But this is just a suggestion I would like to see it but you don't have too. It would boost peoples intrest in some rp's though....atleast I think.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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