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Everything posted by naota
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Ok,if you were talking about me then yeah sure he can be your partner.Also I finished the Bio,and uhh I can't wait untill the rp is out![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[LEFT][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Name: Hiro Takenshi [B]Age:[/B]189/19 [B]Gender:[/B]Male [B]Race:[/B] Demon::Incubus [B]Appearance:[/B] Hiro stands at 6'1,has dark red skin, and has long wavy black hair that goes all the way down to the middle of his back and covers his right eye,and his hair is smooth.He has blood red shiny eyes and his left eye holds the curse.He has black bushy eye brows and sharp long teeth.He wears 2 ruby red earings on the top of his right ear that are circular.He has a slightly muscular body with a x shaped scar on the middle of his chest.You can't see it anyway because his chest and stomach is rapped in blood red ripped tapping with some parts that partially ripped up.But since he only wears mummy tapping some parts of his chest and stomach are showing. He wears a blood red belt that is slanted on his waste that carries some blood in some small bottles just incase.He wears long blood red baggy pants that has very deep pockets.He walks around bare footed since he is more silent that way and his toes are regular and has clean cut toe nails..But as a Incubus born from pure darkness he can take different forms of someone if he desires. [B]Reason:[/B] He was born corrupted. [B]Short Biography:[/B] Hiro was born from pure darkness and was raised by a famous group of parents that were known for their murders.When Hiro was born they taught him how to do everything they knew how to so he can be easily as evil they were.They trained him night and day sometimes for a full day none stop to make him know how to defend himself. His parents also taught him to never be heard just incase. As a Incubus he a...... (does the thing to women that I won't explain on the Otaku boards for my reasons.) Anyway when he grew up to the age of 18 the parents told him about a ritual they do everytime the son turns 18.As the ritual says Hiro should do he murdered his parents.When he does this he gets a curse that so far is unknown to other people.The curse is that he can suck up the souls of his enemy's or someone who is dying. Now Hiro is grown up and has matured alot and has found a new partner as he was wandering around the world looking for someone who was asleep so he can do his corrupting to women and they travel with eachother from then on. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/LEFT]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]No,but I can put you in more misery and say I haven't heard of this band.Infact I haven't heard of the song either or the word "Prozzak". But what am I saying I don't like any bands.Maby I will listen to VH1 and maby I will hear one of there songs to see if its good.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I like the boss fight from Kingdom Hearts when you are fighting the ice monster.That boss is fun and alittle hard,I like dodging all of the icicles and running all around the collosium.That was very fun to me. The second one is beating the hell out of Trinity.I first put some cheats on then I go into the infinite focus mode then I kick her butt.I keep on knocking her into stuff making her break them and stuff.That part is very fun to me,maby its because I don't like Trinity.But I would probably like beating up Neo or Morpheous better.But I guess she will have to do.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]OCC:: Damn,I can't think of anything to post lol.Make those events come soon so I can post more.I just felt like posting now since I haven't posted on this page yet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lionel was walking to a big tree in the garden to do his daily weapon and skill training but he couldn't get Zeddrick off of his mind. Lionel felt like going into his room and just killing him.Lionel started attacking the tree violently making deep slashes into the tree.He tried to pretend it was Zeddrick so it would calm him down alittle bit.Lionel didn't know that Styx was listening to his thoughts pretending he was asleep.Lionel decided to stop doing his weapon training and walk upto a tree where Syth was sleeping under.He then shook up Styx so he would wake up. "Take me for a ride through the forest"said Lionel calmly "Ok"said Styx as he was yawning Lionel put a saddle on him and hopped on his back.Styx left the ground with the impact of the wind blowing the grass and leaves violently.Lionel and Styx flew high up into the air and then did a big dive towards the forest and stopped right at the ground and started flying fast around the forest.The wind was blowing very fast on his face making his eyes squint.They were about to hit a tree and lost controll and almost fell down the waterfall. Lionel landed on the ground injuring his head on the ground.Lionel then getting even more pissed off just decided to go to the village closest to the castle. When Lionel arrived the village there wasn't many people there that he saw. "You want something to eat?"said Lionel curiously "No,I am not hungry"said Styx calmly "Ok,suite yourself"said Lionel calmly Lionel started to walk to a mini-store that sold beer.Lionel bought a few glasses of beer and went back to his dragon and hopped on.Styx started flying over to the castle and fell off at the garden but Styx caught him.When Lionel got off Styx he was drunk so he could barely stand up and before you know it he fell asleep.Styx walked to the tree when Lionel was sleeping on and then sat down next to him to fall asleep. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Wow,I like these banners! But the only thing I hate about yours Boo is the pixelated mage Vivi.But what do you care its not for me anyway! I would make a banner for Dragon Warrior or Gavynn too but sadly I don't know he/she.I also like the font of yours Boo.Ohh and Delirium I like the mage Vivi on the left,he looks cool with all that blue glowing lines around him.But they are both great even though they are for Gavynn or Dragon Warrior. But who ever your are Gavynn/Dragon Warrior happy anniversary![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B]Nalucard Kira Leto [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B]Male [U][B]..::Items::..[/B][/U] [B]Dagger-[/B] A light blue dagger that everyone in his family uses since it is his family's airloom. It was handed down to him by his parents,and now its his. [B]Wallet-He carries around a wallet with 42 dollars in it that he got for his birthday.[/B] [B]Personality:[/B]Nalucard can be described as a pervert,fearless,and loving.When he isn't in a serious situation he jokes around and is a pervert but when he is in a serious situation he is serious with a straight face on. [B]Bio:[/B]Nalucard grew up with loving parents.They took very good care of him and his father was always drawing pictures of their air loom,and his son Nalucard. Nalucard grew up with his dad drawing so much his first word was draw.Nalucard trained to be a artist most of his life.He started training to be an artist at the age of five and he loved it. At the age of 6 Nalucard was introduced to naked women by his sister when she changed to a channel where it was all about porn.From then on he was a pervert and started to grab girls but even though he would get hit and get in trouble,he couldn't help it.But he still practiced drawing and sometimes he would actually draw some one kissing and along the lines of that.His parents didn't care about what he drew they just were intrested in the way he drew. When Nalucard turned ten he was drawing like a pro and then one day when he went to school he was bullied and some of his art was ripped up. Nalucard got so mad he decided to start pumping up his muscles for a month to get revenge on the bully. When the month ended he confronted the bully and fought him.He was getting beat up untill he knew he couldn't win so he had to think quick.He then took out a text book and started bashing the bully and he got suspended from school for 3 weeks as a warning.His parents gave him bad disipline and grounded him from drawing,and smacked him. All he could think of doing was training by doing push ups and other vigorus training.When he went back to school he tried not to get in any fights for the rest of his school life.When he was turned sixteen his father decided to give him his family air loom so he can have good luck at school.He put the dagger in his pocket and his wallet too.He was reaching for his backpack but he then vanished in thin air. His parents haven't seen him since so they informed the police and now there is a big search for him. [B]Description:[/B][URL=http://www.csusm.edu/anime/galleries/F-G/GundamSeed/sm/kira.jpg]Click Here[/URL] -Tell me anything I need to fix! Also if you want the bio shorter just tell me! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I like the third one because it reminds me of Haruko from FLCL for some reason lol.But the other ones are very good also except that the first one you messed up on the face alittle.But that doesn't matter you still draw very good :) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I have improved alot,but I just remembered that I would rather make manga because with anime you have to draw over 2,000 pictures! I used to think it wasn't that complicated.But I guess I will try to stick with manga for a while. I have a question....is there anyone on the forums who has ever made manga and sold it. I just wanna know what it is like lol.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]The banner is alright but like you said it is simple.I acutally kind of like it. Ohh yeah to do animations you can get paint shop pro and use the animation studio thing.That will let you be able to make animations on your banners, avatars, and any other image you want[/SIZE][/COLOR] :babble:
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
naota replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I have some,but here's a warning that half of these things are very weird. 1.When i was in first grade I walked up to the girls table with my partner in crime who I won't mention his name.We had an idea to make the girls laugh and stuff so we went right to the end of the table pulled down our pants and showed them our "peanuts"If you know what I mean.They all laughed just like we planned so we started wiggling our butts at them also.Then we went to the principal and they called our parents and the worst thing is that everyone in my class kept talking about it. 2.When i was in a line going to an auditorium to watch a movie people were in the line pushing.I got pushed so hard that I fell on a girl and accidently kissed her in the lips and using alittle of my tung also which again everyone found out about it. 3.Once I was at the mall at I forget what age and there was a big pile of some crackers. I being curious took one of them out,while I was sitting in a cart.Then all of the boxes fell on top of me as I tried to hide myself in them so know one will see my shame. Then I think someone screamed out clean up on isle 5 while everyone who saw me started laughing loudly. I can't remember anymore sorry![/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] Yes,another attemp to make a great rpg.I don't gaurentee there will be sexual parts that will occure but it might happen.Hopefully this one will be good........Well here it goes... ---------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE][/COLOR] [I][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]98 years in the future,a scientist and astronauts found out about a planet that had many mythological creatures that lived there,that planet was an exact replica of earth.The only thing different there was probably the abilities the creatures could do,the different races,and the gravity.When the astronauts reported the news to the president of that time he started letting people move to that planet.They decided to name the planet Myth.The only one third of the earths people were left there because some people didn't trust that planet.They were right....deep within the 4 sacred forests were dangerous monsters that would occasionally go on killing sprees around the whole world.The monsters were a Pheonix,Wolf,Lion,and Eagle that were blood thirsty demons and never knew about eachothere. They were born from a legendary man named Denshi who had those four souls sealed inside of him.He was the strongest man in the universe and he was a mystic human.Mystic Humans are very unique and they are very rare on this world and he was the first mystic human that was born from a certain demon that no longer exists in this planet. Untill Denshi died of old age and he made a wish before he died that someone will grow to be exactly like him and protect the planet as he once did. Untill one day when some humans in a village called "Moon Light Village" that was the biggest village known.While the humans were doing what they would regularly do which is work all 4 monsters had a confrontaion right at their village. It was an epic battle that whipped out alot of the humans at the village and it ended up in a draw.All of the demons died and their souls were scattered across the planet since they have no place to go when they die.They then started wandering around the world now since they had nothing to do.These souls could not be seen by the living eye of any race so they were invincible.The 4 souls met up again at a abandoned village house and stared at eachother for a moment. Then they charged into eachother thinking it affect them but instead of that it made a mystic human the first of its kind.The baby started to cry and it echoed through out the house and a villager sorcerer saw that it was abandoned at decided to take care of him.The village sorcerer was the protecter of the entire village and he was know for his kindness.The sorcerer named the boy Leon and when Leon turned 19 the sorcerer told him about the legend of the mystic core. The mystic core is a glowing gem that dissolves in your chest giving you a power boost in strength,magic,and speed so that it is enough power for the person to destroy the planet.But you needed the ancient code that it requires to unlock its power to you.There are hints to what the code is but its in different parts of the world,in hidden villages, gaurded by the most dangerous assassins.No one has ever came back after searching in a hidden village, once you go there you get murdered in the most brutal way to make sure they won't live.Also once you get the gem inside of you it will slowly start to take over your body and mind untill you controll nothing and you watch only what the gem choses to do since it has a mind of its own. While the sorcerer was telling Leon about that a spy demon was listening to what they were saying because he was apart of the "Elite Force Of Dark Touch".They were a group of criminals that were the most dangerous criminals in the world because of the technology and strong people that were apart of their team.They found out a way to create blood thirsty demons that will follow their every command so he sends them all over the planet to try and find the gem.All of the people in the elite force can summon them if they please also.But since the demon spy has heard what the sorcerer said he told the boss of the whole elite force and now they are going to take action by sending some of their very own fighters to scower the earth for it.The demon spy then summoned a group of demons to destroy the village but they failed by the team work of Leon,The Sorcerer,and some villagers.Leon didn't have time to ask what were the monsters and he told The Sorcerer that he will be leaving to search for the Mystic Core.This is where it all starts at...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name::[/B]Be Creative [B]Age::[/B] 15+ [B] Gender::[/B]Male Or Female [B]Race::[/B]Demon,Half Demon,Archangle,Elf,Human,Cyborg,Half Animal...You can use your imagination with this.But don't even try putting super sayin or sayin or anything from dragon ball z series. [B]Personality::[/B]This is optional.But it would be good if you put this in so people involved with the rpg will know how you should act if they try to start a conversation with you or make friends with you. [B]Weapons::[/B]The max amount of weapons is 4.Guns are allowed but don't go to crazy with them. [B]Appearence::[/B]Be descriptive [B]Bio::[/B] Doesn't have to be long,Just short and intresting. [B]Abilities::[/B]This is optional.You can put them here if you want.Or you can just let people find out when you post it in the story.You don't have to have any abilities at all if you chose to. I am going to need about 5-8 people to sign up.I will post my sign up soon right now I have to think up someone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Hmm,well now you should post a new rpg since no one is going to want to look at it now because they probably seen it before and think it sucks maby.You should try making a new rpg so more people will read it and maby more people will reply.I am trying to make lots of rpgs so maby one will be a success! Actually the way I see it now is that your other topic is dead.If it has 54 views and 0 replies you might as well consider it dead.Since the people who seen it won't look at it again, so its either make a new topic or hope someone signs up for your current one which I doubt. I gotta learn how to get people post to my rpg's also.To prove that I will post a rpg and few people will sign up for it I bet.I still gotta learn how to make my rpg's attract people! Once I do that I will be making a whole lot of rpgs![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Oh thanks,I had no clue what this thread was about lol. I don't think there is another thread for this anyway.Also this thread isn't junk its.....unique. I am going to have to read the combo all over again to rate it now though. Not like my judgement matters though :sweat: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Don't copy my favorite font color -.- lol.Also you should include that in you plot if you already did then forget what I just said.I didn't read that I am just writing this from memory so I might be wrong. ::Edit:: -Wait no you didn't include that.Maby in the future when you start another rp you should include it.Besides that doesn't mean you still couldn't describe what was happening abit more to atleast make is alittle longer.To me its better if you have a better description of the plot.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]No no seriously,what are we talking about.I am very lost is this Yu-Gi-Oh,Duel Masters or what.Yeah this is all I am wondering,so once I find out what this stuff is about I can rank your "combos"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I love the series FLCL.I love how they do the dirty kissing in the manga lol.Anyway I wonder the exact question you do.Maby the anime didn't come out like the wanted so they changed the manga around or vice versa.That is just what I just thought up.I am probably wrong though.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]I have two games that were most surprising for me.The first one was Kingdom Hearts of course.My brother borrowed the game and I thought it would stink because it has Disney in it.But when I played it I was very surprised by how good it was!I gotta say that was one of the best games that I have ever played but it is already the best rated E game I have ever played. The second game that surprised me the most was Fighter Maker 2.I bought that game thinking it was good and I played it and it stank!Atleast to me......that was the worst game I have ever played.I recommend that no one should ever buy that game. TO me that game is complicated and is just plain boring.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Yeah you gotta put more about the story.To me any rpg topic that only has a paragraph with only a paragraph of the story that means it is probably going to die down,the person who is writing it is un experienced,and the story is boring.But if you make more than a paragraph and think it is good I don't know what to do then because little people sign up for my rpg's also.You gotta make the RPGs be and look very intresting which will attract more people I guess.Also never be to pickey because people won't sign up for it then I think. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Aww man! Next week is when my school starts so I might not be able to get on the computer as much...Ohh wel,I am going to try and edit my character so I can have a better chance of joining.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal][QUOTE=James][color=#707875]o_O; I quoted what you said and responded to it. That's what my comments were related to. You said that on shows and stuff you sometimes see where a gay man has raped someone or something. Therefore, you don't want to ever get near a gay man. So I am saying, if you apply that logic across the board, then women should never trust any men because some men rape women. Do you see what I'm saying? If you truly follow that logic to its conclusion, you realize how silly it is.[/color][/QUOTE] Ohh,I see what you mean.What I am trying to say is that some gay men could do that.Also to me somethings that my sister watches about gays are disgusting like [COLOR=DarkRed]Queer as folk -bum bum bum...[/COLOR][COLOR=Teal]Those shows make me think thank a man would just come up to you and just start "bobbing" away.Also Micheal Jackson makes me think things like this.Thats like saying "Would you like to leave your kids with micheal jackson to baby sit". "Hell no,EWW!!!!" would be my reaction because he is gay[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1]Not everyone is gay,just some people.Just because some one is gay doesn't mean they will molest you or hit on you.Not all gay's do that just some. Thats like saying if there is a gay man on the street they will rape you because the like you.That probably won't happen because they are like straight people. [QUOTE]By your logic, women should never date men, because there are some straight men who rape women.[/QUOTE] I don't know where I put that in there so I can't give you an answer for that sorry. Also I believe south park because I am weird.I like to believe whats shows say sometimes.The way I see it is that the stuff that goes on in cartoons sometimes can happen in real life thats why I believe it,and the post I did I was trying to make me sound nice but I just don't know how to! [QUOTE]I think that some of you are concluding that Lesbianism is more accepted because male's feel threatened by Gays and therefore that is the only explanation. What about the other way around? From a woman's point of view it is more acceptable to be a Gay man than it is to be a gay woman surely? [/QUOTE] I agree with you.In a woman's point of view of course gays are more excepted then lesbians because they are not the same gender so it is alright for them.Heck,it may seem that women are threatened by lesbians in their point of view.The only way I feel like this is because I am a male so male+male=Me thinking they are creepy but if your a women you may think woman+woman=You thinking they're creepy //Just to let you all know I am straight even though most of you don't care.\\ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]The only reason I am creeped out by gay men is because movies and shows that I see where a man gets raped or they talk with a creepy voice.I am not saying that all men who are gay will walk up to you and grab your but or throw you in a alley and rape you I am just saying that some sick twisted gay person can do that so I like to keep away from gay people.I am freaked out also because of south park kinda....because they said alot of gay men like to have sex with little boys and teenagers.....But like I said its not all gay men that do this but some do so I just like to stay as far away from them as possible.I haven't met a gay guy in my life but I don't wanna try either. As for the lesbians I am not saying I like to see them naked doing it like there is no tommorow.I am just saying I see movies and shows about it only because my sister watches shows where there is ocasionally lesbians having sex.Sure its intresting to me but if I were a girl I would probably be freaked out by lesbians and love gays.I am not a lesbian freak it is just that I would prefer lesbians because its kinda weird watching to men that is your same gender just making out or feeling eachother and stuff like that. For all I know gay's and lesbians are like straight people.They hit on there own gender when they think they are "cute".I am not saying that they think every person that is their gender is cute only certain ones.Thats why they have gay parties and stuff so they can try to find a date just like someone straight would.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Lionel was thinking,and thought a staff was more of his type of weapon.Something told him he should use a staff.Lionel to his one handed sythes and put them away on his belt and started carrying around his staff again.Lionel walked inside the castle and over heard what Valo and Heero were talking about.Lionel and Styx sprinted over to the spot . "I'll come with you" said Lionel calmly Lionel then started stretching and scratched his back as he waited for a reply. "Fine,but follow my rules...I will leave in 9 minutes"said Valo "Gotcha"said Lionel calmly Lionel then sprinted out side to the garden to start practicing his techniques,and magic so he can be ready.But what he really focused on was stealth and stealth attacks since it might come in handy.Lionel was still familiar with using his staff though but he just wanted to be in full power when he uses it so he wants to get alittle training first. "Styx,keep track of time for me"said Lionel calmly Styx gave Lionel a nod with his eyes closed and sat up straight and started to stretch his wings.Then Lionel started trying to get alittle stealth techniques in his 9 minutes left so he can be more usefull.