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Everything posted by Jeebs

  1. Aren't Ouiji Board and the 4 Death Message cards in Labyrinth of Nightmare?
  2. He did say "everytime he faces a dark monster". P.S.: The second power up would bring his ATK to 3100, not 3000.:D
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]Does anyone know what Nick or Nicholas means? [/B][/QUOTE] It means "victory of the people".
  4. Actually, I already got another one, and traded it. When I got it I was mad because a few days before then my friend told me he had ordered one off the internet, so he wouldn't have to trade me. But then the next day he told me that he had already sold it. I got a Magical Labyrinth (which I needed to summon Wall Shadow) and Messenger of Peace.
  5. Naval Episode: Drill Sargent: Okay. Let's get one thing straight. I don't like you, and you don't like me. Homer: I like you. Drill Sargent: Well I don't like you. Homer: Maybe you'd like me if you got to know me better. Homer: Save me Jebus!
  6. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon isn't a fusion monster on FB, he's a ritual monster. I know some good fusions. -Red-Eyes Black Dragon+Meteor Dragon=Meteor Black Dragon(3500/?) -REBD+Summoned Skull=Black Skull Dragon (3200/?) -Embryotic Beast+Time Wizard=Summoned Skull (2500/1200) -2 Dian Keto the Cure Master=Megamorph -2 Dragon Treasure=Ultimate Dragon (ritual to summon BEUD) I don't really have much trouble figuring out fusions, it's rituals I'm having trouble with.
  7. I've had a couple cards stolen from me. There was my Judge Man, 2 Dark Holes, Card Destruction, and I had just realized yesterday that my Fairy Meteor Crush is gone. About the 2 Dark Holes. I had 1 in my deck and 1 in my extra cards. I had let a couple people look through my cards. I was in a duel and one of the people that had looked through my cards said that he accidentally left his Dark Hole in my cards, so I just gave him the one in my deck. That night I went through all my cards and there were no Dark Holes. The next day I was going to ask him about it, but he said he didn't know about it. Then another boy that had looked through my cards came up to me and offered to trade for my Ameba. Guess what he offered me: 2 Dark Holes! I think that he's the one who took them, but I don't have enough evidence to prove it. I don't want to tell the teacher about it, because he said that if he heard of any more cards being stolen, he wouldn't let us bring them in anymore.
  8. They're talking about General Blue from the Red Ribbon Army in Dragon Ball. He's the one that has psychic powers and can paralyze people with his mind.
  9. The combination is: Right-36, Left-10, Right-59, and Right-97. The hard part is putting the combo in before time runs out. NOTE: After you put the combo in, you have to fight a boss. Win and you'll get the Odin materia, Cosmo Memory (Red XIII's Lv. 4 limit break), and the key to the basement. Use the key to open the door in the rocky tunnel just before the place where you found Sephiroth. In the middle coffin you'll find Vincent. Answer his questions correctly, and when you go to leave, he'll join you.
  10. Hehe. I liked that episode. My friend told me what was going to happen before it aired but I was still looking forward to it. Vegito: I thought you were going to eat me. I went right into your mouth. What more do you want? I also like yesterday's episode, where they got out of Buu's body. Goku: Look Vegeta! People popcorn! Vegeta: What is he on?
  11. Are you talking about the opening theme? I think that it was Mew, or Mewtwo.
  12. Nope. Well, I think that he does, but that's not the answer I'm looking for. Try looking up Scizor in the Silver Version Poke'dex.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Ummm... What kind of balls did the hunter use to Capture Celibi in the 4th Pokemon Movie? [/B][/QUOTE] He used a dark ball. What does Scizor use its wings for? (besides flying, if he even uses them for that)
  14. I made some changes to my deck. Here it is. Key: Card Name (ATK/DEF/Level/Type 1/Type 2) [U]Tributes[/U] -Twin-Headed Fire Dragon (2200/1700/6/Fire/Pyro) -Steel Ogre Grotto #2 (1900/2200/6/Earth/Machine) -Labyrinth Wall (0/3000/5/Earth/Rock) -Summoned Skull (2500/1200/6/Dark/Fiend) -Gaia the Fierce Knight (2300/2100/7/Earth/Warrior) -Wingweaver (2750/2400/7/Light/Fairy) -Dark Magician (2500/2100/7/Dark/Spellcaster) -Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500/8/Light/Dragon) -Ryu-Ran (2200/2600/7/Fire/Dragon) -Sword Hunter (2450/1700/7/Earth/Warrior; Effect) -Wall Shadow (1600/3000/7/Dark/Warrior; Effect) -Invitation to a Dark Sleep (1500/1800/5/Dark/Spellcaster; Effect) -Performance of Sword (1950/1850/6/Earth/Warrior; Ritual) -Crab Turtle (2550/2500/8/Water/Aqua; Ritual) [U]Non-Tributes[/U] -Dragon Zombie (1600/0/3/Dark/Zombie) -Magical Ghost (1300/1400/4/Dark/Zombie) -Dark Assailant (1200/1200/4/Dark/Zombie) -Mystical Elf (800/2000/4/Light/Spellcaster) -Wall of Illusion (1000/1850/4/Dark/Fiend; Effect) -Trap Master (500/1100/3/Earth/Warrior; Effect) (x2) -Lord of D. (1200/1100/4/Dark/Spellcaster; Effect) -Witch of the Black Forest (1100/1200/4/Dark/Spellcaster; Effect) -Man-Eater Bug (450/600/2/Earth/Insect; Effect) -Castle of Dark Illusions (920/1930/4/Dark/Fiend; Effect) -Ameba (300/350/1/Water/Aqua; Effect) -Mask of Darkness (900/400/2/Dark/Fiend; Effect) -Jigen Bakudan (200/1000/2/Fire/Pyro; Effect) -Spear Cretin (500/500/2/Dark/Feind; Effect) -4-Starred Ladybug of Doom (800/1200/3/Wind/Insect; Effect) -La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (1800/1000/Dark/Fiend) [U]Magic[/U] -Commencement Dance (Ritual) -Yami (Field) -Sogen (Field) -7 Completed (Equip) -Invigoration (Equip) -Chorus of Sanctuary (Field) -Sword of Dark Destruction (Equip) -Dark Energy (Equip) -Book of Secret Arts (Equip) -Tailor of the Fickle (Quick-Play) -Limiter Removal (Quick-Play) -The Flute of Summoning Dragon (Normal) -Remove Trap (Normal) -Card Destruction (Normal) -Dian Keto the Cure Master (Normal) -Change of Heart (Normal) -Dark Hole (Normal) -De-Spell (Normal) -Monster Reborn (Normal) -Last Will (Normal) -Malevolent Nuzzler (Equip) -The Shallow Grave (Normal) -Sword of the Deep-Seated (Equip) -Molten Destruction (Field) -Ground Collapse (Continuous) -Turtle Oath (Ritual) -Share the Pain (Normal) [U]Trap[/U] -Shift (Normal) -Castle Walls (Normal) (x2) -Driving Snow (Normal) -Reinforcements (Normal) (x2) -Reverse Trap (Normal) -Shadow of Eyes (Normal) (x2) -Fairy?s Hand Mirror (Normal) -Enchanted Javelin (Normal) -Trap Hole (Normal) (x2) -Just Desserts (Normal) -Type Zero Magic Crusher (Continuous) -Solemn Wishes (Continuous) -Ultimate Offering (Continuous) -Ceasefire (Normal) -Light of Intervention (Continuous) Theme: Warrior/Fiend/Spellcaster Total Monsters: 31 Total Magic/Trap: 42 Total Cards: 73 ----------------------------------- EDIT: I took out some cards.
  15. You can get Shadow Flare from the Ultimate Weapon when it's hovering around, or you can learn it from Dragon Zombies in Makou Pit in Disc 3.
  16. Yes, I think that the Battle City saga is coming up, where it tells more about the Millenium Items and about Yami Yugi and everything. I think Kaiba plays a pretty big role in it. From what I've heard, it seems like it will be better than what they've had so far.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZeroG214 [/i] [B]Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero! I love this guy. Cool and gathered, uses mostly one weapon and it just so happens to be my choice too.. a sword (yeah I know his is beam but who cares! same thing:p ) Great power and learns techniques than using new weapons. Follows orders to a T, Protector of the weak and innocent and strikes fear into evil. How many are like him? Zero!:blush: [/B][/QUOTE] You took the words right out of my mouth. Second would probably be Cloud from FFVII. Gotta love the giant sword.
  18. Oops! I voted for NeoCactaur to stay, because I voted before reading the post, too. I wanted to vote him off.
  19. My best cards are BEWD, Wall Shadow, and Sword Hunter. Blue-Eyes for its ATK, Wall Shadow for its DEF, and Sword Hunter for its ATK and its ability to change any monster it destroys into an equip card for it.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]eyptgirl how is buying 50 cards helping plz enlighten me. [/B][/QUOTE] She is saying that you have to buy a starter deck to get the rule book.
  21. If you have the flying cap just go onto a level and find a red box with a "?" on it and pound it open and take the cap. Then jump up in the air to fly around, but it's better to shoot yourself out of a cannon, then you can fly farther.
  22. I thought that there was a restriction. I remember seeing something about it in the announcement that was up when we first had banners.
  23. You can attack right after you play a monster, unless you go it's the very first turn of the duel or if theres a magic or trap or something activated that prevents you from doing so.
  24. I need advice. I have a Sword Hunter (Earth/Warrior/Effect, 2450/1700, any monster it destroys becomes and equip card, raising its ATK by 200), which fits perfectly into my Warrior/Fiend/Spellcaster deck, but my friend really wants it. He's offered me some good cards, but he can't trade more than 1 card for 1 card. I really don't want to get rid of Sword Hunter, and I don't think I'll be able to find another one, but he has some cards that I want. Here are some of the cards that I want (if it has a * next to it, he has offered it to me): Blue-Eyes White Dragon (I sure he's not going to trade me that), Skull Knight*, Shadow Ghoul, Malevolent Nuzzler*, Sword of the Deep Seated*, Crab Turtle (x2)*, and Seiaryu (x3)*. Should I trade him? If so, which card should I trade for?
  25. I think that's what the "invisible mode" option in the user CP does. They probably have it turned on.
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