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Everything posted by Jeebs

  1. Hey. I just saw that dancing robot on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He was making fun of it. He said that it can remember up to 10 faces, and when it's memory is full it goes to combat mode and kills the faces it remembers to make more space in its memory.:laugh:
  2. Invader Zim is my favorite show(that's not anime). I like GIR. He's unpredictable and his voice sounds funny because it changes pitches. Zim: "OK, for you I'm thinking a dog." GIR: "Can I be a mongoose dog?" GIR: "But if you send that robot back in time and destroy Dib, then you wouldn't have to send the robot to destroy him. But then you would have to send the robot and..." *GIR's head explodes* :laugh: :laugh:
  3. While playing FFIX I noticed a few similarities between it and Dragon Ball Z. Here they are: 1. Quina looks a lot like Buu's 1st form(both big, talk weird, and like to eat). 2. Zidane has a tail just like a Saiyan(sp?) 3. One item is called N-Kai Armlet(I think it stands for North Kai) Have you noticed any other similarities?
  4. My favorites are: South Park Ed, Edd, and Eddy Family Guy The Simpsons Futurama Home Movies Baby Blues and the best of all [SIZE=3]Invader Zim[/SIZE] even though they hardly ever show it any more. GIR: I'm guarding the house. Gaz: Where's Dib? (A lot of weapons pop out of GIR) GIR: No one may pass! Gaz: Where's Dib!? (GIR's weapons go back inside of him) GIR: Right down here.
  5. I guess I'll have to buy a new card. I don't have the recipt because I bought it a few years ago. Thanks for the help.
  6. I'm using a Madcats PSX memory card.:flaming::demon:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Well, I haven't ever had that trouble, but do try and clean out the port that the memory card goes in, blow in it or something. And did you check that you put it in right? Other than that, sorry, I can't help.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sure it has nothing to do with the port because I tried my Gameshark in the same port and it worked just fine.
  8. Yesterday I tried to load my FFIX game but the continue option was in black, so I couldn't go to it. I checked my memory card and there was nothing there. I tried to start a new game but when I tried to save it it said that the memory card wasn't inserted, even though it was. Does anyone know what's wrong and what to do to fix it. Please help!
  9. They came out with 2 books from the story: Quiditch Through the Ages and Magical Beasts and Where to Find them.
  10. My favorites are: [COLOR=purple]Mewtwo[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Scizor[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Haunter[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Scyther[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Lugia[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Hitmonchan[/COLOR]
  11. Mewtwo's one of my favorite Poke'mon.:ball:
  12. Here's my school's site [url]www.ccboe.com\hanson[/url] I hate school.It sucks!!:flaming: :flaming: :demon: :demon:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amiboshi [/i] [B]I'm getting tired of waiting for the 5th book.[/B][/QUOTE] I think the 5th book's coming out this summer.By the way, has anyone played Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for Playstation.I think that it was way too easy.:flaming: :demon:
  14. I'm from Maryland too.We have to take functional math,writing, and reading tests,the CTBS test,and MSPAP.It sucks.:flaming: :demon:
  15. Jeebs

    Help... me!!

    I had trouble with Gizmaluke too.Get your characters leveled up and equipt water absorbing armor.:flaming: :demon:
  16. Jeebs


    I found Daggaureo now, but does any one know how many ores you have 2 put in the blessing stone?:flaming: :demon:
  17. Jeebs


    In FFIX, where is Daggauro(I might have spelled it wrong):flaming: :demon:
  18. I like both,but I watch Digimon more than Poke'mon.:demon: :flaming:
  19. I think the actors would look really wierd with huge spikey wigs on.:flaming: :demon:
  20. I like Goku better. Vegeta always thinks that he's invincible and ends up being beaten up by someone because he under estimated them.:flaming: :laugh:
  21. Who do you think is the hardest?I thought that Bongo Bongo was the hardest because you have to shoot him in both hands and the head and then hit him in the head before he can get up.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  22. Who do you think is the hardest?I thought that Bongo Bongo was the hardest because you have to shoot both of his hands and his head and the hit him in the head with your sword before he gets up.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  23. Jeebs

    whats your...

    :flaming: Mine is Ocarina of Time because it's the only Zelda game I've played.:flaming:
  24. I think Ganon was the easiest because he's so slow you can just roll in between his legs and hit him in the tail.:flaming:
  25. I like Vivi and Zidane.:wigout:
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