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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]What is the deal when i asked upperdeck about them back when magic ruler was just being relesed they said they wern't going to make them and now i see them in about every on-line store that sels cards. I asked the guy who runs the tourments at my local store about em. he didn't know anything. I asked my freind who runs the league (for those who don't know about it its the one thats at books-a-million toysrus etc.) my frist thought when i saw them was that thaey were duleist league promos (the super rare buster balder and thousand eye restrict) But he said they were to come in a vidoe game for the Ps2. well i did my research and now i'm back were i started. Knowing the god cards are out, upperdeck lied to me, and everyone i ask knows about as much as me. Also if they came in a vedioe game that hasn't been relsesd yet then why are stores already selling them. [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Upperdeck [/i] [B]Due to the volume of questions we received in regards to this matter, UDE would like to put this matter to rest. The "English" print God cards are for distribution in Japan only. Konami of Japan is printing these cards, not Upper Deck. They are not Tournament legal. They have no effect text, no way to summon them to the field and no Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG© logo on the back of them. This is because they are not part of the game; they are strictly promotional cards. As such, they cannot be placed in your deck. They are for collector's purposes only. We also have no plans to produce these cards in North America. [/B][/QUOTE] This was on Upperdeck's forbidden/limited list. As you can see, the God Cards are probably not coming out in North America ever.
Go to the bottom of the avatar page and there should be an area that will let you use your custom avatar.
Name: Nick Age: 14 DOB: January 17, 1989 Location: Maryland One Word: No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Shy Occupation: Student Color: Red, Black, White, Blue Food: Pizza Beverage: Code Red Mountain Dew Alter Ego: Dream Job: Anime Artist Self-Proclaimed: Quiet person, something like that Ethnicity: English Extracurricular: none Hobby: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dessert: Ice Cream Musician: Eminem Group: Linkin Park Mac or PC? PC Nics: Hey You Blog: None Home Page: None Religion: None Book: Harry Potter Collections: Cards Sport: None Won't Eat: Spinach, Green Beans TV Show: South Park, Invader Zim, almost any anime I see, Family Guy Words to live by: no words Addicted to: Caffine Comic: Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie: Don't know
I just went to Upperdeck. They updated the list again. I. Forbidden Cards You CANNOT use any of the following cards in the Deck or Side Deck: No restrictions, to be announced. II. Limited Cards You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined: Exodia the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Left Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Pot of Greed Change of Heart Dark Hole Raigeki Monster Reborn Mirror Force Delinquent Duo Confiscation Painful Choice The Forceful Sentry Snatch Steal Cyber Jar Upstart Goblin Swords of Revealing Light Card Destruction Witch of the Black Forest Imperial Order Jinzo Ceasefire Premature Burial Call Of The Haunted Morphing Jar Limiter Removal Sangan Magic Cylinder United We Stand Mage Power Heavy Storm Harpie's Feather Duster Sinister Serpent III. Semi-Limited Cards You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined: Nobleman of Crossout Backup Soldier Morphing Jar #2 Graceful Charity
Egg in the Back: *sigh* I told to stay off crack...and maybe I should have told him that Red Bull doesn't really give you wings...and maybe I shouldn't have hit him over the head with a baseball bat after he survived the fall.
Magic Cylinder (secret rare from LoN) is a staple. I can't think of any others.
What is Saphire Dragon? And what was the sixth card Ryan drew?
A: The Deku Brothers. The order is 3(right), 2(middle), 1(left).
I think one of the monsters was Twin-Headed Fire Dragon. I can't remember the other one though.
But what if you draw pieces of Exodia from Morphing Jar #2's effect? Then you have to summon them to the field.
If The Last Warrior from Another Planet were on the field, couldn't you still set monsters face-down, just not flip the over? Since face-down monsters aren't considered summoned. And do you have to pay the life point cost for Fairy Box and Mask of Brutality, or is it optional, like with Imperial Order, etc.?
You don't get to choose whether or not you use its effect. You have to.
Thunderstorm Field Magic Water-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Water-Type monsters by 500 points. Holy Barrier Field Magic Dark-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Dark-Type monsters by 500 points. Flood Field Macic Fire-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Fire-Type monsters by 500 points. Shadow Barrier Field Magic Light-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Light-Type monsters on the field by 500 points. Broken Wing Field Magic Wind-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Wind-Type monsters on the field by 500 points. Hurricane Wall Field Magic Earth-Type monsters cannot attack. Reduce the ATK and DEF of all Earth-Type monsters on the field by 500 points. Incubus Dark Fiend Lv. 6 ATK: 2400 DEF: 1500 Effect: Once per turn, you may randomly select one card in your opponent's hand. If the card is a magic or trap the timing for activation is correct it is immediately activated. If not, or if your opponent cannot play the card, it is destroyed. If it is a monster card with a lower attack than "Incubus", it is destroyed and the difference of their attack power is subtracted from your opponent's life points. If the card has a higher attack than "Incubus", it may be special summoned to the field in face-up attack or face-down defense position. "Incubus" is then destroyed and the difference of their attack power is subtracted from your life points.
I had watched it since it first came into English, because I try to watch any anime I can. I thought it was pretty interesting. When the school year began a couple other students were talking about the card game and the show. I was surprised to find out that my english teacher collects Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. I started buying cards and my teacher let us come in during lunch time to duel. Unfortunately, I just found out today that we're not allowed to come in for lunch anymore. My friend said that he asked the vice principal why and she said that it was because it's not educational. (And eating lunch in the cafeteria is...?)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Herobear's answer: Use SOlomen's law book like Domon said, and place the Armed Ninja on the field and use it's effect so you could repeatly us the Solomon's lawbook. [/B][/QUOTE] How would Armed Ninja let you repeatedly use Solomon's Lawbook? Armed Ninja is just like Trap Master for magic cards. Q: For Fairy Box and Mask of Brutality, can you choose not to pay the life point cost, like with Imperial Order, Mirror Wall, etc.? Also, when you play Scapegoat, are the sheep tokens considered summoned?
Does anyone know if Scapegoat will be limited? I really hope it won't be. I need them to use with Amazon Archer.
I just went to Upperdeck's website and saw the new Forbidden/Limited list. ------------------------ [U][B]I. Forbidden Cards[/B][/U] You CANNOT use any of the following cards in the Deck or Side Deck: No restrictions, to be announced. [U][B]II. Limited Cards[/B][/U] You can ONLY use one of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined: Exodia the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Left Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Pot of Greed Change of Heart Dark Hole Raigeki Monster Reborn Mirror Force Delinquent Duo Confiscation Painful Choice The Forceful Sentry Snatch Steal Cyber Jar Upstart Goblin Swords of Revealing Light Card Destruction Witch of the Black Forest Imperial Order Jinzo Ceasefire Premature Burial Call Of The Haunted Morphing Jar Limiter Removal Sangan Magic Cylinder United We Stand Mage Power [U][B]III. Semi-Limited Cards[/B][/U] You can ONLY use two of the following cards in the Deck & Side Deck combined: Heavy Storm Nobleman of Crossout Backup Soldier Morphing Jar #2 ----------------------------------------- I can't wait to see the look on my friend's face when he finds out that Magic Cylinder is limited to 1, because he just traded a lot of cards to get a third one. Maybe he'll trade one to me now.
You could use Solomon's Lawbook to skip your standby phase. Can you use Amazon Archer's effect more than once per turn?
Here are the Pegasus Starter Deck cards: [U]Normal Monsters[/U] -Aqua Madoor -Giant Soldier of Stone -Illusionist Faceless Mage -Red Archery Girl -Rougue Doll -Ryu-Ran -Toon Alligator -Uraby [U]Effect Monsters[/U] -Armed Ninja -Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon -Dream Clown -Hane-Hane -Hiro's Shadow Scout -Jigen Bakudan -Man-Eater Bug -Manga Ryu-Ran -Mask of Darkness -Muka Muka -Sonic Bird -Toon Mermaid -Toon Summoned Skull -Witch of the Black Forest [U]Ritual Monsters[/U] -Relinquished [U]Magic[/U] -Black Illusion Ritual -Black Pendant -Change of Heart -Dark Hole -De-Spell -Dian Keto the Cure Master -Fissure -Graceful Charity -Monster Reborn -Mystical Space Typhoon -Remove Trap -Ring of Magnetism -Rush Recklessly -Soul Release -Stop Defense -Toon World -Yami [U]Traps[/U] -Castle Walls -Enchanted Javelin -Gryphon Wing -Magic Jammer -Reinforcements -Robbin' Goblin -Seven Tools of the Bandit -Trap Hole -Ultimate Offering -Waboku
Fish, sea serpent, rock, reptile, pyro, and toon. That's all I can think of.
I thought Polymerization was in both starters. I went to a video game store because my friend told they had them there. I only had enough money to buy one. I bought a Pegasus Starter because I needed Relinquished and Polymerization. I thought I had been ripped off when I opened it and didn't see Poly. I guess I'll have to trade my friend for it.
Last week I had a lot of cards stolen in gym. At lunch I went to my language arts classroom because we have a little Yu-Gi-Oh! club in there. Afterwards, because the schedule was mixed up, I had language arts, so I just stayed in there. Then it was gym. I didn't have time to go to my locker to put my cards away, so I just went to gym. I sat my cards on the a bench right behind my gym locker while I opened it. When I picked up my collector's tin to put it in my locker, I noticed the lid was loose. I looked inside and all of the cards that weren't in my deck box were gone. One boy had heard that they were gone and him and one of the gym teachers found most of them on the ground, but the super rares, ultra rares, and some other cards were still gone. -Dark Magician -Blue-Eyes White Dragon -Exchange -2 Japanese cards (Knight Dragon and Treasure of the Underworld) -Suijin -Polymerization -Soul Exchange -Card Destruction -Catapult Turtle -Messenger of Peace -Dark Hole -2 Limiter Removals -2 Lord of D's -2 Flute of Summoning Dragon's That's all I can remember. The next day the boy that found my other cards found my Dark Magician, Exchange, Treasure of the Underworld, Soul Exchange, 1 Lord of D, and Card Destruction. The only card that has been stolen from me that has really made me mad is when my Thousand-Eyes Restrict was stolen. I had bought a lot of Pharoh's Servant packs before I got that, but now I have another one, which I'll be able to use once I get a Pegasus Starter.
The ceiling is a wall, isn't it? That's the only reason I can think of.
I know a combo with Flash Assailant. Play him in attack mode when you have a lot of cards in you're hand. Your opponent will see that its attack and defense has dropped to 0 because of its effect. Hopefully they'll attack. Then just use Reverse Trap. Instead of its ATK and DEF decreasing by 400 for every card in your hand, it'll increase. If you have 6 cards in your hand, its ATK and DEF will increase to 4400. This works a lot better if Infinite Cards is on the field.
Hmmm...you could ask him (or tell him) to go away. Then you wouldn't be lying or telling the truth, because a question or command doesn't state a fact. If you say "Go away!" or "Will you go away?" you are not stating a fact. Maybe if you ask nicely he'll leave you alone.