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  1. A manga I would like to see animated is called Desert and its about this teen guy who is lazy in class. each time he dozes of he goes to this other world, and the more he goes to it it gets more realistic. eventually he gets summoned by this girl he always dreams about in the world but she doesnt now that he is really a human and just thinks hes a summoned creature, its funny at times and seems to be like it would work better as an anime (I dont watch much anime so my persvective may be a li'l bit screwed.) [color=navy]I added some much-needed periods to your post; next time, please focus on incorporating a bit more punctuation. ~Dagger~[/color]
  2. Darn Hayashi Hansuke you beat me to it by like alot, but that was What I would have said.......(I mean writen)
  3. Well,I'm going into highschool and hopefully be a game designer(And no, I dont mean making mainstream games such as "enter the matrix" I making this RPG Witch is like final fantasy exectp for that you actually get a choice on what to do and say, and actually chage the ending, well thats not much like final fantasy they ,mostly just make the ending longer, and I'm trying to stray away from a game like this: a series of missions linked by the occesional cutscene to develop a cliche story,) The problem is that I have a good imagination but I can barery program {And I mean barely} Much less design a char.
  4. I dont thing it matters as long as you have a good personality and your look OK then I could not care less about your breasts.
  5. I'm an atheist, but I dont belive in evolution, Here's why: If we evolved, then why are there still like monkeys? Um, I'm not saying why I am an atheist because people would get pissed and stuff.. But I will post it here XD(Scroll all the way down........) [url]http://hometown.aol.com/mechwarriorhard/myhomepage/profile.html[/url] And I even have more. BTW: I dint read the whole thread becuase I came here to do something else.
  6. Zudo dude, I dunno if the your qoute was Rethorical but I will answer it just in case Anyways let me answer for you: I dont have many friends (No I'm not lying when im saying this but I dont like to be around people much (Nope, thats not anti-social, why you think I'm here?)And honestly I dont need too.) And I really dont care what people think that much, Specially people that I dont know...
  7. And about the site, I think you can repport people to the FBI, specially whit all this terrotist crap going on.(And the moron actually put up his aol profile! Fool.)
  8. No, everything on the web is not true if it was.... Well, lets just say that A certain president would be in jail, Dragons would be floating among us, And alot of people would run outa day jobs. XD
  9. Hmm, Halo's story let me Give that to you: 1. you ran around in a giant donut weapon. Yep, thats pretty much all of it.(Well theres some minor crap trown in but it really does not matter, hell,I dont think its even supposed to have sequel, Whats next? "Ohh, you mean where gonna fight more?!"That is so stupid, Halo could have been better I mean they should have shown you who the creators of halo where and stuff,) Metroid's story. 1. you land on a planet read stuff, then kill stuff then collect stuff YAY! But, Why is it so damn good? Hmm, Lets look at FF shall we? Have you ever noticed that the game has the same currency,monsters,and items? Then why is it good? Well, Oh yeah, The story maybe thats what keeps it from being a repetive turn-based borefest. Same whit metroid the story saves it.(Mostly anyways.......)
  10. By the way, there are tournaments for halo I think its called the CPL or something like that, (search it on google) The price is not 100k its 250k XD.
  11. I dont play it as a critic I play it as myself. And yes, you got me in the fact that MP does not multyplayer but there coming out whit a sequel that does include multyplayer and there coming out whit a metroid version for the gameboy.
  12. ::Looks outside:: Hmm, seems the planets have aligned.... you took those words right outa my mouth, like, word for word, Anyway, Does this mean you have mechwarrior3? If so, I'll give you my IP number and maybe we can play a round of mechwarrior sometime? You hardcore about mechwarrior? Ever played battletech? I know a couple of forums where people play the boardgame, (And know much more about the BT series.)
  13. Ever played this game? I have it but I dont know where I can play the game online. Do you know where I can play the game online?
  14. My best moments? I have none, Only if you counts the namy times I've played mechwarrior3 online )(Before MW4 came out and people stopped playing MW3) Have you ever shootdown a mech on its jump jets and then have that mech land on another mech? Ever played landed on another mech? Ever played a game whit no weapons were we all had to jump on one another and just crash and meele whit each other? There more and more of these moments, but I cant remenber them all.... Anyways....I am wondering If any of you have MW3 so We could schule a match sometime online.
  15. I go whit metroid for its exelent story. Ever played it at night whit all the lights off? As for Halo its overated people only noticed it becuase it came whit the Xbox, Had it came whit the PC........... Speaking about the Pc..... What happened to the PC version of Halo? The game was the same, not even Co-op was added for the PC.
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