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  1. I like the Starbucks commercial with the bad following the guy around singin his name to the song [I]Eye of the Tiger[/I], and then moving to another guy that gets on the elevator as the first one gets off... [I]Glen! Glen Glen Glen! Glen's the man goin to work...[/I] :laugh:
  2. [B]Name: [/B] Wiliam Scott [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]In Your Own Words: [/B] I come from a large family, but being the youngest sybling to 4 sisters I have learned to be tough and know how to take some thumps. This summer my parents decided that I should go to the same school as my sisters(who have all graduated) and since my parents made a sizable donation to the school's atletic program, the school kindly accepted me as a student. When they told me that I was goin to attend a "Finishing School for Young Ladies"... well I was ticked... here he is a [URL=http://icon.netian.com/im/cp_new/enterbox/cartoon/im_boxer286365.jpg[U]]6'4" 240 pound guy[/U][/URL] going to a girls school... what the hell am I gonna do there I asked? I didnt like any of the teachers, none of my friends were there... oh and did I mention that its a [I]GIRLS FINISHING SCHOOL[/I]!!! Yeah thats gonna look good on a college appilcation... well at least i'm not the only guy thats goin to be attending. [B]Student File #1875[/B] William is a special case. William's sisters all had the power to forsee future events. And strangly enough so does he... well sort of. Will can only see a few seconds into the future, which makes him a great boxer but its very annoying when he finishes your sentences for you. We should observe him in his daily activities and discover if we can extend his vision farther in to the future...
  3. Well out here in SW Oklahoma I paid $1.73 for regular unleaded, at Wal-Mart ( [I]Watch for falling prices!![/I] ) :smirk: It peeked here at about $1.99 I think, my truck was broken so I didnt ahve to buy gas. :laugh: ohh and isnt Preminum gas such a crock of poo? you dont get much extra value and they charge you another 10 to 20 cents... hey could everyone post what they drive and how big yer tank is? My ride: 1990 Bronco II 2x4 with a 23 gal tank
  4. [COLOR=Indigo]As long as their real, I dont realy care how big they are. I read that after the surgery that many women's breast will have somekinda nerve damage and they cant feel parts, or cant feel as much...[/COLOR] :eek:
  5. Keira Knightley... Waterworld The Jackal Enemy of the State
  6. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Wow this has been a total blast from the past... I had forgotten about so many of these shows that i loved. Transformers, GI Joe, Danger Mouse, Tailspin, Smirfs, Rescue Rangers... The list goes on and on. I was even a Closet power rangers fan, since I didnt first see it till I was in 6th or 7th grade. I loved that Roundhouse show, and what about them Dukes of Hazard? how can you guys forget the [COLOR=DarkOrange]orange [/COLOR] car? That show is probly the main reason why I drive like i do... YEA-HA!!![/COLOR]
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