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  1. shonen jump has contests:) the folowing pictures have characters from my favorite series (as cats)
  2. did anyone but me watch anime as a kid? i could remember watching sailor moon(so cute),digimon,pokemon,and gundam wing.:P yes i need help.
  3. there will be a game about inu yasha.you will be a player that asists inu yasha and his friends to gather the shikon jewl and defeat naraku.simple, but fun.:)
  4. im acually looking forward to the yugioh movie and the inu yasha movie.:) ps.i couldnt find any cuter pictures of inu yasha and yugi...so i put the pictures as if they were cats. silly huh?
  5. i just recently found out that there was cinimanga.but what exactly is cinimanga? is it a movie book? i dont understand :confused: .please help me. lets give thanks to the folowing : lady katana:)(oh my god she is so cool)
  6. the funniest moment would be when misuki gets runed over by fans, and when she gets carried away in the croud lol :D :laugh: :laugh:
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