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Sephy 07

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Everything posted by Sephy 07

  1. Well, were here now. Hey, Sasuke?" Said Ryu. " Yeah, I was just thinking" replied Sasuke. They got out of the car. A valet parked the car for them in the "VIP" garage. As they walked up to the door a large black man stepped in thier way. " Nope, not goin in this club!" Said the man with an outstretced arm. "Why" shouted Ryu and Sasuke in unison. " Read the sign buddy." Replied the cool bouncer. The sign read simple in red letters. No Weapons. And since both of them had on swords... they heard a van pull up. It was now or never. people were after them and they were after someone in the club. So, they quickly took off thier weapons and went inside...
  2. " HA HA, wow Sasuke that was the funniest thing ive ever seen you do." Exclamied Ryu. " Well, I did learn from the best right?" Retorted Sasuke They speed down the road, Ryu noticed that this car was a thing of beauty. It was so great. The speed,power,preformance all of it was incredible. They were seriously hualing down the road now. " Where to chief?" Asked Ryu " Left and then right, 1275 Dove Ln." Responded Sasuke What they were going to do when they got there, Ryu did not know. He would simply follow Sauske's lead. Give his life if he had too, perhaps it would not come down to that. **************************************************************** "Those bastards, leaving us in the rain, with a crappy van." exclaimed Melody " It could be worse babe, we could be dead." Responded an exasperated BJ melody searched in the van for some clothes. All the found were an old pair of Grey sweat pants and white 9 button T-shirt. They would have too do. Meanwhile BJ had found something lying on the ground. Apparantly this Sasuke person wasent the smartest crook ever, he had left the directions on the ground. " c'mon were going to Jacks." Yelled BJ " Yeah we gotta get some 'good' clothes first" Responded Melody They got in the van and speed off towards Jack's house. After dressing in thier ataire of choice they got back in the car and went towards the same location as Ryu and Sasuke....
  3. As Ryu sped down the street he noticed a nice red car on the side of the road. " Hey buddy, lets jack that car Sasuke!" Said a gleefull Ryu " Well it does look alot better. Well...." Responded an usure Sasuke The car had already stopped. Ryu was out of the car. He was trying to hotwire the new, custom model, better looking car. When Sasuke wondered off again. " Hey buddy, Ryu, the doors open man. Lets get some loot ok?" Yelled Sasuke. *********************************************** Valentine was very amused by the two people in the bed, he contined to point the laser at the womans " assests " while holding the knife up to BJ's Throat. Deftly reaching down with the gun, he knocked the womans bag off the table. He did it with such speed that the woman had no time to relax before he had the gun up to her again. " Go ahead keep up this game children, I find it ever so enjoyable." smirked Valentine. " Hey, im doing the best i can here. Im getting tired you know." Retorted the naked woman. " Well, you heard her dear, strip off the shirt and pants. This is turning into a threesome." Said Valentine. *********************************************** " No, Sasuke, thats a bad... oh god he never listens." Said Ryu Quietly. As Ryu entered the house he noticed that Ryu was not in the main room. He must have gone in the kitchen. Ryu decided that since he was already in the house he might as well steal from it. As he turned the corner he noticed a creaking noise. He opened the door and saw 3 people on a bed. Another was in the corner with a gun...
  4. Name: Zach Railsback Age: 19 Gender: Male Bio: Growing up in a famaly that no-one wanted, Zach was left to fend for himself. He was completely against gangs, his father and older sister were both in one. One day his mother was shot in a drive-by. She was loving and caring. Taken away from him at the young age of 7. His Father swore vengance, Joining a gang and taking over. His siter also joined when she was old enough. Something went wrong, they never came home. Zach packed his things and left, he always carries his fathers katana and his sisters Barreta hand-gun. Weapons: Katana and a Barreta sub hand-gun. Des: Wearing a pair of grungy, (once white) black shoes and a pair af extremely baggy blue jeans. He has been on the move since he was 17 and has never looked back. Thus he rarely ever showers. Also he wears a button up blue t-shirt. His only other posesions are his weapons. He covets what he has, and he always kills gang members that are weaker than him.
  5. Ryu steped out of the now-cold water. He cursed himself for letting Sasuke take such a long shower. Though anything was better than the nasty rain. Ryu wondered why Sasuke had moved out of this place. Why had he taken up a life of crime? This house was amazing! He didnt have to move out! " Hey Ryu, we got a rat problem man!" Said a creeped out Sasuke. " Thats ok, not like were going to be here for a long time anyway." Replied Ryu. Just then the front door opened. Ryu spung up and drew his weapons. Sasuke did the same. ::Psst:: " i thought you said this building was abandoned?" The two turned the corner. An old man was standing there. He had a bag of vegitables in his hands. " who the hell are you two, im calling the cops." Said an angry old man. " Dammit hes fast, we gotta get outta he..." Ryu said. Sasuke was already sprinting for the door. Ryu followed. The old man left his keys in the car. It wasent a great car. But wheels are wheels when your a thief....
  6. " Oh dammit! Great, I hit a girl and now it starts to rain!" Said an angry Ryu " Calm down man, Its not a big deal." Relied a half-hearted Sasuke. " Yeah I know, Man if I see her again. Ive got to say sorry. She wasent bad to look at you know Sasuke." Said Ryu " Yeah if only she didint slit your throat when your done with her, eh buddy?" Retorted Sasuke. " In any case, weve got to get out of this pesky rain." Just then as Ryu and Sasuke turned the corner into the ally, Three maby four thugs surrounded them. " So, should I? or do you want em Ryu?" Said Sasuke. " Well, well. If it isint Ryu Hanz! Were gonna kill him and collect big boys." Shouted the first thug. " Yeah, I guess it is my turn. Should I just hurt em or maby kill em?" Asked Ryu '' Dosent matter to me, but you have been getting lazy when we fight with weapons" Ryu quickly drew his Two Ito's. Ready for the fight he told sasuke to satnd aside. He flew at the closet one hw could find and,with blinding speed, Decapatated him. The Rain washing the blood off of his weapon. The other three thugs ran for thier life's. " Now, as i was saying. We have to get out of this rain." Said Ryu " I know a place nearby. Its realy close." Replied Sasuke as they walked off....
  7. Jin Silently Limped towards Heero. He had a deep gash in his left leg. Other than that he had minor bruises and cuts all over his body. It was a miracle that he wasent dead. " Herro, all clear on the west side. Are you hurt?" " Im OK. All that remains are the comrads on the North." They looked over to the north only to see a fierce battle raging on. There were perhaps 15-20 more red uniforms. The only bluse were traped inside a bunker in the middle. " Perhaps we shoul..." Herro was already up and sprinting toward the enemy. " God, that kids gonna be the death of us. Eh?" " I agree.'' Replied Truth. They got up and headed down to the battlefield. The battle was hard but the groupe of misfits were able to survive. Looking toward the evil El-zion building, the 5 strange adventures set off to stop the evil plans.
  8. " Um, Excuse me, but... did we.. interupt something." Asked a puzzled sasuke. " I dont care, Its your business. This is our apartment now." said Ryu. " Im so sorry gentlemen. Ive been using this room for um... bussiness." replied the woman. Now fully dressed. " Oh, Damn. You got blood all over my bed." replied Ryu. "Your bed! I paid for it Ryu." Responded Sasuke. " Um... yeah, your bed thats right." Retorted Ryu. The woman had got out of the room. Niether of them had noticed. Just as soon as Ryu had closed the door, a knock came. " Hello, Mr. Drudo, Its your wife. Hello?" "Holy Shit!" Yelled Ryu. " What" Questioned Sasuke. " The drudo! Oh god. We have to get out of here now!" Responded Ryu It was too late. The maid had let herself in with a key. She saw the lifeless body of Drudo and freaked out. Quikly drawing his katana, Ryu plunged it deep into her stomach. " What the hell did you do that for Idiot." Asked Sasuke. " It will look like they killed each other" replied a cool Ryu as he wiped the blood off. They left the apartment through the fire escape. Just in time too. The cops were swarming. Was someone following them? How did the cops always know where they were. The two headed into a back alley. Hopefully they could avoid any altercations...
  9. Ryu jumped on the couch to his left. " Aww man, cant you just tell me anyway? Now im all interested." questioned Ryu. "Sorry buddy, but I cant tell you right now!" Responded Sasuke. [I]How? Where? Was that realy me in that picture?[/I] Ryu wondered. Just then the door bell rang. " I got it." Said Sasuke. " What the hell is wrong with you? You trying to get me killed boy." Responded an angry Ryu. They had to run. There was no way to get out alive. Another knock at the door. " Excuse me, my name is John. Im with the PD. We got an big tip that Ryu Hanz was hiding here. If you just open the door! Ok, Break it down!" They were already gone, the window was standing wide open. They were good, no doubt. The eintire apartment was clean. The only thing left was a note pinned to wall. [I]Sorry, but your going to have to do better than that to catch us. Best wishes, Ryu and Sasuke!!![/I] " Damn, I thought I could have got the bounty this time!" Said John in despair. OCC: sorry i was gone for so long. Thanx for keeping my char alive.
  10. Sorry, if this has already been done then ignore it. But im stageing battles between 2 charcters. Post a 2 Characters and I will write a short ( funny ) battle between them. It can be any Character. But it must be from a Video Game. Whenever your ready to go you may begin.
  11. Name: Hajime ( ha-ge-mi) Age: 27 Gender: Male Class: Ninja Weapon: 2x Itos. 1x Katana. All of his weapons were blessed by a priest so that they will never get dull. His blades are now wraped in holy leather, Made by the nuns of the church. His weapons can kil Demons. l Power: Frost. Apperance: Dressed in an all black Ninja Ki. A slight hood covers his face. Only his deep blue eyes can be seen throught it. He is about 5'4. The perfect hight for a ninja. He wears a little armour under neath his Ki. Though what little he does have on protects only the plaves that need to be protected. He wears his Katana on his back and his Itos on his sides. Bio: Growing up right in the middle of the War, Hajime was taught to be a ninja. It was apparent from his first day of training he was made to be a ninja. Hajime is sworn to kill all the demons he encounters. His parents were trajiclly killed in a rade on the city. He nows trains day and night to hone his skills, not only with the blade, but also with the newfound power givin to him by his master. The power to make Ice. He uses this power to make shruikens/stars. His supply is not endless though, as it takes him great strain right now to make more that 3 at a time.
  12. Harun, in love, was always with Jona. They went to market together. They played together. So, naturally, when the time came for Harun to be " in love " Jona was his first choice. He loved her and she loved him back. However the gods were cruel on a sunny day in June. Suddenly, and unprovoked, the kobolds of the forest went mad. They came into the city, ravaging, pillaging, killing. Jona was no exception. Harun watched as his whole village was burned to the ground. The only thing left were a sword and a staff. How? Harun was not touched. " Damn you! Why? It didnt have to happen that way. Why God's? I know that you could have stopped it! Why didnt you stop it! Why?" These were last words Harun spoke as he left his village. He went far and wide. Learning what he could from the people who knew things. Learning was all he could do now. Taking a particullar interest in petty magic, Harun studied from a wise Frost Wizard. Countless years passed, having leaned all he could from him, Harun left. Now he sits in a bar, waiting for his destiny to be dictated to him.
  13. Noticing the worn out boy look down in dismay at the Heartless that were upon the roof, Jin jumped to his aid. Jumping directly infront of the young man, Jin takes out his Torn Heart Blade. Ready for the fight the boy gets up and draws 2 short swords. " Can you fight boy?" asked a battle-worn Jin. " A little, old timer." " Ill pretend I never heard that alright! Lets go." And with that blades went crashing. Jin noticed that the kid was pretty good. Not as good as he need to be because a hearless was coming up behind him. Jumping into action quickly Jin chanted his special magic word. Upon witch his sword split into two different blades. About 3 minitues later there was only one more left. " Hes a big one!" Yelled Kite " No, Ive seen bigger." Replied Jin. " Hey Sunner, Hes over here." Said the young girl. " Lets go, Jin!" Yelled Kite. Diving off the roof of the building. Jin knew he could not be seen yet. Forming his blade back into a broad sword he took a step back, into the shadows, and dissapeared for the time bieng. The other four combatants easaly took care of the guard armour.
  14. Name: Link Age: Well.... Ill go adult link so about 17. Game: All the Zelda series. ( Most notably. Link to the past/ Ocarina of time. Side: NINTENDO!! Weapon: Master Sword/Master Shield. Bombs and Bow/arrow. Bio: Waking up in a myserious forest. Link is pestered by an ( absolutly anoying) fairy. The too set out on a journey and find a sword and shield. Upon finding these Items the too set out on a quest. They evntually come to the temple of time. Where Link sleeps in an enchanted mist for 7 years. Upon awaking he finds his land in ruin. So he sets out on a new journey to defeat the GREAT EVIL. He finds himself in an arena one day surounded by many people who seem strong..... so he decides to test his might....
  15. Name: Jin Hanja Age: 32 Agenda: Male Trasportation: Hover Board Main Weapons: One Katana and 2x Itos there is nothing special about them. However they are extremely sharp due to the constant sharpening. Bio: Comming from a long line of Ancient Saurai, Jin is obligated to protect those who are weaker than himself. He ran into Heero one day and has never stoped protecting him. Proclaming that he will get his vengance for the killing of his family, Jin now travels all over the world with Herro. Apperance: Wears a thin Layer of Chain Mail, An Over layer of a Ninja Ki. Dressed in all black with an off red cape that hangs down to about his waist. He keeps his Itos on his waise and his Katana on his back.
  16. Name: Harun Age: 30 Person: Pilgrim of Patience. Gender: Male Weapons: 2x Itos that were blessed by god, in a dream, to be able to kill demons. Personality: Laid back and indicisive. He would rather follow a leader than be one himself. Bio: Coming from a long line of Japanese decent, harun was inexplicably born white. Most said it was a sign of god as he had a the symbol of peace for a birth mark. Growing up with a stereyotypicall family of Japanese people he was tuaght the way of a wepon of his choice. He chose the Ito and has been training ever since then. One day in a strange accident his entire family was burned to death in a house fire. The room he was in at the time however had no signs of any damage. In a dream an angle came to him. This angle tolf him to defeat the man who had killed his parents. He then told him to meet the others. The angle then picked up the Ito's and stabed himself through the heart so as to bless them. He has been searching for the pilgrim ever since. Apperance: Dressed in a Black T-shirt and Jeans. Harun wears his Ito's wherever he goes. His hair is shortly cut and also black. He is bare faced and rarely ever lets his mustace grow out. He has piercing blue eyes that seem to stare into your sole.
  17. Jin, having felt a terrible power looked up at the roof across from him. He swore he spotted a young kid with white hair jump down and dissapear. In the excitment he had lost the boy's and girl. " Crap, well guess im on my own now." Suddenly more heartless were down the street. Attacking a young woman. Jin could not stand for this. "Sora, help me out here." Yelled a kid named Sunner. Thinking quickly Jin dove into an allyway to avoid the eyes of the kids. It was wise not be seen at this time. His mission was simple. Although he didint know why he was doing it, he was to be the protector, the angel of doom for Sora. He had been following him for months now. He couldent risk bieng seen now.
  18. I hope im not to late to sign up! Name: Narto Age: ???? Gender: Demon Weapon: An evil katana said to rival the power of the legendary sword, tetsiga (sp). Bio: The supposed master of Naraku. His evil knows no bounds and he is extremly powerfull. He yearns for the power of the sacred jewl. Nothing else in known. Powers: Extreme everything ( lemme know if this is ok because im the only bad guy.) EVIL!!!!!
  19. Name: Ryu Hanz Weapon: Master of the Katana. 2x Itos for backup. Age: 28 Gender: Male Apperance: Wearing a long Off-Blue duster that buttons up in the front ryu in your typicall loner. His only friend, and only person that he has ever talked too is Hayshi Sasuke. He wears his itos on his waist and his katana on his back belt. He always has a pair of red sun galses on and his hair is ussualy spiked. Bio: Growing up as a ophan Ryu has always been a loner. One day when he got into a fight with an old man for a piece of bread, that he stole, Ryu accadentally killed the man. Grabbing the keys to his house he robbed the man and stole the swords that were in the house. Fealing that it took him 5 years to master his weapons of choice he looks down upon guns. Ryu feels that it takes skills to wield a blade but none to point and shoot. One day 2 years ago, as Ryu was out scrounging for something to eat. He met Hayshi. Hayshi was on the run from 2 officers. Apparently he had botched a job and was in trouble. He dosent know what made him help the stranger, yet he did. After killing the 2 cops, Ryu showed the young man how to use a sword. He also dissabled his handgun. The 2 have been inseperable since then. THIEF: Right hand man to Hayshi. ( kinda like his big brother. )
  20. Jin sat wathing the three people battle from a dark allyway. He noticed that they all had myterious Darkness killing things just like him. He decided not to get involved this time. If the were here on thier own accord or not was not his problem. Suddenly more dark things sprung up from behing him. "Man not again." Easily dealing with most of them he jumped up on the roof of the building so that the comotion he had cuased would not attract the strangers. " what was that noise? Who's there. Hello?" Jin decided it was best to follow these strangers dor the time bieng. He crouched down and silently followed the three down the street. OCC: srry that was kinda weak but there is nothing to do.
  21. Can anybody out there help me? I was wondering if Naruto is out in american or will ever be out in american. Seeing as I dont read japanese or speak it, I can only read the Manga. Ive seen the stuff online and it looks realy cool and all but I want to see it in English. WHOS WITH ME!!! Lets bring it to america.
  22. Name: Harno Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Magician Element: Frost Weapon: Harno carries a long sword, about 34 inches in length, named "jona" after he departed fiance. Though he rarely uses jona he is quite adept at using it if he has to. Harno's weapon of choice is a simple Oak staff engraved with magical writings. Bio: As a young man, around 18, Harno faced many hardships. One of witch was the death of his love Jona. Jona died right in front Harno's eyes. Knowing that he could have prevented her death if was stronger, Harno set out on a quest for power. Coming upon a master Magician of Frost, Harno decided to learn from him. Yearning for power, Harno set out on to find a better teacher once he had masterd everything from his old teacher. So far his journey had led him nowhere for he cannot fight well without help. Now he sits in the bar of a small town called Heath. Apperance: Dressed in a fine Black Robe. He has short black hair, good build and keen eyes and ear's. He wears little armour around his vital parts, but the armour that he does wear if froged by the dwarves themselfes out of his master finall gift to him, Black dragon hide. He wears his cloak up most of the time that he is not in combat so that he may hide his face from the magic scar the was left from the attack on his home town and his love Jpna.
  23. Ide like to be boy 3 Name: Jin Hama Apperance: A tall sleak build with short black hair and tatterd robes. Good build and light traces of armour under his robes. His robes are an off brown while his armour is an dark black color. Weapon: Torn Heart Blade. Long in apperance like the pumpkin head. It is rater wide like a broad sword with interlaping patternes of black and white. At the tip of the blade on the black side is a devils wing and at the tip on the white is an angels. Upon muttering a spell it will straighten out and become 2x Ito length keyblades. Bio: Little is known about Jin other than his legendary reputation for hating the heartless. Many belive his world was destroyed by the heartless but these are simple speculations. One thing for sure is. If Jin is not your friend you dont want to be his enemy.
  24. After a long and tireless journey Jin had finnaly made it Glenhaven. He almost colasped when he got through the gates of the city. " praise you god for I have made it into the city" He noticed that everyone was looking at him in an odd way. Why? Was it because of the foreign apperance he had about him? Was it because he carried a curved sword while everyone else had a long straight sword? Jin didint care all he knew was that he needed water. Walking down the street amlessley he bumbed into a girl with long green hair. "Hey watch where your going mister... What kind of sword is that?" "It was handed down.." "I dont care how you got it, just what it is!" "Well its called a Katana" "A katnania, well ive never heard of one of those, you seem like a good guy. Do you know where to get water at around here? Or do they have that where your from?" "Actually im looking for the same thing right now, will you help me? miss um.." " Im not telling you my name just yet ok? But sure i would love to go with you." So the two set off in search of water.
  25. " Hi are u guys new to this game? My names Sephy. Nince to meet you. Oh i see you went the way of the guile warrior with 2 blades. Me? ohh ive been playing for a while and i like the game alright but its just a little to hard with only myself. I went the way of the brute warrior. What? Oh that means i can use 2 handed weapons. Im level 3 already. And i can use a katana!" Taking out his katana and reading for a fight he produces a couple of dog looking things and readys for a fight. " these things are called sparring dogs. U gonna help me or stand there?" Clearly outmatched by the dogs the other two characters spring into action and defeat the dogs. " well that was pretty good for a couple of noobs! Sorry no offense intended. Well? where we gonna go next?"
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