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About Skillgannon

  • Birthday June 19

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  1. [COLOR=DarkGreen]A shimmer crept closer to the abandoned ware house. It had slowly tracked the hostile mechs using the subtle heat signitures of the captured mechs. A single entity watched as jin crumpled to the ground. [COLOR=Black]"lets say high shall we, big cat"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"do lets!"[/COLOR] the twin LP cannons slid up to the cloaked mechs shoulders with an audible click . " [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"gut guns online" [/COLOR] a large cheetah mech shimmered into view and began strafing the two T-Rex mechs. large blue shields quickly apeared around the enemy mechs and seemed to stop the Laser Projectiles in their tracks. [COLOR=Black]"fuck me! this wasn't supposed to happen, arrgh i hate these tounament settings, every things powered down!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"plan B?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"plan B"[/COLOR] The cheetah mech swung its right cannon around and shot up dirt at the feet of the enemy pilots, who left their captives and sprinted to thier mechs. The cheatah used the left cannons to shatter the shackles and bindings on the liger and eagle mechs. [COLOR=Black]" lets go sunshine we havent got all day!"[/COLOR] a male voice boomed from the cheetah. kai shook jin and helped him struggle back into the cockpit of his mech then strapped herself into her own, looking ahead she could see that the T-Rexs had just stiffened thier tails and seemed to be powering up for something. "hey guys get out! ill try to distract these turkeys!" with a deep growl the cheetah sprinted across the kidnapped mechs and fired at the enemy [COLOR=Black]" oi! ugly this way!"[/COLOR] the ploy half worked as both the Rex's aimed at the streaking silver cheetah and opened thier mouths unleashing massive beams of energy. the high powered beams barely missed the silver blurr. the two T-Rexs activated thier cloaking amd foolowed the new arival. the pilot of the cheetah watched his screen as the two new mechs made good thier escape by land and by air. the sliver form streaked off into the desert with the two enemy mechs in tow. [COLOR=Black]"oK big cat lets see if we can't loose these oversized turkeys in the canyon"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"will do, i dont particularly want to get my arse singed again"[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"Graphic![/COLOR]"[/COLOR] ooc: hi guys im back! lol amgoddess and hero have allowed me to join this thread, my charecters stats are in the inn, oh by the way the[COLOR=Black] Black font is darrius the pilot talking[/COLOR] and the [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]grey is bailey (the mech)[/COLOR] lol u might aready have guessed this but oh well.
  2. [COLOR=DarkGreen]: Pilot Sign-up : Name: Darrius king (pronounced DARE-EE-US) Age: 23 Gender: male Origin: NS1 Appearance: [URL=http://www.mangasland.com/animes/WHR02.jpg]click [/URL] Personality: Darrius is sarcastic but has an infectious humor. As a result of the war only really connects with his MB Bio: son of lieutenant Arthur King, Darrius grew up on the base. Training with the solders and his father. Darius learnt a lot about tactics and combat however he had little interest in following his father?s career path. He always loved tinkering with things and is now a great mechanic. His father?s death during the war has touched him deeply but he has helped him to mature.he hold great respect for his fathers memory and strives to honour his name. during the last 5 years he has been working as a bounty hunter between the star clusters, hunting down rengades, smugglers and fugitives from earth. his work gives him a lot of practice in real undiluted combat. he still keeps in contact with sora but has lost contact with some of the other pilots. Weakness: arachnophobia and *beautiful women (*what man isn?t) : Tournament MechAnima:Cheetah Name: Bailey Personality: older but still impatient, and very gun ho, bailey loves the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of slipping past defences. His enthusiasm for battle is a little disturbing but his curiosity makes most laugh. Bailey feels a deep connection with Darrius and is tremendously loyal to him. Appearance:[URL=http://www.geocities.com/gundamguardangel/Zoids/Drake/LighteningSaixDash.jpg] click[/URL] and [URL=http://www.bwtf.com/bw/tvshow/cc/cheetor/tm2/beast.jpg]click[/URL] a cross between cheetor and the lightning saix, (black and silver colour patern) and the cool black tear smudge on its face. normall Abilities: turbo thrusters allow it to reach speeds of mach 3, effective combat speed is up to mach 1, fast and extremely agile this beast has a state of the art stealth mode rendering it nearly invisible to all scanners audio, visual and thermal. Twin LP/EM PULSE cannons are mounted on its shoulders providing long-range firepower ("gut guns"as he affectionately calls them as they stow under his chest)., he also now sports a plethera of mines and missles courtesy of raids on arms smuggler hideouts. Bailey still has its powerfull jaws and razor sharp claws, capable of shredding any metal. SPARK: a much smaller scale of his spark atack Ledgendary Mechanima: Cheetah Name: Demon Personality: baileys dark side is unvailed releasing a confidents and calculating predator. Appearance: the same as it normally is but it's colouring chages from silver and black to gold and black., its metalic fur becomes covered by plate armour around its shoulders and flanks. Normal Abilities: upgraded versions of its normal weapons ie (faster fire rate and higher powered ammo) Special Abilities: SONIC BOOM, rapid acceleration which causes a shockwave strong enough to shatter metal and knock down buildings. WINGS OF HELL: Demon creates an aerofoil of charged particled and is able to launch himself into the air, and manouver using his boosters. DEMON BLADE: pulse cannons slide lower on the body and fire a beam of purple energy capable of cutting through anything,(think blade liger) the cannons can also fold down and fire a thick flat wall of energy that spans a kilometre in each direction ,capable of decimating ranks or shielding allies. SPARK: Bailey uses almost all power to deliver a surge of pure energy to its core sending out a combined electrical storm and huge EM shockwave with devastating results. Weakness: his attachment to Darrius and his curiousity[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkGreen]darius felt a growing restlessnes that no amount of danceing could shake so he slipped out of the ballroom and headed toward the mech bay. "hey there big cat how u holding up" darrius got in and straped himself into the cockpit. "now would be a great time to use that clearence pass you created using comander de'larn's ID." the huge blast doors opened as the mech was cleared for take off. the huge machnial cheetah blured ino motion as the guiding arows streaked past. the duo were content to just stretch their legs as the mechanima ate up the miles at a steady lope. peeling left darrius merged with bailey and followed the ridge of a huge canyon. darrius was suddenly struck by heavy laser cannon fire which caused bailey to stagger and wheel around. "what the fuck!!!" the huge pegasus mech loomed overhead in the night sky as bailey turned tail and dashed away dodging laser fire. digging his claws into the rim of the canyon he swung around and returned fire using max power on the demonblades pointing foward. the purple energy ray of baileys demon blades clashed in mid air with the roge mechs destructive weapon of death. suddenly several T-Rexs emerged from the forest and lumbered toward the trapped cheetah mech. "you have got to be kidding me!!!!there over a dozen of those fuckin oversized turkeys!" the rexes closed in and halted, it didn't take a genius to figure out wat was coming next as they charged up their cannons. darrius saw that the pegasus's beem was slowly but surely inching closer against his and anger grew in him forging a deeper conection with bailey. heavy metal music surged though his mp3 player and thoughout his being, and he decided that if he was going to go down he was going down fighting. bailey tapped every last micron of power he could spare and drew it into his core, charging up the weapon he only knew as "Spark" "its bin an honor riding with you big cat" "[COLOR=DimGray]no the honour is mine, thanks for making me grow up a little"[/COLOR] with sheer force of will darrius promted it into action. it seemed as if the world had slowed down as darius felt the initial shockwave rip through his body. the last image though his brain was the face of a beutiful young woman, Liz. and then he blacked out. blue and green lightning coursed though the cheetah mech and found the masive forms of the T-Rex's, yanking them through the air like straw towards itself. a masive EMP shockwave ripped through the mechs and an electrical storm erupted, frying cicuts and melting nearby mechs. the pegasus mech was knocked out of the air but not before its beam struck home resulting in a torent of twisted metal being buried in a torrent of sliding rock and earth. there was no sign of the cheetah mech or the alien built T-Rex's under the rubble at the bottom of the canyon. the damaged pegasus took to flight into the darkness. "well he knew how to go out in style, i'll give him that" the hooded figure mused ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- at the bottom of the canyon a techicolur forcefield suddenly sprang up around the huge pile of rubble. OOC: ok here's the deal, i'm going to be down for the count for at least 4 weeks, boot camp (talk to amgoddess she knows wats happening) so this was a conveniant way to keep my charcter occupied, and get a fresh element in the plot lol. think evolution period like in zoids. ok caio, happy RPGing[/COLOR]
  4. Darrius huged sakura as the music drew to a close and steppd off the floor looking for something to cool down with at the bar. darrius was nusing a glass of punch when he spotted liz and sora in the corner. grinning he grabbed a few glasses and meaneded to the chatting pair. darrius let out a low whistle as he a aproached "hello hello!" he laughed "nice work girls, diddn't i always tell you youd look half decent if you scrubbed up a bit sora" bringing him a punch from a sora and a chuckle from liz "see that we're going to have to improve your social skills sora" replied darrius handing the galsses around. the trio chatted away untill "are you gona be my girl" by jet started playing "oh we've gotta dance to this" laughed darrius, "mind if a steal her for a bit liz" darrius and sora milled into the centre of the dance floor and booggied. sora laughed at darrius's loony dace moves but his enthusiasm was contagious. darrius held her hands and they jived away as he swung sora around in a high energy dance. when the music stopped he was lead back to where liz sat by a laughing sora. "i thought your arm was broken darrius!" chuckled liz "nah im just faking it" laughed darrius pulling up his black tuxedo sleeve revealing the cast down his fore arm. "plus they gave me a couple of miligrams of this painkiller, so im pretty damn happy right now" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a little latter: A girl in a tight black dress walked up to the trio and singled out darrius "hi darrius, wanna dace with me?" "sure thing steph" replied darrius scooping her by the waist and leading her towards the dance floor. he grinned back over his shoulder at sora and winked mischiviously
  5. [COLOR=DarkGreen] ooc: damn il never leave this alone for 2 days lol it's like a weed lol The mech carrier sped through the air with Darrius and bailey in its hull. From the looks of the feeds from the air mechs sensors that party had started without them. Darrius engaged the combat systems as his mp3 player thumped heavy base into his system. The nanobots flowed rapidly down his body creating the G suit that protected his physical body from the rigors of mech combat. The carriers feed showed the battalion of alien mechs advancing on the horizon. Image enhancers revealed that these were dinosaurs, huge lumbering T-rex?s were scattered among the sea of smaller raptors. While lightning fast pterodactyls engaged the four active Arial mechs. Suddenly the huge blast doors to the back of Darrius?s carrier resounded with laser fire. Scanners showed a lone pterodactyl on his tail. Darrius instinctively opened up the floodgates of memories and emotions as he and bailey linked. Overriding the carriers controls, Bailey maximized reverse thrusters, getting them too close for missile lock, spitting out the bases coordinates into the auto pilot Bailey fired at the doors hinges and sprang out into the grey nakedness of the stratosphere with all boosters flaring. Distilled instinctive intuition kept the cheetah mech from the deadly laser bursts of the surprised dinomech. Bailey fired a single burst from his gut gun, lancing the pilot through the cockpit window on the mechanical beasts head. And laded on all fours on the back of the winged terror. Bailey swung a tight aboutturn and dug his claws into the top of the hull, using his boosters to maintain the course he wanted. He used the alien mechs own fire power to strafe into the advancing ranks of land based Dino?s. The confused dinomechs finally opened fire on the approaching pterodactyl. ?Time to put that paintjob in a bottle to good use, big cat!? Bailey unleashed a feral cry and shimmered as the billions of nanobots seamlessly refracted light to render the cheetah practically invisible. Bailey maximized thrusters and launched himself of the speeding pterodactyl as he cleared the huge Arial beast he prompted the demon blades into activation and tucked into a rapid spinning roll. The powerful purple laser beams from his side shredded the pterodactyl into scrap metal in mid air and desecrated the ground mech ranks. Bailey surged earthward in an uncontrolled dive, aiming for a hulking t-Rex. He landed hard on the back of the rex and skidded across its spine, digging its lethal claws into the screeching metal of the machine of destruction, he slid down its tail. Using all the momentum he could bailey sunk his teeth into the huge tail and swung it , sending the large mech tumbling to the ground. Then bailey swung into the fray, severing the Rex?s head from its sizable shoulders with the demon blade, he charged into middle of the enemy ranks, cleaving a wide path through the battlefield. Even though the enemy mechs could not detect his mech, they directed heavy fire around the dinomechs that were being mysteriously gutted. Bailey dodged and weaved through the torrents of laser bursts. But stray bursts were grazing the hull, destroying the stealth shield and causing the cloaking capability to flicker and finally disappear. ?Awwh shit!!? The raptors were finally able to latch on to Darrius?s mech. Swamping it under their robotic mass and tearing into the hull with razor sharp teeth. Darrius screamed as he felt the pain, lacerations manifested themselves onto his body through the link. ?Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, YOU OBIOUSLY DON?T KNOW, WHO. YOU ARE MESSING WITH!!!!!!!? ?Light em up sparky!? Using a micro version of his spark attack, bailey flash fried the raptors on his hull. Flickering tendrils of blue electricity coursed throughout baileys hull, electrocuting anything it came into contact with. ?Come get some!!? Darrius felt a wave of emotion that threatened to break the link with bailey when he saw liz?s mech go down. ?Elizabeth!! No!? He and Dale rushed in to provide cover fire with Ajack and Vick as she was evacuated from the field of battle. It was as if a demon had been unleashed; Darrius was gripped by a berserker fury. And he initiated a much deeper link. [B]**Linking Port Activated. Connection: Darrius**[/B] Bailey and Darrius linked to a depth that they had never though possible. Bailey channelled all the anger and hate Darrius could summon into unrestrained savagery, exploding into the enemy and tearing them apart until he couldn?t find another he could destroy. The duo slowly slipped back to personal awareness. Darrius was shaking uncontrollably as the consequences of the link took their toll. Bailey sustained damage, his outer hull was scorched and battered and his left shoulder had been lacerated by a T-Rex, it was sparking and hindering full movement. [COLOR=DimGray]?How you doing in there buddy?[/COLOR] ?Honestly, I feel like hammered shit, lets get back to base big cat? chuckled Darrius ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]back at the base.[/B] Darrius woke in the hospital wing , he tried to move but a pain shot up his arm, bringing forth a few choice oaths. His groggy mind registered the shattered bones in his left forearm and the painful surgery that had implanted metal grafts. So they would heal faster. The base would need its pilots in proper working order as soon as possible and sway did the discomfort of a field lieutenants son hold in the workings of the base. Darrius slumped back into the hospital bed, oh well hospital food couldn?t be that bad. ?How are you holding in there big cat? [COLOR=DimGray]?Oh just fucking peachy thanks. they?re reconstructing my shoulder and I was quite attached to my old one?[/COLOR] ?Hang on a sec, judges ruling?.yes, I do believe that was a joke?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Darrius and Cliff were half way though a game of pool when a surly young private arrived. 'I have a message for all mech pilots. The commander needs to see all of you right now? Racking the cues in disgust the pilots made their way to the brief. ?You want a bite to eat?? Cliff shook his head as Darrius grabbed a bowl and spoon and a box of fruit loops. ?What?!? laughed Darrius Cliff just chuckled and grabbed a tetra pack carton of milk and tossed it at him. Darrius smoothly caught it in the bowl. Lifting the cereal box to his mouth, he happily crunched on some dry fruit loops. A[B] few minutes latter[/B] Darrius nodded in acknowledgement as he spotted Sora?s father to the right of the commander, as he entered the briefing room. Spotting an empty chair in the corner he sat down next to Liz. ?What?s with the giggling girls?, last time I saw you Sora, you were as pissed off as a frog in a beer keg? ?Sayne confessed he liked her..? sighed Liz ?..Oh I thought I saw his ears burning? chuckled Darrius flickering his attention toward their silent leader. ?Young hearts- run free-ow!? ?No singing Darrius, period!? Elizabeth cocked her head to the side and grinned. ?Fruit loops?? ?What! I haven?t had anything to eat since that coffee at breakfast, I?m starving? ?But seriously, couldn?t you find any thing other than fruit loops? laughed Liz Darrius shrugged, pouring the cereal into the bowl ?well I guess it?s like my father used to say, you are what you eat...? The girls burst out laughing, and he brought a spoon full of cereal to his lips. ?...And I?m sweet? laughed Darrius giving Liz a wink[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Darrius was concerned for the pilots that had taken hist but he used it, channelling all his emotions into a tight knot of anger, resentment and hatred. Firing at the battalions of ground troops Darrius finally unleashed his pent up emotions in a furious charge he thundered a the enemy ranks and leapt on top of a tank and fired pulses into the next row, leaping from one tank to the next like a mud skipper on steroids de devastated the enemy tanks. Bailey and Darrius both acknowledged that is was time to deepen their connection to maximise their combat efficiency. [B]**Linking Port Activated. Connection: Darrius**[/B] The flood of, repressed memories served to fuel his wrath and determination, but baileys connection forced it into the back of his mind leaving him free to think rationally. The cheetah mech let out a feral roar, and surged with elemental speed and agility. Sprinting away from enemy fire it leapt into the middle of enemy ranks, pulling its gut guns lower on its shoulders and flipping them down, so the barrel pointed down. The barrel rotated until a long opening could be seen along the length. The mech lunged to the ground and dug its fore paws into the earth, it started firing in mid spin. The splits erupted into solid laser beams that streamed from both sides of the mech. Hover tanks incinerated in the vicinity of the cheetah, clearing a huge radius of enemy craft. Using the momentum of the spin bailey, cut out the lasers and sprung back into a sprint. Getting deeper behind enemy lines he dodged enemy fire, baileys fierce primal instincts, kept his movement elusive at crucial moments. Darrius was suddenly aware of a swarm of alien fighters bearing in to shut him down. Rage burned in his heart as Darrius gripped the twin joystick toggles and shoved the thrusters as far as they would go. The cheetah surged with speed creating a sonic boom that scrambled the approaching fighter targeting mechanisms, giving Darrius the opportunity to get close enough to be out of missile range. The fighters sent a torrent of blaster fire, which only enraged the beast further. ?Don?t fuck with teenagers!!!? yelled Darrius as he engaged the deadly laser beams from its flanks. With the speed it had picked up bailey launched into the air and corkscrewed a dozen times before landing on all fours. The fighters overhead torqued and spun to avoid the looming danger but were destroyed regardless. Metal rained from the sky as the fighters were severed and splintered by the whirling beams. [COLOR=DimGray]?Sashimi any one?[/COLOR] Bailey dug his claws, and made an abrupt u turn and rocketed back toward the base. Bringing his gut guns back to Twin LP/EM PULSE cannon mode. [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Sakura. Liz. Lyu. Vick.Cliff. Sayne . Fei.***[/B] ?How goes the war guys?[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Darrius waved good bye to Liz and made his way to his own room, opening the door with his pass he looked into the place. ?well its not the Ritz but it?ll do? he chuckled Darrius was more than happy with the room it was great by his military standards. The door looked into the lounge which had a plain coffee table and to his left was a small but well equipped kitchen. And at the far end of the room as his bed, closing the door behind him he waked into the shower on the right of his bed room and stripped down, his nanobot suit shifted fluidly from his body. Thinking about a place to keep them. Darrius had an idea, it would be painful but they would always be there if he wanted them. The nanobots and receded into a thin coin shaped blob, and Darrius directed them to the base of his head, and made them form a tattoo by burrowing into his skin, at the top of his neck. ?Breathing hard he checked his handy work in the mirrors on each wall. The was no trace of the nanobots besides a black glyph which represented the katakana idiom for freedom. The bleeding had stoped but there were several red streaks down his spine. Darrius stepped into the shower and stood under the running water, the warm water soothed his bruises. Even with the suit the ride had been bumpy. He let the water cascade down his back as the emotional toll set in. the lives that had ended today could not be brought back no matter how much they fought, dark thoughts and black emotions crept into his mind. Darrius realise that these were symptoms of post traumatic stress. And tried his best to shut the darkness out. He finally got out and dried himself off, and shrugged himself into the clothes he found in the wardrobe. A pair of plain black army cargo pants and a deep red shirt. Strapping a wide belt around himself he threw a black button up shirt over himself and headed to the common room for some dinner. Walking into the common room, he burst out laughing, upon seeing soras antics as the chocolate warrior. Milling around while the food was being prepared, Darrius played a social pool game with keiji, they were equally matched but Darrius was al little luckier, winning by one game. ?You?re good kid, real good, but as long as I?m around you?ll always be second best, see? he said in his best al?capone accent, bringing a chuckle out of keiji. Dinner wa ?I hope everyone likes Italian!? sora called Darrius mouth watered as he thought apout the bolognaise and helped sakura and the others set the table. Sittig between vick and Fei Darrius doled out lots of pasta aand bolognaise sauce onto his plate and grabbed a few chunks of garlick bread. And made conversations etween mouthfuls. After dinner Darrius washed his plate and cutlery and stood by the door talking to Ajack when a private brought a message from Commander Darcon De?Larne. 'I have a message for all mech pilots,' spoke the private as he handed Sayne the letter and then left. Sayne closed the door and opened it 'What is it?' questioned Cliff as they all looked at Sayne 'There's a meeting in the morning at 0500 hours on the upper deck in Commander De'larnes office.' spoke Sayne as he handed the message to Darrius and then walked out. Darrius glanced at the message and arched his eyebrow. ?Well like he said folks, it going to be an early morning, I?d advise you be on time, officers are a touchy bunch at the best of times, I?d know my father is one? Darrius chuckled. Saying good night Darrius left for his room. He entered the room and made straight for his king size bed scooping up the TV remote on the way. Launching himself at the bed Darrius corkscrewed in the air and landed spread eagle on the white covers. [I]?Hey there bailey how are you feeling champ? [COLOR=DimGray]?Not to shabby, all repaired and ready to rock! Wow nice tat!?[/COLOR] ?Excellent, hmm, can you uplink to the bases system?? [COLOR=DimGray]?Yeah with ease, why u got a little information recon mission planed ?[/COLOR] ?Kinda, I don?t like the commander?s supremists attitude. Sayne is a more than capable field commander and his foresight and bravery kept us alive out there today, all of us are more capable than even the crack troops, this base has to offer. And yet we are still belittled and treated as tools that can be used at will. I think Sayne and Sora know that we as civilians are free to choose to fight; it will take only a small incident for one or all of us to choose not to.? ?I want you to hack into the base?s mainframe, and improve our passes, enter Commander Darcon De?Larne security code onto each of them, oh and look up that shield technology Dr Kane is working on, the one from the alien aircraft carrier? [COLOR=DimGray]?Ok Darrius, ill take care of it?[/COLOR] ?Thanks chief, happy hunting [/I] He removed his boots and lay down to watch TV, his eyes felt grainy after a few hours but he fought sleep and channel surfed looking for entertainment, until sleep finally overtook him. Darius got up at 0400 hours and warmed up with several martial arts forms and the stretches he had learned with Sora at gymnastics. Darrius ended the kicking form with the high side kick, done under tension to build the reflex in the nerves, pivoting on the base leg he turned 90 degrees before leaping high in the air and doing a split kick. He then made his way to the shower and stood under the hot water letting it relax his muscles. Darrius pulled on another pair of black military cargo pants, and a dark vest. Lacing his boots he checked the time on his wrist watch. Grunting with surprise he rushed out of his room. Grabbing himself a cup of coffee he made his way to the brief.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=3]On the Battle field[/SIZE] The flanking mechs succeeded in bunching the enemy lines into the centre. The others quickly used the opportunity to send all manner of ordinance into the centre obliterating the enemy ranks. Only pockets of resistance remained as the mechs dispatched the land forces, only to be met by screaming fighter craft. Bailey engaged several of the aircraft and sprinted away from the others. Weaving through the wreckage on the battle field bailey dodged instinctively as their blaster fire bit the dirt around the agile mech. Returning deadly fire, Darrius realised that a dozen other aircraft had locked on to baileys tail. Flashing red lights and an annoying beeping confirmed that he had been painted and the enemy were deploying missiles. Darrius tried scrambling them but they were ballistic. Reacting quickly bailey dug its claws into the earth and swung around firing rapidly at the approaching threats. Darrius realised that he was going to be very very toast very quickly if those fighters sent some blasters at him. Suddenly with a piecing cry Sora?s mech sped through their ranks. Its wings glowing red, the phoenix torqued, rolled and pitched through the enemy fighters leaving behind not one enemy fighter that wasn?t shattered, gutted or cleaved in half. Darrius?s relief turned to horror as the dark shape of Saynes dragon mech plummeted towards him. >>SAYNE PULL UP!!!!! || The mech thrusted up just in time, almost scraping the crouching cheetah. The dragon mech skidded across the dirt and suddenly flipped violently before coming to a stop. >>SAYNE!....SAYNE!...you alive!! || >> [B]Sayne[/B]>>Hn... || >>Man that was close...I thought that you were going to plough straight into me|| ______________________________________________________________________ Darrius salvaged some machinery from the battlefield before returning with the others to base. However the bulky parts slowed bailey down causing him to arrive late back at base. Upon arriving he quickly secured the machinery and helped transport it to Dr Kanes analytical lab. Before returning to the mech hanger to check on baileys repairs. ___________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=3]At the base[/SIZE] Darius walked head long into Elisabeth, as she left the hanger. Apologising profusely he suddenly noticed the streaks down her face, ?Elisabeth what?s wrong?? he asked softly. ?C?mon we?ll go for a walk u can tell me whatever?s bothering you? Darrius walked quietly with Elisabeth down the deserted corridor. With a little further coaxing he managed to get the gist of her encounter with her father. ??I know Darrius but I wish that my father would take into consideration what I want? she retorted in an aspirated tone. ? ahh fathers can be like that? he chuckled ?but try to look at it from his point of view, he loves you so much, and he doesn?t want you to come to harm, hell he?s serving in the defence force so he can protect you. Then you run off to battle behind his back!?? ?Hey who?s side are you on any way? giggled Liz punching him in the arm. ?owww!,? ?Well why does he think I?m fighting!, its so he and other people like him stay safe? ?Wow I never knew you were this fiery? Darrius teased ?we ought to stick a warning sign on you? ?Seriously, your father might me a touch upset right now?? ?Understatement of the year!? ??But I?m sure that when he comes to terms with it-and he will, he?ll respect you even more for it? ?But what if he asks Commander Darcon De?Larne, to pull me out of the mission?? ?Come on Liz, I saw you out there today, you were amazing! Besides the only De?Larne we?ll listen to is Sayne. We?re mech pilots we?re a law unto ourselves? ?Oh we?ll make a rebel out of you yet Darrius King? Elisabeth laughed ?See now that?s basically turning a frown upside down?[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen]+ [B]COM Channel Established [general]||[/B] >> Yeah good job dale! But it?s not over yet. We may have got one of their field command ships but there's still have six of those huge fighter carriers in the sky. || [COLOR=SlateGray]>>Ajack here>> your right, that?s not counting the one dale fried and the five, correction six Sanye torched we?ve got to take the fight to them||[/COLOR] >> Ok gentlemen and hotties, your doing a great job unleashing hell right here so what say a few of us peel off, give the rest of you room to tango || [COLOR=Black]>> You mean flank them, drive them into the centre, say hi, with our hardware!||[/COLOR] >>that?s exactly what I mean Liz|| With that several of the mechs pulled to the wings of the battle field, and tore into the flanks of the enemy. Darrius had to admit the lion mech was brutal in close combat, slashing and ripping into the rattled enemy with primal fury. Bailey engaged his targets. Dodging the blasts from the hover tanks, he returned fire with his gut guns. Bailey dug its claws into the earth and swung into a tight turn. [COLOR=Black]>>out of the way junior|| [/COLOR] Elisabeth called over the COM link as her tiger mech lunged over bailey. It leapt from tank top to tank top thrusting its powerful claws through the cockpit and pounced onto the next victim with uncanny speed. Momentarily stunned by the tiger?s acrobatics, Darrius fuelled his battle rage with the thoughts of the innocent people these scum had killed in the city and fought with renewed ferocity.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Darrius was strapped in tightly. The tiny cock pit was crammed with monitors and controls. He had time to jam his earphones in and crank up his mp3 player before the mechanical cheetah started moving. [COLOR=Gray]?Hold on to ya knickers!? [/COLOR] it joked before lunging into motion. Darrius was thrust back into the seat and his body experienced massive acceleration force. The flicking guiding arrows streaked past. Only the wolf mech was left in the hanger. The monitor?s brightness assaulted his eyes as they emerged into the daylight. [COLOR=Gray]?Comfy? [/COLOR] ?Stop showing off, you're fast i'll give you that? it was impossible to sound serious when he was having this much fun. ?Seriously I don?t know how much more G?s I can take before i black out, big cat? ?[COLOR=Gray]oh shit I nearly forgot, you humans and your frailties. Punch that red button on your left?[/COLOR] Darrius struggled to reach the button and slammed it with his fist. A shiny silver substance oozed fron the floor and flowed up his legs. ?ohhh, it's cold, what the hell is that? [COLOR=Gray]?nanobots, every mech has them. Useful little buggers, think of it as our paintjob in a bottle? [/COLOR] the mech chuckled. ?What are they going to do to me? he asked as his entire body was covered in what looked like liquid metal. [COLOR=Gray]?Actually it s what you?re going to do to them, their connected with you now, accept them and you and me will be bonded. Accept them and then you can form them into anything you need. Like say a G suit??[/COLOR] Darius formed thoughts in his mind, he needed all the benefits of a G suit, something comfortable and something that would identify him. The nanobots formed a suit that clung to him like a second skin, a black leather textured jumpsuit, with a hood that covered his entire head leaving only a slit between the bridge of his nose and eyebrows. The only embellishments on the G suit were a pair of distinct markings down the facemask like the tears of a cheetah. As he accepted the bond, Darrius felt as if he had merged with the cheetah it was as if a tidal wave had washed through his mind, washing through the memories, and emotions he had chosen to lock a way. Fresh pain accompanied many of the memories. [COLOR=Gray]?I?m sorry Darrius?[/COLOR] ?You could have done this, I mean read my mind whenever you wanted? he whispered with a tone of confusion. [COLOR=Gray]?Yes but I wanted it to be your choice, as brothers. I wanted you to accept me with your own free will.?[/COLOR] ?I appreciate that?..bailey, your name is bailey!? [COLOR=Gray]?Concentrate and merge with me. know me. our combat efficiency depends upon it?[/COLOR] Letting his mind focus Darrius merged with bailey. And felt a conection that was almost spiritual. Darrius could feel the wind whispering across baileys face, the dirt that his paws touched, every bolt and what it could do. Opening his eyes he felt empowered. ?Lets go catch up shall we!? With a feral cry bailey sprang into action, with a deafening noise the mech broke the sound barrier and kept accelerating. Bailey moved with a primal economy, it?s movement was fluid and graceful. Catching up to cliffs panther bailey loped alongside, Waiting for Sakura?s wolf Getting the transmission from the airborne mechs they prepared to engage. Bailey raced up behind Vicks lion and leapt over it ?Nice hardware Vick but move that huge ass!? Darrius yelled into the COM link and engaged the hover craft in brutal close combat. ?There are too many of them on the ground, bailey bring out the toys? The two LP/EM PULSE cannons, slid out from under the cheetah and moved up the right and left flanks to swing into position on the mechs shoulders. [COLOR=Gray]?Gut guns online!?[/COLOR] Bailey was like a whirl wind of death, leaping on top of speeding hovercraft and crunching through the cockpit with its fangs while strafing the enemy ranks with powerful laser bursts and gutting machines with primal instincts and its powerful claws. COM Channel Established || >>Darrius here >>Sora!, Sayne!, Keiji!, lure the bastards over their own lines and shoot them down|| >>Sayne here>> hang on a sec man, I?m a little busy|| he replied swooping in to gut one of the huge ships. >>Sora here>> roger that will comply Darrius|| >>Keiji here >> its gonna rain machinery! || Sora gave every one a heads up as she and Keiji pulled some amazing Arial gymnastics and decimated the alien fighter ranks over the battle field. Darrius switched the gut guns to EMP mode and fired them into the melee with surprising effectiveness. >>holly shit!! The EMP seems to shut them down! || >> Ok people! Who?s got an EM shockwave weapon on their mech? Maybe we can use it on the big ships, their shitting fighters out faster than we can kill them! || the voice of Sayne crackled over the COM link. >>Dale here>> I do. but I need to wrap around the enemy craft to use it|| >>Sora here>>I?ll take care of it|| >>Darrius here>> well you all heard the commanders!, cover them damn it || >>?Were not your commanders!? || Sayne and Sora piped together. >>Fei here>> like it or not you are our leaders in this || he chuckled over the COM link Fei?s scorpion griped the snake mech and catapulted it into the air, Sora used the cover fire to swoop and snatch it from mid air. Weaving through the heavy blaster fire the phoenix got close enough to deliver its precious payload. Dales snake mech wrapped itself around the huge ship and Unleashed its fatal Em shockwave [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Darrius was intently watching Saynes mechanima as Commander De Larne shouted orders, ?Sora, are you ok? Darrius questioned eyeing the quivering blade stuck into the floor, ?I?m fine I?m more concerned about Sayne? she replied in a worried tone. the others were drawn as if by a strange force to the strange creatures in the room. Darrius took several steps backwards towards the door as the red and gold beast that had followed Sora out of the darkness snapped its beak at him, and nearly jumped out of his skin when a set of large whiskers brushed his cheek. Spinning around he confronted by a pair of large silver, black spotted paws. Slowly raising his gaze upwards, he was transfixed by the creatures wicked looking fangs, but it was its eyes that called to him, large luminous and troublingly flickering with intelligence. Darius let out a low whistle. ?Wow, that?s one big pussy cat? The huge mech cocked its head to the side as if he had aroused its curiosity [COLOR=Gray]?Boo!?[/COLOR] Darrius took a step back in surprise ?Great googamuga!...y..you talk? [COLOR=Gray]?Of course I can talk, nice work Einstein?[/COLOR] the mechs eyes flickered with mirth and Darrius could have swore he could hear it chuckling? [COLOR=Gray]?Wait a sec u can hear me!? ?you can understand me, none of the other pilots ever could? [/COLOR] ?Well I?m not a pilot? [COLOR=Gray]?No you feel different, strange?[/COLOR] ?Its weird, I should be crapping myself, I?m standing here in front of a ten ton cheetah, talking, but I feel like I?ve known you all my life? ?[COLOR=Gray]I felt you enter the room, strange but I feel somehow connected to you?[/COLOR] Darrius walked forward and scratched its forepaws, its fur had a metallic feel to it. ?Hey is it cool with you if i clamber up?? [COLOR=Gray]?As long as you don?t start bringing me milk in a saucer, we?re cool?[/COLOR] ?That?s aaa gooood kiiddty? The mech growled. ?Just kidding? Darrius chuckled and clambered up higher to sit cross-legged on the creatures head observing the antics of the people below. Sora looked up from her mechanima and smiled at him. Vick spotted him and raised an eyebrow. Darius only spread his hands and grinned.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Green]?Do you know why you?re having detention with me Mr King?? ?Err I slept through your class?? Mr Sheehan slapped his copy of senior physics on the lab desk. ?Do you even know what chapter were are on Darrius? ?23?? ?Well perhaps you?re not as stupid as u act, do the complex reasoning questions at the end of the chapter then you can go to lunch? ?Right? said Darrius picking up the teachers copy from the desk. ?Oh and Darrius don?t use my class catch up on sleep in the future or find your self a more entertaining subject.? With that Mr Sheehan plucked the textbook from his hands and strode out of the class room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------------------------- Darrius walked way from the cafeteria in disgust, the candy bar was closed. Nursing a cup of noodles he meandered his way through the lunch room looking for a place to park his disgruntled ass. Spotting a familiar face Darrius made a bee line for Soras table hoping to lighten his mood by having a chat with his friend since childhood. ?Hey Sora? ?Where did u come from, Darrius? ?Detention, Sheeney, napping, long story, hey who are your friends? ?Oh this is Sayne, and this is Elizabeth Walker, guys this is Darrius ? After brief introductions Darrius was content to just eating and starting up friendly banter with Elizabeth.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]?One hundred thousand pounds, a small token of good faith the rest you will get when the subject is dead? said the man who had introduced himself as Karkarroff. With an audible click the metal briefcase containing the money was closed. Paul surveyed the small room devoid of all furniture except the metal chair upon which he was sitting. The thrumming base carried from the club below but only barely. Cocking his head to the side Paul replied ?Who is he and where do I find him? The wide set balding man who introduced himself as Karkaroff fished a document from inside his tailored coat and handed it over. As Paul read the document his knuckles whitened, ?is this some kind of joke?? he growled ?No, Nicole Valuchi, the daughter of an important mafia leader, killing her will send a powerful message to Valuchi the elder..? ?Shes fucking twelve!!? ?Is that a problem?? ?Listen to me, it would be in the interest of your general health if u took your money and your job and left? Paul growled, as the three burly men who had entered with Karkaroff started moving. ?No u listen to me , you British pig, nobody! Threatens me in my club? Paul suddenly felt hands grabbing his arms and a blinding pain in his ribs through the black round neck he was wearing before he blacked out. Upon regaining consciousness Pauls eyes slowly focussed. He found himself with his hands handcuffed behind the chair. ?Well it looks like you are not as good as u think you are? Pauls eyes flickered to Karkaroff and the three guards present in the room each man held a silver stun baton. ?What are you going to do you whoreson?? His outburst was cut short by a punch in the stomach from Karkaroff followed by a hook to the face. ?That must hurt real bad ehh, ok lets try this? he said flicking his stun baton to its full length and fiddling with the power setting. ?Vladimier only got you with a low setting, I believe I will boil your internal organs with it turned on to max, what do say to that ehh? ?I?d say I did warn you? The captors roared with laughter, ?what makes u think you can do anything to me?? grunted Karkaroff pulling his face close to Pauls. ?Because I picked those cuffs? Exploding into action Paul drove his knee into Karkaroffs groin, and simultaneously snatched away the baton. In a fluid motion he delivered a hammerfist to the back of his neck and hurled to baton at the guard closest to the door catching him on the throat. Amid the sickening gurgle of the dying guard Paul closed the distance with a hand spring and landing low, swept a guard off his feet. Using the momentum of the sweep, he spun his foot in a tight ark smashing his heel into the fallen mans face. Then jack knifed himself back on his feet dodging a wild slash by the remaining assailant. Redirecting the mans attack Paul striped the weapon used it to strike him on the thigh and temple then used an aggressive front kick to send the man rocketing into the wall. He walked to the groaning form of Karkaroff as the guard slumped to the ground, kneeling on his back he yanked the man by the hair into a vicious neck crank and whispered in his ear. ?We?ll see if I am as good as I think. By the way, I?m Irish? with that he slammed the mans head into the floor and into unconsciousness. Paul rolled him over and emptied his pockets. Scooping up the metal briefcase, he walked to the door and knocked. The flat eye piece slid open and Paul thrust the stun baton through it. Upon hearing a reassuring thud he splintered the lock with a powerful sidekick and hastily departed the premises. Paul had always hated this end of Amsterdam. Paul looked out the widow at the rushing clouds below. There was defiantly some other assassin assigned to ice this girl by now. He didn?t know what he would do in Rome but he would not let her die like he had those village children in Bolivia. Try as he might he could not shake the image of her lying dead and bleeding on the dirt. Mentally berating himself he ordered another cocktail checked out the airhostess who was serving the first class cabin. Smiling to himself, Paul though that with a little work maybe this flight could turn out to be quite enjoyable.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen]: Pilot Sign-up : Name: Darrius king Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: [URL=http://www.mangasland.com/animes/WHR02.jpg]click [/URL] Personality: Darrius is sarcastic and moody as a result of the war only really connects with his MB Bio: son of lieutenant Arthur King, Darrius grew up on the base. Training with the solders and his father. Darius learnt a lot about tactics and combat however he had little interest in following his father?s career path. He always loved tinkering with things and is now a great mechanic. His father?s recent death has devastated him and made him withdrawn and bitter. Crush/Love: no one that he has told any one off any ways Weakness: arachnophobia and beautiful women (what man isn?t) : Mech Beast :Cheetah Name: Bailey Personality: young and impatient, and very gun ho, bailey loves the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of slipping past defences. His enthusiasm for battle is a little disturbing but his curiosity makes most laugh. Bailey feels a deep connection with Darrius and is tremendously loyal to him. Appearance: [URL=http://www.geocities.com/gundamguardangel/Zoids/Drake/LighteningSaixDash.jpg]click[/URL] and [URL=http://www.bwtf.com/bw/tvshow/cc/cheetor/tm2/beast.jpg]click[/URL] a cross between cheetor and the lightning saix, (black, red and silver colour patern) and the cool black tear smudge on its face. Abilities: turbo thrusters allow it to reach speeds of mach 3, effective combat speed is up to mach 2, fast and extremely agile this beast has a state of the art stealth mode rendering it nearly invisible to all scanners audio, visual and thermal. Twin LP/EM PULSE cannons are mounted on its shoulders providing long-range firepower and its powerfull jaws and razor sharp claws are capable of shredding any metal. Special Abilities: SONIC BOOM, rapid acceleration which causes a shockwave strong enough to shatter metal and knock down buildings. DEMON BLADE: pulse cannons slide lower on the body and fire a beam of purple energy capable of cutting through anything,(think blade liger) the cannons can also fold down and fire a thick flat wall of energy that spans a kilometre in each direction ,capable of decimating ranks or shielding allies. SPARK: Bailey uses almost all power to deliver a surge of pure energy to its core sending out a combined electrical storm and huge EM shockwave with devastating results. Weakness: his attachment to Darrius and hunger to prove himself to the more mature MB?s[/COLOR]
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