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Name:ragen creed Description: 5foot 11' blue dude, large purple eyes which give exellent night vission, weapons: twin enderon blaster, twin vibbratto blades , utilies : (explosives) Race: maceinian, (human in apearance but, pale blue in colour, maceinians are, reknowned for their speed and reflexes. and ragen is no exception, maceinia is on the outer rim so i a hotspot for illegal activities,mercenaries in particular. Gender:male Ship Pilot Expertise: modified tie bomber (modifications include two extra twin ion cannons (blue), proton torpedo bay, and modified engins) Expertise:hand to hand/ stealth missions/ scouting Bio:growing up on the outer rim ragen leart the trade of his people at an early age, at 13 he was afully credited mercinary and at 15 a feared assassin.his last assignment has left him scarred emotionally, the 18 year old's self loathing, led him to retire and join the republic navy. his prowess lead to recrution by the new corps. his enhanced reflexes and instinct make him a formidable pilot and his twin vibbrato blades deadly in close quarters,
Sef watched the flickering blaze solemnly, the remaining riders clumped, witnessing the emotional farewells from the victims loved ones. The newly formed band, stood silently at one end of the enormous clearing, Saenia, comforted by her brother Ryojin, stared transfixed at the pyre, Vanilla slowly walked from beside Valo in her own way showing the melancholy she felt, casting a rose into the flames and offering up a bottle of what looked like good hooch. Sef watched as a lage silver form comforted her companion. He knew that every rider in the clearing felt for the fallen even though most had never laid eyes on them before today. For Brielle he knew it was stronger, growing up with these people in the keep, she shared their trials and triumphs, the connection they shared, must have pained her like the cut of daggers. Sef himself had only arrived several months ago but had developed a deep kinship with one of the fallen, Xanthoes, a veteran who had been an able archer and tutor of wood craft, as well as an avid debater on skirmish tactics, Sef knew that the loss of the old codger was a loss to the world as were the lives of the others who fell. But he saw that the tragedy had hit Orion the hardest, the mantle of responsibility weighed heavily on the monarch?s mind, his people had died valiantly for the kingdom, and he would never forget their bravery nor forgive himself for their deaths. As Heero left the clearing, Sef rose and walked to the king?s side, saying nothing, he waited patiently. ?So much death? said the king wearily. ?What is on your mind, sire?? Orion gathered himself ?I need more warning, of attacks, this atrocity can not happen again!? ? I understand, sire but we cannot very well split up the riders to patrol every inch of sky on our borders, the enemy have a very capable young commander, he and his elemental dragon, I believe are more than a match for any one of ours, it is in our unity that our power lies. Perhaps teams of 3 would be enough, to spread thin without loosing airpower?? ?Perhaps? ?Ill speak of it with Brielle, she holds a greater understanding of tactics, and would be able to choose suitable combinations? said Sef turning to walk to her. ?No, you can leave that till morning, ?the old monarch?s face softened ?she?s been through enough today? ?You, on the other hand can still patrol the border for any unusual activities? ?As you wish sire? King Orion turned and strode from the clearing, leaving Sef to his own thoughts, Sef was sweating profusely, from the heat of the pyre, whispering a short prayer to Sung goddess of death, Sef opened his eyes. ?Find peace Xanthoes. Find peace defenders of Celebryn? His wounds were starting to itch from under the coarse bandages, the salve he had applied to the deep gash on his shoulder stung but was bearable. ?No rest for the wicked? muttered Sef Winding through the trees and out of sight, Sef conjured a loose fitting grey poncho, over his brown tunic and leggings. ?[I]Well that?s a fashion statement, oh well at least it?s real enough to keep you warm?[/I] ?Come on brother we have work to do? Adull rush of wind signalled Mykkael?s approach, griping hard, Sef propped [B]Waiu[/B] against the ground and opened it forcefully, the staff lengthened sending him 60 feet into the air, to land gracefully astride the dragons back. ?I thought I told you not to watch,? chided Sef ?[I]I knew some of the dragons too, besides when have I ever listened to you??[/I] Sef lost himself in thought, it was so easy to think of the enemy kingdom as monsters, devoid of feelings, but deep inside he knew that across the border the same morbid wails would be heard as friends and loved ones mourned the loss of humans and dragons slain by the ?monstrous? Celebryns. A prickling on the base of his neck roused him from his wonderings; Sef turned Mykkael and waited for the rider following him... (ooc: sorry takuya, on offence ment but i agree with gelgoog pilot,)
Sef landed in a half crouch on the lawn of the park, blood and gore splattered his tunic and leggings from the slaughter he and Mykael reined. He straightened and walked purposefully from the clearing, ?Where are you going? questioned Lionel. ?To see if there?s a pub!? ?I think you?d be better off finding the bath house? stated Lionel, wrinkling his nose. ?Point taken? admitted Sef, looking at this blooded clothing, he changed course. Washing the gore off his body thoroughly with sandalwood soap, sef rinsed and eased himself in at one end of the vast rock pool that the bathhouse enclosed, fed by natural hot springs at the opposite end, the temperature of the water increased as you got closer to the end. Sef waded until he could barely stand the heat and leaned against the edge; the water eased his fatigued muscles and enveloped him in steam. Sef grimaced as the water stung the gashes on his body, he acknowledged the pain using Bara-ki-no, the way of the warrior, helping to reduce it to a dull throb. He would have to let Brielle look at these, as dragon induced wounds quickly festered, but let her rest for now, she has earned it. The water seemed not to be able to wash away the traces of remorse that remained in his mind, he knew that those dragons had been corrupted but he couldn?t help feel something for the magnificent creatures they had once been, Sef tried to dispel these feelings by seeking inner tranquillity. ?Hell I?ll never be a monk? chuckled Sef as his mind wandered, a smile escaped his lips at the brash antics of Mykael, as he picked up the young dragon?s thoughts. Sef laughed under his breath, Ahh perhaps some dragons never grow up! ((ooc: sorry gelgoog pilot, i pannicked, my bad, amagoddess clarified with me in class, dont i feel sheepish lol :o ))
sef looked past the fallen sentry, through the break in the foilage he could spy the massed ranks of a leigon of foriegn troops. Shit!! " Mykeall get me airborn, i have to relay this to the others" [I]"im, a bit busy at the moment," [/I] mykkael swept thru the ranks of of the enemy dragons, bladelike he cleaved a path with his wings, and tail. Triing to shake off the irritaing pair belching fire from behind him, mykkael used his superior speed and climbed abruptly. roling himself into a ball, and wraping his wings around him, he droped like a stone from above the persueing dragons. suddenly opening his wings Mykkael darted at the higher of the 2. the magical turbulance created by his halt stunned the dragon momentarily and mykkael battered aside the rider and sunk his fangs into the dragon, twisting mykkael pushed off and ravaged the remaining dragon with elemental prowess before plummeting to scoop up Sef.
Sef sensed something was wrong before the dark shadow sped past Brielle, reacting instinctively to danger and spun a rapid spell, subtly distorting perceptions, and using the stronger forces of Mykkael to create a complex illusion in the nick of time to dupe the assault. The dragon riders of celebryn watched in horror as it seemed that 2 of their own had fallen to the black dragon. The assembled dragons attacked he distant dragon with a combination of their elements and flame. ?No yelled Brielle we must help the garrison!? swinging Sythwing around, as much as it burned her the man responsible for this atrocity would escape. Zeddrick swung back to wards the distant smoke of the razed town. Sef sped through the air astride the platinum blur which was Mykkael. Only the glittering blur of Caramel, was ahead of the pair. ?Damn that bitch is fast? Sef marvelled, even for a silver, her speed was uncanny, only the frequent excursions running ?errands? for Orion had had built the stamina that was slowly bridging the gap. ?Isn?t she wonderful? Sef shook his head in disbelief at his awe struck dragon, prodding him in the ribs ?Snap out of it, I need your wits about you when we arrive, we were so close to losing 2 riders? ?Can you sense the others?? ?Yeah the kites are flying low over-? ?Never mind Mykkael, can you project their locations to me? ?Riders can you hear me?? Sef?s voice carried to each rider as if he was sitting behind them. ?This could be the lure to an ambush, people, I know I didn?t need to say it , but I would appreciate it if I could have a look around first. Mykkael will circle around and approach the village through the woods to the north east? With that the pair peeled off and streaked across the sky in a wide tangent. Sef slid side ways off the silver dragon and plummeted earthward, he felt a savage joy as he chased his good sense in the deadly dive. There was nothing that he had experienced that quite matched the feeling he was experiencing, sure flying on Mykkael was a rush but speeding through the air at breakneck speeds with nothing under you was different. Plummeting through the thick white beds of clouds Sef conjured a bubble of air around his head to prevent himself from blacking out. Sef watched as the ground got closer and closer , suddenly he flung his arms up and thin rope like projections sprung from his arms and diverging and interlacing forming what looked like twin Christmas trees turned upside-down. This slowed his decent considerably and as soon as he was several feet of the ground he released himself landing catlike in a small clearing in the woods. The turbulence caused by the ghost of his spell hitting the ground scattered the leaves on the forest floor. ?Nice work, oh great hunter and woodsman, leave behind a disturbance even a twit could see.? ?Oh shut up, you always ruin my fun? Sef muttered an illusion into existence and slipped soundlessly form the restored clearing. Sef drifted like a shadow through the forest, listening for the sounds of wildlife to forewarn the danger of running into other humans, or something more sinister. ?I?ll keep my mind open Sef, if you need help just call. In the mean time ill see if a can get up to some mischief? ?Hey Mykkael, lay off trying to help the silver if a skirmish breaks out, I think she?s more than capable of taking care of herself and her rider, and you if you piss her off?
Sign Up Dragon Riders of Celebrynn (M - Blood and violence)
Skillgannon replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Rider* Name: Sefarion Sundekhan (prefers Sef) Age: (21) Sex:male Appearance: [URL=http://www.toubib.us/images/jubei.jpg]click here[/URL] Short History: after his parents died during the hundred years war, sef was taken in by his mothers distant reletive king orion. scencing the childs potential at the craft the wise ruler sent him to study with the knoble masters at Jinko. the young boys spirited experimentation became a nusance to the old men and a young silver dragon was bonded with him for "acedemic reasons" (or to keep him out of their hair). the pair stuck it off straight away, both boy and dragon were taught the way of the warrior at the request of orion.with his highly atuned senses sef now works as his grand uncles scout and tracker. Weapon: (one only) waiu staff: a metalic rod engraved with the pattern of swirling leaves, a warrior mage's battle staff able to be opened to reach absurd distances but is normally scabbarded at his back at a mere foot and a half in length. *Dragon* Name:Mykkael Sex:male Appearance: a greater dragon, [URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/k/r/krisames/calith_ps2.jpg.html]metalic silver[/URL] Element:magic -
ooc: whats happening players, ive just joined this tread courtesy of its starter (sorry) ill put up my charecters stats in the inn. rushing silently through the undergrowth sef tailed his quarry, the ambush had not gone as well as planed, two had escaped his arrows mykkael was pursuing the black dangshi by air which left sef to finish the red he had wounded. Even restricted to land, a grown dangshi was sure to be a handful, its powerful hind legs could propel it faster than a horse, hopefully it would tire out before long. Vaulting over a decaying log sef was reassured by a favourable gust of wind. the red was close. Sef marvelled at the agility of the red, he had loosed four arrows before the leading dangshi fell, with frozen shards petruding from its torso but the agile red had banked abruptly and the arrow only punctured the thick carapace of its wing, the spell extruded shards of ice through the wing, how it had survived the fall sef didn?t know. The black had seen the others fall and had spiralled left only to be set upon by the silver blur of mykkael. This momentary lapse in concentration nearly cost him dearly as a powerful tail lashed at his face, sheer instinct allowed him to raise waiu in time to block. But the force sent a jolt up his arm and sent him sprawling backwards hardly had he scrambled to his feet when the infuriated red belched a tongue of flame at him. Sef rolled out of the way but his legs were alight. Sef lined up with the creatures chest and opened waiu forcefully the rod shot forward crushing its ribcage. The red staggered back with a roar then charged at him, a lethal tornado of enraged fang and flame. Sef ducked as best he could twirling he pulled an arrow from the air and plunged it into the side of the dangshi, and in moments it froze solid with jagged spikes petruding through its skin. sef wasted no time in opening waiu into a staff and shattering the dangshi. It was an unreal sight as the solid ice burst into flame. Sef emerged from the forest still smouldering, his outer pants had charred to a crisp but his dangshi hide leggings were still intact. ooc: a dangshi is a lesser dragon native to the Inga mountain province, only about 10 feet tall on its hind legs. it is more serpentine in apearance with spines and horns. they do not possess elemental powers and so are prone to magical attacks, however thier thick armour is as strong as a dragons and its agility if not its speed is superior to most dragons. present: sef waited in the shadows of the large tree to the left of king orion, mykkael has opted not to come "insisting he did not play well with others" instead listened and saw through sef using thier mind link. sef saw through the young dragon's evasion, and knew he was shy of meeting a certain dragon named caramel. As yet still unseen by the congregation milling around his grand uncle. sef waited for orion to introduce his elusive grand nephew and relay his warnings of the live-amoured dangshi scouts sef had encountered on celebrynn's borderlands and of how celebrynn's safety was now in perril.
Name: jaan nagato Age:45 Sex: [male Apearance: tall for a japanese 5' 9, like a fine wine, age seems only to improve his skill and speed, he is normally dressed in a modified black gi Student or Teacher? teacher; unarmed combat + short range weapons Class: unarmed combat Posetions: strong but thin silver chain and pendent (given to him by his grandfather) Small Bio: as a child jaan was very sickly, but at the request of his grandfather he was sent to train at various differnt fighting schools. after years of training and meditation he overcame the sickness and began the serious persuit of martial knowledge. After achieving profeciency in many different styles of eastern and western martial arts he finally found the art that pulled at his soul, under master Massaki Hatsumi, jaan felt he had found a true budo art (a complete system) which he hopes to teach the students of kurakow.
thanx man ill see if i can get some by tommorrow
hey could some one make me a banner with a picture of jan lee from DOA 3 with skillgannon on it somewhere? prefeably with his black atire
?Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to actually going to fight me with those tooth picks like we agreed kid?" Circling around his opponent Zack let the taunt slide over him and obligingly sent a flashing diagonal cut at the dark clad warrior, following it a split second later with a horizontal drive across his body with the left bokken. Surprisingly the aged warrior did not move back out of the extensive range of the swordsman but instead moved inclose, letting the wooden blade glance off his protected left forearm. Jaan dropped his weight slipping under the extended arm and sliding past. Jan felt the jarring shock rise up his arm as the second bokken stuck his hastily lowered right forearm. Sliding behind the assailant Jaan stepped on the back of his right knee bringing the taller man into range, he simultaneously shot his right tonfa backwards past zacks head. Catching it by the tip, Jaan stepped forward, hooking Zack under the chin with the projection and pulling him into a vicious head butt. Using the whiplash action Jaan dived forward and rolled to his feet facing Zack who had recovered well by doing likewise. ?Come on now sonny, don?t take it easy on me? said Jaan seriously, ? I need the exercise? The combatants exchanged a range on encounters leaving zack with bruised fingers and elbows and Jaan with smarting ribs. Jaan rubbed his ribs approvingly and acknowledged the opening he had carelessly left with a nod. Dropping his weight and stepping out lightly onto his leading foot Jann waited for his adversary to commence the next round.
name:jaan age: 45 build:5'9 wirery but still supple & flexible style:taijuitsu weapon: twin tonfa (i'll refer to the ends _!___ as hilt and tip respectively) atire:lose fitting, modified black gi. tied down to the body in various places. shin&insteps thats all u realy need to fight so lets begin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jaan bowed to his aponent respectfully across the forest clearing and drew his tonfas, other than that he stood naturally as if he were talking in the park and waited as his aponent readied himself
Request could someone please make me a banner and avi...
Skillgannon posted a topic in Creative Works
hi im a newbe and as such would love a baner and avi but dont know how so could some one make me one with a gothic looking man with medium length black hair, with a moon in the background and "Skillgannon" some where on it i would be very greatfull