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About Mike

  • Birthday 09/10/1987

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    Member #992 | Registered: August 2000 | Number of Posts at Boards Change: 665
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  1. I used to be an active member since the original 1.0v back when theotaku was still ubb and it got hacked. I was known as VEGGETO at the time. KAMIKAZE and I restored order and the boards got cleaned up and because of that event, upgraded. After it upgraded vbulletin versions a few times I had my name changed to Mike like it is now...Anyhow, I was just looking through for nostalgic reasons and I was wondering who all is still active who remembers me? I think it's a dead give-away that Adam is still present, how about James?? Transtic Nerve? Baby Girl? Ginny Lyn? Cera? All the old Seige of the Necromancer RPers as well... :) Ok I'll stop being all sappy now, I promise. :P
  2. Well, I probably wouldn't, I don't need any of those cards. That's just me though, lol. I could use the Mirror Force more than any of those other cards.
  3. I just saw an eppie...It's the same. -_- Well, not the same, it's actually really bad. The narrator's voice is ANNOYING!!! And they show like 2 5 second snippets of the next eppie as the previews....
  4. This would be awesome. I was thinking though, would he have to buy new cards to replace the current ones? Ones that could be read by some sort of chip? I thought they could make it so that maybe it would see the picture, and send out a sort of holograpic image that is programed to be sent out on viewing of that one picture. Or, they better let us trade in our current cards for the new ones so we can keep our decks the same. Also, one other problem. What about card protectors? Our cards would get messed up, I was thinking plastic cards. :)
  5. Mike

    i wonder

    I was staff on OG, I did HTML. Kuja was like a slave driver, he wanted a new layout, so I tried, and it was closed before I could finish, I think Kuja' firing was soon after, or maybe even then. That could be another possible reason, but who knows? I'd be interested in being staff again, I still know HTML, but I'm not trying to do a layout again, with my luck it will be closed before I can finish. -_-
  6. I didn't lose a single post, at least none that I'm missing. ;) If we did just get rid of them, that would be cool, certainly would stop a lot of spamming, most of which is to raise post counts. Anywho, I'll shut up now. :)
  7. Summoned Skull, lol. Mine are Dark Magician(three of them), and Summoned Skull(two). I Also like my La Jinns though. :) [Edit]Let me expand. I like them because their attack, but they also look cool. ^.^ The La Jinn is mainly for it's attack, heh.[/Edit]
  8. I would also have more things that power up Dark monsters, but I also have some Light, quite a few Spellcasters happen to be Light type, which would be left out if I powered up my Dark. Anywho, I've never cared much for the BEWD, but still, having one stolen, in fact, having any cards stolen stinks. I remember at my first tournament, I was dueling, and when I got done, I noticed that the Yu-Gi-Oh starter pack case that my tradables were in was stolen, along with the rulebook and the black card holder out of my Kaiba one which my deck(I was dueling with) was normally in. My opponent was using my extra dueling mat, so I still have that. Nontheless, I was rather ticked, not many great cards were in my tradables, but still...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]But PoK only adds around 300/400, and to me thats to weak for a power up. So thats why I have Axe of Despair (+1000). Its such an evil card. lol [/B][/QUOTE] Evil indeed, lol. It says, "You must sacrafice one monster to place this card back on top of your deck." It doesn't say it has to be one of [i]your[/i] monsters. :devil: *Sacrafices opponent's monster* Ahahahaha! *Places Axe of Despair on top of deck* :devil: See what I mean? [Edit]I just went and looked at card rulings, didn't find anything about it anywhere, perhaps I should bring it up? It might be one of those that needs to be reprinted.[/Edit]
  10. Well, with the right cards they could be strong, as well as any deck. ;) It actually looks like a good deck to me, check out the thread, "My Deck" to see mine and see if I stand a chance, I'm not totally sure. I'm thinking I might be able to beat you, luck of the draw really..
  11. Mike

    My Deck

    I went to a tournament thing today, and I got a Malevolent Nuzzler that I put in place of my Sword Of Deep-Seated, I got a Neo The Magic Swordsman that I put in place of Battle Ox, and a Robin Goblin I put in place of Share The Pain,I also got another Maha Vailo that I'm going to a Mystic Clown with. I made the updates above. ;) I looked at some Whiptailed Crows, and I don't much like them. Instead, I'm going to get 1 more La Jinns and relace the other a Mystic Clown, then get another Maha Vailo and replace the other Mystic Clown, then take my next weekest monster and put in another Summoned Skull.
  12. Mike

    My Deck

    Thanks. I would get the Whiptail Crows, but I don't have any. I want another Neo the Magic Swordsman so bad, and I also want more La Jinns. I'm going to replace Man-Eating Treasure Chest with another Summoned Skull when I get one. I also want some Which of The Black Forest's though, good for bringing out the Summoned Skulls. ;) Also, as far as traps, I don't have many that can be of use to me, lol. Another thing, how would you classify it?
  13. Mike

    My Deck

    Wow, that's nice. I think I saw one earlier today, but isn't it PSV(Pharaoh's Servant)?
  14. Mike

    My Deck

    I don't much like Spellbinding circle, Paralyzing Potion does the same thing. Only difference - When a card is used as a tribute with Spellbinding circle on it, Spellbinding Circle sits there until it's destroyed, with Paralyzing Potion, when they use the monster as a tribute, Paralyzing Potion goes to the graveyard. See why it's better? I have no clue what a Fairy Meteor Crush does, if you can, post and tell me.
  15. Mike


    I'm also curious about this too. I would love to see any maps anyone can find, I'm going to go searching now.
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