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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Kumo Kun(I would make my post longer, but there isn't much else, is there?)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well regardless, the point still stands. [/B][/QUOTE] It's back to normal now, I asked James about it. Well, why don't we let them get back on the topic now?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well why don't you change it back before you get banned.... again. [/B][/QUOTE] I never was banned.
  4. I might take that idea I had and do it for myself...lol.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B]My real name is Forrest. Just guess what that means. :devil: Edit: I guess Mike was here too.:eek: [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, sure was, anywho, back on topic guys!
  6. See my username, lol. Nothing hidden here.
  7. He keeps on telling me he wants Dragon based. I think he should do dragon and spellcaster(his 3 Lord of D.'s). He should also put in 3 Dragon Pipers, cause Dragon Capture Jars, lol. Lots of ways to power up his Lord of D., like Yami, Book of Secret Arts, and so forth. Then worry about other things like traps and such that would just hurt the enemy, with the Lord of D. there is no reason to have counter traps. Well, I'll shut up now.
  8. This brings me to something interesting. How do we [i]know[/i] they went to the moon? Do you know that area 51 out in Nevada? Nobody knows what's going on there. They could have just went out there and filmed it. There is no real proof at all.
  9. LOL, that's funny...I'd never light someone on fire, I might moon someone, but never light em on fire.
  10. That sucks man. Just plain sucks... I would have snapped :mad: or ran :eek: or broke down crying :bawl:. That really sucks...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B][color=darkblue] That's exactly what I get o.O I was hoping to get insulted . . . [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Same, lol. I was also hoping I could launch into the whole "You came to my yard and you kicked my dog." thing, lol.
  12. It just beeps and then goes to a busy signal for me. o.O
  13. LOL, I'm gonna take it out anyways...it's kinda big and bulky. I'm also gonna make a new banner and avatar, but...back to the topic! Thanks...I've let it sit and I "rubbed" it, nothing ever happens, is it maybe that I already have a Chao, and I can't have two?
  14. Mine is kinda like teh glowing pillow thing...Sometimes when I read a book(mostly when it's dark or not enough light), I can press my finger against the page and it sorta lights up, I guess you could say...I dunno, maybe I'm imagining it...
  15. In most of the cases you mentioned, they were in the atmosphere, but it really is a mystery. Maybe they can?
  16. Vejito is my fav. character! And yes, it's spelled Vejito, check on the eppie when it comes on in the future if you don't believe me. Anyways, yes, sometimes he sounds like Goku, sometimes Vejita. It's kinda a personality thing. Basically Vejito has the personality of Goku, but looks like Vejita(actually a lot like Gohan...lol). It's Vice Versa with Gojita. Sometimes it seems Vejito kinda fights with himself, like a struggle between their personalities. Edit: Look at my Avatar to see what I mean with the Gohan thing.
  17. Mike


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]well I havent seen it, but yesterday, gohans eyes turned green when he powered up. I though saiyans eyes went green when they were super. Im thinking that maybe he can go super, but his hair doesnt change color. I believe someone else said that before me on this board also. [/B][/QUOTE] They're eyes do go green, and I saw it too. His power is equal to, if not more than, a Super Sayian's in fact, it is like he goes Super Sayian without making the transformation. I don't know what was up with his eyes, it might have been an error. Either way, the Kai did say, "Go Super Sayian and believe, it will happen."(or something similar) and then Gohan starts to, the Kai then says, "AHHH! Belive somewhere else!" :)
  18. ***SPOILER*** Something they forgot to mention(even though it's not important) is that after he absorbs Gotenks, after a while, the fusion wears off, and he looks like Piccolo, hehe. Next, something more important, they escape from Buu by going Super Sayian and they come out through the holes in his body, growing larger as they come out.
  19. LOL, I thought you made it to third that one time. I know I did.
  20. Mine is yu3052967. I didn't choose, they store where I duel choses them randomly. I'm ranked 9th in my store out of 50. :)
  21. On Sonic Adventure Advanced for GameBoy Advanced, I bought an egg in the Tiny Chao Garden...How do I hatch it?
  22. That last one is too funny...lol. Anyaways, one I've always said is, "Ah, go play in traffic!" :therock: Really not funny...but anyways...bye! *trips over a stump* *falls into the road* *gets ran over* I'm OK!
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