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Everything posted by Mike

  1. In that Chao garden on Sonic Advanced... I need to know how to get an egg I bought to hatch....help? All help appreciated!
  2. [I]Obie wakes to find his D-Comp open and flashing.[/I] [B]Obie:[/B] Huh? What's this? [I]Obie reads the message - You have been invited to a Digimon Tournament. See attachment for details on how to get there. - as he finishes, Horizamon comes through the door with a tray full of food.[/I] [B]Obie:[/B] I told you not to raid the pantry! [B]Horizamon:[/B] I didn't honest! Your mother gave them to me. [B]Obie:[/B] Well, ok. Don't eat to much, and we have to get going soon. [I]Obie reaches for a muffin and finds his hand frozen.[/I] [B]Obie:[/B] (Glaring at horizamon) Horizamon, unfreeze my hand, all I want is a muffin... [B]Horizamon:[/B] (Unfreezing his hand) Well, you can't have one, they're all mine! [B]Obie:[/B] Well, hurry up, we need to get going. [I]When she finishes, he walks down stairs and tells his mother of the trip. Being worried, like all mothers, she packs for him really fast, including more than the neccesary amount of underwear.[/I] [I]They then go over to the laptop sitting on the table and prepare for entry to the Digital World.[/I] [B]Obie:[/B] Digiport open! [I]The screen flashes and they get sucked into the computer.[/I] [B]Obie:[/B] Now that we're here, let's see where we are... [I]As the unsuspecting duo is looking over the map, they are being watched from the bushes...[/I] Stay tuned for the next eppie!
  3. Ooooooooooo! I like 'em! Very nice again...Especially the first one, it rhymes and stuffs. :whoops:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Omniroth [/i] [B]St. Louis is Beer Capital. :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] Well, yes, lol. But I'm in Belleville, Illinois...St. Louis is an hour away...:p
  5. Oooooooooooo! :eek: Wondeful! :D These are good! Keep writing guys, I want to see more! :whoops:
  6. Hm..nicely done. I like it, even though it's depressing. lol. Very creative. One of the best free form poems i've seen. :)
  7. Belleville, Illinois...uh... It's close to St. Louis... And uh... That's it, lol. There isn't really anything special. :p :D :p
  8. Well, my Dad told me that he and my Uncle used to wait around at parties until all the men with beards and such were asleep from all the booze. Then they would shave half of the beard or whatever facial hair they had off. lol...If you want more say so, I have tons of stories about my Dad and Uncles..lol
  9. Mike

    Peom o.O

    :D Why it's a plate I have no clue...:p I'm not gay, =P. I also don't have a peticular liking to plates either. So...bah. You are one strange fellow.
  10. [I]Oblivion walks over to the bar and sits down.[/I] [B]Bar Tender:[/B] What will it be for you? [B]Oblivion:[/B] Oh, just some water I suppose. It's been a wild night... [B]Bar Tender:[/B] Ok, one water comming up... [I]The water slides down the bar and Oblivion catches it. He begins to sip slowly, thinking over the night.[/I] [B]Oblivion:[/B](To himself) I wonder what made of that girl I rescued? I should have asked her where she lived and taken her there. Her life force seemed pretty strong anyways... [I]Oblivion continues sipping the water.[/I]
  11. OOC: I was already gone after I rescued Mara... I set her down and flew off...lol. You'll have to give me the package later.
  12. OOC: Phantom told me Oblivion was to be there and meet up with Eve to kill Maria...:therock:
  13. [I]Oblivion advances into the battle, blade drawn, the sunlight glinting from it's sleek edge. His cape billows out behind him as he floats in next to Eve, who is riding gracefully on her unicorn.[/I] [B]Oblivion:[/B] Hello there... [B]Eve:[/B](cautiously) Who are you? [B]Oblivion:[/B] Less talk more fight, I'll explain later. [B]Eve:[/B] Deal, we'll see how good you are... [I]Eve gets off her unicorn and they rush in on Maria's Soul, sword and daggers drawn. Both a battle ready and eager to fight. Oblivion swings his sword and it goes through her, and he takes a blow the the side. Eve strikes with her daggers, both missing, but she gets away safely.[/I] [B]Eve:[/B] Are you alright? That looked like a hard hit. [B]Oblivion:[/B] I'll be fine, how about you? [B]Eve:[/B] I'm good to go, let's go! [I]They dodge a firery blast from Maria's Soul, and Eve tries to jam a dagger into her back. Oblivion thrusts forward his sword and a blast of Ki flies through the soul, allowing Eve to escape.[/I] [B]Maria's Soul:[/B] This can't be happening! Skulls of Hell!!! [I]Suddenly the ground splits, and Eve falls flat on her back, Oblivion swoops down and picks her up just as a fireball flies out of the orifice in the ground.[/I]
  14. [b]Name:[/b] Oblivion( [url]http://www.thegenesis.net/images/oblivion.jpg[/url] ) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Elvish [b]Class:[/b] Dark-Assassin [b]Height:[/b] 6"4 [b]Weight:[/b] 210lbs [b]Eye color:[/b] Blue(Happy), Green(Annoyed/Angry), Grey(sad), Black(Normal). [b]Hair Color:[/b] Black with white Streaks. [b]Short Bio:[/b] He was brought up trained under the arts of the Elemist. They taught him how to use the stone bestowed on him from birth. He grows and wanders away from home in the night while his mother is sleeping, to get revenge on the one who sent his father into eternal sleep. Set on this quest, he likes to stray off by himself and doesn't like a lot of help. He specializes in the arts of Wind. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]Armor:[/b] Shoulder Blades that extend out and extra foot from his shoulder. [b]Stone:[/b] A Mystic Gem, 1 of four in the world. This one has the power to control the element of wind. It's mounted in his belt of pure gold, which protects the stone from all evil. [b]Sword:[/b] Kamikaze [b]Gloves:[/b] White gloves; made of liquid diamond, nearly impenetrable. [b]Boots:[/b] White boots; made of liquid diamond, nearly impenetrable. [b]Instrument:[/b] Silver-plated Shrill Whistle [b]Weapon Loss:[/b] Staff of Wind; controls anything in the sky. Unbreakable by any natural or unnatural force. [b]Spells:[/b] [b]Kamekazi Blast[/b] (Fires off blasts of Ki from his sword.) [b]Twister[/b] (A funnel of wind emerges from the sky, engulfing the enemy and slashing them with shards of diamond.) [b]Sacred Winds[/b] (All seven winds combine into a powerful force that can be used to strike the enemy with.) [b]Holy Judgment[/b] (The sky turns pure black, and the clouds swirl gray above the one to be judged. Lightning shoots down and strikes the person, hurting them according the the amount of evil they have within their soul.)One time use. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Transmutation[/b] (Peregrine Falcon), [b]enhanced senses[/b], Telekinesis(Movement of objects and or beings with his mind.). [b]Weakness:[/b] When in beast form he has a weakness against magnesium. He has a weakness to Fire attacks/spells because of the fact that wind feeds fire. He is young and nieve, easily influenced, and cares for only one person...Elelle. [b]Strong against:[/b] He never touches ground unless necessary, this makes him almost invincible to Earth Elemental attacks/spells.(He sorta floats..hehe.)
  15. Mike

    Peom o.O

    Thanks, hehe...:D
  16. I forgot when, but I heard it on the show somewhere.
  17. I can't wait Cera! hehe. :) :D :)
  18. I don't think Frieza and Cooler were made as in constructed... I remember at one point hearing King Cold talk about his wives...he had like 7 and killed them all after he got what he wanted from them... How nice? :therock:
  19. My Otakumon, Horizamon...well... I'd like to see her drawn doing either one of her attacks. (Included in the pic below.) I'm not doing an special guidelines...just do what you think it would look like. :) I would ask for her other forms to be done, but I forgot what they look like. eep! I hope GinnyLyn still has the descriptions. If so, she can just edit my post, or send it to me and I'll do it. :) Thanks!
  20. I woke up one morning and started writing in bed, lol. This is the result, even though I'm still working on it. Eleven twenty eight, The hour of that dark and cruel fate. My plate hit the floor. Shattered! It's a plate no more. I sit there in lust, Some fragments no bigger than dust. What to do, what to do? Thinking! Alas, the wonderful stickiness of glue! -End Poem_ :angel: I don't know what I was thinking, lol. Must have been out of a dream. That poor plate though...:bawl:
  21. My last book was Taggerung....I got about half way through, then the end of the school year came. The public library doesn't have it yet...:(
  22. Well, Frieza is a male, because he is called "Son" by his "Father" who he calls "Father". As for Cooler, I'm not sure. It never really says if "he" is a "he" or not. o.O Well, that's my case, hehe...
  23. I liked pearls the best too, mainly because I like riddles and puzzles. I also liked the ending, though I thought something different would happen though. My second favorite is Salamandastron. Hence my siggy... \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
  24. Name: Obie D-comp color: Blue with white streaks. Age: 15 Gender: Male Personality: Likes to be on his own. Gets along great with his digimon. Loves to fight and only wants the best for himself, his digimon, and his friends. Appearance: 5'7, Black spikey hair, with white streaks. Black semi-baggy pants, black tight shirt. Black cape/robe all the way around. Digimon: Horizamon(see attachment)
  25. Mike


    get Scyther, below level 18. Evolve it, and train it. When you train it up make it learn these moves: false swipe, metal claw, steel wing, and thief. False Swipe - Always leaves opponent with 1HP Metal Claw - 10% chance of raising your attack power by one level Steel Wing - 10% chance of raising your attack power by one level Thief - Steals wild Pokémon's item / normal attack if it's not holding an item :) That's what i'm going to do with my scizor.
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