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Everything posted by Mike

  1. i had another dream i forgot about...it was weird, lol, i guess it would go with this topic. well, it was the typical 'boy saves girl he loves' dream, except! it was set in the dealership where my dad sells cars, the showroom floor, there was a big dragon and the girl i like(she goes to my school) was sitting in front of the dragon crying. the dragon was walking towards her and destroying the building, the entire roof was gone. well, this is where t gets really weird, i fly in on a trashcan, yes, a trashcan :shifty:. i swoop down and grab her, we are flying away and she is about to kiss me when... my mom says "Michael! get up!!!!" ....she ruined my dream! :crying: i am now ruined for life :bawl: but i think i can live....:(
  2. um...i would grab my cat, my story, my gba(have to have entertanment!) and the money from my drawer! :lecture:
  3. i don't drink, i'm only 14, but i did find this :bluelaugh: funny :blulaugh: thing, lol: Due to increasing products liability litigation, American beer brewers have accepted the FDA's suggestion that the following warning labels be placed immediately on all beer containers: WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your bra. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a retard. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell your friends over and over again that you love them. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to think you can sing. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at four in the morning. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with other members of the opposite sex without spitting. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may make you think you have mystical Kung Fu powers, resulting in you getting your *** kicked. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the morning and see something really scary. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug burns on the forehead. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, smarter, faster, and better looking than most people. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you are invisible. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause a disturbance in the time-space continuum, whereby gaps of time may seem to literally disappear. WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may cause pregnancy. :alcohol: :lecture: :alcohol: teacher: what did we learn kids? kids: Warning labels lie! :alcohol: :lecture: :alcohol:
  4. well, if my mother and father weren't divorced, and i had a girlfriend, I would hate it for my parents to see me kiss...:blush: but i wouldn't really care if my girlfriend would see my parents kiss, hehe, it would show her how happy they are and how happy we could be :angel: this is kinda funny, and i know you are all going: :blulaugh:
  5. I dunno, i'm not sure, this makes very much since, and i'm glad i posted it, i tought it would have been a dead topic...hehe
  6. This is an e-mail i got that a thought was funny... Never thought about this but I guess it must be true. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to every historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, every single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen- had to be a girl. We should've known. Only women would be able to drag a fat-*** man in a red velvet suit all around theworld in one night and not get lost. note: I'm not sexist in any way, because if i was i wouldn't post this because i happen to be a male.(I've known people who know females named Mike.)
  7. I don't have finals, but i have semester exams :eek: then later i will have finals though, sometime in may I think. Well, good luck, and to everyone who said good luck to us. then thanks!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][b][color=indigo][size=1] War books. Um The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques maybe. Except for instead of humans it is talking animals:(mouses, badgers, moles etc..). In every book there is a huge battle and it is detailed really good too. I suggest read them in order by the list on the website: [url]www.redwall.org[/url].[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I was gonna say that, you stole it! :( J/K I'm still gonna pipe in though :cross: I really love those books, :love: , I'm on..Mariel of Redwall, about almost half way through, Lord Rawnblade is watching for Gabool, he's saying that they will meet and he will defeat him, what's up with those badger lords and their lifetime enemies? First lord brocktree(not sure who his was, never read it) then it was his son, Boar the fighter and the one searat, forgot his name, then Sunflash and Swartt, now Rawnblade and Gabool, except he'll hhave to fight Mariel to slay him i think, she wants a piece of him real bad...well, kiddies, to find out more, if this was interesting, READ! hehe, i hope i hooked ya there. :rotflmao:
  9. Hey H, remember me? I used to be VEGGETO on the first boards, that's the last time i saw you i think. well, welcome back, i was wondering where you were, lol, maybe you can give us a hint?
  10. Mike


    i understand this. i love science and we are studying matter this year. it sounds interesting, in fact, like it would work if you were to build some sort of machine to send someone down, from a high speed to a lower speed. which i think would be hard, because you have to start at a low speed...
  11. I used to have a dream [I]every[/I] christmas eve that i was being chased down my street by a skeleton wearing a target on his chest. I would run into my house and i would hide behind the big brown recliner chair, and he would come in and try to find me, and he eventually did, then i woke up. weird, huh? another was that i went to school as a second grader and i went up to my teacher's desk. i suddenly had no pants and i found myself peeing on her desk >.< nasty and weird. then there's the one where i was a midgit and we were being chased by a guy with a gun and his big mean wife. i was in my house then i was in my grandma's basement and a locked myself in the bedroom where i always played and discovered a whole colonie of midgits like me hiding out! well, me and some others escaped and we went up the stairs and instead of going out into my house again we were in a huge swimming pool like room, but the pool was circular and had a tunnel going down and it was filled with a green acid. we jumped in when the guy came in and as we swam down to the trap door our skin was being eaten and he chased after us--then my mom woke me up. also the time i was going down my street and i had a cookie sheet in my had that had a red jello soldier on it. i went into my house and appeared in my grandma's hallway where my brother was sitting with my mom and someone else i didn't see. my brother grabbed the pan and tried to steal it from me and i yelled: Stop it greg!(i really yelled it in real life too!) and thenext thing i knew i was outside again by a ditch holding the pan with a jello soldier splattered all over, freaky! well, that's it for tonight, i have more though. if you want to hear them just tell me, and sorry for any mistakes. i'm typing fast.
  12. I don't care much about posts either, except the first 500, cause i want a custom avatar ^.^. other than that, if i have a custom avatar you can just do away with posts all together, when i make my boards i might hack into it and get rid of post counts.
  13. almost forgot. I'm german, irish, indian(cherokee), English(england, not american), and i think that's all. :) how my family began as far back as we know: A german guy moved to france and changed his last name to something frence(hence the lst name molitor, yet not one drop of french blood in me). he then went to germany on vacation and met a german girl, he wanted her to come back with him but she said no. he want back alone and gave in and later came back to germany where they lived happily ever after having many babies. :D there ya go!
  14. well, i have: MJM-Michael James Molitor(my full and real name!) I draw things on my homework. in almost every drawing of some dude i give him dreadlocks and long hair. i like to put 87 on EVERYTHING, just look at my neopets :eek: i think that's all.
  15. also, on a nother note, just because a girl is cute doesn't mean they are nice too. there is this girl at school, hot, but she's a b!tch. you have to look at their personanlity too. if your friend's a jerk, and she's a jerk, they are made for each other.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Yeah! I said that TWICE now... geeze, people are not things to squablle over. And what do you mean "understand"? I am only 13 and I understand what your on about....[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] this is very true, look at me, i don't have a girlfriend and i'm just fine, aren't i my little ferret friend? j/k really tho, it's true. If you fight over girls theywill just thinks your a loser and never go out with you. Have fun, and give your friend a chance, he might just have got a burst of hormones or something, haha.
  17. sure, i'll tell, though, it is in my profile :P MikeTGH have fun!(i don't suggest talking to me, i can become very annoying very fast, hehe, ask Adam or James, they'll vouch for it.)
  18. Oblivion/VEGGETO here, i went to my REAL name. Ultimia is now Tyco, but he decided everyone on here cept me was a jerk and saw no point in sticking around. Thimoc is now a jerk...well, that's my part, see ya 'round. :wigout:
  19. I own [url]www.theGenesis.net[/url] (not yet up). I pay $13.00 a year for the url/domain name at [url]www.000domains.com[/url] . I have a host also, [url]www.digital-host.net[/url] , they have a free plan, with a [url]www.digital-host.net/~yourname.index[/url] url, but i do their domain hosting. (free plan comes with unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth) I pay $25.25 every 3 months for that hosting.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]>_< i'm a guy.. [/B][/QUOTE] oops..hehe it's your avatar
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]hehehehe, how cute. hehehehe. You cracking me up. You a guy right?[/COLOR] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] i think so..or at least last time a looked...*looks* yeppers :) acctually, i don't know any girls named Mike, besides that one on mike lu and og...but that's and exception..haha
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]What happen here? Can someone tell me what's going on?[/COLOR] :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] basically she thought i was talking about me getting a guy pregnant...heh....which would not be humanly possible. haha..
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B] O__O;; you can make a man pregnate... ..?!? .. well i'll be damned.. [/B][/QUOTE] um..like transtic said...i meant my child...:o I'm heretosexual....nothing else.
  24. [b]1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed?[/b] Nope [b]2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese?[/b] Nope [b]3. Are you a virgin?[/b] yep [b]4. If not, how many times have you had sex?[/b] N/A [b]5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex?[/b] When [i]real[/i] love hits, we both click and we just decide... [b]6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex?[/b] I think they have to know what they are getting into...have to have talked with a friend about it first. Maybe an experienced friend. Other than that..when they find [i]true[/i] love...(yes, i think i do know what it is..or at least have a pretty good idea :)) [b]7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other?[/b] well, no...not at least until they have hit puberty and are emotionaly sure about themselves. [b]8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant?[/b] nope... [b]9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant.[/b] well, i'd be very shocked, yet at the same time happy(as long as i have a job to be able to support him/her).... [b]10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? [/B] I would probably freak at first, then get it treated. [b]11. If yourve had sex then does you parents know, if not then what would they say if they found out. if you havent had sex then do you want to have sex, what would ur parents say if they found out u wanted to have sex.[/b] well, like i said, when the time comes..i feel true love...we oth click..and so on(i would NEVER force anyone to have sex with me either, we would both have to agree)...i'm not sure what they would say, my dad would just probably ask who i have in mind, haha...
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