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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Is it just me or is anyone else lost?! One minute Kamakazi was with me and my kids and wife..then next he's with seph discussing the next crystal holder.. Also, Ricco disappeared...-_-...this is just like the old WAR...it's going down the drain cause it's confused.
  2. Oblivion, Ruby, Aikan, and Kishin are flying overhead when they feel two familiar powers becomming one... [B]Oblivion:[/B] KAMAKAZI?! NO WAY!!! [B]Ruby:[/B] I knew he'd be back...the heavens could only stand him for so long...haha [B]Oblivion:[/B] Ruby, that's not true, Kamakaziis nice..I feel Ricco too..but his power is fading.. [B]Ruby:[/B] Kamakazi's as well... [B]Aikan:[/B] I feel a new power forming tho.. [B]Kishin:[/B] Me too...I wonder who it is..could they be fusing? [B]Oblivion: [/B] Possible...we'll just have to go see... They fly off towards the powers....when they arrive they feel a startling power comming from the north. [B]Ruby:[/B] Is it me or did it just get colder?! [B]Kishin:[/B] It got colder...brrr... [B]Oblivion:[/B] If I didn't know better I'd say a blizzard is comming...good ole' Kamakazi always likes to cool things down. [B]Ruby:[/B] yes, he's always had a knack for that, but how? Only the higher god of the Winds can command them... [B]Aikan:[/B] Is it possible that he's become a higher god? [B]Kamakazi:[/B] Sure is... [B]Oblivion: [/B] KAMAKAZI, IT'S REALLY YOU!!! [B]Kamakazi:[/B] Heh...yep.. Oblivion flies over and hug-tackles Kamakazi. [B]Ricco:[/B] What?! No hug for me? :( [B]Ruby:[/B] Ahh..why not? Ruby hugs him until his eyes pop out. [B]Aikan:[/B] Huggy huggy....do you guys do anything else? [B]Kamakazi:[/B] Besides kill bad guys and save the world, no. Aikan and Kishin face vault anime style. Kamakazi, Ricco, Oblivion, and the crew have met up, what next? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, it's open, all up to you Kamakazi...or Riccoif he shows up suddenly.
  3. Let me introduce 2 people. Name: Aikan - A Kahn(means beautiful) Race: Kaojin Gender: Female Age: 13 Eyes: Green Hair: Black Abilities: Super Kaojin Name: Kishin - Ki shin(means fierce) Race: Kaojin Gender: Male Age: 11 Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Abilities: Super Kaojin Ultra Kaojin ok, here it goes... Oblivion is hovering above a rock behind a waterfall when he senses and all to familiar feeling...WAR..his head shoots up and his eyes open wide... [I]Oblivion thinks to himself: Great, he's back..I knew we would see him again..but I didn't think so soon..[/I] Just then Kishin comes through the front of the waterfall [B]Kishin:[/B] Father, it's-- [B]Oblivion:[/B] Yes son..I know, I once fought him..and i was absorbed...But your mother was a brave one..she got thw Dragonsballs and wished me back..I will never forget it. [B]Kishin:[/B] Right, but you must come home, Aikan and Mother are getting impatient. [B]Oblivion:[/B] Yes..we shall go. They fly off eyeing the clouded sky.. They soon arrive to their home [B]Aikan:[/B] Finally, it seems like it's been ages..I want a real fight! [B]Kishin:[/B] What do you mean 'real' ? I give you real fights! [B]Aikan:[/B] You wish! [B]Kishin:[/B] At least I can go Ultra Kaojin! :p [B]Ruby:[/B] Stop it you two..we will be under way soon enough... [B]Oblivion:[/B] Right..now, you two are clear on the power of the stones, right? [B]Aikan and Kishin:[/B] Right! [B]Ruby:[/B] Let's go.. They fly off into the distance..What will happen next?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]i look forward to seeing the return of you kamakazi. if only we had vecon with us... i dred the return of you mike !!!:mad: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] why?! :( i trained you an vecon to help you hone in on your powers. :cross: meanie! :rolleyes: :D :p
  5. i'll post more about Oblivion.. Name: Oblivion Race: Kaojin(see levels below) Eyes: Misty Blue Height: 6' 4" Weight: 160 Levels and transormations: Kaojin: Kaojin- Hair: Long hair, at least shoulder length(unless cut) Eyes: vary Arura: none, unless created, color of person's selected ki. Weapons: none with form (any suggestions?) kaojin: Hair: normal but shiney Eyes: vary Arura: silver Weapons: none with form Ultra Kaojin: Hair: normal, sleek, shiney. Eyes: vary arura: silver Weapons: none with form Mystic Kaojin: Hair: waist length, sleek, straigh, shiney Eyes: vary Arura: silver Weapons: none with form God/Goddess Kaojin: Hair: waist lenght, White, sleek, straigh, shiney Eyes: vary Weapons: formed in their mind God: Sword(always) Goddess: Staff(always)
  6. i'll include my character's bio and attacks, just for fun since i got some new ones. Trademark attack: Oblivion Blast- There really is no limit of how he powers it up, but basically, energy is drawn from the stone, and it gathers in his hands, he them thrusts it forward into a beam, which does major damage and traps their soul in the middle of oblivion(meaning the middle of nowhere) forever. The other option is to form it into a ball and deploy it, it them swallow the person(s) up and tranports them to whereever Oblivion concentrates(preferably into oblivion). It then proceeds to explode, person and all, leaving their soul trapped forever. Energy attacks: none comfermed at this time. Sword attacks: Time cutter- Oblivion acts like he's going to slice the person in half, but he cuts the air and a gap in time and space is open. He jumps in and it closes, it then open behind the enemy, where he comes out(hopefully, he can get trapped), and then cuts them in half in a spin motion.
  7. :eek: That's wild! i'm glad you made it out alive. Ih ope we get them for what they did! sry about your friends...:( but again, :eek:
  8. How can the famous [URL=http://www.geocities.com/topazwar/oblivion.jpg]Oblivion[/URL] stay away?! :D :p aand he doesn't do ssj and human, he does kaojin, i made the levels up myself, my own special race, so no using it please. :cool:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Hi thimoc.... bye thimoc... [/B][/QUOTE] hehe, go transtic! ban thimoc!
  10. ooooooooooooooo pretty! :eek: ;) :D :eek:
  11. Mike


    the store had purple and white, i chose white. i got the game castlevania, pretty good.
  12. I really liked my second grade teacher, Mrs. McGinnis, she was so nice, and she alsways used to call me spider monkey(don't ask, a little inside joke thing.) She always played rainforest music, opened the blinds and turned out the lights while we worked, it was peacefull. a soft light somming in thorugh the windows, hehe.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]Adam, you could go around meeting all the wacko's that come here, then make a book about it!:D If you live to tell about it that is...;) [/B][/QUOTE] what do you mean [I]if[/I]? with James here, nobody will touch him, haha. He'll blow their head off if he does, and masterfork can beat them up case Adam is an important person from the THEOBWAKU.COM, hehe. :devil:
  14. megaman, it was the first anime i've ever seen. :) at the time i didn't even know what anime was. lol i was like 7.
  15. o gosh! :eek: :laugh: that's funny! lookie at this, a convo between me and Adam on aim. note, i'm blocking his s/n out. OblivionUnien: tell me he really didn't act like that >.< Adam: is it so strange? OblivionUnien: yes Adam: what can i say, he scared the hell out of me hehe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  16. awwww....shucks, i feel special. :D :p ;) :p :D
  17. sry, just, it kinda makes me mad when someone callsme new and i'm not..:o and also, it is kinda hard to tell when someone is being sarcastic over the internet, ya know? :p I just was talking with BG and she explained your personality to me, so again, sry. :angel: :blush: :angel:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]Mike - I can't read to well tonight, contact problems, but what's that little word written under you Name, but above your Avatar? Oh geeze, where's my magnifying glass.... ..ah yes, that's right "NEWBIE":laugh: Muhahha! Sucker...oh wait, me suddenly ducks down under desk and hides in embarrassment....me has that same word under my name :( [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, please shut that giant whole in your head, it's letting out too much hot air. If you would take the time to know me and ask about me, you would know i have really been going to these boards since august 2000. My name was first VEGGETO, then i changed it to Oblivion, then Oblivion Unien. I then wanted my old name, so i went back to VEGGETO. Just lately i have asked Adam if he would make my name on here Mike. So, it may say newbie, but i'm not one. I like to take my time in gaining posts. I really had 686 posts before the boards got shut down and transfered because of Gendo, the one whom i've deleted(it was fun :D). That is all. :o
  19. remineds me of that mario brothers thing..uh-oh..here i go! shiggity shiggity shwa Hey idiot, guess what? what? i got the new nintendo mario brothers no you didn't yes i did let me see yea, i bet you wanna see it idiot yes here it is, i got it at cracky's for 2 dolla lol, or something like that..it's funny. :laugh: :devil:
  20. it would be alot more....or rather less i should say...annoying to us..if you would like to know how to do something please look in the FAQ. thankyou! :)
  21. Mike


    i wear nothing...very comfy..hehe. I do wear socks to bed in the winter tho. :) looks weird..hehe. :p :rolleyes: ;)
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