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Everything posted by Shu-chan

  1. I´m really confused here. Does it have to do with those old gold coins they used to use?
  2. [quote name='Morpheus']You're supposedto post a riddle.[/quote] Oh, ok. A man turns off the lights in his house and goes to sleep. The next morning he finds out he killed thousands of people. What happened?
  3. thanx a lot! I appreciate it.
  4. [QUOTE=ColourDeaf]An exceptionally easy one. Here it is [I]I am broken with my name.[/I] Most people will probably get it, but meh[/QUOTE] That´s an easy one. The answer is silence. When you say the word silence, silence itself is broken.
  5. wow thx! It´s awesome! could you also do the same one with the name horohoro on it?
  6. Can anyone plz make a sig/banner out of this pic and put the name horohoro or Shu-chan. [IMG]http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/02.01/reviews/3/pic.jpg[/IMG] Or of another gravitation pic with a blue background.
  7. "Hi there. Uh, could someone tell me where I could get a weapon. Someone, um stole mine*blushes* I'm Shuichi but you can call me Shu-chan." Shu-chan looks around and hearing the slightest noise, hides behind Sephy. "I'm sorry for acting so afraid but I almost got myself killed without a weapon. I'm strong though. Could I hang out with all of you for a while?
  8. Inside there is a teenage girl, about 18 years old, running around the bar and breaking anything she'd see. You could tell she was drunk. She suddenly stopped and looked directly at Jin. She takes out a small laser gun and points at Jin's head, slowly pulling the trigger...
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