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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Betrayal...abandonment...hn...my advice is "get over it", friends come and go as everyone knows. You'll find some better ones, people always do. As life goes on you soon find out who your true friends are...and most of the time its the ones you least expect.
  2. OOC: FUCK!!!!!.......damn i missed alot didn't i..lmfao. Oh well. Time to catch up I guess. Thank you amgoddess. IC: Sayne looked at Sora, who was still fumming with anger about the way he treated her. He lent back in his chair 'So how do they become Ledgendary?' questioned Sayne coldly as he glared at Dr Kane 'There are special chips which were placed in the heart of Luna One...but...to get to the heart of Luna one...is very risky. the security to get to the heart...,' whispered Dr Kane, 'Your Grandfather created the serum that we placed into you. You are the key to getting to the heart. The serum we used on many...but you still have it flowing through your bones...it is there for good. The system protecting the chips is a system which thrives on emotion. one hint of fear and it'll destroy you, one hint of any kind of emotion..it'll destroy you. that serum it counter acts that system, it wipes all emotion from your body...this is why we did that too you amoungst other reasons. You are the only one that may beable to get to the heart and get those chips,' Sayne looked at Sora whos face looked shocked 'Getting those chips will be the only way we can destroy those mechs,' whispered Dr Kane Sayne stood up and walked over to Dr Kane, grabbed him by the collar and forced him against the wall 'Who the hell created them?' growled Sayne 'I dont know...,' whispered Dr Kane, Saynes mind was furious with anger, he mind went over everyone who would beable to create such beasts...then it stopped on one person....he knew something wasn't right.....he couldn't tell Sora because he didn't know himself..but now he knew what was eating at him. He let go of Dr Kane and ran to the door, 'Wait for me!!,' yelled Sora as she took off after him and everyone else followed, he ran outside and saw Professor Saith climb into a jeep with a few others and head off towards the abandon Sion Base. He kicked a Private out of a truck and everyone piled in. 'Sayne whats going on?' questioned Keiji 'You'll see,' replied Sayne. ************** Old Sion: Sayne pulled to a grinding hault and quickly jumped out, they all ran around the side to find Professor Saith standing there with a group of others. Saith turned around to see Sayne running at him, Sayne pulled his gun, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. 'WHY'D YOU BUILD THOSE!!!!!,' roared Sayne 'Sayne what are you doing?' exclaimed Dr Kane Dr Kane tried to run over and help Saith, but Sayne aimed the gun at him, Kane backed off while everyone watched. Saith put his head down 'WHY!!!,' roared Sayne as He fired the gun into the air giving everyone a shock, Saith nearly crumbled but Sayne held him in place 'It wasn't meant to be like this...not for this....i didn't mean for it to get like this...I was going to introduce them as guards of the games...not to go against it all...,' stuttered Saith, 'Thats all i had created them for...that was all,' Dr Kane looked at Saith and shook his head. Sayne let him drop to the ground, infuriated Sayne then aimed at his leg and shot without any restraint. Saith let out s shrill scream 'You stupid fucking idiot!,' growled Sayne as he walked away and stood with his back turned to everyone. 'Oh great good one dickhead!,' exclaimed Dale, 'you should of created cylargres while you were at it!,' Everyone looked at Dale who lent against the building shaking his head. Sora walked up to Sayne and slapped him on the back of the head, 'Dammit why didn't you just tell me that you had a feeling about this,' Sayne looked at her and rubbed the back of his head, 'Because I didn't know myself, I couldn't be certain what the feeling was...but after the meeting it struck me like lightning...I;m sorry,' Sora then hugged him, she was still angry but...she saw his reason, he rested his head on her shoulder and sighed 'Sayne...are you going after those chips?' questioned Keiji Sayne looked up at Keiji and Sora and then looked at the others, 'Yeah. i have to or we stand no chance against them,' Keiji nodded, Sayne looked at Sora and he kissed her, tears swelled in her eyes. ***************** Back at the Stadium: 'The equipment is ready Dr Kane,' spoke a Private as he walked out of the Lab. Sayne looked down at his arms which bearred the hashful past which he lived, a past of what he wanted to forget...but it followed him everywhere. 'Sayne are you ready?' questioned Dr Kane Sayne gave a slight nod and a serious stare. 'hey wait...i thought that serum was destroyed?' questioned Lyu 'yes it is...but not the one in him. right now it is dormant, it remains in him because of the hig dosages we gave him. Body absorded it and kept it...so now...as you might say....we are going to jump start it again..and hopefully, we wont have to ever again,' explained Dr Kane 'Lets get it over and done with,' growled Sayne. dr Kane gave a nod and opened the door. sayne then turned to Sora 'What ever i say and do...don't take it to heart...you know I love you..and that forever i will love you,' whispered sayne as he touched her cheek, tears ran down her eyes 'I know...you pain in the ass,' she tried to smiled as he wiped her tears away, 'you do what you have to do...just come back to me...i love you so much,' He kissed her deeply and held her close, he put his head down and for the first time...a single tear fell from his eye, but noone saw as he quickly turned and walked into the lab and the door closed ****** The lab: Sayne Lay down on the examination table...it brought back memories..so many memories.. Dr kanes apprentices hooked up many lines and injected a yellow fluid into him, and then they began. They stood behind a screen and watched as Sayne's eyes rolled into his head as they pumped through a red substance to activate the serum which was dormant....his body began to shake violently as the dormant serum shot through his body..he let out a cry of pain as he clenched his fists and arched his back, suddenly there was a blinding light and then it desappeared and Sayne now lay on the table looking at the ceiling. He ripped his arms upward snapping the leather bindings that held him down and sat up. Dr kane walked towards him 'Sayne?' questioned Kane Sayne looked at Dr Kane, his face was expressionless and harsher than what it was five years ago, his eyes very like cold stone and they seemed to burn a hole right through Dr Kane, saynes stare made him shiever Sayne walked to the door with Dr Kane behind him. They walked out to the others 'Those mechs should have weaknesses, find out what they are, saith should know, and try to track down where the others were taken and we need a plan, i 'll be back soon,' spoke Sayne in a tone which was colder and harsher than what it was five years ago. Sayne looked at them without any emotion in his eyes and then ran down the hallway. he ran out into the holding bay where Deviryn was, boarded Deviryn and took off into the sky, he had to get back to L.S One which resided in space, Deviryn roared as they flew into the sky and diappeared. His mind was clear and his heart bear no emotion. The key to getting into Lunar one's heart.
  3. They landed on a warm rocky surface, there was fire all around them but it was unharmful. Jun was still down on one knee. He felt at home and he hadn't felt like that for ages but he knew.....it wasn't where he should of been. He could feel the darker side of him become stronger. At that moment he felt a hand on his shoulder. [COLOR=Blue]I'm with you Jun.[/COLOR] spoke Osiris. 'You shouldn't be Osiris,' whispered Jun [COLOR=Blue]Where you go, I go[/COLOR]. smiled the angel. [COLOR=Blue]Just don't give in[/COLOR]. Jun looked at Osiris and closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply and then looked around 'So this is hell,' whispered Jack as they walked to the edge and looked out over a firey surface below them, canyons flowed with what looked to be red hot lava and red lighting lit up above them They looked across and saw a huge deep red castle mounted against a wall 'My home...' whispered Jun going into a slight trance, he quickly shook his head to snap himself out of it and looked at everyone...he was glad that they didn't hear him. He put a hand to his head as it throbbed but then quickly took it away. 'Dammit,' he thought to himself as they began to head towards the castle.
  4. Name: Synthane Cross (Syn) Age: 23 Sex: Male Location: Unknown Appearance: Look to Attachments. Fitness freak, very wiry and broad shouldered. Stands at 5'10. Icy blue eyes and light golden tan, red firey hair. Personality: Silent. Doesn't like to get involved in other peoples lives and can't stand talking about his own. Only speaks when he feels it nessecary, Very Serious. wont take what he don't deserve. Mysterious and Intriguingly handsome and draws much attention to himself...in saying that he isn't a vain person and when it comes to love...he misses it completely because he doesn't care to much for it. He has a one track mind and can become a very cold-hearted person...can also be unpredictable at times. Bio: Syn doesn't know his parents, he was very young when they died. He was handed over to his grandparents....and within those years of living with them he became emotionally de-tached....and his mind full of memories he wished he could forget...but that is easier said than done. At the age of 18 his grandparents were in a car accident leaving him with a great fortune and much more. He sold the house he lived in with them and then began travelling the world and living off the interest. He has but one friend, A black male Eagle he called Skye. Syn found Skye down the back of his grandparents house when he was 7 years old. Skye was shot by his grandfather who was a cruel man. Syn restored Skyes freedom and life back to him..but instead of Skye returning to the wild he stayed by Syn and although they can't talk to each other, they have become very loyal and trusted friends. Skye has never left Syns side...and he never will. Skye is very obedient and will only listen and trust Syn, they have a very strong bond between each other and they can feel each others emotion. Skye can how ever be very vicious towards others. Greatest Desire: Is to die with meaning. Greatest Fear: Losing his freedom. OOC: I'll put the attachment in later. Pm me if there's anything wrong.
  5. Jun looked at Sam. he kissed her and then got up out of the bed. He had a shower and then got dressed and walked back out in just his black pants on and his boots, no shirt. He engulfed himself with fire until his wings and hair was dry. He smiled at Sam 'Where you going?' she asked 'Just for a walk....thats all,' said Jun as he walked over, kissed her on the forehead and then left the room. ********* Jun slowly walked passed Lyon and Kane, gave them a slight nod to say that he acknowledge their exsistance and carried on outside. His mind was very troubled...not by what had happened lastnight....but by other things. The dark side was calling to him....but not as strong as how it was 5 years ago. [COLOR=Blue]'Jun.'[/COLOR] came Lyons voice from behind him. 'Hey Lyon,' replied Jun not turning around, Lyon moved up beside Jun and they both gazed out over the land [COLOR=Blue]'So how you been, haven't had a chance to talk to you....although...if i recall, you hardly said a thing anyway,'[/COLOR] Lyon laughed Jun turned and looked at Lyon who stopped laughing and lokked him up and down [COLOR=Blue]'What?'[/COLOR] questioned Lyon as he looked at himself Jun turned his gaze back to the scenery, with a smile on his face. 'Well don't we look like a shocking pair...Heaven and Hell stand together on a hill top,' Lyon looked at Jun then at himself, as Jun cocked his head around and looked at Lyon, at that moment they bursted out laughing [COLOR=Blue]'I think hell would be crumbling right now!,[/COLOR]' laughed Lyon 'Yeah and heaven be screaming,' Jun laughed, they then stopped laughing and Jun extended his hand, 'It's good to have you back Lyon,' Lyon shook Juns hand, [COLOR=Blue]''Its good to be back Jun.....so tell me...you hiding any secrets this time...you know..like ones we should know of??,'[/COLOR] questioned Lyon as he looked at Juns wings 'Yeah...,' whispered Jun as he stared into Lyons eyes, deep inside Juns eyes Icy blue eyes burned a flame....of black, 'But its nothing you don't already know,' [COLOR=Blue]'They're calling you..aren't they?'[/COLOR] questioned Lyon Jun gave a slight nod, '..hmm..', Jun then turned to walk back towards the temple, 'If that time does come....Lyon....do what you have to,' Lyon placed a hand on Jun's shoulder, 'Lets both hope that time doesn't come..because heaven knows...I'll be praying,' Jun gave a slight nod and walked back inside the temple, Lyon followed. Jun and Kane watched as Lyon made breakfast, he whistled a melody which was quite soothing, Kala, Sam and Jack now entered the kitchen. 'Smells good Lyon,' smiled Jack 'I agree,' smiled Sam as she walked over by Jun whos eyes seemed more distant than this morning 'There'll be coming...again.....this time...stronger,' whispered Jun as he looked at Sam seriously Jun could feel the evil which rose from the distance...the many true powers of the Destroyer was drawing nearer......
  6. [I][B]OOC: Ok ppl. amgoddess is going to be gone for about a week. So lets try to keep her in.[/B][/I] [B]IC:[/B] Sayne smiled at Sora as he watched her cook the same meal she cooked five years ago. He turned to see Keiji walking over to them. 'Now don't that bring back memories,' said Keiji looking over Soras shoulder Sora then knocked him on the head as he tried to get a taste 'OUCH!!,' he exclaimed as he rubbed the part where she hit him, 'You know, normal people would use the spoon on the hand not on the head!,' Kai and Lyu began laughing, while Sayne looked at Keiji 'Well we aint normal are we Keiji,' Sora laughed Keiji also laughed and Sayne smiled. Sora put the plate down on the table 'Looks as though the others haven't returned,' said Lyu as she looked at the clock on the wall 'Oh well, lets all dig in, I'll leave some in the oven for them,' smiled Sora. ******************** [B]Sayne and Sora's room:[/B] Sayne was sitting by the window in his boxers when Sora entered their room. His eyes were distant and the moon engulfed him in a haunting pale light. She closed the door and walked over to him, she put her arms around his shoulders. 'Something wrong lover?' she whispered sweetly in his ear 'No...just kind of missed the old place...it feels good to be back here,' smiled Sayne although his eyes told a different story. Sora hugged him tighter 'I know what you mean...this place holds alot of memories..good and bad...but when you've grown up here....you still miss it,' smiled Sora '..hmm..' sighed Sayne as he kissed Sora on the cheek, she took him by the hand and pulled him to bed. They got in and she rested her head upon his chest and they lay there in each others arms. *********************** [B]The V.M Tournament:[/B] Sayne and Sora were up at 0730, they had breakfast and with their mechs theys headed to the main entrance gate of the stadium. The only ones there were Commander De'Larne, General Rei, General Tame, Dr Kane and someone else who'd they never seen before stood on a plateform which seemed to be the judges booth. Noone else had arrived yet. Privates were rushing around in all directions They walked over while Deviryn and Blaze stood back. 'Oh good morning Sayne and Sora,' called Dr Kane 'Good morning Dr Kane,' called Sora Sayne gave them all a nod of the head without saying anything. Dr Kane then walked down the stairs with the unfamiliar figure behind him 'Sayne, Sora, I'd like you both to meet Professor Saith, a very good friend of mine,' 'Hello,' smiled Professor Saith as he extended his hand towards them. Sora shook his hand but Sayne just looked at it and frowned. 'So this is Sayne De'Larne and Sora Avian, I've heard alot about you two and the others who fought in the Cylargrian war...it is an honor to meet you both, I'm hoping to meet the others aswell,' smiled Professor Saith, he wore glasses and looked around the same age as Dr Kane, he had long white hair which was tied to the back and tidy bearded, he was tall and thin and wore a white coat, a shirt and black pants. 'Well, nice to meet you Professor Saith,' smiled Sora, 'We're going to take a look around,' 'Ok, we're still setting up for the tournament so watch out,' smiled Dr Kane As they walked away Professor Saith turned to Dr Kane, 'He was the one who you tested the X serum on wasn't it?' 'Yes he was, and still it runs through his veins...,' whispered Dr Kane 'But the X serum only lasts for a short time..how can it be still running through him?' questioned Professor Saith 'When he was younger, one of my apprentice's accidently gave him a high over dose, well over the limit, through the tubes......and because of the fall out him and his father had.....it changed him completely, it left him emotionally de-tached and heartless...until he meet Sora, he's slowly coming around....but....the serum will always keep him like that.' explained Dr Kane, 'and then in the war...he nearly died...so we had to over dose him again, the serum has now been destroyed. Noone else can use it,' Professor Saith watched Sayne as they kept walking away. ****************** [B]At the old holding bays left by Syon Base:[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]A group move closer making themselves unseen by those. They pressed hard against the holding bay. 'Don't worry, we'll get those Codes...and they will be ours....they wont know what hit them. but we will wait...so calm yourselfs,' smiled a man from the shadows 'Yes sir,' the men replied in unison.[/COLOR] [I][B]OOC: Ok everyone make it to the stadium so you'll be all introduced and the fun can start!...I will be making annoucement of the tournament in my next post.....tomorrow. Plus please check in the underground for the CPU groups who you'll fight and for the rules if you haven't already red them. Plus there will be a message about prizes.[/B][/I]
  7. Jun then made his way back up her body slowy caressing her body with his tounge, she trembled with delight as they roled and she was now on top of her...she lifted herself ontop of him and came down upon him gently, Jun enhaled deeply as she rocked hungrily on top of him Her hands caressed his chest wantingly as his muscles tensed, he groaned as he felt his body wanting more....groans escaped their mouths as he held her by the waist and moved beneath her, in hunger he sat up and supoorted her with his free arm while he began caressing her breast with his lips. His tounge teased her nipple again while his free hand moved up and down her body, her head flung back as she pushed down harder on him....sweat formed all over their bodies as she gripped his shoulders while Jun pulled Sam down harder on top him. he could feel the warmth inside of her....pleasure teasing and caressing the very being...he groaned as his hunger grew even worse He rolled her over on to the bed and thrusted even deeper into her, her back arched as his hands trailed down her naked and damp body, she bit his shoulder as she grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in. She could feel him throbbing inside of her....wanting more as their motion became faster, their breathing was heavier and hot......her nails dug into his back as she pressed up into him harder and faster with every motion. He groaned as his wings tensed. They were both reaching the very tip of their peak. Sam whimpered as Jun groaned deeply, she ran his fingers through his now soaking hair, suddenly her hands flung out to the sides and gripped the sheets, Jun flung his head back as he thrusted deeper and deeper into her....gripping the bed as blue, red and black flames engulfed them both but didn't burn, the earth began to shake as she arched up into him as he drove in deeper 'Oh god......Jun....' Sam whispered with pleasure as she pushed up into him, Juns body became even more tense as their bodies shuddered with pure ecstasy and overwhelming pleasure, his wings expanded out wider. Jun suddenly fell in a heap on top of her, his breathing was rapid as was hers....... He then cocked himself upon one elbow....and looked down at her as she smiling dreamily at him..... 'Your trembling..,' she whispered 'I'm...ok,' he smiled as he kissed her lips softly. He withdrew himself, and his wings diappeared back into his back, he slowly rolled off her and rolled over on to his back.....she then rolled towards him and snuggled up beside him.....his heart still raced and his body still trembling....they lay there in each others arms....in a sweet silence that made everything seem.....ok.
  8. Juns eyes rolled back into his head..his body shievered with a deep pleasure as he felt her, he gripped the sheets hard. he then pulled her up and rolled on top of her, he kissed her deeply and then trailed down her body. As he once again ran his tounge over his nipple and her hadn caressed the other, her body shuddered as he then moved down over he stomach, she groaned as she lifted one leg over his shoulder and he began kissing and slowly rolling his tounge over her inner leg, he then looked at her as she looked down at him, His hand ran up her leg and found her deepest sensation, her back arched up wards as he played with her, she groaned as his tounge slid down her leg and into her very part which made her head spin and his body tremble violently. Soft whispers escaped her mouth as she pulled his head in closer....an immense please filled her body.
  9. Jun groaned more as she caressed him between the legs, his body trembled as he bit her neck and his hand ran over breast, fingering the very spot that made her tremble and shiever in delight she groaned deeply as his lips trailed down her chest....and found what they were looking for, her body arched into his as he began nip and suckled her as it became hard. she pulled his head in closed and groaned louder as he took it in, his tounge played teasingly with her. Her fingers dug into her back as she whimpered within the excitement.
  10. Jun looked at her, his body shievered and his heart beat faster....it was an overwhelming feeling....Her hands carried on down to the towel, he felt it become loose and then dropped to the ground.....he wanted her....he needed her....his heart beat even faster 'Are you ok?' she whispered gently as she caressed his chest....and with that he pulled her in closer and kissed her hungrily once again.....she could feel him trembling as his hand slipped down over her chest...he stopped and then quickly withdrew his hand and rubbed the back of her neck.. 'It's ok..' she smiled as she pulled him back towards her and kissed him again also placing his nad back over her chest. He then began caressing her neck with his lips, she felt weak as he pressed her against the wall...his muscles tensed with every movement. He then ripped off her top and then pressed her harder against the wall His hunger for her grew worse and deeper as he pants now fell down around her ankles His breathing was more heavier...as he kissed her lips again...biting them teasingly as she shievered....as she ran her hands down his back and pulled him in closer so their bodies were pressed hard against each other
  11. Jun looked at Sam, something about her.....made his sensors become even more tragic....a feeling of want rippled through his blood. His mind was plagued by many thoughts.....thoughts that made his head ache. He frowned and then suddely walked back inside the temple. Black flames still rose from his form and his eyes were colder than ever. Sam looked at everyone. 'Whats wrong with him?,' questioned Kane [COLOR=RoyalBlue]'Thats a long story....and one....I think only Jun can tell,'[/COLOR] smiled Lyon Osiris looked at Kala, Kane, Jack, Lyon and Sam. he then took off after him [COLOR=Blue]Jun.[/COLOR] called Osiris 'Leave me be ANGEL!,' roared Jun as his eyes grew red again and he turned around and flew at Osiris lifted him off the ground and slammed him against the wall. [COLOR=Blue]Jun please...calm down. It is me...Osiris.[/COLOR] whispered The Angel calmly. Jun looked at him menacingly but then saw the fear in Osiris's eyes Jun rested his weary head upon Osiris's shoulder and then let him go. 'I'm sorry,' Jun whispered, 'I just need to be alone,' Jun then walked to his room. Sam and the others ran in to see what happened [COLOR=Blue]It's ok[/COLOR]. smiled Osiris as they all watched Jun disappear into his room. 'I'll go see if he's ok,' said Sam 'But what if...' began Kala 'No...he wont, I know him all too well, I'll be ok, just do what you feel you need to do,' smiled Sam as she walked to the door and they walked back outside and carried on with what they were doing. ********************** Jun had just finished a cold shower. His mind was mixed with so many emotions...he didn't know what to do. The shower clamed him only to an extent......He closed his eyes......all he could hear was Sams words...... He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and walked out of the bathroom. He walked over to the fire place and lit it up. He then sat down infront of the fire place and watched the flames burn before him. At that moment a knock fell upon the door. Jun knew who it was. his eyes narrowed as the door opened. He stood up. 'Jun?' Sam whispered into the room as she walked in and closed the door. He then looked at her. The room was dark apart from the light which came from the fire place. 'Jun..I want to help you...' she whispered again At that moment Jun flew at her and bailed her up against the door. He was only inches from her, she could feel his hot breath on her skin. he smiled and lent lent to one side and locked the door. He then looked at her.....there again were the feelings....the emotions he hid deep within him rose again.....feelings he hid along time ago. He then turned from her trying to clam himself...he walked over by the fire place...she did something to him.....something he didn't understand....something......which he had never felt before. Sam walked over to him and grabbed his hand....for some reason...they were cold 'Jun...let me help you...talk to me....or do something,' she whispered softly Jun looked at her, 'I can't hurt you....' 'Please...let me help you,' 'HOW!,' roared Jun suddenly, Sam could see the torture in his eyes and before he could say anything...she grabbed him and kissed him deeply and passionately. Jun was stunned and nearly fell over......he quickly pulled away and looked at her, his face was in shock...but it wasn't from the kiss.....it went deeper than that Sam put her head down....hurt by his actions, she then walked away to the door Jun wanted her.....he wanted the pain gone...the loneliness....everything....he wanted gone...suddenly he flew at her. Sam was just about to grab the door handle when suddenly she heard his wings, she spun around just intime to be forced against the wall. Jun pinned her arms to the wall as he kissed her hungrily.....his body tingled as she kissed him back....Jun suddenly pulled away again....and looked at her.....she could tell he was truely scared.... 'I.......,' he whispered She walked towards him and made him look at her, his eyes held much saddness and pain.....but something glistened more within his eyes when he looked at her......
  12. Nicknames...I have a few: [B]Heero:[/B] [I]My main nick name...Given to me by my best friend and my family...so does alot of other people.....lets not go into that.[/I] [B]Devils Son or Satan:[/B] [I]My grandparents named me those two names...It's because I was born on Friday the 13th!!...under a red moon...LMAO.....and I have a birthmark on my left shoulder on my back. Its reddish and is in the shape of a quarter moon, its about half the size of my palm, been there ever since I was born...lucky me (sarcastically)....I use to hate that name...but now it aint bad.[/I] [B]Odin[/B]: [I]This is my middle name. Odin use to be my father's father's name, My uncle calls me that.[/I] [B]Synthane / Syn (for short): [/B] [I]This is my second middle name. This was the name of my Fathers fathers brother. They were both very close brothers[/I]. Well thats it from me.
  13. Sayne stood by Deviryn going over a few of the modifications that were done to him. 'Seems as though they got something right,' Sayne whispered as he looked at Deviryn Sayne noticed Ajack who walked passed them. he continued with what he was doing. After Lyu left Ajack, Ajack fell into a world of his own Sayne stood up from checking Deviryn's sytem and walked to find the communal room. As Sayne rounded a corner he nearly bumped into Ajack, both of them just stood and looked at each other. ajack had his duffle bag hoisted over his shoulder. 'So...hows it been?' questioned Sayne in his usual mono-toned voice Ajack looked at him, 'Ok I guess,' Sayne gave him a slight nod....he really didn't know what to say to Ajack...he was still no good in situations of making conversation... 'It's good to see you Ajack,' Said Sayne 'Its been along time,' replied Ajack. 'Hey look...you were a friend to me....along time ago....if ever you need to talk or just....i don't know.....come find me..although...you know my attitude suck and the only way i know how to solve something is to shoot the one who caused it....although...that wouldn't be good but...I'm there for you,' spoke Sayne in a dark tone and emotionless expression Ajack smiled abit remembering how Sayne use to be 'Well at least you haven't changed,' said Ajack 'I'll catch you up later...i'm going to find that damn communal room,' Sayne then placed a hand on Ajacks shoulder, 'It is good to see you,' And then Sayne walked away. Sayne walked over to Dr Kane 'So when is the tournament starting?' questioned Sayne 'Tomorrow at 0900 hours,' replied Dr Kane '..hn..' said Sayne as he walked away without saying anything to his father. ************** Professor Saith and the Mech ships landed at the old Syon Base. 'Quickly unload them and make sure that those security systems are going, we can't have anyone finding out about these,' said Professor Saith 'Yes Professor Saith,' said the private. They unloaded the shipment and as they were closing the doors...red eyes glowed from the bays. Professor smiled. *********************** Sayne took a look around in the communal room and found that it was more or less the same, although he found that there was a gym room next door to it and next to that was the mechanima holding bay. The only difference was that they weren't on top of each other but were stituated just outside the stadium. Sayne then went into the Gym room next door to the communal room, he was working out when Sora walked in 'Hello lover,' she smiled at him as performed a round house kick on the bag and ripped in, sand fell out onto the floor and Sora laughed. She walked up to him and kissed him 'I feel sorry for Lyu and Ajack,' whispered Sora, 'I'm glad you stayed with me,' 'I don't really know what to do for Ajack and Lyu...you know i'm no good with that kind of thing....but....Ajack was a friend to me back then....i told him if he ever needed to talk...to come find me or something...I don't know if that helped.....kind of miss the old Ajack...but...as they say...things do change,' said Sayne as he looked down at her. He then kissed her forehead and walked into the showers. 'I came to tell you that everyones to meet on the tournament grounds in the morning at 0830,' called Sora as she waited, she smiled to herslef and walked into the shower with him after in was halfway through. She grabbed his towel as he reached out of the shower to grab it. Sayne realised that it wasn't there and pushed the door open, Sora laughed as she had his towel flipped over her shoulder and her arms across her chest She smiled as she looked him up and down, her heart fluttered as he walked towards her, his muscles tensed with every movement he made, water ran down his smooth toned golden body as she wrapped the towel around his waist and pulled him closer and he kissed her. He took the towel off her and dried himself then wraped another towel around his waist. He then began pulling out some clothes to get dressed in. 'Have you seen out quarters?' questioned Sayne 'No not yet,' replied Sora 'It's the same as our one but bigger,' said Sayne as he continued to rummage through his bag Sora sat upon the counter and looked at Sayne 'I just hope everything turns out good and its good to see new faces,' she smiled Sayne looked at her and nodded, she ran her fingers through his damp hair. OOC: ok since most of everyone has meet up with each other, the first tournament isn't until 0900, everyone and their mechs will be introduced properly then. Right now do what you like until the tounament starts. (happy now Ajack..lol)
  14. Razel's legs gave way on him and he fell against Jessica, who tried holding him up but she couldn't and they both dropped to the ground and still she held him His body was shaking violently as memories flooded through his mind, he pulled away from her holding his head.... 'MOTHER!!!,' he cried out...., 'FATHER!!!!,' Jessica tried to hug him again but he pushed her away and crawled away from her and lay on his side He then slowly stood up and stumbled, he clutched his head in pain and screamed as he dropped back down to his knees...then he went quiet... he raised his head and looked at Jessica who's worried eyes gazed upon him, tears ran down his face 'She is going to pay..........pay for everything.......,' he growled as he held himself and shievered, his eyes were distant, cold and empty 'I will help you,' whispered Jessica Razel looked at Jessica..but he didn't say anything. His mind was in a world of confusion....and his heart felt as though it had been torn out of him...he wanted truth and revenge.....he was determined to get it.
  15. Jun was truely amazed by what Kane had done for them....the temple stood magnificently... Jun looked at Kane and gave him a smile and a slight nod of the head. Jun smiled at Sam who began filled the room with vines and flowers. They were all talking amongst themselves. Jun was glad that Lyon was stil alive....Lyon stayed outside with Kane for abit. As Jun walked around Osiris appeared beside him [COLOR=Blue]Beautiful...isn't it?[/COLOR] spoke Osiris 'Yes it is....' smiled Jun, 'But he doesn't have to prove anything....we already know he has a good heart,' [COLOR=Blue]He is a good soul...all of them are[/COLOR]. smiled Osiris, [COLOR=Blue]We all have much to learn...and you should let them know whats happening to you....[/COLOR] 'I don't feel like being judged at this moment,' whispered Jun [COLOR=Blue]They don't see you as a monster...and they don't judge you[/COLOR]. said Osiris 'Yeah well.....it's hard to stop thinking that when...you more or less belong to the darker side..,' said Jun as he looked as Osiris [COLOR=Blue]Jun..your too hard on yourself[/COLOR]. whispered Osiris Jun placed a hand on Osiris's shoulder, 'You and I both know...that you can't be there all the time, what happens if....I do to them what I did....back then....The Destroyer is strong....stronger than Kelthor, there isn't a moment in time where it never crosses my mind...of what Kelthor did....and sooner or later...it may happen again, they'll be back.....,' [COLOR=Blue]And i'll be right beside you...you know that.[/COLOR] smiled Osiris Jun smiled at Osiris and then walked away from him and went out into the courtyard just for time alone... He walked over to a rose bush. at that moment...something stirred within him....evil was coming..and coming fast Jun spun around to see Dusk, Dawn and a horde of demons...the Destroyers followers. flying towards them. Jun roared as he took to the sky 'Ah why look who it is.....Lucifer,' smiled Dawn 'I'm not Lucifer...,' growled Jun 'Our master has told us about you......why do you side with them?,' growled Dawn Jun gave a slight demonic smile, 'Because I choose to be, I do what i want...I don't take orders from you...and not even your master,' 'Well...Lucifer....we should see about that, our master is powerful...soon...you will be where you belong,' smiled Dawn 'I will not be enslaved again!!!,' roared Jun as he flew at Dawn, dawn dodged Jun, and lunged at him from behind, his claws dug into Juns back....dark red blood flowed from the wounds as Jun let out a piercing cry which everyone could hear.... 'You will obey our master...I'll see to that,' growled Dawn, at that moment they were both engulfed in a blue flame, Dawn screamed as it felt like ice and quickly pulled away, both their breathing was heavy. Jun looked down to see the others had ran out of the temple 'More have come to play....Demons attack their worthless lives,' roared Dawn as Dusk led them on. 'Shit!,' roared Jun as he took off towards them, Lyon quickly engaged Dusk while the others began to fight with the demons. Dawn growled and chased Jun, Jun could see that demons were about to srike Kane, Sam and Kala from behind. He flew as fast as he could 'Kane!! behind you!!,' roared Jun, Kane, Kala and Sam spun around to see demons nearly on top of them. Jun suddenly flew at them and pushed them to the ground, the demons ripped into Jun and took him up into the sky, trying desperately to tear him apart. more blood seeped out of deep wounds caused by the massive blows. They tore at his wings 'JUN!!,' screamed Sam as they watched Jun fall into the sea., 'NOOOO,' she screamed again as the ground shook violently, Kane tried to stop Jun from falling but was cut off by a horde that flew at them. Jun sank into the water..his body was battered and bleeding..suddenly his eyes opened...they were fully red, a black aura engulfed his form. He smiled as he then bursted out of the water. 'Oh my god...' whispered Sam, Juns form was demonic and sinister as he floated in mid-air...it frightened her....His eyes thirsted for blood and the kill. Jun suddenly flew at Dawn and collided with him, they began fighting viciously and menacingly...both in a battle of power, hunger, killing.....hatered Solar beams were blasted at Jun but he blocked them with a black flame which rose from his body 'Why do you fight for them!!,' roared Dawn 'Because I want to!...I will not serve your master!!,' roared Jun 'we will see about that....Lucifer,' growled Dawn as they collided again with Juns power increasing.
  16. Juns mind was confused....his heart beat faster within that moment....as he looked at her...he kissed her passionately and then drew away and stood up.....he looked down and saw Kala in the water. 'I wont be long....there is something I must do,' he smiled at her but she could see the saddness in his eyes She gave him a nod and he flew down to where Kala stood, she spun around and nearly froze when she noticed that it was Jun 'Please......don't be afraid,' he whispered as he looked at her. Kala looked at him....she could sense the saddness and all other mixed emotions. 'Please don't hurt me...' she whispered 'No...I promise i wont,' he said, 'I just came to apologize....I did not mean to scare you...nor did i mean to hurt you.......I just don't like it when i'm being watched.....,' Kala looked at him and slowly...feeling untreatened by him she boldly walked out of the water and over to him 'I did not mean to......do that to you...I was just seeing if Sarah was ok,' whispered Kala 'I understand your worry....and it was perfectly normal....esspecially when......,' whispered Jun as he looked at himself, 'I know you all see me as a monster......but I was once human....' Kala looked at him, she noticed a deep saddness and empiness in his Icy blue eyes 'how did you become.....like that?' questioned Kala 'It's a long story...and one I'm not fond of telling,' replied Jun 'Why don't you...unmerge with him...or something?' she questioned 'Because....it is now a solid bond.....one that can never be broken....he has become me....and I have become him.....I didn't ask for this....nor did i want it......but..it happened......,' whispered Jun as he looked at Kala and smiled, 'I'm glad that you are all here......,' With that Jun walked away down the beach, as he walked along the beach Kane ran down towards him 'What did you do to her!,' he roared Jun spun around and stopped him in his tracks 'I did nothing,' growled Jun 'Your a demon!.....you can't be trusted!,' growled Kane 'And I see niether can you,' growled Jun Kane looked at him 'Kane!..No!,' cried out Kala as she ran up beside him, Sam also ran down from the hill Kane looked at kala in confusion 'He just apologized....thats all,' smiled Kala Kane looked at Jun and then looked at Kala 'I maybe a demon and a monster to you all.....but I am also human....with a soul and a heart,' growled Jun as his eyes narrowed, 'and Kane, I for one don't think you are a stupid-boy....you are a grown man....and hoped...a friend....although.....friendship...looks as though its a long way off...so excuse me if i don't fit the description for being one of you or even a friend....so i'm sorry i can't be perfect,' Jun then looked distantly at Kane and walked away, leaving them to be.....he had more depressing matters to worry about other than being viewed as a monster to them....he didn't feel like being judged by those who didn't know him...and right now...he was sick of it....all his life..he was judged..and he grew tired of it Jun sat down about a mile from them...his eyes stared out over the sea....he knew the demons would come back for him.....he could feel it.....The Destroyer wanted him......and he knew....that soon...he'd be calling....he couldn't go back to being enslaved, his heart sank deeper inside of him..... 'Dammit,' he whispered as he lay back on the sand, his mind......in a world of pain...sorrow....and worry.
  17. Sayne was in a daze when they landed in Syon Desert....a place he once called home....a place which held so many memories......so many hurtful memories......he began to rub his arm as he had done so many times after the injections....back in the past.....his arms still beared the scars....of those days. 'Hey lover...' whispered Sora who sat beside him and noticed his distance in his eyes and the way he rubbed his arms Sayne looked at her, his heart always raced when he looked at her....sometimes it seemed as though he would die.... 'It'll be alright.....just don't fall back into cold.....I'm here now,' she whispered, her voice sounded like an angel. Sayne smiled. 'It brings back so many memories,' he whispered, Sora then lent over and kissed him 'I know....but we will get through it,' ****************** Sora was first out of the jet while Sayne followed wearily. As he walked down the stairs he stopped when he saw....His father Saynes eyes narrowed but then he carried on after Sora. General Rei was also standing and waiting. 'Young De'Larne!!!,' called an man he new well Sayne turned to see Dr Kane running towards them Dr Kane extended his hand and Sayne took it in his 'It is good to see you lad and Sora....my you both have grown,' smiled Dr Kane but then his smiled disappeared once he saw the needle scars on Saynes arms, tears filled the old professors eyes and he blinked them away, he looked at Saynes eyes and noticed that the coldness of them hadn't changed 'It is good to see you two Dr Kane,' replied Sayne in a deep tone At that moment the ground rumbled, Sayne and Sora looked at each other and then looked around 'There are two who have been waiting for this day for along time...,' smiled Dr Kane as he moved aside and there they were walking towards them.... Deviryn, the dragon mech and Blaze, the pheonix mech. Sayne and Sora then took off towards them. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Master Sayne....oh it is good to see you, I have missed you so[/COLOR]. came Deviryns low husky voice filled with joy which seemed like a roar to everyone else Sayne stopped infront of Deviryn, 'My trusted friend....I have also missed you,' Deviryn took a bow. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I couldn't wait to see you....I see you and Sora are doing well.[/COLOR] 'Yes, I love her deeply,' smiled Sayne as he looked at her [COLOR=DarkGreen]I still remember the day you told her.[/COLOR] Deviryn laughed. [COLOR=DarkGreen]At least she's not def.[/COLOR] 'Your never going to let me live that one down are you,' growled Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Never my friend...never.[/COLOR] Deviryn laughed 'Sayne come on..lets go look at the stadium...blaze said it was huge,' smiled Sora Sora and Sayne walked side by side as they entered the stadium. It went out for miles 'Wow....it reall is huge,' whispered Sayne, Sora looked at him and kissed him 'Ah..what was that for?' he questioned as he smiled 'Am i not allowed to kiss you when ever i like?' she questioned jokingly Sayne smiled deviously and wrapped his arms around her, 'Anytime....but you know what you do to me when you do that kind of thing,' 'Oh really..,' smiled as she kissed him again, 'Oh by the way....I have something for you,' he whispered 'I wondered if you'd remember,' she smiled as she narrowed her eyes at him He then pulled out a small box covered in white material. She smiled and opened it and inside it revealed a white crystal rose locked, it was half the size of her palm on a gold chain Tears swelled in her eyes 'Don't you like it...i can always take it back,' spoke Sayne sounding shocked 'No!,' she exclaimed as she held it close to her heart and then pulled it away to look at it again, she pulled the necklace out of the box, it was very lite and opened it...inside was a picture of them and engraved on the inside of the door red: [COLOR=Blue][I]Don't let the light go out...for you I love forever....Love Sayne[/I][/COLOR] Tears rolled down her cheeks and she threw her arms around him, 'Thank you so much...i knew you had a romantic bone in your body....I love it so much,' 'Hey...i'm learning from the best aren't I,' Sayne laughed He then put it around her neck and she kissed it and then looked at him, 'Where's your rose?' 'Don't worry I brought it,' he smiled, 'Come on lets go take a look around and find out where our sleeping quarters are,' She nodded and they took off. OOC: Ok everyone, meet up with Sora and Sayne..somewhere at the stadium and for the new one's bond with your mechs and then meet up with them.
  18. Ok everyone. Amgoddess will be putting up the story for this in the adventure square. We'll pm everyone about it once its up. Hopefully it will be up soon. Sign-ups will remain open for a abit longer.
  19. Jun flew around abit more and then finally he returned to Sams side. She sat up and looked at him and he smiled 'Are you alright?' she asked as she watched him. His body glistened in the moonlight which beamed down and casted an eerie glow over everything around them...but she felt safe. Jun gave a slight nod and sat down beside her She gently grabbed his hand and with her free hand she turned his face to hers 'I am here for you...just know that,' she smiled as she kissed him and then lent against him, his arms were warm, 'By the way....ah....where's your shirt?' Jun looked at Sam with a raised brow, 'Oh...i don't wear shirts...they're too annoying,' Sam laughed and Jun just smiled. Deep in his mind....visions of what he had done while becoming one with Lucifer....danced. Torturing his soul..... 'You should get some sleep, ' smiled Jun as he stood up and so did she. They then walked back into the palace and Jun walked Sam to her room. 'Wait....do you sleep?' she asked 'I am still part human,' he smiled 'Oh ...right,' she said as she kissed him and then watched him go to his room. ************ Jun hadn't been able to sleep properly for years...although...even before he merged with Lucifer..he hardly slept. He lay on his bed in his boxers with his arms behind his head and he looked at the ceiling He closed his eyes...and the visions came back to him....visions which seemed to follow him...where ever he went....visions....he couldn't let go of.....a past...untold. He blinked open his eyes and rolled over onto his side 'Damn you Kelthor....' he whispered as he remembered the callings from kelthor...the way he called...the way he tortured his mind....even though he was dead....it still felt as though it all happened yesterday
  20. Jun looked at her and he stood up and stretched out his wings. Sam stood up and looked at him 'Whats wrong?' she asked looking worried he placed a gentle hand on her face and then kissed her passionately 'I just need to think about things...ok....i'm not use to all of this....and i need to think, ok, so i'm just going flying, i'll be back.....I just need time...to come to terms with it all,' he explained 'Ok,' she smiled, 'But please come back,' 'I won't be gone for long,' he smiled as he stretched out his wings again and dove down from the side and rose up into the sky. ************* Jun flew around making sure to keep the temple in view [COLOR=Blue]Something wrong?[/COLOR] questioned Osiris who appeared beside him 'I don't understand.....it all,' whispered Jun [COLOR=Blue]She will help you to[/COLOR]. spoke Osiris, 'I don't see what she see's in me....all i ever was....was a bastard...towards any kind of feelings she showed me........and then there's my demon side.....,' replied Jun Osiris laughed. [COLOR=Blue]Jun, she loves you for who you are....not what you are...remember that.[/COLOR] 'I will try.....I just don't want to hurt her.....i mean did you see what i did to Kala...,' said Jun [COLOR=Blue]I am here to help you Jun.[/COLOR] smiled Osiris as they then stopped in mid-air and looked around 'It's just hard.......' whispered Jun [COLOR=Blue]You will understand in time. Just give it time.[/COLOR] smiled Osiris as he placed a gentle hand on Jun's shoulder. Jun just sighed. [COLOR=Blue]I know how you feel about her...but just go slow...she is there to help you understand, she'd be about the best one to help you in a situation like this.[/COLOR] Jun rubbed the back of his neck as they carried on flying.
  21. Jun just stood there for a moment...he felt at peace with himself knowing that they were at the temple.....one place he thought that he'd never return to.... Memories of the kiss between him and Sam flooded back into his mind...although it didn't bother him..but it did make him feel strange. He looked down at Sam who was resting peacefully on his shoulder...with a cruel but sarcastic smile it he used his shoulder with great force and bounced her head on his shoulder. 'OH SHIT!!,' she exclaimed as she was startled by the sudden jolt of his shoulder, she began rubbing her head, 'what was that for!!,' Jun began laughing and she looked at him and punched him in the arm 'Don't do that!,' she said with a laugh in her outburst 'Hurt? did it?' smiled Jun with a devious look in his eyes 'Your cruel you know that..just cruel!,' she laughed but narrowed her eyes playfully Jun then took a bow but still with his eyes fixed on her, 'Thank you,' 'Why you!!,' she exclaimed as she ran towards him, Jun took off, 'You get back here right now mister!,' Juns laughing was haunting and demonic as he ran around behind a pillar, she ran around after him but fund he was gone 'Jun?....' she questioned as his laughing echoed throughout the room, 'Your starting to scare me.....' At that moment Juns head appeared infront of hers and she screamed and lent up against the pillar 'Oh my god!,' she panted, he smiled at her. She looked up and saw that he was floating upside down, 'dammit don't do that!,' Jun laughed but this time it wasn't haunting or demonic 'Scared?...of me?....,' he smiled sarcastically 'Shut up,' she laughed as she looked at him, 'and besides...you can be scary,' 'Thanks,' he smiled His body then flipped around and he landed on the ground and down on one knee. He then stood up and ran his fingers through his hair He then noticed that she was smiling at him. He looked at himself and then looked back at her, her eyes seem to trail over every inche of his half naked exsistence 'What?' he questioned She then walked towards him and placed a gentle hand on his face 'I've missed you..so much,' she whispered, 'although...if i recall...you never joked around,' 'Yeah well....,' he shrugged and smiled 'Can I ask you something?' she questioned as she pulled her hand away He looked at her 'What did you mean...by what you said that day you left?' she whispered as she hung her head down 'Sam....look at me.....,' whispered Jun, Sam then lifted her head and gazed into his Icy blue eyes which were filled with so much saddness and emptiness 'Why are your eyes...so sad?' she questioned again 'I couldn't stay with you.....because I knew...that my demon side would worsen...and that i may hurt you.......but......I wanted to be with you........I just don't understand....about your feelings.......I didn't understand why you had them......I was raised without the emotions you have.....and then when you kissed me.....I didn't know what to do......I have never been in a situation like that before.....and with my demon side merging with me.....I new i couldn't stay.....I had to find myself......in order...to live,' he explained, 'but within those years....i killed so many innocent souls........,' Sam moved closer to Jun, he didn't flinch by her sudden movement as what he would of back in the past. 'I wanted to help you,' she whispered 'Thing is....I needed to get away.....I needed to do it on my own..I knew you wanted to help.....but I needed to do it on my own,' whispered Jun He looked into her eyes and smiled She then put her arms around him....his body tensed but then relaxed into hers and slowly he drew his arms around her and held her tightly. A tear rolled down her face, she held on to that moment for as long as she could.... Jun drew his head back and looked at her, at that moment....he kissed her...long and passionately......then drew his head back 'Although...i left.....there wasn't a moment where i forgot about you,' he whispered.
  22. Jun knew that he had hurt Sam....but he was still trying to figure out alot of things, as they sat there watching Jack and Kane fighting he looked at her 'I had to leave...Sam...there were so many things....that......I didn't understand...and there are still things that I don't.....I didn't mean to hurt you....but I had to leave........I knew you wanted to help me.....but.....I knew what would of happened if i had stayed........and i couldn't..........let it happen,' explained Jun Sam looked at him, she just wanted to hug him or kiss him again.....but she was scared that he would leave. 'I'm just going for a walk.....I won't be far, Osiris is here,' he smiled as he stood up and walked away. She watched him walk off down to the beach. 'Osiris...what happened to him?' she questioned as Osiris appeared beside her [COLOR=Blue]Many things....and ones he truely isn't proud of, he's slowly coming around...but it will take time.[/COLOR] whispered Osiris 'He's changed so much,' she smiled [COLOR=Blue]That he has....but...he is still uncertain of most things......but I believe he will come around...he still has much to learn in the way of emotions[/COLOR] Osiris smiled 'Is he truely alright?' she questioned with a worried frown [COLOR=Blue]As I said..he is learning[/COLOR]. whispered Osiris, [COLOR=Blue]Don't be scared of him....he will not hurt you[/COLOR] She smiled as Osiris disappeared Jun walked along the beach. Night was upon them, he could still here Jack and Kane argueing from the hill top. and he laughed to himself. He then flew up into the air and dove into the water. It felt soothing as he then lay on his back looking up at the star lit sky. It felt good to reunite with Sam...although..he didn't know how to return her love... he got out of the water and stood on the beach, trying to shake the water off his wings. He began to get fustrated and a reddish flame engulfed him and then disappeared...he was not dry. He then sat down on the sand and looked out across the water.
  23. OOC: Ok I'm going to take it from Keisha's part. I can't really say much for the fighting and all that...lol IC: Angelus looked at the others as they argued, silently he walked to keisha's room He walked in and saw her sitting on the bed. 'How does it feel?' she whispered "What?" he said looking at her. "To be ashamed... of the person you are? To... hate... yourself? How do you go on each day?" replied Keisha as she looked at him, her eyes told the story of hurt and pain....and her heart told the story...of being broken. 'I am not ashamed of what i am..now.....,' whispered Angelus as he switched from his dark angel side, his fallen angel side and his human side...and then turned back to his fallen angel side, he then sat on a desk next to her bed..but didn't look at her 'I did......I......,' whispered Keisha as tears rolled down her face, Angelus had seen so many tears in his time, he then floated off the desk and flew over beside her 'Dont shed tears....for something that was not your fault...., you are only human..as the saying goes. You have friends here..that are willing to help you...don't turn your back on them,' smiled Angelus, 'I now what it is like....to feel as though you have betrayed someone, to feel broken inside....to feel....alone, it just feel completely helpless, I have been casted out of the fallen angels they won't even acknowledge me...and the dark angels they want my head,' Keisha looked at him, he then wiped away a tear that streamed down her face 'Don't give up so easily,' smiled Angelus, his eyes a deep warm blue, 'For you are stronger...than what others think,' 'But I feel......,' she sobbed 'I know how you feel.....I hated myself a long time ago......and because of my anger, hatered.....I did many things.....many evil things.....of which goes far beyond my mothers teachings 'I couldn't stop......I wanted to but....' she cried, sorrowfulled tears streamed down her face as she gripped Angelus by the shoulders and shook as if trying to make him understand that what she did was something she didn't mean to do, 'I wanted to but now......I desire it....i want him....and I can't stop...' 'This is where your fork in the road starts.....we all walk a thin line in life....but then somewhere along the line it gets crossed with another road....and here we get confused, we must make a decision...and they are never easy, they say listen to your heart...but the heart can lead you astray...they say think with your mind..but that too can also lead you astray......,' whispered Angelus 'So...what do i do?......i feel trapped,' she cried 'Then you must search deeper inside yourself......further than what you've ever done and find where your heart, soul, body and mind truely lies and there...you will find your way...but it is up to you..and only you,' smiled Angelus as he again wiped the tears away, 'You have friends here who will help.....don't forget that you are not alone,' Angelus then stood up and looked at her, 'What ever you choose..make sure that your heart, mind, body and soul....are all bound together.....you will find your way,' Angelus then walked out.
  24. Razel stood naked in the middle of the room.....he wanted her....he desired her.....he craved for her.....his body trembled as he lent against the stone table...he had to have her.....and the only way to do that...was to get rid of Jessica.... Razel slid off the table and fell to the floor in a heap, he was drenched in sweat and his heart was beating violently.....all he could think of was Ciress....everything....but she had left him hanging....he held his body as if trying to keep himself from falling apart as he tossed and turned on the floor.... She was like an addiction.....he wanted to feel that pleasure.....that erge that swelled in him before she disappeared.......he slowly got off the floor, his eyes were blood shot and between his legs he hurt....... Breathing heavily he he managed to calm himself....but the desire was still there He put on his clothes and staggered to the door, he lent against the wall....anger built up inside of him...he began pounding it with his fists until they bled, the pain in his hand was immense...but it brought him back to reality. Now focussed he took off out the door, he mounted the steed and took off back to where Jessica was....he had to kill her.....for Ciress........
  25. OOC: well didn't I miss alot..well better get to it...... Razel's heart beat faster.....this had never happened to him before...he was scared, confused and he began shaking as she caressed him. With every touch he hungered for more....he wanted this.....and for once....there were no four walls to stop him...... 'Ciress...' his voice sounded shakey and weak.. [COLOR=Red]'My love.......you want me....i know you do....take me within this moment....,'[/COLOR] she whispered softly in his ears which made the hunger worse Razel looked at her....his hands trembled...he didn't understand what she was talking about....did she mean kill her...or something else....confusion set hard in his mind....his body trembled scared but aroused by the moment...... Ciress looked up at him and caressed hhis neck with her lips....he whimpered softly...and opened his eyes and looked at her....fear burned in them brightly. At that moment he pulled away from her and tried to make a run for the door but she grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him back, his body pressed hard against hers. His pants and underwear were suddenly torn off....but with what...he didn't know, he tried desperately to break free but then as she fell back on the table she pulled him down on top of her and wrapped her legs around him Fear swept through his heart and mind....he didn't know what was going on....his body felt weak at that moment...a immense pain swept throughout his body...he wanted to cry out but she silenced him with a deep passionate kiss as she still held his hair in her hands A soft whimper came from deep in his throat as she pulled him in deeper......then...a rush of pleasure which swirled within the depths of his soul....a pleasure which he hadn't known before...... His innocence was gone as his muscles tensed with every caressing touch made by her, he kissed her hungrily and drove into her wanting more....her voice lingered within his ear [COLOR=Red]'Take me.......my Razel....my Love,'[/COLOR] she whispered sweetly as her fingers trailed down the scars on his back and made his shudder..... OOC: well.....she is psycho!!..lmao. If there is anything you want me to change just pm me.
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