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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Syn looked around as he heard another whisper float around the room...something he had never heard before [I]'it's the jinx...,'[/I] came the whisper Syn frowned as he noticed a girl looking back over her shoulder at him, his stare was cold and his face expressionless, the teachers loud voice suddenly echoed in the room 'Miss Kani pay attention!,' snapped Mr Horisho as he looked at her angrily He watched the girl put her head down in embarrassment and then turned his attention on the teacher who looked at him, the teacher could only stare at Syn whos face showed no sign of answering or notion 'Do...do you have a problem Mr Selwyn?' questioned the teacher unsure of why he was asking Syn gave a slight demonic lopsided smile, 'I don't...but it looks as though you do,' spoke Syn in a haunting tone which sent a shiever down the teachers spine and other students who had heard him The girl who was once looking at him was looking at him again with a surprised look 'And..what makes you...say that?' spoke Mr Horisho with slight fear in his eyes which began to dart from student to student Syn raised an eyebrow still with his devilish smile, 'By the way the sweat beads form on your upper lip...by the way your hands are beginning to slightly shake and by the way your eyes dart from one person to another trying desperately to not come in contact with mine..answer your question?' Mr Horisho looked shocked as he clasped his eyes on Syns whos eyes became cold once again and the smile went as quickly as it came..leaving him expressionless...Syn looked at the girl without any emotion and then turned his attention back to the window
  2. Jin looked on at the crowd as he looked at the huge clock on the wall which red : 11:50 'Well..I see you are all still here,' he spoke with a serious stare, 'Good, we appreciate this from all of you..everyone must pack what ever they need and be ready in ten minutes,' Jin then turned to his father who now looked at him 'Father we are on our way to the above to meet with our allies,' spoke Jin boldly 'Good my son, I will be waiting here for any reports on whats going on,' spoke Lucifer as he rested a hand on his son's shoulder, 'Be...careful,' 'I will,' said Jin as he turned back around to look down at the Hell angels who awaited him Jin looked up at the clock : 12:00 'Lets go,' spoke Jin sternly as he spreed out his long beautiful black wings and launched himself into the air and swooped down over the crowd of Hell angels who followed after him. They flew with a great speed down the tunnels of the underworld, twisting and turning as they went, the flapping of their wings echoed throughout the great tunnels as they reared upwards, above them a black hole appeared awaiting them and one by one they flew threw it coming out above ground Jin landed in ankle deep snow and the others landed behind him, Jin looked around, they stood on a hill top which was situated in the middle over looking Ravenlon city 'So when are the Heaven Angels arriving?' questioned Thyne who stood beside him 'Don't know..I want everyone to scout out over the city, so Fenn take a group and scout around the west side of Ravenlon, Thyne you take a group to the eastern side of Ravenlon, Corsha you take a group to the western side and Lucien go take a group to the northern side, report back here in four hours hopefully by then the others would have arrived,' spoke Jin as he looked at them and they agreed and took off in their given directions Jin stood looking down on the surrounding city 'Razendis...what are you up to???' questioned Jin
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Syn entered the school grounds, he was a new student...he hated starting new schools because of his grandparents..his grandparents always told the teachers everything about him...and what happened to his parents...what he did to them..everything.... He had been handed a paper which showed where his home room was, as he walked along the corridors he heard them...heard the whispers..the whispers that he couldn't escape..whispers that followed him to every school he went to [I]'He's pyshcotic...a pyshcotic killer..[/I]' came the first whisper as he walked through the crowds of students as if he couldn't hear anything [I]'He belongs to the devil...devils child...'[/I] came the second [I]'He killed his parents...pyshco...he killed his parents...[/I]' came the third Syn keep walking as the whispers from the students mouths continued to taunt him as he walked to his home room, he stood at the door and looked back, his face expressionless and his eyes were cold and appeared to be laughing at them, they all looked away as he then walked through the door The teacher looked at him with a worried look..as if she feared him...as if she was waiting for him to do to them what he did to his parents, Syn just stared around the room and took his seat at the back in the corner next to the window, as the rest of the students walked in they sat down but moved their seats away from him as he gazed out the window...he didn't care...there wasn't much he did care for Again within the room the whispers had followed him like an endless nightmare that went on while he slept and while he was awake...just one endless struggle...one endless life of whispers[/COLOR]
  4. Heero walked around to the garden where he sat under a tree, he pulled out his sword and pressed the flat side of the blade to his head, Cyrus sin sat down beside him 'Heero...what is bothering you?..please tell me?' questioned Cyrus looking at Heero with a worried stare 'It's nothing Cyrus,' spoke Heero trying to sound reassuring but it wasn't working Cyrus grunted, 'Heero please,' Heero looked at Cyrus, 'It just seems weren't not getting anywhere..the King and Queen are dead...Brielles brother well seraggot brother...is down for the count...and soon there's proberly going to be another attack,' Cyrus looked at Heero, 'We will win this...don't let the King and Queens deaths be in vain....show their spirits that ours aren't lost and that we wont be defeated so easily...,' Heero looked at Cyrus, 'You are wise my friend and you are right...I will fight for the honour of this kingdom...I will fight for the king and queen and their son...but most of all I will fight for Brielle..and if I die in doing so...then at least I know that I fought for reason...,' Cyrus looked at Heero proudly, 'and I will be beside you all the way,' Heero lent against Cyrus sin and smiled
  5. OOC: As you can see there's a new comer........and man Inuyasha Fandom...you sure make it hard..LOL...dammit..deffinately no way out of this one....and why the hell would Heero be scared of what Vahn can do???..he's lived on the seas for all his life..not much scares him and especaily not that! IC: Heero looks around rubbing the back of his neck 'For god sakes...' he growled fustratingly remembering what his sisters had told him, 'Man this seems to get wierder and wierder all the time...,' Looking down at Vahn who lay there his face going pale 'Damn you Vahn!!,' roared Heero as he ran his fingers through his hair getting even more fustrated Once again the sisters voice echoed in the room [I]'Please Heero...save him....before it's too late...[/I]' their voices echoed hauntingly Heero closed his eyes and then opened them, he took a deep breath and bent his head down and kissed Vahn softly on the mouth and quickly pulled back, his body shaking...at that moment Vahn woke up and looked at Heero whos face was as pale as his, Heero quickly stummbled backwards when Vahn sat up 'Heero...???..you...' spoke Vahn looking at Heero with amazement in his eyes 'Just...not right now..' spoke Heero as he stood up and gave Vahn a crooked smile, 'I couldn't let you die...your a good pirate,' Heero helped Vahn out the door and looked at Vey who smiled, suddenly there were gun shots 'Shit!,' exclaimed Heero as he looked Vahn 'I'll be ok...I can run,' smiled Vahn They took off towards the Rose to find pirates crawling up the side, the Rose shook violently as Heero the the others ran to towards her, the Rose lifted them on Heero looked around to see a girl swing down from the wheel deck and hold a dagger to his neck 'Are you the captain?' she questioned at that moment Heero ripped the dagger from her hands by grabbing the blade 'Who the fuck are you? and what are you doing aboard my ship?' questioned Heero his eyes growing wild 'This is my ship and I have come to claim her!,' snapped the girl, Heeros eyes turned wild and cold 'Oh give me a fucken break!,' he snapped as he pushed her out of the way, she hit the deck hard suddenly she jumped up and tried to go at Heero when suddenly the Rose lifted her off the deck and tied her up 'What the..' she growled, 'Rose put me down!!,' But the Rose shook in anger at the girls demands and sqeezed her tighter as the others joined Jericho who was shooting at every pirate who tried to climb aboard 'Rose, blow them away!!,' spoke Heero as the Rose opened her canons up and them and slowly pulled away from the shore line, 'Heero!!!!,' roared Revonair, 'I will kill you..I will hunt you down you little bastard,' 'So does that mean we'll meet again then,' smiled Heero his eyes grew cold as the Rose quickly sailed away as she shot at her brother Satans Sin leaving massive holes in it's side Heero then turned around to everyone and then looked at their captive 'Who the hell are you!,' he growled 'You stole my ship!,' she spat, Heero suddenly pulled out his gun and shot her leg, she screamed in pain 'That wasn't the god damn question I asked you,' he growled, his voice echoing over the deck, the others looked at him in either fear or worry 'You'll fear me once you know!,' she spatt again 'Fear?....you think I scare that god damn easily!...I've sailed these rotting seas for all my life..I have a damn captain after my god damn arse and he's bloddy dead...I have a ghost ship following the rose because of Vahn whos a royal...and he does some pretty out of it things which I don't think for one moment are scary..why the HELL WOULD I BE SCARED!!!!!,' roared Heero his eyes growing wilder by the minute 'I'm Revonairs daughter!!,' she roared Heero looked at her with a deep frown, 'And i'm meant to be scared of that!...WHO THE HELL CARES!!!...I'm sick of people trying to take Rose away from me!...I didn't ask for any of this!...she chose me and for that I'm greatful to her because she saved my god damn esistance..which right now seems as though I would of been better off dead!' The girl looked at Heero, the Rose shuddered as if upset by Heero's words 'Oh..Rose I'm sorry...you know I didn't mean that about myself...I'm just sick of being called scared or being called a thief,' sighed Heero as he slid down the side to the deck, a whole heap of ropes floated slowly towards Heero an d gently wrapped themselves around him as if trying to ease his angered heart, 'I didn't mean that...I'm sorry,' The girl looked at Heero and realised that his words were true and she put her head down 'By the way! you clowns left me on here by myself!!,' snapped Jericho snapping out of the moment 'Of course we did...we knew you'd handle it,' smiled Byron, 'and I must say you did a good job lad!,' As tanzin and byron lifted Jericho up as if he was a hero, Jericho looked at them and then laughed as they set him down Heero walked towards Jericho and stuck out his hand, Jericho looked at it and shook it, 'You did..you did an excellent job of protecting the rose...I'm greatful,' Heero then walked up to the wheel deck and took the wheel, he looked at the girl who hung there and stared at her coldly, Vey walked up beside him 'Oh lover...don't be so cold,' smiled Vey as she kissed his cheek, Heero looked at her 'I can't help it...I hate when others try to take Rose away from me...it's like as if someone was taking you away from me...and I couldn't live without Rose....and I sure as hell can't live without you,' he smiled at Vey who wrapped her arms around him 'So how'd you get Vahn to come back?' questioned Vey with a devious smile, Heero looked at her 'I had to kiss him...I couldn't loose a crew member and especialy him..his a good pirate just like everyone else,' said Heero 'So how long did you kiss him for?...and was he better than me??' she smiled wickedly 'Oh Vey please...your mind can be wicked you know that,' spoke Heero going red in the race Vey laughed, 'Yes...and you love me,' she smiled warmly 'Always,' smiled Heero
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Deep beneath the waves came the mocking taunting laugh of Razendis Dawn 'Thes pathetic humans wont know what hit them...I'll give them a christmas they wont forget...christmas....and the day I was sealed...tomorrow I will rise...I will rise the day I was sealed...noone will stop me...not even Heaven and Hell...they will all pay..my esistance will be known throughout this useless world,' laughed Razendis as he petted the staff of Darkspire 'With my new army...I will rule and everyone will fear me..once again,' spoke Razendis as his eyes glowed red from under his hood, and his laughing echoed from beneath the waves again[/COLOR]
  7. [B]OOC: OK!...One thing must be put straight about this story..ok guys...No Assassins please thats onething I don't want in this story is...and there isn't a Death angel..there can be angels that guide the souls that Jin collects to the underworld..but there is no death angel plus...I had closed the sign-up thread but looks as though two have joined..which I have no problem with. The two new comers are: Inuyasha Fandom: Lucien- hell angel Zero-Blazer - Heaven angel Thanks for joinning.[/B] IC: Jin turned around and smiled at Corsha 'Long time no see Corsha,' spoke Jin as he looked at her 'Yes it is,' she spoke with a smile 'Good to have you here,' spoke Jin as he saw Hartweather walk in and stand at the door and then approached him 'Excuse me,' spoke Jin as he smiled at Thyne and Corsha He walked over to Fenn who raised an eyebrow as he approached him 'I guess your wondering why your here?' questioned Jin as he looked at Fenn 'As a matter of fact i am Jin,' spoke Fenn in his usual cold tone Jin then told Fenn of what was going on 'I see...' spoke Fenn but before Jin could say anymore something unsettled him 'The rest will be explained when the others arrive,' spoke Jin unphased by Fenns cold attitude and uncaring eyes and Jin walked away into the corridor and there he saw a hell angel standing there 'Who are you?,' spoke Jin The Hell angel looked at him with a slight frown 'Speak!,' growled Jin 'My names Lucien...,' spoke the hell angel as he fluttered his wings 'Were you given a message?' questioned Jin 'No..I followed a strong power here....and looks as though i've found it...' spoke Lucien looking at Jin...although...he could feel Jins power he didn't know exactly how powerful he was 'Why?' questioned Jin as his wings stood on end 'Please..I wish no harm...I heard what was said between you and the other Hell angel by the door...I wish to join,' spoke Lucien, 'I follow orders quite well and I want to help,' Jin raised an eyebrow and then put out his hand, 'Well then we thank you for joinning..please follow me,' Jin lead Lucien into the throne room where others stood waiting Not long after that more Hell angels arrived and soon...the great throne room was full Jin looked at his father who was in a deep conversation with a heaven angel who had flowen in with another scroll, Lucifer nodded at Jin to talk 'Thank you to all who have made it here,' spoke Jin in a loud clear voice, 'The reason why everyone has been called here is that My father, Lucifer, and the King of Heaven, Thalion, have great reason to believe that there is a great danger upon us all...You have all heard the legend of the Battle between Ravenlon and Darkspire?' Everyone nodded 'Well there is reason to be leave that Razendis Dawn, the creator of Darkspire, will rise again but Lucifer and Thalion don't know when this will be, they feel his power getting stronger and fear that it could be anytime soon...so we all must combined together with the humans of elements and the Angels of Heaven which we also know was done one hundred years ago, but this time...the four knigs and the orbes aren't here anymore...so it is left in our hands to save our three worlds..we don't know what Razendis Dawn's intentions are..but you can guarantee that it will be revenge..so for those who want to come stay and for those who don't want any part in this leave this Throne room now, I will be taking only those who stay here with me above ground to meet with the humans of element and Angels of Heaven..Let it be known that if Razendis dawn does rise...then all three worlds will be in jepody,' explained Jin with a stern gaze over the crowd of Hell angels The crowd began to talking amongst themselves 'But how can this be possible..Razendis Dawn was sealed by the orbes?' questioned a Hell angel in the front 'Just remember..he has been sealed for one hundred years...he would of gotten stronger,' spoke Jin, 'I'll will leave at midday to meet the with the others so for all of those who are coming...please get prepared for the leave,' Jin turned to his father who was still in a deep conversation and looking seriously at the scroll
  8. THIS SIGN UP IS CLOSED!!!! From here and on....please noone sign-up...I had closed this sign-up earlier but two others have joined which i have no problem with. ok..and thanks for joinning.
  9. Heero looks at Vahn and sat down 'Well ok then...if you want me to come...I can..but if you don't thats fine,' spoke Heero as he finished off his meal and went up top to the wheel deck Heero sat on the crates on the wheel deck in deep thought as he looked at his fathers medallion 'So father...I just remembered...I never got the chance to say good bye to you...mind you...it's not good bye is it...we'll meet again...I know it..but I hope I can make you proud of me,' whispered Heero Heero looked up and saw Aras Mesthai, in the moonlight the island looked haunting...for some ungodly reason it made Heero smile...he had never been there before...and he felt hypnotised by its haunting beauty 'What a beautiful place,' smiled Heero as the Rose lowered the achor and awaited Vahn to come up top to go over, around the island it was too shallow for the rose to get any closer so she anchored just off shore but as close as she could get, Heero leaned against the side looking out at the Island
  10. Heero could see how tired Brielle was, today had been along day...but he didn't say anything...he just put his waery head down and hung back behind Brielle and Zeddrick 'Something wrong?' spoke Cyrus loud enough so only Heero had heard him 'No it's nothing,' said Heero as he looked up to find Zeddrick looking over his shoulder at him, Heero turned his attention somewhere else The night was lit by the moons eerie glow, Heero looked around...smoke from the smouldering fires filled the air and red ambers lit up below them as they flew across the sky 'More dead to add to the collection...such a waste,' whispered Heero as he looked around, he remembered what Valo had said to him...and in his mind thanked Valo for opening his eyes..although it seemed a little wierd OOC: didn't know what to write........
  11. Ty, Hyo and Denshi had made it to the keep without a scratch 'Damn traps,' whispered Hyo under his breath They walked down and found the security system, Ty smiled and cracked his knackles then began going over a few security codes, from his jacket he pulled a device which looked to be a small computer, he took off the panel on the sercurity system and hooked it up, on the small screen it showned a series of numbers which he decoded and then brought up a map of the Keep and how the security system scanned the place and then began hacking out the codes within the seconds the security system was decoded and Ty unlocked the security system and opened the door, unhooked his device and then put it away in his jacket 'Done,' spoke Ty in an even tone as he opened the door and the alarm didn't go off, Mahony then stepped out from behind the Keep 'Nice work,' she said Ty and the others said nothing
  12. Ji was ready to take flight when a hellhound jumped on his back, its green drool seeped over Jins shoulder, its claws digging deep into Jins tighs and rib cage piercing his skin with its claws, Jin tore the hound from his back and slammed it on the ground, the beast was strong as it fipped them both where Jin ended out below it, its breath was fowl as his snarled, Jins eyes grew red as he changed to his demon form beneath the wild beast, The hound let out a loud roar and Jin rammed his hand down the throat of the beast, he opened out his hand and his demon like claws pierced the inside beast which tried immensely to pull away, it tried to howl but its crys were muffled by Jins arm down its throat, Jin looked around as the beast pull aggressively trying desperately to bite off Jins arm but its attemps were cut off when pain serged through its insides Jin noticed a succubus running towards him ready to attack, lightning raged through Jins body as he quickly got to his feet while still hold the beast, as the succubus got closer Jin swung the beast around and at the same time sent an extreme power of lightning through the beasts body, he smashed the beast against the succubuss which it exploded from the inside, at that time the lightning also electricuted the succubus and the head, its body jerked violently then its head exploded, body part and guts splattered everywhere With his body serging with lightning Jin then looked around to see four succubus's running towards Marendithis who was already tearing the life out of three hellhounds 'GET OVER HERE!!!,' roared Jin as he lifted his hand towards the four that were running towards Marendithis, a stream of forked lightning serged from his hand and wrapped around the heads of the four succubus's and sent massive waves of lightning to them and one by one they exploded Jin looked at Marendithis who looked back at him, Jin nodded as he then began fighting another horde Lightning raged around Jin from his body as Hellhounds and Succubus's, his anger was over bearing and his fustration on the edge, clutching his head again in pain as he changed again like how he did in Deed wood...hunched over and looking at his hands which shook violently he exploded, a red aura surrounded him as he went wild, Red lightning shot off in all directions as his mind went crazy and frantic and he ripped through the hellhounds and succubus's, his tattoo on his arm and the tattoo on his forehead began glowing more darker as he fought enraged and out of control
  13. [COLOR=DarkGreen]It was Christmas Eve in Ravenlon, A city of love, peace and freedom. People rushed around madly trying to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones, some stood in the streets talking about their roast chicken meals, decorating trees, visiting family...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*Above ground* Snow had begun to fall on the streets of Ravenlon, peoples faces were filled with joy as they watched the snow fall like diamonds on the pavement and children ran laughing out onto the streets holding out their tounges to catch the falling snow flakes[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]*Beneath the waves* Hidden deep beneath the waves...it breathed, cursing the ocean floor with words only he could hear..words only he could feel... 'For one hundred years...I've sat here...sat and listened to you all....for one hundred years i've grown stronger..than ever....(laughing demonically)...and I will rise...we will rise....Darkspire will rise again...and I will avenge what they did to me...I've waited so many years...long years...and now that the four Kings have passed on....noone will stop me!!!!!,' came the voice deep beneath the waves...so deep that noone else could hear it accept himself[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*UnderWorld* Hell was mostly talked of above ground to be all fires, screaming souls, dead bodies...but it was far from it..this was a place for a second chance...to make up for what you had done on earth that was bad....it was much like the Above world..shops, small towns, big towns, homes, families, jobs, market days.....etc, the fields were always green and florish with many wild flowers, birds, animals of all sorts There was even a daytime and night time but it was artifical...made by the King of the Underworld..just to make it seem more real...but noone complained...most loved the Underworld.... Jin, a 19 year old teen...son of Lucifer, stood on the corner of Sergon, one of the many towns that surrounded the Hell Kingdom which was situated in the middle of the Underworld, you could see the Red thick ruby like towers from every part of the Underworld, it was a magnificent sight to behold Jin looked around and watched people running from shop to shop trying to find gifts for their loved ones, everytime they passed him they smiled and said Hello, Jin just gave them a slight nod and carried on, he could hear many girls giggle as they watched him walk passed, 'Morning Jin,' they smiled flirtingly, Jin just looked at them and carried on, he wasn't interested, he was more interested in not getting in the way of his father Lucifer as he began to cross the road a voice bellowed out from the Hell Kingdom 'JIN KAZAMA!!!,' roared Lucifer Jin sighed as he looked at the town clock 'Shit!,' he spoke as he opened out his pure black wings, 'Late again,' He flew as fast as he could across the fields and he flew in through the opened window of his room, he flew down to the throne room where his father paced the floor, Jin could see his reflection on the red marble floors as he heard his father bellow even louder 'Where is that son of mine!,' growled Lucifer as his servants watched him 'Please King Lucifer..he won't be long,' spoke a lady dressed in black as she fluttered her wings Jin landed before his father and smiled 'Hey dad what's wrong?' questioned Jin looking up at his father who stood very strong and very tall.. 'Where have you been!!!,' growled Lucifer, 'Your always late!,' 'But i'm here now doesn't that count...,' spoke Jin folding his arms and turning his back on his father 'Jin..my son, I have called you hear for a reason so right now the arguing must stop,' growled Lucifer, Jin turned around hearing the great seriousness in his fathers voice, 'I have told you of the battle between Ravenlon and Darkspire haven't I?' 'Yes...why?' questioned Jin as he raised an eyebrow 'Well we have reason to believe that Razendis Dawn will rise again, Thalion has sent a messenger down and he suspects the same...we both feel his power getting stronger, messages have been sent out to all Hell Angels, they will all be meeting here this afternoon,' spoke Lucifer looking sternly at his son 'I see..so its serious,' spoke Jin as he looked over and saw the heaven angel standing one of the Hell angels 'Yes son...which means if he rises we have to be ready...Razendis Dawn is stronger than ever...and because I can't leave the underworld...then I place you in charge of the Hell Angels...you will be the Leader and once again...Heaven, Hell and the humans of elements will stand together,' spoke Lucifer 'but the humans...how can we find them?' questioned Jin 'I have already sent Hell angels to find them Heaven angels are already looking for them and once everyone is here you will all meet above ground, there will be messengers with yous to relay back to us what is happeneing...ok,' spoke Lucifer as he looked at his son 'Father can't you use something to look upon the above ground to see what is going on?' questioned Jin 'Son you know for a fact that I can't do that...I can only feel that something is wrong...now...don't go away...the Hell Angels will be here soon,' spoke Lucifer 'Yes Father spoke Jin as he sat down on the stairs that went up to his fathers throne [/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][B]OOC: Ok All Hell Angels must go to the Hell Kingdom and get prepared for going above ground, All Heaven angels must go to the Heaven Kingdom and all Humans must meet either a Hell angel or Heaven Angel and wait for the Hell angels and Heaven angels to arrive on earth OK I'm also Playing Razindis Dawn...So when I'm acting as him it'll be in red ok...if anyone has any problems Pm me.. I also would like it if everyone can get a chance to post before we all group together on earth and post regularly so you can keep up with the story so noone gets left behind..if you have a problem with not being able to post please pm me OK and please read posts properly Just a reminder to all who joined: Angelus_Necare - Fenn Hartweather - 24 - Hell Angel - M Mage15 - Jim Mishima - 19 - Human - M Aqua - Desery - 17 - Heaven Angel and leader of Heaven angels - F eternity - Thalion - King of Heaven - M DemonicElf - Lucifer - King of The Underworld - M DuoMaxwell1423 - Thyne Meanomori - 18 - Hell Angel - F O-Ushi - Akalash - 26 - Heaven Angel - M demonchild781 - Corsha - 20 - Hell Angel - F Ok VERY sorry if this is so long...but I had to explain a few things ok and please don't all act as though your all invincible please...as I ve said even angels gets hurt ok Thanks for all bearing with me!!!......Well lets begin!! [/B] [/COLOR]
  14. SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED!! Thank you to those who joined!..I'll be posting the story tonight! ************************************ [COLOR=DarkRed]I'll be playing Razendis Dawn the Warlord..so here's his sign-up [I]Name[/I]: Razendis Dawn [I]Age[/I]: ???? [I]Agender[/I]: Male [I]Race[/I]: ???? (His race is unknown for noone knows if hes, Heaven angel, Hell Angel or Human) [I]Personality[/I]: Pure Evil...cruel and heartless..knows no fear...truely wicked [I]Appearance[/I]: Look at attachments - His face had become like that after merging the Septor of Hell and the Medallion of Heaven together to create The Staff Of Darkspire, He wears a long tattered black cloak with a hood to hide his face [I]Abilities[/I]: [B]Death Raiser[/B]...He raises the dead by using the Staff of Darkspire and creates his armies with it...(he ceates zombie like creatures) [B]Wizardry of Ancient Darkspire [/B] the abilities of it are unknown [I]Element[/I]: (He has no elemental power) [I]Weapon[/I]: Staff of Darkspire...this staff holds a great power, the power to create and minipulate the dead to do his bidding for him, he raises them from their graves or from the battle field even though they have no souls making them zombie like...although he can only create an army of one thousand per three days...the staff has also made him stronger and alot more wiser and powerful wizard warlord [I]Bio:[/I] It was said that Razendis was the four kings right hand man, he did everything for them and made sure that Ravenlon was a peaceful and glorious place until the day he found the ancient book of Darkspire..a book of choas and distruction..a book that noone had ever found..with that book he created the land Darkspire naming the land after the book...so half of the world was Darkspire the other half Ravenlon...as he became powerful when studying Wizardry he was abiliy to emerge the book with himself and they became one...which made him even more powerful and then using the ancient abilities of Darkspire he got his hands on the Septor of Hell and Medallion of Heaven and also merged them together...now he's a powerful being with only one thing on his mind revenge and the destruction of Ravenlon.........[/COLOR] ************** Ok now thats done better get started on the story!!...
  15. Jin flew down from above Akai and grabbed Marendithis by the neck and slammed him into the ground 'Jin no!,' exclaimed Akai as Akai grabbed Jin by the shoulder, all the humans ran foward to see what was going on 'Demon I'll have your head!,' snarled Jin his eyes glowing red as his fingers dug in deeper at Marendithis's throat 'I...mean no harm...' coughed Marendithis as he tried to pry away Jins fingers from his throat 'Jin please...let go I beg you,' spoke Akai Suddenly Jin let go and spun around to Akai 'Why!...he attacked us...' growled Jin and anger 'Yes but under the influence of Thyrale...' spoke Akai as he helped up Marendithis Jin turned to Marendithis his expression hard and cold, 'Heed my words...I'll be watching you,' And with that Jin took to the skys and sat in a near by tree watching them hauntingly 'Who is he?' questioned Marendithis looking up at Jin whos eyes still glowed red 'He's a friend...I guess...although....I don't know anything about him only that he's a halfling and thats it...he hardly speaks, mostly stays in the shadows,' said Akai giving Jin a slight nod as if to say thank you 'He seems very young,' spoke Marendithis as he rubbed his neck 'Yes he is,' said Akai 'But as i was saying...I have come to beg for your forgiveness and I want to join with you,' said Marendithis still feeling Jins eyes on his back 'My old friend, I accept your apology and I'm greatful that you have joined with us,' smiled Akai as he shook Marendithis's hand, 'Welcome back old friend,' 'It's good to be back,' smiled Marendithis as he wiped the tears from his eyes Jin watched the two talk, he was weary of Marendithis...but his words were sincere, Jin looked away..he was weary of everyone..even himself..he still didn't understand what had happened to him in Dead Wood...he didn't know much about his demon side only that he could feel it getting stronger within him and some how...that seemed to be the only thing that scared him..was the fact of not knowing..who he was anymore... 'So Marendithis...you have finally seen the true colours of Thyale,' whispered Jin as he looked back at them, 'At least you know now...rather than finding out when its too late,'
  16. Heero laughed at Vahn as he appeared beside him 'Nice?' questioned Heero 'Yeah it is...refreshing,' smiled Vahn, at that moment Heero and Vahn were lifted up out of the water by Byron and Tanzin who threw them over to Jericho, they laughed as they came up for air, for the rest of the day they swam around...just relaxing *nightfall* Heero stod at the wheel, as they watched the Moon rise in the east 'Well...there she is,' said Heero as the sails filled with air and they headed east 'Man what a night,' smiled Jericho as he lent against the side of the ship watching the moonlight dance on the ocean, Vey stood beside Heero and lent against him, she looked at his face, the moon casting an eerie glow over his eyes and she could see the worried look 'Lover...whats wrong?' she asked softly as he turned his attention to her 'I feel him...Revonair...he isn't close...but I know he's there,' he whispered Vey put her hand to his cheek, 'Don't worry..we've all been through too much now to let that bastard ruin everything...when he finds us...we'll be ready,' Heero grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest, she could feel his heart beat thumping in his chest 'I know,' he smiled At that moment Vajn called out from below 'GRUBS UP...COME AND GET IT!!!....TANZIN SPECIAL,' smiled Vahn 'Cool!!!,' exclaimed Vey as they went down below
  17. First of all Huge THANK YOU to Terra for redoing my title..Thanks for that I appreciate it!!:) :) :) Sign ups are great!!...Sign-ups will be left open for one more day ok so the day after that I will close the sign-ups and start the story So keep eyes opened...I'll pm everyone who joined to let them know ok! Just a reminder Character Razendis Dawn the Warlord is still opened...if anyone wants to play the bad guy..just pm me ok thats if anyones interested...Just thought I'd let everyone know :) All Sign-ups are good! Thanks Angelus Necare for editing your post!!:) and thanks to those who joined!!..and sign-ups are still opened
  18. Ty ran along side Hyo and Denshi, they ran at a prety fast pace but then Ty stopped dead in his tracks 'STOP!,' yelled Ty but it was too late, one of them had triggered a trap, four logs with sharp spikes swung down from the trees, the three of them ran as fast as they could as the logs missed them, as they passed the fourth log four more swung down infront of them and four four came from behind 'SHIT!!,' exclaimed Hyo as they all jumped out of the way as they landed hard on the ground, logs fell straight down and they rolled out of the way 'STOP!...don't move a muscle!,' spoke Ty as they all stood frozen, Hyo and Denshi looked at TY as he scanned the area using his assassin skills he picked out the traps and pointed them out to Hyo and Denshi 'Damn what is she...Psycho??' said Hyo as he saw all trip wires and triggers 'Follow me,' said Ty as he scanned the ground and saw a clear path out of the trap, and confidently he walked along it, Hyo and Denshi stiffened as they waited for another trap to spring 'Come on,' said Ty not looking back, 'follow my every step,' Hyo and Denshi then followed Ty's path to the otherside and then turned and looked back 'I wonder what else there is,' said Hyo as he threw a long brunch as the trip wires, at the moment more spiked logs fell down and huge cages with huge spikes on then sprung up from the ground 'She wasn't joking,' said Hyo Ty just looked at the traps and then frowned coldly, 'Lets keep moving,' As they turned and started back out into a jog
  19. Heero loved the way she described their future together..it brought a sense of peace 'Well in hopes to find that treasure...we'd better get going and go through those chest that we found on the Calesteria, theres got to be something within there,' smiled Heero as he kissed her gently on the mouth They both got up and got dressed and walked down to the kitchen where everyone sat eating 'Well wondered when you two were going to get up,' smiled Byron, Heero sat down with Vey right beside Heero then spoke about the calesteria and Raverns Treasure, after having breakfast they all sat on deck going through everything, Heero suddenly found a scroll, going over it he found it to be written in code...a type of ancient writing that none of them have ever seen before, Vahn then found another scroll with had on it how to uncode the other scroll 'Great!,' smiled Heero, 'It's going to take a while to uncode all of this so lets get started,' Heero lay the decoding scroll out flat and then laid the other down beside it, After two hours Heero managed to uncode the whole book which seemed to read: "Follow the moon that rises in the west which shall relive the Tellin glow, Turn left to go north 10 miles from the shore and follow the clouds of Garn, from there follow the winds of Twin mount to cross through the path of death...beyond this point is Zeldaria...an Island which hold me fortune But heed my warning...only those who make it through Path of Death will be the only ones who will leave with my treasure" 'What the hell do you call that!!,' exclaimed Jericho 'Well it's the map...if i remember rightly Tellin is about three days from here but to make sure we are going to the right place we'll have to wait for tonight to start heading towards it...we must follow the map percisely or else we won't get anywhere, we'll anchor in Tellin and stock up on supplies, if I remember that place is quite nice and the people a very friendly,' said Heero 'Great I can't wait!! the treasure hunt begins!!,' smiled Vey as Byron and Tanzin laughed 'Hey Heero..whats the Path of Death?' questioned Vahn, 'not even i've heard of it,' 'I don't think any of us have,' said Jericho 'We have,' spoke Byron as everyone looked at the two brothers whos eyes grew serious, 'Path of Death is a huge dark long tunnel in the wall of the twin mount they say it's oppening is fifty feet and a half a mile wide and it stays like that throughout the whole tunnel,...you can't see nothing though..not even the ending...its twenty miles long and sometimes...the swells inside of it touch the roof and can easily crush any ship that sails through there..you have to time it perfectly before going threw or else you'll never come out a live...no ship has survived the path of Death, some have seen it and have ended out turning back because they were too scared,' 'Do you know where it is?' questioned Jericho 'No...we don't know..we have only heard about it,' said Tanzin The Rose shuddered as if to tell them that she will make it through 'Well i'm up for the challenge..if anyone else is,' smiled Heero as he looked 'Well boy you are just like your father!!,' laughed Byron, 'and you can count Tanzin and I in,' 'And me!,' smiled Jericho 'Great!,' smiled Heero and he turned to Vey and Vahn, 'What about you two..there's no pressure,' Vey walked towards him and pressed her body against his as Heero put his arms around her
  20. Heero raised an eye brow at Valo 'Hey Valo..reality check for you...your mother took her own life...she had a choice, brielles didn't, they wanted to live and you call that getting off light...Where the hell do you come off thinking that the way her parents died is a matter of getting off light...loosing your parents is never light for anybody...it's all the same because when they're gone...everyone gets the same feeling...loss, betrayal, hatered, anger...yeah everyone gets it,' growled Heero looking coldly towards Valo 'But she isn't in the right frame of mind...,' growled Valo 'And I guess just because your mother was raped, beaten and committed suicide gives you the right to judge others and mark them down as getting off light....gives you the right to make their decisions for them...and makes you an expert on it...who the hell do you think you are?' snapped Heero 'I'm someone who understands her better than you,' Valo spoke with a smirk Heero laughed sarcastically, 'Your right I don't understand how she's feeling, I don't even understand alot of things why?...we'll let me tell you something...I never knew my parents...I've never know the warmth of a mother...a hug of a father...the love they send out..the many kisses they give you..nothing...Hell i don't even know what they look like...because they didn't want me... noone wanted me..noone cared accept for Drewell but even then...I never saw that kind of warmth..love and whatever else there is... but at least I know I can trust what ever decision she makes...why?....because there is someone here who can understand her a hell of alot better than any of us...Sycthe Wing...I know for a fact that he will never let her make the wrong decision which is something you over stepped when you were making your judgement...Sycthe Wing has been by Brielle longer than anyone else and to me its over stepping the mark when you come out with things like that...when its pretty clear that Sycthe Wing doesn't think like that at all about her...he knows that she hurting...but yet he also knows that he can trust her...which doesn't say much about you,' Valo looked at Heero with a deep frown but he knew the Heero spoke the truth...the only one who would really understand Brielle was Sycthe Wing, He looked at Sycthe Wing who didn't look to impressed by Valos remarks 'Valo...I know what happened to you must of been pretty bad and i'm sorry for that...but I wouldn't go around saying that others got off lightly because of what happened to my mother..because all and all...the hurtings still the same whether they take their own lives or someone takes it for them..and at least you knew yours, you knew their faces..their love..their warmth...but for someone who never knew there's at all...that has to be one hell of a gift,' spoke Heero with a deep frown as he then turned his back on Valo and walked over to Cyrus Sin and sat down Brielle slowly walked towards Heero and sat down beside him and lent against him 'Thank you...' she smiled at him Heero looked at her and placed a gental hand on her cheek, 'It's ok...it'll trust any decision you make...but if you tell me to stay behind...I won't..it's not because I don't trust you...it's because i want to be there for you...I'm sick of pushing you away and hurting you...I don't wanna do that anymore...I wanna be there always if you let me..I know that I don't understand...but I will try..for you,' Brielle smiled warmly and kissed him on the cheek OOC: I hope this is ok??? pm me if it isn't
  21. Heero lay there in the dark for what seemed an eternity, he knew Revonair was looking for them...he could feel it through Rose...he couldn't sleep..he kissed Vey on the forehead as she slept soundly 'I won't belong...' he whispered as left her side and staggered sorely to the door, without touching the handle the door opened, and he smiled knowing that it was Rose...He slowly walked out onto the deck and walked to the front of the ship and sat down looking out across the water that glistened in the moonlight like diamonds, Heero then pulled out his fathers medallion and looked at it deeply 'Father...what do I do?...Revonair will find us again...no matter where we go I know he's following not far behind...' whispered Heero At that moment a red mist swelled over the deck, Heero frowned as he watched it...suddenly a voice startled him and he jumped from his spot, pain shot through his body and he dropped to his knees 'Please...don't be afraid....Captain' came a haunting but soothing voice, Heero looked up and there in the middle of the deck stood a ghostly form of a young lady dressed in red, the moonlight shone right through her casting no shadow of her form on the deck Heero stood up...in didn't feel afraid as she walked towards him, her hair and dress blowing in the warm gental breeze 'Who are you?' questioned Heero as she now stood infront of him 'I am the Devils Rose...I am this ship,' she smiled, she was beautiful all Heero could do was smile at her 'Why does Revonair want you back so badly?' questioned Heero The ghostly figure moved to the side and looked out at the sea 'Revonair is a cruel...cold-hearted man...he always was...when he built me he built me out of hatered, anger, greed everything horrible which makes him who he is..who he was...he practically built me with a soul...and treated me like how he treated his women...which was very poorly..I grew to hate him with every moment...he destroyed so many innocent people which I couldn't bear any longer...but the one that made me turn was a girl..she was only fourteen...he killed her parents and brought her aboard me and there...he stole everything from her...he tore her apart steeling her innocence...I can still hear her screams...I felt her soul get crushed with every moment...I hated him so badly...him and his worthless crew...that night after he finished with her they hung her from my mast...i tired so hard to stop them but she whispered to me...that she wanted to go...because if they didn't do it...then she would...so I let her go,' spoke the Rose as tears rolled down her face, 'and the next day I killed his spirit...I still remember his words..."I will hunt you down and I don't care how long it takes me but I'll make sure I sink you"....I knew he would..and he knew that I had already choosen someone to commande me but he didn't know who it was,' 'But...that was a very long time ago...I wasn't even born...how were you able to choose me?' questioned Heero looking at her 'It was the day he struck down your father...with Satan's Sin..my brother...I saw you threw my brothers sails...I saw into your heart that night...I saw everything...and I knew...right from that moment that it had to be you and only you...thats how your wraft ended out on that Island because I led your wraft to me...and I knew that you wouldn't leave me there...you patched me up...you showed me love...your heart showed me more than Revonair...and I'm happy to be your Devils Rose...because I vow never to be with any other captain..and...the day you go down...I will too..my soul is yours forever..and thats how it'll be..I will always stand beside you..with you,' spoke the Rose as she turned around and looked at Heero 'And for that...I am greatful...and so...our souls are forever,' smiled Heero, 'Thank you...for saving me,' 'No my Captain...thank you..for saving me,' she smiled 'There's one more thing I must ask...your brother do you think we can get him to join with us?' questioned Heero 'Vey is right..he is scared but he will not join with us...his loyalty is with Revonair...he will never rebel against Revonair...and Heero...he is following us but i'll take him a while before he'll catch us because of the link has gone btween us...I'll let you know when he is near,' she smiled at that moment she disappeared and the red mist was gone..but he could feel her pressence as always 'Thank you Devils Rose,' he smiled as he sat back down for a moment, suddenly Jericho walked out onto the deck 'Heero??...what are you doing? your ment to be resting,' spoke Jericho as he rubbed his eyes 'I just needed to think for a moment,' spoke Heero as he smiled at Jericho who sat down beside him 'How you feeling?' questioned Jericho 'Good and You?' 'Ok i guess apart from the aching from trying to kill those bastards...and anyway what are we going to do? we should hunt the bastard down and send him to his grave for good,' said Jeircho with worry in his eyes 'I'd love to do that but...lets not go looking for trouble esspecially something we don't need...we'll continue to look for Raverns Treasure,' said Heero 'And what happens when he finds us again?' questioned Jericho 'We'll have to trust the Rose...she'll let us know when he's around...I know that we can't keep running but right now we all need to heal for the next fight because after that fight in Sandor we aren't ready to take on Revonair at this moment...Like I said trust Rose...but i must say even she can't keep dodging him..there will come a time when we meet him again and when we do..we will be ready,' smiled Heero 'Ok Heero..besides i'm glad she's on our side,' smiled Jericho as they stood up 'Goodnight Heero,' said Jericho 'Night Jericho,' said Heero as they went back to their rooms Heero slipped in beside Vey as she curled up closer to him putting her arm around him, He kissed her fore head and then fell asleep
  22. Ok good sign-ups although still waiting on Angelus_Necare to edit his post So we have: Angelus_Necare: Fenn Hartweather- 24 - Hell angel Mage15: Jim Mishima - 19 - Human Aqua: Desery - 17 - Heaven Angel (Heaven Angel Leader) eternity: Thalion - Heaven King DemonicElf: Luicifer - King of the Underworld Razendis Dawn the Warlord is still open: If noone signs up for Razendis dawn before I close the sign-ups then i'll have to play him...Sign up's will be open for a little longer maybe a couple of days we'll see how it goes, hoping to get a few more people...so sign ups are still open if anyone else is interested...:) but thanks to those who joined!!!!:)
  23. Heero looked away from both of them, his mind in deep thought, Ziddrick wondered why Heero never looked at him as a man who fought for the darker side...he never once saw the hate in Heero's eyes that everyone else gave him, Heero turned back to Ziddrick his expression serious and stern 'I told Brielle that I would stand beside her no matter what...I will always be by her side,' spoke Heero with eyes of determination, 'And if she decides to go..then I'll go to,' Ziddrick looked at Heero for a moment, 'I knew you'd say that,' 'I wont leave her side for noone,' growled Heero 'Heero..no you don't..' spoke Brielle as she looked at him 'I'm coming whether you like it or not...and the only way to stop me is to kill me,' spoke Heero as he looked at Ziddrick and then looked away Ziddrick looked at Heero and saw how much he loved Brielle...and knew that he'd risk his own life to save her An eerie silence fell upon them
  24. Ty walked into the room where Mahony was getting everything she needed ready Ty began making his bed, Mahony looked over and saw how tidy his bed was it had no crinkles in it, every corner was tucked under neatly, his pillow sat neatly at the top of the bed and his bag sat at the foot of the bed, she could see that all his clothes were folded neatly and stacked in perfect piles in his bag 'What are you a perfectionist?' she questioned, Ty turned around and looked at her with a raised eye brow 'Bother you?' he spoke in an even tone 'No...at least i know your tidy,' she said as she sat down and watched him begin to clean his guns, from another bag he pulled a sniper rifle and many other pieces which he began to clean 'Why do you keep those if your an ex-assassin?' she questioned 'I just do,' he said as he finished cleaning them and then put them away, the two magnums he put into the holster so they sat hidden just under his arms against his rib cage He then stood up and looked around and straightened up the part of the bed where he sat down before leaving the room, he walked back up stairs to the kitchen where he made himself a coffee and he sat down at the table in silence..he loved the silence...but he loved the dark the most
  25. Akai's words echoed hauntingly with Jins mind as he peered out into the Valley and then he looked down at Akai who slept soundly 'My soul...,' spoke Jin hauntingly, 'Is dead...humans took away the last piece of life left in it...my soul now wonders through endless dreams that haunt me...not knowing how to live again..not wanting to...but yet..here i sit...amougst humans..fighting with them to save themselves...to save what belonged to them once...in a memory...freedom,' Jin then looked back out across the valley, 'Why do I fight with them?....because it's the only thing worth fighting for in a time where everythings surreal and chaotic...and dieing for this reason is the only way I'll have to understand my exsistance...my being and regain a soul that seems to have none,' With those wrods Jin lent back and drifted off into a light sleep. He awoke to find the morning sun pearing over the tops of the hills, shaking the sleepiness off he dropped down from the tree, walked over to the freah water stream and splashed water over his face, the coolness of it refreshed his tired body, he then stood up and walked over to Akai and knelt down beside him, placed his hand on the demons shoulder and shook him violently as if there was no tomorrow, Akai opened his eyes quickly and lunged forward as Jin kept shaking him 'What?...Where are they?...who?....' spoke Akai in a deep tone as he looked around furiously with his hands cletched into fists...and then he saw Jin sitting there looking at him with a confused gaze 'Fire of Hell Jin what are you doing?' questioned Akai sighing with relief holding the shoulder that Jin gripped tightly and shook Jin raised one eye brow, 'You told me to wake you..so I'm waking you,' 'I said wake me not Kill me!,' exclaimed Akai as he rolled his shoulder around for a second, 'damn boy..waking someone like that could give them a heartattack...damn,' 'oh...,' spoke Jin rubbing the back of his neck, 'I'll go start up the fires again...i'll put on the rest of the boars, everyone can have them for breakfast,' 'Sounds good,' said Akai as he watched Jin walk away
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