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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Cyrus looked at Heero not knowing for once in his life how to ease Heeros worry and pain, everything had changed..and Cyrus's heart became saddened and Heero felt it 'Cyrus...I'm sorry..I didn't mean to drag you down,' smiled Heero as he patted Cyrus's nose, 'I just don't know what to do...I'm confused and I could Never live without you either,' Cyrus smiled at Heero feeling his sincerity 'And I without you Heero,' smiled Cyrus as he nudged Heero in the side 'I just don't know what to do...I try not to hurt her but then I do...I try to understand but then I don't....,' heero sighed as he flung backwards, ' and it scares the crap out of me,' spoke Heero as he sat up and looked at the water 'But why does it scare you?' questioned Cyrus 'Because I've never loved before not like this...and you know that,' sighed Heero, 'I love Brielle...more than she'll proberly ever know..I just hope she see's that I love her and that I'l be there for her...I don't want to lose her,' 'Why don't you just tell her that?' questioned Cyrus 'Because I'd proberly stuff it up and make her angry,' spoke Heero as he looked at Cyrus Brielle, Sycthe Wing, Zeddrick and Ragnarok landed silently, Brielle over heard everything and she smiled..even after what had happened 'Sycthe Wing guard them please,' she whispered softly as she appraoched Heero and Cyrus 'Heero..' spoke Brielle loud enough for him to hear her, Heero quickly jumped and stood up..his face bright red 'Where?....how long have you been standing there?' stuttered Heero 'Long enough..' she smiled as she walked towards him finally understanding why he was the way he was, she looked at him for a moment Heero was just about to speak when she grabbed him around the neck, pulled him down slightly and kissed him passoinately, she pulled away with her arms wrapped around his neck 'I love you,' she smiled as she hugged him, Heero nervously put his arms around her 'I'm sorry..that..I...well for..not understanding,' he whispered 'Shhh..its ok,' she whispered Brielle then told him that she had Zeddrick with her and they both walked over to where Sycthe stood boldly watching them, Zeddrick sat leaning against a tree with Ragnarok beside him 'I thought that you would of taken this oppotunity to leave,' spoke Heero looking at him with his head cocked slightly to the side
  2. Vahn tried to bring on the force that serged through him once again..but couldn't..he was in shock by their strong hold, Heero stopped struggling as the two pirates looked at the teen whos body hung lifelessly in their arms 'HEEERRROOOO!!!!,' came the words that skretched out of Veys mouth as her clothes were torn At that moment Heero litfed his head, anger swelled inside of him...a hate so deep...so sinister..something even he had never felt before...his eyes suddenly began to glow red as his breathing became shallow and quick Outside the Rose sailed towards the bank and embedded itself in the sand, Jericho, Byron and tanzin were thrown forward by the Rose's attempts to get to Heero, suddenly she glowed with a red aura the same as Heero...an aura of pure hatered and evil, Jericho adn the other two jumped down from the ship to fight the oncoming horde suddenly Devils Rose opened up her front canons and opened fire VEEEYYYY!!!!,' roared Heero as his muslces tensed and he drove both pirates back into the wall crushing them hard, He stepped back and began smashing them, bones crunched as he slammed his fists into their faces and their faces caved in but still they stood, Heero's heart burned with rage and he smiled as he grabbed the burning torch of the wall and drove it deep into one of the dead pirates faces burning them from the inside out...the power he felt was that of Rose Heero then ran over to revonair and ripped him off Vey who hurried out of the way, he had managed to undo her pants but that was it, although he had tore her shirt, Heero's rage became more wilder and agressive...noone had seen him like this before...not even Vey... Vahn had gotten out of the pirates grips and tied the chains around their necks and pulled it, banging their heads together and then tearing their heads off...but what shocked him was that they still moved...laughing at him tauntingly..no blood was spilled.... 'Oh shit!!!,' exclaimed Vahn as the heads began rolling towards their bodies, him and Vey looked at each other then suddenly they kicked the heads clean out the door and in doing so their bodies ran after them 'Oh GROSS!!,' grunted Vey and they turned to find Heero and Revonair looking at each other in a haunting silence Heero still had a red aura around him...Then Revonair spoke 'So...you hold the power of the Devils Rose...that was my power you stole..' snarled Revonair 'Stole???...' spoke Heero in a distant tone, 'She chose me....' 'You little bastard...she belongs to me.!!!,' roared Revonair his eyes filled with rage...at that moment a red mist entered the room and slowly spiralled around Heero's body, he closed his eyes...then opened them Vey and Vahn gasped as they saw his eyes had turned black...there was no hint of colour...they were like black pits of emptiness, his face was pale, his smile sinister and his image ghostly 'What the...' gasped Revonair as he looked at Heero, 'Who are you!!!...I want my Rose!!,' 'I AM THE DEVILS ROSE!!!.' Heero roared but not in his voice...but in an evil demonic echoing tone as if two poeple were speaking at once, 'The ship you built with your own blood and sweat...the ship you killed with...all those lives you slaughtered for your own power and greed!!!...I AM THE DEVILS ROSE!!!...THE ONE YOU CREATED!!!...,' 'Ah yes...my Devils Rose...the ship that holds a power far greater than that of any other and feared by many who sail the seas...the one who I created and put my soul into...the BITCH WHO LEFT ME TO DIE!!!!....I CREATED YOU...YOU ARE MINE!!!....AND I"LL RIP YOU APART!!!,' roared Revonair Heero began to laugh sinisterly, 'I am not yours anymore Revonair...I belong to Heero...he is my captain...my heart...his heart is good..and with his strength, compassion and loyalty I will over come you......we will always be one in soul and in heart.. and no amount of power will ever part us..not even you,' Revonair laughed, 'Then you also know that you have a brother...one stronger than you... Satans Sin...he is more powerful than you and the yumura put together..he is pure evil!! and We'll sink you both!!!,' 'We will meet again...and you can guarantee...I will sink you for good,' snarled Heero as the mist suddenly slammed into Revonair holding him against the wall so he couldn't move, a huge explosion then shook the ground as Heero colapsed, Vahn quickly grabbed Heero and put him over his shoulder as they ran from the room Running out of the stone building they found the Devils Rose firing wildly at the many pirates who ran towards her, Jericho, Byron and Tanzin fought violently with the ones who had made it past with missing limbs and heads, the Rose lifted them all onto her deck and pulled back, her form shuddered as she slipped into the water and sailed out of the bay with the canons still roaring, the Yumura joined her side as they sailed off quickly Vey rushed to Heero's side as Vahn put him down on the deck, blood spilled everywhere from his body 'Heero....Heero..please,' cried Vey as Vahn sat on the other side looking down at him, Jericho, Byron and Tanzin looked torn up, blood stainned their clothes from the fighting 'HEERO!!!,' roared Vahn suddenly Heero stirred and looked up...his eyes were back to normal but his face still pale...he had remembered what Vahn had done for him but he couldn't remember what happened after pulling Revonair off Vey, raising his hand shakely to rest on Vahns shoulder 'Thank you....,' whispered Heero as he slowly sat up and smiled at Vahn, he then turned to Vey and placed a hand on her cheek and wiped the tears away, 'are you alright?' 'Yes..' she spoke shakely, 'but look what they did to you....,' 'I'm ok...they'll heal...more scars to add to the collection,' smiled Heero weakly, 'Is everyone else ok?' 'Yeah Heero,' said Jericho Vahn and Vey then helped Heero off the deck, he up and down the deck, 'Thank you Rose and Yumura...' he whispered before passing out, Byron then took him off Vahn and Vey and carried him to the captains quarters '
  3. After landing in the palace garden Heero watched Brielle walk off without a word...he put his head down..and this time...he walked down the back of the garden, Cyrus Sin looked at Sycthe Wing 'Whats going on???' questioned Sycthe beginning to get fustrated but the sudden silence between Heero and Brielle Cyrus walked down to where Heero sat by a small stream, 'Heero whats wrong?' questioned Cyrus with worried expression 'I just....I dont' know....Cyrus take me home...,' whispered Heero as he climbed upon to Cyrus's back and with a flutter of Cyrus's huge wings they took off Cyrus landed outisde the cave of where Cyrus use to sleep, the sun was high and it was warm..but to Heero it was cold 'Now are you going to tell me what's going on?' questioned Cyrus beginning to become agitated 'That's just it....I don't know myself,' spoke Heero as he walked to the river and sat down 'What do you mean?' 'I love her...but...I don't know what to do...she's hurting so badly and I don't know what to do,' spoke Heero as his voice sounded distant 'Just be there for her Heero is all you can really do,' said Cyrus feeling the his pain 'Yes but is that enough for her...I don't want to lose her...I can't...she was going to tell me something...but I don't know what it is...she said she was sorry....but for what though,' sighed Heero looking up at the beast that sat beside him 'Why don't you ask her?' questioned Cyrus 'Because I'm scared at what the answer maybe....I'm scared that I've lost her..I've never been this scared before...I don't want to lose her... because apart from you...she's all I've got to live for...' whispered Heero as he looked into the river
  4. Heero looks at Vahn his expression hard and cold 'OK THATS IT!,' Heero roared over the top of the crashing waves the swayed the Rose, 'I"VE HAD IT!....THE MORE I TRY TO KEEP THE CREW TOGETHER THE MORE I GET IT PUSHED BACK IN MY FUCKING FACE!!!!....FUCK IT...!,' At that moment the Rose shuddered violently 'Hey! Heero stop the anger your making the rose shudder,' said Vahn as they held onto the side 'They deffinately aint my doing....' replied Heero 'HEERO SHIP IN THE WATER!!!!!,' yelled Vey as she scurried down the mast, Heero ran to the other side of the ship and looked out across the water and there it sailed..a huge redish bown vessel..which stood strong and proud and there at the top of it's mast flew the flag of Revonair 'Oh shit...' whispered Heero as they all stood beside him 'Heero whats wrong?' questioned Byron 'It's Revonair...oh shit!,' whispered Heero, 'He's built a new ship,' 'Oh god...' whispered Vey at Heero's side, suddenly the stomping of running feet caught Heeros attention, he spun around to see Vahn making a run for it, and he jumped across to the Yumura 'Vahn where you going!!,' yelled Heero as he ran after him 'Yumura and I will take care of him!,' called back Vahn 'You fool!!,' exclaimed Heero as he ran and jumped for the Yumura rose just managing to catch the side and he pulled himself up 'I can take him down!..me and Yumura,' exclaimed Vahn as she spun towards Revonairs approaching ship 'JERICHO GET THE ROSE OUT OF HERE NOW AND KEEP HER AWAY!!!,' called Heero from the ship Jericho then took the wheel and spun the rose in another direction even though she pulled towards Heero 'Heero!...get off I can take him,' called Vahn from the wheel deck 'Vahn listen to me!!!...Revonair will slaughter our god damn lives if we go after him!!...Don't you understand!...we're fighting with fire if we go after him!...Vahn trust me for god sake!!!,' but it was too later...a voice so haunting and full of hatered roared across the waters 'YOU LITTLE BASTARD!!!...WHERES MY ROSE!!!,' roared a decaying form that stood at the wheel of the huge ship that aproached them 'Oh what the fuck do you call that!!!,' exclaimed Vahn actually looking shocked as a strong smell of death swept across the water and onto the Yumura which shuddered violently, the decaying form looked at Vahn and then very slowly turned his head towards Heero 'YOU!!,' he roared again, Heero raised an eyebrow, 'WHERE IS SHE....I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SHE HAS CHOOSEN YOU!!!...AND I WANT HER BACK!,' Heero then laughed and Vahn looked at Heero with a deep frown 'Do you honestly think that I'd tell you where the Hell she is!,' laughed Heero pyshcotically 'HOW DARE YOU MOCK ME....,' roared Revonair even louder 'Lady get ready to fire your canons...' whispered Vahn At that moment Revonair looked at Vahn and snarled, 'Boy I wouldn't even think of doing that...,' Vahn looked up at Revonair coldly 'Satans Soul will sink you and you blasted ship within seconds...I I have nothing against my brothers ship...' Revonairs voice hauntingly drifted between the two ships Vahn looked at the ship and saw five rows of canons aimed at them and he raised an eye brow to Revonair 'Do you think that scares me!,' growled Vahn 'No...but if you knew that ship aswell as i did you'd sense it's fear....and as for the LITTLE BASTARD THAT STANDS WITH YOU...WHERE"S THE DEVILS ROSE!!!,' snarled Revonair 'You should know..' smiled Heero wickedly 'You know for a fact that that isn't possible...since she choose you....and once I do get my hands on her I"LL TEAR THE BITCH APART!!!....THAT BETRAYING......WHERE IS SHE!!!,' growled Revonair 'I'd rather die first than hand her over to the like of you,' growled Heero his face expressionless 'THATS IT...I WANT THEM ALIVE!!!,' growled Revonair as over eighty men appeared at the side and suddenly they began swinging across to the Yumura who tried everything to kill them off but for some reason they just kept coming, Heero drew his sword and began fighting the decaying horde that ran towards him and Vahn...Vahn then began battling with one group 'YUMURA GET RID OF THEM...' exclaimed Vahn coldly, the Yumura shook violently as more entered on to the ship.... Revonair began laughing at the top of his lungs, 'Yumura can't kill whats already dead fool!!!,' Vahn looked at Revonair coldy Heero fought off as many as he could but it got beyond him and Vahn and they were suddenly captured and because Yumura wouldn't leave...she too was taken captive and dragged behind Satans Soul 'ROSE....IF YOU DON"T COME TO ME BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT...YOUR PERCIOUS CAPTAIN WILL DIE,' mocked Revonair as the decaying crew tied up Heero and Vahn Jericho hand set Rose behind as Island not far from them and they heard everything, the Rose desperately tried to head for them 'Rose stop it...if he gets ahold of you then who know what he'll do...we need to figure out a plan...of how to get them back...we'll follow them but at a safe distance,' whispered Jericho, the Rose shuddered as if she sighed Revonair walked up to Heero and grabbed his chin hard...Heero gave him a crooked smile, suddenly Revonair struck him in the stomach, an immense pain shot up through his body and he hunched over as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth......Heero and Vahn were then knocked out Vahn awoke chained to a wall, he looked around 'Dammit I have to get out of here...' he whispered 'I wouldn't do that if I were you...' spoke a decaying figure who stepped out into the light the shone through a gap in the door holding a rusted but sharp dagger, Vahn looked at him coldly 'Dammit...' whispered Vahn Heero awoke on a stone cold floor 'Pick him up!!!!,' roared Revonair....'she will come...I'll make damn sure...,' Revonair began beating Heero against the wall, smashing his fists into Heero's stomach, he then made two of the rotting pirates hold him down on the table on his stomach as he grabbed a whip which had small spikes on it and began whipping him, the spikes stuck into Heero's back and as Revonair pulled the whip back it tore into his flesh making him cry out in pain as it also tore his shirt, blood poured out everywhere as Revonair repeatingly did this, he was then ripped from the table and bashed again Vahn looked around trying to figure out where Heero was, suddenly heard a blood curtling cry which came again and again and then it stopped 'Heero...his whispered, then there was an eerie silence suddenly the door opened and a figure was thrown in, landing in a heap at his feet and then the dorr closed again, Vahn looked down, as the figure struggled to get up, falling in a heap everytime it tried to stand, it was like watching a bird with a broken wing trying to stand but when the figure did, Vahn realised that it was Heero, his body was bloodied, torn and bruised badly, and all he had on was his pants 'Heero...' called Vahn as Heero looked at him as if to ask who he was, his breathing shallow...and suddenly his eyes rolled back up into his head and he fell over OOC: Revonair and his pirates can't die..well not yet anyway..he plays a huge part in this story..OK
  5. I did a Rpg called "Welcome to the Hotel California" it was based on the song sang by the eagles and the gundam wing boys...it kind of took off a little to fast for my liking and it was kind of cut short which ruined the story line...but all in all it was great fun although most of the ones who joined did die off near the end but with the help of a great poster called Duomaxwell1432 (I think thats how the numbers on her signature go) helped me to keep it going and we finished it..Huge thanks to her!!...and it ended quite well... As for the one Crucifix done...I was really looking forward to that but...I don't really know what happened...I quite liked it! I'm a fan of Gundam Wing although...I don't really know much about the characters...i've only seen bit's of it but if it has anything to do with Gundam wing...well to me it's good!...hope to see your rpg up and running soon!
  6. *OFF TOPIC* - Hey Dragon warrior I wasn't biting your head off..LOL..and I don't mind the scientific know how and I'm really open to peoples opinions..My way of thinking is that everyones entitled to their own opinions...I have no problem with that... I just didn't think that science would be brought into it thats all...(Why is it that some take what I say the wrong way even though I've put LOL at the end of it)...anyway...by the way thanks Sesshomarufan!! I actually [B]do agree[/B] with James!...you see my best mates eyes change colour in different shades of light which is pretty cool...but can anyone tell me why mine seem to change when the lightings really dim??..meaning they go an Icy blue...why is that? shouldn't they go darker rather than go lighter?...I'm not much of a science person...LOL...I actually like the feed back in this thread..especially the science part..LOL..although all I wanted was to see if anyone else's eyes change colour aswell...but hey..this is fun! Hey thanks for all your opinions!!! Cool...
  7. Ty sat back and watched everyone prove themselves, one hacked into atm machines while others stole with the greatest of easy 'So Ty...you haven't shown me anything to prove that what you say is true about yourself....' spoke Mahony as Ty sat calmly in his chair and drank down the bit of his handle 'Well are you going to show me something or not?' questioned Mahony Ty stood up and walked around to Xero 'May I?' Ty spoke, Xero then moved back from his laptop and Heero took the seat then sat back at that moment he began typing, his fingers moving ten to a dozen over the key, they all watched on as he began to hack into the mainframe of the International bank situated in the middle of town [I] ...Access Acknowledged....codes: 46578908.......234517....54187343....354334........5434754...43543.......5435435.......543343 .....Codes Acknowledged...mainframe codes: ....114455854.....5834bg875gh....75gf58735g54.......7894w5542e254 ....Mainframe codes Acknowledged....entering mainframe: Access passed[/I] Suddenly everyone who had accounts in that bank began to appear upon the screen [I].....Mainframe upload:....upload codes required: .....543243.....sd5545e78f7...87fs98hjyj879.....ww87887ert8 .....upload codes Acknoledged....[/I] And then he started on creating a Virus [I]....Resource Download....required codes: ...69734po589.....4520036oo5444..... ....Download codes Acknowlegded....upload response..... ....Worm Over Ride....code required: ....45671200.3225.ju54423.001..... .....Worm Over Ride...........Access Acknowlegded.....Upload Acknowlegded.... ....Download...in 3...2...1.....................granted[/I] At that moment all accounts were scrambled and reset in code form and all money was wiped from the system....all accounts were set at zero...and froze it 'Oh hell....' were the words spoken amoungst the others 'What happened to all that money???,' questioned Xero 'I wouldn't be a very good hacker if I told you that now,' smiled Ty as he stood up 'You finished within 49 seconds..damn...' spoke Mahony 'Dammit..too slow,' growled Ty with a frown, 'is it enough for you?' 'Yeah...' spoke Mahony still trying to get over the fact that he did all of that within 49 seconds 'Good,' spoke Ty coldly as he got up and walked around to his chair and sat down
  8. Heero wiped the blood from his nose with a cloth, he looked back over his shoulder and there the ghostly form of Yumura followed, she was a very beautiful ship but daunting, Heero spun the huge wheel as rose spun towards the open sea He then jumped down from the wheel deck and walked over to Vahn and put out his hand 'I'm glad you stayed..Friend, you and Yumura you both hold a place on and beside the Rose always..just remember that,' smiled Heero holding his hand out, Vahn looked at Heero and then looked at his hand and with a slight smile he shook Heeros hand even though his face went red 'Th...thank you,' said Vahn as he looked back at Yumura who seemed to shine with Vahns smile as if she felt his happiness 'She's a beautiful ship...look after her,' said Heero looking back at Yumura 'I will,' spoke Vahn 'Hey watch out!!!,' they both heard Jericho's voice bellow out with a laugh behind it, Heero and Vahn looked at each other as they heard heavy footsteps hitting the wooden floors, as they got closer Vahn and Heero ducked down and out of the way as the two brothers flew passed them, hit into the side and flew over board, Vahn and Heero looked at each other then quickly peered over the side to find the two brothers laughing in the water 'Dammit we missed you both!,' Tanzin called up as the Rose pulled them out laughing, Heero and Vahn then laughed aswell as the two were dropped on the deck, Vey laughed from the crows nest as the two brothers hugged both Heero and Vahn soaking them 'Bastards!,' laughed vahn 'Watch me!,' called Jericho as he swung from the wheel deck and hit into Byron who didn't budge but laughed instead 'Ouch!..man thats like hitting a brick wall!,' exclaimed Jericho trying to get his wind back after being winded, Heero ran up to the wheel deck 'On ward to find Captian Raverns treasure!,' bellowed out Heero from the wheel deck and they all roared as the left the cove of Sandor, Heero then walked to side and pulled out a saphire jewel, he kissed it and flung it over board 'Farewell Katrina...may your spirit live on..,' he smiled as he turned to look up at Vey who smiled down at him and he winked at her
  9. [B]Name[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Syn Selwyn[/COLOR] [B]Age[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]17[/COLOR] [B]Nationality[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Japanese[/COLOR] [B]Grade[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]12[/COLOR] [B]Appearance[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]see attachments[/COLOR] [B]Personality[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Syn's personality is a far cry from human, his eyes are cold and empty and his expression always lost or expressionless, he hate being touched, he shows no warmth, compassion, loving emotion and takes no notice of others and their problems and doesnt care if what he says hurts them and doesn't care about what they think of him, he speaks in a haunting tone as if what he says isn't what he's thinking, he's confused about emotions that he can't seem to feel meaning caring, love, trust and gets lost within himself and struggles to communicate with others...so he keeps to himself, he's very quite and hates attention, he is constantly haunted by his past and the present and is struggling to deal with it...the only way he knows how to deal with it is by suicide..and Lady death is always on his mind...and he wishes for her to take him[/COLOR] [B]Bio[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Syn lives with his grandparents in Hawaii they've been there for a month, His parents were killed when he was 5 by him...his father use to be a police officer and often carried a gun, it was the middle of spring when it all happened..him and his parents had gone to the park to have a picnic, his father was on duty and that day he left his gun under the seat in the car, Syn went to go and get his ball and found the gun...he walked towards his parents with the loaded gun...but when they saw him with the gun they ran towards him shouting and panicing...and he pulled the trigger twice...shooting them clean in the chest....he remembers it all.... Syns Grandparents have treated him badly ever since he was born..they always told his parents that he was no good and it was only because he was born on friday the 13th at midnight under a new moon...and because he was also born with a birthmark on his back on his left shoulder that's in the shape of a cresent moon and every new moon it turns red...noone knows why not even himself and because of this and what happened to his parents his grandparents pyhsically abuse him when he makes one mistake which is nearly every day and they lock him in his room everynight, they call him devils child or evil boy...he has a deep hatered towards them...and slowly he's being pushed closer to the edge....he has scars all over his back from whippings which he still gets to this day..he never screams out for help because he believes that it's all his fault and that noone will come to help him.... His greatest passion is the night and darkness...he loves it......[/COLOR] [B]What do they whisper about you[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]They whisper about the death of his parents in saying that he killed them..which is true and that he belongs to the devil because of his emotionless soul and that he's pyshcotic killer[/COLOR] *Pm me if I need to change anything*
  10. Ok...Looks as though his thread got abit ugly while I wasn't watching In answer to all your guys notions, fact stands...My eyes do change colour whether you believe it or not.. if you want to shoot my thread full of bullet holes by bringing in scientific resources and supersitious notions so then be it I don't really care.. and Hell no! i'm not a vain person! god can strike me now if I was but the eye colour changing gene actually runs from my mothers side...she too has the same eyes, they change with her moods...and also tell me this...if I where a red shirt (most of you say that it's the clothes you wear) my reds will go a change because of what i'm wearing..LOL...now thats funny...sorry Hey Dragon Warrior!! theres no such thing as magic!!!! and also did I say I was original...[B]NO[/B]...lol Also its not my hair that changes colour its my COUSINS!!!...and it isn't all of her hair it is the tips of her hair which I stated at the top!...lol Look I just asked if others had eyes that change colour not a full blown thread full of Scientific reasons and people who think its superstition And also can someone tell me...(since most all seem to be glued to scientific reasons)...if my eyes are saphire blue on a sunny day and to get the pale blue wouldn't I have to stand out in the sun and look at it just to make them fade? and if it's got something to do with the light...then why do they stay the same when I go outside and then go indoors and it's only until my mood changes that they do...meaning...I may be angry and they turn pale blue and then I go outside after being inside and it's sunny but they stay the same and then while I've been outside for a while and I start feeling better then they change to saphire..it's my mother who tells me, she loves it...but I guess it's quite hard for others to think out side the scientific and superstitious box when things like this come up...so they judge you on it and make assumptions about you (referring to Dragon Warrior) that aren't even true I'm not mocking anyone it's just that my eyes have been like that ever since i was little..hard to believe but it's true and if thats the way everyone feels about it...well there's nothing I can do about it...besides all I asked for is if anyone else has this problem and all I've been give so far is a science lesson and superstitious talk....but I do thank everyone for their posts..Ok
  11. Jin was getting confused by the comotion as he looked around, being surrounded by this many humans was beginning to get to him 'SHUT UP!!,' he roared at the top of his lungs as blue lightning struck down from the sky and serged through him, all humans jumped back in fright, he quickly took off his shirt, tore it in half and wrapped one piece around the wound that Bravie had endured during the fight, 'Where are we going to go?' questioned one of the humans Jin didn't answer as he then flew high into the sky and there he saw it, Sire Valley, it hadn't been destroyed by the massive fight and explosions, he then flew back down to the ground 'Sire Valley,' he spoke 'But Sire Valley is about a days walk...we're all tired and hungry,' complained another human 'It's like this stay here and rot or come,' spoke Jin beginning to get annoyed, everyone looked at each other then agreed Jin then picked up Bravie and handed her to Orin, 'take her and becareful of the cloth, she's stopped bleeding back anything could make it bleed again,' he said with a deep tone, he turned around to see three humans trying to pick up Akai, he walked over and lifted Akai up and onto his back with ease, the three humans looked at him 'I've got him,' spoke Jin as he looked up, 'LETS GO!,' he bellowed out across the black ashed land where the humans stood tired and weak, he flapped his huge black wings and took off into the sky making sure that the pack was following, he flew ahead and then pulled back to the end and did this many times making sure that noone was left behind It took them all day and most of the night but finally they made it to Sire Valley, a valley filled with fresh streams, berry trees...it was one magnificent sight to behold in a world with so much chaos and death...it gave everyone a sense of peace and relaxed them as they set up camp next to a fresh water stream Jin placed Akai down next to one of the fires that were lit, he walked away and came back with some strange leaves, he grabbed a thick bark and then laid them on it and poured some water over it, he mashed it a little and handed one piece of bark to one of the humans 'Spreed this out over his wounds,' he spoke sternly, the human took the bark and did as told, Jin then walked over to Orin who lay Bravie down next to another fire 'Put this on her wound,' he said 'What will this do?' questioned Orin as he took the bark 'It's a healing leaf, it doesn't make the wounds disappear but it gives it relief and heals the inside first, she'll proberly have a nasty scar,' explained Jin 'How'd you know?' questioned Orin as he put the green mashed leaf over Bravies wound then covered it again 'I just do,' spoke Jin as he walked away 'Where are you going?' asked a few of the humans 'Hunting,' said Jin as he flew up into the sky 'We're coming!,' called the small group. Jin landed in a tree as the humans prowled around below him with spares, he was tired from the fight and especially after his demon form explode from him..he was weak...but he knew he couldn't rest...his mind was restless, suddenly in the bushes not far from them something moved, the humans froze as Jin swooped down from the tree and disappeared into the srubs, seconds later he emerged with a wild boar, the humans cheered and Jin growled 'Shut up!..you'll scare the rest!,' he snapped as more srubs moved, the humans lined themselves up and then charged at the srubs and seconds later emerging with more boars, they ended out catching ten, the humans carried one each while Jin flew above them with the rest They arrived back at the camp site where the others stood waiting and cheered when they saw them appear with the wild boars, Jin shook his head as he land and threw what he had on the ground. Jin, Orin and a few of the humans gutted the boars placed thick brunches throught them and placed them over the fires, the smell lingered across the valley and stomaches rumbled, Jin then walked down to the stream and cleaned himself up he then turned and flew up into a tree which stood strong beside the stream and landed on the brunch and there he sat when the boars were cooked he flew down grabbed one of the beasts and flew back up into the tree. The humans watched him rip off a leg and begin eating it slowly, they shrugged at each other and began eating. Jin looked down on them and then looked out over at the distant smouldering land which was once Deadwood 'Such beauty destroyed by power and greed...how many more lands will look like you...how many more will suffer...how many will die...,' Jin smiled, 'such a sorrow filled notion...but it bears no lies,' Jin then lent against the tree and again looked down on the humans who ate as much as they could They had lost everything..their home...their families...everything, Jin frowned and then looked away, 'Those beasts will pay...pay dearly,' he whispered as a warm breeze brushed against his face and he smiled out at the night OOC: ok I hope this is ok...just pm me if it isn't
  12. Ty walked along the pavement, his long jacket flapping in the cool crisp breeze although he didn't mind that, walking slowly past a pud he looked in the window and saw a post, walking over to the window it red: [I]Thieves wanted[/I], he red it carefully and then stood back placing a hand over his chin 'Well...I suppose I could check it out,' he whispered, he looked around and then entered the pub, he stood in the door way and saw a girl sitting down at a table Curiously he walked over and looked at her 'Mahony?' he questioned The girl looked up 'Yeah,' she spoke as she stood up 'Count me in,' he said as he walked away and over to the bar 'Hey wait!...,' she called as Ty walked up to the bar and ordered a handle and then walked back to her 'Whats your name?' she questioned 'Ty,' he spoke in an even tone as he took a drink of his jug 'so what can you do?' she questioned 'Hacker, Highly secured Raids and ex-assassin,' he spoke confidently, 'and I don't do petty raids,' Mahony looked at him with a raised eyebrow, 'Can you prove any of this?' Ty looked around and spotted a piece of gum stuck to the wall on the other side of the room, he quickly drew his magnum with a silencer attached to it and shot it, the sound was muffled as the bullet flew out of the barrel, passing over peoples heads and struck the gum and went straight threw the wall 'HEY MY WALL!!!,' exclaimed the bartender as everyone sat back up right on their chairs and looked at Ty who had already put the gun away, Mahony looked at him Ty looked at her and then stood up and walked over to the bartender and handed him two hundred for the wall, the bartender looked at him as Ty ordered another drink, Mahony walked over to him 'Ok...good,' she replied, 'I'm just waiting on others,' Ty gave her a slight nod and she walked back to the table to wait *Hope this is ok*
  13. Demonic Elf: has taken the King of the underworld position....element is Darkness Aqua: has taken the Leader of Heavens angels Position Eternity: has taken the role of King of Heaven....element is Light Razendis Dawn the Warlord is still open So Light and Darkness elements are taken..thanks Thanks to those who joined..still need a few more to join.. Just thought I'd let you all know...OK Thanks:)
  14. Heero groaned as he moved on top of her, His breathing becoming short as they moved together, they rolled and Vey ended on top of him, moans slipped from her mouth as Heero hands ran caressingly over her body and down to her slender waist, pulling her down on top of him both moving in sync with each other, Vey ran her hands up and down his arms, she could feel his muscles tense, she put her head back as Heero sat up and pulled her closer kissing her neck gently, she moaned again as excitement ran through her body giving her goose bumps, she lent back as Heero made his way over her chest and a louder moan escaped her lips, as she pulled him in closer running her hands threw his hair. Waves crashed against the side of the Rose making it rock slightly Heero rolled Vey until he was on top of her again, both groaned, Vey wrapped her legs around his waist again as he kissed her passionately, she bit his lip as she ran her hands down his body to his waist where she pulled him in deep and harder, she could feel him throbbing inside of her, filling her wildly, Heero groaned as he lifted his head, their bodies drench in sweat, as their movements got fast and more wantingly and their moans became louder, Heero's body tenses as vey arches up into his as she pulls him in, 'Heero....oh god....' were the words that escaped Veys mouth loudly as Heero drove into her deeper and deeper as if searching....then at that moment a rush of pure pleasure serges through their bodies, Vey arched into Heero more as her fingers dug into his back as Heero flung head back and gripped the sheets as he drove in one last ime, both letting out a moan of ectasy and fullfillment as their bodies shuddered together, Heero colasped on top of Vey, their breathing heavy and short and their bodies soaked Heero lifted his head and looked down at Vey, she ran her fingers through his soaked hair pushing back his bangs to uncover his eyes 'I love you so much...' she whispered as she kissed him gently 'And I love you...' he whispered Throughout the night they made love, caressing each other as if they couldn't get enough, their bodies became intangled in one another and their moans of pleasure were captured in the waves that broke against the Rose... The next day Vey awoke to find herself alone in the bed, she smiled at what had happened and her heart raced, she jumped out of the bed with the sheet wrapped around her and ran out onto the deck to find Heero just jumping from the mast and into the water, she ran to the side and looked over to find him to find him looking back at her 'Morning lover..' she smiled 'Hey,' he winked at her as he climbed up the rope, grabbed her around the waist and kissed her passionately then looked at her, 'I can't seem to get enough of you....' Vey smiled as she kissed him again, ' me to...I love you so much,' At that moment Vahn walked out from below 'Morning Vahn,' smiled Heero while Vey smiled at Vahn 'Morning..' he spoke as he waslked to the side of the ship, Vey kissed Heero and went back into the captains quarters to get cleaned up and dressed Heero walked up beside Vahn and lent against the side, 'You know Vahn...there's one difference between you and I with these ships...' 'Whats that?' questioned Vahn looking at Heero 'You control Yumura...but I don't control Rose, yes I may be the captain but to me she is more than a ship...she's beautiful and strong...and I trust her dearly with my life and she trusts me, if there's something that she doesn't like she'll let me know and I trust her judgement, she's loyal to all of us...I'm not saying that Yumura can't be trusted or anything like that but there's something that does disturb me about her...it doesn't scare me because Rose is also a ghost ship...the only difference is..Rose never sank...she rose above all of Revonairs ways and rebelled against him...but with Yumura...I see her pain..her fear...her needs....how because I see it in you...if your not careful..you will sink her Vahn,' spoke Heero with a serious look in his eyes 'What!...I'll never sink her!!,' snapped Vahn slamming his fist down on the side, at that moment a rope knocked him at the back of the head, 'Ouch!,' he growled as he rubbed his head, Vahn jumped down from the ship and ran to the side 'YUMURA! COME NOW!!,' roared Vahn...but this time she didn't came..., 'what...YUMURA NOW COME TO ME!!,' Still she didn't come Heero jumped down beside him, 'Vahn can't you hear yourself...she isn't a ship that will come when you call her like that...Yumura is more than a ghost ship...even though her ship may have sunken...her spirit lives on,' 'And what would you know!..I'm her master not you!,' growled Vahn Heero then moved to the side, 'Yumura...come...it's ok....' spoke Heero softly at that moment mist appeared and Yumura floated gracefully into the bay and up to the dock 'WHAT!!...NO!!,' exclaimed Vahn as he looked at Heero, 'How?? your not of Yumura decendant..how??' 'When Yumura wrapped her mast around Rose she not only connected with Rose...but she also connected with me...Devils Rose and I we are more or less one...I feel her pain she feels mine...but the only thing is Rose didn't connect with Yumura..why?..because Yumura is only a cousin to Rose and because she bears the name of your family... not hers meaning..she wasn't built by Revonair...if I remember rightly, Revonairs brother Shaylin, he was a kind man a warm hearted man, he hated violence and couldn't stand Revonair..he loved Yumura very much..and treated her as if she were human..but the day he died her spirit was broken...and her spirit has been broken ever since...you are the only one left who can heal her spirit and set her free...but in doing that you have to heal yourself first..and if you don't open you eyes..then she'll be trapped here forever haunting these seas and you'll be trapped living in misery forever...and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that..because to me...it wouldn't be right to do that to a beautiful thing,' spoke Heero as he gently stroked the side of the ship, she shuddered under his touch as Heero then walked back onto Rose 'Vahn..if you want to leave with her...then you can leave but I'd hate to see you go,' smiled Heero as he looked at Vahn whos eyes filled with tears At that moment, Jericho, Byron and Tanzin ran down the docks laughing at what they did at the celebration 'We leave in an hour,' said Heero looking at Vahn, 'You can go with her...or come with us...it's up to you,'
  15. OOC: Now thats one hell of a way to kill the moment!! Heero ended out wrapping his shirt around his waist as he covered Vey who put on his Jacket, Heero felt somewhat angered and Violated as he frowned at Vahn He grabbed Vey's hand and they walked back to the dock, Heero then turned back towards Vahn They stand on the docks and watch yumura leave into the mist that she arrived on, her haunting shilloette slowly disappears in the mist and Vahn's eyes swell with tears Hey, it'll be alright Vahn, at least now your not alone, we're your friends, she'll return again...and anyway..we leave at dawn so get some rest or go back to the celebration,' smiled Heero as him and Vey walked up the walk way 'I'm sorry for ruining your evening...' called Vahn looking up at Heero 'I know that but for future reference...please don't walk up on us like that when were naked...you freaked the hell out of me..' smiled Heero still feeling aroused after being rudely disturbed as he looked back at Vahn, Heero and Vey then disappeared into the captains quarters
  16. The name of my RPG is called [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]City of Angels: Fall from Grace[/B][/COLOR] I forgot to finish the title..sorry [color=red]* I took the liberty of changing the thread title for you, since the rating is necessary. Hope that's okay, if not PM me :) --terra[/color] *************************************** [COLOR=Orange][B]Story:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][I]It was christmas eve in Ravenlon, a city of love, peace and freedom, people rushed around madly trying to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones, some stood talking in the streets about roast chicken, decorating their trees, family... Ravenlon celebrated Christmas as if there was no tomorrow, why? because it was the day the war ended one hundred years ago on that very spot, the war between Ravenlon and Darkspire although because of it being one hundred years ago, people thought that Darkspire and the war was a myth or ancient tale Darkspire... was the home of the greatest warlord ever known to man, Razendis Dawn, Razendis stole the septor of Hell and the medallion of Heaven melted them down and created the Staff of Darkspire, a staff that gave him abilities far beyound anyones wild imagination, with it he created the perfect army but because of the 4 Kings he was locked within his own creation...Darkspire... by the elemental Cubes which were more powerful than him.... One hundred years ago Ravenlon was the name of the whole country and was run by 4 Kings: North, East, South and West each holding an identical cube but filled with one of the main elements: the king of the north held the Cube of Earth, King of East held the Cube of Water, King of South held the Cube of Fire and King of West held the Cube of Wind and within these Cubes lay an even greater power when all 4 were brought together and combinded, it also opened the gate ways of Heaven and Hell where the Angels of Heaven, the Angels of Hell and humans fought side by side in a desperate attempt to save their homes but after the war these cubes were shattered into pieces by Razendis in an attempt to reclaim his freedom but it was too late...the cubes had done their jobs...so they thought Deep in the heart of what is left of Darkspire which is now been covered completely by the sea...his desire to rule burns brightly...and his hunger draws near...very near Even though the cubes were smashed into pieces they were scattered across the land, some were lifted into the Heavens..some sank into Hell and some stayed in Ravenlon and possessed their own unique ability and element but they had each adopted there own form meaning that they were apart of someone making that person, Heaven Angel or Hell Angel unique from all making them guardians of Ravenlon[/I][/COLOR] ********************** Ok thats done...sorry if it may seem confusing, Heaven Angels have White Wings, Hell Angels have Black wings *********************** [COLOR=Navy][B]Ok sign-ups[/B][/COLOR] I need Humans, Heaven Angels and Hell Angels, I also need serious posters not ones who will pull out half way threw so if your in your in ok...Thanks [COLOR=SeaGreen]If anyone wants to play [B]Razendis Dawn the Warlord[/B] or if you want to be [B]The King of The Underworld [/B] or [B]King of Heaven[/B] just pm me first ok (there are some restrictions on The two Kings but not to much ok)... and for these characters it has to be male...so first in first served [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]I also need someone to be the leader of the Heaven Angels but it has to be a Female, she'll be the king of Heavens Daughter and who will end out being my characters lover but you need to Pm me ok ...first in first served[/COLOR] [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: [B]( 17-30 for humans and Angels But for the Kings and Razendis Dawn can be unknown, they're old but they don't appear to be, can put an age if you want)[/B] [B]Agenda[/B]: [B]Race[/B]: (Human, Heaven Angel or Hell Angel - [B]No halflings ok[/B]) [B]personality[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Abilities[/B]: ( Angels choose up to 2, humans have 3 - meaning healing, telepathy etc...The only reason why humans get three is because Angels have extreme strength and speed) [B]Element[/B]: (There can only be one element for one person, you can't have the same element as someone else and [B]Death and Life won't be used as elements or abilities in this story[/B]) [B]weapon[/B]: (Angels 1, Humans 1-2) [B]Bio[/B]: [B]Angels do bleed and do get hurt, they can also be killed and when they do their souls disappear for ever and their bodies turn to ash ok so just keep that in mind..Thanks :)[/B].. ********* [COLOR=Indigo]My Sign-up[/COLOR] [B]Name[/B]: Jin Kazama [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Agenda[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Hell Angel ( son of Lucifer and leader of the Hell Angels ) [B]Personality[/B]: He's very serious, hits first and asks questions later kind of attitude when someone pisses him off and seems uncaring when really he isn't, he's the type of person who'd rather take off to do his own thing or just sit back and listen then speak, he's a rebel type and mostly rebels against his father but only sometimes [B]Appearance[/B]: Look at attachments, You proberly can't see his wings properly but they're black and feathery and slightly drag along the gound, they're about two in length when closed but extend out to four meters and he stands at six foot and although he appears to be human he isn't he's full Devil, he also wheres a long black double vested coat, black boots, black leather slightly baggy pants and black shirt [B]Abilities[/B]: Telekinesis and Soul stealing (His soul Steeling ability came from being Lucifers son, he can only take the souls and send them to hell to his father but it will be explained in the bio) [B]Element[/B]: Fire, he can make, control and exstinguish fire by mere thought by using telekinesis or pyhsically - meaning by touch but when he becomes over inraged or his emotions go hay wire then he tends to loose control because he's still learning [B]Weapon[/B]: A dark blue handle double bladed sword which burns of a red, the sword was handed to him by his father Lucifer who made it with his bare hands [B]Bio[/B]: Jin is the only child of Lucifer the King of the underworld he was born and breed there, Jin never knew his mother, Lucifer loves Jin very much and worries alot about him always especially when he's late or goes missing for a couple of days because Jin is his only son and if Jin dies then there'll be noone to carry on after him and the underworld will fall, although Lucifer comes down hard on Jin the only reason why he does that is to prepare him for the day when he becomes King of the Underworld which is something Jin doesn't want but it is his future and he has to live with it, when he does become King Jin won't beable to leave the underworld he'll be bound to it....just like his father, Jin has a unique ability to steal souls, the same ability that his father had when he was growing up, the only thing wrong with this ability is that the only souls he takes is of those who are bad, the good ones go to heaven and don't pass threw him and when the bad souls do pass through him visions of what they did stay in his mind and haunt him, He didn't ask for this ability it just became him, he's tried stopping them from going threw him but it never works they pass through him whether he wants them to or not and no matter where he hides or runs they find him..always [B]*The Underworld*[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Although many think that the Underworld is a horrible place with burning pits and people slaving their arses off...it is far from it, the Underworld is a place for where ones who have done bad go there for a second chance to make up for what they've done but if they don't then they are sent to the pit of Hell where their soul gets destoyed and they're left to plague the pit with their screams and they never get another chance ever, the underground is filled with small villages just like above ground where all the bad get given their second chance at starting fresh......and the ones who do pass have a choice to be sent to heaven or to remain as an angel of Hell.....[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]*For my character there will be no hidden sisters or brothers or half brothers and sisters...My character is an only child and his father Lucifer can only have one kid in his intire exsistance no matter who he had to do it with to get him...thank you*[/I][/COLOR] ************* Ok now that thats done *********** [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Warning[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2][I]This story is rated M for Violence, language....it may contain sex depends on the people who join ok..[/I] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] ****************** If anyone is confused about something then just pm me..OK :) I will start the story when I think there's enough...hope it goes well :) ..catch you up
  17. I'm just asking...because my eyes change with my moods or the weather...meaning...If I'm angry and wild...they're an Icy blue but if i'm happy or ok they're a saphire blue and if I'm confused or sick then they're a really deep dark blue...they also change with the weather, if it's sunny then they're a Saphire blue, if its an over cast then they're a deep dark blue and if it's rainning then they're an Icy blue....it's really quite strange, they mostly change with my moods...but is their anyone else out there like that or am i the only wierd one on these boards thats like that! My cousin has hair that changes with the weather..the tips of her hair go blonde if it's sunny and bark brown when its over cast or rainning So if anyone does have wierd things like that do tell! :)
  18. Heero groaned at the feeling...he didn't want to be scared anymore...he wanted only to see her...her in his dreams..her smile..her warmth..her beauty...her grace 'Vey...are you sure?' he asked tremebling 'I've never been more sure...but I've made my move...it's yours for the taking if you want it...if you want me,' she smiled, her eyes glowed without a hint of fear Heero began to kiss her neck and she tingled all over, her body shievered with goose bumps, as she ran her hands up and down his back and groaned, the water surrounded them again, and again, Heero ran his hands over her body caressing every curve with his hand as they kissed passionately, Heero shakely undid her top and began kissing her all over her body, Vey arched her back as she felt a wonderous sensation rush over her 'Heero...' his name escaped her lips in pleasure as her heart beat rapidly, Heero quickly sat back fearing that he may of hurt her, his breathing was heavy and he rubbed the back of his neck 'Did...I....I hurt you??' he whispered shakingly Vey moved towards him and wrapped her legs around him then pulled him back down on top of her 'No, you won't hurt me...you could never hurt me...I love you,' she whispered as she kissed him on the mouth, 'You won't hurt me, I promise,' Heero ran his hands up her arms which lay above her to her hands and then brought them back down she shuddered warmly under his touch and groaned, she brought her hands down between them and undie his pants and hers, they both lay naked looking at each other, Heero shievered and blinked back tears as memories poured into his head 'It's ok...just look at me...look at me..i'm not them...I'm Vey..Vey Flower...Just look at me,' she whispered her voice soothing the demons that haunted him and he kissed her Vey put her arms around him and drew him closer, she wanted him 'Take me..' she whispered and suddenly without warning she felt him inside of her, they both groaned and looked at each other, Her eyes filled with tears of pleasure as he smiled warmingly at her, Heero could feel her warmth..her love as he moved slowly inside her, she too joined thr rythm as he kissed and bit her neck gently and she arched into him feeling every naked part of him against her as her body tingled with excitement
  19. Name: Ty (last name unknown) Age: 18 Agender: Male Specialty: High risk security raids, hacker, Assassin Weapons: A one meter long Katana, and two black magnums with silencers ( but he can use a wide range of guns) Personality: Very quiet, walks silently, serious, takes his jobs seriously and hates mucking around, a perfectionist and rather do jobs by himself...He never forgives...and he never forgets, give short answers and hates explaining himself, he mainly sits back and listens rather than join into a conversation, he doesn't care what others think of him or what they say..but he never goes down without a fight and he has a one tracked mind most of the time Bio: Ty's an ex-assassin and lives at the top of an old building which over looks the city, he worked for a group who specialised in high risk security raids...cars, banks, museums, jewels...everything, he became their number one high grade Assassin and thief, he moved quickly and quietly using the shadows and dark as his most powerful tools and got the job done as fast as he could..noone would see him come and noone would see him go, at the age of 17 some of the members in the gang he was in had become jeleaous so they set him up, while on a raid at a highly secured museum they shot him in the back and set the arlam off, leaving him to die...but he didn't, he got out of the museum and hunted down the gang and killed them taking everything they had stolen and kept it for his own and porned them off to international dealers who paid him a great deal of money which he now keeps very secure, he use's the money to buy what he needs and steals what he wants....now he's looking for a new gang to join after being alone for a year Appearance: see attachment ( Minus the face paint), he has pale blue eyes and his hairs just abit more shorter *pm me if I need to change anything ok*
  20. Heero looked around as he walked outside and saw Brielle take off with Sycthe wing, Heero looked at Cyrus 'Get on,' smiled Cyrus, 'I know you want to follow,' Heero shakely got on Cyrus, his side was in pain but he wouldn't let that stop him as they took off into the sky Brielle knew she was being followed and she knew who it was but she just kept riding 'Cyrus...why can't I understand?' questioned Heero feeling like an idiot 'What are you talking about?' spoke Cyrus looking back at him, Heero's head was down 'Like what happened in the throne room...Valo knows how to understand her...I don't...I end out hurting her,' whispered Heero 'Just remember Heero...you lived your life in the woods...you hardly went out...and if you did you were chased, beaten or nearly hung....you never associated with other people until now we as they all have they were given that chance,' spoke Cyrus wisely 'I don't know...I just don't seem to fit...as usual...it just seems that Brielle maybe better off with Valo or someone who can understand her,' sighed Heero 'Now your talking stupid!...Brielle loves you...if she wanted to be with someone else she would of...she could of gone with Valo or any of the others but she didn't...she chose you and right now she's hurting Heero..you may not beable to understand her but you are always there for her,' smiled Cyrus as they landed Heero slid off Cyrus and looked around 'Where are we?' questioned Heero 'It looks like a hatchery, must be Elusis,' said Cyrus, Sycthe Wing walked towards them 'Heero she's inside,' spoke Sycthe Wing with a smile, Heero then walked through the doors of the huge building and came out into a huge part where eggs sat in small coops, Heero stood speechless, he could hear distant sobbing He walked around to find Brielle sitting holding an egg and slowly he approached her and knelt down infront of her He didn't know what to say as she sat there not looking at him just craddling the egg, Heero extended his hand and placed it gently on her hand, she looked up at him with red distant teary eyes 'I'm sorry,' was all he could say suddenly she wrapped her arms around him and cried 'They will pay...they will pay..' she spoke hauntingly as he voice echoed around the room, 'I swear they will pay!,' Heero just sat there and listened as he put his arms around her and let her cry without saying anything...because at this moment nothing he could say would make her feel better or would make the pain go away
  21. Heero looked down at her and smiled, as he got lost in her eyes 'With you yes,' he smiled as he kissed her gently, 'I'd die for you Vey Flower...I'd fight for you...I've never felt like this before...you make me run wild...in your eyes I get lost...it's as if you make me melt inside everytime I see you...I love the feeling I get when I'm around you..you make me want you without even trying,' Vey wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down and kissed him passionately and Heero returned every kiss. The waves crashed on the sand and surrounded them 'dammit!...I've got sand up my shirt,' laughed Heero as he stood up and tried to shake the sand out and out of the blue he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off and began shaking it, Vey watched him...this was something Heero hadn't done for a long time, she could see the scars from where they dug their nails into him, he was still a little bruised..but Vey was caught up and how he looked...watching him made her heart jump, he suddenly turned around and looked at her, Vey smiled as he sat back down beside her, she grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, Heero lay on his side cocked up on one elbow looking at her, he then ran his index finger down her nose which twitched and down over her soft lips where he circled them 'I could lay here forever with you..' he whispered, Vey pulled him down and kissed him again, they kissed passionately and wantingly, Heero's heart raced her touch..everything made his sense's go wild...and he loved it
  22. OOC: Just thought I'd change it myself...:) Heero and Cyrus swooped down through the hole in the roof caused by Sycthe Wing, Heero jumped off Cyrus before Cyrus could land 'Brielle!,' called Heero as he staggered towards her and dropped to his knees beside her, 'Brielle..' She looked up at him with tears streaming down her face and then she looked towards her parents who lay motionless on the ground, 'Oh no...' whispered Heero as he looked at the blood that was spilled, Brielle threw her arms around him and cried, her sobs echoed in the great hall, at that moment all the other riders entered the room and looked on in horror at the sight, Heero put his arms around Brielle as she cried, tears rolled from his eyes but there was no sound that escaped his mouth...it broke his heart to see her cry...and he couldn't hold back the tears after remembering how well the King had treated him
  23. Heero looked deep into her eyes, his heart beating fast and his hands became clamy and began to shake...he wanted noone else but her...and it scared him all memories flowed back into his head, the laughing, the grabbing..the pain, their faces ran across his mind and he blinked them away...the only face he wanted to see was Veys...swallowing hard he put his arm around her waist and drew her closer, her body pressed against his, she could feel his heart racing and his muscles tense and then he kissed her passionately for a while...his body trembled...suddenly feeling himself beginning to loose control he quickly pulled away...scared of hurting her, His face was red and he rubbed the back of his neck 'I'm sorry...' he whispered looking down, Vey smiled at his shyness 'Heero don't be sorry...I love you,' she whispered her voice sounding like a perfect melody 'And I love you..' he spoke looking at her with warmth in his eyes, 'It was always you Vey...I just wish I had opened my eyes sooner...I didn't think that you felt the same...so I supressed my feelings...I'm an idiot for doing that because I hurt you,' Vey slowly walked towards and grabbed his trembling hands, 'I have loved you for a very long time..and yes it hurt...it hurt badly...but I love you and that will never change,' At that moment they heard voices coming towards them 'Heero do you trust me?' she asked looking deep into his eyes 'I've always trusted you...and you know that,' he replied looking down, she then pulled him towards the water, 'What are you doing?' 'Come with me..there's a small island just out in the water, it only has a couple of trees on it,' she smiled warmly, 'I just want to be with you without any distractions,' 'Ok,' he smiled as they ran into the water, it was warm and felt good, Heero dove under the water and came up beside Vey as they swam, they could here the voices echoing across the water, they crawled up onto the small Island and flopped back on the sand laughing, she had never heard Heero laugh like that for a long time, He sat up and looked back at the distant Celebration, people were still drinking, dancing and cheering, Vey sat up and saw how happy he was, his eyes sparkled in the moonlight that reflected off the water and he turned and looked at her 'How do you do it Vey?...When I'm with you...I feel free...alive...you set me off in a world where it's only you and I even though there could be a crowd around...you make my heart skip so many beats that it feels as though it's going to jump out of my body and run away..you make me forget what happened...,' whispered Heero as he smiled at her 'Because you do it to me...I guess thats what love does and I couldn't image myself not feeling it...esspecially now..in this moment...I can't imagine a world without you,' she smiled as she blushed, Heero also turned red as he lay back down and put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky, so perfect and calm Vey slowly moved closer to him and lay down then rested her head on his shoulder, he didn't jerk or pull away 'You make me tingle all over when you touch me,' spoke Heero as he looked down at her, She cocked her head and smiled at him as she gently placed a had on his chest and he bruahed the hair away from her face, 'Your beautiful Vey Flower,' She smiled at him and kissed him gently on the lips Back at the Celebration Jericho began talking with the girl he had met in the bar, while Vahn still danced with the two brothers, all were drunk and having a good time something they all needed
  24. Well I've already put up the sign-up fro this but I thought I'd better give a low down of my story To tell you the truth it was a spur of the moment story, I was bored and it just popped into my head...so I thought that it might be fun... This story is about a bunch of teens who steal their school buse and take off for a city called Calis which is situated next to the beach...here is where a huge Beach rage is going to happen...Calis is well known for its prostitution, sex, violence, drugs..etc...but it takes about 2-3 days to get there, so on their way they do a pub crawl celebrating the start of summer holidays and some are celebrating leaving school.... But wierd things start to happen while they make their journey to Calis and when they arrive at the Rage..etc... So it's like a thriller kind of thing. It will have sex and drugs but thats up to who ever joins...if noone wants to be apart of the sex or drug scene then thats ok as long as they state that in their sign-up but if they don't then that does mean that they want to be apart of that...so there is a choice Well I don't really want to give away too much or else it will ruin the story...but hope it goes well is all I can say....
  25. Ok...this is a spare of the moment thing...So I don't know how this is going to go...but I thought it might be fun.... ****************** [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Story line:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][I]It's the starting of the summer holidays and eveyones going away, a bunch of college students have just finished school and are waiting for the bus, for once the college students didn't have a clue what they wanted to do for the holidays, they heard that there'll be alot of concerts going on around the country but most of them had noway of getting there and alot of them have saved for the Beach Rage which was down in Calis, A huge city about two days away from Trania, a city smaller than Calis where the college students are from, as they sat and waited for the bus they grouped together and began talking about how they were going to get there. As they sat there the bus pulled up and Ali...a middle agaed man very kind-hearted opened the door 'All aboard the Ali express!,' shouted Ali as he smiled at the students, 'So what are you all going to do for the summer?' 'We all want to go to the Beach Rage in Calis...but we have noway of getting,' spoke a student 'Hey why don't we take this bus?' questioned a girl from the back seat as they all piled in 'We can't take the bus!,' snapped another 'Why not?' replied the girl 'because none of us have a license to drive the damn thing!,' growled the same student 'Oh yeah but Ali does!,' exclaimed the girl, everyone turned to Ali 'Oh kids come on...I can't do that and you know I can't...my wife will kill me!,' exclaimed Ali objecting 'Well in that case,' said one student as he pushed Ali out the door 'HEY COME ON KIDS!!!,' yelled Ali 'LETS GO PUB CRAWL!!!!,' roared the one who sat in the drivers seat and the students cheered 'Ali we'll look after your baby...no worries!!,' called back the students as they took off down the street 'YOU BETTER!!,' roared Ali from the side of the road They stop at everyones house's to pick up clothes..etc... and set off for Calis...the City of Alcohol, Sex, Drugs, Prostitution, fighting and hard out raging!...stopping along the way to visit the pubs and vowing to never leave anyone behind no matter what happens!...so it will be one road trip they wont forget.......[/I][/COLOR] [B]Now thats done!! all town, cities etc.. are made up[/B] *********************** [COLOR=DarkRed][B]WARNING[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]This story [I]may[/I] contain Sex and Drugs depends on the who ever joins but there will be Alcohol, Violence and Harsh Language, so if you don't want your character to be involved in the either the Sex or the Drugs then please say so in the sign up ok... :) [/COLOR] ********************************* [COLOR=Navy]My character[/COLOR] Name: Lee Shaylin Age: 18 Agenda: Male Appearance: Look at attachments. Personality: kind of quiet, doesn't talk much but likes to have a good time, likes to do things at the spur of the moment. abit of a rebel when he wants to be, [B]he doesn't do drugs[/B] but he likes to rage with his friends, he took up sports and has been a star athelete on the track team, very devoted to sports, He's strikingly handsome but he's not vain as most..he doesn't care about what people think of him or what he looks like, he spends most of his time trainning and didn't take much notice of girls, his mind was too focussed on sports and trainning until the pub crawl.... Bio: Lee grew up in Trania, he had always been focussed on sports ever since he was young but he does have a wild side to him and loves the adventure and thrill, he likes to go out with his friends but most of the time spends his time in the gym and trains everyday but where ever there's a party he's there, he had been saving up for the Beach Rage and he can't wait........ ************************* [COLOR=RoyalBlue]*[I]Sign-ups[/I]*[/COLOR] just quick and simple Name: Age: (16-19) Agenda: Appearance: Personality: [COLOR=DarkGreen](Don't forget if you don't want you character to be invovled in Sex or Drugs please state it)[/COLOR] Bio: (just a quick one) ***************** [COLOR=DarkRed][B]RULES: [/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green][B]I want reliable posters, no pulling out halfway through the story and please read other posts properly! and please respect others wishes in the sign-ups as in the ones who don't want to be apart of the sex scene or drug scene ok[/B][/COLOR] ************** Well i think thats it....well hope it goes well.
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