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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Heero smiled as he watched everyone from the the table as he drank but a handle and slammed it down on the table with a smile 'Well lad!..see you've picked up your fathers habit!,' laughed Tanzin as the two brothers slammed their handles down on the table Heero looked around and saw Vahn sitting on the wall, He stood up and with a jug in his hand he walked over to Vahn 'Hey,' spoke Heero as the music played in the backround Vahn looked up as Heero handed him a jug 'Drink up,' smiled Heero, Vahn looked at the jug and then took it, it skulled it back and then put his head down again, Heero sat beside him 'Why don't you join in,' asked Heero 'I don't do dancing,' replied vahn harshly suddenly a broad shouldered belle walked over to them 'Oh come on sweety lets dance,' she cheered as she grabbed Vahn and dragged him towards the dancing crowd kicking and yelling death threats, the lady laughed and started finging him around like a rag doll, Heero laughed, he looked around and saw Vey standing in the crowd smiling at him, he smiled at her and then gave her a wink, she blushed, she then walked towards him and he watched her evey step, she was beautiful...he just wished that he had opened his eyes earlier, his heart missed several beats as she drew closer and then sat down beside him 'Now why aren't you dancing?' she questioned as she looked at him 'Because I'd rather watch you,' he spoke softly looking away, Vey smiled as she saw his face redden and she lent against him at that moment a beautiful slow melody came on, it was a song for the dead, Heero stood up and stood infront of Vey, he extended out his arm and bowed 'May I have this dance?' he asked her, Vey blushed and gently accepted placing a hand in his and they walked over to the slow dancing couples and joined in 'Why...I didn't know you danced,' smiled Vey as she looked up at him as he placed a gental hand on her hip hoping that he wouldn't make her uncomfortable 'you never asked you just asked why I wasn't,' smiled Heero looking down at her warmingly, and for once the warmth stayed, they could hear Jericho chatting up some girls who all cheered as he told war stories and drank, Vahn was still yelling at the girl to let go but she just laughed and Byron and Tazin were arm wrestling with the towns people and laughing
  2. Heero pulled his gun and fired upon the next lot that boarded the ship, the Rose began to shudder as the bandits piled aboard, it's ropes began wrapping themselves around the necks of the bandits and snapped them violently ripping them apart The others then joined the fight, Heero fought violently beside Jericho 'Dammit!!,' roared Heero as he slashed his way through the bandits, suddenly a sharp pain swelled in his back as a loud cheer came from the bandit who had driven the dagger into his side 'I GOT HIM!!!...I GOT THE CAPTAIN!!,' roared the Bandit as Heero dropped to his knees, 'THE SHIPS OURS!!,' Heero was wild with what the Bandit had said 'HEERO!!,' yelled Jericho as suddenly the bandits wrapped a rope around his neck and he was lifted off the deck and up into the air as they had thrown the rope around the cross part of the mast, Jericho began to choak He then heard Veys scream as they grabbed her, Vahn was doing his best to kill them but it wasn't working, at that moment two men entered the ship and began shooting at the Bandits, the towns people had also joined, Heero looked at them, they were built like houses, they almost looked like twins, except one had along beared the other didn't...Heero recognized them..it was Byron and Tanzin, they were loyal friends of Cliffs, he remembered meeting them several years ago, they were around the same age as Cliff and were built like him, Heero suddenly stood up and turned on the bandit who had stabbed him and slashed off his head, he cut down Jericho and ran over to help Vey, he began pounding the bandits who had touched her, while Byron and Tanzin throttled the last remaining bandits then...it was over...there were no more Bandits left...they were all slaughtered Heero lent against the mast and looked around, Jericho was now laying on the deck trying to catch his breath back, Vey sat on the stairs up to the wheel deck, Vahn lent against some crates and Byron and Tanzin cheered 'AH!!..LITTLE HEERO!!..GOOD TO SEE YOU LAD!!!,' they smiled as they walked over to him and hugged him...more like crushed him....Heero let out a painful cry and they looked at him, 'Oh lad they got you pretty bad,' spoke Tanzin as he looked at Heero 'I'll be ok,' smiled Heero as he slid down the mast 'We heard about your father...and we heard about Cliff...both were great men...they didn't deserve to die,' spoke Byron looking at the Heero 'No they didn't,' whispered Heero 'Well...we have come to join you lad, to honour their memory...your father and Cliff would turn in their graves if we didn't,' smiled Byron 'Thank you,' smiled Heero, 'you don't know how glad i am to see you two,' They laughed, 'thats good to hear,' smiled Tanzin 'You've grown so fast since the last time we seen you, your a very handsome lad...you top your father anyway and as i may add he was very handsome,' smiled Tanzin, 'Lad he'd be proud of you,' 'Thank you,' smiled Heero He introduced Tanzin and Byron to the others and they began to clean the ship up. It was late that afternoon when they recieved an invitation 'Heero what is it?' questioned Jericho looking at Heero's expression as the boy who brought the invite ran off 'They're holding a huge celebration in the town square to honour those who were lost and those who lived, it's a victory celebration, it starts at sundown,' explained Heero looking at everyone 'COOL! A PARTY!!,' shouted Byron and Tanzin Heero smiled at the crew, 'Looks like we're the main guests,' OOC: Byron and Tanzin are brothers old friend of Heero's father and Cliff....by the way there's a celebration...the bandits are dead so there'll be no more war in this town ok...Hey got to have fun somewhere along the lines!!..LOL
  3. Jin looked around, his demonic side still raging furiously, he ran over to the tree where Bravie sat in pain, looking up at the pair he could feel their power getting stronger and soon it was going to explode. Letting out a loud roar as thunder rolled across the sky he flew as fast as he could, he picked up Bravie who's blood spilled everywhere 'MOVE NOW!!!!!,' he roared looking down at the humans who looked up at him, 'IF YOU DON"T THEN YOU"LL ALL DIE!! RAN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!,' With those words said the humans made a dash for it scattering as fast and far as they could, Jin held on to Bravie and flew for all he was worth suddenly a loud explosion echoed arcoss the Valley and a shock wave of tremendous power tore up the ground as if some one had set off a nuclear bomb, Jin turned, he knew he wouldn't make it, he quickly set Bravie down and using what power he had left he made a huge wall of red lightning which flowed from the clouds down to the ground, every human quickly ran behind it for cover, Jin's eyes grew wilder as the shock waves pounded against wall, suddenly Jin let out a roar of pain, the lightning wall exploded towards the shock waves counter acting the explosion, and sending it back the other way...it wiped out alot leaving nothing unturned. Smoke filled the air as Jin dropped to his knees, it had left him weak and tired, he had turned back to his human form Everyone looked around, and saw Akai laying on the ground in the center the mess, everything was destroyed they looked around but there was no sign of Marendithis
  4. Heero stared on as the ghost ship passed and there he saw a ghostly form of the lady standing and waving, Vahn waved back with tears in his eyes 'If I remember rightly it was Revonairs brother who built her but he died before he could get her a float so he handed it over to your family and named it after you's,' smiled Heero as he watched the ship sail ghostly around the harbour Vahn looked at Heero, 'How'd you know?' 'My father told me the story...he had seen it once..but I was asleep at the time, it drifted passed and she waved out,' smiled Heero remembering the night his father told him, Heero then turned away at that moment canons sounded in the distance 'Oh shit!,' exclaimed Jericho from the crows nest 'Here comes the bandits!!!,' roared Jericho as he made his way down the mast, Heero quickly woke Vey, she was still a little tired but she had more strength than before, Heero jumped down from the ship with his sword drawn with the others right behind him 'Quick! get to your places!!,' roared Heero as the towns poeple quickly moved and suddenly eveything went quiet as the bandits aproached with their canons shooting at fresh air and their loud war crys sounded over the canons as they drew nearer 'just wait until they get a little closer, before firing,' said Heero his eyes focussed on the ships approaching them....... Everyone was on edge..waiting....waiting.... 'FIRE!!!! ALL!!,' roared Heero as row boats came towards them...*BANG* roared the canons as round two started
  5. Hey thanks for that!!!, I'm changing my banner abit taking your guys advise, but I still haven't gotten the sizes down yet...bit of a bummer..LOL...and yup I have to agree the writing does need to be changed dark on dark is hard to see...Thanks alot!! ****************************************8 Ok edited it again..is that what you both meant... I'm pretty happy with it now, I've managed to make it a bit bigger than before but I still need to work on it :) But I'd like more feed back on it though..Thanks
  6. Soulin was out, after what had happened in the woods it had drained alot of his strength leaving him unconcious Juggernaut lifted Jim up by the neck, Jim began kicking frantically at that moment he kicked Juggernaut in the nuts as hard as he could, Juggernaut dropped Jim and bent over forward holding himself in pain as his eyes bulged out Jim quickly grabbed a long rusted beam and ran over to juggernaut and smashed him across the back with it, Juggernaut then dropped to his knees then Jim smashed the juggernaut around the face with the beam as hard as he could, the beam broke in half and dented the juggernauts helmet and knocked him out Jim got down on one knee as he lent against the other half of the beam breathing heavily, He looked around and saw Soulin's lifeless body laying on the ground, quickly he ran over to see if he was ok 'Hey come on little guy...please wake up,' begged Jim looking down at him at that moment Soulin stirred, Soulin opened his eyes and looked at Jim, 'Thank god your ok,' smiled Jim 'Where am I?' questioned Soulin slowly getting up and looking around 'Well...we found a compound...hopefully this is where Steffanie is,' said Jim, Soulin looked around and saw the man laying on the ground 'Who's that?' questioned Soulin 'Juggernaut...bastard,' said Jim, 'Are you alright to stand?' Soulin then stood up with the help of Jim, at that moment Wolverine, Rogue, cyclops and the Banshee appeared 'What the hell...Juggernaut?' questioned Rogue 'I knew I could smell him,' growled Wolverine 'Yeah he took my abilities away by using his canon,' said Jim, The Banshee then walked over to it, picked it up, out it in reverse mode and shot it at Jim, Jim was lifted off the ground and into the air 'Oh shit!!,' Jim exclaimed, Soulin used his telekinesis to stop Jim from hitting the ground, Jim looked around as Soulin placed Jim on the ground softly, Soulin then dropped to one knee 'Soulin!,' called Rogue as she ran up to him 'I'm ok...just a little tired Jim looked at Soulin then stood up, he then phased throught the ground and then came back up again 'Great!,' he smiled as he walked over and helped Soulin back up, 'Thanks,' 'It's ok,' said Soulin 'So the others must be inside,' said Cyclops 'Yeah but there's so many cameras around,' said Jim 'Well then we'll just have to take them out,' smiled Cyclops They ran over to the hole in the wall, Cyclops used his kenetic beam from his eyes to destroy the cameras and then they entered the hallway
  7. * Might aswell join...never been in a Love/Horror story before...so why not...could be interesting.... Name: Lee Sharn Age: 25 Agender: Male Character: Vampire Appearance: See attachment: minus the torn suit, he wears a full body length black leather coat, he also wears a black shirt and black leather pants that aren't too tight, aswell as black boots Bio: Lee was an orphan he never knew his parents, he had been in and out of orphanages ever since he was 7, at the age of 10 he was bitten by a Vampire one night when he was on the run from the police after running away from the last orphanage, that night his life changed...Now he's 25, he stayed on the streets after that night and lived in an abandoned clock tower, he loved it there...he'd sit out on the edge and look down on the city below and having the abilities of a vampire made it seem alot better although being alone for such along time made it hard. The darkness was his only friend, for he knew noone else. His soul was cold and cruel, His eyes were dark pits of emptiness and nothingness but his heart...his heart burned to be loved in a world where...there was noone to love him which made it hard...because even though he wanted to be loved...he knew nothing about it, all he knew was loneliness. His body is scarred from the beatings and whippings he recieved while in the orphanages, he's claustrophobic from when they use to lock him in the isolation boxes in the orphanages...everytime he sleeps he's awaken by the haunting memories from his past...when he sleeps he relives everything... Hobbies: Reading books...it takes his mind off everything
  8. *NIGHT* Heero sewed up Vahn as he sat there, he stood up and looked down at Vahn who was checking the stitching 'Alright?' asked Heero 'Ah...yeah,' replied Vahn as he put his clothes back on 'You know...we all have things that we would never speak of...and it's those things that set us apart from one another and make us who we are and what we become...believe me...I have alot of skeletons in my closet that...I'll never tell...and ones that I never want to speak of ever...but we all trust one another enough to know that we'd be loyal,' spoke Heero as he lifted his shirt slightly to check his own wound where one of the bandits had stabbed him 'But why are you trusting me?' questioned Vahn as he watched Heero undo the bandage 'Because I know I can,' spoke Heero as he took the last part of the bandage away, 'I don't judge others who join my ship by what they've done in the past, who they are and what they are,' Vahn sat and watched Heero as he began cleaning the wound 'I can do that...if you want tme too,' said Vahn standing up, Heero quickly backed away 'Its ok,' said Heero as he quickly and roughly put the bandage over it 'I thought you trusted me?' questioned Vahn 'It isn't about the trust,' spoke Heero as his eyes turned cold and he walked away, 'Jericho I'm just going to check on Vey..keep your eyes open and give me a yell if something happens,' 'Ok,' called Jericho as he walked over to Vahn after hearing the conversation, they watched Heero walk off into the night 'I thought that he trusted his crew?' questioned Vahn as he frowned 'It's not that...,' said Jericho 'Well then what is it?' Vahn asked looking at Jericho 'I shouldn't tell you this but it's the only way you'll understand,' said Jericho as they sat down, 'Heero was raped just recently by a Captain and his crew, they beat him badly and done him over more than once, we don't know how many of them did that but we know that the Captain had his way alot...Heero's pretty messed up more than what he care's to show...so don't take it personally...,' Vahn looked at Jericho and understood Heero found Vey asleep on the barrels of gun powder 'Hey,' he spoke softly as he brushed her hair away from her face, Vey awoke and looked up at Heero, His eyes were warm and caring for the first time in a while after what had happened to him 'Heero...' she smiled 'Are you alright?' he asked gently 'Just tired and sore,' she replied as she slowly stood up but nearly colapsed, Heero caught her and she looked up at him, with one hand he took off his cape, wraped it around her and lifted her up, watching her carefully for any reaction that might make her feel uncomfortable but there was none 'Heero...I can stay here,' she spoke with a yawn Heero smiled, 'No, I can get someone else....I need you rested and ready to show those bastard what Vey Flower is made of...and believe me..I think you've done that,' Vey smiled at Heero as she rested her head on his shoulders, Heero then took her back to the Rose where everyone stood waiting, He walked passed them and put her in his quarters 'I know this is proberly the last place where you'd want to be...but at least I know your close by,' he whispered to her as he lay her on the bed, Vey looked at him and smiled 'It's ok,' she said, 'But just don't leave me behind,' 'I won't...I'll wake you as soon as something happen's but you need rest..I'll be right out here if you need me,' he said as he walked to the door, 'Just live ok..because your the reason why I do,' he spoke with a deep sadness in his eyes after remembering how he hurt her, he winked at her and then left the room, Vey smiled softly and drifted off to sleep..she felt safe something she hadn't felt for a long time The moon was straight up above them making it proberly around midnight 'So when do you think they'd be here?' questioned Jericho who stood beside Heero 'Any time soon, keep your eyes open,' spoke Heero as his eyes casted over the water, they were cold and distant, and his expression lost
  9. Soulin looked around at the fires that roared out of control...just looking at them made his ability slowly go wild but he held it together 'Soulin put it out!,' called Jim as the bushes around him went up in flames, at that moment they began to get seperated by streaks of flames that ran across the ground 'You guys go!, look for Danny and Steffanie, surely they can't be too far if Pyro's here!,' said Soulin, 'I'll deal with Pyro,' 'Hey we can all take out Pyro!,' called Imric 'I know that..but if who ever took her knows that we're here they'll run again!, your the only one in this group who'll have the speed to catch up to them and stop them! and hopefully your sister will let Jean in long enough to find out where the hell she is!,' roared Soulin sounding fustrated, 'NOW GO!!,' They all made a dash for it, Pyro saw Jean, Wolverine, Jim and Imric sprint through the woods 'Not so fast!!,' exclaimed Pyro as he threw fire balls at them, suddenly they stopped in mid air and then thrown back at him, they hit Pyro hard causing him to smash against a tree and set it on fire Imric, Jean, Wolverine and Jim ran as fast as they could, Imric bolted through the trees but suddenly was smashed against something solid and cold, he fell to the ground feeling dizzy, the others caught up to him and stopped when they found him laying on the ground, Jim on the other hand kept running as he watched them suddenly he phased through the solid wall that Imric had hit into and came out in a corridor, He stopped and looked around 'What the hell is this place?' Jim whispered to himself, he looked up and noticed some cameras which were scanning the corridors moving left and right, they began to turn in his direction so he quickly phased back through the wall to the outside where the others stood 'Hey...this must be some kind of compound...there's cameras all over the place,' spoke Jim rubbing the back of his neck from the heat 'This may be where they're holding Steffanie,' spoke Imric as Jean helped him up, Wolverine sniffed the air 'Smell anything?' questioned Jean 'They deffinately came this way alright...' spoke Wolverine, 'Come on,' They then followed Wolverine around the side Soulin watched Pyro as he stood straight up 'You little..' snarled Pyro as he glared at Soulin, 'You'll pay for that,' 'Yeah..how much?' spoke Soulin sarcasticly suddenly more trees began to burn from Pyros anger, he then threw fire balls towards Soulin, he stopped each one of them in mid air and turned them to Ice, pyro then began throwing more but still they turned to ice, Pyro was now that enraged that he let loose with everything, and engulfed Soulin in a fireball, Soulins breathing had became heavy and he could feel himself slipping again as the fire began to close in around him 'What are you going to do now!!!,' laughed Pyro They fire walls closed in fast and Soulins heart began to race from Claustrophobia and suddenly he let loose, the walls exploded as Heero's breathing became heavier and faster 'What! NO!!,' exclaimed Pyro as he began to throw more fireballs at Soulin but they were reflected, the burning trees suddenly went up in flames, turned to Ice and then were uprooted and thrown at Pyro who dodged them, he tried to protect himself but Soulin put out eveything he did, suddenly a fire and ice ring began to swirl around Soulins body as he walked towards Pyro who tried to run but was lifted off the ground, Soulin then brought him closer and pulled him into the fire and ice ring which began to expland as Soulins breathing became more rapid, Pyro stared at the teen in fear as Soulin stared at him at that moment Pyro let out a blood curtling scream as Soulin began to obsorb his ability, Soulin's eyes widened as Pyro's memories flowed into Soulins head 'STOP IT!!!,' screamed Pyro as he clutched his head in pain but Soulin couldn't...his abilities were too far gone to control. Pyros veins began to popout of his skin as his face turned red, tears ran down Pyro's face suddenly they turned to blood as Soulins ability kept absorbing his, Soulin clutched his head in pain as Pyro at that moment Soulin also let out a blood curtling scream and the Fire and Ice ring exploded sending out a massive shock wave of Fire and Ice, Pyro screamed againon last time before falling to ground in a heap, Soulin's eyes rolled back up into his head and he dropped to the ground beside Pyro whos eyes were wide open with blood running down the sides of his head, his nose was also bleeding and his mouth was opened slightly and he drooled...Soulin had stripped his abilities and memories from him and left him paralized and comatized as his body twitched violently from nerves Wolverine suddenly stopped them again 'What is it?' questioned Imric as they looked around them, jim looked over his shoulder to find a hughe wall of Fire and Ice roaring towards them 'OH SHIT! RUN!,' exclaimed Jim as they quickly ran behind the building and ducked down as the Fire and Ice wall roared passed them making eveything shake violently, everything was turned to ash within seconds as it passed Wolverine looked up, it's gone,' They all stood up and looked around as they saw that nothing was left standing accept for the huge building that now was burnt badly 'Soulin..' whispered Jean 'Jim and I will go back for him,' said Wolverine as they took off across the black charcoaled ground 'Dammit so much for the element of surprise,' said Imric as him and Jean ran for the doors of the compound Wolverina and Jim ran back to soulin
  10. Heero watched Vahn walk away and sit down on a wall not far from the town square 'Don't worry...vengence...it's all I have left,' whispered Heero looking out at the ocean, He walked over to a wall and lent against it, he folded his arms and put his head down as if he was asleep...but really he was listening to what the major of the town had to say 'Hey Heero,' spoke Jericho who walked up to him Heero didn't lift his head 'What do you think we should do?...I have a plan...if your interested,' spoke Jericho, Heero looked up at him with a raised eye brow 'Well...tell,' spoke Heero sounding interested 'Well what I was thinking is that if we're quick enough, maybe we can use the canons off that captains boat...you know the one Vahn came with...maybe we can use his canons and line them against the wall along the sea side, then we can make ambush parties,' suggested Jericho 'Sounds good enough to me, go and explain it to the Major and see what he thinks...I've got the perfect person for making up long distance ambush groups,' spoke Heero as he looked at Vahn 'But isn't he an assassin?' questioned Jericho 'Yes but he should beable to pull out of this lot a few good long shooters,' replied Heero as he looked at the hills that surrounded the town 'Oh I see...the hills we can use for another form of attack but long distance,' smiled Jericho, 'Cool, i'll go talk to the Major...ah anyway...why am i going to talk to the major?' 'Well for one...it's your plan and two you'd be the best one to get the towns people to agree,' spoke Heero as he walked towards Vahn who looked up at him as Jericho ran over to see the Major 'So your an assassin right?' spoke Heero leaning against the wall beside Vahn as he folded his arms and slightly looked down at the ground 'Yeah,' replied Vahn eating the last of his orange 'So tell me, where abouts on those hills would you be able to get a clean shot of those Bandits without them knowing where its coming from?' questioned Heero as he looked up at the hills Vahn scanned the hills from under the hood of his cloak, he then looked over his shoulder out at the incove and then looked back at the hills 'I'd say there, there and there,' Vahn spoke as he firsted pointed off slightly to his left and then infront of him and off to the right 'What about ambush teams?' questioned Heero 'Well I'd say two teams down on the beach, four in town and five scattered in the woods around the town so that if one group needs help then there's a back up and if all groups are used then the fifth one in the woods would come out but that would be the biggest,' explained Vahn as he stood up 'I knew you were the right one for the job,' spoke Heero as he walked away 'What?...what job?' questioned Vahn, Heero stopped and looked over his shoulder 'To be in charge of setting up ambush teams and long distance shooters,' spoke Heero 'And how am I gonna do that?' questioned Vahn again with a slight frown Heero looked at the towns people who were gathering around to hear what Jericho had to say, Heero then looked back at Vahn 'Like I said...I knew you were the one for the job now don't make me repeat that again,' Heero spoke as he then carried on walking, Vahn watched Heero walk over to Vey and then he looked back at the towns people 'He's actually trusting me with something like that?...,' whispered Vahn curiously, 'Oh well...better go see whats going on...and if there's any good shooters in this town,' Heero then spoke to Vey and Zero about the plan aswell as the other two who stood listening carefully, they needed to get everything set up before the next attack began and Heero knew that it would be soon
  11. Once again Heero had angered the only thing human in his life...Brielle, she ment more to him than she'll ever know...more than he'd let her see... 'Heero..why'd you do that to Brielle?' questioned Cyrus as he struck down a deformed Dragon, 'She's only trying to help you, she cares about you Heero...why do you insist on pushing her away like that?' 'It's just that...I don't know...' sighed Heero as he hunched over again 'Heero you do know but you just don't want to say it,' growled Cyrus as he took out another deformed dragon 'I guess...I just don't want to let her down...it's hard to explain....I mean...I get so nervous around her...I've never had anyone in my life like this before...it scares me...I just don't want to let her down..,' sighed Heero 'But your letting her down by pushing her away like that..' growled Cyrus again 'i know...just wish that Drewell could of taught me about love,' whispered Heero, 'I just wish she knew that my intentions weren't to hurt her...,' Heero looked down and saw Brielle, Valo and Lionel standing around the ball room area, Cyrus then dropped down beside them Heero slowly slid off Cyrus and walked over to them 'Whats going on?' he said trying to hide the pain that swelled in his ribcage 'They've taken the ball room hostage,' spoke Valo 'What?' growled Heero as he saw the huge hole in the wall 'yeah, the royals are in there,' spoke Lionel 'We need to get them out of there,' spoke Heero 'Thats why Valo, Lionel and I are going in!,' snapped Brielle frowning at Heero 'What?...' questioned Heero looking at Brielle who was still mad at him for treating her the way he did 'You heard!,' snapped Brielle as she looked at him 'Is this about what I said to you earlier!,' Heero snapped back, Brielle turned away from him 'Maybe!,' she snapped back, 'But you proberly wouldn't care any way, your proberly to embarrassed to even walk in there with me!..you never show any kind of emotion towards me..you don't even like me touching you!!,' Heero looked at her in shock, Valo and Lionel stood there looking at the two arguing 'We're in the middle of a raging fucking war and you two are arguing about your relationship!,' growled Valo 'SHUT UP!,' Brielle spat back at Valo who looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she turned to Heero, 'your so.....heartless sometimes! you make me want to scream!!,' she exclaimed as she began to walk away, Heero suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him and with a face as red as a tomato he kissed her passionately on the lips 'Oh this is great!...we are in the middle of a god damn war and these two want to....oh forget it!,' snapped Valo as he looked at Lionel who had turned his back on them Heero pulled away and looked at her, she could feel his hands trembling as he held her around the waist, 'I love you...and I'm sorry,' he whispered as eyes were warm and gental something she had never seen in him before, he then pulled away and looked at her with a deep saddness in his eyes 'Becarefull...ok,' Heero smiled at her softly as he climbed upon Cyrus, 'I don't want to lose you...' Brielle stood there speechless as Cyrus took off into the sky 'Just get the royals out!...I'll keep these guys busy!,' Heero called back as he rejoined the battle Heero's face was redder than ever as he drew his sword, his was in pain but he had to handle it as he drove his sword into the forehead of a deformed Dragon
  12. Jin took to the air and engaged combat with one who was flying at him, the demons long claws slashed at him but Jin dodged it and smashed the demon clean in the face, he felt the crunching of bones against his knackles as blood splattered over his arm, with his free hand he drew his sword while holding the demon and cut of its head, the twitching body landed on the ground as Jin still held the demons head. Landing on the ground to join the humans he saw one running towards him, cocking back his arm he threw the head which was now engulfed in lightning, the head hit the demon in the head sending a massive lightning bolt through the demons body and causing it to explode...Jin grinned menacingly in satisfaction as it's body parts and guts splattered everywhere. Jin looked around and saw more land on the ground, he smiled again, 'So more have come to play...' Jins eyes turned red as a blue aura surrounded his body, blue lightning began to flow up and down his arms, then he changed into his demon for, with a deep loud growl he flew towards the horde that ran towards them, evey demon he touched was electricuted from the inside out which ripped them apart..but more still came making him grow even wilder, the sky began to cloud over Orin who was fightning not far from him looked at jin and then looked at the sky and noticed that everytime Jins eyes grew wilder so did the sky, 'what the hell...' whispered Orin as he drove his sword deep into the heart of a demon who ran towards him, but watched Jin out the corner of his eye Jin began to get over powered by more demons who dropped down from the sky, suddenly forked lightning struck down upon Jin as he stood surrounded with blood dripping from his claws, he had a deep gash across his chest and down his arms, the demons smiled demonically as the surrounding group grew bigger, Jins eyes raged 'Your ours now halfling...' growled one od the demons 'I'm noones,' smiled Jin as a huge blast of lightning struck out from him and lightning struck down from the clouds that thundered above them, it engulfed the ones who surrounded them and they screamed in pain as one by one their bodies exploded, Jin looked around his breathing heavy and fast, Demons bodies were twitching violenlty on the ground in their own rotting blood, He looked up only to see more Demons swooping down to the ground and engaging in battle with him as he fought violently with the hordes one slipped behind him, the demon seized him by the shoulders and dug it's claws in, Jin tried to turn around and kill it but it the demon then ran it's razor like claws down Jins back who let out a deep roar, thunder rolled across the sky angrily as Jin dropped to his knees as blood fell from his body like water falls, the demons once again surrounded him and they began attacking him. At that moment the aura around his body began glowing red as he clenched his teeth and stood up and fought back as the red aura turned to a dark red as more hordes flew in from all sides Jin suddenly clenched his head as he stumbled backwards from a demon who slashed him across the mid section, clutching his head which began to throb he let out a deep growl, the sky turned dark red as he looked down at his arms...he had never seen this before 'Whats happening to me!!!,' roared Jin as the blue lightning suddenly turned red, the demons looked at him in confusion...his hands began to shake wildly as raw power serged through his body, Orin looked over and saw Jin hunched over clutching his head At that moment something appeared across Jins forehead as he looked that the Demons who keep landing and attacking the people, The Demons that stood facing him suddenly sprang back as they saw a red burning pattern engraving itself on Jins forehead, his tattoo was burning aswell, Jins eyes burned a deep dark orange/red like fire with a black circle in the middle like an eclips, as the pattern across his fore head completed itself, pain shot through his body as he clutched his head in anguish, his wings then turned dark red with lightning serging through them, his claws and fangs became longer and horns stuck out from his head, he suddenly stood up right with a smile on his face and his eyes thirsting for blood, that pattern on his forehead glowing a hell red and it looked to be a third eye 'BURN IN HELL!!!,' roared Jin as a long stream of red lightning serged out of the third eye on his forehead ripping through most of the horde that stood before him, Jin then clenched his fists as the red lightning serged up and down his body and he roared at the top of his lungs, suddenly the lightning from his body serged up towards the clouds, the sky rumbled madly as flaming red lightning struck down from the sky, hitting Demons as he looked upon them wildly, suddenly he raged out of control attacking them, and tearing them apart as flaming red lightning struck down everywhere, after ripping through most of the horde on the ground he took to the skys to engage in the next horde that flew towards them...with a psychotic laugh...he ripped threw them
  13. I'm just looking for some opinions on my new banner I created of Heero yuy and wing zero, it took me a while to create it :) ..I'm actually quite surprised because this is the first time I've created a banner...so all opinions wanted whether good or bad :) And if you could please give a rating..you don't have to :) Thanks :)
  14. Heero picked up Vey and took her down into her quarters, he then put medicine on the wounds and then bandaged them, he looked down at her for a moment and then walked out, he had to find Katrinas body Late that evening Heero, Jericho, Zero and some of the towns people had made rafts for those who died, the beach was lined with dead bodies aswell as Katrinas, carefully they placed all the bodies on their own rafts, and began pushing them out onto the water and one by one they set them alite, crys sounded out across the water as people cried for the ones they lost, Heero looked over his shoulder and saw the whole town standing up on the bank holding candles, they then walked down and placed the candles on the water and they drifted out with the bodies, tears fell into the sea 'Come on...lets send her out,' whispered Jericho as they looked down at Katrina, they gripped the raft and began pushing it, the towns people began to sing...a song so haunting and sad for the ones who died...tears ran down Heero and Jericho's faces as they pushed the raft out onto the water and followed it out 'Wait!,' screamed Vey as she ran wearily down onto the beach and into the water where Heero and Jericho stood holding the raft, tears streamed down her face as she looked down at Katrina, she then placed a dark red rose on Katrinas chest, 'Good bye Katrina,' she whispered 'Farewell,' smiled Jericho as he wiped the tears from his eyes 'You will always be known as a pirate of the Rose...and forever may you ride the waters...as an angel...rest in peace,' spoke Heero as if the words kept getting stuck in his throat, he then bent down and kissed her forehead, 'I'm sorry..' he whispered as he pushed her off across the water and lit the raft, they stood and watched the raft burn as it drifted out further away from them. Vey looked at Heero and then gently pressed her head against his shoulder as tears ran down her face The sky was filled with an amber glow from all the rafts that were set alite, they sat on the docks watching people still grieving over the lost 'Those bastards will pay!,' spoke Heero 'Yes they will,' growled Jericho as he raised his gun and aimed it across the water 'Yes for those who have fallen...we will rise for them...,' whispered Vey They looked at each other and then looked back out across the sea 'When they return we will be ready,' Heero smiled wickedly, 'the whole town will be ready...' They stood up and ran into town to talk with the towns people...
  15. Heero looks at Vahn with a raised eyebrow unphased by the shot and unphased by Vahn aiming the gun at him...he has steared down a barrel many times...Heero smiled coldly as Vahn withdrew his blades and looked at Heero 'You should of been born with a dogs ability,' spoke Heero as he limped passed him as Jericho watched the two 'What? Why's that!,' spoke Vahn his expressionless gaze turning to confusion Heero stopped and looked over his shoulder with a slight grin 'So you can lick your own nuts,' spoke Heero as Jericho's eyes widened and then bursted out laughing at Heero's smart comment about what Vahn had said, Heero then keep walking, Vahn looked at Heero with disgust, in anger he threw a dagger at Heero who heard the dagged fly threw the ear, Heero spun around and caught the dagger by the blade and sqeezed it in anger as his eyes grew cold, blood began to drip down the dagger as it cut into Heero's hand, Jericho had stopped laughing and looked at Vahn with a raised eyebrow 'On my ship we are all equal...noone is better than the other...you maybe an excellent assassin which I know is true after seeing what you can do..but guess what...when your shot you bleed the same as us, when you were born you were born the same way as us..hell man you eat and shit the same way as everyone else!...noones perfect not unless you've got your head stuck that far up your arse,' growled Heero wildly 'I didn't say that I was perfect!,' growled Vahn 'You didn't have too,' spoke Heero as he walked away, suddenly he flung his arm back and let the dagger go, the dagger flew towards Vahn in the straight line with a great speed behind it, Vahn dodged the dagger but it slashed him across the arm leaving a deep gash as he moved and it embedded itself in a wooden pole behind him. Vahn frowned 'Dammit I should of aimed,' Heero spoke out loud as he keep walking Vahn then turned to pull out his dagger only to find that the whole blade had disappeared into the wood and that it was only the handle sticking out, Vahn gradded the dagger, put one foot against the pole and pulled it out using all his strength, the blade gave after three tries and Vahn feel backwards, Vahn then cursed under his breath 'Hey man, if your gonna be apart of the Devils Rose...I suggest that you loose the "I'm invincible and better than everyone else" act...because man thats old and noone cares...,' said Jericho as he looked down at Vahn, 'Oh and by the way...trust plays a huge thing on our ship...and after throwing the dagger at Heero...well that doesn't show much trust,' 'I can handle him,' growled Vahn as he stood up 'I wouldn't say that and anyway...it's not him you actually have to worry about,' Jericho smiled wickedly as he looked at the Rose, 'It's her,' Vahn looked to where he was looking and laughed, 'yeah right!!,' Vahn keep laughing as they walked towards the Rose at that moment all canons were aimed at Vahn 'heads up,' smiled Jericho as he walked passed as Vahn stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at them with a look of confusion 'Hey! call off you crew!!,' yelled Vahn as he stared down many canon barrels Jericho looked at him as he walked up onto the deck 'Um...thats another thing...noones on here...only Zero and well...he's standing up here...like I said it isn't Heero you should be worried about...it's the beauty the floats before you...hey she ain't called the devils rose for nothing..,' smiled Jericho 'What!...so the rumours are true..she does live..' spoke Vahn as he stood there looking at the canons 'Yup!...that she does,' smiled Jericho 'Well call her off!,' growled Vahn 'We'll you see..I can't actually do that...you'll have to wait for Heero..because she won't listen to me this time...especially when there's someone around she don't trust..,' spoke Jericho as he lent against the side, 'Hey man...it's a girl...she'll do her own thing if she knows what she's doing is right...thats why she's a beauty,' 'Rose!...let him go!,' growled Heero as he walked along the dock looking at them, with hesitation the canons were slowly and wearily withdrawn Vahn looked at Heero who looked at him 'Welcome to the Devils Rose,' he spoke coldly Vahn looked at Heero and then looked at Jericho who shrugged his shoulders, Heero then walked back along the docks suddenly the canons aimed at Vahn once again 'Hey!,' growled Vahn stepping back 'Rose!,' bellowed Heero as he keep walking, the Rose shuddered as the canons were put away once again
  16. Cyrus landed next to the building that Heero had crash landed in, He then began to rummage around in the rubble of the fallen building trying to find his rider, lifting up a piece of roofing he found Heero pinned to the ground by a fallen bean which lay across his mid section 'Heero...' whispered Cyrus as he lifted off the beam, Heero groaned as Cyrus began to nudge him softly. Heero opened his eyes and looked up at the worried beast 'Cyrus...thank..you,' smiled Heero as he slowly got up, clenching his teeth together as pain serged through his body from his mid section, 'Damn...looks as though I have a few cracked ribs,' Cyrus felt Heero's pain and let out a spine chilling cry which echoed around them 'Cyrus it's ok,' spoke Heero as he slowly stood up and patted the beast on the nose 'Are you ok to fight?' questioned Cyrus as he looked at Heero with a worried stare 'Yes...i'll be alright, lets get back to the fighting,' spoke Heero as he pulled himself onto Cyrus's back with a deep groan as pain shot through his body, he hunched over for a few seconds for the pain subside and with his arm around his mid section Cyrus let out a thunderous roar and they took off into the sky to join the fight, Heero gritted his teeth as he drew his sword, he was angry and his eyes raged furiously at what was going on. They looked around and saw the many hordes of deformed Dragons...it was unbelievable. 'Cyrus we need to take them out!...most of them anyway,' whispered Heero still nursing his damaged rib cage 'Ok Heero,' said Cyrus as his eyes thundered once again, Cyrus raised his head to the sky and inhaled he exhaled and a long stream of lightning flowed from his mouth and into the clouds, the sky turned a purple blue and suddenly waves of lightning struck down tearing down deformed dragons who flew towards them
  17. Jin landed again in the tree tops above Orin after hearing what Bravie had to say, he frowned [I]'Pathetic council...blinded by stupidity in thinking that they know everything[/I],' whispered Jin 'Hey Jin!,' called Orin as he looked up, Jin looked down, 'Are you going to join us?' Jin spreed his wings and swooped down and landed by Orin, his winds disappeared into his back as he stood up and looked at the three of them, he then gave Orin a slight nod to his question 'I'll take that as a yes,' said Orin 'What are we going to do about the council?' questioned Bravie Jin then looked at her, 'Let them die,' he spoke hauntingly Bravie frowned at Jin, 'We can't let them die,' she objected with anger 'Why protect them when they wont....' began Jin but was suddenly hushed by something that stirred his demonic senses, he looked at Akai who also felt the rush and was looking at him, they both then turned to look at the dark dense woods 'What is it?' questioned Bravie gripping her javelin, while Orin placed his hands over his sword and scanned the darkness At that moment the bushes stir to the left of them, Jin straightened up and walked over to it, he pulled back the brunch to reveal Andrea who was trying to get passed 'Hi,' she said as she stepped out, 'Whats going on?' Jin frowned at her and walked back to the others, Akai's eyes were focussed on the woods and so was everyone else 'Bravie?...whats going on?' questioned Andrea 'They're coming...the demons are coming,' she whispered Jin then took off into the sky high above the tree tops, Akai flew right behind him, they stopped and looked around 'Oh hell,' mumbled Akai under his breath as he looked out across the valley, Jin looked to where Akai stared and saw it, a huge thick black cloud was growing in the distance, you could hear the flapping of hundreds of wings echoing Jin then looked at Akai, 'Well they really want your head don't they...I'd say it'll take them about half an hour to get here,' Akai looked at Jin then looked back at the horde that was flying towards them, they then both nose dived down through the trees and landed on the ground 'What did you see?' questioned Bravie looking at them 'They're coming...,' said Akai looking at Jin who looked back up at the sky '
  18. Heero drove his sword into the throat of a bandit who thrusted his sword into Heero's side, he dropped to one knee and withdrew the sword that stuck out from his side, just on the other side he could see the others fightning wildly, blood splatted everywhere as heads were cut from the shoulders and bullets pierced both bandits and savillians, Heero suddenly heard a loud scream then a gun shot, his heart raced, he had heard that scream before, with blood dripping from his body he fought his way to where the scream had come from, looking around he saw Vey and an unfamiliar captain fighting 'Vey...' he called but the yelling and screaming were too loud suddenly two Bandits ran at him, one of the bandits slashed his arms while the other slashed his back, he cried out in pain as the dagger ran across all other wounds, in anger he brought his gun up and shot one in the head the other then knocked his sword and gun out of his hands, and they began a brawl going punch for punch. Screams sang out across the town, moments later the fighting had ended, the Bandits retreated back to their ships to form another plan of attack 'We are not finished yet!,' called the bandits as they stole off on their row boats Heero was down on one knee holding his side where the sword had driven in, Jericho stood beside him, he too had multiple wounds where blood had spilled out and stained his clothes 'Looks as though we're going to have to stay a little longer...noone knows when they'll be back,' spoke Jericho breathlessly 'I know,' hissed Heero as he stood up, 'Bastards,' 'Have you seen the others?' questioned Jericho as the sun began to set 'No...we'll have to find them,' said Heero as he grunted at the pain in his side and they began searching for the others...all Heero wanted to see was Vey....his heart raced hoping that she hadn't gone down like Katrina
  19. OOC: And I will miss you too............... Heero ran into the square to find Katrina laying there...his heart sank, her blood spilled out on the ground, tears ran down his face as he knelt down beside her and held her in his arms, he knew her love was strong...but his wasn't, he brushed away her bangs and sat there She looked up at him with tears in her eyes 'I'm sorry.....,' he whispered to her as a soft breeze blew passed 'I know you are...but know this...I...will...always...and forever...love you...my dear Heero...,' she spoke with a smile on her face as her eyes grew dull and her life slipped away, Heero looked down at her as tears fell from his eyes 'Katrina...a great pirate of the Devils Rose...always and forever you will ride the sea...as an angel...you are free now,' Heero whispered as he held her tightly, 'You will never be forgotten,' Heero then kissed her on the forehead, 'I will miss you,' he whispered as he got up and ran towards some of the bandits with his sword drawn
  20. Heero ran beside Brielle and watched her take off, Cyrus was close behind him, he quickly mounted Cyrus and they took off into the sky with a loud roar from Cyrus's mouth behind it came the thunder and lightning which clashed across the sky. Still taken back by Brielle's kiss he watched her and smiled 'Cyrus look,' whispered Heero looking around as they rose high above the castle, the town was thrashed, smoke filled the air and fire blazed across the sky, 'Cyrus Sin...strike the bastards down!,' Heero's voice growled Cyrus reared up into the clouds, Heero drew his sword as they turned and dove back down, Cyrus let out a roar with eyes that filled with his element, as they tore through the clouds, forked lightning struck down behind them ripping through a few deformed riders and their dragons, Heero stood up on Cyrus's back and lunged at a rider that had dodged the lightning strike, knocking him off, they both plummeted towards the earth, Heero grabbed the rider by the head and pulled his sword back across the riders neck, the riders head came off him Heero's hands, letting the riders twitching body go he then held on to the head. 'Cyrus!,' called Heero as Cyrus flew towards him, Heero grabbed the end of Cyrus's tail while still hold the head by the hair, Cyrus turned back up into the clouds and Heero hurled the head at a passing deformed rider and his dragon that Lionel was chasing, the head knocked the rider off and right in the path of Lionel and Styx who munted the rider's body 'Damn that had to hurt,' spoke Cyrus as they heard the crunching as Styx grabbed the rider in his claws and sqeezed him then tore him in half 'Damn..' whispered Heero at that moment a deformed dragon grabbed Heero in it's mouth who was still holding onto the end of Cyrus's tail, 'Cyrus!,' 'Heero!!!,' roared Cyrus as he nose dived again but was cut off by three deformed dragons Heero was lodged between the huge beasts gappy teeth, he then placed the blade of the sword down between the gaps in the Dragons teeth where he was being held Cyrus knew what Heero was going to do and his eyes began to glow 'Heero..take my soul...' whispered Cyrus At that moment Heero's eyes filled with lightning and the blade began to glow 'Die you bastard!,' roared Heero as forked lightning shot down from the sky striking his arms and serged up the blade and tore down the throat of the deformed Dragon and within seconds the Dragon exploded, Heero was thrown from his jaws at a high speed, spinning wildly out of control, his shirt had been torn off as part of it was stuck in the dragons jaws, suddenly he crashed through a window of a burning building in the town, he slid across the stone floor which grazed his side across his left rib cage and smashed into some wooden furnature as that happened the roof of the building caved in 'HEERO!!!,' growled Cyrus as he went wild
  21. [I]OOC: Hey again heads up! Two more new players!!... Deimos: Shirentsu Deathflight-29-male Redifined:Tanner-23-male and Inuyasha Fandom: Vahn Yumura-17-male (I've already introduced him but i thought i'd do it again so you all know)...OK!! Lets fight!![/I] IC: Zero ran as fast as he could to the top deck where Heero stood, Katrina and Jericho had readied themselves with their guns 'HEERO!!!,' yelled Zero as he dashed through the door, Heero looked at him with a worried look 'Whats wrong?' questioned Heero 'It's Vey....she's locked herself in the canon room...she told me to tell you that she loves you, I think shes on a suicide climb I don't know,' exclaimed Zero panting Heero looked at him in shock, Katrina looked up at Heero and saw the confusion, he was torn between two women...and love...and it was killing him, Katrina knew and she smiled with a slight nod, Heero suddenly took off down to the canon room and began banging as hard as he could on the door, everything she had done for...flowed back into his head...everything...how could he have missed it...how? 'Vey open this door!!!,' he screamed banging on it 'No,' she called back 'Vey please....open the door!!..why are you doing this?' he spoke as he slid down the door 'because I love you..I've always loved you and it hurts!!,' she screamed 'You can't tell me this and then leave!!! damn you!,' he exclaimed at he rattled the door 'Then give me one good reason why!..why I should stay!,' she cried out as she walked over to the door, as tears fell from her eyes, 'just give me one good reason......Heero..thats all i want from you' Heero pressed his forehead against the door, 'because....I need you...Vey Flower I need you..., when I search deep down inside myself...I find you..noone else...I don't know why...I know it should be Katrina...but for some reason...it's you...it always has been you..the way you smile, the warmth in your eyes...I tried to hide it...but I can't...I'm sorry I hurt you...I'm sorry..please forgive me..I'm sorry,' Tears fell down Vey's face as she slid down the door..her heart raced as she heard what he said..the sadness in his voice.. 'HEERO THEY"RE ATTACKING THE TOWN!!!,' cried out Jericho from the top 'Dammit!,' exclaimed Heero as he stepped away from the door, 'Vey...Know this...I've always loved you...I was just too blind to see it...and for that...I guess I've lost everything..including you,' With those words Heero took off with tears in his eyes as he ran back up top to Jericho and Katrina Vey suddenly opened the door to find only Zero standing there, 'Where is he?' 'Gone back up top,' smiled Zero, 'I don't know whats going on...but he ment every word...I've never know someone to be that sincere,' 'Heero..' she cried as she was just about to go after him until Zero grabbed her arm 'Vey right now we have to get these Canons up and blowing...before it's too late,' spoke Zero Heero ran upon deck, his face stern, he ran to the side 'Dammit!,' he exclaimed as he saw that one ship had docked in the harbor and row boats were heading towards the town, four row boats had already reached the shore line and bandits were running into the town. 'Katrina take over the Rose!,' exclaimed Heero as him and Jericho jumped down from the ship and ran into the town As they ran across the docks they ran into the teen that was with the Captain John Hawk and two others 'Hey!,' called the teen as he ran over to Heero and Jericho 'Where's John Hawk?' asked Heero as they pulled to a stop behind a shed which they used for cover as gun shots sounded throughout the town 'Dead..he tried to save some kids but was gunned down,' replied the teen 'Shit!,' growled Heero 'Hey aren't you the one who owns the Devils Rose?' questioned a man who was loading his gun 'Yeah why?' questioned Heero getting his gun ready 'I've been looking for you...the names Shirentsu Deathflight, I want to join your crew,' spoke the man as he looked at Heero 'Welcome aboard,' said Heero as he peered out from behind the shed 'I'm Vahn Yumura...since I have no crew to go back to..I'll join up aswell,' said Vahn loading his gun, 'By the way I don't call anyone Captain,' 'I hate the word anyway,' said Heero as he looked at Vahn 'Might aswell count me in..the names Tanner,' spoke the third man 'Well..Welcome to the chaos of the Devils Rose, everywhere we go...turns to shit!,' laughed Jericho, they all looked at him 'Well you not wrong there,' said Heero 'Sounds exciting,' laughed Shirentsu 'Whats more exciting is this..' smiled Heero as he shot a bandit which streaked passed the shed 'Nice shot,' smiled Jericho, 'Now lets go teach these guys one hell of a lesson!,' Heero, Jericho, Vahn, Shirentsu and Tanner sprinted out from behind the shed and joined the towns people in the fight OOC: This fight will go on for a couple of days..there's alot of Bandits who need a severe hell bashing..(laughing Pyschotically!!)...so make it good..by the way their will be a break where the Bandits fall back to rethink their strategy...ok so watch out fot it
  22. Soulin looked at Imric with rage in his eyes 'Well that was a pathetic rescue!,' Soulin snapped slamming his fist into the palm of his hand as he looked around, everyone had come back The Banshee walked up beside Soulin 'Hey calm down lad,' he spoke in his Irish tounge at that moment Soulin stared at him coldly, Bashee then gripped his head as he felt his powers being drained, he tried to scream but he could 'SOULIN STOP IT!!!,' growled Jean as they all ran over them, Soulin then took his attention of The Banshee turned towards the woods and let out a thunderous ear piercing scream, which tore a huge path through it, everyone covered their ears and the Soulin stopped and turned around to look at them 'Is that calm enough for you!,' he growled 'Damn,' gasped Wolverine as they all stood up and frowned at Soulin who folded his arms and made out that it was normal to do such a thing 'So what do we do now?' questioned Sage Soulin then began walking away 'Where are you going?' questioned Sage 'Well Danny's taken off to find Steffanie...so might aswell follow him instead of standing around here talking about it,' growled Soulin sounding annoyed
  23. Jin sat back in the tree where he had sat before talking off, as he sat there a cold breeze blew passed him...colder than usual...it was like a warning sign, His body tensed as he looked up at the sky, the moon shone down casting a hauntingly pale light through the woods, Jin looked around...something was coming...something big....something sinister 'Something wrong?' a familiar voice came from the ground Jin looked down and saw Orin standing there but he didn't reply 'If your feeling what I'm feeling...then looks as though it's going to be a long night,' spoke Orin as he scanned the darkness 'That it will be,' growled Jin as his wings twitched
  24. OOC: Heads up guys new player!....Welcome Vahn Yumura Heero looks out across the harbor and see's another ship dock on the other side of them 'Something wrong?' questioned Katrina who stood beside him looking at his dull eyes 'No,' he replied staring at the ship, Katrina knew that Heero was as about as far away as anyone could ever be even though he stood right next to her, she hated seeing him like that. As Heero looked over at the ship he saw a teen around the same age as them looking back at him, he frowned as he watched the teen get shoved off the ship and mutter in a foreigner language 'Who are they?' questioned Katrina Heero looked at the name of the ship....Mermaids Whisper... 'Don't know,' spoke Heero suddenly seeing the captain walk down onto the deck 'Hello up there!,' called out the captain as he tilted his hat at Heero Heero put two fingers to the side of his head and flicked his hand outward as a greeting gester 'So your the one's with the Rose,' smiled the captain as Heero and Katrina walked off and down onto the docks 'Yeah why?' questioned Heero keeping his distance as he raised an eyebrow 'I've heard the stories...and don't worry lad...we aren't here to try and take her off you...as i've said...we've heard the stories but I must say she's a beautiful ship,' smiled the Captain, Heero then looked at the teen who stood beside him 'So what did he do?' questioned Heero as the teen looked at him 'Oh this one tried to steal away on our ship early this morning,' explained the Captain 'I see,' said Heero 'Yeah so we got him to join with us....don't know if he can be trusting...but oh well,' smiled the Captain Heero looked at the teen, 'Well good to meet you,' Heero and Katrina then began to walk away when the captain called out 'Hey whats your name lad?' he called 'Heero De Vellion,' Heero called back over his shoulder 'I'm John Hawk, and its a pleasure to meet you lad,' he heard the Captain call again as they kept walking John Hawk turned to Vahn, the teen who stood beside him 'Now we want these supplies...Tony will go with you and mark my words boy...you try to run and your dead...,' growled the Captain 'I know that...you've told me,' he replied sternly as he walk into town with John right beside him Vahn saw Heero and the girl standing at a Vegetable stand, and then other girl ran up to them 'Hey Captain just thought I'd let you know I'm visiting Family at the Old Clam,' smiled the Girl 'Vey what have I told you about calling me Captain...you know..' began Heero 'Yes ok, ok!...Heero,' she smiled as she took off again Vahn looked at Heero and noticed Heero looking back at him with an expressionless stare, Vahn then carried on looking for supplies Suddenly a young boy ran passed with fear in his eyes 'The Bandits!!...The Bandits Are Coming!!!!,' cried the boy Heero stopped him as everyone began to ran around wildly 'Hey whats this about Bandits!,' questioned Heero grabbing the boy by the shoulders 'The Bandits, they're a group of Pirates who are going up and down the coast line destroying towns, I can see them on the horizon...their flags fly strongly....everyone has been waiting for them, this town wants to get rid of them but there's about ten ships for of them we'll never beable to get rid of them,' explained the boy strongly as he carried on running back through the town warning everyone At that moment Vey ran back to Heero and Katrina 'Heero!...' Vey began 'I know Vey,' he replied cutting her off 'My Family...' she then began 'I know, it's ok we'll stay and help them,' said Heero as he looked out across the bay and just on the horizon he saw them and frowned
  25. Heero awaited for Brielle to get dressed as he stood in the ball room while everyone began walking in, he was nervous...very nervous, he had never been to a ball before 'Hey great outfit Heero...you look good,' whispered a familiar voice above him, slowly looked up he noticed Cyrus smiled at him with his huge white teeth 'Cyrus sin!,' he whispered with a raised eye brow looking up at him 'Very cool don't you think?' Cyrus Sin smiled even more 'Yeah I guess but how...' began Heero until he saw Mykkael smiled down and then more teeth apeared 'Hi,' smiled Sycthe Wing, their teeth were theonly things you could see 'Don't smile,' spoke Heero as he looked at the teeth looking down at him 'Very funny,' said Cyrus sin with a soft laugh as they they stopped smiling and they turned their attention on what everyone else was doing, Heero shook his head As he stood their waiting he looked around and noticed a bunch of girls smiling at him, Heero raised an eyebrow at them and then frowned and looked away 'He's cute,' he over heard one of them say, as they walked towards him 'HI,' smiled a bright eyed girl 'Go away!,' snapped Heero as he walked away over to get a drink and egnored them but still they stared, smiled and waved at him aswell as fluttering their eyelashes which he though looked pretty stupid and he turned his back on them while he drink some of his drink and cursed under his breath as the girls moved to where he could see them..he began to get even more annoyed with them...from the ceiling he could here Cyrus and Sycthe Wing giggling at him 'Shut up,' growled Heero with a bright red face from embarrassement as he walked back to his spot to wait for Brielle
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