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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Jin watched from a near by tree as they fought, screams from the tracker demons echoed throughout deadwood 'So...your on their death wish list...,' smiled Jin as he dropped down into the courtyard beside the Demon who defended himself 'Who are you!,' exclaimed the demon as he killed another tracker demon Jin didn't reply as he drew his sword and swung it as a Tracker demon ran at him, Jin drove his sword deep into the tracker demons chest, with drew his sword and cut off the demons head, the head hit the ground with a thud 'You pathetic human!!!,' growled the beasts Jin began to laugh, 'Look again,' smiled Jin as his eyes glowed red 'Your...a halfling!,' growled the beasts as they ran towards them, 'and since you fight beside the traitor..then you shall die by the traitor!!,' Jin turned into his demon form again and rushed towards them with the loner demon beside him, 'What is your name?' questioned the loner demon...but Jin didn't reply as they fought with the Demon Beasts
  2. Heero awoke and looked down at Katrina, his face went bright red as he saw that his hand rested on hers and he quickly sat up, he looked around and quickly jumped out of the bed but then noticed that he had no clothes on 'OH SHIT!!,' he exclaimed, as he ripped the sheet off the bed and Katrina was thrown off onto the floor 'Oh hell...what the..' she groaned getting of the floor and she stood up, 'Heero....what are you doing?' she questioned as she watched him wrape the sheet around him over and over again 'Where's my clothes?' he asked still red in the face Katrina began to laugh 'Whats so funny!,' he growled 'You...don't remember last night?' smiled Katrina, 'You got a fever, Vey and I had to undress you because your clothes were soaked,' 'Oh...I see...so...oh great,' spoke Heero rubbing the back of his neck Katrina laughed again, 'Hey don't worry...I've seen it all before from the last ship I was on,' 'Oh well in that case,' said Heero as he dropped the sheet and turned his back on Katrina and started to get dressed 'HEERO!,' exclaimed Katrina as she quickly turned her back to him, her face was bright red 'I thought you had seen everything from the last ship you were on?' questioned Heero still getting dressed 'Yes but they weren't standing and talking to me...they were wounded!,' replied Katrina Heero laughed as he walked up behind her, 'I'm decent now,' he smiled as she turned around, her face was still very red, at that moment Heero swayed abit 'Heero...' spoke Katrina as she grabbed his shoulders to stable him 'I'm alright,' said Heero as he shook his head, 'I want to see how everyone is,' Heero and Katrina walked out on deck everything was in good order although the sails need repairing from the storm. Katrinas face was still bright red, Heero walked to the side and looked across and saw the town ship of Duego 'GREAT!,' he smiled, 'We've made it,' Vey walked up beside him as they looked over at the town a black smoke rose from it 'Oh no...no',' whispered Heero as he knew what it was 'Heero what is it?' questioned Katrina 'We've got to get to Duego!!....there's smoke coming from it!...we have to go down...that smoke means only one thing!...it's been plundered!!,' exclaimed Heero as he ran upon to the wheel deck 'Oh on....' whispered Katrina as she ran below to get the others
  3. Heero walked out of the room and pressed his throbbing head against the wall at that moment Vey grabbed his arm 'Come on, you need those wounds of yours bandaged,' spoke Vey seriously, he followed her into the room, and she helped him off with his soaked shirt, she cleaned his wounds and then put the bandages on him 'There you go,' she smiled, Heero's mind was distant but he gave her a weak smile and he slowly stood up suddenly Heero colapsed, Vey caught him 'HELP!!!,' she yelled at the top of her lungs Katrina bolted into the room to find Vey trying to hold up Heero 'He just colapsed...,' said Vey as she sat down on the ground with him, Katrina then took his pulse, she felt the top of his head and he was burning up 'Dammit!,' she exclaimed, 'His temperature is rising...he's getting a fever,' Katrina then ran upon deck, 'Jericho!! come!!,' Jericho jumped down from the wheel deck and followed her below deck 'What happened?' he asked looking down at Heero and Vey who were on the ground 'He's got a fever,' said Katrina, 'We need to get him to his room,' At that moment Jericho picked Heero up and lifted him over his shoulder and carried him up to his room, and placed him on the bed, Heero began to shiever but his body was so hot 'He's worn himself out,' said Katrina looking down at him 'Whos going to take over the ship while he's down...we don't know how long he's going to be like this?' questioned Jericho 'You'll have to, he put you on the wheel so you'll have to take his place,' said Katrina 'ME!' spoke Jericho in shock 'Yes fool you!,' snapped Katrina, 'Now get back up on deck and sail the ship!,' Jericho nodded and ran back up onto the wheel deck, Katrina felt Heero's head, it was hot very hot but still he shievered, They stripped off the rest of his wet clothes and pulled blankets up around him but still he shievered Jericho searched the sea as they sailed suddenly on the norizon three ships appeared 'OH SHIT NOT NOW!!!,' exclaimed Jericho, 'SHIP IN THE WATER!!!,' he roaored Katrina and Vey looked at each other 'OH NO!,' exclaimed Vey
  4. Soulin walked out of his room that Rogue had shown him to and stood in the hallway in his boxers, he knew he heard screams but from where...he couldn't tell, He waled to the window and peered out to see Rogue, Sage and Jean running inside with Jim...the guy who he brushed off early He then quickly ran down the stairs and looked around, he had just missed them and he didn't know where they had gone from there, as he walked to the door to close it something shiny caught his eye from the shrubs, slowly he walked out the door and stood just outside it, the shrubs shook violently as shadows apeared behind them suddenly they started firing upon the institute, frozen from the gun fire Soulin stood there as the bullets smashed through the walls and windows and at that moment a bullet pierced his leg making him snap out of it, he dropped to the ground as another bullet nicked his arm...anger swelled in his heart as he looked up, the shadows kept firing upon the school... Soulin then stood up and trying to control himself he raised his hands all bullets that were flying towards him stopped in mid air, his hands began to shake as the grass around him truned to Ice 'SOULIN!!,' cried out Jean as she ran to his side and helped him hold off the bullets 'I can't control it anymore!!!,' yelled Soulin as all bullets began to explode and his abilities went wild, Jean was thrown to the side as Soulins telekinesis sent eveything around him back about one hundred meters, even trees and shrubs were torn out of the ground and the rest of the windows on the institute smashed, His fire and Ice ability raged out of him uncontrollingly and created a funnel like tornadoe that circled around his body and up into the sky as he dropped to the ground, the ground began to lift around him, he tried to control it but he was still angry about the shadows that opened fire on the institute... 'SOULIN STOP...PLEASE STOP...YOUR GOING TO HURT SOMEONE!!!,' cried out Jean as she lay on the ground, blood ran down her face from a gash she endured when she was thrown, 'PLEASE SOULIN!!!,' Soulin heard her cries and looked at her with fear in his eyes..'HELP ME!!!,' he cried out, as he reached out to her but as he did that he began to drain Jeans abilities 'SOULIN....STOP!!!,' she cried out in pain as she was lifted off the ground 'NNOOO!!,' roared Soulin as he looked away from her, Jean's body slammed into the ground lifelessly and he clutched his head and curled up into a ball Jean slowly sat up and using what strength she ahd, she blocked Soulins enraged emotions which immediately stopped Soulins abilities, Soulin lay shievering as Jean slowly crawled over to him... 'Its over now...Soulin...it's over,' she whispered as she grabbed him and hugged him, he looked up at her 'I'm sorry...I was just trying to help...I'm sorry,' he whispered with fear in his eyes
  5. Heero looked out at the Katrina 'Get back below deck and I want you to stay there...I can't steer the Devils rose and watch over yous at the same time...as long as i know you are all below deck then I know I don't have to worry about any of you and I can concentrate on the storm and the Devils rose,' spoke Heero sternly 'Are you sure...what if..' Katrina began 'Get below deck now!...and don't come out no matter what...just leave me and the rose to get us through...' spoke Heero as he could see the Valiya storm coming up, the waves were at least well over 30 to 60 ft Katrina looked up at him and then with tears in her eyes she ran back below deck and closed the door, as she did that some how the door locked behind her, she tried to open it but it wouldn't budge 'Devils Rose...look after him,' Katrina whispered on the door as she turned around and ran back to the others 'We're coming up on the Valiya Storm...so hold tight!,' exclaimed Katrina, 'I'm going up to help him!,' exclaimed Vey as she ran down the corridor and to the door which lead out onto the upper deck, she tried to pull it open but it wouldn't budge, it was locked tight, Vey began banging on the door but still it wouldn't move 'Vey, we need to stay down here...and besides the Rose wont let us out, Heero can't watch over us aswell as get us through this storm,' said Katrina 'No...I want to help him!!!,' she cried as she slid down the door, Katrina placed a Hand on Veys shoulder 'The Devils Rose wont let anything happen to him...I hope...but this is for him and the rose to do so we must have faith in them both,' whispered Katrina as she tried to hold back the tears, Vey cried as she sat against the door suddenly the boat shook madly 'We've entered to storm...' whispered Katrina 'Heero!!!!' screamed Vey as she banged on the door violently, Jericho grabbed Vey and Katrina and dragged them back to the quarters where Cliff lay 'He'll be fine little one...that boys been through many things...he wont give up that easily and he wont let the Valiya storm bring him down...he has a strong heart...he'll be fine,' spoke Cliff strongly even though he was unsure at the sametime Heero gripped the wheel as he and the Devils Rose battled through the storm, her sails got torn, waves crashed down on him but still he didn't let go, his wounds had reopened and blood mixed with the salty water, pain shot up and down his body as he was bashed against the wheel, his head struck the wheel and blooded poured down his face from a gash across the top of his right eyebrow...but still he held on 'Come on girl...I know you can hold this out so don't let me down...I won't let you down,' he whispered to the ship, as she was tossed about like a ragdoll but still they battled there way through the hell hole of a storm, more water crashed down on the deck, Heero looked around, the Devils Rose battled strongly, he was getting tired and his body was frozen, at that moment as he could feel himself beginning to let go everytime the waves crashed down on him two ropes gently wraped around his wrists...he slooked up and smiled at the ship, as the sails tied themselves down tightly..it was as if she told him that she was here and that she wasn't going to give up...Heero smiled 'Just you and I girl...it's going to be long,' whispered Heero, 'but we'll make it...we have to,' The ropes gave a slight sqeeze as if she understood and Heero smiled as the waves crashed down and lightning and thunder crashed around them
  6. Heero looked around for Brielle, he noticed her walking out of the Castle with her family, they held their arms up to shield themselves from the sunlight for a moment, He watched Brielle as she looked at him, she smiled and so did he although his face turned red and he quickly looked away. 'You found her...' whispered Cyrus with a teasing smile 'How'd you know I was looking for her?' he questioned Cyrus laughed, 'It's written all over your face,' 'Shut up!,' snapped Heero as he turned his back on Cyrus who just kept laughing 'She's coming...looks as though she's got something to tell you,' smiled Cyrus who decided to leave as Brielle got closer, Heero's heart began to beat stronger and faster and his face went even redder but this time he wasn't going to run, he was going to face her and hear what she had to say....and try to respond a little better than what he had done
  7. Heero walked out onto the deck, Jericho was cleaning up the blood for the fight, he then took the mop off Jericho 'Hey...what are you doing?' questioned Jericho 'Cleaning,' replied Heero as he dipped the mop into the bucket of water and then finished off what Jericho was doing 'If you don't mind me asking...what are we going to do with the chests?' asked Jericho 'Well there's only one thing to do...take them,' Heero smiled weakly, Jericho knew that Heero was concerned about Cliff 'Well then what are we doing standing around here for...lets do it,' smiled Jericho hoping that it would take Heeros mind off Cliff 'Alright then,' said Heero 'Maybe we might find some other things,' smiled Jericho They grabbed some ropes and then pull the hoyst around so they could use it to pull the chests up, and dove into the water, Jericho stayed up while Heero took the rope down to the first chest, tied it around and then surfaced while still holding the rope, he then connected it to the hoyst, Vey had run to the side and watched them, she pulled up the chest with the hoyst, and lowered it onto the deck, they repeated this for most of the day, as they searched in the water Jericho found the cargo hull and inside were some unopened crates. It took them a whole day to empty out that whole ship even the captains quarters, they placed everything into the Devils rose's cargo hull and then Heero took the wheel 'Now lets get into warmer waters,' smiled Heero, Katrina had joined him up on the wheel deck she sat behind him, he looked at her and smiled
  8. Heero and Cyrus helped the groups cut down most of the deformed dargons and their riders and now there were only a few enemy riders and their dragons left 'Heero, we can leave now, Zeddricks forces have been nearly wiped clean, we must go back for your sake,' said Cyrus feeling Heeros pain 'Ok Cyrus, lets go back to the castle,' spoke Heero as he laid down 'Heero are you ok?' questioned the beast as he flew off towards Celebrynn 'Yes...just tired,' whispered Heero as he drifted off to sleep, his wounded arm fell to the side of Cyrus and blood trickled off his fingers, Cyrus then flew faster than he ever had flowen before Cyrus landed down in the courtyard where everyone was getting medical help, 'Please someone help me!,' exclaimed Cyrus as he lent to oneside and Heero rolled off his back and onto the grass, 'Please,' cried out Cyrus as he nugded Heero, at that moment the maids rushed over to assist him, they quickly cleaned Heero arm and bandaged it at that moment Heero sat up 'Your alive!,' exclaimed Cyrus as he nudged Heero 'What do you mean i'm alive???...I wasn't dead!' exclaimed Heero, 'Cyrus!,' 'I'm sorry...i got worried,' spoke Cyrus as he put his head down 'Cyrus you would of known if i was,' said Heero as he patted his nose 'I know and I'm sorry...I was just worried,' sighed Cyrus, Heero then slowly stood up and patted his nose 'I'm sorry too i didn't mean to yell at you like that...but I'm ok,' smiled Heero and Cyrus smiled back, Heero looked down and noticed that he had two arms bandaged and his chest, he then took a drink of water that a maid had given him, the maid also gave some water to Cyrus Heero looked around the castle grounds and saw Lionel advance towards him 'So how was it?' questioned Lionel 'Well most of the enemy has been wiped out by our clans, there were only a few enemies left fighting and Valo is still fighting Zeddrick,' replied Heero 'But everythings ok?' questioned Lionel 'Well i clans should beable to defeat the remaining enemy, like i said, there is only a few of them left and alot of our clans have survived so hopefully it will end soon,' said Heero looking up at Cyrus 'How's everything here?' questioned Heero 'Good, there hasn't been another attack and everyones getting aid,' said Lionel looking around Heero looked up at the sky and then looked around the castle grounds again, he then walked over to help
  9. Soulin stood beside the window when Jean walked back in, she raised a finger to her temple and through telepathy she contacted the professor and then walked towards Soulin 'Soulin that was wrong in what you did,' she spoke 'It's always wrong...when is it ever right,' he asked her not taking his eyes away from the window Jean looked at Rogue and then looked at him 'Soulin, you can't go around the school doing that to people,' said Jean with a smile 'I know it's wrong Jean...but..' Soulin looked at her but didn't finish what he was going to say. At that moment a bald man in a floating chair hovered into the room, and the doors closed behind him, Soulin looked around agitated by the doors closing 'It's ok, the doors are unlocked, you don't need to be frightened,' spoke the man calmly 'Soulin i'd like you to meet Professor Xavier, he's the one who created the institute for the gifted,' smiled Jean, 'Professor this is Soulin,' 'It's a pleasure to meet you Soulin,' smiled the Professor sensing the boys fear, 'Please take a seat and tell me what your doing here?' Soulin looked at Jean and Rogue who nodded to him, Soulin then sat down stifly 'I just ended out here, thats all, I took a wrong turn,' replied Soulin, the professor then began reading his thoughts and he had seen images of what Soulin had been through, Soulin felt a strange pressents inside his head, and then he noticed the professor concentrating on him, startled by it Soulin jumped out of the chair, at the sametime the professors chair slammed back into the wall and Jean and Rogue were also lifted off the ground and slammed against the walls 'Ok..ok Soulin, don't fear, I wasn't trying to hurt you,' spoke the Professor calmly as he watched Soulin back up against the wall, 'I was just rying to see where you came from, I didn't mean to pry,' 'Soulin, it's ok,' spoke Rogue as she got up off the floor along with Jean 'I..I didn't mean to hurt you,' spoke Soulin as his face began to turn red and the the temperature began to rise and drop 'It's ok...just calm down, I'm sorry...just calm down,' smiled the professor, Soulin closed his eyes and the room temp went back to normal, 'Now sit down please,' Soulin hesitantly sat back down in the chair as the professor slowly hovered towards him 'You have extremely strong abilities,' said The Professor 'I can only control them to a point,' spoke Soulin as he looked down at his hands 'And you are scared that you might hurt more innocent people,' said the professor 'Yes,' replied Soulin, they spoke for a while before the professor looked at him 'I'd like for you to join our institute, we can help you gain control over your abilities,' smiled the professor, Soulin looked at him, 'Only if you want to but it would be nice, Rogue you can show him around just so he knows what this place is like,' 'Yes professor,' smiled Rogue as they walked out of the student lounge 'He's a wild card isn't he?' questioned Jean looking at the Professor 'His abilities are strong...very strong we need to keep close watch over him from a distance of course, he's already blown up a number of orphanages out of rage, those were the images I managed to get from him before he realised what was happening..He's a very angry teen but he's also scared of his abilities, hopefully if he stays here we can help him like the others,' explained the professor 'I also want to ask him a few questions about those clones that attacked Steffanie and the two boys, he was there when it happened, I sensed his presence and he knew it,' said Jean 'Just becareful Jean,' smiled the professor as they walked out of the room
  10. That night Heero sat on the deck, he had been through seven bottles of wine, he then skulled another bottle back making that eight at that moment Vey walked out on deck 'Heero...what are you doing?' Heero laughed drunkly, 'As my father use to say...Dinking my life away...whats it to you girlie!!,' Vey frowned at him, 'Stop it, we have two crew members down, we don't need a drunken captain,' 'Oh spare me the guilty trip will you!,' growled Heero as he picked up another bottle, Vey quickly grabbed it off him 'Thats enough!,' she snapped trying to hold back the tears, 'They need us down there, they're fighting for their lives...don't you care!' 'Don't I care???' hissed Heero his eyes filled with rage, 'My crew a half dead and your asking me if I care!!! what kind of stupid question is that!!!' Vey stepped back as Heero stood up slowly 'Heero stop it...' she whispered as she walked backwards 'The reason they are lying down there is because I wasn't here!....' yelled Heero as he lent against the wheel deck and slid down the wall, ' Some Captain I turned out to be....half my crew are nearly dead...Katrinas in a coma...and Cliff...well I don't know jack shit about his vitals,' Vey sat down beside him, 'Heero...please don't do this to your self,' 'Do what!...feel remorse...feel ashamed....I don't care how i feel....' growled Heero beginning to sobber quickly 'You don't mean that,' she whispered 'I do..' he whispered, 'I made a mistake which has costed us dearly,' 'No it was our...' she began 'Open your eyes!...I'm meant to be the captain...I should of stayed behind but oh no....i didn't!!,' At that moment Jericho bursted out onto the deck 'Katrinas awake!, she pulled through' exclaimed Jericho, Heero sobbered even quicker as he stood up 'And Cliff?' he questioned Jericho looked at him, 'He hasn't waken yet,' They then took off down to the Katrinas room, Heero stood at the door as Vey and Jericho crowded her bed 'How you feeling?' questioned Vey 'Tired,' she groaned, 'where's Heero?' 'Right here,' he smiled weakly at her, 'I'm going to check on Cliff..I'll be back,' Heero entered Cliffs room and closed then door behind him, and walked over to his bed, Cliffs breathing was shallow 'Cliff....come on Cliff...please...get up,' he whispered, but Cliff didn't stir, tears rolled down Heero's face, 'Cliff...Cliff please wake up,' As the day progressed into the night Heero sat up on deck again this time without the wine...Katrina had slowly began to regain her strength although she was still weak but Cliff hadn't waken yet, Heero held up the medallion and pressed it against his forehead 'What do I do?' he whispered as tears rolled down his face
  11. Jin watched from the shadows, watching the humans, watching and waiting 'Humans...I was once a human...' he whispered into the dark as he looked at his hands and then rubbed the tattoo on his arm as he remembered that day that changed his whole life...the day the demon bit into his are...the day he came half demon, 'Demons must die...' *CRACK..* a branch creeks over his head, snapping his head up as a sharp high pitched tone echoes from the top of the tree, he noticed two red eyes looking down at him, it's jaws snapping at him and then it lunged, Jin drew his sword as his eyes grew red, jumping back the demon landed on the ground and Jin lunged at it, it's scream echoed as Jin drove his sword into it's chest, the demon brought it's claws around and slashed at Jins chest leaving three deep gashes, Jin withdrew the sword and changed to his demon form, grabbing the attacker by the neck and making his hand and fingers into an arrow like form and ripped his hand through the chest of his attacker, it shrieked in pain as Jin tore out its heart...which was black...as black as the night itself, with his free hand around the demons neck he sqeezed it and crushed it, it's body went limp and Jin dropped it on the ground suddenly it bursted into flames and then turned to ash and so did the heart he held in his hands. Jin then quickly put away his sword and stpped back into the shadows making sure that noone had seen him...he then disappeared into the night Running from tree to tree Jin watched the humans gain on who they were following...the hellhounds and the tracker demons...Jin was curious as to why the demons were chasing another demon and as to why the humans were after the demons...mind you this was the first time he had seen any life around these parts of the woods for a while....
  12. Heero looked down at the sack and then placed them in his pocket, At the warm sun beamed down on them Heero spun the wheel and headed towards the Callesteria Ghost which they could see half of it sticking out from a distance. They dropped anchor beside it and Heero jumped down from the wheel deck and walked over to the side and peered over 'What are we going to do?' questioned Jericho as he too looked over along with the others Heero then took off the baggy shirt he wore 'What are you doing?' questioned Cliff as they watched him pull out the leaves and place them on the shirt 'Jericho and I will go down and investigate,' said Heero 'But you can't....' exclaimed Vey but before she could finish Heero leaped off the side and into the water....suddenly he let out a yell and they quickly rushed to the side to find him clinging to the anchor chain 'I was going to warn you that it will hurt you gashes!,' called Vey, Heero looked up at her and raised an eyebrow, he gripped the chain tightly as the stinging went away 'Pains gone now!,' he called back 'I told you that you were stubborn!!,' exclaimed Vey as Jericho leaped off the deck and into the water 'AARRGGHH shit!...it's bloody freezing!!!,' yelled Jericho 'You'll get use to it,' said Heero as he swam passed him and dove under the water, Jericho followed, They searched along side the ship and found chest and other bits from the ship, they then found a way in and swam through it and they came up inside the Callesteria Ghost, they quickly got out of the water and looked around 'Hey we're standing on the wall....freaky' smiled Jericho as they made their way to the door which seemed to be on the roof but it was only the way the ship had sunk which made everything seem strange 'So what exactly are we looking for?' asked Jericho as they climbed up into the next cabin 'Anything you can find that maybe useful to us,' replied Heero as he helped him up 'I saw some huge chests...why haven't those rebels grabbed them?' asked Jericho 'They don't like to get wet so we'll take them,' laughed Heero, 'They hate having baths so they have a once a year bath, thats why they stink,' Jericho laughed but cringed at the thought of having a yearly bath as they climbed up into another cabin 'We need to get to the Captains quarters which should be out on deck,' said Heero 'So do you have any idea where we are?' questioned Jericho as they stopped to look aroung 'I'm guessing we're on the second lower deck from the top...so we need to find the corridor,' replied Heero 'Ok cool,' said Jericho as they carried on and came out into the corridor, 'now lets go to the captains quarters' said Heero as they walked along the walls
  13. Soulin was still irritated by Sage 'So whats up with miss I'm so proud and mighty?' qoestioned Soulin as he looked at Rogue 'Oh don't worry about her, she's always like that...personally...she's too stuck up herself for me,' smiled Rogue Although Soulin was quiet and rather shy...there was one thing he hated the most and which always sent his nerves to the edge...bitchy, know it all people... As they walked into the institute he noticed Sage walking towards them, anger swept across his face and his emotions started to boil as the room grew hot around them 'Soulin...not in here,' spoke Jean and Soulin calmed down 'How pathetic...is that all you can do?...i knew you were nothing to worry about and you still don't talk,' she spoke sarcastically not looking at him and at that moment Sage began to scream as Soulin started to absorb her abilities by thought and he slammed her against the wall using telekinesis, Sage tried to teleport but with Soulin absorbing her abilities she found it hard to do that and she began choaking, Her eyes widened as he walked towards her with a crooked smile 'So you want me to talk...well here's something you should remember...Mock my exsistance again super bitch and I'll rip you apart right where you stand,' growled Soulin his Blue eyes turning Icy, he could feel his abilities starting to lose control as the room temperature began to rise and drop and Sages books went up in flames and then turned to Ice and his breathing was heavy and quick 'Soulin stop it!!!,' cried out Jean, Soulin then quickly released Sage and she dropped to the floor in a heap and gasped for air as she clutched her head...she then looked up at Soulin in shock who raised an eyebrow at her, Jean ran to Sages side to see if she was hurt while Soulin walked off with Rogue and they awaited Jean in the student lounge
  14. Cyrus stirred as he groaned, Heero sat up and turned around to look at his agitated campanion 'You are worried,' whispered Heero as he patted the beast nose 'Yes....The battle still rages on the other side,' growled Cyrus as he lifted his head to the sky At that moment Regular dragon riders flew in bloodied and torn, landing not far from where Heero and Cyrus sat, Heero advanced towards them 'How is the battle?' he questioned not giving them time to catch their breath 'It's tense,' spoke a rider as he slid off his dragon, 'but Zeddrick's forces are slowly deteriorating but then so are we...Sef and Myykael entered the battle with their pack and took out all of the Hell bringers but there is alot of deformed dark riders...we wre tired...we need rest so we came back,' spoke the man as if embarrassed by leaving Heero placed a hand on the mans shoulder, 'You all did extremely well, now get cleaned up and rest,' Heero walked away from the pack as the maids rushed over to help them Heero didn't have to say anything to Cyrus as he stood straight up 'Are you alright to do this?' questioned Heero 'Yes' replied Cyrus strongly at that moment Lionel tapped Heero on the shoulder and Heero spun around 'Leaving are you?' questioned Lionel 'Yes we're off to help the others, there wont be another attack on the Kingdom, the enemies been tied up at the warzone, the pack that just flew in told me that Zeddrick's forces are deteriorating which means that they don't have enough to send here and if they do...that'll be like committing suicide because they'll be too tired and weak where as we have all rested,' explained Heero as he mounted Cyrus and they took off to the warzone As they approached the battle zone they could hear crys from both Dragons and Riders, looking around Heero saw that there were no hell bringers but both sides were deminishing slowly and their forces were tiring fast 'Let's go,' whispered Heero as Cyrus let out a loud growl, and thunder and lightning lit up the sky and a pack of deformed Dragons flew at them, 'Strike them down!,' Forked lightning shot down from the sky ripping threw most of the deformed dragons who approached them, Heero drew his sword and stood up on the back of Cyrus as the enemy flew at them, Cyrus made an upward encline as Heero ran down his back and freefell onto the back of an enemy dragon and his rider driving his sword through the skull of the rider, he pulled it out and pushed the rider off, the deformed dragon screamed as Heero then swung his sword and cut off the left wing, the dragon then went into a wild spin as Heero lunged at a deformed dragon and rider who flew at them, swinging his sword while in flight he drove it into the right eye of the deformed dragon, it's blood curtling scream echoed around them as he swung up to the rider pulling his sword out at the same time, the rider took a swing at him with his sword and drove his sword into Heeros left shoulder, Heero gritted his teeth at the pain as he then brought his swords blade down on top of the riders head and split it in two, the rider slid off the back as Heero wrenched the sword from his shoulder, spun around and drove it into the dragons neck, the dragon went into a frenzy of spinning and nose diving as Heero flew off and went into a freefall clutching his arm as blood oozed from it, Cyrus who felt the pain tried to get to Heero but was stopped by the remaining pack who had flown towards them when they entered the battle zone, in a thunderous cry, lightning struck down from the sky tearing them in halves and he went into a nose dive towards Heero catching him before he hit the ground 'Heero are you ok?' questioned Cyrus with worry as he felt the pain 'Yes....I'll be alright,' spoke Heero as he straightened himself up, 'Now lets go join the next group,' Cyrus took off towards a group fighting on the southside
  15. Jin stood watching the beasts swam around Deadwood, he sat high up in a dead tree, watching their every movement, he noticed on the far side shadows weaving in and out of trees, they were humans and they were tracking the beasts as the beast were tracking one of their own kind 'Well....looks like hells going to rise tonight,' Jin whispered into the darkness as the growls and barks from the hellhounds echoed throughout the woods, 'Such a sweet song for a night like this,' he smiled as he watched the humans weave in and out beneath him. After they had passed he dropped down to the ground and followed them but took a different route
  16. Soulin gazed at the girl who stood before him after knocking out the two men who attacked him, these guys were the same lot who he had seen attack the girl and two boys 'Who are you and what are you doing here?' questioned the girl with the white strip of hair Soulin didn't reply, 'Well i'm Rogue and your on private property so who are you and what are you doing here?' she spoke again annoyed at his nonresponsive attitude Still Soulin didn't reply 'Well you'd better come up with an answer or I might think you were here to spy..or something,' she said raising an eyebrow 'Rogue it's ok,' smiled a red haired lady as she walked towards them and stopped beside Rogue 'He wont say nothing,' said Rogue 'Don't worry,' she spoke as she looked at the boy, 'I sensed you earlier...what is your name?' 'Soulin,' he replied looking at her 'Well i'm Jean,' she smiled, 'and welcome to Xaviers school for the gifted,' Soulin looked at her, he didn't feel threatened by any of them...he was more scared of himself Jean could sense the strong abilities of the boy but she didn't know what they were but knew that he was frightened 'Hey they've gone,' said Rogue looking down at the ground, the two men had disappeared but were watching them from a nearby shrub. As they stood there Scott ran towards them and at that moment Soulin was startled by his sudden appearance and stumbled back at that moment a nearby shrub that he touched went up in flames, Jean, Scott and Rogue stepped back as they watched the shrub then turn to Ice 'Calm down, it's ok,' spoke Jean, 'We're not here to hurt you,' Soulin looked up at them and calmed down 'Come on, I want you to meet someone,' she smiled
  17. Heero slowly walked out onto the deck to find Vey asleep by the wheel deck, he had heard the melody and he smiled, he walked over to her and lifted her up, blood stained his bandages as he took her into his quarters and put her on his bed, it was too far from him to carry her back to her own quarters because of his wounds, it was bad enough that he had to pick up Jericho. 'Sleep well Vey,' he spoke as he pulled the covers over her grabbed a thick wollen jacket and slowly slipped it over his body, he groaned at the pain and then walked out back up to the wheel deck. Katrina then bursted out from below the deck looking for Vey 'VEY!,' she called 'I found her out here she was asleep so i took her into my quarters, she's ok,' smiled Heero as he looked at Katrina 'I woundered where she had gotten to,' said Katrina as she walked up beside Heero, 'So where you gonna sleep?' 'I'll stay up here, just incase,' said Heero sternly as he looked around, 'and besides i can't lay down to good,' Heero's eyes darted around searching the mist, his mind couldn't rest knowing where they were, he hated this place as he remembered what had happened to them when they were caught, he remembered how badly his father was tortured for doing the samething as what he had done to the rebel leader, it sent a shiever down his spine, he had only endured the first step of the rebels torture while his father had endured more
  18. Heero, Katrina, Cliff and Jericho found Vey, she was just getting up off the sand 'Vey?' whispered Heero as he bent down, she looked up at him, he noticed that she had deep gashes that had torn through her clothes, one gash went across her cheek blood oozed from it along with the rest, 'Those bastards,' he whispered as he looked at her 'Heero,' she smiled as she took off the medallion and handed it to him, a sense of peace fell over his face as he took it from her 'Thank you,' he smiled at her warmly then stood up and helped her off the sand, they looked back on the exploding village 'BURN BABY BURN!!,' roared Jericho as they all watched on 'Now we need to find The Devils Rose,' said Heero 'Ah...I think she's already found us,' smiled Cliff looking out at the sea, they all turned to look and saw her floating not to far from them 'She really is alive,' whispered Katrina They took a row boat and rowed it back to the Devils Rose where she awaited them. 'We'll examine the Callesteria Ghost in the morning,' said Heero as they got back on the ship, 'I'll put on a nice hot meal,' smiled Cliff 'Katrina you help Vey with her wounds,' said Heero 'What about yours?' asked Katrina 'I can do mine,' smiled Heero weakly and he walked into his quarters, he sat on the edge of his bed with the blanket still wrapped around his waist and gritting his teeth as he tried to clean the deep gashes, 'Damn those bastards,' he whispered
  19. Heero and Cyrus landed not far from Brielle and Scythe, Heero slowly slid off Cyrus's back, he looked up and noticed Lionel and Styx coming in for a landing aswell as Vanilla and Caramel and the surviving normal riders 'Heero...are you ok?' questioned Cyrus feeling his riders pain 'I'm...ok,' replied Heero, he had a deep gash across his chest and a deep gash on his arm, both bleed like rivers. Heero looked over at Lionel and Vanilla who had also endured some wounds, he slowly made his way over to Brielle who was still leaning against her sword 'Brielle...are you ok?' he asked looking at her seriously 'I'm fine....i'll be alright,' she smiled weakly Heero smiled slightly then his face turned serious as he looked up at the sky and then looked at the remaining lot of normal dragon riders who had survived, he then went inside and called on some maids to help the wounded riders, they rushed out immediately to assist the tired and wounded, Heero also helped as did Cyrus While this was going on Heero then walked over to Lionel with a cup of water 'Here.. drink,' said Heero handing him the water, Lionel looked up at him and stood up, and took the water, he then gave a cup to Vanilla and then walked over to Brielle and handed her a cup, while the maids cleaned her wounds and bandaged her. Heero walked back to Cyrus who he knew was tired 'Cyrus rest...rest,' smiled Heero Cyrus then laid his head down, 'You should get your wounds looked at,' 'I'm fine...you rest, it's ok...,' smiled Heero as he sat down and lent against Cyrus as he sat there three maids ran up to him with bandages and water 'What are you doing?' questioned Heero looking up at them 'We were sent over here to bandage your wounds sir,' spoke one of the maids 'Everyone else is getting medical care but you sir,' smiled another maid 'Please don't call me sir,' said Heero as he looked over at Brielle who who gave him a slight nod, he sighed and then stood up, the maids helped him take off his shirt and they began cleaning the wounds and then they bandaged him 'Thank you,' he said as he sat back down on his cloak and flicked his shirt over his shoulder and lent against Cyrus 'Do you not want any water?' asked the maids 'No give it to the others and the dragons,' said Heero as he lent his head back against Cyrus. The maids then took off to hand out more water, they brought some over for Cyrus who drank it down and groaned in delight
  20. Cliff saw that Vey was struggling with the lifeless body of Heero, He then stopped and looked at her 'Give him to me,' he smiled, Vey let Cliff carry Heero which made it easier on her, she noticed that the blanket was bloodied from the deep gashes 'Man isn't he going to be pissed when he wakes up,' whispered Jericho as they stealthly made their way around the Rebel village, 'Why don't we wipe these bastards out?' 'Did you not learn from the before...there's too many of them,' whispered Katrina as they duck down behind some barrels as Rebel guards walked passed At that moment the leaders daughter bellowed out across the village 'FATHER.....HE"S GONE!!!,' she wailed 'They've escaped!!!' called out another rebel At that mament Heero stirred in Cliffs arms 'Oh....shit...' he mumbled under his breath 'hey your alright...' smiled Vey as Cliff sat Heero on the ground 'argh...my back,' whispered Heero as he looked around and then tried to stand but then noticed that he only had a blanket wrapped around him, 'oh shit,' 'yeah they tore up your clothes,' said Vey, 'So I wraped a blanket around you,' 'You...saw....' he said in shock as he looked at her and watched as her face turned amber red, he then looked around and sighed, looking down at his naked chest he noticed his fathers medallion missing, 'That bastard took my medallion!!!,' 'He's got all our gear,' said Jericho as he peered over the barrel and watched the rebels run around madly, looking down he noticed that the barrels were filled with gun powder, 'Now tell me..what fools leave gunpowder laying about like this?' They all looked at each other 'These fools,' smiled Vey 'I have a plan,' said Heero weakly, 'spreed out the gun powder in lines but we need to create a diversion before we can do that so we can get our gear back...we're going to teach these bastards to never fuck with the Pirates of the Devils Rose,' 'Ok, I'll spreed out the gunpowder,' said Jericho 'And we'll create the diversion,' smiled Katrina 'Cliff and I will get our gear back,' smiled Heero as he wraped the bloodied blanket around his hips 'You should sit this one out Heero, your in no shape to do this,' said Cliff 'I'll be alright Cliff, my whippings are the least of our problems,' said Heero as they then split up
  21. Vanilla didn't realise that Heero and his group were waiting int he forest on the outskirts of Celebrynn, He had split up his huge force into two groups one group went onwards with the others while the group he was with stayed behind, They watched as the deformed dragons and the Hell Briners got more confident that they were going to win 'ATTACK!!!,' Heeros roar rang out over his group and with that they took off into the sky behind the enemy Vanilla looked beyond the raging battle and saw Heero with his group flying towards them 'Heero..Cyrus...where'd they come from...I thought he had gone with the others....' questioned Vanilla as she watched him attack from behind Heero patted Cyrus, 'Give them a hell shocking...' he laughed menacingly 'That I will,' smiled Cyrus as he let out a huge roar as the sky darkened and thunder and lightning clashed brightly across the sky The enemy that hed held back looked back over their shoulders and saw the ambush group 'Where'd they come from!!!,' a mans voice sang out as they tried to turn around but Heero's group was already on top of them As that happened Cyrus's eyes changed and the clouds circled wildly above them, Cyrus roared again, thunder shook the ground as forked lightning struck down wiping out most of the enemy, they then began battle with the Hell Bringers who began attacking them from all sides 'Cyrus...destroy,' smiled Heero Cyrus then began chanting and Heero joined in, clouds above them swirled even more and an eye opened above them 'Cyrus take my soul..' whispered Heero as his eyes glowed red, he smashed his hands together while Cyrus was in chant and a streams of forked lightning struck down over them and circled around them like a funnel Heero joined the chant again and the funnel grew bigger and thicker, the Hell raisers and Dark riders watched on with fear as the last words were spoken and Heero threw his arms out to the side and the funnel exploded and went into a spinning frenzy while extracting away from them but still spinning around them around them, Lightning flowed up and down Heeros arms as the forked lightning struck down most of the enemy ripping through them, it not once struck down any of the allies which it touched 'ATTACK!!!,' was Vanilla's cry as they flew up to cut down the ones that managed to dodge it The eye closed and Heero and Cyrus looked around to find that most off the enemy was wiped out Heero patted Cyrus neck, 'Lets go help the others out, finish them,' spoke Heero as Cyrus flew towards the small remaining group of Dark Riders
  22. OOC: Vash IDK wont be posting for a while and i don't know when she will be able to..so her character can be controlled by anyone IC: Heero looked over his shoulder to find Jericho had been caught 'LET ME GO!' yelled Jericho as he tried to break free but they tightened their grip on his arms Heero turned back around to find a whole heap of guns aimed at him and he lowered his weapons as they apprehended him and the others, they tied them up with their hands behind their backs and put them into a line 'So who's the leader?' questioned a man walking out from behind the shrubs 'I am,' growled Heero as the man walked right up to him and looked him up and down 'You're a bit young aren't you?' questioned the man 'That maybe but I'm tall enough to do this,' smiled Heero as he head butted the man in the nose and breaking it, blood poured down the mans face as he stumbled backwards 'AARRKKK...you little bastard!!!,' roared the man as he back handed Heero across the face, Heero snapped his head back around to stare the man in the face, Heero then laughed At that moment a girl rushed out from behind the shrubs, she stood well over six feet and was very stocky, 'OH HOW CUTE!!!,' she exclaimed as she ran towards Heero and Jericho 'OH...HEL!,' yelled Jericho as Heero stood in shock, she then grabbed Jericho by the cheeks and sqeezed them, he quickly pulled his reddened face free, she then walked over to Heero 'Touch me and you'll find yourself kissing your own arse!' growled Heero, she frowned for a second and then smiled 'OH YOUR CUTE WHEN YOUR ANGRY!!!,' she exclaimed picking up Heero and sqeezing the life out of him and then she dropped him on the ground 'Oh...shit,' he gasped 'Daddy can I have them please...can i have them!,' she begged childishly as they realised that the man was their leader Heero slowly stood up after catching his breath back 'You can have that one,' he hissed poking Jericho with his gun 'OH HELL NO!!,' roared Jericho 'and as for their leader he goes to the torture chambers, the two girls come with me and the big one goes to the pit,' snarled the leader At that moment the girl hoysted Jericho up on to her shoulder with ease 'PUT ME DOWN VILE BEAST...OH GOD STRIKE ME DOWN!!!!,' yelled Jericho as the girl laughed Heero was then knocked to the ground and dragged to the torture chambers, while the two girls went with the leader and Cliff went to the pit Heero was hung in the torture chambers by his arms only a few inches off the floor, he was then stripped naked at that moment the leader walked in 'Now you will pay for what you did,' hissed the leader as he held a cloth to his nose and he nodded at a man standing behind Heero, 'Give him twenty whippings,' 'So you can count..' hissed Heero sarcastically 'FOR THAT REMARK GIVE HIM ANOTHER TEN!!,' roared the leader as he stormed out of the chambers Heero tried to look over his back to see where the man was but at that moment he heard the cracking of the whip and an extreme pain serged through his body over and over and over again, gritting his teeth and trying to hold back the cries from the whippings, blood dripped from his body and formed a pool on the floor below him 'You can
  23. Name: Jin Kazama Race: Half Human/Half Demon Age: 19 In human years: (but unknown in demon years) Agender: Male Appearance: see attachments ( he also has wings which can be used in Human or Demon form that can extract and retract from his back and a tattoo on his left arm that glows when he changes into demon form or when he stars to get angry, his eyes also glow red when mad) Bio: Jin was born human but at the age of seven him and his parents went for a walk into a forest near their home, there is where they encountered a full blooded demom who attacked them, the demon bit him on the left arm on a tattoo that was given to him at birth and in the process blood from that demon was mixed with his turning him half human and half demon. Before that demon died he hand Jin's parents a sword with a black blade and white handle and told them to give it to Jin when he got older. Everytime Jin changes from human form to demon form his tattoo glows and a demons tattoo apears across his forhead his eyes glow red, and his body has red and blue electricity flowing over his body. As Jin grew up his demon side got stronger giving him the strength of more than 50 grown strong men but it also gave him a demonic dark side, and wings that extracted and retract from his shoulder blades at a length of 3 meters both wing. At the age of 17 he was walking up the street while walking home and three men jumped him, in anger his demon side revealed itself and he killed them with ease, after the town heard about it they hunted him down, and in the process they killed his parents...because of that he tore the town up, ripping apart everyone and killing them all, and then took off into the woods to hide...He now stands at 5'11", He has Ice blue eyes but change to a dark blue with his moods, His personality is cold, uncaring and cruel, and he's very quite but when he does speak its a blunt and stern tone and straight to the point, he's serious and never takes anything as a joke and doesn't care what others think of him. Weapons: A long 1 meter and ahalf sword with a Black blade and white handle. although it has no magical ability it is still strong enough to stand against the enemy Spells: Ability of thunder and lightning which he can create, control and exstingish at anytime mentally or psyhcially, but he has two types of lightning...one is blue which is a normal lightning but very powerful, the other red which is the lightning of hell which is extremely powerful and very uncontrolling when released, it sends him into a pshycotic frenzy...he's never had to use it so what it does..is yet to be revealed..but it does take alot out of him leaving him tired and drained **If you want me to edit anything just pm me**
  24. Heero looked at Valo and King Orion who was in deep thought 'I have a suggestion,' spoke Heero seriously 'What is it Heero?' asked the king 'Well listening to what Vanilla said and listening to Valo...they are both right, we should all go but in groups, if he has a surprise attack waiting for us then you can guarantee that it's going to be huge, and now he's creating some sort of blood thirsty dragon clan, so what i'm suggesting is that we all get into groups, one group comes from the north, one from the south, one from the east and one from the west but in waves, first wave goes in draws out the surprise attack, but you can proberly guarantee that he'll have another surprise attack, so our second wave goes in draws out the next surprise attack and so on, Ilthazar isn't that stupid to not have a second surprise attack,' explained Heero looked down at the blooded rider who looked up at him 'So we all go but in groups, so we sent out the basic riders and then follow,' said Valo 'No...we mix with the basic riders that way Ilthazar wont expect it, we mix with the first and second waves and then the last two waves will be basic riders, that way he'll send out his last surprise attacks thats if he has any, thinking that we are the two last waves and thats when we counter attack his strike, hopefully it will bring us to victory and we do have enough time to do all this if we act now and we will be back before night fall if we go in hard and fast and get it over with....so what do you think King?' At that moment Cyrus bent his head down, 'And plus you also have something on tonight...'whispered Cyrus Heero went red and elbowed Cyrus's nose and Cyrus laughed 'So King Orion...it is up to you,' said Valo, 'should we go with Heero's Idea?' 'Yes...qucikly gather up the riders and get into groups of four waves,' said The King 'Who will lead the groups?' questioned Valo 'I will sort that out when you've all finished getting into groups with the Basic riders,' said The King as they all moved quickly 'King there will need to be another group to guard the castle,' said Heero as they all quickly sorted out groups which didn't take them long and they all stood strong facing the king, the groups were huge and one groups had sorted itself out to stay behind
  25. Heero looked at her and then turned his attention back to the on coming Island 'Sometimes...but you be who you want to be, it's what makes us all unique in our own ways,' smiled Heero, Vey smiled and began playing the tune again...Heero liked that tune He took The Devils rose as close to the shore as he could and Cliff dropped anchor, they all grabbed some supplies and loaded them into two row boats, got in and rowed to shore, Heero rowed one boat and Cliff rowed the other. They reached shore and unloded the row boats, Katrina lit up the lamps and placed them around a small area so they could set up camp, 'It's so warm here,' said Vey 'On the islands it always is, and because we're in a cove...there won't be any wind,' said Heero as he started up a fire, Cliff then put on a pot to make them some hot drinks, As they all sat around the fire, something brought a cold shiever to Heero's back, he turned around and looked up at the shrubs and trees 'Whats wrong?' questioned Jericho noticing Heeros agitation 'Shhhh....we're being watched...and that could only mean one thing,' whispered Heero as he slowly brought his had up to his sword Jericho and Cliff then slowly put their hands to their guns and searched the shrubs from where they sat trying to see any sign of movement in the dark The two girls also had their hands on their weapons waiting....waiting Heero pulled at his gun which was straped to his leg and cocked his head slightly...suddenly he spun around and shot into the shrubs, at that moment there was a loud cry of pain and suddenly a group of Rebel Pirates stormed out from behind the shrubs 'OH SHIT!,' exclaimed Jericho as he began firing along with th others, Heero ran towards the on coming Rebels and drew his sword and cut through most of them...but they just kept coming and coming, Heero knew that they were going to get caught but he wasn't going without a fight as he used his fists and sword
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