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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Just a reminder to who joined:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Vash IDK - Katrina Muleen - 18 Dead Alice - Jane Mc Farland - 17 Galvatron - Jericho Inblade - 18 DuoMaxwell1423 - Vey Moltohina - 17[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2]A salty breeze rushed passed his face as she gently rocked to the waves, the warm sun beat down on him as he opened his eyes, he sat up and looked around, running his fingers through his hair he realised that they had drifted into a harbour, one he knew well, rushing to his feet he ran upon to the bridge deck to grab the huge wheel, and spun it anti clock wise, he then pulled down the sails and let her drift towards the dock and then dropped the anchor 'Welcome to Evenil Harbour,' he whispered to her, 'where the drunk get drunker and mad get madder,' The huge vessel shuddered to a stop, Heero then threw out the ropes and pushed out the plank and let it drop onto the deck with a hollow thud, he watched the dock crew tie her down before walking off 'Young Master......Heero...De...vellan,' chocked an old man sitting on the side fishing, he put his fishing line down and walked over to Heero 'Hello Old timer,' smiled Heero 'It is ye boy...I thought...it's good to see you lad,' smiled the old man with tears in his eyes, 'what of ye father?' 'Buried at see with... everyone else,' replied Heero with a sad gaze, 'I just managed to escape,' The old man looked down and shook his head slowly then looked back up at him, 'He was a good man...a very good man but it's good to see you lad,' 'It's ok old timer,' smiled Heero 'So what brings you back here boy?' he questioned 'A crew...I'm looking for a crew,' spoke Heero as he looked around, the old man then looked at the devils rose and gasped 'Young lad...it's...she's....' 'What is it?' questioned Heero with a frown Lad do you have any I dea what that ship is?' spoke the old man in dismay 'No but i don't have time to talk,' said Heero and he walked off, 'Look after her, I'll be back,' Heero called back to the old man, who looked up at the ship 'So you still live...' he smiled at the ship Heero entered a pub along the water front where he always went with his father, everyone began asking him questions on what happened but he took no notice, he ordered himself a jug of ale and drank it down, the bartender he knew very well smiled at him 'Well lad, how you been?' asked the bartender 'Good,' replied Heero looking around, 'I'm here for supplies and a crew,' 'So she is yours,' smiled the bartender 'What is?' questioned heero, he forgotten how quickly news travelled around here 'The Devils Rose...many pirates are after her you know, they've been searching for her for many years,' smiled the bartender 'Why?' asked Heero as he skulled back the rest of his ale 'That ship holds many secrets...many secrets...to riches beyond your wildest dreams, adventures of the unknown...yes she holds them all, beautiful but deadly to those who don't own her...the thing also is that she choose's her captains and after all these years...she chose you...she's a loyal ship she is,' said the bartender with a smile, 'I'd be very careful...like i said many pirates are after her..not because of how strong and fast she is but because of the wealth she knows of,' 'You speak as if the devils rose is alive..' frowned Heero 'If only you knew lad...if only you knew,' 'Yeah well, i'm after revenge and adventure but right now I need supplies and a crew,' said heero as he stood up and left the bar....[/SIZE][/COLOR] Ok now thats set, everyone needs to meet Heero while he's gathering supplies.... [COLOR=DarkRed]SIGN-UPS are still open!!![/COLOR]
Heero looked at her, 'How?...how do i make them stop...the're killing me inside...they're eating me alive,' whispered Heero as he looked down at his hands as they shook violently Kelsey put her hands gently on his, 'We'll do it together, we will end this madness and move on,' Heero looked at her, she could see the deep torment in his blue eyes...it was as if all hope was gone for him 'I know this is going to sound rude but lets get back to Mr Nagato's office before something else happens,' smiled Hakaruu Heero sat by the window with his jacket wrapped tightly around him, Kelsey some how felt relieved by what she had done to those who had hurt her even though she was still sore, she sat in a chair infront of Heero and looked at him, he was distant and tired, they were all tired
Heero ran as hard as he could...he didn't know where to run everywhere he looked he saw his mother...then Kelsey...screaming...he suddenly dropped to his knees and clutched handfuls of grass 'Heero!,' called Hakaruu as he stopped behind him 'Keep away from me,' he growled as he stood up, Kelsey and Cat ran up beside 'Heero she loves you and your just going to push her away like that!' exclaimed hakaruu, 'Your going to let them tear you both apart!,' 'What would you know!,' roared Heero as he looked up at Hakaruu, 'You don't know me!!!,' Hakaruu sighed, 'Of course i don't know you because you wont let me know you,' 'Why would you want to...' questioned heero 'Because i do,' smiled Hakaruu At that moment Kelsey walked up beside Hakaruu, 'Leave us' Kelsey had to try again, Hakaruu nodded and walked back over to Cat who stood watching under a tree 'Heero,' she whispered as she sat down infront of him at arms length, 'I love you..doesn't that mean anything to you?' 'How could you after i did that...I tried to control it but...what if they do it to me again....my minds so confused...it hurts...' whispered Heero, 'I don't know who I am...I don't know if i can control myself again, I don't want to hurt you again,' 'Heero you're hurting me now!,' cried Kelsey as she tried to touch his hand but he pulled away, at that moment she lunged at him and grabbed his head and pressed her lips against his, memories of what happened to her flowed back into her head but she wasn't going to let those get in the way, 'I need you,' she whispered
OOC: WELL....ok 'LET ME GO!' roared Heero as anger and fustration built up inside of him, 'MOTHERRR!' Heero suddenly pushed Kelsey off and she fell backwards, Heero rolled over and looked at her, his body trembling The drugs had worn off but it left him confused and distant, Kelsey tried to crawl towards him 'Don't....please don't....'whispered Heero as he put his hand out as he saw the cut along her neck 'But Heero...' she whispered tears in her eyes as she saw the fear in his 'Don't come near me...' he whispered, the memories flashing before his eyes, tears rolled down his cheeks 'But Heero please...' she sobbed as she tried to move towards him 'NO!!...I don't want to hurt you...I can't...please...don't,' he shievered as if withdrawn
Heero saw something pass by the window, frowning he left the others to congure up a plan while he slipped out the door, He made his way quickly back to the nurses office 'Where is she!!!,' he demanded to know as he turned the room upside down 'She's gone...I gave her my dagger,' replied the guard Kelsey heard two figures moving towards her, they were whispering something about Heero 'We have to get rid of the girl for him to come back to us, the master wants him back and the only way to do it is to make him suffer and then brainwash him,' spoke one of the shadowed figures 'And the others?' questioned another 'Well we'll have more fun with his girlfriend first before we kill her and the others will have to be brainwashed quickly,' said the first shadow 'Man that was good with her wasn't it...she was tasty,' laughed another At that moment Kelsey lunged at them, 'You freaks!!!,' The boys scattered, 'Well look who it is,' 'It's the girl...come back for more fun?' laughed the boys as they lunged at her, with a deep hatered that flowed through her veins Kelsey stood her ground and fought them, blood was shed and crys echoed as Kelsey cut them down one by one Heero ran out of the office and looked around the fields, he could hear distant crys coming from the far end of the field, his heart raced as he drew his sword and ran towards the noise He found Kelsey cutting down the last boy, blood was all over her as he walked towards her 'I had to...I had to...' she whispered as he walked towards her and caught her as she dropped to the ground 'Kelsey...I understand,' whispered Heero as He smiled at her and she looked up at him, at that moment there came a sharp pain in his arm, Heero yelled in argony as he pushed away from Kelsey, she looked around to find one of the boys looking up at her 'Now he'll belong to us...' he laughed, Kelsey raised the dagger high and stabbed it into the throst of the boy who coughed and went limp, she quickly moved towards Heero who pulled a seringe from his arm 'Heero...' she whispered as she watched him squirm around on the grass holding his head
The boys looked at her 'Quick,' said Releena, 'there isn't much time!,' The boys took off out of the room and ran into Wu fei's room 'So how do we get back in?' questioned Wu fei 'You must all go back in at the same time,' said releena Heero looked around the room, 'She's close...I can feel her,' 'Right you are!,' laughed dark Releena as she phased through the wall with Dark Heero beside her 'Oh hell no!!!,' growled Duo 'Lets us go!!,' roared Trowa 'No...you will stay here with me!...I will not be left alone...and anyway...if you do succeed there will only be four of you that will!,' she screamed 'No we will all leave here, along with all the others that you have trapped here,' said Duo confidently At that moment Heero gasped as he dropped to the floor 'Times running out...as you can see,' she smiled looking at Heero as he looked up at her 'No!,' exclaimed Duo, 'Heero fight it!,' dark Releena laughed as they all looked at each other
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
Heero Darkangel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
A soft warm breath of air rushed out from the cave as Heero walked passed, there was a low growl and then heavy foot steps as Cyrus Sin walked out of the cave, he stretched out his huge wings and shook the tiredness away 'Where are you going?' spoke Cyrus Sin in his deep toned voice as he bent his head down to get a closer look at Heero 'I'm going to have a wash,' replied Heero as he carried on to the river that ran along side his home. Heero undressed himself and jumped in as Cyrus walked over to the river and laid down After having a wash he got out, dried himself and put some clean clothes on 'So what are we going to do today?' questioned Cyrus as Heero lent against his leg 'Well shall we go for a look around?' replied Heero 'Yeah i could do with a stretch,' smiled Cyrus as he lay his head down on the ground, Heero stood on Cyrus's leg and pulled himself up with ease onto the beasts neck then slid down to the where he sat just before the wings, he never had a saddle so all he used to hold on to was a loose rope tied strongly around Cyrus's neck. With one flap of Cyrus's wings they took off into the sky. Heero loved the wind as it rushed passed his face. Looking down at the castle courtyard they noticed that there was alot of comotion, he could see the king pacing backwards and forwards infront of what looked to be an army Suddenly there was aloud shriek from behind them 'Hey get out of the way!' called an unfamiliar voice Heero looked over his shoulder to see a lady and her Dragon flying towards them 'Cyrus move!,' exclaimed Heero but the dragon flew passed them which such speed that it's wing came down hard on the wing of Cyrus knocking Heero off Cyrus's back 'CYRUS!!,' called out Heero as he fell from the sky 'HEERO!,' roared Cyrus as he spun out of control through the air Heero landed in a wagon full of hay and the fall broke the wagon Everyone standing in the courtyard turned to look at him, Heero quickly stood up with his sword drawn 'What are you doing here you peasant!,' exclaimed one of the guards as they drew their weapons at that moment Heero lunged at the guards and they fought for a while...suddenly the sky grew dark and thundered shook the ground as lightning rolled across the sky 'What's going on!,' exclaimed the king as he walked towards them..Heero's face went red 'HEERO!!!!,' Cyrus's voice thundered above them 'CYRUS!!!,' called Heero at that moment Cyrus landed behind Heero, his huge form casted a shadow over everyone, his eyes filled with lightning and sent chills down their spines as they quickly ran backwards. 'What's the meaning of this intrusion?' questioned the King 'We are not intruding...one of your dragon riders knocked me off...i'm not intruding,' spoke Heero as he still held his sword out 'Where are you from?' asked the King, 'and where's the saddle to your beast?' 'I live in the westside forest on the out skirts of Celebrynn, and i ride with no saddle,' replied Heero as he quickly got back on Cyrus who snarled at the guards as they took off 'Wait!,' called the king as the sky cleared but they didn't listen as they disappeared into the sky 'Your Majesty, would you like us to hunt them down?' questioned a Guard 'No...I want you to find him and give him a request form to fight with us, he's an excellent fighter and his Dragon is strong...His dragon is the element of thunder and lightning...we need him to fight with us, we could use the help,' said the King Cyrus landed outside the cave 'Now that was lucky,' said Heero, 'Talk about Free fall,' At that moment the Kings guards rode in on horses 'What the hell are you doing here?' questioned heero drawing his sword 'We have come with a message from the king,' spoke a guard as he dismounted his horse and slowly walked towards Heero holding the scroll out, Cyrus snarled but Heero calmed him. The guard carefully handed him the message and then took off, Heero watched them ride off then looked at the scroll, he unrolled it and read it 'Well looks as though the Kings requesting help from us, it says he wants us to return, apparently there's going to be another war,' said Heero, 'What do you think?' 'Well at least we're invited,' said Cyrus 'Yeah...couldn't hurt to go see whats going on,' said Heero, 'Well lets go,' -
Heero stood up and took another look around, He then used the secret satilite connection he had to find any sign of any other disturbances and found a high beacon coming from Arizona. He then packed up everything and boarded Hellscry and he fired up the thrusters and took off across the field. It didn't take him long to reach the beacon point, he flew over the top of a hanger situated in a desert, he flew around in circles before landing Hellscry a few meters away, walking out onto the cockpit doors when it opened, He studied the area closely at that moment a familiar voice called out to him from below, Looking down he saw Wu fei 'So stranger you made,' called Wu fei Heero flipped down to the ground and landed next to Wu fei, both of them drew their guns and looked at each other, Wu fei gave a slight smile and put his away 'Just seeing if you remembered,' said Wu fei, Heero frowned 'Since when did you start caring,' said Heero as he slowly put his gun away 'I see you still not the trusting type aye, thought that all your travelling would of mellowed you out,' said Wu fei raising an eye brow Heero didn't say anything as he looked around 'So i take it this is where everyones to meet,' said Heero sternly Wu fei looked at him, he hadn't changed one bit, although it looked as though his eyes grew colder than last time 'So hows Releena?' questioned Wu fei Heero just frowned at him, 'Don't know, don't care,' Disappointed by Heeros short reply Wu fei frowned and looked at the hunger, 'Well put your suit away before it gets spotted the others are inside,' Heero said nothing as he boarded Hellscry and flew him into the hanger 'So Yuy...you haven't changed... and i don't think you ever will...I don't know how you can go on...living a life of loneliness,' whispered Wu fei as he watched Heero's suit disappear inside the hanger
OOC: Hey thats ok Heero sat on a desk and ran his finger up and down the blade of his Katana 'I know that this is hard for all of you to take in at this moment,' said Mr Nagato as he walked over to Heero 'Hard to take in....'growled Heero as he looked coldly at Mr Nagato, suddenly the Heero lunged at him with his sword but was stopped by Hakaruu and Mr Alastine, Mr Nagato stepped back as he saw the fury on Heero's face 'Those so called gangs distroyed our Families and our lives!!!,' roared Heero as he tried to pull free 'Don't you think i know that!,' said Mr Nagato in dismay, 'But if you want to get them back you must calm down,' 'Calm Down!,' hissed Heero as he broke free from Hakaruu and Mr Alastines grip and rushed forward grabbing Mr Nagato around the throat and pushed him against the wall with his Katana pressed against his neck cutting him, Blood ran down Mr Nagatos neck and across Heero's hand 'The only thing that would calm me down is killing you!,' snarled Heero as the others ran towards them 'Heero stop it please!,' cried out Cat as Hakaruu and Mr Alastine tried to pry Heero off Mr Nagato Heero looked at cat who stood there looking at them 'Heero please, he's our only chance of stopping this maddness, he knows everything there is on this gang and without him we'd proberly get no where, remember what you said to me on the field, so we need all the help we can get,' said Cat with a faint but distant smile, 'even if it means letting him live,' 'I know what they did to your mother was wrong Heero and believe me if i could go back and stop what happened i would of, I too see that moment happen all the time, every time i close my eyes i see it, I see your face...I'm sorry for what happened...i'm so sorry, I tried to stop them but i wasn't strong enough...please forgive me,' spoke Mr Nagato with tears rolling down his cheeks Heero dropped to the floor and backed away, his hands were shaking and his head felt light as the memories poured into his head...the pain...he lent against the desk while he sat on the floor 'Do you realise how many sleepless nights i've had...I hear her screaming, crying begging them to stop as they each took their turns over and over again...I remember her eyes so scared and lost when she looked at me...she held her hand out...as if calling for me...her eyes that were once looked with a loving warm feeling was gone...it was as if it were her shell that lay there calling to me...begging me to help her...then suddenly...she was gone, stripped from my life as well as my father whos body lay on the ground....I tried...I tried...but i couldn't...' whispered Heero as everyone watched his face cringe at what he was saying, 'They took everything from me...from us and tore our lives apart and left us with nothing but pieces, fragments fo a like we all once had...shattered by their dreams,' Mr Nagato crawled over to Heero who now sat slumped over looking down at his sword 'Heero, I'm sorry for what had happened,' spoke Mr Nagato as he wiped away falling tears then looked up at everyone who's eyes were filled with sadness after hearing the truth about themselves and about Heero, 'I'm sorry for everyones loss...there is no way i could ever ask for forgiveness after what has happened to you all because no amount of forgiveness will ever amount to what has happened but I will fight with you all against these mongrels...I bet my life on it that they will pay dearly,' Heero looked up at the sincere man, 'You make one wrong move against us and i will kill you,' 'I believe that you will,' said Mr Nagato as he stood up and put his hand out to help Heero off the ground Heero looked at his hand for a moment then Heero took his hand and pulled himself up, they looked at each other for a moment and they both gave each other a slight smile 'So now we need a plan, we're going to have to act like nothing is going on,' said Mr Nagato, 'because if they find out then we'll all be dead, we're all going to have to pull our weight around on this one because it's going to be a matter of life and death' They all looked at each other and agreed and sat down around Mr Nagatos desk
Hey...I've just drawn these in the last couple of days, I had to use a digital camera and i had to brighten them a bit so they can be seen alot better I'd like to hear your opinions on them if anyone has any good or bad...I don't mind The horse picture was off a game called Link or something like that, I drew it quickly on a piece of paper while I was standing in the shop reading a playstation mag, and brought it home to draw it better...I don't know if thats its original colour but oh well My picture of Raziel from Soul Reaver, it was done quickly And the two girls they're just made up characters...well hope people like them...I'm going to be colouring in the drawings when i get enough time to do so BTW the skull's my favourite. It's a made up drawing. I'm going to be adding more to it soon (as in drawing wise) so you can see the whole picture...it's actually unfinished but once it is I'll put it on here. Well there you go...I don't know what esle to say but hope you all enjoy
The five boys were out of that room in a flash, while Releena battled her darker side 'Now this is beyound a joke!!,' exclaimed Duo as he looked at Heero 'Just run,' said Heero as they looked over their shoulders and saw their darker halfs running after them, 'Man I look good,' smiled Duo 'Maxwell! only you would say something like that at a time like this!,' growled Wu fei They turned and ran up stairs 'Hey this is where our rooms are!' said Quatre They stopped and looked around 'Hey we left Releena behind,' said Quatre 'Yeah well its her spirit thats behind all of this,' said Trowa 'So does anyone have any idea what her weakness is?' questioned Duo, They all looked at each other with blank faces 'Oh DAMMIT!,' roared Duo as he punched the wall, at that moment Heero gasped as he dropped to the floor 'Oh shit sorry man...I forgot,' said Duo as he knelt down beside Heero, Heero looked up at him with a frown as Duo helped him off the ground At that moment an eerie song echoed softly throughout the hall way which made the hairs on the backs of their necks stand on end, it sounded like a violin playing 'What's that?' whispered Quatre 'Lets go take a look,' said Heero as he walked off in the direction where the music was coming, the others followed. They stopped out side a door where the music had changed into something more up beat than what was playing before Duo pressed his ear to the door and suddenly he went straight threw, he grabbed Heeros arm on the way through and ended out pulling him in aswell, 'Hey whats going on!' exclaimed Wufei suddenly Duo's hand came back through the door and grabbed Wu fei by the hair and pulled him in while Heero grabbed Trowa and Quatre. 'Oh hell..' whispered Trowa after Heero pulled them through, they were standing in a delapidated room...it had no windows, curtains were ripped and torn, cob webs hung thickly from ceilings and layers of dust covered white clothes that covered furniture 'What happened to everything??' whispered Trowa 'My guess...Not everythings as it seems in this place,' said Duo 'Well i think we've figured that out!,' snapped Wu fei Heero walked over to the wall and put his head throught to the other side Duo gasped, 'Heero!,' Heero pulled his head back through and looked at Duo with a frown 'Man don't do that...thats totally freaky!,' said Duo as he looked at Heero with a smile, 'I must try it!,' Wu fei grabbed Duos hair and pulled him back, 'Stop fooling around!,' 'Wu fei's right, we have to figure out a way out of here...if we don't she's won and we'll be stuck here for good,' said Trowa 'Oh i want to party!!...I never got a chance to party,' exclaimed Duo as he raised his hands up in the air 'We'll celebrate when we get out of here,' said Trowa Heero then looked around, he walked over to the door and opened it, when he did that the door opened out in to the beautiful hallway that they were standing in before phasing through the door 'Woe now thats really freaky,' said Duo 'It looks as though...if we phase through the walls then we end out in the hotel the way it should be but when we use the doors by hand then we end out in the hotel that it use to be,' said Heero 'And do you realise that...there's no music,' said Quatre he then walked out into the hallway and suddenly he could hear the music, 'but now i do,' 'Hey maybe...it's two dimensions we're looking at here,' said Wu fei, 'I mean all spirits are in the hotel that it used to be, and there doesn't seem to be anyone in the hotel that it should be so maybe we could use it to our advantage,' 'I'm just going to try something,' said Duo as he walked over to the walls in the old delapidated room and punched them, Heero gasped again, he ran over to Duo and hooked him, Duo flew backwards but ened out phasing through the wall 'OUCH!!!,' exclaimed Duo from the other room, there was a long silence and then Duo broke the silence, 'AAARRRGGGHHHH,' The others phased through the wall to find skeletons laying everywhere and Duo laying in the middle of them with a red cheek 'What the hell happened here?' questioned Quatre 'Oh god...' whispered Trowa as he walked to the bed, 'I think this is releena???' Everyone walked over to the bed where Trowa stood after Heero helped Duo out of the mess 'Can't really tell but it has the same dress on as her and the hair is the same, but can't tell from the decayed body,' said Wu fei 'I think it is,' said Heero as he looked around, 'Something big went on in this hotel...something that killed everyone and by the looks of the skeletons it happened a long long time ago...long before releena got here any way,' 'What makes you say that?' questioned Duo 'Look at the skeletons...they have no skin left on their bodies and when you look at Releenas body it's still got skin on it...well if you can call it skin...which indicates that this has been going on for a very long time,' explained Heero They all looked at each other 'Our bodies...in our rooms...do you think?' questioned Quatre with a look of dismay as they all looked at each other
Sign Up Dragon Riders of Celebrynn (M - Blood and violence)
Heero Darkangel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
I'll edit my post properly as soon as i get back -
Heero pushed the airies to it's limit trying to get to the red spot on his screen, he could feel the rush that he once felt along time ago...he had just about forgotten that feeling...a faint smile appeared on his face as he felt somewhat relieved...relieved that he doesn't have to act like something that he wasn't...he was a soldier...a soldier of war and thats where he knew he belonged Coming up on the hot spots, he stopped on a hill where he landed his Hellscry 'Well looks like i'm too late...,' he spoke but then something appeared on his screen, it was flying towards him at a high speed...no..it wasn't one...it was six of them...mobile suits, He fired up Hellscry's lazer sword and flew towards them, they began shooting as he dodged most of their shots, he ripped through the first mobile suit and carried on to the next without any mercy what so ever He was back again...and it felt good 'Who are you!,' came a voice over his intercom, Heero pressed the activation button and a face appeared on the right hand corner of his screen, 'No...' the voice whispered Heero looked at the screen and laughed psyhcotically but said nothing 'You bastard!...where'd you come from!,' Heero said nothing as he flew at the mobile suit that had contacted him, there was a blood curtling scream as the face disappeared from Heeros screen. After the battled ended Heero climbed out of Hellscry and stood on the cockpit door over looking the danger zone, mobile suits lay in pieces around him, He then wondered if his other comrades from passed wars were also doing the same, he then pulled out his laptop and hooked it up to Hellscry's data base, he sat down and started modifing the data and checking what was damaged. He then wondered if he would see any of the others...
Sign Up Dragon Riders of Celebrynn (M - Blood and violence)
Heero Darkangel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
* Cool Dragons!! Name: Heero (Last name unknown) Age: 23 Sex: Male Appearance: See Attachment Short History: Heero lives in a small hut deep in a forest just infront of a huge cave on the out skirts of the Kingdom of Celebrynn,a man called Drewell took him in when he was a baby, the man taught him everything about surviving alone and how to use a sword but when Heero was very young the man was killed in the hundred year war and he was left alone to look after himself, He became very quiet, serious, untrusting, cold hearted and lonely young boy, at the age of 12 he found an egg which had fallen off a wagon passing through the forest, the men tried to reclaim the egg but Heero nearly killed them because to him he thought it was food until it hatched and a dragon was born...a dragon whos been by his side ever since, the only thing he's ever loved and his only friend and companion even though the loneliness had gone the seriousness, cold heart and untrusting soul stayed which kept him from getting close to anyone other than the Dragon...The Dragon is very over protective of him and goes with him everywhere, they have never been apart once...their bond is strong, strong to the point where they know when there was something wrong with the other or when something had happened... Weapon: A one and a half meter long sword, blade is tarnished blue and the handle is in a form of a dragons head, left to him by Drewell *Dragon* Name: Cyrus Sin (Cyrus for short sometimes Heero will use his whole name) Sex: Male Appearance: See Attachment ( Cyrus Sin does have wings but you can't see them properly) Element: Thunder/Lightning -
Ok I'm going to start this story now...Sign-Ups are still opened if anyones interested
Hey this is the first time I've watched the olympics and man i've never seen so much determination in one hour!!...Its Great. I'm actually watching it now...which is the the mens coxless pair...it's rowing and i like it...I can't wait for the track and field sports and the cycling and well I just can't wait to see the rest I'm proberly way behind in the olympics...but i miss alot because i forget what time it all starts
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy]Ok...I don't know if i'm doing this right because i've already posted the sign-up for this in the Adventure inn but i just wanted to explain a little more on What the Pirates of The Devils Rose is about....[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#000080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=green]Ok...it's about an 18 year old boy called Heero De'vellan, he lived on a ship called Ladies Mile ever since he was a baby, which was owned by His Father Hal De'vellan, His father was a good captain to his crew and his crew respected him immensely but one night when they dropped anchor to rest before they carried on their way, Two unknown pirate ships stormed their ship, raided it and killed everyone then set the Ladies Mile a light and sunk it, Heero had stolen away on raft but before he left his father gave him a medallion which his father never took off not once, this medallion was giving to his father by his mother who died when Heero was born. Anyway after getting away on a raft he ened out on a small Island, he tried to find it on the map he took but it wasn't on there, when searching the island he finds a huge ship called the Devils Rose...he had heard the name before but he couldn't remember where and what it was. After two months of repairing the vessel he set sail to find a worthy crew to adventure with and to avenge the death of his father....[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#008000][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Now this story isn't based on Pirates of the Carribean it's actually kind of based on a man which my Father told me about... called Sir Francis Drake....he was a brilliant Captain very clever and cunning and apparently he was the Queens right hand man, she was suppose to behead him but instead of killing him she made him her right hand man. His crew respected him greatly and stood beside him through everything....[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy]I've changed alot of the story because i don't really know much about Sir Francis Drake but i liked the stories that my father told me, it seemed like a good story to turn into a pirate theme... it mentions nothing in my story about Sir Francis Drake and The Golden Hind but there is going to plundering of ships, treasure hunting, running riot and fighting either because of bordom or because there has to be and also revenge...so it's kind of got a small amount of Sir Francis Drake in it I guess. So this is why i created this story...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkorange]So hopefully it will be a good adventure, BTW my sign-up for story is Called The Pirates of the Devils Rose not Devis Rose...I missed out the L in Devil by accident if anyone wants to join[/color][/size][/font]
OOC: Ok i'm proberly really pressing my luck here...But Devil strike me now because i'm going to post and Crucifix...I know what i said...but i can't keep away from a good story....sorry about the mess and if you want me to scrub my post then i will ...it's understandable. IC: Standing on a hill over looking a field which he had fought in two years ago he could still hear the massive explosions of suits being destoyed, the gun powder still lingered in the air and screams from enemies as they fell...he missed it...because it was all he really knew and now after intercepting a distress call from an unknown source he will beable to satisfy his hunger once again...he would beable to be who he really is...the perfect soldier. Heero looked up at the airies doll he found while travelling around the world 'Well Hellscry...you may not be Wingzero but your strong and fast enough and you'll have to do for now,' he spoke in a deep even tone He quickly boarded Hellscry, Heero stitched on the main computer which lit up the dark cockpit, using a secret satilite connection he found where the comotion was 'Mission....Acknowledged....' whispered Heero with a faint smile, he had never spoken those words for two years and for some reason it fullfilled his aching heart as Hellscry took off across the field OOC: Ok i don't know if this is good enough but i only done a quick one just in case....
Hey my father use to talk alot about the visionaries, He liked it alot...is that the cartoon where they can transform into animals which are displayed on their staffs? well something like that.... Well I never had toys when i was growing up...due to some people in my life didn't agree to things like that but now that i'm living with my parents they brought me a wingzero model kit not so long ago and it's was my first toy, I have it displayed in a glass case on my shelf in my room, I never play with it...I don't want to break it...but yeah...thats my one and only toy and I treasure it to the max! I've seen alot of other toys around but I don't buy them although I like the transformer toys but first...I want to collect the rest of the gundam wing model kits...knowing my luck they proberly seem ancient to others and they proberly don't sell all the model kits...but hey I'm new to the world of cartoons, toys and what ever else there is...so give me a break...LOL My first toy (well only toy) actually inspired me to.... buy the rest..LOL...May sound stupid to others but I like them...I now want to collect robotic toys!!! and Gundam wing sounds like a good place to start.
Heero could hear what was going on inside at that moment Cat ran out side and began running, Heero took off after her and caught her halfway across the field 'Let me go!,' she exclaimed 'Keep your damn voice down!,' growled heero as him and cat slid across the grass, 'If those idiots hear you we'll all be done for,' Cat stopped struggling as she looked up at Heero who was getting off the ground, he put out his hand and helped her up 'He wasn't even my brother,' she cried, 'My whole life has been a lie,' Heero then rested his hands upon her shoulders, 'Cat listen to me, we can't let them get away with this, don't get me wrong...I too feel as though my whole world has been crashed...but at least now we know the truth even though it hurts...we can't go back and we can't run, we will bring them down...and even if i die trying I'll make sure i bring them down with me...those bastards wont get away with what they did to us, my mother and what they did to Kelsey,' Cat looked at him and saw the truth in his eyes even though it was pure hatered, she wiped away the tears 'Then I will fight with you Heero, I want my Revenge,' she hissed clenching her fists in rage
Cat walked over to Heero who stared out the window 'What do you think will happen?' she questioned, Heero looked at her 'I don't know but we will get some answers out of him,' spoke Heero in a low tone At that moment the door opened and Mr Nagato walked into the room, he gasped when he saw Heero run towards him and push him against the wall with the sword held at his throat, Hakaruu quickly closed the door 'What's the meaning of this?,' exclaimed Mr Nagato 'This!,' growled Heero as he held the folder infront of Mr Nagatos face, 'How'd you get that!' Mr Nagato demanded to know 'That isn't the point! what the point is who are the Black tigers?' snapped Heero, Mr Alastine then pulled heero off him As Mr nagato coughed and then straightened himself up 'I see you still can't remember Heero,' spoke Mr Nagato as he walked to his desk 'We already know that he's ment to be apart of the Black tigers but what we want to know is who are they and why do you have these files?' Cat snapped before anyone could say anything Mr Nagato rubbed his face and then sat down, 'Well i guess you've seen all the files so i might aswell tell you...A long time ago there were four gangs at this academy one was called the Black Tigers, one was called White Wolves, one called Red Crows and the other called Blue Dragons, they were peaceful gangs, they looked after the academy until one day the Black Tigers Master was Killed, his name was Jonus Reeves, A great man, very kind in his ways and always kept the peace between all gangs...He was loved by all but there were some who were jeleous of him, they were also in the Black Tigers, the rumours around the academy was that it was the ones who were jeleous of him who killed him but there was no evidence to prove that...but when the New Master of the Black Tigers rose thats when all hell broke loose and it proved the rumours right, apparently getting rid of Master Reeves had been in the making for many years and within those years some of Master Reeves's top grade students had built a huge organization out side the Academy which made it international, they took kids from their homes and raised them in a compound out of Kurakow Academy then sent them here to be trained more harder, but now they've made this place their main headquaters they taking kids from here but they still take kids from their homes...Like what they did to you Heero but because your parents tried to stop them they were killed,' explained Mr Nagato 'But they raped my mother!!!,' exclaimed Heero as he slammed his fists down on his desk Mr Nagato put his head down, 'I was hoping you didn't remember that,' 'What!...how do you know?' gasped Heero 'I...I was there at the time...I tried to stop them but they threatened to kill me....I saw everything...I watched on helplessly...it was the look in your eyes that made me realize that what we did was wrong...so when it came to the time when you were to come here I took the oppotunity to become your guardian, I was ment to watch you...but everytime i looked at you that was all i could see...was how they made you watch, and how you looked at me and begged me to make them stop but i couldn't...I was terrified...I turned my back on you but even though I did that i could still see your face...I could still hear you scream as you watched on...I felt disgusted in myself,' explained Mr Nagato as he looked up at Heero with tears in his eyes, 'You don't know how sorry i am...I'd give anything to turn back time and rewrite what happened,' Heero quickly drew his sword again and lunged at Mr Nagato who fell backwards on his chair, Mr Alastine and Hakaruu grabbed Heero 'You!...I will kill you!!!!,' exclaimed Heero as he tried to brake away from Mr Alastine and Hakaruu's grip, 'I will rip out your heart!!!!' Cat and Kita jumped the desk and pinned Mr Nagato to the wall 'You sick.....tell us what you are doing with the rest of the files,' Cat hissed 'Go through them and you'll see,' whispered Mr Nagato, 'I stole them from the Black Tigers HQ before they made Kurakow their HQ, they don't know that i have them...there are more, Heero was the only one to survive out of the group he was in and well...you all better read the rest before you kill me,' Cat glared at him wondering what he was talking about, 'What do you mean?' 'Just please read the other files, I found them...I wasn't there...i only knew about Heero,' said Mr Nagato as tears rolled down his face as he could still hear Heeros voice Mr Nagato then took the two girls to the another safe in the wall behind a picture and pulled out a whole heap of folders, they went through them and found all of their names even kelseys was there 'Does this mean that we're ment to be apart of the gang aswell?' questioned Kita 'I don't know...I never read all your files, some of the files they killed families because they wanted too... I just wanted to keep them a secret but when i heard that the gang had been harrassing Heero well then i knew that Heero would find out sooner or later,' replied Mr Nagato 'Why didn't you tell us?' questioned cat as she rubbed her hand over her folder as tears fell from her eyes 'How could i...like i said...I couldn't even look at Heero without seeing what had happened...There wasn't a day where i never stop thinking of that night and his face...I was still trying ti figure out how i was going to tell him,' mr Nagato answered in a soft tone Heero had stopped struggling against Mr Alastine and Hakaruu and over heard what Mr Nagato had said, His heart sank even deeper, He looked at Mr Nagato as tears swelled in his eyes and he walked out side slamming the door behind him, he lent against the wall and cried as he slid down to the round, he pressed his mothers bow against his head...everything was confusing to him...he wondered if the others were also ment to be apart of the gang... or were their families killed for the fun of it...he didn't know...all he knew was that his whole world had just shattered again and all he wanted to do was block it out but he couldn't
Alls good so far cool sign ups!... just hoping for four more pirates, but if I don't get any before the end of this week then i'll start the story and proberly make up the rest...but we'll see...I may start it sooner
Heero shrugged off the pain in his arm 'So how do we get out of this saphere?' questioned Wu fei looking around 'Just let me think for a second....' whispered Releena, 'Thats it...through Heero,' Heero frowned, 'What?' 'Yes if i remember rightly...before my body was totally consumed...I used my body to escape...but because it took alot out of me i was captured again,' explained Releena 'And how do we do that?' questioned Trowa 'Heero...you must go to sleep,' she said looking at him seriously, 'and while in slumber you must think off being inside yourself and you will be transferred from here to there and once your inside your body you can come and let us out but you must be quick before Releena realizes whats going on,' Heero looked at them, 'Mission acknowlegded,' he said as he then sat down and lent against the wall, folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes 'Damn i hope this works,' whispered Duo, at that moment Heero disappeared 'Yes!,' exclaimed Duo Heero awoke to find himself standing in the hallway, he was actual inside his body, he slowly looked around for Releena but she was gone, he then made a mad dash down the hallway running as fast as he could, at that moment Releena appeared infront of him, 'And where are you going to my love?' she questioned 'i'm going to kill the others...i want them dead,' smiled Heero, 'I want their souls to suffer,' 'Oh my love there's plenty of time for that,' as she moved towards him 'No!,' snapped Heero as he ran passed her, 'I want to do it now!,' Releena stood with a smile without any knowlegde of what was actually going on as Heero rounded the corner. He got himself to where the others were 'Heero you made it!,' exclaimed Duo 'yeah but....i can't control myself for much longer,' gasped Heero 'Well hurry up yuy and open the door!,' snapped Wu fei, The hotel then shuddered as if sending out a warning, Heero then quickly let them out 'man it's good to be out of that hole,' smiled Trowa as they floated out at that moment Heero parted from his counter part, he feel to his knees at that moment Releena apeared, her eyes were blazing red and her hair violently whipping around her 'You've betrayed me!!!,' she screamed, Heeros counter part looked at them, his eyes were also fired up and his stare was pure evil 'Screw you releena!!,' roared Duo, suddenly he was thrown back against the wall and at that moment Heero was picked up off the gound by his counter part and they began fighting 'Man now that looks too weird for me,' exclaimed Wu fei, 'I knew he fought with himself on the inside but on the out side is just not right,' 'You will all pay for this!!!,' Releena screamed as the walss trembled under her rage as dark Heero and Heero fought violently in the corner 'I will kill you!,' roared Dark Heero as he grabbed Heero around the throat and Heero did the same 'Stop it!,' growled dark releena, but they wouldn't listen
Heero looked back at Kelsey as the guards walked in 'If anything happens to her, I'll tear out your hearts and feed them to yous,' growled Heero, the guards looked at him and nodded without hesitation, he then smiled at Kelsey and she smiled back and then he closed the door, they walked passed the other guards who stood outside 'If anything happens to her, I'll tear out you guys hearts aswell and feed it to yous,' Heero growled again, they also nodded without hesitation. Wlaking along to Mr Nagatos office Heero walked on the out side of them, He felt strange walking with a group of people when he never ever did that before, he wondered if Kelsey was alright 'Hey she'll be alright,' said Hakaruu with a smile Heero didn't reply as they keep walking 'I know your angry about everything...I know i would be too but we are here to help, besides this is fun,' smiled hakaruu Again Heero didn't speak 'Well, just to let you know...I do want to be your friend Heero not your enemy,' Hakaruu said looking infront of them, 'and i hope we can be friends,' Heero looked at him sideways but didn't say anything. They arrived at Mr Nagatos Office and went inside, they all took a seat and waited, Heero sat by the window...as usual while the others sat talking amongst themselves...he then went into deep thought
Heero looked around, he folded his arms and lent against the side 'You mean to tell us that you don't know what your counter part desires!,' exclaimed Duo 'You'll have to give me time to think,' Releena replied 'Well if you haven't noticed...WE DON"T HAVE MUCH TIME!,' roared Wu Fei Releena looked at him but didn't say anything Heero put his head down and closed his eyes, 'Wu fei is right, we don't have much time, how long does it take before this place disappears?' 'I don't know....,' replied Releena 'We need to get out of here and we need to get out of here fast before it's too late,' said Duo as they all looked at each other 'And we need to find out what her desire is,' said Trowa 'Just give me a moment to think i'm sure i will remember,' said Releena 'Well can you try a little faster,' said Wu fei