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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Duo kicked open the door and on the other side was a huge red saphere hovering off the floor 'Jackpot!,' smiled Duo at that moment the dark Heero appeared infront of them 'Oh shit,' whispered Trowa 'Do you really think it was going to be this easy,' laughed heero suddenly he stopped laughing and his face turned sinister, the hotel began shaking violently as if laughing the four boys were suddenly lifted off the ground 'Hey what the...put us down,' exclaimed duo 'so Wu fei...your mind tells me that you'd kill anyone of them if ever you got the chance...' whispered heero as a gun appeared in his hands, 'What are you mad!,' growled Wufei as his hand suddenly pointed the gun at Duo 'hey what the...' exclaimed Duo as Wu fei pulled the trigger and shot Duo in the head, Duo's body flew backwards and dropped to the ground and Trowa and Quatre followed then Wufei aimed the gun at his head 'You bastard!,' exclaimed Wu fei as the trigger was pulled 'Oh my love you did well,' smiled Releena as she flew into Heeros arms, 'Oh you've made me happy...' The was shuddered with pleasure In side the saphere: 'Now where the hell are we?' questioned Duo looking around 'We're still alive?' questioned Quatre looking at his body 'No we aren't alive but we aren't dead either,' came a familiar voice They spun around to find Heero floating on his back 'You!,' exclaimed Wu fei, 'How could you make me shoot them and myself?' 'And why did you make Wu fei shoot me first!,' exclaimed Duo as he went over and punched Heero in the cheek, Heero spun around until he hit the wall, he turned around slowly and looked at them 'Hey thats only what Wu fei's been thinking so don't blame me,' snapped Heero 'Well...now what the Hell do we do!,' roared trowa At that moment the little girl appeared 'there is a way out but i can't remember where it is,' she whispered softly 'How'd you get in here?' questioned Quatre 'Lady releena put me in here...she's mad at me...and she's going to be madder,' she replied clutching her teddy bear, 'There is a way of stopping all of this, she only has one dsesire...one need,' at that moment the little girl screamed in pain 'Hey what's going on!,' exclaimed Duo 'Its Lady Releena....I've made her mad!...' cried out the girl, ' Her one desire...find out what it is and use it against her...it's the only way now...it's...' at that moment the little girl disappeared leaving the five boys speechless
  2. Heero stayed out side while Hakaruu walked into Kelseys room 'Heero???' questioned Kelsey with hope in her eyes again 'Oh he's out side,' said Hakaruu as he sat down in an empty chair 'What's he doing out there?' questioned Kelsey looking worried 'He just said that he needed time to himself,' replied Hakaruu, at that moment Cat wacked Hakaruu in the stomach 'You fool!, why'd you leave him out there by himself?' questioned Cat as she quickly stood up and ran to the door, she looked out and found that he was gone, 'Dammit,' Cat closed the door and looked at Kelsey, tears ran down her face 'He's gone,' said Cat looking angrily at Hakaruu 'How was i to know that he was going to take off,' said Hakaruu, 'all he said was that he needed sometime alone to think,' Anger had grown in Kelseys heart, she was mad at him...he had lied to her and once again left her alone, hot tears fell down her cheek. Meanwhile: Heero had gone back to his dorm room, he sat on his bed looking at the folder, he opened it and read through it, how was he going to tell Kelsey that he's ment to be apart of the gang thats terrorising her...how could he even look at her, for two hours he had stayed away just going over the folder, he then knew that he had to tell her so he took off back to the nurses office. Kelsey couldn't stop crying...she felt so confused and alone 'Where is he!,' she demanded to know suddenly the door opened and Heero walked in, relief set in her heart but she was still very mad, 'Where have you been!,' Heero didn't say anything as he closed the door and walked over to her with a serious look about him, as he got closer Kelsey lunged at him and slapped heero across the face leaving a red hand print 'How dare you do that to me!,' she cried as she started to beat her fists against him, 'How could you do that to me...how could you leave me alone...how could you take off like that and just leave me alone...why'd you leave me alone...why?'' After a few minutes Kelsey calmed down, she lent against Heero and thats when he put his arms around her, He was unphased by what had just happened and he sat down on the bed with her still in his arms 'The reason why i left was because i didn't know how to tell you,' he said in a voice so distant and unsure, Kelsey pulled her head back and looked at him, he then handed her his folder, Kelsey looked at it in confusion, she looked at him and then slowly opened it, she covered her mouth as she read what was in it 'Oh...my god,' she whispered, 'oh heero,' Heero moved off the bed and sat by the window, Kelsey looked at him, how could she have said all those things to him, how could she have done that to him, she slowly moved off the bed and slowly and steadily walked over to him 'Oh Heero I'm so sorry, i'm sorry,' whispered kelsey, 'what did think i was going to do when i saw this folder?' 'Hate me,' he whispered, 'hate me because I'm one of them,' 'No you are wrong!,' she growled, 'I could never hate you, you are not one of them!,' 'How could you not hate me...I left you alone for them....to...I can't look at you with knowing what they had done to you because I left you alone...and because i'm one of them...how could you not hate me for that!!,' exclaimed Heero as he stood up, Hakaruu signalled to the others and they left the room, Kelsey slowly stood up and walked over to Heero 'How can you not see how much i love you,' she whispered, 'I know deep down inside that you are not one of them and you never will be, oh Heero...I love you so much please see that,' She put her arms around Heeros neck and preesed her sore body against him, Heero gently put his arms around her, his body began shaking, 'Hold me heero, I want you to hold me...don't be afraid...I trust you more than anyone in this world,' she whispered in his ear 'i might hurt you,' he whispered back as tears ran down his cheek and sadness filled his eyes 'Please i need you to hold me...please...I trust you,' she said looking up at him, Heero then slowly and nervously pulled her closer and she hugged him warmingly 'I'll never be scared of you, they will not make me scared of you,' she cried,' Not you,' Heero kissed Kelsey gently then put her back on the bed and sat down as the others walked back in 'Hey everything ok?' asked hakaruu 'yeah,' smiled Kelsey unsure of Heero, as she looked at him, he was sitting beside the bed but staring into thin air, Cat looked at Kelsey then looked at Heero who sat there with an expressionless stare
  3. Heero stood waiting for Hakaruu 'Hurry up!,' called Heero impaitent as he stood with his arms crossed and tapping his foot, Hakaruu qucikly ran outside 'I'm here,' he smiled, Heero looked at him and began walking 'So...where are we going?' questioned Hakaruu 'We're going to visit Mr Nagato,' replied Heero sternly 'Why's that?' questioned Hakaruu 'You'll see,' whispered Heero They arrived at Mr Nagato's office, but before Hakaruu could knock Heero kicked open the door and ran in but there was noone there 'Hmmm, wonder where he is?' questioned Hakaruu 'Well search his office, see if theres anything in here about that gang, They searched every inch of the office 'Hey Heero theres something behind this picture,' said Hakaruu as he pulled the picture off and found a safe inbedded in the wall with a padlock on it, Heero then put his sword in it and snapped it off and opened it, inside he found twenty thick folders, they pulled them out and placed them on the desk, the files were on young kids, as they were going through them Hakaruu gasped as he picked up a folder which was thicker than the others 'What is it?' questioned Heero frowning at him, Hakaruu looked at Heero and slowly handed him a folder Heero took it and nearly dropped it when he saw the name [i]Heero Yuy[/i] Carefully opening it he found out that he had been watched by a gang called Black Tigers ever since he was five and as soon as he turned nine they tried to take him but they had to kill his parents to get him, it then showed that they brainwashed him and he trained with them for Two years where he became the number one student in his class and thats when they brainwashed him again and sent him to Kurakow Trainning Academy and thats how he picked up alot more faster than the other students...Heero was unable to read the rest when he saw the pictures of his mother, his father and him, closing the folder he put the folder away inside his jacket 'Heero?...your not apart of that gang are you?' questioned Hakaruu 'Well according to these files, thats the reason why i was sent here,' replied Heero sounding fustrated Heero then looked at Hakaruu and then picked up the rest of the files, 'Come on lets get out of here,' said Heero, 'We can go through this lot and then come back tomorrow and pay a visit to Mr Nagato,' They put everything back together and then took off out the door.
  4. Heero slowly stood up, to find Hakaruu running towards him 'Woe what a mess, Hakaruu whispered as he saw the state of Heero, he looked drawn and distant, 'Heero Kelsey needs you!,' Heero looked at him with a blank expression 'Heero dammit snap out of it...Kelsey needs you,' said Hakaruu as he grabbed heeros arm and pulled him hard back to the nurses room Hakaruu walked through the door of Kelseys room, she looked at the door hopeful but was disappointed to see Hakaruu walk in 'Where is he!,' she demanded to know 'I'm right here,' Heeros voice came deep and untoned as he walked through the door and stood there with a distant stare, Hakaruu looked at the others and nodded, and they left Kelsey and Heero alone She noticed that Heero wouldn't look at her, he walked over to the window, she saw the blood stained clothes 'Heero please...I need you,' she whispered, 'why'd you leave?' 'I needed to....I had to pay them back...they're dead now,' whispered Heero 'Oh Heero....look at me please!,' she demanded, turning his head around he looked at her sideways, tears rolled down her face, 'Heero...' She could see that he was disappointed in himself, she slowly lifted her hand slowly, even though after what had happened, she needed Heero Heero looked at her hand and slowly he walked towards her, he lifted his hand slowly, their hands trembling before they touched, as soon as Kelsey felt his hand she pulled him towards her and buried her face in his chest 'They hurt me!,' she cried out, 'They hurt me...I tried to scream out your name, but they covered my mouth...I tried to call out for you...i tried,' Heero wrapped his arms around her, she cried even more 'I've failed you as i did my mother and i'm sorry...i'm so sorry i didn't hear you...i should of been there...I shouldn't of left you alone,' Heero whispered as tears fell from his eyes, Kelsey looked up at him, his eyes were tormented and filled with a deep pain 'Oh Heero...you haven't failed me, you could never fail me....those bastards it was their fault not yours, you weren't to know,' she whispered 'I'm sorry...i'm sorry,' was all heero could say as he looked into her eyes and saw the pain, they took away her innocence that he loved so much, the happiness that he always saw was gone and that pained him even more
  5. Heero walked but something didn't feel right, looking back over his shoulder he noticed that he couldn't see Kelsey anywhere, worry set in...it was the same fear he had when his mother went missing on the day he watched his parents get killed, quickly he ran back to where he left her, looking around he heard a distant laugh, his heart sank as he ran through the bushes as fast as he could, he came out to a clearing were he found Kelsey laying on a rock tied up, her clothes were torn to the point where she was just about naked, blood trickled down the side of her mouth and she was bruised badly around the legs and torso area, blood was everywhere He slowly walked towards her in shock, he knew what had happened, he had seen it happen once with his mother, Kelsey...the blood..the bruises, she lay exactly the same way as his mother, 'Oh Kelsey....,' he whispered as tears rolled down his face, the pain was far more worser, 'I'm....I'm....sorry,' He reached out his hand to touch her but he couldn't he trembled badly, he took off his long coat and wrapped it around her, he picked her up and held her lifeless body tightly....He had failed her, like he did his mother. He carried her to the nurses office, everyone watched in horror, at that moment Hakaruu run up to him 'What...What happened!,' Hakaruu exclaimed as he looked at Heeros, his eyes were red from the tears that rolled down his face, Heero then gently handed Kelsey over to Hakaruu, 'Heero?' 'I failed her,' whispered Heero, 'I failed,' Heero slowly followed Hakaruu into the office where the nurses immediately attended to her, 'Now tell me what happened Heero?' Hakaruu demanded to know, Heero pushed passed Hakaruu, suddenly Cat, Kita and Mr Alastine bolted in through the door, Hakaruu hashed them before they could say anything, Heero bent over the bed and looked down at her, 'I'm sorry....don't leave me now...you can't leave...,' The others watched on as tears rolled down Heeros cheeks, they watched Heero kiss her gently on the mouth 'I'm sorry...I failed you,' he whispered as a tear fell on to Kelseys fore head, 'I...love you,' They stood in shock to hear Heero say those words Heero stood straight up and wiped the tears away, He turned around with an expressionless face and walked passed the others, the nurse handed him his jacket and he grabbed his weapons 'Heero what are you doing?' questioned Hakaruu Heero didn't answer, as he grabbed the door handle 'Heero if your going after who ever did this...i'm coming too,' said Hakaruu 'NO!,' snapped Heero, 'This is my fight, stay here...maybe you'll do a better job at protecting her than what i would...I was the one who failed her not you...so I will go alone...you follow me and i'll kill you too,' With those words Heero slammed the door behind him and took off, all that he could see was Kelseys lifeless body, He ran back to where he had found her and stopped and listened, he could hear a distant laughing , following that laugh he came to a clearing where seven boys lay relaxing 'Damn Heeros girl was good no wonder he likes her,' laughed one of the boys...Heeros heart grew even more angry, he knew what they ment but he had never gone there, he respected Kelseys wishes where as they never, he drew his swords and ran towards them 'Oh shit it's Heero!,' exclaimed one of the boys as they all jumped up, Heeros rage was even more vicious and he showed no mercy to wards them, an arrow pierced his arm but he didn't feel it, the anger was too strong, the fight lasted a half hour and he slaughted the whole seven of them...dropping to his knees...he clenched a fist full of dirt and leaves, his breathing was heavy...but the pain of failing her was still there and he curled up into a ball and lay in the dirt crying as the memories of his parents flowed back into his head....
  6. Heero lent against the wall, softly laughing 'Releena why do you insist on keeping us here! why!,' growled Duo Releena laughed, 'You haven't figured it out...i need souls to keep this place from destoying it self, i need five more to complete its cycle, you see my lost boys...every one hundred years we come back to collect a thousand souls, I already have Heeros,' 'But..he's still alive?' questioned Duo as he looked at him 'That maybe so but his soul has been extracted and thats only his shell, and once we have your souls then the cycle will be completed,' she laughed hauntingly 'Well you wont be taking ours and you can't have them!,' roared Trowa as he pulled Quatre off the ground and they ran passed Releena who laughed Heero was just about to run after them when she stopped him...'Lets have fun with them first my love....lets give them a small taste of hell and make there worst nightmares come true,' Heero smiled evilly as his eyes glowed, 'I like the sound of that,' he whispered as he looked down at her and pulled her in closer, 'And i like the way you think,' 'I knew you would,' she whispered as he kissed her softly then laughed Meanwhile: The boys stopped to catch their breath back 'There's no way out!,' exclaimed Quatre, 'We're never going to get out,' 'Oh yes we are...We need to find the heart of this place, i'm picking thats where the souls are stored,' said Trowa 'And how are we ment to do that!,' growled Wu fei 'Well if heeros soul has been extracted then may be....' began Quatre but was cut of by Wu fei 'May be what!...we can have a raise the dead people evening and ask them for directions!,' growled Wu fei sarcastically At that moment a familiar voice ehoed behind them, they spun around to find a gostly form of Heero looking at them 'Heero!,' whispered Duo, 'Is that...' 'Yeah...it is,' Heero replied in a distant tone 'But...your' spoke Quatre in a worried tone 'this is my soul, it's taking alot of energy out of me...but i had to find yous....Trowa is right, you need to find the heart of this place and destroy it before in consumes us all,' explained Heero as he began to fade 'Heero!, how do we do that?' questioned Duo 'theres a little girl here, she has a teddy bear.....she knows,' replied Heero 'but how do we know we can trust you!,' questioned Wu fei 'You can't...it's up to you whether or not you believe me,' whispered Heero with a smile and with those last words he disappeared 'Heero!...Heero come back!,' called Duo with tears in his eyes
  7. Heero dropped the bodies hard on the ground, everyone could hear the bones crack 'Heero please,' spoke Mr Alastine not looking to impressed 'They're dead they can't feel nothing!,' he snapped as he repeated the process, Kelsey walked over to Heero and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder 'It's alright Heero,' she whispered, she knew he was angry and the look in his eyes told her that he had, had enough 'I just don't know what to do,' he whispered putting his head down 'Just dont give up,' she smiled as she brushed back his hair, he looked at her and smiled 'And she calms the beast...Nice work Kelsey,' smiled Hakaruu, Heero shot a cold gaze his way, 'Ok...sorry,' 'I'd shut your mouth before he shuts it for you,' Cat whispered in Hakaruus ear, Hakaruu swollowed hard, as Heero walked towards him and passed him coldly 'I'll tell you one thing, i'd hate to meet him in a dark ally,' said Hakaruu After cleaning up the mess, Heero stood by the window again while Mr Alastine reported what had happened, everyone sat talking about it. 'Well now that thats sorted,' said Mr Alastine as he walked back in, 'Mr Alastine?...you know Heero right?' asked Hakaruu 'Yeah why?' Mr Alastine questioned 'Well...why is he so cold hearted?,' questioned Kita, 'I mean...he's cruel and uncaring?' 'Heero isn't uncaring or cruel kita,' Kelsey spoke up 'Well sure not to you,' Kita spoke sarcastically 'Well you just have to get to know him a little better,' replied kelsey in a stern tone 'Heeros heart has been cold for a very long long time, it was hard to even get him to say hello and smile, he took his trainning very seriously and he hasn't been close with anyone until now,' said Mr Alastine, 'but i know for a fact that you can trust him but whether he'll trust you is another story,' 'I see,' said Hakaruu Kelsey looked at them then looked over at Heero, she knew he could hear what they were saying but he didn't care he just stood there gazing out the window with his arms folded across his chest as if he were somewhere else...as if noone else was there
  8. [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=blue]Ok...I don't know how well this is going to go for sign-ups but...i'll take my chances....[/color][color=darkgreen]It's called Devil's Rose not Devis Rose[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#006400][/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][color=green][size=1]This thread is rated M for Violence, alcohol, harsh language,[color=darkred] There can be sexual content but please keep low key, don't need to much details as it could ruin the story and don't go over board, remember we are Pirates not sex craved maniacs so respect others characters wishes when dealing with this kind of behaviour in other words get permission[/color][/size][/color][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy]This adventure takes place on the high seas where an 18 year old boy called Heero De'vellan and his father Captain Hal De'vellan once commanded a pirate ship of over seventy good strong men, the boys father was a couragous, strong and fair fighter and his men respected him for his strategic mind, his truth, honour and good heart towards them, the name of their vessel was called Ladies Mile, but one night they were raided by two unknown fleets, these pirates raided their cabins, stole everything and killed everyone except the boy who stole away on a small raft with ten bags of gold, his fathers pirate sword, and a gold medallion with a black pearl center with four red rubys that surrouned it plus other personal items. As he drifted away he watched the once beautiful ship with it's high masts and pirates flags go down in a blaze of glory while the two fleets took off canons firing in victory, with a heart full of a deep anger and eyes of vengence he swore on that final moment that he would avenge the sinking of Ladies Mile and the death of his father and crew.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#000080]He was washed upon a small island in the middle of no where, he checked the maps and pulled out a compass he had taken but the island wasn't on there. He searched the island and found an old daunting pirates ship called Devils Rose, the name sounded familiar to him but he fell in love with it. She was bigger than Ladies mile and more magnificent, she had three huge masts where as the Ladies Mile only had two, she also had four rows of canons on both sides which still looked to be in good condition. He circled the massive vessel and found she had a huge hole in the back. He walked in and studied the hole, the boards were abit rotten but nothing he couldn't fix. Over the two months, he spent most of his time fixing her up. He found the spare sails and put them on and repaired the old ones. Everything he need was on that ship. Once she was sea worthy he then began cleaning her up, in the captains quarters he found many treasure chests full of gold, jewels. He smiled as they reminded him of his father and how he used to split everything equally amoungst the crew. After cleaning the whole ship up and getting rest he then set sail to find a trust worthy crew to adventure with and also to find the mongrels who slaughtered his father. He kissed his fathers Medallion to thank him for all his teachings for with out them he'd be dead now....[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=black]Ok ...Now that thats done heres the sign up I need between 5 to 8 main characters the rest will be made up, but if i can't get more than five then the story will still go on if i have 3 or more[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]My characters profile:[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Name[/color]: Heero De'vellan[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Age[/color]: 18[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Agenda[/color]: Male[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Weapons[/color]: His fathers pirate sword, over one meter long, and a dagger which is half a meter long[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Appearance[/color]: (Shown in the thumbnails at the bottom page this thread) he also has a long full length black coat and wheres black boots[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Personality[/color]: Serious, stern tone, cruel and cold-hearted...just one big mystery but he does smile...sometimes[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Posessions[/color]:His fathers sword with sheath which he wears around his waist, His fathers Medallion (which his father gave to him before he was killed) with a black pearl center with red rubys surrounding it and the Ship called Devils Rose[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Bio[/color]: Before Heeros father was killed he taught him everything he knew, Heero was always happy and always smiled until the day two unknown pirate vessels invaded his fathers ship called Ladies Mile and stole everything, killed the whole crew aswell as his father and sunk the ship Heeros heart changed to a cold and bitter one, he wanted revenge for what had happened. After he stole away on a raft and watched the Ladies Mile fall he was washed upon an unknown island where he found another ship called The Devils Rose...he had heard the name before but he couldn't remember the story on it, he fixed the beautiful ship which was twice as big as his fathers and sailed off to find a new crew...he hopes to avenge his father and find the one thing he lost....his happiness[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=seagreen]Now what i want:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Name:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Age: (17+)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Agenda:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Weapons: (2-4)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Appearance:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Personality:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Posessions:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]Bio:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkslateblue]RULES:[/color][/size][/font] *[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]No drug use,[/color] there will be alcohol and i guess smoking tabocco (if someone wants the character to smoke Tobacco)[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=darkred]*I need charachters to post regularly [/color][/size][/font][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#8b0000]and please read posts properly.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#8b0000]*No killing off team mates you may fight amoungst yourselves just don't kill each other[/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#8b0000]**The sexual content will be up to characters if they want to or not just please don't make it a habit and keep it low [/color][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=navy]Well i think thats about it....[/color][/size][/font]
  9. Heero elbowed the boy in the stomach and drew his katanas, and they both dueled each other, another lot also dropped from the ceiling and Hakaruu and cat run at them, Kelsey quickly ducked under the boys arrow while Kita smashed the boy in the head with a chair knocking him out cold, Mr Alastine ran over to help Heero who was now fighting The fight was intensed as more boys appeared out of nowhere, Mr Alastine was surrounded by four boys, Heero then drew his bow 'Mr Alastine!,' he called, the teacher turned around and ducked when heeo let the arrow fly, it just missed the top of Mr Alastines head and drove itself into one of the boys foreheads, Heero then quickly drew his Katanas again and ran towards them as one of boys were just about ready to cut him down, Heero ran up the side of the wall and launched himself off it, in the process he clipped the tips on his swords handles together and came down on the boy driving one end of the bladed stick down through the boys head, he then pulled out his bow and three arrows, turned the bow on it's side and lay the three arrows on top of it, he pulled back hard and quickly aimed at three boys who were running towards them and let them Fly, the arrows sored through the air with a whistle and enlogged themselves in their throats Heero then turned to Mr Alastine, 'You alright?' 'Ah...Well...Ah,' Mr alastine stuttered from not knowing what to say, Heero took off after three boys while Mr Alastine started fighting with two of them Hakaruu and Cat rumbled with a new pack that sprung down from the ceiling while Kelsey and Kita tore apart another pack that tried coming through the door 'Now thats what i call a rumble,' said Hakaruu as he wiped his brow and looked at cat, they watched the last remaining boys retreat Heero sat down on a desk and Kelsey walked over to him, 'Are you alright?' 'I'm fine,' he smiled 'Man those guys have got it in for you two badly!,' said Kita 'Yeah well, and i want to know what the hell is going on,' said Kelsey, Hakaruu then walked over to Heero 'Hey there, i'm Hakaruu,' he smiled, 'I know who you are,' said Heero, 'Your in my Multi-weapons class,' 'Hey so you did notice,' smiled Hakaruu 'How could i not when you were in my face most of the time,' said Heero raising an eye brow at him 'I was just trying to be friendly, you were just too quiet and very serious,' said Hakaruu, Heero looked at Kelsey and by the look in her eyes he knew what she wanted him to do Heero stretched out his hand, 'Thanks for your help,' Hakaruu took his hand without any hesitation, 'Your welcome,' he said shaking with a smile 'Don't expect that to happen all the time,' said Heero coldly as he stood up 'You know you and i could be best buds,' said Hakaruu putting his arm around Heeros shoulder, 'You and i we'd be unstoppable, we could be known as the...deadly duo...or,' 'remove your arm from my shoulder before i cut it off,' growled heero as he frowned at Hakaruu 'Oh sorry man,' smiled Hakaruu as he put his hands behind his head
  10. Heero's body began to tremble and trun cold, at that moment he cried out in pain as he was lifted off the floor and lavitated in mid-air, his eyes turned blue, black and then red, 'Thats it my love,' chimed Releena 'Nooo,' was the only words that slipped out through Heeros mouth before he went silent and closed his eyes Releena walked up to him while he was still lavitating and ran her finger down his body, 'Now we will be forever,' Heero's body turned up right and he floated to the floor, his head hung low, opening his eyes his head litfed slowly and looked at Releena through pale icy blue eyes, the once beautiful dark blue was gone 'Now that wasn't so bad now was it,' she whispered as she pressed against him Meanwhile: Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei ran down a series of corridors, they didn't know where they were going 'Stop!,' called out Duo, as everyone pulled to a halt 'What is it Maxwell?' questioned Trowa as they all got their breath back 'We don't even know what the hell we're doing!,' exclaimed Duo 'The question you should of asked is how the hell do we get out of here!,' snapped Wu fei 'Takes you to correct me in a time like this!,' Duo bit back 'Stop the bickering now,' growled Quatre, 'Right now we need to find Heero and get the hell out of here,' 'And how do you suppose we do that? Miss "He's mine, you can't take him" has put Him somewhere and we don't know where that is and to top it off, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?,' roared Wu fei 'Woe settle down nut case,' spoke Duo sarcastically 'What!,' snapped Wu fei as he turned to Duo, 'I kill you! you poor excuse for a human!,' At that moment a eerie laugh ehcoed around them 'What the hell is that?' questioned trowa, as everyone fell silent and looked around them 'Whats that?' questioned Quatre as he pointed to something glistening at the end of the hallway, slowly the advanced to tawards it, It was a long full length old mirror which showed no reflection, looking deep into they saw something moving, looked behind them but there was nothing there, 'Whats' up with this mirror?' whispered Duo at that moment Heero appeared leaning against the wall, they quickly looked around but he wasn't where they were 'Heero?' whispered Trowa Heero turned his head slightly and looked at them with eyes of red 'Oh HELL NO!,' exclaimed Duo as they stepped back Heero laughed eerily as he walked towards them, behind him stood Releena 'I knew he was weak,' snarled Wu fei Heero laughed and the floor rumbled, 'Weak....you call me weak...funny how you say that when you can't even control your own temper,' he spoke sarcastically as his eyes burned red and his stare grew vicious 'Wu fei...you should of been born with your feet backwards,' spoke Duo as they watched heeros every move 'What?...whys that?' questioned Wu fei knowing that he shouldn't of even said anything knowing that it was going to be a stupid reply 'So when you run you can kick yourself in the arse!,' exclaimed Duo as the mirror shattered when heero yelled and they took off, Glassed pierced their skin as they ran down the hall way
  11. Heero looked at her as she laid down, and he laid down beside her, she could feel him trembling as she cuddled up to him 'Don't be scared,' she whispered as she kissed him on the cheek, 'Thank you,' Heero lay on his back looking up at the ceiling as kelsey put her arm across heeros chest and rested her head on his shoulder, she could hear his heart beating rapidly, she looked up at him and smiled Heero could feel the warm coming off her body it was nice and brought a slight smile to his face, he had never laid next to anyone in a bed before, it felt strange to him but good at the same time, he felt Kelsey move closer, and she pulled the blankets up further to keep the draft out, Heero liked laying next to her and with that thought he closed his eyes
  12. Heero was startled by Kelseys scream as she lay on the bed, Heero jumped up out of the seat and ran to the bed side 'Kelsey!,' he shook her, 'Kelsey wake up!,' Kelsey's eyes fluttered open, she quickly sat up and looked around, tears streamed down her face, she looked at Heero whos eyes were red rimmed from tiredness, she lent against him 'It was ..my brother...i just had a dream about him....the day he died,' she sobbed clutching Heeros coat, Heero put his arms around her gently as she cried He didn't really know what to say, all he could do was hold her until she stopped crying Kelsey lifted her head up to look at Heero who looked confused, he wiped the tears away and smiled at her, His eyes were warm and gently and even though he didn't say anything she knew that he would be there for her and that he'd understand
  13. OOC: ok........??????????????? Heeros heart beat faster as she put her arms around his neck, They kissed as if they were old time lovers, he pulled away and looked into her eyes, they were warm and gentle, it made him smile, He had never felt like this and he wouldn't allow himself to but some how her warmth broke that barrier He then got up and made them both a hot drink 'Thank you,' smiled Kelsey as Heero handed him the cup, he then grabbed her a blanket and wraped it around her and he sat down in his chair she noticed that his hands still trembled but not as bad, she smiled, she felt safe around him, her heart throbbed as she looked at him and when they looked at each other they both went red and laughed 'Heero, do you think they'll do anything now?' she asked as she sipped her drink 'I don't know,' he replied looking out the window, 'But lucky the security guards are out side,' They finished their drinks and Heero looked at the time, 'You sleep on the bed, i'll stay up and keep a look out you just never know with those freaks,'
  14. OOC: Ok....um....um... He touched her face gently,'I won't let them take you,' 'Shhh,' she whispered 'I...dont....I dont want to lose you...I can't lose you,' he whispered, she then wraped her arms around him gently 'You wont,' she whispered softly as tears rolled down her cheek Sercurity ran towards them and Heero let her go as he carefully watched the guards they examined the area then walked over to Heero 'We need to put you two somewhere safe for the night,' said One of the Guards 'Well the only place is my dorm room,' said Heero 'Well then we'll escort you both there and we'll guard your dorm room,' said the guard Heero looked down at Kelsey and she nodded back at him in agreement. Four Guards stood outside Heeros dorm room, Heero sat at the window peering out into the darkness 'Heero you need to rest,' she said as she sat in the seat infront of him 'I'm fine,' he replied seriously not taking his eyes off the darkness outside Kelsey gently touched his hand, 'Heero please look at me,' 'I need to stay focussed,' he said bluntly, 'I won't let them take you, not now, not ever' Kelsey grabbed his face and spun it around to look at her, 'You need to rest please,' Heero touched her cheek gently and then kissed her softly on the lips, realising what he had done he pulled away quickly and looked at her in shock, his face went red and he looked down at his trembling hands
  15. That night after kelsey left Heero couldn't stop thinking of her, he grew figgety as every second went by, forcing himself out of the bed he put his clothes on and grabbed his weapons and walked out the door, it was dark so he used the shadows to hide him, He noticed four boys going towards Kelseys dorm room, slowly and stealthly he walked along behind them in the shadows making sure to look over his shoulder, He rounded the corner to find them standing at the door to Kelseys room "KNOCK" "KNOCK" 'Who is it?' called Kelsey at the door, slowly the door opened and the four boys pushed their way in 'OH GOD!,' screamed Kelsey as they pushed her to the floor, she tried to go for something but they stopped her and covered her mouth 'What's wrong...your poor little boyfriend...right now they should of finished with him,' smiled the boy who had her pinned to the ground and lay on top of her, tears fell from Kelseys eyes as she screamed suddenly the boy was ripped off her Kelsey quickly moved out of the way to find Heero holding the boy up by a handful of his hair and a sword to his throat, she looked around and found that the others were knocked out, he then threw the boy out the window and grabbed Kelseys hand and they both ran out the door and into four other boys, Heero let go of Kelseys hand and started sword fighting with one of them, Kelsey grabbed her bow and wacked it around the head of one of the boys, she grabbed an arrow and shot one in the leg and then in the arm, then the one she hit with the bow she wacked her bow across his head again. Heero was down on one knee while one of the boys had an arrow pointed at him, Kelsey tried to run towards him 'I'd stop where you are girlie or your boyfriend will get it,' growled the boy with the bow, Heero dropped his sword and stood up while Kelsey stopped running 'Say good bye to your boy friend,' smiled the boy as he released the arrow Kelsey gasped, Heero watched the arrow flying towards him...remembering what his father had taught him Heero quickly stepped aside and caught the arrow spun around and threw it back, the arrow inlogged itself in the boys throat, the boy dropped the bow and fell in a heap on the ground The other one then ran at heero with his sword raised above his head 'For my Master!!,' screamed the boy, Heero quickly picked up his swords and clipped them together at the tips of the handles turning it into one long double tip bladed stick, he spun it around on the side of him as the boy brought the sword down trying desperately cut Heero, Heero stepped aside and and brought one end of the stick up underneath the arms of the boy and cut them off he then spun the stick around unclipped it and drove one of the swords through the head of the boy, the boys body jerked violently then stopped, Heero pulled his sword out and looked around 'Heero,' called Kelsey as she ran to him, she then threw his arms around his neck, he flinched at the pain, He looked down at her and smiled, 'You idiot your ment to be resting,' she smiled blinking back the tears 'I couldn't...I was worried,' he said softly
  16. Heero looked at the three of them that sat around his bed Kelsey frowned slightly at Kita as she pulled her chair closer to Heeros bed 'Wow look at the bruises,' she said as she poked one, heero flinched and shot a cold stare at her 'Do that again and i'll turn your fingers into stumps,' growled Heero, Kita sat back in her chair and giggled 'Ok im sorry, oh by the way sorry for annoying you before, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable,' smiled Kita 'Thats ok...I just wanted time to myself,' said Heero as he looked up at the ceiling 'So tell me who did this?,' asked Kita 'Some boys...they just keep trying to kill us off,' replied Kelsey 'What did you do to make them do that?' asked Kita 'Well a couple of days a boy had a go at me and Heero punched him over and ever since then they've been trying to kill us off,' explained Kelsey, 'But my guess is that theres something more to it than that,' 'Well from what i've heard this schools got a rep for gangs, there was a series of murders that took place here but the case was closed when they couldn't find out who had done them but that was a very long time ago, i can't remember the what the gangs were called but I heard that one gang was the toughest in the school and that their hideout was never found,' explained Kita 'how'd you know all of this?' questioned Cat 'It's called listening,' replied Kita sarcastically Cat hissed at her and Kita moved her chair away from her 'The thing i don't get is why are they coming after Heero and I?' Kelsey questioned 'I don't know...' replied kita, 'But if i were you i'd find out before it's too late and put a stop to it,' 'Don't you worry about that i'm planing on finding out what the hell is going on,' spoke Kelsey seriously 'Well count me in, I love adventures,' smiled Kita 'This isn't a game,' snapped Cat 'Shut up, i know that,' spat Kita as she turned her head in the other direction Heero looked at Kelsey and frowned as if in pain by hearing them argue, Kelsey smiled warmingly at him '
  17. Releena laughed tauntingly, 'If you think that would stop it....or me...go ahead...but i'd think twice you see Heero's soul is already beginning to turn...it shouldn't take long because he has no human emotions, he doesn't care about anything....and once his soul has turned, he will be mine and if you destroy this place while he is still in it...then his soul will be lost forever and there will be no return for him,' 'You Bitch!,' roared Duo as releena disappeared still laughing 'You've got to be joking...how the hell are we going to get out of here?' questioned Trowa, 'We need to find Heero,' 'Well first we need to get away from them,' interupped Wu fei, they looked around, Duo fired upon the walss one more time suddenlt a door opened 'That's right mongrel!, let us out,' laughed Duo physcotically The bolted for the door and ran down the corridor, voices screamed in their ears Meanwhile: Heero paced the floor wandering if the others were ok 'I need to get out of here!,' he exclaimed, 'Let me out!!,' Heero began banging on the walls violently, the ground shook, at that moment his chest felt as though it was being crashed 'Oh hell...' he gasped sliding down the wall, 'Don't fight it....just go with it,' releena whispered in his ear as she phased through the wall 'What have done to me!,' he growled in a deep voice Releena smiled, 'shhh....just let it be....' His eyes changed from blue to red and it repeated continuously, Heero could feel himself slipping away
  18. Heero looked at her, 'No, it's just noones shown me that kind of emotion before apart...from my part from my mother...but she kissed me on the forehead or hugged me...it's a little confusing and it feels wierd when you haven't felt it for a long time,' Kelsey looked at him and smiled Heero looked back up at the ceiling and began focusing on thin air, he tried to move but pain shot through his body 'Dammit,' he whispered 'Well stop moving,' she said 'I can't help it...' he said as he stopped 'You need to save your energy,' she smiled as she lent on the side of the bed and played with his hair while he stared at nothing
  19. OOC: ok...um... IC: Heero watched the nurses pull in a recliner and set it up for Kelsey, they also put some blankets and a pillow on it After they left Kelsey sat down on the chair next to heero's bed, rubbing his hand gently tears rolled down her cheek 'Whats wrong?' asked heero in a crocky voice 'You nearly....well....,' she whispered 'Hey i came back didn't i, and i won't be leaving again you can bet on it,' he smiled warmly at her, Kelsey looked up at him and he lefted his hand and wiped the tears away, 'I'm so happy that you came back...i don't know....' she began but Heero stopped her by putting his index finger to her trembling lips 'Like i said...I'm here now,' he smiled resting his hand by his side Kelsey smiled back at him, he then looked up at the ceiling as if there was something so important up there, she giggled softly 'What?' he questioned 'You still manage to go off in your own little worlds even though your in pain,' she smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair 'I was just wandering....why'd you kiss me when you could have just said thank you?' he smiled softly at her
  20. Heero was hooked to all sorts of machines and he was unconcious, Kelsey stood by the bed and looked down at him, 'Will he be alright?' she asked with a deep worry in her voice, at that moment the heart monitor flat lined, 'Whats that!,' Lex grabbed kelsey and pulled her back as the nuses and doctors ran into the room and pulled out a machine 'Whats going on!,' screamed Kelsey as she watched them throw back the covers and put clear gel on Heeros body 'Clear!,' shouted the nurse and the doctor put two heart jumpers to Heeros chest and Heeros body lifted off the bed but still the heart monitor was flat 'Clear!,' the nurse shouted again...... IC: IN HEEROS MIND 'I'm coming mother!,' he cried out, 'I'm coming....i'll save you,' He was running towards a yellowish light and he could see the once beautiful imgae of his mother, she stood waiting with her hand stretched out, he ran as hard as he could but some how everything was in slow motion OOC: In the Nurses bay: 'What's wrong with him!,' cried out Kelsey as she broke free from Lex's grip The doctor then put the heart jumpers down, 'Time of death....' Kelsey stood by the bed in shock when she heard that....'NOOOOO,' she screamed, Lex ran over to her 'NOOOO...you told me you'll stay!....you said that you live...only for Me!...HEERO!,' she screamed as she grabbed his cold hand as lex tried to pull her away, 'NOOO...come back!!!, don't leave me here! I need you!!!!!,' OOC: in Heeros mind: Heero stopped and turned around to find Kelsey calling out to him 'Dont' leave me!,' she was screaming, Heero looked at his mother who smiled then looked back at Kelsey... 'Kelsey,' he whispered he then looked at his mother, 'I'm...sorry,' 'We will always love you,' she smiled, tears rolled down his face as she disappeared Heero turned around to ran back towards Kelsey...... OOC: In the nurses bay Heero gripped Kelseys hand tightly 'Heero!,' she exclaimed as Lex let her go, 'Oh Heero....you came back,' Lex, the doctor and nurses looked at them in shock as Heero opened his eyes 'Only for you...' he whispered with tears in his eyes....
  21. He slowly and painfully lifted his hand and touched her cheek, he cringed at the pain that shot through his body but he didn't care as he began to sheiver and his eyelid began to droop 'Heero....Heero,' whispered Kelsey But his eyes rolled back inton his head, Kelsey the screamed his name and he opened his eyes again 'Don't you do that...if that is your way of saying good bye then it sucks!, you leave me now and i'll hate you....I'll hate you!,' she screamed as tears rolled streamed down her face, Heero arched his back in pain 'But i have....nothing to...live for,' he whispered as if struggling to speak 'Yes you have life to live for...you have life,' she cried 'What good...is life ...when theres no future for...someone like me,' he coughed 'No Heero please don't think like that please....please...at least live for me...don't leave me now...not now...please don't give up on me,' she whispered, Heero looked deep into her eyes and saw the sadness, the same type of sadness that glistened in his eyes, he couldn't leave her like that...but he was just so tired and he could feel himself letting go 'I will try....for you only,' he whispered tiredly, kelsey wiped the tears but they just kept falling Anger swelled in his heart as he looked at how much pain those boys had caused and he wasn't talking about physical, he ment the pain in Kelseys eyes, he now wanted revenge for what they did to him and to her, again he wiped away another one of her tears and smiled weakly as she wiped the blood away and smiled back
  22. OOC: Cool Twist! IC: Heero had gotten of the water at that moment a rope was flung over his head and his whole body was pulled backwards and he hit the ground hard and was dragged through the bushes, Heero's body was flung around like a rag doll then it stopped 'So did you think that you were going to get away that easily,' came a deep familiar voice, Heero looked up and saw the same boys from lastnight, they lifted him off the ground and tied up his hands and hung him from the tree 'Now you will feel pain and we will make you scream...you heartless bastard,' laughed one of the boys Heeros legs dangled a few inches off the ground, He looked around but his vision was blurred 'I will make you scream,' said the boy as he unrolled a whip and cracked it, 'and then we're going to have fun with your pretty girlfriend,' 'You leave her alone!, don't you touch her!,' roared Heero in anger as it brought back painful memories of his past 'And what are you going to do about it,' they laughed suddenly the boy crackedd the whip against Heeros bare back, pain serged through his body as his muslces tensed 'Oh hell...,' heero mumbled as they repeated the whippings 'Scream! scream!,' laughed the boys The pain was too much for Heero to bear that he let out a blood curtling yell, his head throbbed and his body had grown numb, they then cut him down and began beating him...but he couldn't feel the pain as they kicked him in the mid section at that moment an arrow was sent flying from the other side of the creek and was inlodged in the leg of one of the boys, who let out a scream 'You leave him alone!,' she roared as tears rolled down her face as she saw the state he was in, she then released another arrow which missed and hit a tree, one of the boys then pushed heero into the water 'Hope you like your watery grave Heero!,' laughed one of the other boys, Lex suddenly ran towards them and began fighting with them but they couldn't handle the way Lex fought and they took off, Kelsey made sure she got another one of the boys , she heard him scream as they disappeared in to the bushes, dropping her bow and arrows she jumped into the water with Lex right behind her, 'Heero....Heero,' she screamed but he didn't answer or move as he lay floating face down in the water suddenly he began to sink so Kelsey dove under water, she had to come up twice for air but on the third round she found him and pulled him back up to the surface Lex took Heero from Kelsey who was shievering and dragged him to the side, blood dripped from him like waterfalls 'Oh god,' Kelsey cried 'I'll go get help, you stay with him!,' exclaimed Lex as he rolled Heero on to his side and saw whippings and where he had been thrashed lastnight, his face only had a cut above the eye brow but his mid section was bruised and blood glistened in the corner of his mouth. Kelsey dropped down beside heero and rested his head on her lap 'It's going to be ok.....it'll be alright,' whispered kelsey as she could hear how shallow his breathing was, she ran her fingers throguh his hair
  23. Heero dove into the water, the only reason why he wanted a swim was because of Kelsey, he couldn't stop thinking about how much she had helped him but he had never really done aything for her to help her with her past, it felt wrong to do that, he closed his eyes and the first vision he saw was her smiling, he opened his eyes and smiled at the thought, He began remembering what had happened at their archery class, for once he enjoyed it and it was all because of her, she ment alot to him...but he could never tell her that. He turned on his stomach and dove under the water, the cold water always cleared his mind but for some reason he couldn't shake Kelseys face out of his head.
  24. OOC: LOL... IC: Cat was sitting at a table under a tree 'Woe now thats some lunch there Heero,' smiled Cat 'Thanks to Kelsey,' he smiled, Cat got a fright to see Heero smile Kelsey cursed under her breath but she couldn't stay mad at Heero and she smiled back They ate their lunch and sat there for a moment, Heero drank his drink while Cat and Kelsey spoke about other things that he didn't care to listen to. After Heero drunk the rest of his drink he stood up 'Now where are you going?' questioned Kelsey 'For a swim,' he replied 'What!,' exclaimed Kelsey, 'Heero! your bandages will get wet,' 'Who cares i'm hot and there is such a thing as go back to the nurses office and get them redone,' he said walking away from them Cat laughed as she watched him walk off, 'Its good seeing him smile,' 'yeah it is but...I'm just wondering if that's just for show because his eyes are still sad,' said Kelsey 'His hurt goes deeper, I don't think you'll ever get his eyes to truely be happy, but at least he's smiling,' said Cat
  25. OOC: I CAN"T BELIEVE YOU MADE ME SAY SORRY...LOL...I kinda knew that some where along the line you would :) IC: 'Why do you make it sound so easy,' he whispered to himself Kelsey turned around, 'What?' 'Nothing,' he replied They got to class and Ms. Grump came down hard on Kelsey 'That was my fault, she was helping me,' Heero spoke up, the teacher looked at her with a frown 'I'll let you off this Time Kelsey,' she hissed 'Thank you Miss,' replied Kelsey 'Heero how are we today?' the teacher smiled 'Fine,' replied Heero bluntly as he walked passed her with out looking at her, Kelsey followed Heero and they began practising 'I've never seen you miss one shot heero,' smiled Kelsey as she watched him line up his target, carefully she walked over and looked down the arrow with him 'What are you doing?' he asked not looking at her as she pressed her temple against his 'Having a look,' she replied pulling her head away an inch Just before letting the arrow go she blew softly in his focused eyes and he accidently blinked and let it go, the arro sored off in another direction and Kelsey laughed while Heero looked at her with a raised eyebrow 'I see one of us is amused,' Heero smiled at her as she stood looking victorious at her achievment
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