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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel
Heero heard Kita yell and turned around, he rubbed the back of his neck and then watched her dispear into the school he sighed and went to the creek, he wanted a swim but he didn't want to get his bandages wet so he just sat on the side, he scooped up some pebbles and began throwing them into the water 'She didn't bother me, i just wanted a quiet time to myself,' he whispered as he looked at his reflection in the water, 'Will i ever get over this misery...theres only one way i know how...but not yet...not while there are matters to sort out first such as avenging my parents...I will find out who done this and when i do and i finally take my revenge, only then my soul will be put to rest.....
She took Heero into a small room, the light was dim and he couldn't see properly 'There we go, now isn't this better,' she whispered Heero didn't answer 'Now i won't be long, I have some unfinished business to take care of,' she smiled wickedly with red eyes and disappeared through the wall Heero suddenly felt his body go back to normal, he turned to run for the door but found that it had gone at that moment Releena phased her head back through the wall 'By the way...if you take a look around, there are no doors and windows...you will not leave,' she smiled then disappeared Heero began banging on the wall where the door was but it was no good 'Dammit,' he whispered as he pressed his back against the wall and slid down to the floor. Meanwhile: Duo, Wu fei and Trowa ran as fast as they could to the office but the corridors kept changing and they ended out lost 'Welcome...welcome...' they heard voices whispering around them suddenly ghosts apeared around them but they walked passed as if they couldn't be seen 'Such a lovely place,' they heard them whisper They pressed their backs against the wall 'What is this the titanic!,' exclaimed Wu fei 'We need to find the passage way to when we first arrived,' said Duo 'And how do you suppose we do that Mr i want to go Toilet Now!,' snapped Wu fei 'Hey come on...don't blame this on me, would you have rather I went on you!,' Duo snapped back 'Shut up and lets move before we get caught,' growled Trowa at the moment a low haunting laugh echoed in the corridor as the ghost disappeared, they looked back the way they came and saw Quatre with a smile more vicious than Heeros death stare 'Oh shit,' whispered Duo 'Not shit...RUN!,' exclaimed Trowa as they bolted in the other direction, the ground began to shake as Quatre flew after them laughing hideously 'I'm coming...You can't hide from me!,' quatre laughed suddenly it went quiet, the boys stopped on the corner looking around nervously 'Where did the freak go!,' bellowed Wu fei, 'When we get out of here I'll hang'em,' at that moment a nose appeared infront of Wu fei 'What the...' whispered Wu fei as it flipped over his head, he was then lifted off the ground and pulled up to the ceiling 'Wu fei!,' Trowa and Duo as they watched him choke and struggle to get down Duo pulled out his gun and began shooting 'Duo trigger happy fool!,' snapped Trowa as he wacked Duo around the head and snatched the gun off him 'Ouch!,' he said rubbing the back of his head 'Quatre let him go right now!!,' roared Trowa, suddenly Wu fei dropped from the ceiling and landed on the others 'Get off me!,' exclaimed Duo as he stood up, Wufei choked and coughed as he pulled the nose off quickly 'He will pay for this,' growled Wu fei in a husky tone, then the boards began to shake beneath them 'Run!,' exclaimed Trowa again as the floor began to lift as if something huge was underneath it and as they ran Quatre's laugh echoed viciously behind him
Heero looked at the girl and then looked back at the school 'What makes you think i'm interested in the view?' he questioned after a whole of two minutes Kita looked at him, 'Oh...then what are you doing?' she asked Heero didn't answer, he gently laid back and looked up at the sky, Kita then laid down beside him trying to figure out what he was looking at 'Well...I can't see whats so interesting up there so you must be thinking,' she said as she proped herself up on one elbow and pressed her cheek against his trying to figure out what he was looking at, 'Remove your cheek from mine before you have none,' growled heero, Kita sighed and sat up 'You don't have to get all grumpy like,' she pouted crossing her arms, Heero sat up and looked at her 'Don't you have anyone else you can annoy?,' he said bluntly 'Nope,' she grinned, Heero put his head down and shook it slightly 'So what are you thinking about?' she asked as she turned around to face him 'Why does everyone have to know what i'm thinking,' exclaimed Heero as he fell back, 'Because...you hardly say anything and your always sitting down somewhere just gazing off into another world which if i may add always looks as though it's worser then where you are now,' she sang as she flung her self backwards Heero then stood up and began walking away 'Hey where you going!,' called Kita as she stood up, she watched him walk off as if she didn't exsist
They walked across the grounds people ran in different directions trying to make it to their classes, Heero felt embarrassed about what had happened last night...He needed time alone for a while 'I'll see yous later,' said Heero bluntly and he walked off in another direction leaving Cat and Kelsey confused by his sudden departure Heero walked along the edge of the school grounds, thinking about what had happened 'How could i have let myself get so emotional...dammit...Heero you stupid fool,' he mumbled to himself, 'How could i have let it go,' Heero sat down next to a post and lent against it and looked out towards the school
Heero tried to pull away but she held on, Heeros legs suddenly gave way on him and he feel to his knees, while she still held on, she wasn't strong enough to support them both so she ended out falling down aswell, she grabbed his arms again as he tried to crawl for the door and pulled him closer to her 'I wont let you go,' she as she held on to him tightly, at that moment his body went limp and his fore head rested on her shoulder, he looked up at her as tears rolled down his cheeks, 'What happened Heero tell me! tell me what happened!,' she demanded 'They....they hurt her...I couldn't stop them...they made me watch....my mother they made me watch as they hurt her, they stole her beauty...and then they killed her....they killed her and they made me watch and they laughed....they hurt her...I tried...i tried to save her honestly...and my father...i tried...oh how i tried....i failed her...i failed the both of them....now you know,' he whispered as he looked at her, Kelsey's eye's swelled realizing that he had lived with that for a very long time, she pulled him close and he cried in her lap as she put her arms around him 'I'm sorry,' she whispered in his ear, ' I'm so sorry,' tears fell down her cheeks as she felt the pain tremble through Heeros body
Nightmares suddenly filled his head.... [COLOR=Purple]The nightmares...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]'Son...Run!,' his mother screamed as the man grabbed her arms and flung her against the wall 'Mother!,' he cried out as another man grabbed him 'Come on boy you can watch,' laughed the man 'Please don't hurt her....please,' cried his father 'Shut up,' roared another man "BANG" a gun went off 'Father!!!!!' cried out Heero 'Watch boy!,' spoke the man as he pulled his head back around, h eheard his mother cry and beg to be left alone...he could see it...they made him watch as the beauty was stripped from his mother...He tried to save her...but the grip was too hard Then suddenly "BANG" another shot fired and her body lay limp 'NOOOOOO,' screamed Heero[/COLOR] Kelsey was awoken by the sudden out burst of Heero 'NOOOO...MOTHER!,' heero let out a blood curtling roar Kelsey ran to the bed side as Heero tossed and turned in the bed, she felt his head and it was hot suddenly he bolted up but realised that his stomach hurt and he curled up into a ball....His body sheivered as if cold, 'Oh Heero....I don't know what to do?....' whispered Kelsey Realising that Kelsey was looking at him, he rolled off the bed 'I want to go back to my dorm room....' he stuttered as he tried to stand 'Heero please...don't be a fool....you need to rest,' snapped Kelsey as she grabbed Heeros arms before he could crawl out the door 'No...Please....let me go,' he stuttered as he looked up at her, tears rolled down his cheeks, the sadness in his eyes was over whelming that it made tears roll down her face 'No i won't let you go like that,' she whispered, 'You need some one to take care of you,' 'No...I can look after myself....just let me go,' he cried as he put his head down, 'Let me go...please...' 'No,' she whispered as she held on to his arms, she knew that he was to weak to pull out of her grip
OOC: I don't know if your talking about a fight but...I guess i'll go another round Kelsey saw him running towards the boys who had attacked them, they were also ready with theres 'Oh god!,' she gasped as she quickly grabbed her bow and ran after him, she found them fighting mercilessly, she could see that Heero was struggling from the wounds, suddenly one of them jumped him from behind and hit him in the ribs, she saw him slightly cringe as that same boy kept hitting him, heero ended out elbowing him in the head after the boy struck him hard with the tip of the handle, after knocking him out Heero then fought hard to kept them from causing any more damage, suddenly one of the boys cut his leg but Heero kept going until they gave up 'Enough!,' cried the boy who had started the whole thing, Heero had him down on the ground with his twin Katanas aimed at his throat and Kelsey had her bow and arrow aimed at one of the others 'Leave her a lone and i'll spare your life....you touch her again or even think about going near her....I'll tear your hearts out,' snarled Heero 'Ok..Ok,' exclaimed the boy Heero let them up and watched them run off, at that moment he began to sway and suddenly he fell over, Kelsey quickly dropped her bow and ran to him, she caught him just before he hit the ground
She looked at him and took the jacket, 'Now lets go,' he said opening the door and they left Heeros eyes never stopped scanning the area, she looked at him and smiled but didn't say anything. Finally reaching Kelseys room and took another look around, 'Will you be ok?' he asked as he looked around 'Yes thank you,' she said 'Ok see you tomorrow,' he said as he turned his back on her and began walking away, Kelsey noticed that blood was dripping off his hand as he walked away
Before they could move four boys jumped out from behind the bushes 'Oh look what we have here...two love birds...whats the matter Heero...did i hit a nerve spot,' mocked the boy he punched earlier Heero pushed Kelsey behind him 'Now lets see if you can handle this one,' spoke the boy as they ran at them, Heero pushed Kelsey out of the way and drew his sword as the four boys drew theres, the fight was intense, one of the boys lunged at heero and managed to cut his left shoulder, heero didn't flinch at the pain 'Heero,' cried Kelsey as she tried to use her bow but one of the boys snatched it off her and pushed her out of the way, in anger that he had touched her bow she kicked him in the leg suddenly the boy hit her across the face and she hit her head against the tree making it bleed A deep anger grew in Heeros heart and his face turned sinister, the boys looked at him in fear, at that moment the boy he punched cut him with his sword across the back leaving a deep gash...once again it was as if Heero didn't feel it, he spun around grabbed the boy by the head and hit his head against the tree which knocked him out, as he turned around another boy took a swing at him and cut him across the chest, by that time Heero was even more angry and he lunged at one of them and beat him until he was black and blue the other two dropped their weapons and ran, He quickly ran over to Kelseys side and picked her up, He couldn't take her back to her room because he didn't know how to get in and the nurses office was closed, so quickly he carried her back to his dorm room. He lay Kelsey down on his bed, her forehead and the corner of her bottom lip was bleeding, so he grabbed some warm water, a damp cloth and some ointment, he began cleaning her wounds
Dropping down beside her, he placed his hand over her mouth 'Shhh,' he whispered, 'There's someone walking around down below,' Heero slowly took his hand away, Kelsey looked down 'Who could it be?' she whispered 'I don't know, I only saw a shadow,' said Heero as he began climbing down the tree slowly, he croughed down on the ground and searched the area, Kelsey dropped down behind him, 'Can you see anything?' she whispered in his ear 'I don't know but we'll head back,' he said taking her hand, she walked close beside him as they made there way back to the creek 'I wonder who that was?' questioned Kelsey as she sat down on the rock 'I don't know but come on i'll take you back to your dorm room,' said Heero as he took her hand again, 'Your freezing,' 'All thanks to you,' she smiled
Heero laughed and swam around in the water, he stood up and looked at her, he watched her wrap herself in the jacket He swam over to the bank and rested his arms on the side and looked at her 'You' re not so bad your self when you smile,' he said resting his head on his arms, 'you know the waters not that cold,' 'Yes it is,' she said, 'just because your use to the cold,' Heero shrugged his shoulders, 'I guess you have a point, but it's still nice though,' he said flicking a bit of water at her 'Don't!,' she snapped, heero smiled and pushed off from the side She noticed that he seemed happier when there wasn't alot of people around, he seemed more gently...in a way, she watched him stand up and noticed that he was smiling at her
Heero stood up 'Where you going?' she asked as she looked up at him, He didn't say anything as he walked over to a rock and took off his clothes leaving on his bike shorts 'For a swim I need to clear my mind,' he replied as he dove into the water Kelsey watched him as he glided across the water then floated in the middle looking up at the stars, he then stood up and looked at her suddenly he disappeared under water, Kelsey began to get worried when he didn't come up, looking over the edge she searched suddenly his face appeared and a wet hand grabbed her shoulders and with a scream Heero pulled her in, she quickly stood up and looked around, Heero appeared on the other side of the creek with a devious smile on his face 'You look like a drowned rat,' he said still with a devious smile on his face as he ran his fingers through his wet hair
OOC: Damn didn't see that coming! IC: 'You crazy bitch!,' exclaimed Duo as he tried to push her out of the way, 'No!,' screamed Releena as a gust of wind blew them back, Quatre laughing mockingly 'Quatre!,' called trowa as they tried running forward again back they hit into a glass wall, Trowa banged Violently on the glass, Releena laughed, 'He is mine, you can't have him any more!,' Quatre walked towards the glass and steared at Trowa, his eyes suddenly turned normal and with in his eyes Trowa saw Quartre screaming for help 'Quatre!,' roared Trowa as his eyes turned red again Wu fei tried breaking the glass 'Dammit!,' growled Wu fei 'Quatre, you know what to do,' releenas haunting voice echoed 'Yes Releena,' smiled Quatre evilly as he disappeared through the floor She then turned to Heero who was trying to stand up but with the amount of alcohol that was in his body it made it hard 'Come to me...come,' she whispered softly as Heero looked at her, 'Come to me,' For some reason Heero stood up, he could hear Duos voice screaming his name but he didn't say anything, it was as if he were in a trance, slowly she walked over to him and pressed her body against his, 'Why?...are you doing this to me?' he whispered as his body shook nervously She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, 'Because i want you...and only you...you are mine forever,' Heero tried to force himself to stop but he couldn't the control she had over him was too strong, he put his arms around her waist and drew her in tightly, she smiled sweetly, he brought his head down and kissed her gently which sent a warm tingle through her body 'I will kill you,' he whispered as he drew his head back slowly Stroking his face softly she smiled, 'You can't kill something thats already dead...my love,' and she pressed her lips against his again, she then pulled away and gently grabbed his hand 'Come with me,' she smiled as they went through a nearby door, Heero tried to stop but his body wouldn't respond, he could hear Duo calling out but he couldn't do anything, as soon as he was through the door it closed behind him, he followed Releena without a struggle 'Where are you taking me?' he asked her in a one toned voice 'Where we will be alone,' she smiled as the it turned dark
OOC: It just looked funny seeing it spelt with three EEE's instead of two...I'm not mad IC: Heero knew that Cat was looking at him, he turned his head slightly and looked at her, tears were still rolling down her face, He knew how she felt and he could see the sadness that dwelled deep in her eyes, that sadness was something he feels every second, every minute, every day After five minutes Heero spoke 'What happened to your family wasn't a coincidense...even a blind man can see that...but as for feeling like you don't fit...I understand,' Cat looked at him in shock, she didn't think Heero would talk to her 'So you do feel how i feel?' questioned Cat 'I've lived with loneliness and emptiness for a long time and i still do which is something i can see that you relate to well... but there is a big difference between you and i, you have someone who cares for you enough to want you to be happy...where as i don't, the only thing i have is my wretched past and it's the only thing that keeps me alive,' 'But i still feel....like i don't belong,' whispered Cat loud enough for Heero to hear 'You will find that you aren't the only one who feels like that, we all have differences that set us apart from others but as i've said you have a brother whos trying to help you regain that happiness and security that you once felt but whether you want it or not is up to you...just make sure that the path you chose isn't going to make you turn around and regret it all because regret is far more greater than feeling like you don't belong,' said heero and with those words he got up and left her to think. Heero walked around the school wandering if he should of given his opinion, he needed a swim to clear his mind so he went to the creek. walking through the bushes in out into the small clearing he saw Kelsey sitting beside the creek flicking the water with her fingers Kelsey spun around in fright as she heard a twig snap and found Heero looking at her, she smiled 'I didn't realise that you were here...I'll leave,' he said looking down at the ground and turning his back on her ready to leave
OOC: Hey cat come on...my names Heero not Heeero...LOTIS 'And you came to me?,' spoke Heero with a frown, Cat looked down at the ground as Heero put his Katanas away He noticed tears rolling down her cheeks 'I only came to you because you wouldn't care what i say...you'd just listen...i hope,' she spoke softly Heero then walked towards the tree but as he walked passed her he wiped a lonely tear away from her face and flicked it away, she looked at him as he sat down and examined his bow, she then sat down beside him 'I know you have better things to do but...I really need to talk to someone...please,' she said as she looked at him while tears swelled in her eyes Heero put the bow down and looked at her then gave her a slight nod, she couldn't believe that he was actually going to listen to her
Heero stood in the entrance way looking out a the city as the others talked amongst themselves trying to figure out a plan, at that moment there was a low rumble 'What the hell is that?' questioned Zenith as they ran to where Heero stood trying to look out through the rain, 'We know your in there so come out!,' a voice echoed over the rubble 'Dammit they must of known we would come here...but how?' questioned Jim 'Well thats our plan shot,' said Truth 'Any one got any ideas?' asked Jin 'Theres only one way out of this mess,' said Heero as he drew his guns and looked at the others who smiled wickedly, 'They want a fight lets give them a fight....Lets raise hell and burn the bastards!,' roared Heero as he took off outside with the others right behind them... Gun shots were sounded once again and aircrafts fell from the sky, blood curtling screams sounded near and far and swords met swords....
Heero walked back to his dorm room and jumped in the shower, The hot water always seemed to ease his mind after that he went for another walk outside, he liked to walking, it cleared his mind most of the time but not as good as the hot water, leaning against a tree he watched people walking backwards and forwards to their classes, at that moment he felt uncomfortable, someone was behind him...he could feel it...but who
Duo dragged Heero into the corridor 'Man your burning up, we have to find the others,' said Duo with a touch of panic in his voice Moving slowly down the corridor, they could hear voices whispering Heero stopped as one voice stuck out from the others 'Heero...come to me Heero...come be with me...don't fight me,' the voice whispered sweetly, Heero shook his head 'Heero?...buddy?...are you ok?' questioned Duo as Heero pulled away from him 'I need to sit down,' he whispered leaning against the wall and sliding to the floor 'Heero get up! we can't stop!,' growled Duo, at that moment Heero looked up at him with red eyes 'Does it look as though i care!,' roared Heero, Duo suddenly jumped back 'Heero....what has she done to you?' whispered Duo as Heeros eyes turned back to normal, 'I'm not leaving you here Heero!' 'You'll have to...find the others...I'll wait here,' said Heero 'No...I can't leave you here,' objected Duo 'GO! Before it's too late!,' roared Heero, Duo slowly backed away and closed his eyes, turned on his heels and ran down the corridor He rounded three corners before banging into Wu fei 'Guys quick! come! Help!' stuttered Duo while heavy breathing 'Hey slow down Native boy!' said Wu fei as Duo lent against the wall 'It's Heero...she's done something to him...his eyes turn red and then turn normal,' explained Duo catching his breath at that moment a familiar voice echoed from behind them, they spun around to find Quatre standing at the other end of the corridor 'Trowa...Trowa...Help me,' quatre whispered in an eerie tone as he raised his hand out towards them 'Quatre?' whispered Trowa as they watched him lift his head, they stepped back as they saw the red eyes, 'Oh shit!,' exclaimed Wu fei, 'Ol' blondies gone red,' Quatre began laughing pshycoticly as he disappeared 'Quatre!' called Trowa as he was about to take off after him but Wufei and Duo held him back 'She's just toying with us,' assured Duo, 'Come on lets get back to Heero,' They followed behind Duo as he sprinted as hard as he could, they rounded the corner to where Duo had left Heero 'Heero...' called Duo as they stopped beside him, Heero looked up at them, at that moment the ground shook violently
Late that eveng Heero didn't go to his multi-weapon class, he was too confused about everything to do anything, walking around the school he felt the cool air tickle his face as he stood under a tree and lent against it, pulling out his twin Katanas and his bow he remembered what his parents said: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: just remembering the past[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]'Son, We made these in hopes that you'll never forget that we love you so much...no matter where we are...no matter what happens...we will always love you,' his mother whispered His father smiled warmingly[/COLOR][/I] In anger Heero dropped the bow and began swinging the two Katanas around as if he were fighting...but the only thing he was fighting was himself
OOC: Ok...now i'm confused about whats going on here...but i guess it's all good? Heero fell backwards, 'Why did i help her?...I hardly know her....why?....I've got to get her out of my head...I don't understand...whats going on,' Heero sat up and looked around, his head still throbbed as he stood up and began walking back to his dorm room, he didn't realize that he kept rubbing his bandaged hand 'I see you got your hand bandaged,' said Mr Van with a smile as he lent against the wall Heero looked at him and was about to carry on when Mr Van stopped him 'Heero wait,' called Mr Van, Heero stopped and looked over his shoulder at him, 'I've known you ever since you were young and not once have you ever done anything like this,' 'What are you talking about!,' growled Heero as he frowned 'Kelsey...I'm talking about Kelsey...Why'd you help her?' he asked 'I just felt like hitting someone,' replied Heero seriously as he turned around 'I think it goes deeper than that...I think you may have a soft spot for her,' smiled Mr van 'What!, Never....I have no soft spots for anyone! I have more important things to think about like my training!, so i suggest you get that out of your mind right now!,' growled Heero as he raised one of his swords to Mr Vans chin 'Hey, Hey settle down,' smiled Mr Van calmly, 'You don't need to go all war like on me...I'm just saying, there'll be alot of talk around the school about today and if i thought like that then you can guarantee that others will think that same,' Heero put his sword away, 'They can think what they like!,' said Heero coldly, 'As long as they don't say it around me,' Mr Van watched Heero walk off and disappear around the corner, Mr van smiled and walked off Heero hated what Mr Van had said, He noticed students whispering as they looked at him, he stared at them as if he were going to kill them if they said anything and they shut up and looked the other way.
Heero watched her walk away, looking down at his bandaged hand he touched it gently, he knew he owed Kelsey for doing this for him 'I...always hear her scream...I see her everytime I close my eyes....I still feel the pain as if it only happened yesterday....' he said, Kelsey stopped and turned around and looked at him, she watched him lean against the wall then slide down to the floor where he rested his arms on his knees which were bent upwards, Kelsey approached him slowly and sat down 'Who is she?' she asked wondering if it was his lover 'My mother...her screams...her tears...the blood...it haunts me...,' he whispered, 'And my fathers plea for them not to hurt her...., they....they....,' At that moment Heero took off leaving Kelsey in shock still sitting on the floor, Heero ran as hard as he could to try and forget the memories that pounded in his head, stopping under a tree on the far side of the school grounds he dropped to his knees and clutched his head as memories flowed in and out of his head over and over again, he tryed to settle them down but they throbbed harder sending immense pain through his head
OOC: "ahem"...Ok talk about lost for words Putting the ice pack on his knackles he couldn't help but stare at Kelsey who just smiled back, feeling confused he looked away 'Heero...why'd you do what you did?' questioned Kelsey as she took his hand and lifted the ice pack off to examine it 'It wasn't right what he did,' replied Heero still looking confused as she rubbed the top of his knuckles Kelsey gently placed the ice pack back on his knuckles again 'But your known as the one who doesn't care, the one whos never cared,' she said looking at him Heero didn't reply as he looked down at his hand, he took off the ice pack and placed it on the side, he then looked at Kelsey 'Your eye's are so sad and distant,' she said softly, Heero then looked away, she then grabbed his hand again and started bandaging it up All Heero could do was stare at her in confusion 'There we go, all better,' she smiled as she released his hand, Heero was still speechless as they walked out of the nurses office, he looked at her with a soft gaze as if to say Thank you which hardened as he walked away from her
Heero looked at Kelsey who was smiling back at him, he cocked his head to the side then looked up as he heard Lex bellow 'Heero!,' exclaimed Lex as Heero looked at him, 'What was that all about!,' Heero didn't answer 'If you don't give me an answer right now you will be put on detention for three days,' snapped Lex, everyone looked onconfused by Heero's out burst, noone had ever seen that side of him before, normally he wouldn't care 'He deserved it,' growled Heero as he folded hims arms across his chest and turned his back on him, Lex looked at Heero, he had never known Heero to do such things 'And that makes it ok to do such a thing!,' exclaimed Lex in fustration, 'I will not repeat myself,' said Heero and he walked away 'Heero you get back here now!,' snapped Lex but Heero kept walking, 'I haven't finished with you! don't walk away from me!,' Everyone stared at the fustrated teacher as Heero just kept walking as if nothing had happened, Although Lex agreed that what that boy did was unappropriate it still didn't give enough reason as to why Heero had done this, looking at Kelsey whos face was red, he sighed then walked in the other direction knowing full well that Heero would not listen, he knew him as the type of student who didn't care for anything else but his training... but what had happened just blew all his notions on Heero out the window...
Heero slowly turned his head to the side to look at Duo who stood aiming the gun at Releena and the girls 'You bitch!,' he exclaimed at the top of his lungs, Releena smiled wickedly, 'He will give in to me....' she whispered, as the ground rumbled, 'Shhh...my love...you will have them....' suddenly she disappeared through the wall along with the girls. Heero slowly sat up while Duo covered him with a blanket 'Buddy?...you alright?,' asked Duo, Heero looked up at him with distant eyes but never said anything Duo then grabbed Heeros clothes that lay on the floor and handed it to him, He watched as Heero struggled to put on his clothes, his body shievered, 'Here let me help you..' suggested Duo but Heero pushed his hands away and stumbled against the wall, 'Hey buddy...it's me Duo...your best friend...the one who windges and bitches...come on...I wont hurt you,' Heero glared at him as he slid down the wall, Duo slowly approached him again 'She's...done something to me....I can feel it....' whispered Heero as he cocked his head to one side and there Duo saw two vampire like holes 'Oh shit,' whispered Duo, 'Come on lets get you out of here,' Duo lifted Heero's arm and put it around his neck then helped him off the floor, Duo helped Heero with the rest of his clothes and they walked out into the Bar area 'She has choosen him...why him?,' they heard voices whisper but there was noone there 'This place is cracked and we need to get out of here fast,' said Duo Voices began laughing mockingly, 'Did you not read the welcome mat...You can check out...But you may never leave!,' they laughed 'He will never leave...she chosen him....he can never leave!,' came a haunting voice that echoed around him 'You sick bastards!,' roared Duo, Heero suddenly dropped to the ground and began throwing up as the laughing got louder, Heero then rolled over clutching his head 'Shut Up!,' he roared suddenly it went silent, Duo dropped to his side and helped him off the floor again and pulled himtowards the door 'I'll never leave you Heero,' whispered Duo
It was midday when Heero returned back to the Archery class, Pulling another arrow and letting it fly in anger...for some reason Kelsey had gotten to him...frowning he let another arrow go, and another and another until he had no more left, he walked down and retrieved his arrows, he did this for a whole hour until he felt a little better then he walked away Walking around the grounds he saw Cat...an unsual girl, never said one word...it then made him think of the aguement between him and Kelsey...why was it so hard to tell someone...why?...she only wanted to know...but he just couldn't...he had kept it too himself for such a long time....it was hard to tell...anyway...why did she care?...she doesn't know him?....why was she so willing to listen? noone has ever wanted to listen? Shaking the thoughts from his head he carried on, looking back at Cat...he realised that she was asleep something he so needed.