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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel
Angry at Heero's attitude of ignorance she ran after him as he walked across the field 'Stop!,' she growled, Heero kept walking, 'How dare you spy on me!,' Heero suddenly stopped and turned around, 'I have better things to do than spy on you!,' he snapped back 'Like i said noone knows about this place apart from me!' she yelled 'Then why was i there if it's only you who knows this place!,' he bit back, she saw the anger in his eyes as he turned his back on her, 'Have the forsaken thing if you want it, I should of let you fall...I guess that's what i get for actually showing.......Forget it, why the hell didn't Lady death take me too!' 'Heero...' she whispered as he stormed off across the field and over to the building where his dorm room was. Heero lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling, 'Damn that girl,' he whispered as he held up his twin katanas...'Mother...Father....Why didn't i go with you....'
'Get away!,' roared Heero trying his hardest to stop them but the girls were very strong, one of the girls pressed her lips against his 'Be calm...' she whispered in his mouth, 'Be calm...we will not hurt you,' Heero's body suddenly went numb and he couldn't move his arms or legs 'What are...you doing to me..' he whispered as they began kissing his naked chest, his heart raced violently and sweat beads formed on his upper lip 'Your so beautiful,' smiled the other girl as she too pressed her cold lips against his, he felt her tounge enter his mouth which sent a shiever down his spin while the other one ran her tounge over his chest.... Meanwhile: 'Heero!,' called Trowa as they ran down the hallway 'Where the hell is he!,' growled Wu fei 'Well we wouldn't be looking for him if we knew where he was,' said Trowa sternly at that moment Duo ran into them, his face was pale and his eyes wide 'Duo!, whats wrong?' questioned Quatre 'I...I was a sleep!,' he exclaimed 'What?' questioned Wu fei 'I went to get my guns and saw myself...I was asleep!,' Duo yelled at Wu fei at the top of his lungs, they all looked at each other then they all ran up to their rooms and sure enough they were all looking at each other, the house then shuddered, they then ran into Heeros room and found him laying on his back with his eyes wide open, his eyes were distant and dark and his face pale 'Get off me.....' were the words muttered from Heeros mouth 'We have to find Heero now!,' exclaimed Duo as they ran out of the room Meanwhile: Heero felt them pull off his pants and his bike shorts 'He's so beautiful...' he heard them say as their hands rand over his chest 'Stop it...stop it now,' he muttered as his head spun, at that moment Heero felt a great deal of pleasure serge through his body making him moan, his body tensed and shuddered at the feeling as he closed his eyes, one of the girls pressed their lips against his, he groaned, her kiss was passionate and giving as her toung slide into his mouth, he then pressed hard against her lips...He opened his eyes and saw Releena, he inhaled strongly 'Shhh...I wont hurt you,' she smiled warmingly, he looked around and found that the two girls were gone but he was still unable to move, he looked at her in shock 'What...where...' he stuttered 'Shhh...calm down...I wont hurt you,' she whispered in his ear as she bit his neck, and moved on top of him, pain serged through his body as she sat up, he realised that he was inside of her, looking up at her naked form which looked golden in the candle light she smiled 'Why?' he asked 'Because i want you....I need you,' she whispered with a soft smile, with a moan she began to rock on top of him, Heero closed his eyes as the pain turned to pleasure, and the hotel trembled....
Kelsey looked down and was startled by the cold gaze of Heero standing beneath her, loosing her balance she fell 'Arrgghh,' she screamed while free falling with her eyes shut waiting for herself to connect with the hard ground suddenly she stopped, opening her eyes she realized that Heero had caught her, looking at him she could see the torment and sadness in his eyes, with out a word he put her down, 'Th...Thank you,' she spoke with a trembling voice, Heero looked at her as if he didn't understand what she said 'You should be more careful,' he said to her as he walked away slowly Heero walked to a very quiet part of the school where students hardly go, it was like a small shirine where he went to, to train. it had a pond with a water fall flowing from the top of a cliff, Heero took off his jacket and clothes leaving on his black bike shorts that he wore under his pants and dove into the water, his muslces tensed and glistened in the sunlight as he stood up, running his hands through his soaked hair he then lay in the water and floated for a few minutes looking up at the sky, the cold water soothed his head as he dove under, coming up for air he heard a russling in the bush nearby, slowly getting out of the water he grabbed one of the twin swords and creeped stealthly towards it...........
Heero lay there for a while until he sat up and looked around and noticed a girl laying on the other side of him, he knew it to be Kelsey, the girl whos always late, looking over at the tutor he could tell she was looking for her 'Heero!, have you seen Kelsey!,' called out the tutor, Heero looked at her then laid back down, He could of told the tutor the she lay on the other side of the tree but he didn't care. 'Why didn't you tell her?' he heard Kelsey ask Heero didn't reply, as he again put his arms behind his head Kelsey looked at him then laid back down, 'Thanks,' Heero felt uncomfortable having someone else around but he couldn't be bothered moving at that moment, he just wanted to lay there and try to forget his past, although he had tried many times but nothing seemed to work, he need to sleep but he hadn't had a proper rest for a very long time...the dreams kept him awake most of the time and for some reason they kept getting worse.
Heero walked around the Hotel, for some reason he had seen the same statue three times, he stopped and looked around, placing his hands on a door handle he pulled it open, at that moment, bloodied hands reached out and grabbed him 'What the hell! Let go!,' exclaimed Heero as they pulled him into a room that was glowing red and shut the door behind him, He began punching and kicking as they grabbed him and pulled him in different directions, they began spinning him around in circles, his head started throbbing from the loud music and screaming 'Piss Off!,' he yelled at the top of his lungs, as he fell to the floor, quickly getting his bearings back he crawled along the floor to a near by door and quickly ran out, slamming the door behind him. Meanwhile in the tennis courtyard: 'Hey has anyone seen Heero?' asked Duo, 'I haven't seen him since I left him in the hall way,' 'We haven't,' replied Trowa, they looked at each other then ran back to the doors, but they were locked 'What the hell,' snarled Duo, at that moment the ground shook violently 'We need to get inside!,' exclaimed Quatre while Duo tried forcing the door open, suddenly a low moan came from behind them, the four of them slowly turned around to find red eyed corpses walking towards them, looking about them they found bodies hanging from the belconies above them, they looked around for a way out but the doors they came through were the only doors 'TROWA!' cried out Quatre as one of the corpses tried to grab him, Trowa being quick on his feet grabbed Quatre and pushed him behind him 'Becareful little one,' said Trowa with great seriousness 'HEERO!,' screamed Duo at the top of his lungs as he banged on the door suddenly it opened and there stood Releena 'What is going on here!,' she snapped, they quickly looked around them and found nothing, no bodies, no dead living corpses, 'I suggest you get some sleep before you frighten away my customers, they might think you are all crazy,' The boys quickly ran passed her and into the hallway 'Lets go find Heero,' said Duo Meanwhile: Heero moved carefully up the hallway, hesitantly he opened a door and found it led into the Bar Room, everyone seemed normal so he walked in...he walked up to the bar and sat down on a stool 'Good day sir, what would you like?' asked the bar men, Heero looked at the man for a second 'A water will do fine,' replied Heero with a frown as the barman started to laugh, 'What's so funny?' The barman lent towards him and whispered softly, 'We haven't had that here...since nineteen fifty nine...' At that moment the barman grabbed Heero and pulled him on to the bar and turned him over on to his back, Heero tried to get out of the mans grip but he was too strong, suddenly some women held down his arms and legs pinning him to the bar as they laughed 'Drink up boy! tonight we'll make you a man!,' laughed the barmen as they wrenched open Heeros mouth and began pouring gin down his throat, Heero coughed and choaked as it burnt while he swollowed, they let him go and he rolled off the counter and hit the floor hard, he tried to stand but his head spun violently, he looked around and found himself surround by naked corpses making out in the corners, his stomach churned, two women ripped him from the floor and took him into a side room 'Let...me go...,' exclaimed Heero as they pinned him to the sofa, he tried hitting them but he kept missing and all they could do was laugh, they unbuttoned his pants and tore off his shirt. Heero's head spun more violently than before, 'Get away!,'
Heero lined up the bulls eye with his arrow.....aiming just at little above it, letting go the arrow flew through the air with great speed behind it, 'THACK' the arrow hit the bulls eye dead on, everyone around him clapped...He took no notice as he drew another arrow and let it fly once again it hit the bulls eye. Making his way slowly down to the board as arrows flew passed him "Heero! get out of the way,' screamed the tutor but as usual he took no notice of what was going on, pulling out the arrows he then walked to the side where he began putting them away Walking around the grounds he lay down under a tree, he closed his eyes in hopes of getting a few minutes sleep but as soon as he closed his eyes and fell into a light sleep visions of his once beautiful mother appeared...her screams rang in his ears and his fathers crys echoed in his head...flashes of blood and swords throbbed through his head...he quickly sat up breathing heavily...his eyes wide and sweat beads had formed on his brow, his heart raced violently...calming his breathing and settling his heart he flopped back down and put his hands behind his head and looked up at the blue sky 'I will avenge you both...' he whispered
Zenith drove as fast as he could while Heero couldn't help but stare at Jim, Heero took off his shrit and tore it into strips and tied them around Jims bleeding arms, Jim looked up at Heero and for a minute there he thought he saw a soft smile upon the young teens harsh stern face, he blinked again then thought that he must of been seeing things when he saw how expressionless his face was, 'Dammit!, we've been spotted again,' exclaimed Zenith 'Well try and lose them,' spoke Heero in a harsh tone 'This isn't easy, my armours abit hard to try and manouver in such a small place,' snapped Zenith Heero jumped back into the passengers seat, 'Here let me take over,' 'What!, you can't drive!, your too young,' exclaimed Zenith 'Since when has that ever been a problem?' Heero Exclaimed back Zenith looked at him twice, 'Ok, Hold on' he said as he slammed on the brakes, Heero nearly flew through the broken windscreen while Jim hit his head against the back of the seat 'Damn it Zenith are you trying to kill us all!,' snapped Jim rubbing his forehead Zenith quickly moved into the passengers seat while Heero jumped in the drivers, Jim and Zenith quickly belted themselves in while Heero put the car into Drive and put his foot down just as an enemy air craft came flying up behind them, Zenith and Jim held on for dear life as Heero pushed the hover car to it's limit and beyond, they were very surprised at the way he drove as he dodged the trees. Finally losing them they headed for the rendevous point which was on the other side of the city where they found the others waiting 'Well took you guys long enough,' said Truth sounding triumpiant 'What happened to yous?' questioned Jin 'Long story no time to tell it, lets get out of here before we get spotted,' said Heero
Heero watched Duo disappear round the corner, then walked in the other direction, as he rounded a corner he heard I blood curtling scream coming from one of the rooms, Running over to the door he ripped it open and ran in, only to find a women dressed in leathers, holding a whip and a naked man laying on the bed laughing 'What the hell?!' he whispered in disgust The women slowly turned around with a smile, 'OOO...another one wanting to play...' The man began laughing, Heero quickly turned on his heels and ran out the door slamming it behind him 'Oh shit,' he mumbled under his breath at that moment the flood shuddered beneath his feet, 'What the hells going on,' Looking around he noticed a little girl standing at the end of the hall way, her head hung low and she looked to be holding a bear, slowly he walked up to her Before he said anything she began laughing, 'Your pretty,' she said in a daunting vioce that echoed around him 'Are..you ok?' he asked frowning at her, the little girl slowly lifted her head and Heero stepped back when he saw her eyes glowing red and her smile so evil, suddenly something cut off his gaze, looking up he found Releena smiling at him 'You alright?' she asked sweetly Heero frowned, 'Ah...yeah...that lillte girl...' 'Oh don't worry about her, she harmless,' she smiled, 'Follow me i'll take you to the indoor courtyard, it's peaceful there, you'll like it,' 'No thanks,' said Heero and He walked off down the hallway Releena hissed at the girl and she took off in the other direction, leaning against the wall, the hotel shuddered, 'I know...be paitent my love...be paitent...we will have what we want....'
Name: Heero Yuy Age: 18 Agender: Male Appearance: Now stands at six foot one, his whole appearance is still the same...appearance is in the thumbnail at the bottom Mecha: An old mecha suit he found while travelling the world, from the amount of damage he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, he remodeled it, painted it a Metallic Red and Green, it's weapons are two high powered lazer canon guns and two retractable claws, speed and power isn't as good as wingzeros but it's strong enough... it's name...Hellscry Country: Japan Personality: With a gun by his side and his cold heart still makes him hard to get close to, with a stare that sends shievers down peoples spines...well lets just say nothings changed...still emotionless and inhuman Bio: Left Releena after realising there would be no more threats and went out alone to find somewhere where he belonged...although that was hard knowing that the only place for him was on the battle field. Travelling around was the only thing that keep the ghosts of his past at ease....and kept him from going insane After finding out that a war had started back up again, he created Hellscry, he felt some what relieved when hearing about the war, to him it ment he could be himself again and this time....lady death will take him with her.......... OCC: I know it's short but i was in a hurry and I only know abit about the Gundam wing series
Heero walked out into the lounge after hearing Truth hurry into the room, 'Whats going on?' he questioned 'We need to get out of here fast, Trez's band of idiots are looking for us in the city,' replied Truth, as fast as they could they packed everything up and ran down to the Hotel carpark where their vehicals were waiting, throwing most of everything into Jims car, they took off, Zenith Jumped on the bike with Truth and Heero got into the car with Jim. They headed out of town and headed for the Forrest which was situated on the out skirts. They stopped beside a stream and set up camp, 'Man that was too close,' said Truth 'Now we can think of a strategy,' said Jin, Heero slowly walked down by the stream and sat on the edge, Truth followed him and sat down bedie him 'Heero you don't have to hide anymore, we found out that you killed your parents,' she said Heero looked at her confused, 'How'd you find out?' 'that's not the point, now you don't have to hide,' she said, for that second she saw Heero's face turn soft and warm but then it quickly changed back to it cold and unmoved state, Heero stood up and walked away 'Hey heero come on, there's nothing to be a shamed of,' called Truth as Heero disapeared into the forest. 'Good one,' said Zenith standing beside truth. The day pressed on and Heero hadn't returned 'Where's that damn kid, he's been gone for over three hours,' snapped Truth with in saying that Heero appeared behind her 'What was that?' questioned Heero 'Oh shit!, you idiot don't do that!' she snapped as Heero walked passed her, everyone smiled 'General Trez's search party are still in the city, you can see there aircraft carriers in the sky,' said Heero 'Dammit, how are we going to take them down,' said Jim 'With a very good strategy,' smiled Jin, 'And Heero if you walk away i'm going to tie you to that tree and make sure you listen,' 'Well I was going to ask what the plan is but i don't need to now,' spoke Heero as he folded his arms
Heero then stood up after finishing his meal 'Hey buddy wait for me,' called Duo with a mouth full of food 'Your sick man!,' exclaimed Wufei slamming his fists on the table, Trowa laughed and Heero raised an eye brow at Duo Duo swollowed hard then smiled, 'Heero where you going?' 'For a walk,' replied Heero walking away from the table at that moment Releena apeared at the table again 'Finished I see,' she smiled 'Yes thank you that was good,' said Trowa as they stood up, Heero was already halfway across the roon going towards some double doors with Duo prancing around behind him 'What an idiot,' mumbled Wufei under his breath 'Why don't you two take a look around,' she suggested 'Sounds good,' said Trowa, as they walked off Moving against the wall, 'Be still my beast...Be still,' Releena whispered as she watched Heero disapear through the doors, ' My heart hungers as well as yours....,'
'That's just the trucks going passed,' spoke Releena with a smile Heero looked at his watch, then frowned, 'How can we be having breakfast at this time of the morning,' Heero thought to himself, 'Strange,' 'Now there's a restuarant at the end of the hall way where you can all have breakfast,' smiled Releena 'Cool,' exclaimed Duo as he was just about to take off when suddenly he was yanked back by Heero who grabbed his platt, 'Ouch!,' 'Slow down endless pit for a stomach,' said Heero sternly 'Oh man,' sighed Duo They walked passed the bar doors and could here people laughing, talking and singing 'Woe...a party!,' exclaimed Duo 'Go near those doors and I'll kill you,' snapped Heero 'Damn Kill joy,' mumbled Duo as they walked passed They entered into the restuarant, looked around and sat down, a waitress then walked up to them and took their orders, Duo as usual ordered nearly everything on the menu, at that moment Releena appeared at there table 'Are you all ok?' she questioned everyone answered accept Heero, Looking down at him she smiled softly then walked away 'Stop it or you'll blow it all,' she whispered tapping the walls after walking out the doors, 'Like i said you will get what you want and i'll have who i want...it may take a little time,'
[COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: A reminder to all who sighed up...Darkmark, Jacobian007, Delirium, Kayin, DuoMaxwell1423 Make sure that you read each others post properly and post regularly...Thanks.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman]This adventure contains Alcohol use, Violence, Harsh Language, Horror, Sex and Nudity...Only for Mature Audiences Thank you.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Make sure you read each others Characters in the Adventure INN esspecially for Dark Releen so that you understand Dark Releenas abilities[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]NOW WE START[/COLOR]: [I]The Five Gundam Wing pilots are on holiday and while on holiday they come across an old hotel called Hotel California which was situated on a dessert highway in the middle of nowhere, they stopped there only because Duo had to use the bathroom and Heero had gotten annoyed by his comrades complaining so he pulled over just to shut him up, they meet the owner of the Hotel but there's something strange about her, not being able to place what it was they are persuaded into spending the night there, with a welcome mat that reads: You May Check Out Anytime You Like But You Can Never Leave, and a smile that hides more than just good service these boys are about to experience a whole knew meaning to the word...Holiday [/I] The scene starts after the Five Gundam Pilots have laid their weary heads to rest, unware that their dreams will become reality and reality will become their dreams, With a deep growl from the hotel as if it were hungry, she calms it by stroking the walls 'Shhh...' she whispers softly, 'You will get what you want and I'll have who I want...' Heero opened his eyes and sat up...something didn't feel right, looking down at his watch he noticed that he had only been a sleep for fifteen minutes, at that moment the door bursted opened and Duo came running in and jumped on the bed, Heero stared at him coldly 'Oh come on grumpy!,' the long haired teen smiled, 'Lets go down and check out the crowd,' 'Go away,' mumbled Heero under his breath as he lay back down 'Oh get up!,' exclaimed Duo jumping up and down on the bed, he began poking Heero in the leg 'Stop it!' snapped Heero 'Only if you agree to come,' sang Duo, Heero sighed and sat up again and Duo quickly moved off the bed, Glaring at the Duo, Heero threw the covers aside, he put on a pair of light blue jeans and put on his socks and shoes, then over the top of his singlet he put on his dark blue jacket, ran his fingers throught his hair, went into the bathroom washed his face and walked back into the room, Walking out into the hallway he noticed the others walking towards them 'Couldn't sleep,' they all spoke 'Same here,' said Duo, Heero didn't say anything 'So shall we go take a look down stairs?' asked Trowa 'Well not unless we're just all gonna stand here looking at each other,' grumbled Wufei Heero began walking away 'Hey Buddy wait up!,' called Duo as they followed
Truth and Jim awoke to the sound of a door closing, Truth rolled over with her gun aimed and ready to shoot 'Damn girl!' said Zenith putting the shopping bags on the counter 'Shit,' she whispered putting her gun away, Jim sat up with a yawn 'We did some shopping,' said jin, 'We got eggs, milk, sugar, bread, butter, bacon and some other things,' 'Cool, I'll cook,' said Jim getting out of the bed 'Hey where'd you get the clothes from?' questioned Truth sitting up 'Oh your bags over there, I got them this morning,' replied Jim, 'I didn't know what to buy for you, it was bad enough people thought that they were for me,' Truth laughed, 'Thanks,' Truth finished her shower and put on the clothes that Jim got which were a bit big but she liked it, she looked around the room and noticed that Heero was missing 'Hey has anyone checked on Heero?' she asked At that moment they heard a crash came from the onsuite where Heero was sleeping, they looked at each other and ran through the door that connected both rooms, they found Heero curled up tightly on his bed shievering and clutching his head as if in pain 'Heero!,' exclaimed Jin as he ran to the bed side 'Make it stop!,' roared heero at the top of his lungs 'Heero make what stop?' questioned Jin with panic in his voice as the others ran to the bed side 'The pain....the pain! make it stop,' exclaimed Heero 'What pain?' Jin questioned as he grabbed Heeros arms 'Her...' whispered Heero as he looked up at Jin, his eyes were blood shot and his face pale at that moment he blacked out, Jin felt the teens forehead 'Dammit he's burning up, quick someone get a bowl of cold water and soem cloths,' exclaimed Jin, Jim took off to go get the water and cloths 'Whats wrong with him?' questioned truth with a deep worry in her voice 'I don't know,' replied Jin 'I think it might have something to do with those three substances they injected into him,' said Zenith Heero began to shiever violently and blood started seeping out through his skin 'What the hells going on?' exclaimed Jim as he walked in and just about dropped the water dish 'Oh shit...I'll go get some towels,' spoke Truth as she ran out the door 'What's happening to him?' exclaimed Zenith Jin quickly turned Heero on to his back, 'This is what happens when another substance is inserted into Heero's body, the meteoric substance that's in him reacts as a guard and shuts down all blood vessels in his body and creates another lot of blood which collects the unknown substances and pushes it out of his body making him bleed like this,' explained Jin 'So what do we do?' questioned Zenith looking worried 'We have to wait,' said Jin. They watched Heero toss and turn, they had placed a plastic cover underneath him which was now filled with blood. It was late that night when Heero settled down 'Hows he doing?' asked jim 'He's stopped bleeding which is a good thing and his fevers dropping,' replied jin, 'I'm going to go clean him up,' Jin lifted Heero carefully off the bed and took him into the bathroom while the others cleaned up the mess and tidyed the bed up. An hour later Jin walked out of the bathroom with Heero wraped in six towels 'You know he's going to freak,' said Zenith 'yeah I know,' smiled Jin, 'but at least he's clean now,' the next day heero didn't wake until late that afternoon, he opened his eyes to find jin looking down at him 'So you are alive,' smiled Jin, Heero blinked drowzily, slowly he looked around the room 'Where are we?' he whispered as if struggling to speak 'Well after we escaped the aircraft we took refuge in one of the cities for rest,' replied Jin as Heero slowly sat up, he felt as though he had hit a brick wall 'You've been out for two days,' said Truth appearing at the side of Jin 'Two days...'repeated Heero, 'We need to keep moving,' 'No, right now you need to rest, we leave tomorrow morning,' snapped Truth Heero looked at her and realized that she was right so he didn't bother arguing 'I've made you something to eat,' said Jim walking towards the bed with a tray, he put the tray on Heero's lap, 'Th...thank...I could of made it myself,' spoke Heero bluntly, 'But...thanks,' 'Your welcome,' said Jim
Sign Up Welcome to The Hotel California: Not everythings as it seems
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
Well Well!...I thought that there was noone out there who liked the other gundam pilots but i'm glad I was wrong!!! Now lets see Darkmark is Duo Maxwell Jacobian007 is Trowa Barton Kayin is Chang Wufei Delirium is Quatre Raberba Winner DuoMaxwell1423 is Dark Rellena All sounds good...so lets get on with it! SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED....so to those who signed up WELCOME TO THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA.... -
Heero stood beside Jin, his face still expressionless, suddenly he took off 'Heero!,' exclaimed Truth 'Whats happened to him?' questioned Jin 'They injected him with three substances that change him back to the way he was...I don't know what the hell is going on but we can't loose sight of him,' explained Truth as they took off after him Heero smiled as he found Zenith within seconds, the others just managed to keep up, Zenith stood with his back turned to them then slowly turned around suddenly Heero lunged at him, Zenith took a swing but missed, Heero punched him in the guts making him gasp 'What a wonderful sight, two comrades The Devils Son and The Weapon of Distruction thirsting for each others blood, what a wonderful sight,' laughed Maranda over the speakers Zeniths head was over flowing with memories of when him and Heero fought along side each other 'What the hell am i doing...' he said to himself, 'what are they trying to do...we'll destroy each other...and if that happens my sister will be left alone...I can't,' Pushing Heero away from him, he dropped to his knees, 'I can't!!!,' he roared clutching his head in agony as he fought the serum, suddenly Heero ran towards him, Zenith raised his sword up in defense, Heero lunged, suddenly the sword sliced throguh his left shoulder like a knife through butter 'Heero!!!!,' screamed Truth as the others gasped 'Oh shit...'whispered Zenith as Heeros body slid down the sword to the handle, staring into Heeros eyes tears rolled down the cheeks of Zenith as blood ran down his arm, he let the sword go and pushed back watching Heero sit back on his legs, anger swept through his body as he looked up at the glass booth where Maranda stood laughing hesterically. Truth ran to Heero's side and glared at Zenith, Heero suddenly pulled the sword out of his shoulder and stood up 'What the...' whispered Zenith as Heero began advancing towards him 'Thats it...Kill him...KILL HIM,' screamed Maranda in a taunting tone Zenith looked up at the booth, then looked at Heero who was drowzily walking towards him 'You bitch!,' roared zenith as he realised that Maranda was controlling Heero 'Do you honestly think that I'd let you live knowing that i have your sister!,' roared Maranda 'You loved me and I loved you!,' roared Zenith backing away from Heero 'Hahahaha...I once loved you uuntil you chose her over me!,' snarled Maranda, 'You left me there to die and now that i've got your sister no matter how much I try to control you I will always have to watch my back...But with Heero...i don't because this isn't his sister and he has noone that he'll choose over me...so I don't need you anymore,' 'You screwed up sick bitch!,' roared Zenith 'Heero kill him and the others,' she laughed Heero lunged at Zenith and grabbed him, standing behind him he held the sword to Zeniths neck 'Heero fight it,' exclaimed Zenith, as the others ran towards them, Heero pressed the blade into Zeniths neck 'Heero please...stop it,' cried out Truth, 'We're your comrades not enemies please remember!,' Heero glanced at Truth 'Heero! fight it...fight the serum,' exclaimed jin suddenly Heero pushed zenith to the ground and dropped the sword, at that moment Heero blacked out, Jin grabbed him and jim helped up Zenith 'Come on lets get the hell out of here,' said Jin 'But my sister!,' exclaimed Zenith 'We will get her back but we need to get out of this air craft for our own sakes,' growled jin as he broke down the doors, they ran as quickly as they could to the landing bay where everything was kept along with there weapons, They could hear foot soliders coming down the corridors, Packing everything into the hover car, Jin put Heero in the passengers seat and jumped on the hover board, Truth got onto her Hover Bike and Jim put Zenith in the back seat, Jin then opened the doors to the aircraft and they flew out before anyone could stop them 'maranda shall we go after them?' 'No, they'll be back,' smiled Maranda 'What are we going to tell Zechs and Trez about Heero?' 'Don't worry about that, we'll get him back,'
OOC: Hey welcome back wolf prncss! Heero found himself once again bound by ropes and chains but this time he lay on an observation table. 'Ah, your finally awake...sleep well,' he heard the voice of General Karn speak, looking around he noticed that the others weren't there 'You bastard,' growled Heero Truth silently creeped down the dark passage way, always looking over her shoulder, she knew she had to find the others but she didn't know where to start, suddenly she could hear soft footsteps from behind her, quickly ducking into a dark corner she waited, the figure walked passed her and she jumped the figure with the gun pressed against the figures temple 'Where are the others?' she demanded to know, at that moment she was thrown against the wall, the figure quickly placed a hand over her mouth and pressed her hard against the wall 'Shhh,' came a familiar voice as the hand was removed from her mouth 'Zenith...' she whispered 'Yeah...it's me,' he replied 'Why did you try and kill us?' questioned Truth 'I had no choice, they've got my sister, Maranda's the only one who knows where they're keeping her...and now that she's dead...I'm never going to find her,' sighed Zenith, 'I didn't mean to hurt you or Jim,' 'I understand, we can still find your sister and we will find her but right now we need to get off this damn aircraft, we'll find the others and blow this place,' said Truth, 'I know that Heero is with General Karn,' 'How'd you know that?' questioned Zenith 'The walkie talkie,' she said switching it on she tuned in and found the same two officers talking 'Do you think they can really turn Heero back to the way he was after finding out what happened to his parents...I mean, I could of never have done that to mine,' spoke an officer 'Heero use to be the greatest solider of all time but i guess he just can't get over the fact that he killed his parents,' spoke the other 'Trez is asking for a miracle if he wants Heero back,' 'The only way he can get Heero back is by wiping his mind clean and replacing it with the memories of before Heero found out what happened,' 'And they're going to use that girl to do it,' 'But whats taking them so long?' Truth gasped and Zenith frowned 'So thats what happened,' whispered Zenith 'Oh my god...he killed his own parents,' gasped Truth 'Well come on, lets find the others and Heero before they brain wash him,' spoke Zenith and a serious tone 'General Kern!, we found Sargent Johnson and Lieutenant Rogers, they're dead,' said Private Mast running into the room, Heero glared at both of them 'Dammit, we'll have to carry out the proceedure without her,' spoke General Karn as he quickly pulled over a trolley with a seringes of a blue, yellow and red liquids, Heero's eyes widened as General Karn picked up the blue seringe first and jabbed it into Heeros arm 'What the hell is that!' Heero demanded to know 'You'll see,' smiled the General as he pulled it out and then jabbed the red one in, Heero's body tensed as all memories that he had subpressed in his mind exploded in his head 'NNNOOO...STOP IT!,' he roared, as the General jabbed in the last seringe, 'NNNOOO,' Heero suddenly went quiet and his face lost all expression suddenly Zenith and Truth smahed through the door, Truth held her gun high and shot General Karn between the eyes twice without any thought, as Karns body fell Zenith ran over to the table where Heero lay, suddenly foot soliders entered the room 'Dammit!,' exclaimed Truth at that moment Heero tore through the ropes and chains and sat up on the table, Truth turned to look at him and once again she saw that face 'Oh no...,'she whispered with a slight tremble in her voice as she saw the empty seringes, 'We're too late,' Zenith slowly backed away from the table as Heero slid off at that moment he ran passed Truth and ripped apart the soliders then turned and faced Truth and Zenith 'Heero.....are you alright?...'questioned Truth as she saw the stone cold glare that she preyed would never be casted upon them....
OFF TOPIC: Yes you are right about Densuke...sorry and sorry again if i wasn't meant to post again. Anyway...Alot of the cartoons have a good rating over here, and yes they do get cut when they have too much violence in them...which is really unfair...and Australia and NZ may be close but their ways are very different to ours and i wish we could have alot of animes etc...over here as they do but we don't, I've only found one shop over here so far that does sell animes but it's only a selected range, I went in to ask if they have anything on gundam wing and they said they don't sell it because their suppliers don't have them and can't get them.
OFF THE SUBJECT: First of all Thanks to all those who gave their opinions, at least i know now that I'm not the only one who thinks that Banning cartoons and animes is wrong just wish that they weren't thinking of doing it in NZ, just remember i'm not looking for solutions because what ever the government do there's nothing i can do to stop it...But a huge thank you anyway!!!! Ok to ease the mind of Dagger IX1...Let me see where do i start...Sailor Moon was cut from NZ half way through the second season of it...the last episode was when Sailor moon and Darien split up because Darien kept having these out of it dreams of sailor moon and he thought it was because of him [spoiler]why she died[/spoiler] ....um...Voltron was also taken away my parents never saw the ending.... Power rangers were totally banned because it was too violent (and thats where those two teens came in to it when they tried to copy Power rangers and got hurt and they're using that as an example to ban VIOLENT cartoons)....um.... Dungeons and Dragons were also cut, the last episode My parents saw was when one of the guys were disappearing.... and some others but i can't remember the names of them (I only know this because my parents use to watch these cartoons so some you may not have heard of) so they have banned alot of cartoons in NZ, the only way you can watch animes over here is if you have sky, which is actually ok because some kids don't get to watch them anyway because some families don't have sky but you see we don't have sky because of my Grandparents are anti towards cartoons. So the only cartoons we can watch are the ones on normal television (but i still don't get to see them much) and it's those cartoons they're THINKING of banning...like Dragon Ball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon...etc...Look although I'm not as lucky as some to be able to watch cartoons much as how i want to but I like them anyway. Gundam wing was the first real cartoon that i was able to see in my whole life even though i only saw a few episodes when we use to have sky but my grandmother put a stop to that. Some of the characters people play on here have never been shown in NZ due to the violency. I mean the only way to understand who the characters are that the people play is by getting sky but some of us don't have sky and what actually gets me is that there are hardly any violent cartoons on normal TV as it is and yet they're not all that violent because they've edited them. Now does that help? or do you need more info? by the way i haven't heard much about it only that they were still thinking about it. but i hope they drop the case. OFF THE SUBJECT:I've always said that people are entitled to their opinions but Densuke don't come here just to shoot bullets in other peoples posts, it aint called for and definately NOT WELCOMED. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
Sign Up Welcome to The Hotel California: Not everythings as it seems
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
All looks good but we still need three more adventurers...please join So far we have: Darkmark as Duo Maxwell Jacodian007 as Trowa Barton All we need now is: Someone for Wu Fei Someone for Quatre Raberba Winner someone for Dark Releena Now I'm guessing these aren't the bestest of gundam pilots and not many proberly like releena but i'm hoping that there are some fans of these characters...so please join..... -
Well let me see...I have come up with an adventure which involves the Five Gundam Wing pilots, A living haunted Hotel and a lady...but she's dead...so here's the story line [COLOR=DarkRed]This story will contain Alcohol use, Violence,Harsh Language, Horror, Sex and Nudity, content will disturb so 15+ Mature audiences[/COLOR] The Five Gundam pilots go on a road trip and find themselves in the middle of nowhere at night on a dark dessert highway, Duo suddenly needs to take a leak and surprisingly enough a shimmering light apears in the distance, as they got closer they realise that it was an old hotel called...The Hotel California..(Know the song?)..Heero pulled up outside even though all he wanted to do was keep going but with Duo complaining he had to do something to shut him up. As they stood looking around..., Heero walked up the stairs to find a women standing in the door way with a soft smile, 'Welcome,' she smiled in an eerie echoing voice, Heero looked her up and down, she had black hair, which was tied to one side of her head with black and pink feathers sticking out, she wore a pink and black full piece bodice which showed alot of cleavage leaving nothing to the imagination, she also wore long black stockings with pink shoes and long black gloves, her skin was pale and her eyes a pure green...she was beautiful...but Heero not taking any notice where as the others had and looked as though they would faint if she moved, walked up to her and asked her if they could use the bathroom, 'Sure,' she smiled at Heero but Heero took no notice, She lit up a candle and disappeared inside, Heero and the others followed, after using the bathroom they took a look around, there were poeple sitting at the bars, poeple sitting in the lounge, it was very busy 'Hey Heero can we stay the night?' asked Duo 'No, we're leaving now,' said Heero sternly At that moment the lady in pink and black appeared 'Why not stay...just for the night,' she smiled looking at Heero, 'It would be better than traveling at night...at least you'll know you've had a good nights rest,' 'Yeah...come on Heero,' begged Duo 'Ok then but only for tonight,' growled Heero. They grabbed their bags from the cars and walked back inside, as they signed the check in book the door slammed and echoes of laughter filled the air 'Don't mind that...it's just the drunks,' she smiled as she handed out a key each, the boys looked at each other and frowned, Heero on the other hand didn't care. The bell boy grabbed their bags, Duo looked down and saw the welcome mat, it red...'you may check out anytime you like but you can never leave' 'Follow me,' the bell boy smiled and without any knowledge of what was to come, they followed 'Check outs at ten,' they heard the lady's voice echoed Now, your proberly thinking...where's the war!.... i just wanted to do something a little different, this has got fighting in it but it's really twisted...as the mat says...you may check-out anytime you like but you can never leave....... Now these are the available characters: (All Male characters are the same age as the characters on the series- 15 years old) Duo Maxwell Trowa Barton Quatre Raberba Winner Chang Wu Fei The Lady: The darker side of: Releena Peacecraft Age: unknown The Ghost The owner of The Hotel California... She wants the gundam pilots especially Heero...the only way to keep them at the hotel forever is by......(that's up to the one who plays Releena) Now I need four male's to fill the shoes of the available characters left and i need one girl to fill the shoes of Releena's dark ghost. (For the one who plays Releena, you must come up with an idea on how to get the gundam pilots to stay with you forever....I will choose the one who comes up with the best Way of trying to keep the pilots) Now My Character: Name: Heero Yuy Age: 15 Sex: Male Weapons (2 or 3): Two magnums. Appearance: (My appearance is at the bottom of this page in thumbnails) BIO: A gundam pilot, cold-hearted and cruel, blue eyes of stone and an expressionless face,his seriousness isn't something to be messed with, forced into going on holiday by his best mate Duo. Would of rather worked on Wing Zero but He guessed a holiday couldn't hurt. For once he didn't have to worry about a mission, he could relax..so he thought... What I need for the male characters: Name: Age: 15 Sex: Male (of course) Weapons (2 or 3): Appearance: ( please use a gundam wing character picture but if you don't have one just type it in) BIO: ( Just a short one) What I need for Releena: Name: (which you already know) Age: (Which you already know) Sex: (Which is obvious) Appearance: (Type in what you like or post a picture, something ghostly remember she's dead) BIO: (This is where you explain how you the ones you want, and what ever else you want to put...Make it good) The Hotel California....It's a hotel that traps humans, and absorbs their souls but the only way it can absorb their souls is through Releena....(It will be explained more when the story gets started)...so Releena and the Hotel are connected. RULES: I need reliable adventurers not ones who will only post a couple times! No drug use and don't go over board in the alcohol No ending the story quickly use your imagination No killing each other off you can scrap and all that but just don't kill each other off And please read posts properly before adding yours. Now i think thats all i need...If there are any questions just PM me
OOC: now that is a big twist eclips...cool...but don't worry we will...LOTIS(Laughing On The Inside) Jin awoke laying on a cold floor in a small room, his body badly beaten, wearily getting up the door opened 'Shit!,' exclaimed one of the four guards that walked in, Jin quickly ran towards them grabbed a gun off one of them and blew their brains out which splatter across the floor, grabbing the other guns and key passes they had he took off to find the others as he ran down a passage way he heard Truth screaming at the top of her lungs Jin slowed down pressed his back against the wall and peered around the corner to find Zenith standing over Truth, stealthly he moved closer to Zenith, lined him up and shot him in the leg 'ARRRHHH shit!' exclaimed Zenith dropping the sword and rolling around on the floor in pain 'God dammit another physco killer,' sighed Jin 'I'm not a physco killer!, i have to or my sister will die!' exclaimed Zenith holding his leg, 'Unlike Heero who's heart is a void of emptiness and craves for blood!' at that moment a strange voice echoed behind them 'I knew you couldn't do it,' All turning around they found a women standing there 'Who the hell are you?' growled Jin drawing his sword and aimed with the gun 'Zenith knows,' she smiled 'Maranda....'he whispered putting his head down suddenly they heard footsteps behind them turning around they saw they were once again surround They were all taken into a room with a window that looked out into a bright white room, forced to sit down and held at gun point they looked out and saw Heero strapped to a table with his arms stretched out in a cross formation looking at them 'Welcome...,' spoke Maranda menacingly, Heero's eyes were distant and his face expressionless 'You bastards what did you do to him!' roared Jin 'Shut up! you'll speak when spoken to!,' she snapped as she walked over to Heero and touched his face, 'Now what can we do that will excite me?,' She then pulled out a small device 'Leave him alone!,' screamed Truth 'Now Heero tell them what you did to your parents, i'm sure they want to know,' smiled Maranda But he said nothing, 'Heero Now!,' she exclaimed as she pressed a button, they saw a serge of electicity flow over his body and his body tensed but still he said nothing 'You little bastard!,' she screamed turning up the voltage but still he said nothing, 'Leave him alone!,' roared Jin suddenly Maranda turned turned on them with a gun, 'Since Zenith couldn't do the job then i'll have to,' 'No!' cried out Zenith, Maranda laughed mockingly 'I see you have a soft spot for these idiots,' she smiled at him, Zenith looked away, 'That's even better,' she aimed the gun at Zenith himself and was just about to pull the trigger when suddenly a hand bursted out of her chest from behind holding her bloodied, throbbing heart,everyone gasped,the hand disapeared back out of her body leaving a huge hole, she dropped the gun as blood poured out of her mouth and she fell against the glass smashing it into pieces, everyone looked up to find Heero with an expressionless face standing with the heart in his hands, he crushed it and then dropped it beside her
If the answer is dark then what's up with the first part of the riddle? It says It cannot be seen when really it can, just walk outside at night and there's the darkness...you can see it.
OOC: Yeah ok Mage15, go for it just keep her alive 'Jim we need to get them out of there,' exclaimed Truth 'Don't you think i know that,' replied Jim trying to pry open the doors, 'Dammit, we'll have to look for the main control room for these doors,' 'Oh great,' sighed Truth, 'And where do you suppose we look?' 'Well i don't see you coming up with anything better,' snapped Jim, Truth frowned and looked down the corridor Jin picked up the plates of food and handed them out but Heero turned his back on it 'Heero we need to eat,' said Jin as Heero walked away 'Seriously Heero what is your problem?' questioned Zenith as he began to eat, Heero didn't answer as he looked out the window 'I'll just leave your plate on this crate for when you do feel like eating,' said Jin as he joined Zenith. Heero noticed that it had gone quite, too quite, he turned around to look at the others and found them unconcious leaning against the crate, 'Oh shit,' he whispered as he walked over to them at that moment the doors opened and in stormed twenty guards with loaded guns and one of Zechs Generals 'Don't move,' ordered the General as the guards surrounded him, Heero was just about to fight them whe one of the guards aimed a gun at Jin and Zenith 'I wouldn't if i were you boy,' growled the General 'Dammit,' whispered Heero realizing his defeat, The general then quickly ran up behind him and strapped an electronic collar around his neck, feeling a sharp pain Heero dropped to his hands and knees gasping 'What...is this?' he questioned trying to pull it off 'I wouldn't do that if...' replied the general whos voice trailed off when Heero cried out in pain as a serge of electricity shot through his body 'Oh...S..Shit,' whispered Heero before blacking out. He awoke and found himself standing in a dark room, his arms were stretched out above his head and chained and his legs were bolted to the floor with chains, He quickly put his wings away when the door opened behind him 'So we finally caught you,' came a familiar voice, Heero tried looking over his shoulder but he couldn't see, 'Your proberly wondering who i am...But you should remember this...' At that moment a handless arm apeared infront of his face 'General Karn,' snarled Heero as his face apeared infront of him 'Thats right and i'm here to pay you back for what you did to me...you little bastard,' spat the General, 'I can't cut off anything but i can leave you with something to remind you of me...' The General then unravelled a whip and smiled menacingly, he then walked behind Heero....Silence...then came the cracking of the whip against Heero's bare back, immense pain shot through his body 'I want to hear you scream....I want to hear you suffer...I want revenge!' laughed the General tauntingly as he whipped Heero over and over again, Twenty whippings later Heero had held on to all signs of pain which made the General more angry. He stormed out and walked back in with a metal barrel of fire burning ambers and an iron rod with a thin metal plate attached to it, He put it in for a few seconds then pulled it out burning red and placed it against the opened wounds, Heero let out a thunderous cry of pain which shook the room, The general laughed phsycoticly as he repeated it over and over again then whipped him ten more times...Heero's eyes turned a blood red before blacking out from the pain