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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Name: Heero Yuy Age: 18 Sex: Male Student Apearance: (My apearance is in the thumbnail at the bottom of the page) Class: Multi-weapon combat and archery his favourite Possesions: Twin Katana swords over a meter and a half long, red tarnished blades with Dark Green handles, join together at the handles to make one long twin bladed stick or on the side to make one twin blade Katana which his father crafted and made and a 5ft long black Bow with white arrows which was crafted and made by his mother. Small Bio: Heero became an orphan when his parents were killed when he was nine, His father a warm hearted man and his mother a beautiful loving women both murdered right before his eyes but he can't seem to remember how or who done it, taking the only things that would make him feel more closer to them was a set of twin Katanas which his father made and a Bow which his mother made. He came to this school with nothing but a cold and uncaring heart and endless nightmares, his dark blue eyes always seemed lost and daunting and his seriouness wasn't something to mess around with. He had never smiled and he never said much all he did was train for the day when he finally has his revenge.... Tell me if i need to change anything, I only have pics of Gundam wing and i couldn't think of any names...I was in a hurry so I just put him down...is that ok?
  2. Heero awoke with his eye sight blurried, his body aching and his head throbbing, carefully looking around he noticed that the others lay beside him, blinking away the blurriness he realised that they were inside some sort of aircraft carrier,making sure that noone was around, he slowly moved closer to zenith and began to shake him violently 'Wake up!,' he then yelled in zeniths ear over the noise of the aircraft. Zenith bolted up ready to attack 'Where are those bastards,' he cursed under his breath then realised that his head felt as though it was ready to explode,'owww...my head...what the hell did i run into,' By that time the others were waking up 'Where are we?' questioned Truth 'Heero?' questioned Jin 'I'm over here,' replied Heero with his ear to the door 'What's going on?' asked Jim Heero turned to them, 'We're stuck on an aircraft carrier, looks like we're going for a ride,' 'Ride to where?' asked Truth as she stood up to take alook around 'A ride to hell,' whispered Zenith, everyone looked his way as he slowly walked towards a window to look out 'We need to get off this plane,' suggested Jin 'And how do you suppose we do that?' questioned Jim sounding very pissed, 'All of our armour has gone and we have nothing to fight with...if you ask me we're stuffed,' 'Cut it off with the negatives aye!,' snapped Truth, 'Jin is right, we need to get off this plane,' 'And what do you suppose we do miss i'm so positive,' growled Zenith 'Shut it will yous!' snapped Heero at that moment Zenith lunged at him and slammed him against the cold metal wall, his wings suddenly tore out of his back in rage, blood splatted everywhere as Zenith sprang back 'What the hell....' zenith whispered 'Oh god,' gasped Truth as they saw the state of Heeros once beautiful wings now torn and bloodied. Heero slowly slid down the wall and sat on the ground, his head hung low 'He...Heero,' Jin whispered his name as he walked towards him, Heero lifted his weary head and looked up at Jin with a distant gaze 'Heero...I didn't...well I...' spoke Zenith attempting to apologize but couldn't find the words that might make some sense to a boy who knew nothing on affection.Zenith rubbed the back of his neck as Heero stood up, Looking at their horrified faces he then turned his attention back to the door as if nothing happened at that moment the door handle began to gidder, Heero stepped back from the door
  3. O.O.C Hey Wolf Prncss won't beable to post for a while, but keep her Character alive...Thanks
  4. Going back to where Jim blew a hole in the wall Heero stopped them before the opening 'Whats wrong?' questioned Jin 'Theres shadows...'whispered Heero before his voice trailed off, they looked at him with expressions of confusion, at that moment one of Zech's Generals stood in the way to getting out of the building 'So this is where you are,' smiled the General 'Get out of our way!,' snarled Truth as she drew her guns 'I wouldn't do that little lady if i were you,' spoke the General in an awkward tone, suddenly Jim was thrown out the ground infront of the General, he lay in a heap on the ground unconcious, 'Jim!' exclaimed Jin, 'What did you do to him?' 'Just a little knock out therapy,' the General smiled grimacingly Heero then drew his gun, 'Let him go,' 'Not until we have what we want,' spoke the General suddenly footsoldiers entered the room with their guns aimed at them, 'Heero, if you want your comrades to be safe then you will come with us,' 'No!' roared Zenith as he lunged towards them, they then opened fire and everyone scattered, Heero ran towards them with his sword drawn, he swung his sword which cut through the first line, he ran over to Jim and threw him over his shoulder and ran for cover. Heero ran behind a heap of metal crates, he lay Jim against them, reloaded his guns and began firing at the enemy. The building began shaking violently 'Jin we need to get out of here!,' yelled Zenith 'I'll use that bike to clear a path, you guys follow!,' exclaimed Truth 'Take Jim with you!,' called Heero, Truth jumped on to her bike and quickly drove over to Heero, he put Jim between Truth and that front 'Ok, lets go!,' called Truth as she drove to wards them, putting her head down the others followed right behind her as she made a path through the swam of enemy soldiers, Heero was at the back of them, as soon as he got outside he flew upwards at that moment two hooks latched on to his wings, letting out a blood curtliny cry of pain as he was pulled back down to the ground, he landed with a thud 'Heero!,' called Jin as the enemy soldiers opened fire on them pushing them back so they couldn't get to Heero, Zenith then gluided towards them speedily but was suddenly stopped in his tracks when he was shot with a tranquillizing dart, his vision blurred and all feeling in his body was lost, he dropped from the sky and Jin caught him. Jin put Zenith down on the ground and in a desperate act to reclaim Heero he ran towards them with his sword drawn, Truth put Jim down and joined Jin. Heero stood up wearily, they tried tieing him up but he grabbed one by the head and rammed it into the other guards head three time craking open their skulls, he turned to the General but brfore he could do anything to the General the El-zion building blew which sent everyone flying, Heero still had the hooks and ropes attached to his wings when he was blown away from the General, a huge slab of rock dropped onto the ropes as he was in mid-air which caused the hooks to rip through his wings, he slid across the gravel and ended out on his side with his back turned to everyone, his arm lay in an awkward angle as it ran behind his back. Jin was hit in the head with a slab of rock which knocked him out and Truth was knocked off her bike, she ended out with a huge piece of wall on her leg.
  5. Where i come from they're thinking of banning violent cartoons and animes such as all DBZ cartoons, Yu-Gi-Oh etc...Why? because they think it's not good for kids and teens to be watching that sort of non-educational programming...they say that it destroy's the youths minds and thats why there's alot of street wars, suicides, bullying, killing...etc... My opinion on this...It's stupid, Fancy blamming cartoons for something that will always happen. They think that getting rid of Cartoons and Animes will bring down the violency toll and create more peace throughout the youth but what about the violence in movies, books etc..Cartoons and Animes have nothing to do with the violence in youth today...sure there have been some that have tried acting like their fav characters but thats just like acting like your fav sports star and yeah a couple have been hurt doing that but thats no reason to ban cartoons and animes all because of two teens who should of known better is it?...for crying out loud!!!! why punish all of the cartoon and anime lovers for two teens stupid mistake...this is totally screwed up... Share your opinion on this, am i the only one who thinks that this is insane!!!! I edited my thread a bit because of the i got a post from densuke (I think i spelt the name right) claiming that there are too many hotheads which naturally there would be because it is a touchy subject for cartoon lovers, I'm not looking for answers because that ruling is up to the government over here, i can't stop them if they decide to ban violent cartoons...Don't get me wrong I'm not impressed about what they're thinking of doing but as i said I just wanted to see what others thought of this. Now the name of the country i am talking about is NZ, this is where i'm from. A few years ago they were thinking of banning violent cartoons to keep the peace here but then noone heard anything about it until a while ago when the topic resurfaced, they had it on the news and they ran a servey about it on the Good Morning Show, some people agreed and some didn't. The government are still thinking about it and if there is anyone from NZ who is on here then YOU SHOULD KNOW! Now the only thing i wanted to know was what was your opinion on this...I didn't want to cause any conflict between anyone. I didn't want people thinking that this is a joke or someone asking for a summary on this subject all because they thought that there were too many hotheads and that i was looking for Answers! thats not what i wanted.
  6. Heero fixed the damage that was done to his wing 'Come on, we need to get back to the control room,' said Heero as he stood up 'Man this things abit tricky, very touchy on the balance,' said Jin as he jumped onto the hoverboard 'Damn...this baby purs like a kitten,' smiled Truth as she got on to the bike 'That cars to big to fit down the corridors, pack the supplies inside and i'll take them outside and wait for yous upon the hill,' suggested Jim 'Ok then,' said Jin as they threw everything into the car 'Ok...if you guys aren't out within five munites then i'm coming back in,' said Jim 'Got it,' said Jin as Jim jumped into the hovercar 'Catch yous on the up rise!' he smiled devilish and took off out the huge double doors which led outside. 'Right lets....,' began Jin but stopped when Heero took off again out the door back into the corridor 'Where the hell does he get his energy from,' said Zenith, 'Theres no end to his taking off,' 'Well lets go before we lose him,' sighed Jin and they ran after him They found Heero with his back against the wall next to the entrance to the control room, Heero put a finger to his lips warning them to hush. They slowly moved towards him and lent against the wall 'Whats wrong?' whispered Jin 'There's a group of them in the control room, they've contacted Zechs and Trez,' replied Heero, they stopped speaking and listened in on the conversation 'Commander Zechs, Heero's here, he has four others fighting with him, they're destroying the EL-ZION base, they were in here earlier but left, now we can't seem to find them,' spoke a man with a deep voice 'Well find the little bastard!, and like i told you before catch him and bring him back to me!! I want him alive...that boy won't know what hit him after i've finished with him...i want him brought back to Avalon El-Zion HQ...now go find him now!!!,' roared Zechs 'Yes sir,' spoke a wide range of different voices At that moment Heero ran into the room with the others right behind them, standing in front of the huge main control screen were more than fifty red suits 'Oh shit,' cursed Zenith under his breath as they all ran towards the enemies with their weapons drawn. Heero cut his way through the crowd to get to the control board, using his skills as a hacker he randown all info on the computer and loaded it onto a small disc. He then slipped the disc into his pocket and turned to the others who were still fighting 'Get out of here!,' he roared over the top of the brawl, everyone stopped and looked at Heero who raised his sword above his head and brought it down hard on the control board, the sword tore through it as if it were butter, sparks flew everywhere as the control board began to shake and fry as Heero pushed the sword deeper into the panel. The whole place began to shake and pipes and computors blew up around them The reds then run from the control room. Heero then with drew his sword and backed away from the system 'Heero lets go!,' called Jin as they stood in the doorway, Heero turned and ran towards them and they took off down the corridor, Heero let out his wings and began to fly, Truth jumped onto the bike, Jin jumped on to the hover board and Zenith glided, The whole EL-zion building began blowing up around them
  7. I watched only a few episodes of this manga, The Legend of the Four Kings was one of my favourite Manga Cartoons even though i only saw a few of the videos. Does anyone know what happened to the four Ryudo Brothers, Hajime, Tsuzuku, Owaru and Amaru? I think thats how you spell their names...I haven't seen it for a couple of years now...it may not even be exsisting anymore...i don't really know...I just want to know what happened to them...Lady Katana please excuse me if this thread doesn't meet the requirements of this forum...It's just that i don't know whether The Legend of the Four kings are still exsisting or not.
  8. Heero limped along the passageways using the walls as leverage, his eyes still blurred everytime he blinked, 'Heero!,' called jin from behind, Heero stopped and looked over his shoulder, at that moment someone grabbed Jin from behind 'What the hell...' Heero spun around to find the General that shot the suringe at him holding on to Jin tightly with another suringe ready to inject into Jins Neck, Heero quickly drew his gun and aimed at the general 'I know for a fact that you can't really see properly and besides are you really gonna risk your comrades life...you could accidently miss me and hit him but then again we all know that killing is what runs through your blood,' spoke the General in a deep husky tone, 'you really don't give a damn about what happens to him or any of the others...you thirst for the killing...I know you do...I see it in your eyes, your one true love...Lady Death, isn't that why your parents are dead...' At that moment Heero pulled the trigger, the gun shot echoed throughout the passageway, Jin blinked continuously in fright as blood splattered all over one side of his face, the bullet had struck the General right between the eyes leaving one massive hole which went right through to the other side. The General then slowly slid down Jin and fell in a heap on the floor. Jin looked down at the General then looked up at Heero who was putting his gun away 'Heero, what was he talking about!' Jin demanded to know, Heero looked up at him, his eyes cold but distant 'It has nothing to do with you,' replied Heero sounding annoyed 'Would you have let me die! is that what he was talking about!' roared Jin, Heero then turned to walk away but Jin ran up and grabbed his arm, Heero feeling threatened ripped his arm out of Jins grip, spun around to face him with the gun aimed at jins forehead 'Heero we aren't here to fight against you, we are here to help you,' spoke Jin in a more calmer tone as he gently pushed the gun down out of his face, 'What is it that's ripping you up inside to the point where you can't trust us...to the point where you feel nothing...I mean look at you...your munted badly and yet you act as though you don't feel it...why?' Heero sighed and put his gun away, at that moment heavy foot steps echoed in the passageway from behind them, Heero then drew his sword as a figure sprinted around the corner, Heero was just about to take a swing when jin stopped him 'Wait!,' said Jin, 'It's Jim,' 'Heads up guys! it's those jumped up clones!!!!,' exclaimed Jim running towards them, looking back down the passageway passed Jim, they the clones flooding in as if there was no tomorrow 'Holy shit!,' whispered Jin, Heero stood his ground ready to fight as jim ran passed 'Come on Heero!, not now...we need to blow this place and get the hell out of here, hopefully Zenith and Truth found out where Zechs and Trez are!,' exclaimed Jin as he grabbed Heeros arm and pulled him along, at that moment gun fire rang throughout the passage as they put their heads down and ran. 'Where'd they come from?' questioned Heero 'Well i came back to see if i could find yous after hearing a gun shot and i ran into them,' replied Jim 'Oh great,' said Jin as they ran around the corner
  9. I've got to agree...no matter how nasty i get to them...they still look at me dreamy eyed and all...thank god i'm not vain!!!!...I don't bother looking in the mirror, i don't care how my hair sits and im sure as hell not interested in dating at this moment...i have better things to do with my time than to worry about some girlfriend thats either vain or obsessed... Anyway...your freaky days quite funny...no offense [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Double and Triple posts are not allowed on the boards. I will give you this one warning. If you continue to break the rules of the boards I will close your account. I suggest that you read the Rules and FAQ of the boards. If you have questions please PM myself or another moderator. Thanks. ~Panda[/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE=Imi][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hehe, I have sooo many wishes it?s unbelievable.....although most of them are very stupid >.>; Okay, number one; That Satoshi Hiwatari was real! He's like, the most perfect bishi ever spawned by an anime...in my personal opinion ^^; If I couldn?t have that, it would be that I was dropped into D N Angel, that way I could at least meet the guy AND take a pair of scissors to Risa Harada's hair :devil: No offence Risa fans >.>;; Um...what else...? That D N Angel movie/OAV episodes were made. Also that the third manga volume would actually come out over here. -_- Oh, I'd also love for Kill Me*Kiss Me to be made into an anime, that would be so cool. Well, that's all my wishes, I think....now if the wonderful anime fairy could make them come true I will be a very happy fangirl ^__^[/COLOR][/QUOTE] If only the wonderful anime fiary would make all our wishes come true we'd be all made but as usually reality kicks it in the arse and sends it flying out the window, which leaves us with reruns on t.v and nothing to do on Sundays...Damn, if only wishes came true I'd deffinatly would be made!
  11. [QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]I dunno how to react at this. Part of me is saying "thats kinda too weird to even believe, yet understand" and the other part of me is saying "This guy has got to be gay." No offense ofcourse, thats just what my reaction was. The girl grabbed your crotch and said she wanted you.... 99.9% of straight people would have been all over the opportunity.... what other possible reaction is there?[/QUOTE] Thanks for thinking I'm gay..Ha Ha HA....It's not that, it's just that I'm not interested in that kind of thing at the moment...I've been burned to badly and for some reason i just can't seem to let it go plus my minds already screwed up for me to want to bring anyone into my so called life and i don't mean i'm five cents short of a dollar ...and besides I have more important things to think about than that kind of stuff and by the way...My mate whos like a brother to me is the only one who can get close enough to me without me telling them to piss off...I trust him more than anyone else...he's my best mate....But anyway i could see why you thought i was gay...ha ha...now thats different.
  12. *Hey Jim...Finally...Sorry for not telling you, i thought i had* Jin quickly looked over the side to find Heero hanging on to the pipe halfway down 'Heero!,' he called, ' you ok?' Heero shook his head violently, 'That thing that was in the suringe made me dizzy!, I can't fucken see straight and my wings have gone stupid,' 'hold on, I'll come down and get you!' called Jin 'No the pipe won't support us both,' Heero yelled back, 'Look just get inside and help the others we need to blow this place!,' 'I'm not leaving you there!' roared Jin 'You don't have to,' said Lee as he pushed himself away from the building, his wings disappeared back into his back as he flew out in a straight line with his arms extended, 'See you soon,' 'Heero! God damn you!' roared Jin as he watched Heero free fall into the ocean of guards below him. Jin pounded the brick wall, sighed then turned and ran towards the rooftop door, smashing it down, he ran down the stairwell and ran through the first door he came across and ended out running into Truth and Zenith who drew their weapons on him 'Hey!' exclaimed Jin 'Dammit Jin,' said Zenith as he quickly pulled back his weapon 'Where's Heero?' questioned Truth as she dropped her hands 'Still fighting...i think,' replied Jin as he turned his head slightly away from them 'What do you mean you think?' Zenith questioned with a frown, 'Where is he?' 'Well...' 'Right here,' spoke Heero as if struggling to speak. Everyone spun around in fright to see Heero standing in the door way leaning against the framing, his bare chest glistened with blood from the deep slash across his chest,the left side of his rib cage was grazed and bruised 'Heero...,' whispered Truth as they gazed upon his battered form. 'Wheres Jim?' asked Heero before anyone could say anything 'He went looking for medical supplies,' said Zenith 'I'll go find him,' said Heero as he limped in the opposite direction they were going in 'But Heero...your hurt badly!' called Jin 'It's not serious,' Heero called back 'Damn that boy,' growled Jin under his breath, 'I'll go with him and you two carry on,' 'Meet you outside,' said Zenith as Jin ran after Heero
  13. Sounds good, alot of imagination....welcome to the rise of the underworld...get ready for old hand fighting...well when we get enough to join....by the way like the swan miri...very original!
  14. Heero turned to see the flood of angry guards running towards them, at that moment his wings tore out from his back, drawing his sword he flew towards them with great speed and sliced through the first wave 'I'll stay with Heero,' said Jin taking off after him,'Zenith use your assasin skills to get inside we'll follow later!,' 'Now thats more like it,' exclaimed Zenith, 'Come on, we need to get those people out of there...how the hell they got themselves in this situation I don't know...but at least it's something to do,' 'God dammit Zenith!, this isn't a game or something to do!' snapped Truth, 'This is a god damn war!' 'Don't you think i know that!' spat Zenith 'Shut up!!!' roared Jim at the top of his lungs, 'If you two are gonna stand there and argue while you can...but i'm going inside!' Jim then took off around the corner, Zenith and truth looked at each other then followed Meanwhile, Heero and Jin fought hard, but the wave kept coming, Heero couldn't understand why so many guards followed after the other, they found themselves with their backs pressed against each other and surrounded by hundreds of guards 'Heero take a good look at them,' exclaimed Jin 'What?' questioned Heero as he looked at them, 'They all look the same!' 'Those bastards must have a cloning device,' growled Jin 'Shit,' cursed Heero as the guards ran towards them, Heero then flew up into the air grabbing Jin by the arm 'Oh shit!' called out Jin as Heero flew up onto the roof of the El-zion building but as he put jin down something pierced him in the right arm, looking to see what it was he found it to be a seringe, ripping it out he threw it on the ground at that moment Heero began feeling dizzy 'Heero?...Heero you alright?' called jin Heero didn't reply as he looked around him to see who shot it and there on the ground he saw one of Trez's generals but before he could do anything he dropped from the sky 'No!!!,' roared Jin as he ran to the side at that moment Jin was also shot at with a suringe but it had just missed, he looked about and saw the general
  15. Set in a time where Legends became reality, A Knight was banished to the underworld by the only person who he lay his loyalty to, the one who he swore to protect, the one who he'd give his own soul just to save him...his King...King Garthon, the ruler of all Faeleria... once a beautiful land of flush green pastures, warm winds, laughter of children and pure blue skys now...drained and daunting views of dead trees, dried rivers, carcasses of once living animals and creatures, winds of dried dirt and skys a dark red from many blood that was spilled...The underworld was where all creatures and humans were sent when they disagreed or disobeyed King Garthon. King Garthon was once a man who lived for his people, kind hearted and good natured until he found the Devils Heart,...a round medallion with a red blood ruby the size of a mans fist, cased in pure gold with a black trim and black thick chain...it was only a myth...so it was said until the day King Garthon stumbled upon it while traveling his land...and the day that happened...the once beautiful Faelesia fell...Deep from within the Underworld the banished Knight...Lee Darksin rose, His heart filled with anger and hate...his eyes a pure icy blue...and his trust and all that he believed in shattered....while isolated in the underworld he saved the life of a male, red horned and hoofed, black, flying unicorn who befriended him along with a few other banished knights who wanted Faeleria restored aswell as wanting revenge... even though Lee didn't seem to care...his bitter coldness drove everyone away... because all he wanted in life was revenge...he ended out making him two swords from ancient metal that he found...one burned dark red and the other burned dark blue... now with his swords placed in their sheaths which he designed to be carried on his back in an 'X' formation him, his Unicorn he finally named Veladia and set out on a Journey to the world above...to avenge and restore the freedom which was once a blessing in Faeleria..... So I need between four to seven adventurers to help me restore Faeleria before it's too late.... My character Profile.. [B]Name[/B]: Lee Darksin [B]Age[/B]: 21 [B]Agenda[/B]: Male [B]Transport[/B]: Fire Breathing Winged Unicorn, Black with a red horn sticking out from the forehead and red hoofs, stands at 21 hands high [B]Weapons (Two or Three[/B]): Two swords wielded from the metals of the Underworld, One sword burns blue...it's metal was found in the coldest place of the underworld and the other burns red...it's metal was found in the hotest part of the underworld. [B]Magic[/B]: The only Magic Lee has is the magic in his swords, The sword that burns of red is a fire sword, the sword that burns of blue is an Ice sword and they only react when Lee uses the swords [B]Personality and Appearance[/B]: With the haunting memories of what happened to his parents his heart is filled with a deep hatered, he trusts no one which makes it hard for people to get close to him, his icy blue eyes seem cruel and distant and his expression hard and cold. He wears an armour breast plate which is white with red, green and blue designs, he also has wrist plates, it was all that was left of his armour after having everything stripped from him. He also wore a brown leather vest which he wore under the breast plate, brown leather pants and brown boots. His black hair which use to be neatly cut now grew thick and rugged, his bangs grew down over his eyes making his stare more evil, his shoulders broad and his body very wiry and golden tanned. [B]Biography[/B]: Lee grew up in a town just below King Garthons castle, His father was one of King Garthons greatest Knights and Lee naturally followed in the foot steps of his father who was known as the Armoured Devil because of his fighting skills, Lee also became known as the devils son but the day when King Garthon turned against his people he saw Lees father as a threat and had him killed and just for fun King Garthon raped and killed his mother, Lee had to watch the merciless slaughter of his Father and mother and after that King Garthon banished Lee to the Underworld and there it begins.....the long awaiting hunger to avenge his family has finally come.... Please bear in mind that this story is set back in the times when they used swords, spears, axes, dragons etc... Not guns, cars, computers etc.... What I need from you: Name: Age: Agenda: Transport: Weapons (two or three): Magic (optional): Personality and Appearance: Biography: If your abit stuck on transport heres some suggestions: Griffins, Dragons, Horses, Unicorns, pheonix's etc... Rules.... No killing the main enemy straight away No Drug use No technology usage No killing each other, you may fight amoungst yourselves just don't kill each other... No I'm Invincible wanna be's need knights that can actually get hurt Enemy Ths adventure will contain violence, brutal killings, foul language which may disturb. King Garthon and his many chaos armies of humans, Dragons, Orcs, Dwarfs etc... so heads up...lets take back the land of Faeleria and restore it from the hell hole it lays in....
  16. [QUOTE=WW2]Wow....thats um...a very interesting story.:wow: As for similar freaky days, I can't say I've had one. Sure I've had some weird ones, but none that really freaked me out. Hmmm...maybe you are the only one.[/QUOTE] Well...I'll tell you one thing thats only mild...compared to some of the others...
  17. (wolf prncss don't worry about it...for my impatience I take the blame) Heero ran towards the spilling of blood and sounding gunfire with his sword wing zero drawn, pain shot through his body from the battle earlier, blood splattered everywhere as enemies where sliced into bits, he could hear the loud battle crys from Jin, looking over his shoulder he saw Jin, Truth, Zenith and Jim charging down the hill and clashing with a group of enemies off to the right, blodies flew everywhere, Heero then turned his attention back to the fight just in time to see an enemie charging at him, Heero swung the sword upwards and ripped the bastard in half. The battle raged on until the last enemy was dropped by Truth. "Heero!," called Jin as they walked towards him, 'God dammit boy!, are you looking for a death wish!' Heero didn't say a word as he slid his sword back into the sheath which he wore on his back, looking at the el-zion building Heero walked towards it as Jin was about to speak 'God dammit Heero!, would you just stop for a moment!' exclaimed Jin but as usual Heero kept walking, 'Why i protect him...I don't know,' They stopped on a small hill which over looked the compound 'We need to get inside,' said Zenith, 'We need a plan,' at that moment Heero took off down the hill, 'You guys get inside, I'll create a diverson!,' 'Oh great...boy wonders at it again!!,' sighed Jim 'Well it's a good plan,' said Truth as they took off towards the building while Heero began battling the guards...
  18. I've had my fair share of freaky days believe me and today was one of the worst... I went to the mall today...something i haven't done for a while because it gets too crowded and i hate crowds...and i sat down at one of the tables to eat my burger and drink my drink when these three girls walked up and just sat down at my table, looking at them with a raised eye brow i asked them "what the hell they were doing" one of the girls smiled and said that "their friend wants to go out with me", I frowned picked up my food and went to another table, one of the girls followed me to that table and sat down beside me, I tried egnoring her by continuing to eat, she kept staring at me so i said to her, "now what do you want!!!" She said, "Do you want to come to the movies?" I said "no" and drank my drink as i was putting the cup down she reached across my lap and grabbed me between the legs, I was just about to jump up when she whispered "you move and they're history" I then asked her "what the hell she wanted?" again She then turned around and said to me that "she had been watching me for the last month and a half" That sent one hellish shiver down my spine and it really pissed me off, "Your just freaking weird,' I said to her and she laughed, at that moment i pushed her off her seat and told her to piss off as i stood up and walked away into the mens toilets, i looked around and there was noone in there, i walked over to the basin and splashed water on my face, as i was using the hand driers that same tart had followed me in, she came up behind me and grabbed me between the legs again then pushed me against the wall, she was a few inches taller than me, she then whispered in my ear, 'I want you,' and she squeezed me hard, she had her hand on my shoulder and she dug her nails in...(I've still got the marks because I was only wearing a singlet)...I cried out in pain, suddenly she was ripped off me, I slid down the wall gasping for air and that's when i heard my mate screaming at the top of his lungs 'You sick perverted *****!!!, Get out of here now!!...I'm no women basher but boy your coming close,' Slowly i turned around and saw a glimsp of her running out the door my head was spinning badly and i was sore, my mate ran to my side and asked me if i was alright, he noticed the blood which had stained my singlet and was running down my arm from the tart when she dug her nails in, he lent me his jacket and hepled me off the floor, I said "thank you" to him and he replied with a smile, 'Don't do the sentimental thing, it doesn't suit you,'...I tell you one thing...never turn your back on the door in the public toilets and never use hand driers you can't hear the doors open..... Has anyone had freaked out days or am I the only one?
  19. My mate and his little sis are here, and they're reading the posts, my mates sis wishes that she went to the school that PNK goes to then she can see all the Duos. she reckons that it will be heaven.
  20. Now that your both online...sepny07 you can go first and wolf prncss we'll bring you in, i know i've stuffed up from being to impaitent...my fault
  21. ok Now i've just confused myself!!!!I've sent sephy a message tell that comrade to add to the adventure in the arena but i didn't hear anything from that comrade and now i've just finished telling wolf wolf prncss to start it off and then i thought that that comrade had gone off line so anyone of yous just for it...i don't care...Ha HA HA...totally just confused myself...great!
  22. Mage15...profile confirmed...welcome comrade eclips...profile confirmed...welcome comrade
  23. [QUOTE=Eragon]Here's mine okay me and my sister are in the living room of our house. Suddenly some people bust in two grab me while one takes my sister and drags here screaming and kicking. She's screaming my name begging for help I run out of the house and see her ,but the dude changed into a cross from Jeepers Creepers, Alien,and Pumpkin head the thing is I catch up and I try to stop him by punching him and kicking him. while my sister's still screaming. he turns his big head at me. Then asks if i'll take here place and I yell yes so he drops her and drags me on the asphalt. I'm screaming becase my skin is being slowly burned of as he drags me. He's doing it in broad daylight. He's mocking me i know it he's telling me nobody cares a bout me. there are all of these Middleaged Old hags smilling and waving at him, and he waves back to. Well we get to the cave and he starts to eat me ,but then i see my sister and she laughing in my face Calling me an idiot let me ask you do, you think i was stupid for giving myself up so my sisterr could live?[/QUOTE] It's not stupid to give your life to save others whether they appreciate it or not at least you wont have a dark cloud over your head saying "what if"...and at least you wont owe her...and she can never turn around and say it's all your fault because you didn't save me....Do you honestly think that she'd do that to you? Saving someones life is actually a big deal...it can change how that person feels towards you whether they hate you or not...it's a very heroic thing to do and it takes alot of guts...honestly i can't stand unappreciative people, (I would of tried to get up and kill her myself)...and in your dream your sister seems the type...I could be wrong because i'm only going by your dream, only you know what she's really like...so don't think that saving someone is stupid...even if they happen to be unappreciative...because it's only them who have just slapped themselves in the face because you ain't the one who will end out with the guilty conscience.
  24. I too get mad, you see half the animes that everyone talks about I've never ever heard before...why? because in my country you have to have sky to watch them or they just wont play them because of the amount of violence. They're trying to band violent cartoons because they think it's the cartoons that are making teens or even children go physco...if you ask me the government over here are just looking for something to blame so they blame cartoons... they're just idiots, the only way we can ever see a good violent cartoon is if we go online and buy it from over seas...this countrys pathetic!!!!!!!...it makes me sick!!!!...why blame cartoons when it's the movies that actually started it first now don't get me wrong i like the movies but somethings just really piss me off, I can't stand it, this country has no sense of adventure and danger...I suppose to some thats a good thing but for me when you have a soul for adventure and freedom well its suffocating and its like living in hell!!!!
  25. That mightmare of yours eli it even amused me and just reminded me of a dream i had a few nights ago (which i thought that i had subpressed for good until now) where I found myself hanging from my arms a few inches off the floor with only my boxers on, the room was dark and sweat beads ran down my body because it was so hot in this dark room, a door opened behind me and i tried to turn around to see who it was but i couldn't, who ever it was lit a single candle which was sent out a faint glow which made the shadows dance around the room...at the moment I heard a cracking of a whip and a sharp pain shot through my body...and it actually hurt...it took my breath away, the cracking of the whip rang in my ears as it sang out over and over again...the pain was intense but yet I didn't cry out...I couldn't...by the time the stranger had stopped there was a pool of blood below me. As I hung there the stranger walked up behind me pressing their body against my back, I could feel their hot breath on the back of my neck...then the stranger whispered in my ear...scream for me, i want you to scream for me...the voice was low and taunting as the stranger placed his cold hands on my hips and whispered again...your bodies beautiful...so golden in the candle light...so toned...so good...the stranger then walked away, on the walls of the room I could see the stranger place a knife over the candles flame for a few seconds then the stranger walked towards me and stood on the left side, i turned my head to look at the stranger and saw a pale faced man with red eyes and a twisted expression, wrapping his left arm around my chest...scream for me...he whispered as I felt the heat of the blade near my back suddenly pain serged through my body so immensely that i yelled at the top of my lungs and threw my head back...and all i could hear him say was...scream for me...your so beautiful...scream for me...at that moment I bolted up out of my bed and feel against the wall, i turned around to see if the man stood there but...lucky it was only a mightmare...or was it?...it seemed that real...
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