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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Thanks Blayze. [COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] Angelus Wrath (Angel for short) [B]Age:[/B] 150 (but appears 22) [B]Race:[/B] Dark Angel / Fallen Angel (This will be explained in the Bio) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Look to attachments. (Everything you see in picture). That is his appearance in human form. He has Light blue Icy coloured eyes, because of his Dark angel side he is able to look human. [B]Fallen Angel:[/B] Looks the same only that he has huge pure white wings and his eyes are a deep Sapphire blue [B]Dark Angel:[/B] Looks the same except his hair is a deep blood red. His eyes glow red, he has fangs and his wings change to a pure black [B]Personality:[/B] Angelus has an unpredictable nature because of his Dark Angel side and his Fallen Angel side. [B]Bio:[/B] Angelus was born not a "full blood"...but a halfling. He was born Half Dark Angel and Half Fallen Angel. His mother's name was Angelicyn Wrath, she was a Fallen Angel...such a beautiful soul, her hair was pure white, her eyes a deep sapphire blue...her beauty and grace shone in the most darkest of days and her kindness knew no bounds....until....one fatal night, while his mother was out she flew into a horde of Dark Angels.....no matter how hard she fought them....they brought her to her knees....and the leader raped her without....and tried to kill her afterwards...but...she used what was left of her strength to summon a ball of light which engulfed her....and she ran. They hunted for her everywhere...but she had disappeared. Three months later Angelus was born and although he was half Dark Angel...she loved him all the same..but the fallen angels disagreed with it and so did the dark angels...they wanted Angelus dead....so his mother hid him away....and told them that he was dead, she then taught him the way of the Fallen Angels because that was the only way she knew. His darker side showed more everytime she taught him. At the age of 15 (Human years) the Fallen angels and Dark angels discovered that he was alive...and caught them both, and they were going to be killed...and thats when Angelus gave in to his dark side and went crazy...he brutally killed a great number of Fallen and Dark Angels in desperation to save his mother... he set her free but nearly killed her. He made her run without him while he held them off turning to his Fallen Angel side to do so....ever since then...he hasn't seen her nor has he met his father.... Angelus has finally been able to control both sides within him...but because of the war thats coming and because of his Dark Angel side and Fallen Angel side.....it has now become even harder............ [B]Weapon:[/B] Black Bow with white arrows, an angel long sword his mother gave him, the blade is pure white...the handle a light blue, when ever he draws the sword a haunting but yet sad melody sings from it...a melody his mother use to sing [B]Powers:[/B] Included with his abilities to use both Dark energies and Heavenly energies Angelus also has the powers of Telekinesis which are extremely advanced..He can cause so much destruction, but then rebuild what ever he destroyed and many other things that other telekinetic people or demons can do just by a mere thought. He can also use his telekinesis to control his Dark Energies and Heavenly Energies and make them stronger. [B]Other:[/B] Although Angelus can control his Dark Angel side and Fallen Angel side he can easily loose control when backed into a corner or when angered. His Dark Side takes over. He can also slip in and out of his dark angel side and his fallen angel side within seconds.[/COLOR] OOC: ok I think thats it....Blayze pm me if there's anything wrong.
  2. [I][B]OOC: This is long but you need to read it to understand whats going on...I tried to cut it back but...was no good...it still ended out long.[/B][/I] Sayne looked at her and smiled, noone had ever told him that before, his face turned a soft red as he gently caressed her cheek 'No matter what happens to either of us.....I will love you always..and forever....,' he whispered as he kissed her again and then hugged her tightly hoping in his heart...that it doesn't come to that At that moment an explosion shook the base...guns echoed violently in the night sky 'What the.....' questioned Sayne as Sora clung to him in fright. He then grabbed her hand and they ran inside to find that everything was silent 'Someones attacking the base!!,' shouted a private who bursted through the doors. All the mech pilots looked at each other and they took off outside There it was...the Pegasus. They ran into the holding bay and saw the Darris and Bailey were gone 'Where's Darris!!,' shouted Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]He took off. He was growing restless[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn 'Shit,' whispered Sayne as the base alarm went off Commander De'Larne, General Tame and General Rei ran through the doors to the holding bay 'The Pegasus Mechanima and a fleet of Terraductyles have just invaded the base. They must of use some kind of cloaking device to shield them from our raidars!,' exclaimed the Commander. 'We're on it!,' said Ajack as they boarded their mechs Sayne looked at Sora who clung to him with tears in her eyes 'I love you...just remember that,' he whispered his eyes serious. 'And I love you,' she whispered back as they kissed each other as if there was no tomorrow. Sayne then pulled away, they looked at each other and then ran to their mechs and boarded them. The cockpit system lit the darkness around Sayne. 'Lets go,' They all shot out from the holding bay only to find that they were surrounded by Terraductyles. Saynes opened fire as they flew towards them. The others also did the same. Gunfire sounded out around the base. Tanks rolled in to attack the enemy aswell as foot soldiers also opened fire. [B]***Incoming Transmission: ......****[/B] [B]**......***[/B] Like the surprise Sayne? [B]**Sayne***[/B] Who are you!!! [B]**......***[/B] You still don't know?...well then maybe this will refresh your memory At that moment the unknown figure on his screen took off his hood....and they he was....a face from Saynes past.....one who'd forgotten over time but his eyes were black and his face was pale..but he remembered [B]**Sayne**[/B] Randel......but..... [B]**Randel**[/B] I see you remember now...I WAS MEANT TO TAKE YOUR PLACE!!...IT SHOULD OF BEEN ME!!! Sayne just stared at him coldly as he remembered what had happened. [B]**Randel**[/B] By the way....I have someone who might interest you..... At that moment Darris's face appeared on the screen [B]**Sayne**[/B] You Bastard!!! [B]***Transmission Cancelled*** [/B] Sayne and Deviryn flew hard at Randel and the Pegasus [COLOR=DarkRed]'lets take what we came for..and get out of here..,[/COLOR]' smiled Randel demonically as they flew at Deviryn The Terraductyles suddenly used a sonic shockwave which shook everything, it was high pitched and made the mechanimas go crazey. 'What the fuck!!!,' roared Sayne as deviryn went mad [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne!!![/COLOR] roared Deviryn as the Pegasus ploughed into them, both mechs fell to the ground and hit hard. All the mechanimas dropped to the ground. The shock wave had stopped but it left the mechs in bad shape....the shockwave some how drainned all power from their mechs. The Pegasus and the Terraductyles landed beside him [COLOR=DarkRed]**Outtercom Activated: Randel***[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]**Randel** And the Angels fall....now that thats done...I want you all out of those mechs now![/COLOR] Everyone then turned on their Outtercoms [B]**Vick** [/B] Go to Hell you sick son of a bitch!! [B]**Ajack** [/B] Drop Dead!! [COLOR=DarkRed]**Randel** Then so be it...Terraductyles aim and fire upon the Fox mechanima [/COLOR] [B]**Lyu**[/B] NOO!! [B]**Ajack**[/B] LYU!!!!...You bastard!! [COLOR=DarkRed]**Randel** As I said..get out and noone gets hurt[/COLOR] There was a long silence, suddenly the Terraductyles opened fire on Sora and Blaze [B]**Sora**[/B] SAYNE!!! [B]**Sayne*** [/B] SORA!!...YOU!!!....STOP! The Terraductyles stopped and then opened fire on Dale and Keiji [B]**Sayne**[/B] Stop!....now. At that moment the cockpit doors to Deviryn opened up [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne.... [/COLOR] whispered Deviryn as Sayne walked out. [COLOR=DarkRed]**Randel** Oh nice to see someone has brains![/COLOR] Sora then got out of hers and ran to Sayne, he held her tightly in his arms as he stared at the Pegasus. Everyone else then got out of theres and walked over and stood by Sayne and Sora. The Pegasus's cockpit doors opened and Randel swung down. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Well..well...well..what do we have here...the cold heartless Sayne has a girlfriend...and shes quite stunning...if I may add,[/COLOR]' smiled Randel as he held them at gun point, the Terraductyles also had their guns aimed upon them. The tanks and soldiers of L.S One had haulted. 'Touch her and your dead!,' yelled Keiji Sayne stared at Randel menacingly Cylargers suddenly appeared behind Randel [COLOR=DarkRed]'Take who we want!,' growled Randel[/COLOR] At that moment the Cylargres ran towards them, making sure that they covered themselves from the L.S One troops who were aiming but couldn't shoot because the pilots were in the way. They began to fight the Cylargres. Sayne grabbed one of them and began smashing him in the face, black blood splattered everywhere, they were all pounding the Cylargres until a gun sounded off. They stopped and looked around and realized that Randel had fired the gun into the sky [COLOR=DarkRed]'Keep it up...I will tell my men to kill the Cheetah pilot,' smiled Randel[/COLOR] Everyone looked at Randel in horror 'What!...you have Darris??' questioned Dale At that moment they dragged Darris out, he was unconcious and hung lifelessly in there clutches 'Darris....,' whispered Liz 'You...' growled Sayne The Cylargres then grabbed Keiji, Lyu and Sora, leaving Dale, Ajack, Liz, Vick and Sayne 'SAYNE!!,' screamed Sora as she broke free from there grip and tried to run back to him Sayne then ran towards Sora [COLOR=DarkRed]'STOP!,' yelled Randel[/COLOR] as he fired the gun into the sky again Sayne and Sora stood only an arms length away from each other, Tears fell from Soras eyes [COLOR=DarkRed]'One more step..and one of you die...' Growled Randel[/COLOR] The cylargres then grabbed Sora from behind as Randel walked up to them. Sayne stood there his eyes grew dark [COLOR=DarkRed]'Such a beautiful thing,' Randel whispered[/COLOR] as he touched Soras cheek, Sora then bit Randels hand, at that moment Randel drew his hand back to hit her, Sayne suddenly stopped him by grabbing his and pulling his gun on Randel, Randle then aimed at Sora Without words being spoken Sayne dropped the gun and let go of Randels arm. Randel then looked at Sora [COLOR=DarkRed]'Say goodbye..,'[/COLOR] whispered Randel as he pointed the gun at Sayne who never took his eyes off Randel.......He fired.....Deviryn let out a cry of pain..and loss..his roared echoed along the ground 'NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!,' screamed Sora as she tried to break free from the Cylargres grip Saynes eyes didn't flinch to the sound of the gun...or the bullet passing through his chest...his eyes were locked on Randels...everything defened around him as a pain shot through his body, his legs felt weak...and his head throbbed, He could hear yelling from all directions as he looked at Sora who was struggling with the Cylargres....he could feel himself sway and then his legs gave way...Sora broke from their grip again...she ran to him...her screaming sounded distant...she cuaght him as they dropped to the ground He looked at her and smiled as she kissed him...her tears falling on his face...he raised his hand, wiped away a tear 'I..love you....Don't....let....the light go out....' he whispered, he gave her a wink as blood was seen at the corner of his mouth, his eyes darkened...he went limp. Her screams echoed around the base as they ripped her up off the ground...Keiji, Lyu and Sora were then dragged to a small carrier jet and dragged inside.....their yelling and screaming was heard until the doors closed. Ajack, Liz, Vick and Dale watched on helplessly as the enemy flew off. randel smiled at them...he walked over and checked Saynes pulse.....there was none. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Such a deadly ending....never thought you'd fall victim to love Sayne,'[/COLOR] smiled randel as he took off towards the Pegasus, the army opened fire but couldn't get a clean shot as Randel disappeared back inside the Pegasus and took off. Ajack, Liz, Vick and Dale ran to Saynes side...they tried to search for any sign of life..but there was none.... 'It..can't be....' whispered Ajack as tears formed in his eyes At that moment Dr Kane and four other professors ran towards them 'Quickly!..if we're fast enough we can save him!, get those mechs inside the holding bay and recharge them full power!,' yelled Dr Kane ************************************************* [B]The holding bay:[/B] They finished recharging the mechs, Dale, Vick, Ajack and Liz stood awaiting their orders from general Rei 'Your mechs have been fitted with a specially device so that the Terraductyles can't do what they did before. Liz, we need you to locate Darris's mech, they never took the mechs because they'd be too dangerous which means they would of left Darris's mech where ever they fought him, after you've done that, you'll send the location back to us and we'll pick it up, then you will go on to help Ajack, Vick and Dale. Ajack, Vick and Dale, you two will go hunt those bastards down and get the others out of their grasp..and we'll bring that mother ship down,' spoke General Rei, his eyes angered by what had happened 'But sir...there is only two of us, how will we find them,' said Dale 'No..we will be sendning out a fleet with you, we managed to get a tracking device on that carried. so we are locked in to where they're heading which looks to be Delshin Dessert,' spoke General Rei Ajack, Vick, Liz and Dale looked at each other 'What about Sayne?' questioned Ajack 'Lets hope....he's alive,' whispered General Rei, 'Now...GO!...we don't have much time before they start trying to turn them against us...which could be very dangerous for us,' 'For my love..Lyu...We are coming,' whispered Ajack as they boarded their mechs and took off ************************************* [B]In the lab: An hour after the others left[/B] 'Give him full dosage, now!,' yelled Dr Kane 'But.....he'll...go wild...' whispered a man 'I don't care...if we don't..he dies!,' growled Dr Kane They looked at the Commander who stood looking over his son 'Sayne....I am sorry....for everything.....I.....' whispered The Commander as he wiped the tears from his eyes, 'I am sorry,' Dr Kane then maxmized the dose and ran it through. Nothing happened. They then ran through another dose....still there was nothing Commander De'Larne looked at Dr Kane as he put through one more dose, suddenly Saynes eyes shot open and he inhaled deeply, his eyes were blood shot and his body was shaking, he groaned at the pain They all looked at each other as Sayne sat up slowly 'Son.....' whispered De'Larne 'That....bastard...will pay,' growled Sayne Sayne then slid off the table..his legs still weak but he managed to steady himself. 'Son please..hear me out' whispered Darcon as he placed a hand on saynes shoulder, Sayne then looked at his father as tears fell from his face, 'I'm sorry.....' Sayne looked at his father..his face emotionless 'I did not mean to do what I did to you,' whispered Darcon Sayne still looked at his father blankly 'please...come back,' begged Dracon 'I will do what has to be done...my life right now isn't important,' spoke sayne in his monotones voice as he walked passed 'Son....then let this beknown to you......If this is.....,' began Darcon, '.....I've always loved you......I always acknowledged your achievements....just in my own way,' spoke darcon as more tears rolled down his face at that moment a black folder fell from Darcons hands and everything spilt out on to the floor...It was a folder of what Sayne had achieved and done...there was even a photo of him and his mother. Sayne turned and looked at his father. He bent down and picked up the photo, he was shocked by everything he had seen....he then realized that his father did love him...just in his own way, Sayne put the photo in his pocket 'Ands that all I wanted to hear..' whispered Sayne as he walked out ****************************** Holding bay: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne!.....[/COLOR] roared Deviryn Sayne looked around, Ajack, Liz, Vick and Dales Mechs were gone. 'Sayne,' called General Rei from behind, Sayne turned around, 'It is good to see that your ok,' Sayne looked at the Generals eyes, tears were falling slowly down his face 'Please...bring my girl home,' whispered General rei, 'Bring her back safely...bring her home to me...she is all i have,' 'Where'd they go?' questioned Sayne in his monotone 'Delshin Dessert,' replied General Rei Sayne gave him a nod and then disappeared inside Deviryn. Once again the cockpit was lit. ***Link Activated: Sayne*** The power serged through both of them and they let out a roar in unison as they shot out of the holding bay 'Lets go hunting..' smiled Sayne as they soared through the sky at high speed, Delshin Dessert was an hour away [I][B]OOC: Ok everyone..noone knows that Saynes alive, Randel is his fight. Do what ever to finish off your post about the ball if you want to but then Darris, Sora, Keiji and Lyu have all been taken to a Cylargre main earth base in Delshin dessert...but noone gets put under mind control because your mechs wont allow it...so they'll do what they can to try and control yous...Amgoddess knows what will be happening to you four ok so do what ever.. Ajack, Liz, Vick and Dale are either on there way or you guys can start up the fight which ever. Sayne is also on his way..but he'll come in halfway during the battle...so Wreek Havoc!!![/B][/I]
  3. Jun stirred slightly as he opened his eyes, his eyes quickly focussed on the black feathers across his body, he then jumped from where he lay. 'OH SHIT!!,' he exclaimed as he tripped over a root that stuck out of the ground. Osiris caught him before he hit the ground, everyone ran over to see if he was ok. 'Jun?....' questioned Zack 'I'm ok,' whispered Jun as he stood up, he then looked at them and he looked down at the ground 'Jun?...what happened?' questioned Lyon, 'Why didn't you tell us?..why'd you lie?' 'I didn't lie...I just didn't say anything about it, I didn't know how you'd all react,' explained Jun Zack walked over to Jun and placed a hand on his shoulder, 'Are...you still one of us?' Jun gave a slight nod, 'But as I said, after we've finished with all of this...I'm gone,' Zack gave him a smile, 'Well at least your on our side,' 'Always,' whispered Jun Jun then walked over to the side to look back at the shattered Castle [COLOR=DarkGreen]Lyon's not doing so well[/COLOR]. spoke Osiris 'What do you mean?' questioned Jun [COLOR=DarkGreen]He's takening everything very hard.[/COLOR] replied Osiris. [COLOR=DarkGreen]He says you and Sam should grow up.[/COLOR] Jun looked at Osiris, 'Well he's not wrong....I don't want to play those stupid games anymore, we have to focuss on bringing down Kelthor,' Osiris looked at Jun. [COLOR=DarkGreen]You are worried that you may hurt one of them.[/COLOR] Jun looked down at the ground, 'I know that its going to be hard to keep the evil....under control......but I have to try...' [COLOR=DarkGreen]And I will be there beside you...to the end..and beyond but just remember...Lyon, Zack and Sam...are your friends, you all need to work together..especially you.[/COLOR] Spoke Osiris 'I know,' whispered Jun, 'I know,'
  4. Thanks for letting me keep my character!! Although there might be a bit thats changed about him...I can't really remember what i put down for the first one. [B]Name:[/B]Sieg Wahrheit [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Height/weight:[/B] 5'10"/45kg [B]Hair/eye color:[/B] Red Firey hair/ Light Icy blue eyes which either look sad or distant and cold. [B]Skin tone[/B]: Pale white [B]Body type[/B]: Very wiry and muscular built, broad shouldered. Very fit and fast. He has retractable pure black angel wings that shoot out from his back by mere thought, When closed up the stand at 6ft..but when extended they double in size. His body is also cold..his skin is like Ice to touch, he has never felt heat from the sun, or anything...but he also can't feel the cold, the coldness has no effect on him. He also has a red firey birthmark in the shape of a cresent moon on his left shoulder ( the same colour as his hair). [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet, will talk when he has something to say. Emotional detached. One track minded. He is very mysterious and intriguingly handsome. When he does get out he draws alot of attention to himself, he hardly notices it but when he does he tends to become agitated and confused as to why they would stare. He becomes easily fustrated whe he doesn't understand anything, he finds it hard to fit in..but he is trying. [B]Friend[/B]: none. [B]Race[/B]: Human/Angel??? [B]Grade/Occupation[/B]: Home schooled. [B]Bio[/B]: Sieg was born on a friday the 13th under a red moon (Devils moon), Six months too early. At the age of 3 his mother and father died and he was forced to live with his Grandparents who hated him and treated him poorly, every night he was either beaten or whipped for being what he was...although, he didn't know what he was. For most all his life with them he was confined to his room and was locked in there. He was always feed cold, stale food...nothing was warm...not even his bed..which only consisted of a mat in the corner of the room. Sieg became emotionally detached They locked him away from the entire world....until...he turned 18 and he let out the thing he had supressed for a long time.....the thing that they tried to beat out of him...the thing they hated him for.... He tore the house apart...leaving noone alive...but because he had no where to go and didn't know anything he was handed over to a young foster family, who love him deeply and wanted to see him happy....but because of his lack of communication skills and people skills they found it very hard...but the weren't going to give up on him...they loved him for what he was and who he is..they didn't care about what others say. His foster parents family think that he's a dead end....and that he'll only be trouble....but his foster parents are willing to make it work. Sieg had recently found out that his human father wasn't his real father which was obvious because of his Black wings. He found out that his mother and father couldn't have children because of his father..so they gave up there souls to a black winged angel who they knew nothing about and his mother made love with the angel...and thats how Sieg was created. He then found out that the black winged angels had been exstinct for a long time....and also found out that they were unholy evil creatures of time...white winged angels hated them and cursed the ground they walked upon. But because Sieg is half human he can control the that side most of the time. [B]Foster parents names:[/B] Kevin and Sonya James...they're human OOC: Hope this is ok!.
  5. Jun really didn't give a damn about what Sam thought of him and he didn't have time for her stupid games although...he knew they weren't, all he was concerned about was what was happening inside of him...that's what was mostly on his mind and the fact that they were stuck in the Demonic Relm. He could feel Zack and Lyon looking at him occassionally...but wasn't bothered by it...they had good reason to..but...Jun didn't really know how to tell them. Within his mind: [COLOR=DarkRed]You can feel it can't you...i know you can[/COLOR]. spoke Lucifer [COLOR=DarkRed]Shut up[/COLOR]. whispered Jun At that moment I voice entered his mind [COLOR=Red]Lucifer....[/COLOR] came the dark demonic voice of Kelthor. Out of Mind: Juns body tensed as he looked into the flames, his hands began to shake as the voice in his head became stronger. [COLOR=Red]Come to me....[/COLOR] Kelthor called in Juns mind, [COLOR=Red]Lucifer...[/COLOR] 'No...,' whispered Jun out loud. Everyone looked at him 'Jun?....is everything....alright?' questioned Lyon as he looked at Zack But Jun didn't hear him as the voice sounded mesmerising, suddenly there was a strong erge within him..an erge to go to Kelthor. Juns breathing became heavy as he tried to supress it...but the voice got stronger, sweat beads formed on his forehead and across his upper lip 'Jun...Jun whats wrong?' questioned Lyon with a deep concern in his voice, worried eyes gazed upon Jun Jun bearly heard Lyon, 'I.....I just need...to...' he stuttered as the voice became stronger Jun tried to stand up but instead he flipped over the log he sat on 'JUN!,' called Lyon as they were about to run over to him 'NO!......,' shouted Jun as he held out his hand to warn them off, '.....st..stay....there.......dont come near me...' They stood there and looked at each other. At that moment Jun let out a roar of pain as he clutched his head...he then stood up forcefully and staggered over to a tree and lent against it, his whole body was shaking and it ached immensly, his back felt as though it was burning.....he then tore off his cloak while the others watched in horror, a tattoo on his left arm was glowing 'Jun?,' whispered Lyon Jun slowly turned around, a tattoo engraved itself across Juns forehead and his eyes...the colour was completely gone and they were black with a thin ring of fire around the Irisi's, a pair of fangs then apeared in his mouth, something began glowing from under the vest 'Oh shit...' whispered Zack as they watched [COLOR=Red]Come to me now!.[/COLOR] Kelthors voiced pounded inside Juns head, Jun roared again as he clutched his head in agony, the tattos began to burn under the vest, he then tore it off and revealled the tattoos. Zack and the others gasped at the sight. The voice then became to overbearing as he let out another cry, his body lavitated off the ground as he became hunched over. Suddenly he flung his head back and the black wings tore out of his back as he roared louder 'OSIRIS!!!!,' he yelled as he fell to the ground in a heap, his body trembling violently, at that moment Osiris appeared 'What the hell!!,' shouted Zack [COLOR=DarkGreen]It's ok[/COLOR]. whispered Osiris as he looked at the others as he walked towards Jun who was now curled up on the ground in agony, his wings wrapped around him Osiris placed a hand on Juns forehead and put up a barrier so that he couldn't hear Kelthors voice but Jun had feel unconcious. Osiris then picked him up and carried him back beside the fire and put him down 'He's.....how?...' whispered Zack [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes he has merged with his demon...but not in the way you all think.....this transformation can't be reversed..it is permenant, he is still Jun though, his demon can't control him like how a merge would normally do the only thing that would control him..is the evil...but he knows who his allies are and who his foes are [/COLOR]. Explained Osiris 'So..he's stuck like that?' questioned Zack [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes...he just didn't know how to tell anyone[/COLOR]. smiled the angel as he sat down beside Jun who lay wrapped up in his wings
  6. Sayne stood looking out at the water...his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. Lyu's words slowly crossed his mind. At that moment he heard the door behind him open, his hand gripped a gun that was sitting comfortably in his holster. 'Sayne..its me...' came a voice that was gentle music to his ears. Sora. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her, she closed the door and walked over to him. Her frame was engulfed hauntingly by the moon as she put her arms around him and pressed her body close to his. He could feel every curve and warmth from her body...his hands shakely wrapped around her and they stood in silence. Sayne then pulled away softly and lent against the railing. His eyes were shadowed with worry. Sora lent against him and looked at him 'Something worries you..what is it?' questioned Sora Sayne turned his head slowly and looked at her, he placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb, she made him loose all sense's when she was near..but when he touched her...he felt as though he was going to loose control. She was the only one who was able to break down his barriers. He could feel his heart racing. It felt strange...he was alone with her, he had only be alone with her on a few occassions but nothing like this. Within that moment he wraped his arm around her and pulled her closer and kissed her gently and passionately, his heart skipped so many beats that he thought he was going to die, she could feel his heart race and beat against her chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he was about to pull away and held him there for a while longer. She could feel him tremble softly. Slowly he pulled away his head and looked at her, his breathing was slightly out of wack and uncontrolled. 'I.....have never in my whole.....life......felt like this,' he whispered, 'I'm so..nervous....I don't know what to do....I've never been this close to...anyone before...well not like this......you make my heart grow wild' Sora smiled at him lovingly and ran her fingers through his hair as she kissed him again. **************************************** [COLOR=DarkRed]'So....having a party i see....I'll let you ahve your fun....but very soon I'll have mine,[/COLOR]' spoke the hooded figure from the Pegasus. The pegasus's wings acted like a cloaking device and shielded it from the base raidars and the mechanima raidars. [COLOR=DarkRed]'If only you all knew...what was to come,[/COLOR]' he smiled to himself as they awaited in the darkness, [COLOR=DarkRed]'If..only you knew.....'[/COLOR] OOC: There's going to be another twisted turn that I will post in my next post. which may be tonight or tomorrow.
  7. Well am I skeptical or do I believe?????......hmmm.....well i don't really know about bigfoot, nessie and all that but I've had my fair share of strange occurrences with the Kehua kind (Kehua means spirit)....I mean there's been quite a few nights where I've awoke to someone touching my forehead and when i sit up and look around....there's noone there...although it could be my imagination but...surely imagination doesn't feel cold?. There was also a couple of times where someones called out to me and I'd answer...but noone replies..that too could just be my imagination but then again...does your imagination bang on the wall in the other bedroom when there's noone else home but you?? I could go on but..I guess you get the picture. All thses things don't bother me though, most of the time I egnore it...I quite use to it...lol
  8. I dont know if this has been done but I thought that I'd give is a shot...and its proberly a stupid question to ask....but I think I was just curious I guess..or maybe just bored and that was the first thing i could come up with.....anyway What do you think your favourite animes star sign is?...or what do you think it should be? or what do you think it is?...and why?.. I don't really have a fav anime because I dont really know that much anime but still I'd like to hear what your opinions. There may be some debating on this so please keep it at a medium level and not one that will blow up into a huge war over it...ok.
  9. Jun stood by Zack and Lyon as they looked upon the castle in ruins. 'Is she ok?' questioned Lyon 'Yeah,' replied Jun 'So..what are we to do now?' questioned Lyon Zack looked at them. 'We'd have to track him down, he must be stopped,' Jun gave a slight nod and went over to a tree away from the others. At that moment Osiris appeared..but this time only Jun could see him [COLOR=DarkGreen]I know Lucifers in there Jun[/COLOR]. spoke Osiris 'Hush they will hear you..' whispered Jun [COLOR=DarkGreen]It's ok...they can't hear or see me[/COLOR]. smiled Osiris 'What do I?....I can feel it..at that moments its just noticable...but what happens when it gets worse?' questioned Jun without any emotion in his eyes as he looked at the castle [COLOR=DarkGreen]When that time comes..I will be there to help you...There is nothing anyone can do to fix it..not even I can, soon you will not beable to hear Lucifers voice...because he will become you...its going to be hard...harder than what you've ever come across in you whole life[/COLOR]. spoke Osiris 'But would we die?' questioned Jun still showing no signs of emotion or fear for it [COLOR=DarkGreen]No, because he is you, if some how you are seperated...then we will die..and we can't have that, we want to live Jun[/COLOR]. replied Osiris 'can you not merge with me in the same way?' questioned Jun as he looked at Osiris [COLOR=DarkGreen]Doing that will surely kill us..you have to accept it now and live with it...but in saying that...I will be right there with you...to the end and beyond[/COLOR] smiled Osiris 'And the evil?' whispered Jun with a deep frown and distance in his eyes [COLOR=DarkGreen]That will always be there and it will grow...but I will be here to teach you how to control it and to live with it side by side...and it is going to be very difficult[/COLOR]. whispered Osiris Jun gave Osiris a slight nod, 'Thank you,' he whispered loud enough so only Osiris could hear him. Jun then walked slowly back to the others.
  10. OOC: I'm not the clingy type..wouldn't know how to be..LOL..so go for it amgoddess! Sayne danced slowly with the girl, her hair was red and tied up and she had bangs that hung down over her eyes, her skin was a soft white and the dress she wore was long and blue which made her eyes sapphire eyes stand out. The dress hugged her body perfectly 'Your a good dancer,' she smiled softly as her face went red, Sayne didn't reply 'Why'd you throw away your valentines presents?' she questioned Sayne raised a brow, 'They took up too much room in my bag,' 'Oh....' she whispered, 'I....made you this.....but....I hadn't given it to you.....I was in your classes...I was going to give it to you...but..after seeing you throw away the others.....,' They stopped dancing as she handed Sayne a valentines card with a deep blue rose, her face was red and she looked away. Sayne took one look at the card and tore it up infront of her. The girl looked as though she was going to die...but she noticed that he had held on to the rose, he then walked passed her 'I like the rose better,' he whispered as he carried on walking The girl smiled with tears in her eyes. Sayne walked outside on to a belcony part which over looked the sea, he then lent against the railing. The moonlight casted down over him. He then kissed the rose and dropped it into the water. All he could think about at that moment was Soras kiss and he smiled
  11. OOC: Great now I'm going to do a death scene...lol...I can work with that....but ah Sam....it aint going to be for your cause..*Laughs Demonically* Lucifer cocked his head to the side and stared at Gayle [COLOR=DarkRed]So you want me to draw Jun away from the others...and make up something so that Sam see's Jun die......abit stupid if you ask me![/COLOR] Growled Lucifer. [COLOR=DarkRed]Jun wouldn't fall for such a......hang on. I'll do it.[/COLOR] Gayle looked at Lucifer and smiled, 'Good,' Lucifer suddenly flew from the castle of Kelthor. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....if you think I'm doing this for your cause....then you really are an idiot bitch.[/COLOR] Laughed Lucifer. *********************************************** After passing the paintings the three men in the shadows looking at the doorway to kelthors Castle...heavily guarded by powerful demons 'Ok..now what are we going to do?' questioned Jun his eyes heavily fixed on the demons 'We need to distract them...,' whispered Zack 'Anyone got a plan to do that?' Jun questioned again 'Jun you need to keep your voice low,' whispered Lyon Jun looked at Lyon and then looked back at the demons, 'I can cause a diversion, while you two get into the castle,' spoke Jun 'but we have to stay together,' objected Lyon 'hey don't worry...I wont be too far behind,' Jun smiled sadisticly as he then took off towards the demons 'HEY DUMBARSES!!.....CARE TO PLAY WITH FIRE!,' smiled Jun as he drew his swords, both bursted into flames 'What the.....he's psycho!!,' exclaimed Lyon 'But.....he's creating a diverson...he'll catch up,' spoke Zack as they made a run for the door, and disappeared inside, Lyon looked at Jun before entering inside. Jun laughed, the demons looked at him in confusion, suddenly he set them alite, and then ran at them, slashing his way through, the demons began to fight back even though engulfed in flame and all through that Jun kept laughing with every demon he cut down, one of them slashed him across the arm and jun sent a blazing fire ball towards that demon, it engulfed the demon and blew it apart, he then grabbed on to another by the head and sent flames through its eyes, blood rushined out as the demon screamed as it was burnt from the inside out. Jun lent against his swords as he stuck them in the ground, at that moment a familiar feeling made his body tense, he then turned around to see Lucifer standing there [COLOR=DarkRed]We meet again[/COLOR]. spoke Lucifer Jun stood up and faced him and raised a brow. 'As if noone could see that coming,' [COLOR=DarkRed]Sarcastic aren't we..[/COLOR] growled Lucifer 'What do you want?' growled Jun as he put away his swords [COLOR=DarkRed]Only one thing...[/COLOR] smiled Lucifer, suddenly a huge flame shot up around Jun. 'two can play that game,' growled Jun as a red flame engulfed Lucifer who was laughing. Jun folded his arms across his chest. 'What are you playing at!,' [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh this is no game..[/COLOR] hissed Lucifer, [COLOR=DarkRed]You see...if your flame goes out, we both die and if mine goes out....then...well...we die[/COLOR] 'What!...how?....You bastard!,' roared Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]I thought that you didn't care about your life?[/COLOR] questioned Lucifer Jun stood there for a moment [COLOR=DarkRed]WHAT!..your thinking about it!![/COLOR] roared Lucifer [COLOR=DarkRed]Noone thinks twice about their own death!![/COLOR] Jun bursted out laughing, 'Well..I choose death,' At that moment Jun began to let the walls fire walls around Lucifer down [COLOR=DarkRed]NO YOU FOOL!![/COLOR]. roared Lucifer, at that moment Lucifer jumped at Jun, both the black and red flames merged together 'What are you doing!!,' yelled Jun as Lucifer latched onto him, as the flames merged so did they....Lucifer became transparent and slowly made phased through Jun 'NOOOO!!,' roared Jun as he blacked out and fell to the ground. ********************** Inside Juns mind: [COLOR=DarkOrange]What have you done..[/COLOR] questioned Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]It was either that or you were going to kill us both!. [/COLOR] growled Lucifer [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey you started it!..playing your stupid games[/COLOR] Jun growled back [COLOR=DarkRed]If would of let me finish I would of told you how to get out of it![/COLOR] snapped Lucifer [COLOR=DarkOrange]You took too long![/COLOR] roared Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]YOU COULD OF WAITED!![/COLOR] yelled Lucifer Jun raised a brow, [COLOR=DarkOrange]'Get out!,'[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]If you haven't noticed!....you fried my body!...[/COLOR] growled Lucifer, [COLOR=DarkRed]If I get out then we will die! so looks like your stuck with me!......[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Not if I kill us first..[/COLOR] threatened Jun with a smile. [COLOR=DarkRed]Damn you!![/COLOR] roared Lucifer. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would like to live [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]NOT IN ME!!. [/COLOR] roared Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]YOU OWE ME!!...I CAN"T GET OUT BECAUSE YOU FRIED MY BODY!!. [/COLOR] roared Lucifer Jun looked at him and knew that he was right. [COLOR=DarkOrange]can't we get you a new one?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]It doesn't work like that...I had to use a spiritual link...because if I hadn't we would of been dead[/COLOR]. growled Lucifer [COLOR=DarkRed]and I myself want to live[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]And what happens when kelthor calls you back?[/COLOR] growled Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]I hope you have a strong will power....because if we get caught...we're both dead..aswell as Osiris.[/COLOR] spoke Lucifer. [COLOR=DarkRed]So now we are fused together now..through body, soul and mind.....[/COLOR] Jun looked at Lucifer as they flaoted within the mind [COLOR=DarkOrange]Heed my words demon....try anything against me...and I will kill us both.[/COLOR] whispered Jun his eyes cold and stern [COLOR=DarkRed]I already know not what to do and what to do...if i keep to my word...then you keep to yours...but within saying that....I can't keep the evil from taking over[/COLOR]. replied Lucifer. [COLOR=DarkRed]Sooner or later..it will consume you...I can't stop that...I am pure evil...I am your evil side...it is a slow process...[/COLOR] Jun looked down at his hands.... [COLOR=DarkOrange]So...evil will become me...oh great![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]That maybe so..but you are human...which will make you half demon..half me...as I said...I hope you have a strong will power...just supress the evil..but becareful.[/COLOR] whispered Lucifer [COLOR=DarkOrange]Why do you care....your Lucifer..[/COLOR] whispered Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]Because although I have no body..which I will remind you from time to time...I still want to live.[/COLOR] whispered Lucifer In Mind Ends: ********************************************** Jun awoke, his head spinning and his body throbbed. He slowly got up off the ground, Black and red flames flowed down his arms, he sat back on his knees and examined his hands, his shirt was burnt and torn and his chest hurt...he pulled back the tattered threads and it revealled the markings of Lucifer..black and red and engraved into his body 'Oh great..now how the hell am I meant to hide these from the others,' whispered Jun as he stood up, at that moment something behind him caught his eye...black feathers.. he looked over his shoulder..they were huge [COLOR=DarkRed]They can retract back into your body...but its going to hurt.[/COLOR] spoke Lucifer from inside Jun. [COLOR=DarkRed]Just use your mind, I have no control over them[/COLOR] Within a mere thought the wings disappeared inside Juns back, he let out a shrill cry as he fell to his knees [COLOR=DarkRed]I told you.[/COLOR] whispered Lucifer. [COLOR=DarkRed]You'll get use to it[/COLOR] Jun then stood up, 'and what about the markings?' [COLOR=DarkRed]They are there to stay, my vest and cloak are there, use them..I must also warn you...you have to becareful with your anger....if you don't want anyone to know keep your anger supressed...or.........markings will appear across your forehead...and those will be hard to hide.....as I said...[/COLOR] Explained Lucifer until Jun cut him off 'Yes I know...i have to have strong will power,' Jun cut in. He then put on Lucifers black leather vest and black cloak, there were two slits in the back of the vest. Jun knew what they were for. He did up the red clip which held the cloak strapped to the vest. 'Ok, lets get back to the others...and heed my words Lucifer..i will not think twice about killing us if you try anything,' growled Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]I have no control over your body Jun, only the evil does. all i want to do is to live.[/COLOR] spoke Lucifer Jun then took off and ran to the door, he then passed through and ran until he caught up to the others. They both looked at Jun in curiousity 'Why?...are you wearing those? and where'd you get them from?' questioned Lyon 'I found them...lets go,' spoke Jun as he looked at them with a deep frown OOC: Ok Jun and Lucifer are now one. but don't worry..Lucifer is kept at bay...just not the evil side...and noone knows just yet..but they will and I don't mean he'll attack any of you..*Laughs Pyshcotically*
  12. Sayne searched the room hunting madly for Sora. He walked out onto the dance floor and looked across and there she was...he had to look twice..but he knew it was her. She stood there also looking around she didn'[t notice him walking towards her. 'Hello,' he said softly but loud enough for her to hear. Sora turned and looked at him and smiled, He examined what she was wearing, he saw the butterfly clips in her hair and he touched one of them, then looked down at her, her cheeks a soft gold and the dress she wore made her even more stunning 'You....look.....beautiful,' Sayne spoke his voice not sounding so harsh 'Thank you....I honestly didn't think that you were going to come,' she said 'I knew how much it meant to you and how much work you put into it...it would of been wrong for me to do that,' he smiled at her Sayne then took a bow infront of her, Sora smiled as she took his hand, Sayne then pulled her closer to him....this was the first time anyone had been so close...and normally he'd pull a gun...but not on Sora...he didn't feel that he needed to or that he wanted to. She put one hand on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and sayne held her other hand 'ready?' he questioned, she smiled 'You know how to dance?' she questioned him He didn't answer as he then led her into a slow dance in time with the music 'You can dance!,' she smiled, her eyes glistening in the light, he then pulled down a silver star which hung down as they danced around, he then handed it to her 'You are my light...in the darkess of places....don't even go out,' he whispered into her ear as she took the star and he smiled
  13. Sayne looked at Sora and saw how serious she was about it. Sora then grabbed his arm and yanked him from the chair 'Now mister you go and find your suit!,' she said pushing him towards the door '..Hn..' grunted Sayne as he walked out and to where the clothes were held. He grabbed a white tux which came with a blue waist band and had a long tail that reached down to his knees, and no sleeves, The pants were also white with blue dragons up the sides. The style was Japanese looking, on the back it had a blue dragon with gold trim. He grabbed it and walked out while everyone was looking for theres. He walked back to the Dormantry and walked into his room. He had a shower and got into his suit. It fitted perfectly and he liked it. he put on the white shoes and done up his hair...although...it only fell back to the way it was..but at least it suited the style...well so he thought. He finished getting ready and went out into the communal room and sat down and had a coffee Sayne finished his coffee and thought about whether he'd go or not...he then remembered Sora's words, It meant alot to her and she had put alot of work into it. [COLOR=DarkGreen]You should go..don't be a bastard[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn 'I know,' spoke Sayne, 'But..I've never been to a ball before...whats it about?' questioned Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well from what I can sense...and make out..they're alot of fun, theres dancing and things like that[/COLOR]. replied Deviryn also having a hard time trying to explain it. Sayne stood up and smiled. ________________________________________ [B]The Ball:[/B] Sayne walked to the holding bay where they held the ball, there were alot of decorations hanging on the outside of the holding bay. Sayne looked around for a moment feeling a little nervous..something he had never felt...he took a deep breath and then walked in. The decorations were hung magnificently and there were balloons and other things. Coloured lights flashed around and stars hung down from the ceiling to the point where you could reach up and touch them. Streamers also hung down in the same fashion...Sayne had never seen anything like this before. It was truely a magnificent sight to behold. He made his way further into the room. There were alot of people there but lucky the place was huge. In the middle of the room was a huge square area and lights fashed upon it...Sayne had no idea what it was...his only interest was finding Sora...he was glad she pushed him to go..even though it didn't show on his face
  14. Sayne stumbled along the corridors, using the wall to brace himself. At that moment he haerd a familiar voice behind him 'Sayne!,' He turned around and there stood Sora, her eyes filled with tears. She then ran to him and he smiled softly at her, even though pain shot throughout his body he embraced her as if it was the end of the world slightly resting upon her. She then pulled her head back and looked up at him 'I....I..' she whimpered as tears ran down her face Sayne placed a finger over her lips, 'Shhh, It's ok now,' 'A few of us got hurt badly, Liz, Darris and Lyu are down,' she said as she whiped her tears away They then walked to the Med room where everyone was being held. They stopped by to see Lyu, she was up but in bad shape aswell as Darris who was trying hard to get up out of the bed. 'Just rest Darris, regain your strength,' spoke Sayne as they carried on to find Liz. Wich wasn't too hard to do seens how her father was making alot of racket They pulled back the curtain and at that moment Liz's father wanted to kill Sayne 'You!....How could you let this happen to her!,' roared Jason who's face was stained with tears sayne shook his head 'She's going to die because of you!,' roared Jason 'Well, If she dies there then she wasn't as strong as what I thought she was,' spoke Sayne in a monotoned voice 'Sayne...how can you say that?' whispered Sora who looked up at him 'Well if she really wanted to live, she'd fight....but I don't see it in her right now...and the only reason that I can come up with...is because of her father...we could hear what you were saying....,' replied Sayne as he looked coldly at Jason, 'and I wouldn't blame her if she did...,' Jason suddenly sat down in an empty chair, 'I just don't want to loose her...she's all I have,' Sayne walked up to him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, 'Then imagine how she feels...when her only father...goes to war....think for a moment how she feels knowing that her father is doing this.....either way...you'll loose her, one is because you held her back and the other...might be because you let her go...noone can determine what will happen in war...but...you hold her back and she might just hate you for it...would you rather her hate you and loose her like that for what could be the rest of your life or would rather loose her for letting her do the things she wants to do....you can guarantee that you'll loose her your way...but you can't guarantee that you'll loose her..her way,' Jason looked up at Sayne whos face showed no emotion, tears flowed from Jason's eyes, 'I wouldn't want to hold her back..not if she's going to hate me for it....I'd hate it...if she hated me...I don't think I'd beable to live with it,' Sayne then patted Jason on the shoulder and then turned and left. Sora stayed to talk to Jason for abit more. Sayne walked to the Dormantry and to his room, he lay down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, he then began thinking about the Pegasus mech, he wanted answers but first he just wanted to rest. He knew that there would proberly be another meeting about today...but all he wanted to do was just lay there
  15. OOC: What! am I the only one who hasn't found his angel??....OH GREAT!! IC: Jun fell backwards onto the grass and looked up at the sky. He didn't really care if Sam was angry at him...he watched the clouds go by 'How am i suppose to find my angel!!...I didn't even know I had one..didn't even know I had a demon...OH HELL!!,' shouted Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]Hell is only where I stay and follow you...you should really be asking for Satan[/COLOR] Came a familiar voice Jun sat up and looked around, he then saw his demon standing by the fountain 'Now what do you want!,' snapped Jun as he flopped backwards, 'Your disturbing my thinking time,' [COLOR=DarkRed]Your thinking time[/COLOR]. laughed the demon [COLOR=DarkRed]You think every second, every day...even when there are others around thats why you hardly notice whats going on around you until it hits you in the face...and even then you'd proberly still miss it![/COLOR] 'Shut up!,' grunted Jun, 'What do you want anyway!,' The demon smiled demonically as he walked towards Jun. jun growing impatient to the silence the demon gave sat up, 'I said...' Jun began but was suddenly lifted off the ground by a whirlwind of fire 'What the!,' questioned Jun as he was thrown against the tree and held there by the flames that were black [COLOR=DarkRed]Now now...I know you want this...its in your blood, you live to burn things...its a passion of yours....you feel it all the time...the flame that engulfs your heart.....you feel it..everytime you look at something it grows wild within you...temptation is such a burden[/COLOR]. smiled the demon as he placed his hadn over Juns face Jun tried to break free but he couldn't, suddenly the tree behind him caught on fire, his mind began to throb, and he could feel a great power serge through him Suddenly a flame shot down his throat....he could feel it in his stomach..he began to choak [COLOR=DarkGreen]Let him go.[/COLOR] came an unfamiliar voice [COLOR=DarkRed]No..[/COLOR] whispered the demon [COLOR=DarkGreen]I said LET HIM GO!![/COLOR] the unfamiliar voice roared as a blue flame engulfed both Jun and the Demon. The demon screamed and clutched his head letting go of Jun who dropped to the ground. Clutching his stomach in pain as he coughed up black flames [COLOR=DarkRed]You!...Osiris....you will pay for this.[/COLOR] Growled the demon as he disappeared Jun was still coughing up the black flames when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, quickly he drew his sword and spun around to find an light blue winged angel smiling at him, he wore only a dark blue pants, tattoos covered his chest and face exactly like Jun's Demon but they were light blue, his eyes were a deep sapphire blue and they glistened in the light. Jun slowly put his sword away as he coulghed a couple times. 'Who...are you?' questioned Jun as he stood up [COLOR=DarkGreen]I am Osiris..your angel and your demon's name is Lucifer[/COLOR] Spoke the angel 'What???...Lucifer!...but...lucifer is.....' stuttered Jun [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes he is, the Devil, he maybe the king of the underworld...but he is also your demon.....he lives only through you..because of your gift..fire...you are both attached and bonded to each other and it is the same for you and I[/COLOR]. explained Osiris 'But...Lucifer was made long before me!!...how can Lucifer be my damn Demon!,' questioned Jun as he sat down by the fountain [COLOR=DarkGreen]Although that is whats written, Lucifer was a myth...but now...he lives and although he rules the underworld...there is a far greater power amoungst us....The demon who has taken Zack[/COLOR] Spoke Osiris Jun then remembered what Lyon had said. He then grabbed Osiris's wing and pulled him towards the temple [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ouch!..do you not realise that that hurts![/COLOR] said Osiris as Jun let go and Osiris rubbed his wing 'I'm well aware of that, but we need to hurry,' Said Jun [COLOR=DarkGreen]And I am aware of that[/COLOR]. replied Osiris 'Well then come on,' said Jun as he continued to walk, 'Lyon said that once I've found you I have to meet him at the entrance,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Since when did you care?[/COLOR] questioned Osiris as he flew up beside Jun '..Hn....since the day I found out about that demon,' growled Jun As he ran to the entrance and found Lyon. 'I see you've found your angel,' smiled Lyon as Jun stopped beside him and the angel stood behind Jun, both of them at the same time folded their arms as if it was normal to have an angel Lyon laughed. 'Osiris this is Lyon,' said Jun looking at the entrance door [COLOR=DarkGreen]Pleased to meet you.[/COLOR] bowed Osiris 'Pleased to meet you too,' smiled Lyon, 'Jun..he's much more friendlier than you,' Jun looked at Lyon with a brow raised as the angel laughed
  16. Jun looked at Lyon 'I will go with you,' spoke Jun 'Right now you need to get some...' began Sam 'Shut up!!...,' roared Jun as he looked at her, 'First you want questions, and then you make it as if I can't fight...leave me alone!....I've survived this lone without someone telling me what I need and what I shouldn't do, so back OFF!!,' Sam looked at him with her eye brows raised and he walked off shaking his head. She was just about to go after him when Lyon stopped her 'Let him go, if you keep doing that he'll leave and we can't have that not now,' spoke Lyon, Sam looked up at him, 'Just leave him,' Jun walked over to the fountain and looked in. He was enraged by what Sam had done to him and enraged by what happened to Zack. He wanted something to take it all out on, he looked at the water...suddenly it began to bubble and steam...the more he looked at it the worse it got until it evaporated, he looked at the statue that stood in the middle..suddenly it exploded. He felt abit better but not by much. OOC: ... can you stop doing that to my character..its damn fustrating!
  17. Sayne awoke in a white room. His vision was blurred and his head throbbed. He slowly sat up and realised that he was connected to machines. He grabbed the cords and ripped them from his arm and chest and slowly slid off the table. At that moment Dr Kane ran in 'Sayne, what are you doing?' he questioned 'Getting up, I have to check on Deviryn,' replied Sayne as he stood up 'You can't go now, we have to do more tests,' 'Shove your tests up your god damn arse will you!,' snapped Sayne 'Sayne you know for a fact that you have to have the serum,' objected Dr Kane 'I'm fine...now get out of my way,' Sayne growled, Dr Kane put his head down and stepped aside as Sayne stuggered out. After walking abit his body returned to normal apart from the pain in his chest where the metal had enlodged itself. He entered the holding bay and saw Deviryn, they were still repairing him. 'Deviryn..' he whispered, at that moment Deviryns eyes glowed weakly. Sayne made his way over to him. The repair men stood silently as Sayne walked towards them. Sayne gently stroked the Dragons nose [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne....[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn [COLOR=DarkGreen]I knew...you'd come[/COLOR] 'Shhh..down speak, save your strength,' whispered Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Just to think....if I was at full power....we wouldn't be...[/COLOR] began Deviryn 'I know,' Sayne cut in Deviryn gave a slight laugh..but not much [COLOR=DarkGreen]I like you outfit[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn weakly 'Very funny,' smiled sayne as he looked down and remembered that he was only wearing shorts, 'Just get some rest..I'll be back tonight,' Sayne then slowly walked away, he looked around and saw Keiji standing by his mech [COLOR=DarkGreen]Keiji saved us...although....he didn't have to...he could of just left us there[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn. Sayne looked at Deviryn and then looked at Keiji wondering what Deviryn was talking about. Sayne then slowly walked over to him 'Sayne?...what?' questioned Keiji as he looked at him, Sayne just stared back at him 'Deviryn told me that it was you who brought us back,' spoke Sayne weakly Keiji just nodded 'Thank you,' spoke Sayne as he put out his hand. Keiji looked at him and then looked at his hand and shook it, 'You'll be the first person I've ever shaken hands with,' Keiji looked at him and then sayne slowly staggered away _______________________________________ Inside the Pegasus Mechanima he stirred, blood glistened out from under the hood [COLOR=DarkRed]'How could he have done that....they were low on power....he had already used the reserve power...how?,[/COLOR]' growled the hooded figure as he slammed his fists on the control panel, [COLOR=DarkRed]'Damn fool....Pegasus was nearly destroyed...he'll pay for this....and so will they...Sayne De'Larne..I haven't finished with you or the other pilots...I will rebuild my pegasus again...and this time...you wont know what hit you[/COLOR] The torn up Pegasus's eyes grew red as the figure inside the nearly destroyed beast laughed [COLOR=DarkRed]'This isn't over...they will rule this earth..'[/COLOR] he laughed
  18. Jun looked at her for a moment and then looked away, he then pushed her away and stood up 'You need to rest,' she objected 'I want to fight,' he growled as he began to walk to where the others fought, Sam stood up and followed him 'Your in no condition to fight as this moment,' she growled 'And what are you..a philosopher on my condition,' he said not looking at her 'You don't have to be a philosopher you can see it,' she replied back..but he wasn't listening suddenly a group of demons came out of nowhere, Jun grew his sword and ran at them, blood dripping from his wounds, he didn't care he was still pissed off about getting smuthered by creatures of another kind.
  19. Jun fought hard until the demons were gone. 'I think thats all of them,' spoke Sam who was standing not too far Suddenly seven shadows engulfed Jun 'We will take you....by any means possible' they whispered as he struggled to pull free. He felt as if he was being sufocated..he couldn't breath..his powers were beginning to drain. Suddenly they fell off him one by one...their screams echoed in his head as he clutched it in pain. He looked around and saw Sam standing there 'Are you alright?' she asked He looked at her and gave her a slight nod. She walked off first to look for Zack, Sam and Lyon He was just about to follow Sam when suddenly something grabbed him from behind. [COLOR=DarkRed]'Looking for me are we?....[/COLOR]' came a familiar voice, Jun pulled free from his grip and turned to see his demon staring at him '..hn..' grunted Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]'you don't belong here....you know it....you feel it.....I can feel you unsettleness...I feel everything you feel..actually...only the bad things...[/COLOR]' smiled the Demon as he walked towards Jun who just stood there 'Save your words for someone who cares,' growled Jun [COLOR=DarkRed]'But you know I speak the truth.....,'[/COLOR] the demon whispered as he circled Jun 'GET AWAY FROM ME!,' yelled Jun as he drew his two swords [COLOR=DarkRed]'Now don't be like that.....,'[/COLOR] smiled the demon as he stepped back, Suddenly Jun ran at him and swung his swords, He cut the demon across the chest...a cut then appeared across his and blood stained his clothes, Jun clenched his teeth against the pain and ran at him again and swung his sword cutting the demons arm, the same thing happened, Jun clutched his arm...but showed no signs of pain 'What are you!..MAD!,' roared the demon at that moment the seven shadows of water appeared behind Jun suddenly they smuthered him again...he fell over as they covered him fully.... 'GET OFF ME!!,' roared Jun as he tried to use his powers [COLOR=Navy]'Don't fight us.....we want you...master wants you...wants you all,'[/COLOR] they whispered in his ear, their voices were like angels singing as he began to stop struggling [COLOR=Navy]'We will clense you your pain...heal you from the damage within....listen to us..feel us,[/COLOR]' they whispered in harmony 'NO!' yelled Jun as he used the last bit of his energy to set them alite, they screamed and quickly let him go, they once again evaporated and jun slowly and weakly stood up, 'You bastard!!,' The Demon smiled as Jun threw his sword, but before his sword got to the demon he disappeared and the sword drove itself into a tree. Jun slowly stumbled towards the tree and gripped his sword, the shadows had drained most of his energy and he struggled to pull out his sword, he then fell back wards on the ground and lay there looking up at the sky
  20. Sayne and Deviryn tore their way through the fleets of Terradactyels [B]***Incoming Transmission: Ajack****[/B] [B]**Ajack**[/B] listen to me quickly. The Rex down here is powering up its energy blast right at SORA!...get her out of there quickly...your faster than her Pheonix is. Get her out of the area. [B]***Transmission Cancelled****[/B] Sayne scanned his monitors and saw the T.Rex getting ready to shoot down Sora [COLOR=DarkGreen]We'll have to link if we're going to make it[/COLOR] Spoke Deviryn Sayne remembered what had happened last time they linked. He cleared his mind and smiled 'Lets do it,' spoke Sayne as he pushed the link button [COLOR=Navy][B]***Link Activation Connecting: Sayne****[/B][/COLOR] There was a power serge that trailed through both of them. Saynes eyes darkened as he gripped the thruster levers. Their minds linked as one. 'Deviryn....,' spoke Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]I know...full throttle[/COLOR]. Deviryn cut in Sayne thrusted the levers forward pushing Deviryns thruster drive well over the limit 'Come on Deviryn...open up!,' growled Sayne as he then gripped another set of levers and also pushed them forward. Deviryn let out a thunderous roar as they took off towards Blaze and Sora [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Sora****[/B] [B]**Sayne**[/B] Sora!...look out!! [B]**Sora**[/B] Oh my god!....Sayne!! [B]***Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Sayne watched the screen as the T.Rex fired at Sora, Deviryn without being told flew even faster. Red lights flashed around in the cockpit.... Deviryn and Sayne yelled in unison as they flew over the top of Blaze. Deviryn quickly lifted Blaze out of the way just in time as the blast flew passed...but the T.Rex hadn't finished the blaster beam began to follow them [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Ajack***[/B] [B]**Sayne***[/B] Get him off my back! [B]**Ajack***[/B] Will do! [B]**Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Sayne watched on his screen and saw Ajack take out the T.Rex. Deviryn then released Blaze [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Sora**[/B] [B]**Sayne**[/B] Are you ok? [B]**Sora**[/B] Yes..Thank you Sayne smiled [B]***Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Sayne then saw Vick and Kraven appear out of the blue and tear up a whole line of T.Rex's, Everyone was fighting at their best. Sayne saw another wave of Terradactyels appear. [B]***Incoming Transmission: Ajack***[/B] [B]**Ajack**[/B] Liz is down and out. [B]***Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Sayne frowned as he flew towards the wave and tore straight through them, suddenly Sabertooths entered the war zone. A huge volley of lazer shots were fired at Deviryn. Sayne retaliated with the buster cannons aswell as taking out the Terradactyels. Suddenly Deviryn's wing was shot as a Terradactyel latched on to his back and then another and another, they began plummeting towards earth at a great speed, Sayne gripped the controls and pulled back on them, Deviryn slowly turned upward but wasn't quick enough, they skimmed across the ground and stopped after rolling a couple of times [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne....Sayne....[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn 'I'm ok...lets open all buster cannons and machine busters,' growled Sayne, his arm had a deep gash on it and blood trailed down his arm as Deviryn rolled over and stood up All cannona and machine cannons appeared, Sayne lined it up as Deviryn gripped the ground...suddenly...... 'FIRE!!!,' yelled Sayne as he released all cannons. Terradactyels shattered and fell to the ground in pieces, without stopping they turned on the Sabertooth mechs and blew them apart. The enemy mechs were slowly depleting, Explosions sounded all around them and screams were heard. When Sayne and Deviryn stopped shooting all that was left around them was bits of metal, fire and smoke. [B]**BEEP**BEEP**[/B] the cockpit alarm sounded Sayne looked down at his monitor and saw something appear on his Raidar 'What is it?' questioned Sayne Deviryn growled [COLOR=DarkGreen]I don't know....but for some reason..it feels familiar.[/COLOR] The unidentified objected had stopped about 100 thousand meters away from Deviryn. When the smoke cleared...there it stood '....It's.....a mechanima....a horse?' questioned Sayne as he frowned. Suddenly the mech spreed its wings [COLOR=DarkGreen]Its the pegasus mechanima.....but.....how could it be activated....dr Kane hadn't finished with it.[/COLOR] Explained Deviryn [B]***Incoming Transmission:.........****[/B] [B]**........***[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Surprised are we?[/COLOR] [B]**Sayne**[/B] who are you? [B]**.........**[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Your worsest nightmare...Sayne...[/COLOR] [B]***Transmission Cancelled****[/B] Suddenly Solar blasts shot out from the wings of the Pegasus, Deviryn tried to move but another Solar blast sent them skimming across the ground like a rag doll Sayne had a deep gash along the top of his left brow...blood streamed down his face. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne...our power levels are dangerously low..[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn Sayne's head spun violently as he scanned the screens, the pegasus was beginning to power up again...but this time..for something even bigger [B]**Incoming Transmission:...***[/B] [B]**......***[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Down for the count are we Sayne...don't it sux when your energy is low and you can't do anything about it....oh well you can be the last to die..say good bye to your love...and your friends[/COLOR] The hooded figure laughed as he left the channel opened, Sayne watched the screen and saw that he had lined up Sora, Keiji and Ajack [B]**Sayne**[/B] NOOOO!!!!..You bastard!!!!! Suddenly Deviryn rose from the ground...his body battered and torn [B]**.....***[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]what the??.......so I underestimated you....what could you possibly do at this moment.......[/COLOR] The figure suddenly opened fire on the three who still fought in the sky [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Sora, Keiji, Ajack****[/B] [B]***Sayne***[/B] Get out of the way!!! Sora, Keiji and Ajack quickly dodged the blast, the blast suddenly hit two enemy carriers and tore through them like a hot knife through butter...they exploded Saynes eyes glowing red...his anger hit high...and Deviryn felt an immense power serge through his body. At that moment his wings folded into round cylinders and latched to his sides, more buster guns and machine cannons extended out from the neck and down his body. 'Deviryn......' whispered Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Always...[/COLOR] Deviryn cut in [B]**.......***[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]you bastard!....then you'll die first!...feel my wrath!...WINGS OF PREY!!!! [/COLOR] [B]**Sayne***[/B] DRAGONS CRY!!! [B]**Sora**[/B] SAYNE!!....NOOOOOO!!!! Soras scream echoed throughout the cockpit as Sayne activated Deviryns Dragon Cry. All transmissions were cut off. Deviryns head flung back and then forward as a huge lazer blast shot out of his mouth and in unison with that the two huge side buster guns and all other guns opened up, The blast broke the sound and speed barrier and shook the ground around them The Pegasus then fired upon Deviryn, both blasts colided......an explosion rang across the plain and throughout the sky like a nuclear bomb. Deviryns Dragon cry tore through first and ripped apart the Pegasus throwing it back a few hundred feet but also...it tore apart Deviryn...The cock pit filled with smoke surrounding Sayne, control panels bursted and sparked...then...exploded. A daunting silence struck the battle field, as it was engulfed in smoke.....the Pegasus lay torn apart about a mile from Deviryn..who's body was just about split in half...sparks and smoke was seen from all directions....parts hung off losely or meters away from them and a huge hole appeared when the smoke cleared. [COLOR=DarkGreen]S...Sa..yne.....[/COLOR] Deviryn whispered as his body jerked with every spark 'De..viryn....,' whispered Sayne, he wearily looked around and found a huge piece of metal had driven deep into his right should, deep gashes with blood rushing out of them stained the cockpit, 'You...did well.....Deviryn..' Sayne whispered as he blacked out [COLOR=DarkGreen]Thank....you[/COLOR]. whispered Deviyrn as he shut down. The enemy began to retreat but still the pilots took them out, a huge carrier quickly grabbed the destroyed Pegasus and quickly flew off.
  21. They flew as fast as they could...with only a little time to spare [B]****Incoming Transmission: Sora****[/B] [B]**Sora**[/B] Don't do anything that would cause what happened before Sayne just looked at the screen and smiled warmly, This was a smile that only she got to see...something which showed emotion behind the cold exterior of his. [B]****Transmission Cancelled*****[/B] Sayne gripped the controls, his mind was that focussed hard on the battle ahead. [COLOR=DarkGreen]She'll be mad at you[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn '..Huh???' spoke Sayne as he remembered what he had done to Liz's father, 'Shit...I know,' Sayne looked at his monitors and saw that the Mechanima Carrier jets had taken off after them. Inside it carried the mechs that couldn't fly ____________________________ [B]St Eve's:[/B] They flew fast towards St Eves. [B]***Incoming Transmission: Ajack****[/B] [B]***Ajack***[/B] Hey! Sayne I'm actualy....piloting this beast! [B]**Sayne***[/B] Just keep your eyes opened [B]**Ajack**[/B] I will man [B]****Transmission Cancelled*****[/B] Sayne opened up all Raidar ports and found that there were at lease twelve of those Carriers 'What the hell could they have in those?' questioned Sayne I don't know....but something doesn't feel right. Spoke Deviryn as he growled, Saynes eyes narrowed The Four aerial Mechs floated just on the out skirts of St Eves. They could see the Mechanima carriers coming up towards them. [B]***Incoming Transmission: Keiji, Sora, Ajack****[/B] [B]**Keiji**[/B] They've stopped....why? [B]**Ajack**[/B] I have no idea [B]**Sora**[/B] do you think that was their plan....it could be a trap [B]**Sayne**[/B] wait...somethings happening They all looked at their screens and noticed....something coming towards them [B]**Ajack**[/B] What the hell are those!! [B]**Sayne**[/B] They're.....mechs....they..look like Dinosaurs [B]**Keiji**[/B] DinoMechs???....what the fuck! [B]**Sayne**[/B] Heads up!! [B]***Transmission Cancelled*******[/B] A group of winged beast flew at them, they all managed to dodge them but they were fast. One of them attached itself to Deviryn Sayne then opened up all Blades, the beast screamed but latched on tighter Deviryn then twisted his neck around and grabbed the beast by the wing, he ripped it from his back and while it fell towards the ground Sayne opened up all cannons 'That looked like a Terradactal...they all look like....hey there's a group of T.Rex!!...The land of the forgotten has just arrived!,' spoke Sayne as they opened fire on the flying beasts, 'How'd they create those???' [B]***Outgoing Transmission: To all Ground Mechs***[/B] [B]***Sayne***[/B] We just found out what they were carrying...they've created Dinomechs!....There's so many of them....Its like the Land of the Forgotten here!!,' [B]***Darris***[/B] What!...Hold on we're coming! [B]****Outgoing Transmission Cancelled****[/B] The MechAnima Carriers landed quickly not far from the battle field, they could see guns blazing and loud explosion. The ground Mechs then took off towards the warzone. _______________________________________________ [B]Meanwhile:[/B] Back at the base, eyes shifted with a smile, noone was around....The base was too busy trying to ready the guns to bring down the True Mother ship.....and all mechs and pilot were gone [COLOR=DarkRed]'Hmmm.....This will be easy,'[/COLOR] whispered a deep husky voice as he moved around the base swiftly, [COLOR=DarkRed]'My masters will be pleased...everything is going according to plan...,'[/COLOR] The hooded shadow moved along the walls.....his eyes...demonically searching for something...but what...only he knew....a smile appeared across his face when he found what he was looking for.....A holding bay situated away from the other holding bays. He ran towards it stealthly. Making no sound, he then slipped in through the door and found himself in a dark room...but he could see well. [COLOR=DarkRed]'There you are.....,'[/COLOR] he whispered into the dark he opened up the control system, sounds of tampering was made....but noone could hear it.....he laughed [COLOR=DarkRed]'Fools,[/COLOR]' he whispered, his eyes glowing red, [COLOR=DarkRed]'They didn't even know..'[/COLOR] After a few minutes, it stirred [COLOR=DarkRed]'Yes...now stand up my pet.....,'[/COLOR] whispered the hooded figure The beast shook its head, slowly it stood up, it shook violently again and banged its hoofs on the ground. The cockpit opened His demonic laughing echoed in the holding bay as he boarded the beast. Sitting in the cockpit he smiles [COLOR=DarkRed]'Lets fly,'[/COLOR] he whispers. He opens fire on the holding bay doors and the beast gallopes out, alarms sound off all over the base, Panic sets in everyones hearts as they've realised that someone has just broken in and stolen it. Commander De'Larne switches to all security cameras and they could oly watch helplessly as the last mechanima leaves the base 'DAMMIT!...WHO THE..' Commander De'Larne began but then an incoming visual silences them all, smitching to visual a face appears...a teen...male...his eyes black...pale faced.. He smiles at them, [COLOR=DarkRed]'Surprised are we,'[/COLOR] 'Bring that Pegasus back right now!!!!,' roared the commander The boy laughs....then disappears. [B]OOC: Ok...I'll be playing the unknown character you'll find out abit about him soon and the hidden Mechanima he just stole. A bit of a twist there. and the things you are fighting are Dino Mechs[/B]
  22. [I][B]OOC: This story is being created by Heero Darkangel and ..., My posts are in Dark Green, ... posts are in Dark Slate Grey. Enjoy[/B].[/I] **************************************************** [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]Series One[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][CENTER][I]Wings of Two Soldiers[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Cool smell of winter was in the air. Unleaved trees looked demonic and haunting as they stood dead around the military base. Syn Devillin, an 17 year old boy and his best friend Gavin Syles who was also 17 walked swiftly around the base heading towards their quarters. 'Damn its cold,' spoke Gavin as they could see their own breath in the soft wind. 'It is winter,' spoke Syn, his tone sending shievers up Gavins spin 'You know..you should be called the Ice King......,' said Gavin in a serious tone, 'Sometimes your colder than winter itself,' Syn looked at Gavin who now stood with his hands behind his head and a smirk on his face 'Sometimes I wonder if your all there,' growled Syn as they carried on 'Well..I know for a fact that you aren't.."Mr i'm so silent if i speak someone might hear me"...' laughed Gavin. At that moment Syn punched him in the mouth causing him to fall over 'OUCH!!...you know that really hurts!,' grunted Gavin as he sat on the ground rubbing his mouth 'So does your voice!,' snapped Syn as Gavin stood up 'Now you've hurt my feelings!,' snapped gavin sarcastically as he stood up. Syn looked at him and frowned, 'Ok..Ok...geez...,' They then carried on to their quarters. They walked threw the door to find General Grafton waiting for them 'Hey General Grafton!,' spoke Gavin with a hint of confusion Syn gave the General a slight nod as he closed the door behind him. The room had two single beds situated on opposite sides of the room with draws between them 'So what brings you to our humble abode?,' spoke Gavin as he gave a bow and spun his hand around in the air. Syn raised a brow at Gavin and kicked him 'Ouch!!..Dammit Syn you never let me have any fun!,' growled Gavin as he turned his back on the General and Syn. The General smiled 'Well, Commander Devillin wants to see you both.' spoke the General 'Why does my father want to see us?' questioned Syn 'He didn't say, but he said that it was ergent,' replied the General Syn gave a slight nod as the General left 'So wonder why ol' commandie wants to see us?' questioned Gavin as he turned and looked at Syn who was in deep thought.[/COLOR] ________________________________ [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Graduation.... is like death.... while tears are shared, there's always a happy afterlife... "No.. dammit, that won't do... I'm not writing a freaking eulogy!" Kelsey said as she ripped the paper out of her notebook. "Don't worry, the words will come to you. They always do, Kelsey." Jamie said. She was Kelsey's best friend. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but her best friend nonetheless. "It's not so much the words I'm worried about, look at all these career choices we got! We got one for Doctors Degree, another for Dentistry..." "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Jamie said as she bit into her apple. Kelsey looked at her with a blank stare. She turned over to her desk and repeatedly hit her head over the top of it. "You're going to give yourself a headache, Kelsey, why don't you give it a rest." "I can't rest, we've got all the best career choices, and our ENTIRE senior class will be lucky enough if they can qualify for a job at Mc Donald?s!" Kelsey said as she picked up her notebook and walked away. She had reached her locker, and Jamie ran up behind her. "What's wrong though with the jobs we have Kelsey?" she asked again. Kelsey smashed her head once more on the door. "Jamie, have you been listening to a word I've said?" "Yes, but I don't understand how those words could possibly mean anything to each other." she said as she took another bite of her apple. Kelsey sat down on the bench and sighed. "Jamie... the school paper is going to be printed in less than a month. And in a recent survey the student body president just issued, less than half of our class is going to college." "So?" Jamie said with her mouth full. Kelsey screamed in agony. Jamie was making her head hurt. "Jamie... if no one goes to college, then no one can be a DOCTOR, or a DENTIST... or a teacher, or a supervisor..." "But they can work at Mc Donald?s. You were wrong about that one." she said with a gleeful smile. That annoyed the crap out of Kelsey. She felt like strangling her best friend right then and there. But decided against it. "Oh come on Kelsey, lighten up, we're going to be fine." "I don't know why I care so much, I mean, hardly anyone reads our school newspaper anyway, right?" "Shh, Kelsey, Miss Latisha is coming... she looks angry..." Jamie said as she finished her apple. Kelsey froze as her teacher's piercing scream sent shivers down her spine. "MISS MARTINEZ! I need to speak with you at once!" "Coming... dammit Jamie, why didn't you give me enough time to hide??" "Hide from what?" she said with a dazed look. "Ugh!!!!" Kelsey said as she followed Miss Latisha into her office. Miss Latisha was a good teacher, but when she was angry or disappointed, she'd let her students know exactly why. She was the teacher in charge of the Newspaper. And each year, she counted on Kelsey to make up the main article for the end of the year. It was nice to have a teacher have so much faith in her, but it also was a lot of stress to have so much on her shoulders. Miss Latisha sat down in her chair and stared up at Kelsey. Kelsey put her hands behind her back as she readied herself for the coming scolding. "I took a look at the recent survey, Miss Martinez, and I wasn't too happy with the results." "Hey, it's not my fault this class is so stupid." she said. It was a lame attempt to defend herself... and she realized that as her teacher narrowed her eyes around her face. It was no wonder her teacher had never married. She realized this every time she stared at her as if she would burn Kelsey's face off. "Since most of the kids will not be going to college, I suggest you find alternative job courses." "Ma'am the only people who would accept this bunch of imbeciles would be some strange scientists who ran out of guinea pigs." "I want you to go to Teveron Base, Miss Martinez. For two weeks, you will be enrolled in the military and you will write a decent report of what was there, and exactly what it has to offer. Make it sound appealing. We want our audiences to go for it... it's their only chance to make something of themselves." Kelsey's jaw dropped. "Are... are you serious? The Military?? What about school?" "You've been given the time off." she said. Kelsey felt the need to sit down at this point. The Military? She had no clue what the military was.... or what it was about. She watched a lot of war movies, granted, but to be enrolled in the real thing was completely new. "Will I be undercover or something?" "That's not necessary, you're mainly be enrolled so you have access to all the points that the other soldiers have access to." "Oh.." Kelsey was still hesitant on the idea... it wasn't making her comfortable at all. "Miss Martinez, I know this is new to you, but think about it... you're venturing off and becoming a true journalist. You have to admit, this is a chance of a lifetime right now to prove how good you really are." Kelsey listened and liked what she was hearing... "Alright, I accept. When do I leave?" "Tonight, go home and pack your bags." Miss Latisha said with a smile. Jamie burst through the door at that time. "Me too! You can't go without me, Kelsey, you need me too!" Jamie said with tears in her eyes. "Alright, you can go as well. But remember, I want to see good reports out of you two." "We got it." Kelsey said as she went out of the office. They left school and walked to the parking lot. "The military.... why the military, of all places..." Kelsey said looking down as she unlocked her car. "What about the military?" Jamie asked. "Don't tell me you don't know where we're going!!" Kelsey said "Okay I won't." Jamie said getting inside. Kelsey let out a sigh of relief. "I was going to say, you would have been pretty stupid not to know that that's where we're going.." "We're going to the MILITARY?!!!!" "Oh damn... this is going to be a looooooong three weeks." Kelsey said to herself as she started the car and left.[/COLOR] _____________________________________ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Syn and Gavin marched their way over to the Commanders Office situated on the far side of the base. Soldiers were marching in unison as they walked passed, they Saluted them both and they did the same. Then carried on. 'I wonder why your father wants to see us?' questioned Gavin as he looked at Syn 'What did you do this time?' Syn questioned back with a raised brow Gavin stopped, 'What?!...me??...I didn't do anything!!!...well not this time,' Syn turned around and glared at him, 'Last time we were called in was because of you and your "you should lighten up" tale!!,' 'Hey come on now...that was an accident!,' objected Gavin in defense 'Now as i recall....we were giving a mission to do, you were told to bring the ropes and torches...what did you bring!...damn Kerosene lamps!!...you brought them to the gunpowder holding bay!!...how blonde is that!!,' exclaimed Syn folding his arms across his chest 'Hey I maybe blonde but.....i....I'm not blonde!...Brown slightly bleeched is what I like to call it!,' Objected Gavin Syn shook his head as they carried on to the Commanders office. They walked through the door and found Commander Devillin sitting behind his desk reading some papers. 'Good evening boys,' smiled Commander Devillin Gavin looked around, 'Hey man...we mustn't be introuble...your fathers smiling,' 'Shut up,' whispered Syn as he closed the door behind them. 'Take a seat,' spoke the Commander as he pointed to the two empty chairs infront of his desk. The two boys sat down. 'Well, I called you both in to discuss an important matter,' said the commander handing them a paper each. Syn carefuly red through the paper then jumped up in rage 'OH HELL NO!!!,' he exclaimed, his voice echoed around the room 'Well I see Syn you understand your mission,' smiled the Commander Gavin quickly red his, 'What?....our mission is to look after two girls???????......now thats a treat,' Syn then slapped Gavin upside the head and glared at him 'Father you can't be serious....I'm not a babysitter...and i'm not interested in looking after a couple of college brats!,' snapped Syn as he folded his arms 'Well Syn, your guys last mission was a failure and you need to redeem your credits...you can always redeem them on kitchen duty?, you need to make these girls feel at home, show them around, they'll be under both your wings so they are your guys responsibility' Syn frowned hard and looked out the window, 'Mission.....Acknowledged,' 'Good!,' smiled the Commander, 'I want you both back here tomorrow at 1000 hours. You are dismissed,' Syn stormed out of the Commanders office while Gavin followed as if it was christmas. 'Oh come on Syn...its not that bad....they may even be better than the girls here...although....the girls here are lookers,' smiled Gavin 'I'm not a babysitter,' snapped Syn Gavin red the paper again, 'They're the same age as us,' 'Who cares...,' growled Syn. At that moment a girl ran towards them, her hair was black and long and her bangs hung down over one side of her face. She wore a blue uniform. 'Hey Kristy!,' smiled Gavin 'Hey Gavin, Hey Syn,' she smiled looking dreamy eyed at Syn, Syn as always took no notice. 'Syns abit grumpy today,' smiled Gavin 'Well if you ask me...he's always like that,' laughed Kristy, 'Well go to go, I'm doing ten laps,' 'See yah Kristy,' called Gavin 'Bye Gavin, see yah Syn,' she called back. 'Come on...lets get to our dormantry,' spoke Syn coldly as they carried on walking, Gavin couldn't stop reading the paper.[/COLOR] ____________________________ [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]They walked inside the compound, and she instantly had her notebook out. She looked at Jamie and she was eating another apple. "Did you bring the recorder?" "Yeah I got it. I'll use it when we start interviewing." "Alright, but I'm not sure how or when we're going to do anything just yet. Just do what I do, and say what I say." "Alright... I can do that... I think..." she said. "Don't hurt yourself, Jamie.." Kelsey laughed. "I'll take care of everything." Kelsey said with a smile. "Do you think we're going to make this into a success, Kelsey?" "Well we'll certainly try to, won't we." "Do you think any of the soldiers here will give us a hard time?" Jamie said. "No, my guess is a lot of them are just middle aged drop outs who couldn't get a job elsewhere." "Kelsey, what kind of stereotypical comment is that?" Jamie asked. Kelsey felt bad for what she said. "Sorry, I was just thinking out loud again. All I'm saying is that we most likely won't find any trouble with anyone here. We're civillians you know, we're hold with special care." "I hope you're right, Kelsey." Jamie said. "Don't worry so much, Jamie. We'll be fine." They walked to the main office by the control centers for communications. Kelsey looked at Jamie and gave her a quick smile. "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be." Jamie said and they walked inside and saw a man sitting in his chair with his back facing the door they entered through. Kelsey knocked the side of the wall and the man turned around. "Hi... um, we're the students from the high school... sorry if we're interrupting something." "No not at all, come in and sit down." he said as he gathered his papers he was working on. Jamie and Kelsey sat down. Kelsey couldn't help but smile at Jamie, she was scared as hell. She put a gentle and firm hand on her shoulder. Jamie looked at her as Kelsey gave her a small wink. She nodded and tried to relax a little more. "I was told that you two were going to right a report on our base..." "Yes, it's for our School paper. We're looking for Career choices for our senior class, and well..." she looked at Jamie and wasn't sure how to say it. Jamie gave her a confused look and Kelsey realized she would get no help from her. "Well a lot of the students had expressed in a recent survey how they would like to enroll in the military after graduation." Kelsey said. "I see..." he said as he got up and went to his filer. "Good Save, Kelsey.." Jamie whispered. Kelsey smiled and he came back with two packets of papers. He handed one to each of them. "What's this for?" she asked. "You're enrollment papers. We will be looking forward to you joining our base for the next three weeks. Please, make yourselves at home. And remember, wake up hours is at 0500 every morning. And kitchen duty is given to those who sleep in." he said, barely looking up once to look at them. "I-I'm sorry, I don't understand... we're only writing a report..." Kelsey said as she looked through the papers. Jamie's face went white... and this time, Kelsey didn't blame her. "You're teacher called me and asked if we can enroll two students into our base for the time being... and I said yes... and those are your enrollment papers.... did you need anything else ladies?" Kelsey was thrown completely off guard.... "But....... we're civillians, we don't know anything about the military!" she said exasperatedly. "Miss, I'm sure you will learn SOMETHING in the next three weeks. Now if you'll excuse me I have some work to do." "But... where will we sleep? Surely you don't expect us to bunk with then men in this base!!" "Of course not, Sargeant Syn and Gavin will be showing you two to your quarters. They'll meet you at the entrance. There's plenty of living space here on the base, and I hope you will enjoy your stay. That is all." he said with a brief smile and swivled his chair around. Kelsey stood up and her face flourished with anger. She was about to pop him one on the head when Jamie pulled her back outside and closed the door. "Who does he think he is???" Kelsey said as she stormed off toward the entrance. "The Commander I think..." Jamie said. Kelsey shook her head. "Jamie... I'm in no mood for your stupidity right now." "Geez Kelsey, I didn't do anything to you." she said as she walked with her. "I'm sorry Jamie... it's just frustrating... do you realize I've never woken up at 5 in the morning before in my life? And on top of that, I see myself getting kitchen duty for quite some time... we'll have to do drills... all of that stuff... Oh god, I'm not cut out for that kind of work." "What are you talking about? You're the best athlete in the class, Kelsey." "That's not what I mean... I'm not a military person..." "No one said this job was easy." "Yeah, well no one said I'd have to join the military either." she said as they walked to the entrance.[/COLOR] _____________________________________________ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Syn frowned at the two girls who were talking outside the Commanders office 'I take it your the two Journalists?' questioned Gavin with a smile The two girls spun around to see two teen boys dressed in uniform 'Ah....yes we are,' replied the one who was complainning about getting up early, 'And you are?' 'I'm Sergeant Gavin Syles and this is Sergeant Syn Devillin,' replied Gavin still smiling 'I'm Kelsey and this is Jamie,' Kelsey introduced The girls stood there for a second just staring at Syn who was standing behind Gavin, he looked as though he had never smiled before in his whole life.....and the way he stared was cold making them shiever. 'Well please follow us, your quarters a next door to ours, they're not five star but they're really warm and spacious,' smiled Gavin They walked across the grounds. Syn stood outside while Gavin showed them around. 'These cabins have their own facilities, the showers are great and if you need anything you just go to the supply bay.' explained Gavin as he handed them a sheet each. It was a map of the gounds 'I didn't realize how big this place is,' spoke Jamie 'Hey Sergeant Gavin..whats Sergeant Syns problem?....or does he always look as though he's out to kill?' questioned Kelsey as she could see Syn standing at attention outside. 'Oh he's always like that, you'll get use to it...everyone else has,' smiled Gavin, 'Oh and call me Gavin,' 'Ok,' smiled the girls 'We're going to the go to the military air force bay, your both welcomed to come along,' suggested Gavin 'Ah..yeah...are we allowed?' questioned Jamie 'Yeah, even though you two have been enroled you are still citizens and your under mine and Syn's protection and care....and besides..with Syn around you'll be alot safer,' smiled Gavin 'What do you mean by...safer?' questioned Kelsey 'I didn't mean it like that...what I meant was that you wont get harrassed by some of the other soldiers,' explained Gavin 'That wouldn't be because Syn's related to the Commander of the base....I mean...they do carry the last name,' spoke Kelsey 'No. Syn maybe Commander Devillins son but Syn is well known for holding his own and doing what he says,' replied Gavin 'So Commander Devillin is Syn's father...his father seems more friendlier than him,' said Jamie 'Syn...yeah he can be a down right bastard but...he's my best friend, I know him through and through, he's really a good guy although he doesn't seem to be or act like it....but he's a loyal friend to me,' smiled Gavin, 'Anyway, we've got to get ready. we'll be back to get you in an hour and a half,' 'By the way...do we have to get up at 0500 hours every morning?' questioned Kelsey 'Yup...even visitors have to,' laughed Gavin as he left. Syn watched Gavin walk out of the cabin 'They're really cool Syn,' spoke Gavin as they both walked to their quarters '...hn...' Gavin laughed.[/COLOR] **************************** [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]The end of Series one[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] ************************** [COLOR=Blue][B]OOC: We are doing this story in Series. We'll post the next part soon. Hope you enjoy!. The Characters: Look to attachments. Sousuke = Syn Kurtz = Gavin Girl in red dress = Kelsey Girl in Green Jacket = Jamie[/B][/COLOR]
  23. Jun didn't eat much of his lunch, he stood in the corner practising with the flaming torches on the wall, manipulating them without any effort, that was easier to do than trying to create it...he found it best when he was angry when trying to create fire. The flames swirled around him as if dancing, he had made them non-harmful so it wouldn't burn anyone, he then returned them back to their original places and turned around. He new how to control them to a certain level..but when he was angered it proved harder for him. He then sat down in a chair on the other side of the room watching everyone Sam began talking with Isabella although Isabella seemed quiet and Zack and Lyon began to talk. He turned and gazed out the window He then remembered meeting an old man while travelling around who called Jun "The flame that burns on his own", Jun didn't really know what he meant by that until now, he was quite happy to be alone only because he didn't know how to interact sociablely and joke around, he was very serious but even though he was like that.....he was happy with the way he was...even if it meant keeping others at arms length. Even though he wouldn't admit it or show it....he liked being around others who also had elemental abilities...he didn't feel as though he had to hide. which was something very new for him.
  24. OOC: Oh Hell........Amgoddess and I should of called this story Pride and Emotion...LOL...but still very cool posts....apart from my character getting emotional envolve with the conflict between Liz and her father..0_o IC: Sayne walked around the compound and found Jason standing outside the holding bay. 'My daughter will make the right decision if she knows whats good for her,' growled Jason 'Get over yourself,' spoke Sayne who was leaning up against the wall. jason spun around and stared menacingly at sayne 'How dare you!,' growled Jason Sayne began to laugh sarcasticly 'Who the hell do you think you are!!...you were the one who did this to my daughter!...you even think of getting close to my....' roared jason 'I have no intentions of going there with her.........,' growled Sayne, 'anyway...it wasn't me who choose her,' 'Wh....what?' questioned Jason looking at Sayne who cocked his head to the side 'It's the Mechanima she pilots who chose her..not me...if it were up to me....I wouldn't of let her pilot any of them especially if I knew that you were going to go crazy and start shitting from the mouth,' explained Sayne coldly 'What!....are you sayng that....my daughters not good enough!!!,' roared Jason as his eyes narrowed 'Well she can't be if your nutting out like that,' spoke Sayne, 'But I know for a fact that she is...at least there are some here that think she is...can't say much for you,' Jason began to walk towards Sayne, Sayne just laughed at him, suddenly he pulled a gun on Jason, his face was serious and cold, Jason froze 'If you don't want her to make her own choices in life....you might aswell just shoot her, because really....she's only a puppet to you...something you can string along...something that you can control..but as soon as they make their own decisions...you cut the strings and let them fall...,' spoke Sayne cold and calmly as he walked towards Jason whos face was horrified by Saynes reaction with the gun, 'Your no father......a true father would be proud of what they've done instead of forcing them to do things that you tell them to do...you don't deserve to live.....,' 'No....p...please......you...can't..' whispered Jason whos eyes swelled with tears, 'I love my daughter......I just don't want to lose her......I just don't want her to get hurt in the war.....,' 'If you ask me..it wont be the war that hurts her or gets her killed...it'll be you....so..I might aswell shoot you,' smiled Sayne 'NO!...please......,' begged Jason as he flipped over, 'You don't understand!,' 'Your looking at someone whos father never acknowledged him..at all...never wished him luck....never said that he was proud of him....not once....now tell me again that I don't understand....if you don't want your daughter to end out like me.....I suggest you pull your head out of your arse and open you fucking eyes,' smiled Sayne 'SAYNE!!...NOOO!,' cried out Liz who ran up behind him, at that moment Sayne grabbed liz and held the gun to her head 'NOOOO!!,' cried out Jason as Liz froze as she could feel the cold metal against her head, tears streamed down her face 'Isn't this what you want Jason.....because she doesn't obey you...you don't care about her Jason..she's meaningless to you now....why should you care if I kill her?' smiled Sayne as his eyes narrowed 'NO!!..PLEASE STOP....don't hurt my daughter...she's all I've got,' cried Jason tears streaming down his face. Sayne then pushed Liz towards him 'Well then treate her like she's all you've got...but dont cage her because she doesn't live up to your expectations and your obedience,' spoke Sayne as he returned to his normal state..distant...and cold, he then began to walk away. suddenly he stopped spun around and shot Jason in the foot 'SAYNE!!! NOOOOO!!,' roared Liz as Jason screamed in pain and grabbed his bloodied foot 'Never blame me for your mistakes or next time...,' spoke Sayne expressionless as he aimed the gun a Jasons head and pretended to shoot, 'I'll aim,' Sayne then walked away, gving Liz and her father a cold stare. ****************** As Sayne walked along the corridor he walked into Dale who looked as though he had died..too many times over. Dale stopped and looked up at Sayne 'Have...you every felt that.......' whispered Dale whos voice trailed off after realizing who he was talking to 'Your not good enough to live but your good enough to die,' replied Sayne Dale's head snapped upwards to look at Sayne who expression hadn't changed 'Y....yeah,' whispered Dale, 'My......father......he blames me for the.....death of my mother, she died when I was born...' he said as angry tears streamed down his face 'I too lost my mother when I was born......,' whispered Sayne 'But does your father ever blame you?' questioned Dale Sayne then pulled up the sleeves of his jersey he wore and revealled huge dark bruises and needle marks, Dale looked at Sayne with a stare of confusion 'He blames me everyday......and this is the result...why?.....because he use to see her in me...and because that was too painful.....he told me....I'm no son of his, and put me through this to knock it out....and he achieved every bit of it...and made me the son....that didn't remind him..of her,' explained Sayne Dale stared at Sayne with a deep confusion suddenly the alarm went off, snapping them both out of the silence 'What the fuck?' questioned Dale [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"ALL MECH PILOTS REPORT TO MECHANIMA HOLDING BAY.....I REPEAT!!....ALL MECH PILOTS REPORT TO MECHANIMA HOLDING BAY!!" [/B][/COLOR] came a voice over the intercom. Sayne and Dale looked at each other in confusion, then ran to the holding bay. ______________________ Holding bay: Commander De'Larne stood waiting with General Rei and General Tame 'Whats going on?,' questioned Sayne glaring at his father as him and Dale ran through the doors, the other mech pilots ran in not long after them 'Cylargres are heading towards St Eve's, we need you all to get there as fast as you can...don't let them near the city.' exclaimed the Commander, 'We also got a transaction telling us that a huge fleet of which we don't know how many, is approaching earth....and it looks as though were going to meet....the mother of all ships, we are going to try and bring her down....to our level with a blast cannons,' 'The Cylargres who are approaching St Eve's...they have a huge fleet of Carriers...they look to be the same size as the MechCarriers...but we aren't sure, the city is already being evacuated, we need you all there immediately,' said General Rei, 'Bring them to their knees!, MechCarriers will fly to non-aerial mechs to St Eves, Sayne, you, Sora, and Keiji will fly out ahead of the others. Do all you can to hold them off until the others get there,' 'Ajack, we need you and Apollo for this,' spoke Sayne looking at Ajack seriously 'But....he...' whispered Ajack Sayne then walked over to him, 'Trust him....I know you can bring him out,..just search deeper, don't be afraid, I know you will be a great pilot,' Sayne was suddenly off towards Deviryn, he then stopped and looked at Sora who was staring at him, he then walked over to her and smiled, he then ran his thumb across her cheek and then took off back to Deviryn, he got in gave Ajack the thumbs up and diappeared inside. They then took off into the sky. His father wanted to talk to him....but decided it would be best to leave it for now. Sayne and Deviryn awaited the others. [B]OOC: Ok everyone get ready for the next fight. I will reveal whats inside the carriers as soon as everyone is ready and we get to the battle field.[/B]
  25. OOC: SHIT!...did I set my room alite??? IC: Jun awoke a few minutes later to find Zack looking at him. Jun sat up and looked around 'How'd I.....what the????.....oh hell,' whispered Jun 'You set your room alite. it's all burnt,' spoke Zack. Jun looked at him and then fell back down on the bed 'Oh..great,' Jun mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair, 'how'd I get here?' 'i carried you in,' replied Zack. Jun then quickly sat up and looked at him 'what?' spoke Jun with a rised brow 'I carried you in,' Zack repeated Jun slowly got out of the bed, 'Why'd you do that?' 'You would of been burned alive if I didn't,' replied Zack as he raised his eye brows, 'You would of died by the smoke,' 'I guess......now I owe you one,' whispered Jun loud enough for Zack to hear 'Don't need to sound so ungreatful,' snapped Zack Jun looked over his shoulder, he stood up and walked to the window and looked out 'It's not that.....I just don't trust anyone...and I don't think that you'd understand,' spoke Jun as he cocked his head to the side and looked at Zack 'Is there anyone you do trust?' questioned Zack 'No....I don't even trust myself,' replied Jun, 'I'm going for a walk,' Zack watched Jun walk to the door 'Th......thank you,' whispered Jun as he walked out. Jun slowly walked along the corridors constantly stopping to view the carved stone pictures. A wall mounted flaming torch sat burning all alone on the wall, there were few and far between. Jun then held out his hand and the the flame instantly jumped from the wall to his hand, it then began to trail from his hand and around his body and then back to his hand, as soon as it was back in his palm and blew at it softly and it jumped back onto the torch. He smiled and then carried on walking. Each torch he walked passed lit up, lighting the darken corridor behind him. This was one passion of his...playing with fire.....
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