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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Sayne and Deviryn flew around the base, scanning the area for any disturbances that didn't seem right...but there was nothing. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Well, our shift is over[/COLOR]. said Deviryn as they began to land Sayne swung down from the cockpit as the mechanima holding bay doors opened. 'I'll see you later Deviryn,' spoke Sayne as they both parted [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok. Get alot of rest.[/COLOR] Said Deviryn. [COLOR=DarkGreen]We don't know what tonight...or even tomorrow brings.[/COLOR] Sayne gave a slight nod as he disappeared around the corner. He walked through the dormantry door and looked at Vick. 'Your turn,' he said as he wallked over to the kitchen part 'Was there anything?' questioned Vick 'No. I wonder what they've got planned?' whispered Sayne as he poured himself a coffee 'Beats me...but my guess...what ever it is..you can be sure that it'll be big, especially if they want the civilians,' spoke Vick as he walked out. Sayne sat down at the table. Cliff and Darris were sitting at the other end. Darris then slowly moved his way down to where Sayne sat 'Did you really confess to Sora???' asked Darris as Cliff moved to the other side 'What if I did?' Sayne questioned back Suddenly while Sayne was just about to drink his coffee Darris then slapped him on the back making him jerk forward and nearly spilling his coffee 'Good for you man!,' exclaimed Darris Sayne turned his head and looked at darris who was smiling, Cliff slowly moved back on his chair. Sayne began wondering if that was a normal thing to do as he raised a brow. At that moment Sayne then slapped Darris hard on the back forcing Darris forward to where he hit his chest on the table and winded him 'Thanks!,' exclaimed Sayne seriously 'Ah...FUCK!!,' yelled Darris as he slid off his seat and fell on the floor rubbing his back and chest Cliff then bursted out laughing 'What....happened?' questioned Sayne looking confused by Darris reaction 'Damn Sayne that hurt!!....man you don't even know your own strength,' exclaimed Darris as he looked up from the ground 'But....I didn't feel it,' spoke Sayne looking even more confused, 'I thought seens how you done it to me...I thought...I'd repay you back...isn't that what you call...a friendly gesture?' Cliff cracked up even louder as Darris stood up 'Shut up Cliff!,' shouted Darris with a hint of laughter in his voice as he sat back down in his seat still rubbing his chest 'Damn Sayne..you have alot to learn about.....everything..' laughed Cliff nearly falling off his chair, Darris then began to laugh Sayne looked at the both of them with a cold hard stare as he lent back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest 'Ok..ok..sorry man,' said Cliff shaking his head, both of them couldn't believe that he was actually sitting there with them trying to show some kind of friendly emotion although...it was really funny to them when he looked so serious about it all.
  2. Jun stood there looking around. The temple was truely magnificent. He then looked across at Sam, frowned and then walked off to find himself a room. He found a room situated away from the others. '..Hn...looks ok,' he spoke in a mere whisper. He opened the door and walked in. The room was huge and filled with many pictures to do with fire. The room was lit with wall mounted burners. The moons eerie light drifted in slowly through the windows and a soft breeze made the white ghost like curtains dance mesmerizingly. He walked over to the curtains and pulled them back, behind them was a door out onto a belcony. He opened the door and walked out, the view was even more spectacular then the temple. He then lent against the stone railing 'Jun....what are you doing here?' he spoke to himself, 'You're such a fool.....just don't sleep...you might burn the place down...' There were many reasons why Jun didn't choose a room closer to the others....he maybe able to control his abilities well....but when he sleeps....all hell breaks loose.....his memories didn't mix to well with his nightmares...... Jun then walked back into his room and flopped back on the bed. He lay there for a moment just looking up at the ceiling. The place had a soothing calmness about it.....it was one place.....he actually liked and for him to like something.....that only came once in a blue moon.
  3. Sayne could hear them talking and Liz's mouth going for gold as she told Darris and Ajack about his confession....he acted as if it was all normal and stared blankly out the window. The moon light glistened on the water and brought about a soothing clamness to his mind but as always his fathers stern voice brought him back to the cold hard reality of his life. 'Thank you for all coming, I know that this isn't easy for any of you and that you all proberly have other things you all want to do so it'll be brief,' spoke Commander De'Larne looking towards Sayne every now and then, 'We come to a conclusion that the Cylargres will proberly target the next biggest city which is St. Eves. Its about three thousand miles from here situated on the coastline of Berdean. The only reason why we say this is because of their cowardly acts of using humans to do there dirty work and our guess is that they will strike all major cities around the world aswell as countrys, and because of this we will need you all to be ready, just incase of any sudden attacks. Right now they're proberly be too busy in trying to regather their forces because of what they lost in the last fight which I must say thank you all again,' 'This is important that you all are aware that there maybe another fight, we don't know when but you can gurantee that they will.' Spoke General Rei, 'So we just need you all ready and aware, we've also noticed that the Cylargres can get very close to us without our sensors picking them up until they're nearly on top of us, so tonight for saftey reasons, Sayne, Vick, Cliff and Darris will take on guard duty for tonight until we have this place up and running to its full extent. Sayne, you will take first watch. Every three hours you will change to who ever wants to go next until morning, make sure you four get well rested within that time you have. Everyone else stay alert but also get some rest,' 'Everyone is dismissed. Thank you all for your co-operation,' Spoke Commander De'Larne. Sayne was the last to leave. Sayne walked along the corridor rubbing his arms. He remembered that Ajack had spoken to him about talking to other guys...although he didn't fully understand what Ajack was talking about he did want to know what Ajack meant by "someday I hope I'll be able to pilot out there with you all" although he had a fair idea when he saw the griffin acting up on the landing bay He walked around the base and found Ajack standing out on a belcony over looking the water. He walked out and stood beside him. All Ajack could do was stare at him and wonder why he was there 'Ah.....hi,' spoke Ajack as he sighed remembering that sayne had never spoken much...nor did he reply to hello's 'Hi,' spoke Sayne in a mono-toned voice. Ajack nearly fell over when Sayne replied, he looked around hoping that someone else had heard Sayne say hi...but there was noone else around, 'You will become a good pilot,' Ajack just about dropped dead when Sayne actually said something even though it sounded blunt and cold 'You...you really think so?' questioned Ajack, sayne looked at him with a raised brow 'I don't say things I don't mean,' spoke Sayne as he began to walk away, 'See you around,' Sayne left leaving Ajack stunned. Sayne walked down to the holding bay where all the mechs were kept and walked over to Deviryn who was already waiting. He opened the huge doors and Deviryn walked out [COLOR=DarkGreen]So we're on guard duty[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn in his husky tone '...hn...' replied Sayne still rubbing his arm as he sat down on the side of the landing bay and dangled his feet over the side, the sound of the ocean was soothing. Warm winds rushed passed his face gently [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne, I know what they did to you....it's a substance that makes you calm right down, a substance that takes away all emotional feeling...but some how..it never took away your crush on Sora....thats the only thing you feel right now[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn. [COLOR=DarkGreen]They use it on all their soldiers so that when they go to war....they feel nothing no fear...no emotion....but it's only used for those moments...but with you..some how...instead of the effects wearing off....they became you....and because of the lack of emotion from your father....the substance took over and that is why you are like that now...[/COLOR] 'Yes.' replied Sayne as he looked at the water, 'They tried everything to......fix it....but......because of the lack of emotion...the substance retaliated against everything they did....it is now unfixable.....,' Deviryn looked at Sayne whos eyes glistened in the shimmering of the water, with no emotion held within them 'Deviryn, open all raidar channels and scan entire area within a five hundred mile radias,' spoke Sayne falling back into his duty, his eyes distant but serious [B]OOC: there will be another attack soon and a surprise coming with it, just letting everyone finish off with what they were doing before the meeting.[/B]
  4. Jun stared coldly at Sam who looked at him, His rage was still burning brightly in his eyes. As they stood with a ground and gave Sam a slightly menacing smile. She looked at him with her eye brows raised suddenly she was engulfed by a harmless ball of fire, she began screaming and trying to put it out 'STOP IT!!!,' she screamed suddenly the fire went out as fast as it had come and she quickly checked herself for any injuries but there was nothing. She then shot a glance at Jun, 'How dare you!!,' 'You to talk.' he whispered loud enough for her to hear him 'Will you two stop it!....Jun don't scare her like that and Sam don't use your abilities to stop those from making their own decisions. If Jun wants to leave he can,' spoke Zack, He then turned to Jun and looked at him 'Jun, we need everyones help please, we need all the elementals to stop those creatures,' said Zack Jun shot a cold stare at Sam, '..hn...Ok, but as soon as this is over, I'm gone,' 'Ok,' smiled Zack
  5. [B]OOC: Ok here's mine![/B] [COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] Heero Yuy [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Agenda:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Still the same...but has become slightly sociable..but..not much.. [B]Appearance:[/B] Still looks the same just older. See attachments. Bangs are sightly longer and hair is still wild and free. [B]Bio:[/B] After the Mariemaia attack Heero became Releenas bodyguard for two years after realizing that the war was finally over he left without saying a word. He set out to find a new life..something that would take his mind of the past....but never found anything that could. After four years Heero's mind still acted as if he was on a mission....never allowing for him to let it all go. He travelled the world picking up odd jobs to earn abit more money to survive. His final stop was his home land...Japan. In Japan he lives just below mt Fuji, hidden away in the in a forest, trying to come to terms that he isn't a pilot or soldier anymore which believes to be the hardest thing he has ever done, he still trains hard and more to keep up his fitness, health, tatcial and combat skills, everything he learnt while becoming a soldier. Living off what he made while travelling around the world which made him very rich..but...he didn't desire money as much as most would...his heart still beared the flames of war and freedom of a pilot.....something...he'd always look back on.....and miss.... [/COLOR] [B]Mech::Wing Zero:: [/B] [COLOR=Teal][I]Zero system is now more powerful than ever, with enhanced tatical and combat data for winning and losing battles but it now has a mode that wipes the mind clean called Zero Rage, It drains all thought, feeling, emotion from its pilot and turns it into pure emptiness and emotionless and leaves you heartless, cold and fear nothing but keeping the mind clean to help his comrades and to finish off all missions, it then runs a full scale analysis of what it's pilot is capable of doing meaning killing's, war..etc and once it has done that then it mixes its combat and tatical enhancements with it's pilot then it becomes one with it's pilot leading off what the pilot thinks, (Wing-Zero will move in sync with his pilots thought meaning: if the pilot raises his hand in his mind so will Wing-Zero)..and its always war, tatics, combat and killing, thus..becomes a more threatening and sinister system. When a pilot is pulled deeper into the systems ways they become subject to its true focus...this is where the pilot becomes feral and thinks that everyone is their enemy...and they destroy anyone and anything that stands in their way whether it be foe....or friend, If a pilot cannot handle the Zero-Rages deeper truth...and control it...then they will lose their way and find their minds trapped like that forever but if they are able to control it...then they will learn more...about the system. The Zero-Rage enhancement makes the pilot's reactions more faster and more percise....the scientist's created it that way in hopes that Heero can handle it and control it for he maybe the only one who can.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]Enhanced weaponary: Twin Sabers which can form into extendable lazer whips (range unknown), A 4-barreled buster Rifle, his greatest weapon, Now has three power levels: The highest is the dangerous can destroy the gundam. Can only be used three times before power supply is cut (can be sperated into two double barreled buster rifles which can be used many times over when seperated). Machine like cannons mouted on its shoulders and buster gatling cannons mounted and hidden within its arms...an option before using the 4-barreled buster rifle Enhanced sensors and raidar. Cockpit is more smaller but still comfortable. More levers and switches. Monitors which let see out every angle...and the Zero system [/I][/COLOR] OOC: Just awaiting the others sign-ups and then we can start.
  6. Sayne saw Blaze throw Sora from the cockpit when him and Deviryn landed. Sayne swung down from the cockpit and landed on the ground and looked at Sora. She seemed to be laughing and argueing with Blaze at the same time..even though he could only hear one conversation 'OK ok..yes! Happy now!?,' she exclaimed Blaze must of said something and Sora stood their with her hands on her hips [COLOR=DarkGreen]Go talk to her[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn as he nudged Sayne softly. Sayne rubbed the back of his neck and anxiously approached her. He did know what the hell he was going to say. She stood watching him as he approached her. He stopped and looked at her 'What i'm about to say....isn't irrelevent to whats been going on,' he spoke coldly but then rubbed the back of his neck [COLOR=DarkGreen]Will you just tell her already!!![/COLOR] erged Deviryn [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hurry UP!![/COLOR] 'Deviryn just wait!,' spoke Sayne through telepathy as he looked over his shoulder at Deviryn who had his claws stuck in the ground and he took a deep breath Sayne then looked at Sora....'Its proberly not the right time.....but...' [COLOR=DarkGreen]HURRY UP STOP BEATING AROUND THE BUSH!!![/COLOR] roared Deviryn 'WAIT!,' growled Sayne through telepathy beginning to get fustrated Sora looked at him waiting for him to finish...her eye brows were raised and she began leaning slowly towards him thinking that he might whisper what he had to say [COLOR=DarkGreen]HURRY UP!!! WHAT DO YOU FEEL SAYNE!! TELL HER WHAT YOU FEEL...[/COLOR] roared Deviryn clawing at the ground Sayne looked at Sora, his head was beginning to spin with Deviryn who kept yelling at him. Clenching his fists in anger and frowning because of Deviryn "I'VE GOT A CRUSH ON YOU!!!!!,' roared Sayne in a military style. suddenly he froze as his face went bright red. Sora looked at him in shock either because he told her how he felt or because of the way he yelled it. Sayne frowned at himself and quickly turned his back on her so she wouldn't see him go red. He felt very embarrassed by that and he frowned at Deviryn who had fallen over [COLOR=DarkGreen]Way to go Romeo....[/COLOR] laughed Deviryn. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Thats one way to get your loves attention...deafen her![/COLOR] "Damn you Deviryn..I swear if you were human I'd shoot you,' growled Sayne as he began to walk off in embarrassement _____________________________________ Sayne passed everyone and walked to the Dormantry. He walked through the door and found that noone was there, walking over to the Kitchen area and began to make him a sandwich and coffee and sat down at the table. He felt like a real idiot. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne...I'm sorry[/COLOR] spoke Deviryn 'I feel like an idiot,' spoke Sayne as he bit into his sandwich [COLOR=DarkGreen]It wasn't...that bad[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn trying not to laugh. Sayne could hear it in his voice 'Deviryn....leave me alone before I come down there and dismantle you,' hissed Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok..OK!..no need to be nasty...I'll let you be.[/COLOR] said Deviryn,[COLOR=DarkGreen] I am sorry.[/COLOR] As Sayne sat there, there was a knock upon the door 'Enter..' called out Sayne as he stirred his coffee. A private walked in. 'I have a message for all the mech pilots. Commander needs to see all of you right now,' spoke the Private, 'Its of great importance that you all come,' Sayne looked at him, 'What for?' 'He didn't say, but you all need to go to his office, the others are getting messages right now,' said the Private Sayne then stood up, threw out his half eaten sandwich and washed his dishes. He then followed the Private to the commanders office. Placing his hand on the door he opened it and walked in. 'Sayne...where are the others?,' questioned The Commander looking at him with sadness in his eyes 'Coming,' spoke Sayne coldly as he stood in the corner not looking at his father The commander looked at General Rei and then back at Sayne and then looked down at the desk. He felt a deep remorse for what he did to Sayne....but he knew...that it was for the best...so he hoped. OOC: Ok everyone get to the Commanders office.
  7. OOC: Well shit!....LOL...I'm well and truely lost!!...lol...but....I'll find my way! Jun lent back in his chair and gazed over at the water elemental. 'So we all have an angel....we all have a demon....damn...I well and truely missed that!,' he said raising a brow as they looked at him. At that moment Jun felt a slight tinglinh sensation.....something he felt when he was ready to be attacked. He quickly stood up from his chair and spun around only to see a figure flying towards him. Its eyes burning of red and its wings long and black , It crashed through the window with great speed and colided with Jun, lefting him up by his hands and pinning him hard to the wall 'At last......I have found you......I've missed you so many times,' smiled the demon, The demon looked exactly like him...but the tattos that appeared on him were blood red. 'Lets rumble,' '...hn...,' growled Jun as he pushed the demon away, fire began to burn in Juns eyes and also in the demons 'JUN NO!!!,' called Zack as they all stood up from their chairs, Fire ran up Juns arms as he drew his swords 'JUN!!,' called Zack again, 'You kill him you die too!,' Jun looked at Zack but then the demon flew at Jun and lefted him up into the air. and smashed through the window. Jun looked down and realised that the demon had flown high into the sky. 'LET ME GO!!,' roared Jun as he drove his sword into the leg of the demon. Both let out a roar of pain and the demon dropped Jun. Jun still in egony turned while falling. Clearing his mind he reached out his hands infront of him, a long stream of unharmful fire blazed out of his hands slowing him down, as his feet touched the ground he flipped over clutching his leg 'You'd kill me even if it kills you!!,' roared the demon as black blood oozed from its leg, 'It seems I underestimated you...we will meet again...and you know that thats a promise,' The demon then vanished into the dark sky. Jun slowly stood up from the ground, 'You can count on that...,' he whispered, Jun then turned to Zack 'What do we do now?' he questioned sounding pissed off
  8. Sayne lent against Deviryn...he had heard Sora and what she said and he even heard Liz......He wasn't the type to accept thank yous.....He saw saving Sora's life a mission...in which anyone would do. [COLOR=DarkGreen]You've hurt her....you know[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn, [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why do you do that...when you have such strong feelings for her?[/COLOR] 'Because.......I don't know if I...could make her happy..the way others could....Hell I dont think I could make anyone happy..........i was never raised for things like this......I was never taught them.......it's confusing,' whispered Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why dont you just tell her?[/COLOR] questioned Deviryn as Sayne stood up 'because I dont know how.....I don't even know if she feels the same...Hell I'd proberly miss it even if it was thrown in my face!!,' exclaimed Sayne as he raised his hands above him [COLOR=DarkGreen]Just go talk to her...she's very understanding...[/COLOR]whispered Deviryn. Sayne looked at him for a second and then agreed with a nod __________________________________ Sayne ran down the corridors looking for her. He ran into Liz and asked her. Liz told him that she had gone to the Infirmary with Keiji He then took off hoping that she was alright. He got to the door and was just about to open it when he heard them talking " So Sora. I know its not my place to pry but I think there was something else other than your arm that hurt today..." Sayne heard Keiji say " You're very observant," She replied " Well, can I ask what was it?" " Sayne..." " That jerk..." " Yeah...I tried to thank him for saving me and Blaze but he never acknowledged me or my gratitude. I am so angry at him!" " Oh...." " Sorry to put that on you...but you asked for the reason...and I told you it." " Nah, that's ok. I can handle that." Sayne looked at the door for a moment and then pulled his hand away and put his head down slightly 'Thing is Sora...I've always acknowledged you....' Sayne whispered upon the door, 'maybe Keiji....can understand your needs.....better than what I will ever do' Sayne then walked back down the corridor. ______________________________________________ Sayne walked back into the holding bay and saw Deviryn. A moment later Sora walked out but egnored him [COLOR=DarkGreen]Talk to her[/COLOR]. erged Deviryn 'After what i heard......she doesn't want to know me....so lets forget about it....it's better left like that then to find out.....that she never felt the same,' spoke Sayne in a cold tone as he boarded Deviryn and took off in an opposite direction to Sora.
  9. [B]Yeah another attempt at creating a gundam rp.[/B] Four years after the Mariemaia assault and the kidnapping of Releena Darlian everything had become peaceful throughout the space colonies and earth...so they thought. Deep in the heart of the Space Colony Clusters L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, a man called Zen Slathen had formed an alliance called O.F.A (Outter Foreign Allegiance) made up of poeple from the colonies and earth whos hearts were still inraged by the alliance's between earth and the colonies. They swore an oath that they will not stop until earth and the space colonies pay for their acts which happened four years ago. Within those four years Zen enslaved three major Professors, Dr Alexander Thorne, Dr Rye Slander and Dr Julius Bern and had them create a great mass of mechanical suits called Zylons. Made from a special titanium called Zylanium X which Zen himself created. It was said that these suits could withstand high amounts of damage and heat because of their metal armor and the Zylanium was stronger than Gundanium Alloy used on the Gundam mechs. Their weaponary was extremely advanced and each mech was equipt with sabers, double-barreled Gatling guns, Blaster cannons, micro missiles and Blaster bazookas. They were truely designed for destruction. After two years of working on the Zylons they created a space colony called Colony Cluster13 which was situated just out from the colonies that hung around earth. Here they moved everyone who had joinned O.F.A and formed their plans of destruction upon earth and the colonies creating more suits. After being trapped with the O.F.A for three and half years the scientists made a run for earth. Taking with them plans and formulas to reconstruct the gundams, plans which they had been working on for a year...accidently they left behind the plans to creating the Zylons. After landing safely on earth they began right away creating the new enhanced Gundams but because the gundanium alloy had been destroyed they used a substance called Meteoric Alloy. A substance they found while working on Cluster13. This substance gave any metal fifty times the strength and resistance making it two times stronger than Zylanium X. Also with these Gundams they Re-created the Tallgeese III, but called it the Tallgeese13 but because they had run out of the meteoric substance they built it will a mix of Neo Titanium alloy and Titanium alloy making it nearly equally strong to the gundams. After landing on earth the scientists spent the rest of the year re-creating the gundams, creating what they already had and adding more in hopes that these will beable to stop the O.F.A and their attacks. 'I can't believe..that they are finished,' smiled Dr Alexander Thorne as they stood back and gazed in wonder at the five one hundred foot mechs. 'But...who will pilot them?' questioned Dr Julius Bern 'The only ones who know how,' replied Dr Thorne with a devious smile 'What?....The Ex-Gundam Pilots?..but noone has heard or even seen them for at least four years!!,' objected Dr Rye Slanders 'I know of one person who can reach them.....Releena Darlian we also must find Zechs Merquise..hopefully he'll aid us aswell,' said Dr Thorne 'Well then, we'd better hurry, whos knows when Zen will attack,' spoke Dr Rye ------------------ [B]The call:[/B] 'Miss Releena, I am Dr Alexander Thorne, we are ergently requesting the where abouts of Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, WuFei and Zechs Merquise...could you tell us?' spoke Dr Thorne 'Heero.....' spoke Releena as her voice trailed off, 'I haven't heard from any of them since....the Mariemaia assault four years ago,' 'Please miss Releena...it is ergent that we find them.' pleaded Dr Slander 'Hmm...Wait...If I remember rightly...Quatre..is on L4 cluster, Duo is on...L2, Trowa is on..L3 and WuFei is on L5, My brother has built a colony cluster called L6......but as for Heero........I don't know where he is...he was here for a couple of years but then realised that the war was truely over,' replied Releena with a sadden tone 'But we must have all five gundam pilots...please miss Releena...we need you to get ahold of them and Zechs....we will be coming to see you on a very important matter.....concerning life or death,' pleaded Dr Slander, 'We must have those pilots, they maybe our only hope,' Releena looked at the visual communication screen and saw the dismay in the Professors eyes 'Ok...I will send out an ergent message but I can't guarantee that they'll get it,' smiled Releena 'Please Miss Releena...it is a matter of life or death...we need the ex-gundam pilots and Zechs...and we need them immediately, we will be coming to the Sanc Kingdom, please give us clear passage through,' asked Dr Bern 'Yes. I will be waiting,' she smiled and the screen went blank. The 3 professors then gather the five gundams into an aircraft carrier which they had built to hold the gundams. They then headed for the Sanc Kingodom in desperate hopes to see the ex-pilots and praying for their help. ******************************************************* Ok there's the story and what its about. Hope I didn't give away too much although..theres alot more than that. On to the Gundams: [B]Wing Zero: Heero[/B]: Zero system is now more powerful than ever, with enhanced tatical and combat data for winning and losing battles and a mode that wipes the mind clean of any emotion and feeling becomes a more threatening and sinister system. Enhanced weaponary: Twin Sabers which can form into extendable lazer whips (range unknown), A double-barreled buster Rifle, his greatest weapon, Now has three power levels: The highest is the dangerous can destroy the gundam. Can only be used three times before power supply is cut(can be sperated into two double barreled buster rifles), Machinecannon blasters mounted on the hips, Machinecannon blasters mounted on shoulders. Advanced Sensors (range unknown) [B]Deathscythe Hell: Duo:[/B] Enhanced cloaking and stealth system. Two Twin beam Scthes one for each hand. 4X Hyper jammer ECM, Advanced Sensors (range unknown) 8X twin Vulcan guns mounted all over, Double barreled Gatling guns mounted to waist [COLOR=DarkRed][B]( You can create your own if you like)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Heavyarms: Trowa:[/B] Enhanced hand held triple barreled gatling blaster guns, double-barreled machine guns, more missiles and seekers, double barreled gatling guns. Advanced sensors (range unknown) Missile granade blasters (does more damage than missiles) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]( You can create your own if you like)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Sandrock: Quatre:[/B] Enhanced armor melting heat shotels, both shotels are equipt with sonic blasters, when powered up and swung can create massive sonic shockwaves on earth and in space burn and shattering the enemy at close and distant range. Single barreled gatling guns on shoulders and cannons mounted to waist. Advanced Sensors (range unknown) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]( You can create your own if you like)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Nataku: WuFei:[/B] Two Doubled ended twin beam trident thats extendable ( range unknown)one for each hand. Over sized highly extendable Fang claws, Gatling guns mounted to waist, cannons mounted to shoulders [COLOR=DarkRed][B]( You can create your own if you like)[/B][/COLOR] [B]Tallgeeze13[/B]: Zechs: Advanced sensors, range unknown mega cannon, mounted on right shoulder and a blaster Bazooka mounted on left shoulder, 4 x vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, shield mounted on left shoulder, heat rod, retractable (whip like) [COLOR=DarkRed][B]( You can create your own if you like)[/B][/COLOR] [B]All gundams to go from space to earth without any adjustments.[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]If you are going to create your own gundam please keep the names the same and please do not use the zero system. Thank you.[/B][/COLOR] __________________________________ Gundam pilots are now 19 years old. They are only two more spaces left: Heero Yuy: My character Duo Maxwell: Lil Kitsune Boy Trowa: Quatre: Amgoddess WuFei: KairiKIce2 Zechs Merquise: Altron. If any girls want to join you can be one of the two gundam pilots or: Releena Darlian: ... Lucrezia Noin: Sally Po: Hildie (I think I spelt the name right??) ******************** Sign-ups: Name: has to be from the characters shown above accept the ones who are taken Age: Gundam pilots are 19. Sally Po and Noin will be 24, Releena is 19 and Hildie..I have no idea..lol Agenda: Personality: Everyone proberly knows what their personalities are...lol Appearance: hopefully the exact characters Bio: Mech: if your a gundam Pilot ____________________________________________________ There's the sign-up. I'll post mine tomorrow.
  10. Jun looked at the girl who sat across from him, and quickly took back his lighter. 'You have powers...so what,' spoke Jun coldly as he began flicking the lighter The girl raised her eye brows at him 'You have the fire element,' she said, 'I have earth,' 'And...' he replied as he placed the lighter in his pocket 'Well dont you think its strange?' she questioned 'We are all strange in one way or the other,' spoke Jun slowly standing up from his chair, 'Now leave me alone,' 'I need to ask you something,' she said 'Do I look as though I care,' he growled as he began walking away at that moment Jun could see a man fighting a demon down an alley way..the demon then disappeared and the man walked out with a lady and they walked down the street 'you haven't answered my question!,' called the girl snapping Jun out of his curiousity 'Tell someone who cares..now leave me alone!!,' he snapped as fire burned in his eyes as he began to get annoyed with her.
  11. Sayne tore threw the lines psychotically taking out the huge fighter ships [B]***Incoming Transmission: Keiji***[/B] [B]**Keiji**[/B] [B]SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'LL COMPROMISE THE MISSION!!![/B] [B]****Transmission Lost. Transmission Cancelled*****[/B] Dale fired his EMP cannons wiping out the last of the aerial attackers while Vick tore up the last of the hover tanks. Something had gone wrong with Vick, Sanye turned Deviryn around and they fired upon the hover ships that were about to pound Vick. after blasting them away they swooped down and grabbed Kraven in his claws. the battle was over [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne......[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn his power supply nearly running on empty 'Get back to.....the base......we'll disable link there,' whispered Sayne Deviryn flew wearily through the sky while holding on tightly to Kraven and Vick. The sun was beginning to set and a blood like redness poured out across the sky. Deviryn gently placed Kraven down and then landed on the landing bay hard....his collapsed and let out a sudden roar of pain as the link was disconnected. The cockpit doors opened and Sayne fell out onto the base. He landed at someones feet and slowly he lifted his head and saw that it was Keiji with a look of disgust on his face. Sayne slowly stood up. Keiji grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against Deviryn 'What the fuck were you doing up there!!!,' yelled Keiji, 'You could of put the mission at risk with your senseless antics!!!!,' '..Hn...' whispered Sayne as he pushed Keiji away. Deviryn was just about to attack but Sayne waved him down. 'Dont you know that rage blinds you!!..you are a born soldier did noone teach you that here!!,' Keiji roared again, 'You could of killed one of us up there!!!' Sayne stared coldly at Keiji and then turned his back on him, at that moment Keiji spun Sayne around and smacked him in the jaw. Saynes already weaken body hit against Deviryn and he used what little strength he had left to brace himself. Anger swelled in Saynes stomach as Keiji tried to strike him again. Sayne dodged Keiji's attack and retaliated with a right hook knocking Keiji off his feet. 'What is the meaning of all this!!!,' growled the Commander who was followed by two different generals, Keiji quickly got off the ground while Sayne keep his eyes on Keiji 'Sayne!,' spoke the commander, 'Keiji!,' 'I was just trying to explain to Sayne that he nearly endangered the mission because of his outrage sir,' spoke Keiji 'I see...and you seem to feel strongly about it?' questioned the Commander. 'Yes,' whispered Keiji 'Sayne do have anything to add to this?,' questioned the commander as he frowned at his son 'He has his opinions I have mine,' spoke Sayne still with his eyes on Keiji. 'Will you beable to settle this between yourselves?' questioned the Commander Keiji looked at Sayne whos eyes narrowed and Keiji looked away shrugging his shoulders 'I saw Saynes outrage and for that I believe that he could of endangered the mission, he also left his post which is another offense, there for he must under go Isolation for the rest of the mission,' spoke the Commander as he frowned at Sayne Keiji looked at Sayne who's eyes had become distant as the generals cuffed him. Deviryn let out a shrill cry which echoed around the base....Deviryn was too weak to do anything and that was all he could do. 'I want the dragon mech to be put in confinement, Sayne isn't alloud no where near it until he can suppress his rage. Isolation is the only way and if that doesn't help put him through......the tests,' spoke the commander. 'Yes commander,' spoke the generals in sync, They grabbed Sayne forcefully and dragged him off back into the main part of the base. Chains were thrown over Deviryn and a machine was linked to him 'What...whats that for!!,' yelled Keiji 'It keeps his energy on the lowest level so he doesn't get out of control throughout Saynes Isolation,' spoke a private as Deviryn was lifted up by a huge crane, that lowered him down into a singel holding bay below the landing pad and then the doors were closed. Deviryns haunting moans echoed throughout the base. __________________________________________ Isolation: Sayne was stripped to his boxers and dragged violently kicking and cursing to a small container. It had a few holes for air to get in but other than that...it was a meter and a half long and three feet high. 'Father!!!..you can't do this to me!!......you can't!!!....FATHER!!!,' roared Sayne as the slammed him in the container and the padlocked the door, 'You bastard!!!....I hate you!!!!!,' 'How can you do that....you know that he's claustrophobic,' spoke General Rei who stood beside the Commander 'Its the only way...and you know that..for him to pilot the Dragon....he must beable to stay calm....through anything.....especially...when we know what that beast can do....Its Dragon cry.......if that was unleashed in todays battle....they would of been destroyed,' explained The Commander 'How do you know that for sure.....noone has seen these mechs in action before..especially not that one...they all have their own special abilities,' spoke General Rei 'Commander is right.' spoke Dr Kane from behind, 'Sayne could have destroyed the both of them and anyone around them...the dragon cry is highly dangerous..Sayne must suppress his rage,' Saynes banging and yelling to get out echoed throughout the Isolation Bay...it went on for as long as he could make it until he broke.....silence......just..silence. ____________________________________ Lunar One: Syon base hovered along the sand of a beach. All ground mechs were placed on the hover base while the others flew. Half the day passed by until they stopped. ****Linking To Lunar One: Activated***** 'Where are we?...I dont see any water base!,' spoke Liz as they looked over the Syon tower railings. At that moment the was a loud rumble as it looked as though the base began to unfold 'Whats going on?' questioned Dale as the ground shook Long thin rods shot up out of the water and a huge disc like flat surface appeared and rose connection and locking with Syon base. The tower was then pushed further into the sky until it stopped. when everyone looked around they realised that everything had changed. There were reinforced holding bays, twenty huge beam cannons which towered high and thriple barreled gatling guns everywhere and one huge solar cannon in the center....the area stretched out twice the size...it was a magnificent sight. 'Is Sayne.....' whispered Sora 'He'll be along shortly,' spoke the Commander in a saddened tone as he walked back inside. Sayne had been taken from the Isolation containers and put in the labratory. They ran the tests on him and then Commander De'Larne released him after reviewing him. Sayne sat in a white room dressed in a white short sleeved rob. The commander then entered the room. 'Sayne....' whispered the Commander, 'Your released now,' Sayne stood up and walked towards the commander but stopped beside him 'And you wonder why I disobey you......' whispered Sayne his voice sounding husky as he collected his clothes and walked out. His arms were red where they poked him with needles and other pieces of equipment. Sayne walked to the communal room and opened the door. He found everyone sitting around, still dressed in his white short sleeved robe he went straight to his room not saying a word. He had a long hot shower which soothed his aching body and then got dressed, he then walked out and down to see Deviryn He walked through the doors and found Dr Kane and some generals unchainning the beast [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sa..yne[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn Dr Kane looked at Sayne for a moment and then put his head down as Sayne walked over to Deviryn 'Switch to power increase,' spoke Dr Kane. Deviryn slowly became alive as they restored his power levels back to the way they should be. Dr kane then walked up to Sayne, 'I'm sorry....' 'Don't be....you were only doing your job,' whispered Sayne as he left Dr Kane to do his report. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne...I never meant for that to happen to you.[/COLOR] spoke Deviryn more lively. [COLOR=DarkGreen]You only did what you did to portect me, it was the pain that drove you mad, and you only took that pain...because you didn't want me to hurt. I shouldn't of allowed it[/COLOR] 'It was my choice....I took it upon myself just so you could fight again,' spoke Sayne as he went over Deviryns damages, 'I see they fixed you,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yeah...i couldn't do much to stop them[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn 'Dr Kane is a good doctor..he knows what he's doing....but I'm going to check away,' said Sayne as he went over Deviryns vitals and saw that Dr Kane had fixed Deviryn the same way as he would [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne....I know what they did to you....I can feel it and see it[/COLOR]. whispered Deviryn 'Lets just forget about it,' whispered Sayne as he sat down and lent against Deviryn OOC: Ok guys do what you like for now. Ok. there'll be another meeting soon to recap on what happened. Ok...if your characters have anything to say...bring it up at the meeting.
  12. [B]OOC: Just a quick post for me because i'm bored **laughs psyhcotically**[/B] [B]IC:[/B] Sayne and Deviryn were still spinning violently through the enemies and then they stopped...their minds still fused as one [B]**Incoming Transmission: Darris**[/B] [B]**Darris**[/B] Hows goes the war guys? [B]**Sayne**[/B] Good....the enemy frontlines are depleting...hey what happened to Ajack? [B]**Darris**[/B] Dont know looks as though something went wrong with Apollo.. [B]**Sayne**[/B] Oh shit!!! [B]***Transmission Broken...Link Lost = Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Sayne and Deviryn were blasted in the side by a round of lazer cannon shots which created a hole just under his wing, half of the controls got fried in the blast and electricuted Sayne... The two nose dived towards the ground, first slamming into a cliff side before hitting the ground hard. Deviryns wings were torn badly [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne.....Sayne....answer me!!. [/COLOR] roared Deviryn as the link was lost. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne please answer me[/COLOR] 'Argh.....' came a slight moan from Sayne as he woke up, 'What...happened?' [COLOR=DarkGreen]We got hit badly. My side is damaged and so are my wings.[/COLOR] spoke Deviryn. Sayne could feel Deviryns disappointment in himself and the pain from the blast and his wings. Sayne looked at the yellow button [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne no...that electrical shock has done some damage to your body...it could kill you this time..[/COLOR]roared Deviryn "thats a chance I'm willing to take...we need to get airbourne and fast and thats the only way...give me your pain,' spoke Sayne in a monotoned voice [COLOR=DarkGreen]I can't do that!!...You could die[/COLOR]. whispered Deviryn 'We'll die if we sit here.....trust me,' whispered Sayne as a sharp pain shot up through his side, 'I can handle it..trust me now,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok....[/COLOR] whispered Deviryn Sayne re-pushed the yellow link button [B]***Linking Port Activated: Connection: Sayne****[/B] Sayne let out a shrill yell as immense pain shot up through his body. Deviryn howled deeply as his pain rushed through Sayne, clenching his teeth against the pain which swelled inside him Sayne gripped the thruster levers and pushed them forward to its limit and over. With a loud roar Deviryn shot off into the sky towards the enemy who blasted them [COLOR=DarkRed]'NOONE THREATENS OUR LIVES AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!,'[/COLOR] they roared in simultaneously, [COLOR=DarkRed]'WE WILL KILL YOU!!!'[/COLOR] Deviryn and Sayne roared together as they flew hard and fast at the ship leaving behind them a trail of sparks which came from the massive damage that Deviryn recieved but Deviryn couldn't feel the pain...only Sayne, who took it upon himself so Deviryn couldn't...so Deviryn could fly again They colided into the ship with blades and guns. The ship exploded around them. and then they returned to help the others. Saynes was wondering how long he could keep it up for..it was taking a huge toll on his body and weakening him every second but still he fought with Deviryn to help the others...he wasn't going down that easily and neither was Deviryn. [B]OOC: The fight will end soon, I know your all proberly getting bored...I'm just waiting for everyone to catch up.[/B]
  13. Jun walked wearly into the town. It was dark. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder shook the ground. His full body length black leather jacket flapped violently around in the warm winds. He didn't know the name of the town nor did he care to know it. He had walked for days and needed somewhere to stay the night. Just until the morning. Jun walked along the streets where he came to an abandoned building 'How nice...' he whispered into the wind. He walked in and looked around. Danger....something didn't feel right as his blue eyes scanned the dark...something was there...looking back at him..something....evil. At that moment something jumped him from behind. Its claws easily ripped through his jacket and pierced his skin causing it to bleed. Saynes anger grew wild and his arms began glowing red. He reached over his head and grabbed the head of the creatures. Its head turned to fire within an instant. Jun spun around to see a demon clutching his head and screaming in pain. Jun drew his red sword and thrusted it into the chest of the demon who let out a high pitched scream then turned to ashes on the ground. A deep growling caught his attention again as he spun around. Another demon jumped out at him from the darkness of the abandoned building. The beast slashed at Jun leaving two deep gashes across his chest, blood slowly seeped out from the wounds. The demon then attached itself to the wall and smiled at Jun hungrily as it licked the blood of its claws 'Hmmmm...fresh...' laughed the demon 'Burn in hell,' spoke Jun coldly as he set the old abandoned building alite at a great speed 'What!!....you little!!!......,' were the demons last words before being burned. Jun slowly walked from the blazing building and out onto the streets 'Dammit...there goes my bed,' whispered Jun as he carried on down the street, blood stained his clothes and jacket
  14. Sayne scanned his monitors. Tanks and Fighter ships began attacking from all sides [B]**Incoming Transmission: Dale**[/B] [B]**Dale**[/B] We have missiles fired upon the Hover Base! Tanks are coming in from the Left and Right. [B]**Sayne**[/B] Take them out!! [B]**Dale**[/B] I'm On It! [B]***Outgoing Transmission: Sakura. Liz. Lyu. Vick.Cliff. Darris. Fei.***[/B] [B]**Sayne**[/B] You have tanks coming in from the sides!...take them out! Dont let them near the base!! Ajack. Keiji. Sora and I will handle the ones in the sky! [B]***Outgoing Transmission Cancelled***[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne for me to beable to use my abilities to the fullest you have to link with me mentally....if you don't we'll fight within ourselves...please!! [/COLOR] growled Deviryn Sayne looked at his monitors and raidar systems. Keiji had already taken out the first line, Darris and Fel broke throught the first ground line. Vick had taken out a whole army of Hover Tanks. At that moment Red lights flashed on Saynes mother board....a fleet opened fire upon them [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne!!!....PLEASE!!!...LINK TO ME NOW!!! [/COLOR] roared Deviryn as lazer blasts struck the sides. 'Ok......' whispered Sayne as he activated a yellow button [B]**Linking Port Activated. Connection: Sayne**[/B] A serge of power streamed violently through Deviryn and into Sayne. Memories of Saynes passed filled Deviryns, haunting memories relived itself within the both of them. The pain was great and they both let out a shrill roar [COLOR=DarkGreen]The pain!!!!.......i didn't know.....[/COLOR]roared Deviryn as the pain turned to anger....violence. Deviryns mind was now linked to Sayne...but so was the dreaded memories. 'What.....are you doing to me??..."whispered Sayne clenching his teeth against the pain of the war chips and killings that Dr Kane had implanted into Deviryn both memories mixed together. Then it was over...both their minds burned for the kill.... 'Lets take them down' whispered Sayne as Deviryn laughed [COLOR=DarkGreen]My pleasure[/COLOR]. roared Deviryn 'Open all buster cannons,' smiled Sayne. as they were activated, 'FIRE!!!!!' The cannons pounded back hard as they fired upon the enemy. Missiles were fired upon Deviryn from a fighter carrier. Sayne then activated Deviryns blades and they flew at high speeds passed Keiji who was in a trigger happy mode. Sayne fired upon the missiles that were launched while Deviryn sored towards the enemy ship. The missiles were destroyed as Deviryn colided with the ship, using his blades to tear through the enemys shield. As they ripped through the ship civilians appeared all around Sayne on the monitors. Their bodies being torn apart by the attack. Blood stainned the ships walls as body parts flung everywhere. Sayne gripped the controls "DAMN YOU CYLARGRES!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!,' he roared as he opened fire with the ship and blew it apart. Then they turned on another Fight carrier ship and did the same Fighter Crafts surrounded them and opened fire as they tore through another Fighter carrier. Suddenly a blue button appeared. Sayne knew what it was for. 'Ready?' whispered Sayne as the emergency lights flashed from the amounts of lazer blasts which struck them hard. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Always[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn. Sayne then activated the blue button. 'Deviryn!...RAGE WAR!!,' roared Sayne as he pushed two silver levers forward. Sayne was then strapped in tighter than before [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hold on.[/COLOR] Whispered Deviryn as he curled up [B]**Outgoing Transmission: Keiji***[/B] [B]**Sayne**[/B] Keiji watch out! [B]**Keiji**[/B] what are you doing!! Sayne gave Keiji a demonic smile and then laughed psychotically. [B]***Transmission Cancelled***[/B] Deviryn began to spin violently. Sayne gripped the controls. The enemy then fired again upon them but still Deviryn kept spinning. The enemy then flew towards them, at that moment blades shot out eaching having their own length, it slashed through the enemy ships with ease as more shot out. Saynes head was spinning but still he kept focussed. Then Deviryn snapped back into his rightful form...but still he spun violently as Sayne pushed on the thrusters and Deviryn took off in a spinning frenzy towards the enemy [B]OOC: You can use your mechs special abilities at any time. Ok[/B]
  15. **Incoming transmission** **Sora** Cylargres troops at 9 O'clock **Transmission Disconnected** At that moment Cylargres appeared infront. **Incoming Transmission** **Keiji** Theres a fleet coming towards us! **Darris** Mr Fei and I will take out the ground units! **Fei** That we will... **Sayne** ...Take them down! The four mechs headed out towards the approaching fleet, before Sayne could do anything Deviryn spoke [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sora's been hit and there's something wrong with Sakura[/COLOR]. Said Deviryn Sayne looked on his monitor and saw that Cliff was helping her. **Outgoing Transmission** **Sayne** Sora!!!...you ok? **Sora** Blaze... has been hit in the wing........ **Sayne** I'm coming.... **Outgoing Transmission cancelled*** Sayne then turned Deviryn around **Incoming Transmission*** **Keiji** Where are you going! **Sayne** I wont be long! ***Incoming Transmission Cancelled*** Sayne looked at his monitors and saw a fleet heading towards Sora and Blaze. Suddenly they opened fire on the falling mech 'SORA!!!' roared Sayne as he pushed Deviryn to full speed and over..It was a race against them and the cannon lazers that were fired. 'Come on Deviryn!!,' growled Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]So..you have a crush on Sora... [/COLOR] spoke Deviryn 'What!..now isn't the time!!!!,' growled Sayne as the flew infront of the lazer blasts and flew at the falling blaze. Deviryn sudden flew over top of them and pulled upwards lifting the Blaze and Sora out of the way of the lazers which just missing them ***Outgoing Transmission** **Sayne** Sora!...Sora you alright **Sora** yeah... Sayne looked at her and smiled his eyes softened and then his face disappeared. Sayne dropped Sora blaze off at the landing pad on the hover base and then flew back to help Keiji **Incoming transmission** **Keiji** I need back up!! **Sayne** On it... Sayne then opened fire on five fighter ships that were following Keiji everywhere. The way they manouvered was extrodinary. He managed to shoot down three while Mr Fei shot down the other two.
  16. After visiting Deviryn for the last time that night. Sayne laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne you reinforce your mind so much....I know your thinking of your past..but I can't see what it is[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn through telepathy. 'It is best that noone sees...even you,' replied Sayne in a saddened tone [COLOR=DarkGreen]What do you mean?[/COLOR] questioned Deviryn 'Its nothing, now rest,' whispered Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok..but one more question...why don't you interact with the others more?. [/COLOR] said Deviryn. 'I dont really know how....' Sayne whispered back, 'I was never taught how to....laugh the way they do....or....show any emotion...or even....how to interact...back then my father was strict on me.......it.....never mind. Just get some rest.' [COLOR=DarkGreen]I know, I know it isn't irrelevent to whats happening. Good night Sayne[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn in his husky tone. Sayne lay there for a few minutes then fell alseep. He awoke at 0400. showered and gor dressed. Then without breakfast or grabbing a hot drink he left at 0415 to go the Commanders Office. ________________________________________________ [B]The Meeting[/B] Sayne stood by the window as everyone walked through the door just in time. The sun was beginning to rise...he hadn't seen that sunrise for a while and slightly smiled as if to welcome the sun. Then reality put him back in his place as he heard his fathers voice. 'First of all, I'd like to congratulate you all on the success of yesterday...I know that it must of been hard for some but i'm here to tell you now that its only the beginning.' spoke the Commander as he looked around the room and his eyes stayed with Sayne for a moment and then he continued, 'Our enemies call themselves Cylargres. Their technology goes beyond all we know. Late lastnight we recieved a Visual transmission from them and this is why the meeting was held so early.' Commander De'Larne then walked off to the side. He pulled out a remote from his pocket and switched on a communications screen. Before them on the screen stood a Cylargres 'Humans....We are Cylargres. A generation of Cyryns from an outter galaxy...we have come to calm earth as our home and if you do not surrender to us....then we will be forced to take what we want...by any means possible....' spoke the Cylargres in a deep echoey tone at that moment the visual switched to the war that happened yesterday, and showed civillians piloting the Fighter Ships and Fighter carriers, there eyes were not human...they were black like the Cylargres, then it switched back to the Cylargres, 'You have just seen a small amount of what we can do....surrender now...or die,' The recorded visual then switched off 'What the fuck!!.....you mean to tell me that...some how...they used civillians to...fight against us....we fought civillians!!' yelled Vick as he slammed his hands down on the Commanders table Everyone looked at each other in disbielf 'Yes, some how they did. We dont know how they did it...but they did it. When we traced the Visual transmission...it wasn't sent from here on earth which leaves us with one conclusion....Space. Noone knows how many there are of these Cylargres but you can garantee that theres alot more than what we think.,' spoke General Rei 'I wondered why they wanted those civillian trucks,' spoke Sayne as he continued looking out the window, 'I saw them on my monitors yesterday...desperately trying to get to them...but the ground mechs stopped them,' 'What!...you knew about this....and you didn't say anything?' exclaimed Commander 'I didn't know...I had a feeling that they were up to something...for all i knew it could of been my mind running away with me...but now i see that it wasn't,' growled Sayne as he shot a stone cold glance at his father. 'Still you should of told!,' growled the Commander 'You know now!,' Sayne snapped back turning his attention back to the window. General Rei placed a gentle hand on the commander and the commander sighed 'Do you think the Cylargres could be using mind control?,' questioned Sora interrupting the arguement 'but how?' quoestioned Cliff 'If they were using mind control...it'll have to be through placing chips into their bodies...because if it was freehand mind control..then we'd all look like that,' spoke Mr Fei who was leaning against the wall with a serious frown 'Good point,' agreed Darris. 'So...what are we going to do?' spoke out Liz 'Well first things first...Syon Base is moving to the Lunar One.' Spoke Commander De'Larne 'Lunar One?' questioned Lyu as everyone looked puzzled 'Lunar One. A base built by my grandfather. Situated in the middle of the greatest sea around.. Glandia ocean. When Syon and Lunar One are joined together it becomes L.S One, a base with high security, power cannon and guns and double reinforced shields. The civillains will be safer there than what they are here...here we are sitting ducks for the enemy,' explained Sayne in a monotoned voice 'But...how are we meant to get Syon base there??....Drive it!,' spoke Vick sarcasticly 'Exactly,' replied Sayne as he turned around and loooked at Vick with a brow raised. 'This base moves!!!,' exclaimed Dale 'Yes it does.' smiled the Commander as he looked at them, 'Its a war machine....but without Lunar One we can't activate the Battle Mode Code. This is why Syon Base is moving. Now here are the orders: **Sayne, you and Keiji with your mechs will protect the front line of Syon base by flight **Sora, you and Ajack will cover the rear with your mechs in flight. **Darris, you and Mr Fei will cover the front with your mechs on ground. ** Dale, you and Lyu will cover the rear with your mechs on ground. **Vick, you and Liz will cover the right side with your mechs on ground **Cliff, you and Sakura will cover the left side with your mechs on ground. I need you all to be aware and ready for the possibility that we will be attacked by the Cylargres, you all need to work together..I am counting on you all to help get Syon to Lunar One, We will be leaving in one hour, it is already 0700 so at 0800 we leave. So do what you need to do and then be at your posts fifteen minutes before we leave. Everything needs to be right before we can leave. Keep all communication ports open and watch each others backs out there. This meeting is closed. thank you all for your time,' spoke the Commander as he released them. Everyone began walking out disscussing the meeting. 'Sayne!...wait,' called the Commander as sayne was about to leave. Everyone carried on out the door and General Tame closed it, 'Sayne, You will not disobey my orders. This is a crucial move. we can't afford any disobedience or it'll jeopardize the civillains lives...is that understood!,' Sayne turned slowly and looked at his father who stood seriously behind the desk 'Do you honestly think...that i would put their lives in jeopardy?' Sayne questioned coldly 'You have been known very well for disobeying my orders!,' Snapped the Commander 'Have you ever asked yourself why!,' Sayne snapped back 'I shouldn't have to!...I'm your commander!!!!,' roared Commander De'Larne 'AND YOU ARE MY FATHER!!!,' roared Sayne as he slammed his fists down on the desk. The Commander jerked back quickly, startled by Saynes out burst. Sayne quickly calmed himself and stood up right and looked at his father coldly, 'But...somewhere along the line...you forgot,' Sayne then turned and headed for the door, he opened it but stopped when he heard his father 'Sayne.....' the Commander whispered his name 'I'll do all i can to help the people.....but as for you and I.....that was lost along time ago,' spoke Sayne in a deep monotoned voice, without looking at his father he walked out the door. 'What did I do to him?......he hate for me runs deep in his eyes.....I raised him the only way i knew how,' whispered Commander De'Larne as he walked to the window 'You choose to be a Commander more than a father....thats one hell of a price to pay...but you can fix it....,' spoke general Rei as he walked up beside the Commander 'How? when he hates me so much' questioned the Commander 'If you truely want to fix the situation between you two....then you will find a way...,' smiled the General The commander gave a slight nod 'Now lets get this operation on the way,' spoke General Tame __________________________________________________________ [B]The move:[/B] Sayne hoped that noone had heard the arguement he had as he quickly made his way down the corridor back to the holding bay. He walked down the stairs and saw Deviryn standing up right. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Goodmorning sayne[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn '..Hn..' was Saynes reply [COLOR=DarkGreen]I hear we are moving. Is that correct?[/COLOR] questioned Deviryn 'Yes. We are going to Lunar One,' said Sayne hooked a laptop up to Deviryn to check his vitals after yesterday, 'Everything seems to be excellent,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Of course it would be[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn proudly 'Good,' said Sayne as he began to get everything ready for the trip. Sayne looked at his watch. 0730. it red, sayne then boarded Deviryn and they took to the sky. Sayne opened all communication ports as they drifted in the air before the Syon base not going anywhere. He opened all monitors and raidars. Everyone began to get into their positions, Keiji joinned him at the front aswell as Darris and Mr Fei who were in their mechs on the ground. On the ground to the right side of the base was Vick and Liz, on the ground on the left was Cliff and Sakura and at the back in the sky was Sora and Ajack, below them was Dale and Lyu. All their faces appeared on the bottom of his visual communications monitor **Sayne** Is everyone ready? Everyone nodded or replied back with seriousness in their eyes Sayne looked at his watch. 0800. it red. At that moment a siren went off and the ground began to shake. The Base began to lift itself out of the sand. Dust covered the area and sand blew up into the sky. When the dust settled it revealed a huge hover craft type machine. **Sayne** Lets go! With a loud roar and the spinning of blades from the hover base, Sayne in his Dragon mech, Keiji in his Hawk mech, Darris in his Cheetah mech and Mr Fei in his Scorpion mech led the way to Glandia Ocean to Lunar One. [B]OOC: Ok everyone...Excuse the longness of the posts and the rushing Just wanted to get this up before anyone gets bored. Our next mission is to protect the base and make it to Lunar One. There will be another attack so keep your eyes open. and there are more plots, twists and turns so watch out. See you all on the battle field. **Heero.**[/B]
  17. After everything that happened with Liz and her father Sayne was truely happy to be back beside Deviryn even though it didn't show. [COLOR=DarkGreen]So how is Liz? [/COLOR] questioned Deviryn '...Hn...' Sayne grunted as he continued his work [COLOR=DarkGreen]I know you don't like that sort of thing...you hate getting involved especially when its a family thing...although she isn't family it was good of you to be there[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn '...hn....' Sayne grunted again [COLOR=DarkGreen]You truely are a tough one Sayne...you suppress all emotion and pain.....its hard to truely see what you are thinking...you block out all you feel by focussing hard on matters that you think are irrelevent to you....like war...[/COLOR]. examined Deviryn Sayne had finished the repairs and modifications. He stood back and looked at Deviryn 'I'll check on you tonight. Ok.' spoke Sayne as he headed to the door [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne, why wont you allow me to see all you feel? why wont you talk to me...like how....they all interact...they have a strong bond....you reinforce your walls..so badly that you wont even let me in[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn in a deep husky tone with sadness in his eyes 'You wouldn't like what you'd see,' spoke Sayne in his monotoned voice but with a hint of sadness and before Deviryn could say anything Sayne was gone _____________________________ Communal Room: Sayne entered through the door to find everyone already there. Sora, Ajack, Liz and Cliff and Sakura were talking at the table about their favourite bands and music. Darris and Keiji were now argueing over who was cheatted at pool but continued with their game Dale and Vick were trying to out do one another on the ps2 Sayne gave then a quick glance and disappeared into his room. He jumped into the shower. The hot water refreshed his mind. He got changed into a singlet and blue baggy jeans and put on his socks. He put his feet into his sneakers and then flopped back on his bed dangling his feet over the side. He remembered what Deviryn told him about blocking him out. Everything else he forgot about apart from that. He lay on his bed for a moment falling in and out of sleep until he heard Soras voice sing out. 'Sayne! teas ready,' came her voice. Sayne slowly got off the bed and walked to the door, He didn't realise how hungry he was. He walked out of his room and saw everyone seated at the table. Sora gave him a smile as he walked towards them. he looked around and noticed that the only seat left was one beside Sora. She patted the chair and he sat down. He grabbed him an ornage juice and put a small amount of Spaghetti on his plate and abit of bolognaise and then grabbed abit of garlic bread. At that moment Sora lent over to him while he was eating 'Thank you for being there for me earlier...' her words whispered in his ear. Sayne looked at her as she pulled away and smiled at him. He gave her a slight nod and continued on with his meal. After finishing his meal he took his plate and cup to the sink and washed them, dried them and put them away. As he was about to go back to his room there was a knock on the door. Sayne walked over and opened the door 'What do you want?' spoke Sayne coldly 'I have a message for all mech pilots,' spoke the private as he handed Sayne the letter and then left. Sayne closed the door and opened it 'What is it?' questioned Cliff as they all looked at Sayne 'There's a meeting in the morning at 0500 hours on the upper deck in Commander De'larnes office.' spoke Sayne as he handed the message to Darris and then walked back to his room. [B]OOC: ok I will post what the meetings about in my next post ...give some of you time to catch up but make sure you get up to the meeting in your posts before I post whats happening.[/B]
  18. Sayne watched as everyone began to land. He still wasn't too impressed by Liz's father and his attempts to stop her from becoming a mech pilot....but he wasn't too good on giving out advice that would comfort her because of his lack of emotion so he thought best it to leave it....He was about to start again on Deviryn when he heard the pheonix land. Sayne looked over his shoulder and saw Sora get out and slowly creep out of the holding bay and into the hallway. Noone had seen her leave part from him and he knew something was wrong. He tried to keep working on Deviryn but couldn't [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why dont you go see if she's ok.[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn in a deep tone. 'It's none of my business,' replied Sayne as he continued working [COLOR=DarkGreen]That maybe so but...you could at least go see if she is alright...we're not in the war zone anymore[/COLOR] growled Deviryn 'Fine, if it shuts you up,' spoke Sayne realising that Deviryn wasn't going to let him get on with his work until he did Sayne stood up and walked passed everyone who were still talking amongst themselves about the battle. He passed through the door and found Sora sitting in the corridor. Tears ran like streams down her face. He carefully closed the door behind him. rubbed the back of his neck and then sat down beside her. This was all very new to him and he didn't know what he could do to fix the situation. 'My mother..my sister........' she began struggling to say something 'They're dead. I know.' spoke Sayne in a monotone voice while looking at the wall 'Its..just hit me now.' she cried, 'i've lost them both...so many emotions are running through me and I...' Sayne sat and listened to what she had to say...Sora broke down many times within the words she spoke. then he heard her sigh 'They took them from me...I want revenge' she whispered She cried even more but for some reason....she felt relieved after getting her feelings out...even if is was to someone who hardly said a thing...but she knew....he was listening. He didn't comment or anything..he just listened to her. After the tears stopped flowing Sayne looked at her. 'Going out into battle with only revenge on your mind will get you killed,' he spoke coldly Sora's eyes widened to his cold tone 'And there is someone here..who I know wouldn't want that...your father,' said Sayne as he stood up, 'Although it is hard to not want revenge in a situation like this...Use that vengeful anger to protect those how can't protect themselves...fight with a clear mind...not a clouded one...dont let it become you...,' he said as he looked at her...his hard stone eyes softened slightly in the dim light Sora listened to Saynes words and realized that she had forgotten her father for that moment. She stood up and looked at Sayne whos eyes had gone back to its cold natural state. She smiled slightly after realizing that this was the first time he'd actually spoken more than just a few short answered words.. and it was proberly the last Sayne looked at Sora, 'Go find your father...he needs you,' he spoke in his usual monotoned voice as they walked back in. Sayne walked back across the holding bay and began working on Deviryn again as if nothing had happened. [COLOR=DarkGreen]So how is she?[/COLOR] questioned Deviryn '....Hn....' spoke Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]You like her I know.[/COLOR] spoke Deviryn 'That isn't important nor is it irrelevant at this time,' spoke Sayne coldly as he continued on with the repairs. _________________________________________ Commander De'larne then gave them all passes each to their own living quarters. Sayne already knew where these were and they were situated above the holding bay where the mechs were kept. In each room it had its own bathroom facilities. Singel, double or king sized bed which ever they prefer. Their rooms were all down one corridor and Down the hallway from their rooms was the Rec room and kitchen. The mech building was going to be where they'd stay. They couldn't put the young pilots to far away from their mechs incase of an emergency. OOC: now thats the living quarters.
  19. Sayne watched the others in a heroic form of destruction played by their strategic minds. A new wave darkened the skies before him. The enemy ships emerged from the six remaining Fighter carriers. Sayne then sent out a visual transmittion to all mechs opening ports. ***Beep***Beep*** **Transmission Ports opening** > Heads up guys!...another wave...I'm going for the Fighter carriers. Anyone who wants to join me in raising the dead...do so. The rest take out the fighter ships....by the way..very cool in taking out the mother ship Dale and Keiji...and I see our teah. is back. Sayne could see the deadly scorpion on the horizon ripping apart the fighter ships with his sniper like tail Sayne flew through the fighter ships tearing some of them in half with Deviryns wings. Looking on the monitor he could see the mech Cheetah and Panther following on the ground destroying anything that flew at them. A lion ran up beside them and just off to the right in the sky was the Griffin and Hawk, the other stayed back to fight the remaining fighter ships **Opening Communication Port...Cheetah. Lion. Panther. Hawk. Griffin..Visual activated** as their faces appeared on the screen [B]Sayne:[/B] Come to join the waltz....lets burn the bastards! [B]Keiji:[/B] Im in. [B]Ajack:[/B] Me too. [B]Darris:[/B] Lets dance [B]Vick:[/B] Lets Rock and Destroy.... [B]Cliff:[/B] Now thats what I call Dirty dancing......lets rumble. The link ports were left open as they all headed towards the Fighter carriers who opened fire on them [B]Sayne:[/B] Hey...you guys down there hungry? [B]Cliff:[/B] Always...Feed Me! Saynes devilish smiled returned to his face as they came in contact with the fighter ships [B]Sayne:[/B] Heads up....Its feeding time! Deviryn's tail suddenly whipped around and smashed through the control deck of the ship. sparks flew everywhere as metal parts were sent to the ground. At that moment on both sides of Deviryn the Hawk and Griffin shot passed and tore off the wings of the ship and it began its down ward spin. The Lion was the first to jump and cltuch the ship in its mouth before it hit the ground. Two more dropped from the sky caused by Sayne, Keiji and Ajack The three remaing ships hovered in mid-air not moving. Suddenly one of them let out of the blue twenty heat seekers along with rounds of cannon blasts, Deviryn let out some decoys but.....two seekers hit Deviryn and exploded against his metal body causing great damage to his wings and engulfing them both with smoke. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne. my wings have been damaged[/COLOR]. Growled Deviryn 'Just hang in there,' spoke Sayne as he gritted his teeth against the massive shock that was sent throughout the cockpit. A couple of the control panels sparked and smoke filled the cockpit. Sayne quickly opened up the air-ducts and the smoke was sucked out. 'Now....two can play that game...' smiled Sayne as he flicked on a switch which lit up a control board above his head. He flicked on all switches and pushed forward another lever. Deviryn suddenly stood up right in the sky, His long body was exposed to the ship after the smoke passed. Huge buster guns and cannon guns extracted from all over Deviryns body and wings which sparked. Sayne braced himself as he puched in a series of codes and the gripped the two levers beside him and triggered all guns. The heavy ammo tore apart the ship that kept firing upon them. blasts hit Deviryn hard but still they fired back. smoke surrounded them again The Hawk and Griffin were in battles of their own with the other ships which proved to be even difficult for them. These ships were layered with thick shields 'You ready' questioned Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Always[/COLOR]. replied Deviryn Sayne and Deviryn suddenly flew hard towards the ship and collided with it sending out a massive explosion, Deviryn tore through the shield and straight the main control room of the ship. Deviryn latched on and retracted his blades into it causing even more explosions. The ship then decended in a down wards spiral. 'We need to destroy it fully,' spoke Sayne, 'And I know how....' as he punched in another code and pulled back on a lever [COLOR=DarkGreen]Got it[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn as he let go and flew along side it. Deviryn then spun violently extending his wings which rip the ship into pieces and it exploded. The blast was intense as they followed beside it. It shook Deviryn hard. The smoke cleared and on the monitors was the ground. Sayne quickly grabbed the two thruster levers and pulled them back to pull Deviryn out of the down ward spin. Deviryn shook violently to the gravitation pull. Sparks were seen as Deviryns battered body twisted upward and flew only inches off the ground as it hovered across the ground with great speed sending dirt and debbris everywhere [B]Darris:[/B] SAYNE PULL UP!!!!! Darris and his cheetah were right in line for a collision. Sayne gripped the levers even harder. Everything around him shook violently as he thrusted forward one of the boots levers. Deviryns body shook even more as the booters kicked in forcing half of his body up and that half flew over The Cheetah mech as it crouched down on the ground to avoid the collision. Deviryn then hit the ground hard. His body slid across the ground creating a moute like trail behind him...and then he flipped three times before stopping. Smoke and sparks could be seen. [B]Darris:[/B] SAYNE!....SAYNE!...you alive!! [B]Ajack:[/B] SAYNE???? [B]Sora:[/B] Sayne!!! Incoming transmissions were heard from the others as Sayne shook off the crash effect, His arm had a deep gash where blood flowed out, minor cuts and bruises...but he didn't care. [B]Sayne:[/B]...Hn... were the words they all heard from Sayne over the communication systems [B]Darris:[/B] Man that was close...I thought that you were going to plow straight into me. [B]Sayne: [/B]........nearly......... [B]Ajack:[/B] Now thats what I call a crash landing! [B]Sayne:[/B]..Hn.... A slight smile hung on Saynes face for a moment then disappeared. ________________________________ All enemy ships had been destroyed. Deviryn stood up from the crash and shook all the dirt off. Sparks were still visible ad there was alot of damage done. [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'll be ok to fly[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn as they slowly took to the sky once again and headed back to the base. [B]Sayne:[/B] Good fighting everyone. Now lets head back to the base. They all searched the area one more time and then took off to the base. ____________________ Syon Base. After entering back into the holding bay. Sayne immediately got out and started repairing Deviryn who was lapping up the attention he was getting from Sayne knowing that most people never got that from him let alone a hello. Sayne knew every inche of Deviryn through the downloads he recieved from what happened in the cockpit. His father, Commander De'Larne watched Sayne working hard. He wanted to praise him on what he did.....but.....as he remembered....he never did and because of the relationship between them was hard....he didn't know how Sayne would take it or if he even would OOC: Ok everyone do your last scene or what ever then back to base to find out what the Cylargres other intentions are. Hopefully thats the end of my long posting..LOL
  20. OOC: DuoMaxwell1243 will be joinning us. Duo signed up on the last story before I closed it but didn't catch projects. She will enter with the Fox. This sign-up will only open for her. after she has done her sin-up it is CLOSED.
  21. OOC: I'm introducing the invaders. Sayne watched as one after the other the mechanimas came. *Beep*...*Beep*..*Beep* Saynes eyes shot a glance at the raidar screen, 'Hn...looks as though we've been spotted,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Like you would of wanted it any other way[/COLOR]. Spoke Deviryn deeply Sayne raised a brow. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Oh come on, I know what your like through and through. Your the type that holds nothing back. You wont take anything you don't deserve and you only speak when its necessary. Your mind is always focussed and you have a one track mind[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn with a deep laugh. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Did you seriously think that I wouldn't of picked all that up. Your a person who would rather stay silent but have all senses opened. So hard to get close to. You and your father don't get along because you dont think that its pointless to do so...[/COLOR] 'Shut up,' growled Sayne. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok. ok.[/COLOR] spoke Deviryn 'Enough talking. Lets take them out,' spoke Sayne his voice almost sounding demonic [COLOR=DarkGreen]And this is why i choose you....Lets Kill[/COLOR] Deviryn let out a deep and earth shaking roar as they entered the danger zone. At that moment wires and patches attached themselves to Saynes head 'Hey what are you doing?' questioned Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Just trust me. We need to do this[/COLOR]. spoke Deviryn At that moment Saynes eyes grew dark as statistical weaponary and strategic patterns rolled over in his mind. Sayne gritted his teeth against the painful amount of knowledged that swept through his mind. Then it ended. Leaving him short of breath 'What....did......you do?' he questioned as he clutched his head Just give it a second. spoke Deviryn Sayne looked around the cockpit....for some reason...he seemed to know what every button and lever was for and what the weapons where and their effect. 'Well.....now thats what I call fast learning,' whispered Sayne as the emergency alarm was still going. Sayne smiled as he gripped two levers which hung down on both sides of him which had blue buttons set on them, 'Deviryn....Battle mode.' spoke Sayne coldly as he pushed the blue buttons and pushed both levers forward, and locked them in. At that moment the seat moved forward and the cockpit arranged itself for battle, A pair of thick strapes hovered down over Saynes shoulders and another strap set itself across his lower mid-section. Strapping him in firmly. Sayne gripped another two levers which were settled on both sides. The invaders rolled out in huge waves towards them. Some on ground some in air. 'Take them out,' whispered Sayne as he flicked four rows of switches, huge machine cannons appeared on both sides of Deviryn extending out from his neck and from the joinning of his wings. Sayne punched in a few coordinates to align with the on coming enemy.......and fired. High powered lazer beams shot out from the cannons continuosly, taking out the first line as they flew threw the smoke and debbris caused by the explosions they caused. Deviryn roared as they met the second line. This time Sayne used Deviryns bladed wings as they flew down the line cutting the enemies forces in half...suddenly the raidar picked up five huge ships loaded to the hilt with massive cannons more powerful than Deviryns ****Incoming Message****** ' Hn....' grunted Sayne as he activated the Visual Reciever and saw his fathers face appear in the right hand corner of his screen 'What!,' Sayne spoke out as he tried to dodge a wave of lazer beams 'We made contact with the invaders.....they call themselves Cylargres. They are beings from another solar system...they want earth for there own and they'll stop at nothing to get it. Their machinery and technology is highly advanced........' began Commander De'Larne until he was suddenly cut off by another Visual incoming message which linked with the open port. Sayne raised a brow as an unfamiliar face appeared on the screen almost human like except Its eyes were black, it had no pupil or anything....just black. its skin an off white colour and on its neck it had gills....opening and closing as it breathed 'Human...I am Andros... we are representitive for Cylargres mother ship...' its voice sounding husky and echoey, 'Surrender your lives....or we will destroy you all,' Sayne gave a demonic grin, '..Hn...' he grunted 'You...mock our threats!...how dare you!' roared the Cylargres rep sayne said nothing 'So be it...Death come to all those who rebel against us,' growled the Rep 'And death come to those who threaten us,' spoke Sayne coldly as he stared depply into the eyes of the Rep 'How dare you!!!.........' the rep roared At that moment Sayne let out a psychotic laugh of mockery 'You will pay,' grunted the rep as he disappeared from the screen. Sayne turned Deviryn around the face the following. Sayne then used Deviryns retractable blades which shot out from his wings which enlodged itself in the thick metal of the ship, the ships opened fire on Deviryn, Sayne then swung it into one of the other ships and they exploded as they collided into each other. He then opened fire on the three that were left following him...using another retactable blade it drove straight through the ship causing another explosion and with the last two they flew towards them, trying to dodge every bullet but some connected hard...but still they flew towards them, Deviryn let out a growl as they collided with the two.....Deviryn latched on to one of the ships and tore a huge hole in its side, with his tail he drove it deep into the ship and swung it around to connect with the last of the following ships and they both exploded beside them 'Shit.....' whispered Sayne as the explosion engulfed them and shook them hard [COLOR=DarkGreen]Its ok. Nothing was seriously damaged[/COLOR]. reported Deviryn knowing exactly what Sayne was going to ask for They opened fire upon another wave that headed towards them...........Sayne looked around on his monitor....the invaders were slowly depleting......he could see the aid trucks driving off with more civillians and the ground mechs torturing invaders who tried to stop them.... 'Hmmm.....why are the Cylargres trying so desperately to get cavillans?....there must be a cause for this..what do they have planned apart from taking over earth?.....' spoke Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]It is strange..[/COLOR]spoke Deviryn as they continuosly opened fire. OOC: We wont find that out until we get back to base.
  22. Sayne watched as they all got aquainted with their mechs. Suddenly out of the blue the griffin began snapping at Ajack. [COLOR=DarkGreen]He's the touchy one[/COLOR]. Spoke a deep husky voice from behind Sayne Sayne frowned slightly and slowly turned around to the beast that lay behind him. The Mechanimas were very big....nearly one hundered feet tall. 'What did you say?' questioned Sayne in a slight whisper [COLOR=DarkGreen]I've been waiting for along time for you[/COLOR]. The husky voice came again Sayne watched the beast as it lifted its head and looked down on him 'Along time?' questioned Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Yes...I scanned this base to find the right pilot....and I found you. This happened before you went away[/COLOR]. The dragon growled 'Wait....can anyone else hear you???' questioned Sayne as he looked around [COLOR=DarkGreen]No, I speak on a wave pattern that only you can understand..all they hear is growling more than anything[/COLOR]. replied the dragon 'So....how could that be??' [COLOR=DarkGreen]I scanned your mind while you were here. I had to enhance my communication abilities to suit you and only you, you'll also beable to communicate with me through a telepathic connection if ever you are away from me. It wasn't hard to do[/COLOR]. Spoke the beast as it growled deeply as if laughing 'I see,' spoke Sayne as he looked around the room again At that moment Dr Kane bursted in through the door with Tame behind him. 'NO NO NO NO NO!!!...This can't be right!,' Dr Kane spoke out loudly as his voice echoed around the room. Everyone fell silent and looked at him Dr Kane examined everyone from a distance. 'The Griffin...he hasn't shown any signs of movement for ages..BOY BECAREFUL...HE'S VERY TOUCHY!!!' sopke Dr Kane looking at Ajack, ".....actually...they all haven't until today!!!,' He exclaimed going over his record reports. At that moment he turned to look at Sayne who stood by the untameable dragon, 'WHAT THE.....SAYNE GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!......we know nothing about him...I haven't even gotten any record on him because he refused to let anyone near him!,' '...Hn...,' replied Sayne with a raise brow as he looked at the beast who cock his head sideways [COLOR=DarkGreen]...Hn.....[/COLOR] grunted the Dragon 'This can't be happening,' sighed Dr Kane 'What should we do?' Questioned General Rei 'According to the records....there isn't anything we can do...if these are the pilots that they've choosen....then...we'll have to go along with it,' spoke dr Kane as he sighed even harder, 'We have no say in the matter,' 'WHAT!!' roared Commander De'Larne, 'Sayne! Front and Center NOW!!' Sayne looked at his angered father...but said nothing 'THAT IS AN ORDER!!,' Commander De'Larne bellowed out in rage '....Hn...' grunted Sayne 'Commander De'Larne...Darcon, we need them to pilot the mechs...we need them all..especially the dragon...we need them all for this battle,' spoke General Rei, 'If we dont let them...then we have no hope,' The inraged Commander looked at his right hand man and sighed, 'But he is...my son...my only son,' 'That is true...and Sora..is now my only daughter,' whispered General Rei, 'But we need their help,' 'My.......son,' whispered the Commander 'Yes your son....but isn't this what you raised him for.....war?' questioned the General The commander thought long and hard. At that moment the Alarms were raised once again. The loud siren echoed throughout the corridors and inside the holding bay where they stood. Commander De'Larne ran over to the communications computer board and brought up the communications room 'Private Warf, what is going on?' he questioned 'Another attack upon Sandon...they're going to destroy the city sir. There are still thousands of civillians there sir and the air force and ground units can't slow them down. They are requesting back up SIR!,' spoke the private The commander looked around the bay and then at General Rei whos eyes seemed to grow glassy but also gave a slight nod. The commander gave one glance back at his son who stood expressionless 'Ok. Private Warf this is what I want from you. Find out who these people are. and send a comfirmation to the air forces and ground force units and tell them request has been acknowledged..Mechanimas are going to war!,' roared the commander. 'YES SIR!,' saluted the Private as the screen went blank. ______________________________ Sayne looked at his father as a huge hatch opened and behind it revealed a long dark tunnel which lit up. 'This tunnel will led you to the outside, you will come out two miles away from the base. In every cockpit there is an Inter and outter visual communications system so you will know where each other is and you will beable to see each other....Ok...go kill those bastards. we want you all back here safely fighter jets will accompany you all,' spoke Dr Kane 'Ok pilots!.....your mission...as you already know...seek and destroy those who threaten Sandon.' spoke out Commander De'Larne 'Ok Sayne...you first,' spoke Dr Kane Sayne turned to the dragon which sat up right. Its chest suddenly opened out and a platform extracted from its chest. 'Now how do i get up there?' whispered Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]Easy[/COLOR]. spoke the dragon as a cable fell down from the opened doors, 'Sayne!,' called Sora as she looked at him Sayne then ran over to her, he gave her a warm smile grabbed her around the waist and kissed her gently on the lips. He then pulled away and looked at her, 'I've always wanted to do that......hmmm....see you on the battle field,' he whispered and winked at her, as her face turned bright red. He then took off back over to the dragon, and grabbed the cable. with great speed the cable lifted him up to the cockpit. he stood there for a seconded and looked back at the others and disappeared inside. The cockpit was small and very dark...but for once..his claustrophobia didn't kick in [COLOR=DarkGreen]Comfortable?[/COLOR]. spoke the dragon. '..Hn..' replied Sayne as he looked around Sayne took a deep breath, 'Lets go,' he said as he followed the dragons orders of how to operate the system. Flicking on a few stitches and pulling back a few levers above his head the whole cockpit area lite up slowly. Sayne grabbed two levers and pulled back on them and then pushed two towards the main board. flicked a couple more switches which turned on the monitors and the visual communications system showing him what was around him, he could see from every angel, he could see the others rush back as the dragon sprouted his wings and lifted off the ground 'See you all at the war zone,' spoke Sayne over the intercom his voice echoed in the holding bay Sayne grabbed two levers that were situated on each side of his seat and pushed them forward, the dragon roared deeply as they shot off down the long hatch way. ____________________________ They bursted out of the haul and into the sky 'Oh shit..' whispered Sayne as he could see far and wide....he could even see below him...above him....behind him...everywhere..it was as if he was standing out side...then the only thing that really caught his attention.....Black smoke....Sandon 'So tell me...you got a name?' questioned Sayne [COLOR=DarkGreen]The names Deviryn[/COLOR]. Spoke the dragon proudly 'Well good to meet you..Deviryn,' spoke Sayne, 'I'm.....,' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sayne De'Larne...I know[/COLOR]. The dragon spoke cutting Sayne off Sayne gave a slight smile as Deviryn let out another loud growl as they flew towards the warzone, on the raidar Sayne could make out one huge ship and a fleet of thousands 'Lets do some damage,' spoke Sayne as he thrusted forward two more Levers and Deviryn flew at top speed towards the ships with his beam guns ready and locked..knowing that the others weren't far behind them OOC: ok..I know this maybe moving too fast but we need to get the action going. Noone knows who the invaders are or what their intentions are ok. Amgoddess will explain that after we've done this first battle scene or when ever she does. hope everyone can keep up with the story.
  23. OOC: Just to let you all know. To pilot these creatures there a cockpits hidden within their Chests. That cockpit is like their heart. Thats how you pilot them.
  24. I want to keep the same characters...so..looks as though alot of researching for this..LOL..oh well
  25. OOC: Ok people. Theres been a slight mix up but...it is sorted. Now General Rei is Leader Darcon De'Larnes right hand man. Saynes Father Darcon is Commander over whole Syon Bases. As the bus pulled to a stop. Sayne could see General Rei. A trusted freind and right hand man of his father. As they all stepped out he watched Sora run to General Rei and told him of the news. Sayne then looked around and saw the tower he knew very well. He knew his father would be there...his father was always there. General Rei looked up and saw Sayne 'Well hello Mr De Larne,' spoke Generalr Rei Sayne gave a slight nod and a smile 'Well, I see you've learnt how to at least smile,' spoke the General jokingly Sayne didn't answer but instead gave another slight nod. 'Wheres my father?' he asked 'Up in the tower,' spoke the General 'I see,' spoke Sayne as he looked around General Rei showed them to this private quarters. And gave Sora a Key card. After General Rei left Sora wanted to go for a walk. So everyone decided they'd go. Mr Fei wasn't all that good about knowing that they were on military ground. 'We have to tread carefully,' spoke Sora, 'General Tame will kick us out,' 'I know...he's got a real temper on him,' spoke Sayne as they moved along the corridors. At that moment they heard the comotion about the MechAnimas. After hearing that they carried on until they got to another door. Sayne and Darrius managed to push it opened. The room was dark. Sora had disappeared into the darkness and then appeared. 'I know what Mechanimas are.....' spoke out Sora At that moment Light flooded the room and there they were. Magnificent beasts that appeared to be real 'Woe,' whispered Vick as they all walked in. Sayne didn't go any further as he lent against the wall and watched them walking around them. 'Hey whats that???!!,' called Sora as she walked towards something glistening in a very dark corner at that moment long blades shot out from the darkness and red eyes appeared. The blades enlodged themselves into the ground before her. Sayne walked over 'You alright?' he questioned 'Ah.....yeah,' spoke Sora as everyone watched. 'What is that???' questioned Sakura as they all stood by Sora. Sayne slowly advanced towards the red glowing eyes unable to make out what it was 'Sayne don't go over there!,' called Mr Fei 'Sayne becareful!!,' called Cliff as they all watched him move towards the eyes 'WAIT!!!!.....STOP!!!!!.....DONT GO NEAR HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!,' came a roaring yell from Commander De Larne who was running down the stares on the other side of the room with General Rei and General Tame behind him Everyone whirled around as they ran towards them 'Oh shit we just been snapped,' spoke out Keiji 'What the hell are you all doing down here!!!...you are not meant to be here!!!,' growled General Tame Sora looked at her father and then looked at Sayne and then at the others. 'This is a very dangerous area!!!,' exclaimed General Rei as he looked at Sayne, 'Mr Sayne........quick come back here....' Sayne looked at General Rei whos stern eyes gazed upon him and then proceeded towards the red glowing eyes 'SAYNE!..do not disobey son!!! if you do you will be put in Isolation,' roared Commander De Larne his voice echoed around the hall, Sayne looked over his shoulder....he hated Isolation.....but for some reason...he couldn't take his mind off the eyes and walked closer 'THATS IT!!,' growled Commander De Larne as he proceeded towards Sayne...suddenly more blades shot out from the darkness and drove itself hard into the metal floor infront of The Commander..everyone jumped back but still the commander pressed forward...more came out Sayne turned around to look at his father who now stood surrounded by blades 'The mechanima is unstable...we haven't even run any tests on that one because it does things like this....Sayne...get away from him,' spoke the commander as he looked at his son The commander then tried again to grab Sayne but right then the beast's head shot out from the darkness and growled deeply causing the commander to walk backwards. The huge beast emerged from the darkness....its Icey blue form glistened under the bay lights. 'It......moves....' whispered Tame as they backed away Sayne watched the beast settle down behind him and rested his head on the ground keeping a close eye on the others. Sayne turned around. He stood at arms length away from it. 'Get Dr Kane down here now,' spoke Commander De Larne as he looked at Tame 'Yes Sir,' came the strong voice from Tame as he took off 'Do you think these students and Mr Fei...could be the MechAnimas Pilots?' questioned General Rei Commander De Larne looked at General Rei then looked around and saw the Pheonix walk over to Sora and sit down 'Thats why we need Dr Kane,' spoke Commander De Larne OOC: As Amgoddess said meet with your Mechanima.
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