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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. I can see what you mean...hmmmm.....what about...space colonies get over run with Zylon forces. They try to up hold the gundams for there own but they dont succeed or course but they end out taking the plans of how to create the gundams. what about something like that?
  2. Thanks. Zylons use to belong to the Earth Alliance and are disgusted by there pathetic attemps of peace and trying to get rid of the rebelious Colonies.....its filled with people who are angered at the fact that earth would resume peace between the Colonies and them after what happened and they want justice type thing..they think the Colonies and earth need new rulers...and they will stop at nothing to exstingish the alliances between earth and the colonies....does that sound ok?
  3. Ok....what do you think? [I]Releena's peace acts have spreed throughout the worlds and Space Colonies. The Gundam Boys are slowly getting on with their lives what ever that maybe....and Zechs has built I colony out inspace called L6. Out in space beyond the colony clusters a new threat has risen. A group called Zylons have created weapons of Mass destruction, Suits able to fight in space and on earth without having to be enhanced or changed to suit the environments. After the Gundam suits were destroyed the space colony clusters 1,2,3,4,5 began rebuilding more highly advanced Gundams...only because they feared that oneday....the wars may arise again....which.....four years after the gundams were destoryed and peace was brought back to the universe..........it happened........this time....it was aimed at both the Space colonies and earth. The Zylons want power over both worlds and they will stop at nothing to get it.[/I] Well thats kind of what i had in mind. Involved in this RP will be the gundam wing boys. Zechs. Releena......I guess...well I'll see anyway. I dont know much about Gundam wing...I've only scene parts of it so if anyone wants to help thats cool or if anyone has any Ideas....or seems interested leave a post. (If I do create this RP my character will be Heero)
  4. I dont know if any males have asked these questions before or if someone's posted them..... Well....This morning my best friend asked me a question which kind of left me wondering for along time. You see he asked me what would I look for in a girl? meaning what type of girl would I even look at...or think of dating. I never really thought about it until now. Living with grandparents who are just....cruel and heartless well you miss out on alot of human things (lets not go into that). I've been with my step parents ( who are my aunt and uncle) for a year now and still i just don't understand the whole love thing although I can admit I've done pretty well without it and It doesn't bother me. I've been thinking about it really hard all day....and I guess....the only thing I can come up with is someone totally opposite to me. Someone whos...caring, warm, understanding, gentle, honest....someone who has a heart unlike mine...someone who's heart wouldn't be over turned by mine...my cold heart and ways can sometimes turn others hearts exactly the same no matter how warm hearted they are.....and It bothers me alot Although I must admit..there was one who was like that...one who...I'll always remember. Her name was Eliza. I met her while being with my grandparents...she was truely an amazing person...she never had a cold, sadistic, heartless bone in her body, she was always happy even when something was getting her down. She was honest with me all the time and that worked out good. She understood me right from the first time we met. She wasn't a pushy or clingy person or the type to stand back and giggle like most girls (although I could be wrong about that..i'm talking about the girls in my area ok..so no offense to those around the world)...but....i pushed her away every time she showed me any love only because I never understood any of it but she didn't mind that at all, no matter how many times I pushed her away or became cold to her ways she always smiled at me and she never tried to push anything on to me especially anything to do with love...she understood always...you could say...she was truely one in a million..she was a friend that...well...i wish was still around...but that is all a memory now. Funny how I've only just noticed, shes been dead for a long time now...but...it feels as though sometimes..it all happened yesterday......... Anyway back to the questions. What do other guys look for in girls?, is it there personalities?..what?....and why do SOME girls do that?..why do they stand and stare? giggle at you? (is it because you have something on your face?) and why do they follow you around?......I mean i walk through the mall and so many girls just stare! or giggle or follow or even stand beside me and just look at me all dreamy eyed...... why do they do that?. (excuse me if I've offended any of the girls on here...I just want to know) This can be for girls aswell. I'd like to know what your answers are on this, good or bad. Thank you
  5. Name: Jun Kazama Age: 19 Gender: M Appearance: Jun has very light icy blue eyes, stands at 6ft, he has a one track mind and he wont take what he doesn't deserve and he finds it hard to trust anyone. He has no self worth and he is a very serious person and alot of people he's come across see him as being heartless, emotionless and cold. Although he is very handsome and turns many girls heads but he doesn't care for love. He'll kill anything and anyone who threatens his life. Angel: look to attachments....first attachment Demon: Look to attachments....second attachment Element: Fire Weapon: Two one meter and a half long katanas which are straped to his back. One sword has a tarnished blade of blue and white and the handle is a deep blood red and the other sword has a blade tarnised with red and black with a blue handle. Bio: Jun's parents died when he was four. He has no memory of them. He was forced to live with a family who hated him....They treated him like an animal....food was always cold, the showers was cold, even the room was cold. His attitude became cold and unhuman like. They tortured him and abused him pyhsically and mentally until....until he turned 19 and his inner self lost control....he destroyed his family....aswell as the home burning it to the ground and killing them instantly....now he travels around never stopping in one place for more than a night...and even though that world he grew up in is gone....the memories follow him where ever he goes and the many scars from whippings he got across his back remind him of what use to be...and tells him that it will never go away OOC: hope this is ok
  6. Sayne stood up from his desk and looked around....Valentines day....he frowned. He didn't know much about it but he was told that its a day you show someone that you care....although even that was strange to him..he saw alot of people were carrying alot of cards, boxes of chocolate, soft toys.... Even on the way to school it was the same. People carried gifts and because Sora was the only person he actually knew he picked her a rose. Sayne frowned as he withdrew a white rose from his desk. It was strange...he had never done this for anyone.....and he didn't know if Sora would accept it only because he hardly showed anything to her...not a smile....not even an emotion. He was always serious but one thing he did know.....he liked her...alot. Sayne walked to his locker and pulled the door open only to have a whole bunch of Valentines cards, chocolates and other vatentine gifts fall out. 'What the hell....' he mumbled under his breath as he picked them up. as he picked them up. raised a brow and then shoved them into his bag...only because they were cramming up his locker. slammed it shut and carried on to the cafeteria. He walked through the doors and the first person he saw was Sora. He grabbed his lunch and walked over to her and sat down across from her 'Hey Sayne,' she smiled even though she knew she wouldn't get a smile back...only a gaze and then he'd carry on with what he was doing 'Hi,' he spoke in his monotone way. 'How was your day?' she asked still smiling 'It was going good until I opened my locker,' he replied as he took a bite of his sandwhich he got. Sora laughed, Sayne liked the way she laughed...although he wouldn't show it. 'You know Sayne, you've been here for two months and still your so serious,' she smiled as she ate her salad. '...hn...' was his reply as always when he didn't feel like answering or taking any notice. 'Sometimes I wonder....if you even have a heart,' she whispered loud enough for him to hear. At that moment he then pulled the white rose from the inside of his jacket. Sora nearly choked as she looked at Sayne...one person she never thought in all her life would show any kind of emotion like that. 'Don't you want it?' he questioned as he raised a brow while looking at her and what happened next just about made her fall off her chair....at the corner of his lips...was a smile....she looked around and then looked back..it was still there....she couldn't believe that he actually smiled at her. Sayne placed the rose down beside her plate. he smiled slightly at her..something noone has ever seen and then went back to eating his sandwhich. Sayne felt strange...he always felt strange around her.....and he was hoping...actually hoping that she liked the rose....as he sat there and looked around people were handing out red roses..not white....his rose was the only one that looked odd...but he didn't care..he hated copying everyone else.
  7. [B]Sign-ups are now CLOSED. Thanks to all who signed-up.[/B]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]In the middle of Syon Desert...[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]A Military base was formed about fifty years ago, the base stretched out one mile radius, but beneath the red sands it drove 100 feet into the ground creating an underground operations system. The leader of Syon Military Base was Darcon De'Larne. In this base they created Hi-Tech Mechanical Machinery for the wars that occurred over the time...... Here they were able to intercept terrorist calls, emergency calls...etc.....but this time there were no warnings given, no sign of what was to come.......who ever thought that the Galaxy which seemed so beautiful and peaceful would hold such a terrifying destructive secret.....[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]? Doctor Kane, the MechAnimas won?t respond to any of the pilots we have tested. The wave patterns of the mechs and the pilots have different wavelengths. The amplitude of the mechs are less than that of the pilots.? A man in a white laboratory coat paced around in circles, digesting this news. ? Doctor Kane?? ? Yes I heard you,? he snapped back. [I]So, the Animas refuse to let anyone over a certain age pilot them. How curious?how indeed will we fix this problem? Could this have something to do with their personalities? Their AI? Let us hope that we find pilots soon otherwise this Project will be terminated.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][CENTER][B]In the heart of Sandon the Capital........a city of beauty and love.........[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sunlight beamed through the rectangle windows of a classroom in Lockyer High. Familiar voices echoed through the corridors outside and familiar faces crowded the classroom. Outside, the sky, as blue as the ocean itself, was not hidden behind clouds this perfect day. [CENTER][B]Valentine?s Day[/B].[/CENTER] The whole school was decked in the colour red. Steamers, heart-shaped banners, small cut-out cupids, plastic roses and balloons all decorated the many corridors of the school, most of them slowly turning in the gentle breeze that eased through the school. Throughout the school, boys and girls were giving their Valentines heart-shaped boxes of chocolate, sweet smelling red roses, cute fluffy teddy bears and on the rare occasion, sparkling garments of jewellery. It was a day based on happiness, friendship ???but most of all, love. [CENTER][B]Love.[/B][/CENTER] Probably the strongest word in the English language and all its translations. Overused, but when it is really meant, it is the strongest bond any human being, including teenagers, could ever dream of. But for a group of teenagers, the meaning to this word, and so many others they know but don?t realise the true meaning of, will become apparent to them after this day. Encountering dangers of unknown kinds, they will strive to keep themselves and each other alive until the approaching war is over.[/COLOR] ___________________________________________ [COLOR=Purple][B]This is a recreation of Chaotic Rivals: A Future uninvited which Amgoddess and I put together, hopefully this will go well.[/B][/COLOR] Well thats the story done! ______________________________ The MechAnimas are near life like. Each has their own personality and abilities (These you create yourselves). They may beable to move around by themselves but they can't go anywhere without their pilots, there pilots are like their keys to fighting without them they are nothing, they can follow their pilots but in order to fight...[B]they must have a pilot[/B].....but in saying that they go nowhere without their pilots...they are very loyal Types of MechAnimas you can choose from: [B]Dragon[/B]: Mine [B]Phoenix[/B]: Amgoddess [B]Hawk[/B]: Altron [B]Cobra[/B]: Rei_Man [B]V.C[/B]: [Veloceraptor ? the little meat-eating dinosaurs off Jurassic Park but a bigger version] [B]Bull[/B]: [B]Fox[/B]: [B]Lion[/B]: Galvatron [B]Tiger[/B]: ... [B]Panther[/B]: Shugo54 [B]Griffin[/B]: KairiKICE2 [B]Wolf[/B]: Ohkami [B]Scorpion[/B]: Sephy07 [B]Cheetah[/B]: Skillgannon [B]The MechAnimas wont be revealed until everyone is sent to the Syon millatary base please remember that and pm me to tell me which MechAnima you have put in for just so other's who decide to join will know which anima is taken. Thanks[/B]. _______________________________________________________- Ok now thats done. This is what amgoddess and I need from you. : Pilot Sign-up : Name: Age: [between 16-18] Gender: Appearance:[pic or 1 paragraph] Personality:[1 paragraph max.] Bio:[2 paragraphs max. optional but preferred] Crush/Love: [can be another RPer or a NPC] Weakness: [must have] : MechAnima Sign-up : Name: [single name] Personality: Appearance:[pic or 1 paragraph] Abilities: [max 3] Special Abilities: [max 2] Weakness: [must have] ____________________________ This is mine: [COLOR=Blue][B]Name[/B]: Sayne De'Larne ( Sayne is pronounced Sane) [B]Age[/B]: 18 [B]Genda[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: See attachments, icy blue eyes, very wiry built, broad shouldered, soft tanned, Black hair [B]Personaility[/B]: Sayne does have a heart although it appears as though he doesn't. He's a one track minded person when It comes to war and that is to kill and he is very strong willed. His Heartless and Cruel ways make him a powerful being in the eyes of the attackers although it is only the way he was raised and treated by his father. He won't take anything he doesn't deserve and he isn't afraid to die [B]Weakness[/B]: Claustrophobic, he hates small spaces and he becomes enraged when placed in small spaces and he'll kill to get out [B]Crush/Love[/B]: He has a deep crush on Sora Avian [B]Bio[/B]: Sayne was brought up from a young age in Syon Military Base. His mother died when he was born. Sayne is the son of Darcon De'Larne, Leader and creator of Syon millatary force. Because of that his father put Sayne through hard trainning to make him a soldier, His father achieved in turning Sayne into a soldier but it also made Sayne heartless and cold and turned Sayne against him and it cause's alot of problems between them. Darcon has never shown any emotion towards Sayne...nor as he smiled at his son All Sayne ever wanted was for his father to acknowledge him in his trainning and his achievements....but Darcon never did, everytime Sayne achieved something his father would scold him as if he had done it wrong....but his father would always praise others and give them merits and because of that Sayne gave up on trying to impress his father, most of the time Sayne will egnore or disobey his father....and the only thing he strives for is to just fight in the wars and kill those who threaten his life and others around him...but now...his father has opened his eyes and realised what he had turned his son into..and now he fears for his only sons life....In hopes of snapping Sayne out of his war like mind and cold ways he sent Sayne to the Captial Sandon to a high school called Lockyer High where he meets Sora and after being there for two months he realises that he has a deep crush on her although....being there hasn't changed the way he thinks about war[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]MechAnima[/B]: Dragon [B]Name[/B]: Deviryn [B]Personality[/B]: Ever since the day he was created he has shown nothing but raw violence towards anyone who has tried to walk towards him. So his creators ended out leaving him alone and not even attempting to get anyone to pilot him...until Sayne came along. Deviryn trusts noone except Sayne, and he won't let anyone else into the cockpit. Very Aggressive, Vecious and Strong. you can never be too careful around him. He can tell when something is wrong with Sayne or when he's in trouble. Deviryn personality is very dangerous proberly the most dangerous out of the lot. [B]Appearance[/B]: Look at attachments [B]Abilities[/B]: Cyrus is loaded to the hilt with heavy arms and sharp blades which retract and extract from him. the edge of his wings, teeth and tail are like razors, they can cut through just about anything [B]Special Abilities[/B]: [I]Rage War[/I]: Deviryn curls up into a ball and begins to spin violently, while spinning fifty sharp blades retracted from his body which are attached to thick metal chains. These blades are sharper than the others and it is a very dangerous move, it is uncontrollable [I]Dragon Cry[/I]: His wings turn into two huge lazer guns which lock to the sides, this is the most dangerous of Deviryn weapons and drains all power. it uses the lazer guns and all other guns aswell as a lazer bolt that comes out of Deviryn's mouth....it desintergrates anything that stands in the way but it can also destroy Deviryn at the same time [B]Weakness[/B]: Sayne[/COLOR] ____________________________________ Ok noone sign up for Sora Avian. Sora Avian is Amgoddess. OK. Well I think thats about it...if you have any problems pm me or amgoddess.
  9. Please DO NOT submit to this sign-up. Amgoddess and I have already recreated it together which I'm putting up very soon. This story now goes under: [B]Project: True Destiny Unwinds[/B]. So this is no longer going. It has been terminated. Thanks Heero
  10. [QUOTE=ThatOneOddDude]Hamaphiliac? I used to have a friend who had that. He had to get a shot every single day. He also went to the hospital a lot and missed a lot of school. He didnt seem to care though becauause he always got free stuff Im in trouble now. Ive never had strep for 6 days straight. (and Ivve had it a lot) My dad is scared that it will turn into scarlet fever. We dont yhave any medical insurance, so I cant go to the doctor.[/QUOTE] Yeah thats it and thats what I have.....I asked my mother lastnight on how to spell it..its actually spelt Haemaphiliac. Its really hard when you have to watch your every step...but I never do....can't let something like that pull you down..LOL
  11. well...I have a blood disease ( I can't spell it ) but its a disease where if I get hit, grabbed too hard or cut badly then I just start bleeding continuously and it doesnt stop. I have to be taken to hospital to get fresh blood..although its not as bad as when I was little but its still sucks. You have to be careful with what you do....although I never am.... If i get bruised badly then I start to bleed..it really sucks!!!!!! Blood just starts coming out of the bruised part, my nose...mouth....its really out of it...but i just carry on as if I don't have it
  12. Sieg's icy blue eyes glanced around the room, even though the room was small he was still able to leave out his wings which he hardly ever did. He glanced down at Nose who was unconcious on the sofa. He then watched Mercel drop to Nose's side. Her eyes looked glassy and strange as he knelt down beside her wondering what she was doing. He frowned in confusion as he looked at her...this was something he hadn't seen before. She returned his gaze with a slight smile as she blinked away the tears. 'Why did you...help us?' she asked as she looked at Nose Sieg pulled away and looked at Nose with a frown He didn't reply to her questioned as he looked at her again and examined her...Her hair was a beautiful pure black but with red streaks throughout it. Her skin was fair and her eyes....a valiant green...so pure...so bright. He felt strange, he had never been this close to anyone before...and for once he didn't feel the erge to lash out, run or pull away...he felt ok. He then realised that she was looking back at him, quickly he turned his gaze away from her and looked at Nose 'He's still breathing..so I guess thats good,' he spoke, 'He also seems to be healing but what made him go out into the sun?,' Mercel looked at Nose 'I don't know...for some reason he just walked outside but i'm glad he's healing...by the way..who was that man you were talking to?,' she spoke 'I don't know he came out of nowhere said his name was Tudor...started talking in riddle and acting really wierd when he saw my wings,' spoke Sieg, Mercel looked at him in curiousity as to who the man was Sieg then stood up, he looked down at his torn shirt and jacket from the fight he had with a white wing and noticed that it was stained with Nose's blood 'Your clothes...they're torn...what happened?' questioned Mercel as she stood up beside him, she could just make out a few deep scars which were revealed by the rips in his clothes 'Ah its nothing, just a white wing letting off steam,' he spoke as she walked towards him. Sieg was to busy examining the blood stains and didn't notice that Mercel was standing only a breath away from him 'Here, pass me your shirt and jacket, I'll put them through the wash,' she spoke as she raised her hand to grab his jacket. At that moment Sieg grabbed her hand gently. Mercel looked at him with her bright green eyes shocked at how cold his skin was...it was like the icy coldness that set in his eyes. 'They'll only desintergrate if you put them through the wash...they've been badly torn and anyway I can do them when I get home,' he spoke as he slowly let her hand go as he realised that her skin was warm compared to his...his skin has never been warm...it was always ice cold to touch...no matter what he did...she also knew that there was another reason why he wouldn't take off his jacket and shirt which could only be because of the deep scars she could just see He placed his hands into his pocket and looked around, he noticed her gazing at him in amazement 'Why are your hands cold?....are you cold?' she questioned as she raised her eye brows 'Why are you warm?' he questioned looking at her in confusion 'Everyone is warm blooded...,' she replied 'I thought everyone was cold blooded...,' he whispered feeling embarrassed Mercel smiled at him, she then walked away for a while and then walked back into the lounge with two hot drinks 'Here, I made you a hot drink..but becareful you might burn your mouth,' she smiled and hesitantly Sieg took the cup, 'Can you feel the warmth from it?' Sieg gave a slight nod 'Pass me your hand,' she spoke softly as he frowned but then gave her his hand, she touched it gently and even though it was on the hot cup it was still ice cold Sieg pulled his hand away and replaced it back around the cup 'So tell me...what was everyone doing back at the B&B....they all looked to be in deep conversation about something serious,' spoke Sieg OOC: Hope this is ok..pm me if it isn't
  13. OOC: it's actually spelt Sieg not Seig. and yeah I know...I just rounded it to the closet sound how i've heard others pronounce it...which is Seek..but it actually should be sounded like Zeeg, with a Z and a G. It auctally shound be pronounced like this Zi-ay-g....well something like that anyway...but Zeeg is easier I think..ah i don't know what ever..LOL IC: Sieg followed behind Marcel as they hurried along the foot path. White wings hissed at Sieg and screamed then shot off into the sky but he couldn't careless. For some reason he just wanted to help Marcel and Nose. They ran as fast as they could throught the streets. The smell of burnt flesh lingered around Siegs nose but the only thing on his mind was getting Nose back to Marcels.
  14. OOC: Sounds good. Name: Jin Kazama Reeper Name: Dark Angel Soul Age: 18 Appearance: Look to attachments. Everything you see aswell as the tattoos. He stands at 6'1" and his wings are black and when they're closed they're two and half meters long when extended they're four and half meters (each wing) and they drag along the ground. They also retract and extract from his back and he use's them in any relm but the tatoos stay with him always in Reeper form or not. Personality: Jin hardly speaks to anyone, he stands out in a crowd without saying a word. His persona is cold, uncaring and heartless and becomes confused and fustrated when something emotional appears to him. The only ambition he has.. is to achieve what ever task is laid out infront of him other than that he'll just keep to himself and only speak when he thinks its needed. He is an excellent fighter. He was taught how to do martial arts and is extremely good at it. Its the only thing he sees any worth in doing and the only thing that interests him at this moment. The only fear he has is emotion..meaning Love only because he doesn't understand it. Reepers Becoming: At the age of three Jin parents died and he was given to his Grandparents who treated him poorly. For years they tortured him, Locked him up in his room, beat him until he was black and blue and from the age of 12 to 18 on every second day they made him have sex with prostitutes who raped him over and over again while his grandparents watched as if they enjoyed it. He felt humiliated and embarrassed everytime...but the worst thing was...he enjoyed it. After turning 18 he couldn't take it any more...his whole world was shattered and turned over and over again without anyway of gainning a stable life. His heart was filled with so much anger and hatered and what pushed him even further was the fact that on the night of his death..his grandfather stole away into his room...beat him senselessly and raped him over and over until he cried..until he screamed in pain...that night was the first time he had cried...and the first time he feared....and the last time he'd live. After his grandfather left that night...Jin broke the barred window and used a piece of glass from it and shoved it through his heart...killing himself. Reepers Weapon: A one and a half meter long dark blue Sword with a black handle strapped to his back. A Pair of Sol Chakram's which he wheres on his waist. Reepers Gift: Firekinesis: Able to control, manipulate, create Fire whenever he likes At times it can be hard to control when he's angry. can be used in both relms. Extreme speed and strength. Reepers Former: Jin has only known anger, hatered, pain, violence..etc. His grandparents hated him never once showed him love, emotion, understanding, caring..anything to do with human emotion in that way. Because of this it made him emotional detached. He doesn't understand the meaning of a smile, love, caring....its all a mystery to him. He wants to learn...but he gets easily confused and fustrated and tries to supress anything that makes him feel any kind of emotion. His back bears the pain and memories of past time tortures and whippings he was given when he was human...some how when he died they weren't left behind and neither was the haunting memories. He tries to hide the torturement of it all but finds it harder to do so...so to keep others from finding out...he speaks nothing of it, and when asked he walks away. That to him is the only way he knows of to leave it behind. OOC: hope this is ok.
  15. [COLOR=Green]Sieg sat there staring up at the magnificent form that stood before him 'Tudor,' the words whispered from Siegs mouth 'How do you know my name?' questioned Sieg as he stood up 'I know many things,' The white and silver man replied with a smile 'Spare me the damn riddles,' growled Sieg as he stood up 'You are scared but yet you fear nothing...strange...,' spoke the man 'What are you talking about!!,' shouted Sieg, 'Who the hell are you? and what the hell do you want!!,' 'Nothing..but I am intrigued by you...your vision draws me to you.,' smiled the man, 'Your form....those wings which are pure and beautiful but hold a sinister value to them...there was only one race which had them and yet they have been dead for many years,' Sieg growled menacingly as the man began to circle him in curiosity, his black wings jerked with the mans every step, suddenly a soft gentle hand caressed his black wings, Sieg spun around and smacked the guys hand away 'Do not touch me!!!,' growled Sieg as fangs appeared at the side of his mouth, the man smiled At that moment Sieg heard Marcel, he turned his attention to where she was, Marcel was huddled over a body which lay on the ground Sieg left the man in the park as he flew across the field and across the road. He landed beside Marcel who was shaking Nose whos body was smouldering in the sun, the smell of burning flesh didn't phase him as his shadow was casted over Nose's smouldering form Marcel blinked as she looked up to try and see who it was, at that moment the form knelt down beside her 'I've got him,' spoke Sieg as he lifted Nose off the ground and wrapped his wings himself and Nose. Siegs wings were huge, no part of Nose was shown and it looked as though Sieg wore a long robe which dragged along the ground, the only thing people could see was Siegs head. 'Where do you want to take him?,' spoke Sieg as Marcel looked at him Sieg turned for a second and looked back at the white and silver man who just stood amongst the trees staring at Sieg with a smile on his face. Sieg frowned as the man kept watching him...studying him....without blinking, Sieg growled deeply[/COLOR] OOC: I hope this is ok pm me if its not
  16. Hey is it alright if my character is from a race of black angels...angels who were formed by the devil?, these angels were bad and evil...thats why my characters wings are black...the race was said to have been wiped out...but one remains...which is my character...., they killed for the pleasure and they were very vecious and unholy and heartless but because my character is half human well this gives him a heart....well if you can call it that...after being treated poorly by his grandparents.....I was meant to ask but I got a little carried away. Is it ok though
  17. Sieg was confused by Marcels willingness for him to stay..noone had ever asked him to stay....he remembered seeing a strange expression in Nose's eyes.....Nose knew something about him.....but he didn't care to know right now, Sieg moved towards the door, he pulled it open and looked back over his shoulder at Marcel and then ran out, he ran passed two girls and a guy but he didn't take any notice as he took off into the sky, white winged angels screamed at him as he shot off into the clouds to hide, He looked n]back down at the B&B...he liked it there.....but the attention was way too much for him to handle At that moment something bigger than him struck his side, and sent him plummeting into the ground, he crashed throught some trees and landed hard on the ground...his jacket and singlet was torn badly and it revealed his scars......scars left on his body from his haunting past. Sieg growled angrily as he slowly sat up, blood slowly dripped from cuts that he endured from the fall, he looked around and saw that he was in the park across from the B&B 'Dammit...,' he grunted as he stood up, he quickly looked around and then an angel dropped down from the trees.....this angel was male and stood well over six feet 'You........your kind.......,' growled the angel 'What the hell are you talking about!!!,' roared Sieg as they circled each other ready to attack 'Your wings boy!!......,' growled the angel as they hissed at each other 'What about them!!,' roared Sieg in anger 'The black wings died along time ago.....they are not wanted here!!,' roared the angel as he ran at Sieg... Sieg crouched down and jumped at the angel, knocking it on its back, they began to fight throwing punches left, right and center. Siegs rage had hit full scale and he roared as he lifted the angel off the ground and threw him against the tree Sieg held him hard against the tree and looked deep into Siegs eyes.....the Icy blue colour sent a shiever down the Angles back and he tried to scream.....Sieg said nothing....the angel was forced to stare into his eyes even harder......what the angel saw.....scared him....and he began to shiever......fire burned amongst the Ice in Siegs eyes.....Siegs grip tighten around the angels neck.....tears began to roll down the angels face as he tried to pry away Siegs hand....but he couldn't Sieg saw the tears.....and frowned at the angel and slowly let him go 'What....the hell.....water falls from your eyes.....why?....' whispered Sieg as the angel slid down the tree to the ground, Sieg dropped to his knees infront of him The angel looked up at him with a look of confusion, 'You don't know?.....how could you not know?' 'Know about what!!!,' roared Sieg as the angel cowardered against the tree 'What you are.....who you are...what that birthmark represents...how can you not know,' grolwed the angel in fear 'Get out of here!!,' roared Sieg again...at that moment they both hissed at each other and the white winged angel took off into the sky 'Unholy Angel....Devils Angel!!!,' were the words that screamed from the angels mouth as he disappeared into the clouds Sieg put his head down...he remembered those words....the name his grandparents gave him....Sieg then lay down on the ground and looked up at the sky.....his wings stretched out on the grass behind him.....they glitsened beautifully in the evening sun which seeped throught the trees. 'I'm an angel......but why do all other angels treat me different.....why did he call me unholy?....I have to find out,' he whispered to himself, 'but how?,' Sieg sat up and looked down at his body....which had a few small cuts on it but nothing major...the only thing wrong was that his jacket and singlet was torn badly...and what he hides was revealed He then fell back on the grass and lay there awaiting the sun to go down....so that he could leave without being noticed
  18. [COLOR=Green][CENTER][I]Peace was finally restored back on earth after a war that raged between the international Governments. Humanity was finally able to rebuild what they had lost....so it seemed.....and little did anyone know...that their few minutes of peace would soon turn into a life of chaos..........[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][CENTER][I]In the heart of the Red Syon desert a Milatary base was formed about fifty years ago, the base stretched out one mile radius, but beneath the red sands it drove 100 feet into the ground creating an underground operations system and the leader of Syon Milatary Base was Darcon De'Larne. In this base they created Hi-Tech Mechanical Machinery for the wars that occurred over the time. Here they were able to intercept terrorist calls, emergency calls...etc.....but this time there were no warnings given, no sign of what was to come......[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]A high pitched skreeching echoed throughout the corridors and red lights flashed from the walls, 'Whats going on!!,' yelled a man as people filled the corridors with looks of confusion upon their faces 'All men report to level one....All men report to level one main hall...This is not a drill!!,' crackled a voice over the intercom. Men and women ran through the corridors and ran into elevators to get to level one...meaning above ground. Sayne's eyes blinked open as he sat up on his bed, he heard the emergency call out and quickly got dressed. He ran from his room and got onto an elevator. Siren was still sounding off as the elevator doors opened out on to level One. Instead of running to the main hall, Sayne ran straight to the main office where his father was. He bursted through the doors to find his father and two of his leading officers in deep decussion with the Government on the screen com 'We know sir, This is why we will be sending out all millatary forces to the Capital Sandon...if these invaders think that they can attack our country then they were sadly mistaken,' spoke Darcon De'Larne 'You do that...and while your at it, find out how they got here!,' spoke the president as the screen went blank 'father...whats going on?,' questioned Sayne as he closed the door behind him, 'Who are these invaders?' 'Sayne...What did i tell you about coming in here,' spoke Darcon 'Father What is going on!,' demanded Sayne, 'I'll find out one way or the other,' 'Terrorists have attacked the Capital, and for some reason.....noone knows where they came from...it's like....they just appeared out of know where,' spoke out one of the officers who was soon scolded by Darcon 'What do you mean they came out of know where??' questioned Sayne 'Never mind...you will stay here,' growled Darcon 'What!!...you can't...' Sayne began 'Yes I can...If you step foot out of this base I will have you in Isolation,' called Darcon Sayne could only watch as the millatary and his father took off for Sandon ________________________ All millatary forces were sent out to Sandon...they fought their hardest....but...didn't succeed and Sandon was destroyed....and most of the millatary who survived managed to make it back to ______________________ Back at Syon, Sayne ran to the communications room where Dr Vanwell, the leading scientist, stood analyzing the the screens 'Dr Van!!,' called Sayne, 'Whats going on?..where'd they come from?' 'Well....from what I can make out Young Sayne...they came through a portal....and judging by what the Syon Forces has sent back to us....our invaders....seem to be from the future....,' explained Dr Vanwell 'What!!..the future!!!...how did that happen?..can they do that?...why??,' questioned Sayne 'We'll have to wait until the forces get back,' said Dr Vanwell 'I should be out there helping them...Dammit Father..i thought this is what I was trained for,' whispered Sayne ___________________________ The forces arrived back at HQ, half of the men were badly wounded and the other half didn't return. Dr Vanwell spoke to Darcon in the communications room, Sayne listened carefully to what was said 'The future....but how?' spoke Darcon 'Well before anything happened, there was an earthquake felt throughout Sandon, the earthquake went off the scale according to the information we recieved, anyway...when that earthquake struck a portal was opened about a mile out of the capital and it was from there where the enemy came,' explained Dr Vanwell 'I see...,' whispered Darcon as he rubbed his chin, 'That would explain the weaponary they used...no matter how much we fired upon them....out weapons did no damage.....we have no hope of ever defeating them,' spoke Darcon 'Oh but we do,' smiled Dr Vanwell, 'Follow me, there is something I'd like to show you, something I've been working on for the past three years,' Darcon and Sayne followed Dr Vanwell to the tenth floor below ground. They then followed Dr Vanwell to another elevator which took them down to another level...which not even Darcon knew about 'Vanwell?....why have you kept this a secret?,' questioned Darcon 'For good reason Darcon,' smiled the professor as the doors opened up into a huge room which lit up when they stepped out to reveal massive 100 foot mechanical Machines 'Oh hell,' whispered Sayne as he ran to the edge and looked over, 'What are they?? they look like real' 'They're called MB's, mechanical beasts, Hi-tech machines made for war, I created them with a rare metal substance called Zydanium...which I created a long time ago with other substances, Its structure is strong and can handle just about anything you can throw at making them near enough to invincible but with this substance it also gave them their own personalities, most are pretty good. They've also able to pick their own Pilots,' explained Dr Vanwell Sayne stood by the railing looking at these beasts 'What if they turn on their pilots?' questioned Darcon 'They wont, they are loyal and once they have choosen their pilots, they will only obey their pilots,' spoke Dr Vanwell Sayne looked across and saw a Dragon type machine which lay curled up on the ground in the dark As Dr Vanwell and Darcon were in deep conversation, Sayne slowly walked down the stairs without knowing that he was. He made it to the bottom and slowly walked towards the dormant machine. Sayne stopped a few meters away from the dragons head. It looked so real, its metal sapphire blue scales glistened in what little light shone down on the huge beast 'Sayne!!,' Dr Vanwells voice trailed out over the complex Sayne spun around to find Dr Vanwell and his father running down the stairs 'Sayne get away from him!!!,' cried out Dr Vanwell....but it was too late, the beast stirred and opened its eyes which were a glowing red Sayne stood there looking at the eye that studied him 'Boy get away from him!!,' roared his father But Sayne didn't hear him....as Dr Vanwell and Darcon ran up behind him...at that moment the dragon suddenly let out a roar which made Dr Vanwell and Darcon stop in there tracks, the beast got to its feet and roared again at the them 'No....no this is bad!,' exclaimed Dr Vanwell 'What are you talking about?,' questioned Darcon 'The Dragon Machine has choosen Sayne for its pilot....it can't do that....well not right now...we haven't been able to run tests on it....it wouldn't allow us too...now we'll never beable to do that unless Sayne takes it for a test run...and we don't know anything about it..,' sighed Dr Vanwell[/COLOR] _________________________________________________ Ok people....this story is kind of a mix up with Zoids....I don't know how this will turn out....but I guess we can only see, The invaders are from the future and if sign-ups go well I will post more about them in the adventure square..OK _________________________________________________ Ok..these are what the Mechanical beasts are: Dragon: This is my Characters MB Lion: Tiger: Panther: Griffin: Wolf: DuoMaxwell1423 - Grandaughter of Dr Vanwell Pheonix: Amgoddess Scorpion: These beast may have a personality and may beable to move around by themselves but they can't go anywhere without their pilots, there pilots are like thier keys to fighting, they can follow their pilots but in order to fight...they must have a pilot.....but in saying that they go nowhere without their pilots...they are loyal ok With these you can create your own weapons for them and personalities. Just Pm me on which MB you want....DuoMaxwell has already saved a spot just waiting on which one she wants. _______________________________________________ Now this is what I need from you: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: Between 18 - 30 [B]Agenda[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Live[/B]: Just make up a place or something of where you come from [B]Rank[/B]: Soldier, pilot..whatever you can be just a mere human without any millatary skills or knowledge. [B]Abilities[/B]: (1 - 3) Hacker, Robotics creator, guns specialist..what ever..you don't have to have any if you don't want [B]Weakness[/B]: Must have [B]Bio[/B]: [B]MB (Mechanical Beast)[/B]: [B]Name[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Abilities[/B]: what ever you like [B]Special Abilities[/B]: what ever you like (1 or 2), special abilities are stronger than the rest of its abilities. [B]Weakness[/B]: Must Have [COLOR=Navy]This is mine: [B]Name[/B]: Sayne De'Larne ( Sayne is pronounced Sane) [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Agenda[/B]: Male [B]Appearance[/B]: See attachments, [B]Personaility[/B]: Sayne does have a heart although it appears as though he doesn't. He's a one track minded person when It comes to war and that is to kill. His Heartless and Cruel ways make him a powerful being in the eyes of the attackers although it is only the way he was raised and treated by his father. [B]Rank[/B]: Soldier [B]Live[/B]: Syon Millatary base [B]Abilities[/B]: Kill without any remorse with a weapon or barehands, excellent sniper and Hacking [B]Weakness[/B]: Claustrophobic, he hates small spaces and he becomes enraged when placed in small spaces and he'll kill to get out [B]Bio[/B]: Sayne was brought up from a young age in Syon millatary Base. His mother died when he was born. Sayne is the son of Darcon De'Larne, Leader of Syon millatary force. Because of that his father put Sayne through hard trainning to make him a soldier, His father achieved in turning Sayne into a soldier but it also made Sayne heartless and cold and turned Sayne against his father and it cause's alot of problems between them. Darcon has never shown any emotion towards Darcon...nor as he smiled at his son All Sayne ever wanted was for his father to acknowledge him in his trainning and his achievements....but Darcon never did, everytime Sayne achieved something his father would scold him as if he had done it wrong....but his father would always praise others and give them merits and because of that Sayne gave up on trying to impress his father....now he strives to just fight in the wars and kill those who threaten his life and others around him...but now...his father has opened his eyes and realised what he had turned his son into..and now he fears for his sons life....although..he does know that it is too late to change Sayne....but he doesn't want to loose him..and he is at a loss with Sayne everytime Sayne rebels against him...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]MB (mechanical beast): [/B] Dragon [B]Name[/B]: Cyrus [B]Personality[/B]: Cyrus trusts noone except Sayne, and he won't let anyone else into the cockpit only Sayne. Very Aggressive, Vecious and Strong. you can never be too careful around him. He can tell when something is wrong with Sayne or when he's in trouble [B]Appearance[/B]: Look at attachments [B]Abilities[/B]: Cyrus is loaded to the hilt with heavy arms and sharp blades. the edge of his wings, teeth and tail are like razors, they can cut through just about anything [B]Special Abilities[/B]: [B]Rage War[/B]: Cyrus curls up into a ball and begins to spin violently, while spinning fifty sharp blades retracted from his body which are attached to thick metal chains. These blades are sharper than the others and it is a very dangerous move [B]Dragon Cry[/B]: His wings turn into two huge lazer guns which lock to the sides, this is the most dangerous of Cyrus weapons and drains all power. it uses the lazer guns and all other guns aswell as a lazer bolt that comes out of Cyrus's mouth....it desintergrates anything that stands in the way but it can also destroy Cyrus at the same time [B]Weakness[/B]: Sayne[/COLOR] ___________________________________________________ Ok I think thats everything, so go hard!!......
  19. Sieg stood backed up into the book shelf behind him, his body began shaking nervously and his palms became sweaty, he looked around for somewhere to hide...or run.....but there was no where At that moment the stranger returned with a girl beside him 'This is Marcel,' smiled the stranger, 'And oh by the way i'm Nose,' Sieg stood backed up to the book shelf 'Ah...whats your name?' questioned Marcel as she slowly walked towards him 'Becareful Marcel, he seems on edge,' whispered Nose in her ear 'M...my....names......Sieg,' he stuttered quietly loud enough for them to hear 'Where do you come from?....I've never seen you here before,' she questioned Sieg didn't reply, he just looked away 'Your new aren't you,' spoke Marcel softly Yes Sir,' replied Sieg 'Why don't you come meet the others?' she asked 'I'm not to good with crowds....I....can't...' spoke Sieg as his voice trailed off 'I see,' she smiled as she stopped infront of him, Sieg looked at her 'So are you going to school?' questioned Nose Sieg gave Nose a blank stare 'What's....school?' questioned Sieg seriously and also a little embarrassed At that moment Nose ran towards Sieg, suddenly Sieg jumped back and his wings tore out from his shoulder blades, Marcel and Nose jumped back from him 'Please.....don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you, we just want to talk with you,' spoke Marcel, she looked around and saw a free table in the corner, 'Come on..lets sit down,' Marcel and Nose led the way while Sieg slowly emerged from behind the bookshelve with his wings still free 'Did you see his wings...and what about the birthmark???.....who is he?...where is he from?...' whispered Nose to Marcel 'I know...he's an angel....but......what kind of angel has Black wings and a red birthmark like that....I've never seen anything like him before,' replied Marcel, 'The only angels i know with black wings...are the evil kind...but there has never been any evil angels around for years...they were all destroyed,' 'Some how...i don't think he is evil...I mean you should of seen the way he dropped to the ground...as if I was going to strike him...,' whispered Nose, 'But in saying that....you are right...I'm a vampire...I feel the the heartbeats of those around me...but...him...even though he cowered...there was something that wasn't right...something....thats different...something....that not even I can explain,' They sat down at a table by a window in the corner At that moment an white winged angel walked passed, she glanced in and saw Sieg...suddenly she let out a shrill scream as if someone was attacking her, Sieg jumped off his seat and hissed at the angel as she flew off 'They always do that!,' exclaimed Sieg as he put his head down and sighed, 'What the hell did I do to them!!!,' Marcel and Nose were also standing and looking at Sieg in confusion as to what happened 'Maybe thats why they locked me away...for so long...so many years....' whispered Sieg as he stood up right...his face showing no emotion...blank as always... he then turned around to walk out but noticed that everyone was looking at him
  20. Sieg watched as others walked into the B&B, he stood watching not fully understanding what was going on, he wanted to get out of there...but that meant he had to go passed them, there were so many of them now Sieg looked around, there was no other way for him to get out Sieg then turned his attention back to the small crowd that had walked in off the streets, he watched them carefully, he couldn't make out what they were talking about but it seemed to be pretty serious. Should he approach them....or should he just stay back.....he really didn't know what to do so he just watched them from where he stood behind the book shelf
  21. After returning home from the mall, Sieg sat down carefully in the lounge 'Sieg...why don't you go for a walk?' suggested his foster mother Sonya Sieg looked at her with his pale blue eyes and then looked around 'Is it ok?' he questioned with a soft spoken tone 'Of course...but be back in time for dinner...dinners at seven,' she smiled as she began to put the groceries away that they had picked up from the food market Sieg slowly stood up and walked to the door 'I will,' called out Sieg as he walked out the front door. Sieg stood out on the foot path just outside the house. He gazed around and then looked down the street, he notice two female angels walking on the other side of the road, their white wings glistened in the afternoon sun. They looked at him and smiled, they began whispering but never took their eyes off him. Sieg sighed and then walked down the street in the direction that they had come from. After walking for a while with his head down he stopped and looked up, he was standing in town, cars flew passed, people walked swiftly up and down the street. He looked around, he didn't realise that he had walked so far. Looking around he spotted a B&B across the road. Curiousity hit him as he raised a brow 'Whats a B&B?' he questioned to himself, at that moment he stepped out onto the road without looking. *BEEP!!* came a deafening high pitched noise, Sieg quickly covered his ears and stumbled back upon to the foot path 'YOU STUPID FOOL!!!,' roar the car owner, at that moment Sieg became agitated, his wings suddenly shot out from his back, The owner of the car was also angel but of white wings. The car owner looked at Sieg with horror in his eyes, Siegs black wings glistened in the sun, 'W...who are you???' questioned the car owner as Sieg walked towards him 'I'll tear your rotten heart out!!,' roared Sieg as he saw the driver tremble, before Sieg could do anything the driver took off. Sieg was now inraged as he stormed across the road with his wings spreed angrily, all the cars pulled to skreeched to a hault but didn't sound off as he stormed across the road with a twisted looking expression. He stopped on the foot path and then looked back but this time his face was normal...it was as if nothing happened. His wings disappeared into his back and the cars carried on. Sieg looked at the sign for a few minutes...B&B....he then entered the shop slowly. He stood in the door way and looked around for a moment, he noticed a group of teens and a man standing around the countier, they all turned to look at him Sieg quickly disappeared down on of the Isles. 'Wait,' he heard the man call out but Sieg disappeared amongst the shelves of books
  22. OK....I was thinking....i have all these stories in my head but everytime i go to write something down my mind goes blank......so...this is what I was thinking of.... [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]A bunch of number one gunslinging outlaws who are just about to be hung get sucked into a time portal and are sent far into the future...meaning....where cars fly...robots walk freely...and cities float in the sky. Earth has been destroyed and so humans have had to rebuild their lives on colonies which float around the galaxy...[/I][/COLOR] This is only part of what i was thinking, I won't say anymore just incase it might be a dead end story........So if you have any opinions and questions or even suggestions or your interested leave a post ok.
  23. Sieg's eyes were already opened as he lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Footsteps were heard before the door and then came a light knock Sieg turned his head as the door opened 'Good morning,' smiled his foster mother Sonya, she was beautiful and always wore a smile upon her face and she seemed to glow He just looked at her and sat up 'I've made you breakfast,' she smiled, 'Do you want to come to the mall with me...ever since you've been here you've never gone out....I know you've only been with us for a couple of weeks and your still getting use to everything...but wouldn't it be nice to go out?' Sieg sat on the corner of the bed and watched her as she drew back the curtains and turned to face him 'Whats....mall?' he asked looking confused 'Oh..sorry..I forgot...a mall is a place where alot of people go to buy things...meet friends...basically to have a good day out..so what do you say?' she spoke with a hint of hope Sieg looked around 'Am I...aloud.....is there any restrictions...or...' he began rubbing the back of his neck 'No, the only thing I do ask is that if you want to go off just tell me....' she smiled softly as she sat down at the desk, 'Sieg...here you have freedom to do what you like...you don't have to confine yourself to your room all day and study...the only thing we ask of you is that you respect the place and you tell us where your going if you do go out...that is all..and if you have any problems just come to us, we will help you...here we don't use Physical Violence to sort out problems..we talk about it,' Sieg looked at her for a moment and then turned away as if he was confused 'Come on, have a wash get dressed and come down for breakfast,' she smiled as she walked to the door and looked back at him, he gave her a slight nod and she left. He had a shower, got dressed and slowly walked down stairs. A smell drifted around him...a smell that made his guts grumble. He walked into the lounge and stopped in the doorway. This was the first time he had moved around the house, there were two shelves of books, and cabinets full of wonderous ornaments, photo's of his foster parents and their families hung on the walls, he advanced caustiously into the lounge and realised that the Kitchen, dinning room and lounge were set in an open setting. He watched his Foster parents set the table, he looked at them in wonder 'Good morning Sieg,' spoke His foster father Kevin in a deep but cheerful tone, he was tall stood over six foot and was broad shouldered Sieg just stared at them and then tehy stopped 'Please, come join us,' smiled his foster father Kevin as they sat down at the table. Sieg slowly walked towards them and slowly sat down in the chair which was situated across from his mother who smiled. Sieg looked down at his plate, he was things that he had never seen before but smelt good, there were two yellow things with white bits around them, three long meaty pieces and bread that was brown and steaming 'Those are eggs, bacon and toast,' smiled hi foster father as he pointed them out. Sieg rubbed the back of his neck, his foster mother then handed him a glass of orange liquid 'It's ok, it's orange juice,' she smiled, Sieg slowly put out his hand to take the glass, his hands were shaking nerveously, just as he took the glass it slipped from his hand and smashed on the table, Sieg suddenly flipped off his chair as his foster parents quickly stood up from their chairs 'I'm.....I didn't mean to......I'm sorry......I didn't mean to,' stuttered Sieg as he tried to stand up quickly but kept slipping on the juice that had split on the table and on the floor, at that moment his wings extended out from his back knocking over a lamp, some vases and a pot plant His foster parents quickly ran to his side as he sat on the floor, he put up his arms in defense waiting for the blows he would normally get 'It's ok..' came his foster mothers soothing voice, 'Its ok,' Sieg slowly lifted his head as he realised that nothing had happened, His pale blue eyes looked around and then looked at them as they sat beside him, his heart raced rapidly 'It's ok, it was an accident, its ok,' smiled his foster father, Sieg didn't know what to say They cleaned up the mess and sieg helped aswell, after that they went to the mall, all he could do was stare....he ran to every shop window and gazed in, His foster parents laughed as they watched him and they laughed at the girls who stared at him all dreamy eyed...although he didn't notice that he was too busy trying to visit every shop until he came across the womens clothing shop, he ran in and quickly ran back out within seconds 'Sieg!..' called his foster mother as they ran over to him 'Theres!!.....alot....of...women in there!!,' he exclaimed as he tried to catch his breath 'It's a womens clothing shop,' smiled his foster mother as she laughed, Sieg frowned but then frowned even harder when he noticed alot of girls staring at him 'Why?...are they looking at me?' questioned Sieg as he looked around, 'STOP STEARING!!!,' but noone listened, girls began to giggle at him and go red 'What the hell is wrong with them!,' Sieg snapped 'It's ok, just egnore them,' smiled his foster father as they carried on OOC: I hope this is ok....
  24. Lee gazed at Ianus who's eyes glistened from beneath the hood, staring deep into hers he quickly looked away....knowing himself what would happen if he kept looking. It only happened once....but that was a long time ago in a small town which they had come across. Within the town lived an old women....an old women everyone hated....only because they thought that she had an evil nature but she had taken him in along with his companions and gave them food, water and shelter and never asked for anything in return. She knew what element he held within him...but it didn't scare her....although he didn't really know himself why it scared so many people until two nights after they had stayed with her...she made him look into her eyes....she knew why...but he didn't.....and thats when it happened....he saw deep into her soul....and because he couldn't control his element properly he drained her soul out of her body....leaving her hallow...and lifeless..leaving her dead. Thinking back to that moment set a frown upon his face as he mounted Syn and looked over at Ianus again 'Yes, Lets ride,' spoke Lee and they took off Every now and then Lee would glance over at Ianus.... [Something wrong?] questioned Dawn telepathically as he watched Lee Lee just looked down at Dawn who ran beside him and gave a slight smile
  25. OK......hope this is ok Name: Sieg Wahrheit Age: 16 Agenda: Male Friend: None Appearance: Look to Attachments. everything including Icy blue eyes. Stands at 5 ft 10 inches, very wiry and very fit. Has a Fiery red birthmark ( same colour as his hair) on his left arm shaped like a quarter moon. He is very mysterious and intrigingly handsome. When he does get out he draws alot of attention to himself, he hardly notices it but when he does he tends to become agitated and confused as to why they would stare. He appears to be human but when his wings extract from his back he is an angel. His wings are black, when closed up they 6 ft long but when extended out they are double the size, they extract and retract from his back when he wants them to and because of his angel side he is very strong for his age and size. He doesn't know anything about how he became an angel. Race: Human/Angel Grade/Occupation: Home teachings / none Bio: Sieg's parents died when he was three, he doesn't know anything about them. He lived with his grandparents who hated him, he was always beaten and kept locked up in his room. His grandpaents always called him the devils child...only because of the way he was born. He was born on the 13th under a red quarter moon when the clock struck midnight. He was born with a birthmark which resembled that moon. Sieg's parents were human...but She was infurtile and couldn't have any children, One night an angel came to her while his father was away. This angel wasn't like all other angels..he was different in more ways than one. his eyes were red and cold and his wings were black and sinister. from what was ment to be just a one night without no meaning turned into one night which led her to be pregnant...three months later Sieg was born...how he was born so early was a mystery to everyone except his mother.....there are alot of things that Sieg doesn't know about himself After his parents died and he lived with his grandparents...Sieg became emotional detached because of the way they treated him. He was locked away from the outside world and the only ones he knew were his grandparents and his tutor who also treated him poorly...he knew nothing about life, love, emotion..... His grandparents died on his 16th birthday...so now he lives with a human family who love him deeply and love his angel side. Their families tell them that they can not handle a mix breeded teen but they don't care what others think about it or him, they are just glad that they finally have a son even if he is different. His parents are in their late twenties, but they home school him knowing that he has had no real contact with the world and with others. He doesn't understand this new life and is having trouble with coming to terms with it all but he is greatful but constantly becomes confused and fustrated when emotion and love are shown to him. Other angels have a hard time getting along with him because they know that he is different..and it scares them. Foster parents names: Kevin and Sonya James...they're human OOC: hope this is ok!!
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