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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Lee watched on as Ianus took the King forward....his eyes rolled as if he was watching something move. The King then gasped, Lee watched him fall to his knees, his breathing was heavy and rapid. Lee put away his sword. The whole army had stood in silence, Veradon had calmed down and at that time the spirits who fought beside her disappeared. and they joined Lee at his side [Something bothers you.....whats wrong?] questioned Veradon telepathically as she gazed at Lee Lee turned to her {She knows} [Knows about what?] spoke Syn looking confused {About me....Ianus knows one of my secrets......a burden that sets upon my shoulders...a burden that sets in my heart} spoke Lee as he looked at the ground [Oh...you mean your....] spoke Dawn as they looked at Lee {Yes...my immortality....I bleed....I hurt....I ache....but I can't die...they wont let me.....the last beat of my heart was the day i called upon Veradon...since then....my heart has never beated...never lived, I don't know whether I am dead or alive....my hands....my body....is always cold always....but yet I do not shiever.....even the sun doesn't make me warm.....} wpoke Lee as he looked at Ianus {and now she knows....the burden that stops my heart.....and holds it dormant} [There is a reason why they keep you alive....and maybe this is the reason...for you to live...you want to die so badly...only because of what happened in the past....but the spirits wont allow you too..because you are needed] smiled Veradon Lee looked at Veradon { Thank you } Lee then walked over to Ianus and the King who still sat on the ground 'Now...will you call back your army?' spoke Lee coldly as the king looked up at him
  2. HMMM......good point.....I like dragon Warriors idea...I'll change it. I've changed it...I was also thinking of it being a camp for people who are shy...emotional....have problems at home...don't have many friends etc...and they go there to make friends and have fun....although it still has the same twist as the first one.... What do you all think?
  3. Ok , my rpg's seem to start off good....but then they die out and become really boring.....so I was thinking....I've been thinking about this one for a while and I'd like some suggestions for it: Most of my RPGs are based on wars and hardcore killing.....but I want a change so I was thinking and this is it: [I]It's about a camping trip. The camp the students go to is called_________ (haven't really found a name for it). Its situated near a river Anyway, this is the first time this camp has ever been opened for twenty years. Last time it was opened a killer was on the loose, A mix of students and Teachers went missing and have never been found . Now that it has been rebuilt but this time the camp was moved to the other side of the river straight across from the old camp grounds. Anyway alot of strange things go on at the old camp grounds and so on. All teens who attend the new camp don't know each other. [/I] Well there it is, it's only abit of what I was thinking, it will be rated M for SLV.......if you have any suggestions or ideas please share them. Ok. All opinions and suggestions are welcomed.
  4. Lee watched Ziarre's sudden uneasiness and stopped before her 'Are you ok?' he asked her as he raised a brow, 'I noticed that something bothered you when we left the camp,' Ziarre looked at him but she didn't reply 'If something is bothering you....please....talk to me.....I don't want any ill feeling amongst us,' spoke lee as he then walked away from her. 'Tomorrow we move for Vorn!!,' called Lee as his voice echoed out over the courtyard. ________________________________________ Vorn plains _____________________________________________ They all awoke early the next morning and took off for Vorn Dessert, they rode without rest, crossed the boundary lines, they reached Vorn Dessert late that afternoon. It was dry and hot, the terrain was hard, Lee ended out sliding out of the saddle of Veradon and helping him, 'So how are we meant to find Thallis?' questioned Tellar 'I don't know...,' spoke Lee, 'But Alvadon said that it is south...which means the sun rise's in the east and sets in the west....then we go strianght ahead to find the red cliffs,' OOC: Who ever posts first...you can make up how we find Thallis, the Kingodm of the Giant Hawks, they're friendly but vecious so you can create it how you like..meaning...they can attack us...or be friendly what ever.
  5. Lee heard the Dawven army gasp as Ianus revealed her face from under her hood. The army gasped but Lee was unphased by it, he just watched her with wonder in his dark blue eyes. He tilted his head sideways as he noticed a cresent moon shaped scar on her face, her eyes changed colours and so did her hair 'Now what you say?' we're the last words spoken Lee then turned to the Dawven King and gave him a sinister smile 'If I were you i'd do as she says,' spoke Lee hauntingly as he advanced towards the king 'HOW DARE YOU THREATEN US!!!,' roared the King Lee gave a low ghostly laugh as his eyes turned a pale blue, Veradon suddenly appeared beside him still holding the two guards in her grasp, the armies eyes widened at her beauty even though she was half animal, her graceful movements were hauntingly beautiful in which even the king couldn't resist 'Now you have one more warning...call them off now....your we'll call it off for you,' spoke Lee in a deep calm cold tone as his eyes turned dark blue and then pale blue the King shot a glance at Lee and then at Ianus, 'NEVER!!!...WE WILL GO TO WAR!!!!!,' roared the King as he stood up, 'MARCH!!!!!!,' Lee's eyes suddenly stopped changing repeatively and stayed an Icy blue 'Veradon...do what you must,' spoke Lee coldly, Veradons eyes then turned red as she dropped the guards and galloped out infront of the army, her head hung downwards and the army of twenty thousand or more stopped Slowly she lifted her head, her eyes a glowing red. She smiled and her fangs dripped with blood 'Spirits of this shattered earth...aid my call....lend me your souls!!!,' she roared hauntingly, at that moment a distant war horn was blowen and a white mist covered the field, sounds of thunderous marching filled the air...but yet nothing was seen as the marching sounded close Lee watched Veradon and smiled at her attempt. at that moment vivid screaming entered his mind. He dropped to his knees in agony as the pain swelled in his head, he began to shiever, he looked up at Veradon who looked at him with a deep concern in her eyes, but he gave her a slight nod to carry on and she nodded back 'WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT!!!,' laughed the King, 'THERE IS NOTHING THERE.....RUN HER DOWN...DON"T FAULTER!!!....THEY ARE NO THREAT TO OUR ARMY!!...ATTACK!!!,' roared the King The army then charged at Veradon, and she smiled sinisterly, before they clashed with her she flung out her arms, and as she didn't that....an army appeared....an army of souls....who ran at the oncoming army and clashed with them, Dawn and Syn had joined Veradon The King looked at Lee with a horrified expression, Lee didn't realise that the king was advancing towards him from behind, his mind was too distracted by the wailing and the screaming that was going on inside. At that moment his sword was taken from it's place at his side, Lee spun around just as the King lunged at him 'YOU BASTARD!!..HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY ARMY!!!...YOU WILL PAY!!,' roared the King as the sword drove into Lees chest, 'YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR MOCKERY!!,' Lee's pale blue eyes widened as the sword was driven deeper into his chest, striking his heart and going striaght threw to the other side where it came out of his body glistening with a pale red blood, Lee fell backwards and landed on the ground looking up at the sky, he could hear Veradons, Syns and Dawns screams which echoed over the war. His eyes blinked, as he heard the Kings voice roar out to his army. Lee blinked again and spirits of pale blue lights rose from the ground around him and were observed into Lee's body and with that he sat up, the King Gasped as he looked at Lee who gave him a menacing smile and stood up 'But...you....I,' gasped the King as he walked backwards Lee gripped the handle of the sword and ripped it from his body, he gasped as pain serged through him 'I can't be killed by my own blade...foolish man....my heart does not beat....there fore it can't be stopped....I am the spirit element....I die...but not by the blade of my own sword,' spoke Lee coldly as he ran at the King who drew his sword in defense and they began to fight
  6. Lee rode beside Ianus, his silence and casual glances was all he gave in a way of conversation. She was mysterious....as darkness always is and because of his love of darkness...he found it hard to not glance at Ianus but that made him uncomfortable.... In his eyes the darkness was beautiful...it held so many secrets and always held a sense of calmness and mysteriousness which he was always drawn too and Ianus knew it. Lee saw the agitation swell up in his companions {bestill your souls} he spoke to them [but...something isn't right....something stirs our souls master] spoke Dawn with a deep growl from his belly {Within each person...something is always felt...because of our element...we can't determine what it is...we have always felt unsettled by those around us...but whether it is good or bad...} spoke Lee as he rested his hand on Dawns head [we should be careful....who knows what the darkness holds] spoke Veradon as she fixed her eyes at Ianus {Bestill your souls...we are not here to fight against them....we are here to fight with them} growled Lee The three companions growled in agreement to Lee's words. Lee looked over at Ianus...his cold icy blue eyes trailed over her appearance, he knew she could sense his gaze, his coldness, his silence was haunting and the way he, the spirit elemental and companions moved was ghostly and eerie Lee didn't care whether Ianus was there or not, he had nothing against her or her companions and elemental. Her darkness didn't scare him nor did it phase him and she proberly felt the same. _____________________________ They rode quickly towards the Dwarf King, the Dwarf king glanced over and saw two strangers stop infront of his army 'WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!,' called the King Lee slid out of the saddle, the army watched in confusion and awe as Lee and his companions walked towards the king 'Hault!,' growled two guards who stood in his way, at that time Veradon had disappeared. She walked up behind them and lifted them off the ground 'What the hell!,' exclaimed one of the guards Lee carried on passed them, the King looked around as if terrified but the haunting figures that approached him 'What is the meaning of all this?' the king questioned again 'You have to call off your attack,' spoke Lee coldly as he looked at the King 'What?...Never,' roared the King in anger, 'How dare you...' 'If you don't...then we will be forced to stop it,' spoke Lee with a slightly sinister smile and cutting the Kings speech off. the King looked at the two elementals who stood before him and then looked back at his army OOC: Ok....amgoddess PM me if I've done it wrong
  7. Everyone had finally made it too Saedon...a beautiful town....although Lee was worried about the others...it was a hard battle....very hard 'Is this what it'll be like?.....,' he whispered as he clutched his medallion which was still glowing softly Lee had a deep slash in his side...although it didn't bother him. They all booked into a tavern called Saedons haven, after they got settled, he turned to them all, "we'll rest and leave at dawn" he spoke out as they looked at him, 'stay strong everyone..stay strong,' Lee slowly walked around Saedon, his medallion held many souls.....many spirits....but why?.....why did it hold so many, he thought to himself as he looked at it...he could hear many screams...many roars in his mind....the medallion was strong...they all were....whether they'd beable to handle the true power of the medallions was unknown Lee lay down in a field just out of Saedon and looked up at the sky 'Father........,' the words broke free from his mouth...he hadn't had time to think....or mourn for his father...now he did. He sat up and looked down at the medallion..a tear fell from his eye and landed on the medallion 'Father.....why'd you die....I should of been able to prevent it.......I have so many questions....but now you are gone....I will never know,' whispered Lee as he then flopped back on the ground 'Dammit,' he whispered as he slowly drifted off to sleep in the sun [I]'I will find you.....' came the haunting voice, 'I will find you Son of Sorian...I will find you all.....hear the heart beats of my beasts who hunt for your souls.....*thumpthump*...*thumpthump*...hear there roars into the night.....they come....they search...we will find you all....'[/I] Lee quickly sat up and looked around, the dreams were becoming more vivid...more haunting...more real 'You bastard,' whispered Lee....his eyes red rimmed from only being asleep for a whole of five minutes...his body ached He remembered seeing the saddness in Ziarres eyes when they lefted their camp site...he woundered what was wrong with her...why she looked like that Lee got up and walked around, he saw Ziarre sitting under a tree, everyone looked tired and run down
  8. OOC: Ok i'm back!....well don't know how long for...but oh well......The adventure to Vorn begins! IC: Lee looked around, there was so many of them, he looked back and saw Tellzar and Jessica both laying on the ground...unconcious, he then looked at James and the others...everyone was getting tired..there was so many of them Lee then again looked around as he struck down a beast.... 'Damn beasts....' growled Lee as the medallion around his neck began to glow even more as his angry boiled inside of him, 'THIS ENDS NOW!!!,' he roared At that moment his whole body was suddenly lifted from the ground as the medallion pulled him upwards...Lavitating off the ground...he looked lifeless....his eyes a glowing white..he was then engulfed by a white glow....his head suddenly fell foreward..as his arms stretched out to the side...his hair whipped around his face...suddenly his head flung up 'die......' he whispered as balls of light shot out from the white orb that engulfed his body, the beasts screamed...their voices echoed around them.....as their souls were torn from their bodies..everyone watched on as every beasts was turned inside out..but their souls screamed The souls were sucked into the orb to where Lee floated helplessly and the absorbed by the medallion as soon as it finished...Lee dropped to the ground and landed in a heap....he felt weak....and his body shook as if cold 'Lee...' called James as everyone looked at him 'I'm ok......,' spoke Lee as he shook his head and slowly stood up, 'Veradon,' Veradon stood up from where Lee had hid him away and galloped towards Lee, Veradon stopped beside him and Lee leant against him for support 'Quick, someone grab Jessica and Tellzar...there's a town called Saedon about 5 miles south...it's in the direction of Vorn plains...we'll go there...and rest,' spoke Lee as he forced himself upon Veradon who wore no saddle..after it being torn by the winged beasts, Lee gripped Veradons main 'I know we are all tired....but we must leave this place at once....,' spoke Lee, 'We will rest better at Saedon,' He then turned and looked at Ziarre....and smiled....something about her always caught his eye
  9. OOC: Oh shit!...excuse me on that Sevotharte...I didn't read it properly....My bad!!..Scrub the last two posts where I stuffed up..LOL ( here i go again..) IC: Lee sat leaning against the tree....He looked over wondering....what its was like to be around others...like him.....he over heard Kadaj words when he spoke to Kumiko, another girl had came into it, Lee frowned slightly 'Why don't you go over and introduce yourself properly instead of standing aside,' spoke Veradon as she pushed him from behind 'I..don't know,' spoke Lee 'Oh go on...your going to be working with them...so work with them instead of working aganist them,' Veradon spoke softly, 'Lee what have you got to lose?,' Lee looked at her and slowly he stood up and approached everyone who stood around the fountain, Veradon, Syn and Dawn were beside him. Kadaj looked at Lee, as Lee stood there 'Excuse my.....rudeness before.....i just came here to fight with you.....not against you,' spoke Lee with a serious look in his eyes OOC: OK...is that better????
  10. OOC: OK guys....I may not be on for at least a three or four days..ok, I might beable to get on tonight. I'll see, I'll try to give you guys some tasks to cover for the days that I'm away. My connection's playing up like a cunt so I need to fix it....damn trojans!!....anyway, leave Vorn plains for now until I can come back properly. Thanks After you've done fighting...Travel to a town called Saedon, there you can do what you want for now, it's about 5 miles in the southern direction. It's a small town, ok, hopefully everyone will catch up
  11. Lee over heard what Azufe had spoken to the others about, slowly and hauntingly he approached Azufe 'Any questions?,' spoke out Azufe 'I have but one....my element is spirit.....I don't know if my element would be of any use....but I want to help....so would my element be any good?' questioned Lee at that moment he saw Ianus walking towards them, she heard what was going on and then turned to the thunder elemental that stood beisde her....she must of spoke telepathically for the thunder elemental nodded as he looked at her 'Do you know something?' spoke Lee as he walked over to her
  12. Lee looked up from where he sat and saw Kadaj's rage and watched him fall to the ground, he watched as others arrived, Lee stood up and walked over looking at the creature that Kadaj had gone off at.....the many spirits had told him of what Kadaj had thought of him but nothing else Lee then knelt down by Kadaj who sat on the ground breathing heavily 'So you think I am foolish....why don't you take a look at yourself what fool takes his rage out on someone who has stood beside him for a very long time and threatens those who care about him....although I am foolish for thinking of this gift as a burden....I'm not the one yelling at ones who have stood beside me through everything, you should learn to take your own advice sometimes....Live with it,' spoke lee as he stood up 'How dare you come over here and taunt me with your words!!!..you don't know me,' roared Kadaj 'I didn't say I knew you and in saying that..you had no right to laugh at my exspence when you don't understand my ways as I don't understand yours..but yet you don't see me going off about it...I was not taunting...nor was I mocking, you clearly have a past which to you is best left behind you..same as me..and it is not their fault,' spoke Lee coldly without any emotion in his face 'I have never blamed them!!!!,' roared Kadaj 'No...but yet threaten them as if you do,' spoke Lee 'They do know....they shouldn't of!!,' began Kadaj in rage 'Yes...but they mean no harm, you can clearly see that in their eyes....in their souls,' Lee then looked at them and then looked back at Kadaj, 'To be shunned by the one who you care about is worser than death itself....and by the way....I don't whin and as i've said..take your own advise,' Lee looked at Kadaj whos anger grew in his eyes, Lee raised a brow, his face showed no emotion, concern or fear to his power and rage as he walked away as if nothing happened and sat back down under the tree Lee was also told about what Robin had said and he smiled slightly [I]I should look at it as a gift and not so much as a burden....I have never used the full power of it only because I know I can't handle it....Kadaj was right..live with it.....[/I]
  13. The night winds blew softly as he lay there, he sat up and looked around....making sure everything was ok...then he lay back down, He tossed and turned...the smell of the camp fires drifted up his nose, he rolled over and turned his back to it.....then he drifted off to sleep [COLOR=DarkRed]'They are on to you......i will find you.......I search for you son of Sorian.....they will find you all...they will take what is rightfully mine..what should of been mine,'[/COLOR] the voice entered his mind 'Go away....' whispered Lee in his sleep as he tossed and turned [COLOR=DarkRed]'No!!...I want what is mine....I will have that medallion...I will have them all!!!!,'[/COLOR] the voice replied so deadly [COLOR=DarkRed]the shadow appeared....it's dark figure....so evil...it reached towards him, 'I want it!!,'[/COLOR] spoke out the voice 'NO!,' roared Lee as he bolted up from where he slept, clutching his chest and the medallion as he has done many times before Lee quickly looked around...noone had heard, he ran his hands through his damp hair Looking around again he noticed the sun coming up, he stood up and went to a nearby river and washed his face...the coolness of the water brought his mind out of the dark hollow pit it was in. He then walked around the camp site...everyone was up and they all looked confused Lee looked around and noticed Tellzar was missing 'Have any of you seen Tellzar lately?' questioned Lee with a raised brow They all shook their heads At that moment there was a loud shrill cry from the air Everyone was startled by it, they all looked up and noticed a pack of hideously deformed creatures, their eyes gazed upon them hungrily, then they nose dived towards them 'What the hell are those?' exclaimed James as they all drew their weapons, 'Quick move!!,' yelled Lee as he drew his bow and loaded an arrow, he aimed and fired, the arrow struck one of the winged beasts in the throat, the beast screamed like a human before dropping from the sky and landing only meters from them 'Make for the woods!!,' called Aria as they ran for the trees, as they entered the woods Lee looked back and saw that Veradon had gotten himself hooked up on a branch 'Veradon!!,' roared Lee as he took off across the field, 'Lee!!,' called Ziarre Just on the otherside of the woods Tellar was being attacked by more hideous beasts but they weren't winged, he managed to meet up with the others after being attacked by four of them 'More are coming!!!,' roared Tellzar as he shredded one of the beasts in half Lee ran as fast as he could towards Veradon but so did one of the winged beasts, it was a race...Lee's heart raced as he ran wildly towards Veradon who was pulling verociously at the bruch that had snagged his reins 'Veradon!!!!,' roared Lee as the winged beast flew passed him, 'NOOOOO!!!,' Suddenly the medallion around his neck began to glow a pale blue 'YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM!!!,' roared Lee as his eyes turned a pure white and his pupil turned red as he ran, 'VERADON!!,' he cried out Veradon was suddenly ripped up off the ground before Lee could get there. Lee stopped dead in his tracks, the reins of Veradon hung on the brunch that held him, Lee slowly lifted his head...the medallion growing brightly on his chest, memories of his fathers death entered his mind..the arrow..the pioson...the hurting and now his horse...was now in the clutches of a beast that sored the skies....it's sight hideously frightening, Lee then drew his bow and loaded an arrow....the bow and arrow glowed wildly 'To all that has been done and to all that will be done...for all to be free,' whispered Lee as he let the arrow fly...at that moment the arrow was engulfed in a white light and it soared towards the winged beast that held Veradon, at that moment the arrow ripped through the winged beast like a bullet, it travelled through its body and came out through its mouth, the beast didn't have time to cry out as it was ripped apart, blood showered down and so did Veradon who fell into the river, Lee ran to the side and jumped in, Veradon was trying desperately to swim back to the shore, Lee swam to him and grabbed what was left of the reins and pulled veradon back to shore, Veradon had a deep cut across his side, Lee quickly took off the saddle and threw it aside, Veradon lay on the ground resting from his fall Lee looked around and saw the beasts without wings, the others had been pushed out into the clearing, He quickly covered Veradon up before the winged beast could see him, he smiled at Veradon and took off to aid the others His eyes still white and the medallion still glowed He looked around and saw a winged beast heading towards Ziarre who was trying to fight the beasts, He ran as fast as he could as the winged beast touched the ground behind her, Lee ran up the beasts tail and jumped onto its neck, the beast screamed and took off into the sky with Lee holding on tightly, Lee managed to sit up draw his sword and drove it deep into the back of the neck of the beast which screamed, the beast plummited to earth and lee was thrown from it as it hit the ground hard, he slid across the dirt and gravel, grazing his side, he slowly stood up and looked around A beast on foot began to run at him..Lee suddenly ran towards it, the beasts on foot had long razor sharp claws and teeth that looked like broken glass, Lee clashed with the beast and they fought hard until Lee drove his sword into it's head Lee looked around him and saw Ziarre who looked back at him, he gave her a slight smile and took off towards another horde OOC: in this battle you can either show abit of what the medallion does or you can go hard...what ever you like
  14. Lee walked the streets of Ithica, it was dark but he walked as if he knew where to go. Beside him was Dawn, Syn and Veradon. 'Lee...please let me carry you,' spoke Veradon as they watched him stagger along the path 'No, I can walk,' spoke Lee as they continued on In front of them Lee spotted the fountain, standing beside it was the girl Robin and a man with their companions Lee walked over to the fountain and sat down without saying a word, Dawn and Syn began to drink the clear water while Veradon slowly advanced towards them and sat down on the ground 'So...where's the rest?' questioned Kadaj looking at Lee Lee slowly looked up at him but said nothing 'Well...I asked you a question,' spoke Kadaj raising one brow 'I don't answer questions I don't have answers for,' spoke Lee in a distant tone without looking at the man Kadaj looked at him with an awkward stare, 'The silent type I see,' Lee didn't reply as he stood up Kadaj and Robin looked at him 'So...whats your name?' questioned Robin 'Lee,' he spoke quietly in a haunting tone And then walked off and sat under a tree that was not far from the fountain 'Please excuse his rudness,' spoke Veradon as she stood up shyly and walked towards them, 'It is just hard for him to interact with people after....' Robin and Kadaj looked at her, 'Well he should learn,' spoke Kadaj Veradon put her head down, 'We know he can seem heartless and cold and even at times...it seems as though he doesn't care...but deep down..he's a good soul and we know he cares...he's only like that because of what his element is..to him he see's it as a burden more than anything else..he fights with it always...trying to control it...but it more or less runs him so he pulled himself away from humanity,' Lee sat under the tree waiting for everyone else to arrive, Veradon slowly walked up to him and sat down as did Dawn and Syn, he felt more better when he was around them
  15. [COLOR=Indigo]Lee looked around the great dinning hall.....not all of them were there...he sighed as he looked at the chair of where his father sat and then looked at his food....he only ate a small amount on his plate 'Are you going to eat Lee?' questioned Ziarre who sat beside him, he noticed her face going red 'Ah....not really hungry.....I'm going to get ready for the departure....I suggest everyone do the same,' he spoke out as he gave ziarre a slight smile at that moment Alvadon entered the dinning room with three guards behind him 'Prince Lee...the people are standing at the gates..they want to see you..you must go to them,' spoke Alvadon Lee frowned slightly and stood up and followed Alvadon hastily, everyone looked at each other Lee walked out into the courtyard, he saw Tellzar standing with a look of confusion, Jessica and Kayin also stood close by wondering what was going on Lee walked swiftly to the gates as everyone else followed him out into the courtyard 'Open the gates!,' roared Lee 'But Prince Lee, they carry with them spears, pitch forks and more...,' spoke the guard Lee suddenly pushed passed the guards who tried to stop him, lifted the hatch and pulled the door back, at the moment the horde of Sorian people flooded through the gates, Lee was then knocked off his feet and when he fell to the ground the people stopped..they dropped the weapons they carried and helped Lee back up, and then bowed infront of him, Lee rubbed the back of his neck 'Why are you all doing this?' questioned Lee looking confused 'Prince Lee....we want to fight in the war....we want to avenge Sorian......we will follow you into battle....lastnight you showed us that we have not lost our King, because of what you did we have regained our hope...our light.....we see our King in you,' spoke a towns men Lee stepped back, 'Why do you bid me such high praises....I haven't done anything to deserve this kindness,' 'Prince Lee....we believe in you....we believe in you and the others and the two that stand with you....you have all shown such bravery in such a dark time....we want to return that bravery and courage by lending you all our courage and souls...Please let us fight, you have all give us the will to fight,' Lee looked at the towns people and looked at Alvadon who smiled at him 'Then let Those beasts hear the courage of SORIAN!!!!!......,' roared Lee as he drew his sword and held it high, 'WE WILL FIGHT FOR VALAHRIA!!!,' The crowd then stood up and roared over and over again.........Lee smiled[/COLOR] _________________________________ [COLOR=DarkGreen]Ceremony of Knights..... ___________________________ Lee stood in the throne room with Alvadon 'Because of there bravery and courage....it has to be done,' spoke Lee, 'I want it to be held in the courtyard,' 'Ok Prince Lee,' smiled Alvadon Whispers were heard throughout the crowd of Sorian and amougst the medallion holders as everyone was called to the courtyard, Lee stood on the pedestal in his war armor...an armor which glistened in the sun, it was of Blue, Green, Gold and White. He hushed the crowd 'Today...we medallion holders will ride for Vorn Plains,' Lee spoke out, the crowd looked upon Lee in shock....everyone knew that Vorn Plains were beyond the Valahrian Boundaries, 'Don't dismay....we go in search of aid for this battle and we will succeed!!,' The crowd stopped whispering and listened 'People of Sorian...your strength will be needed here...to keep Sorian alive and well and this i intrust in you, when we return we will bring down Thorain and fight for Valahria, we will join as one!!,' spoke out Lee, the crowd roared in agreement, 'Although we leave don't fall because we have gone....stand strong for us...stand with hope and not fear...we will return,' The crowd roared again 'Now...Kayin Cloud and Jessica Lanyca please come forth and stand before me,' spoke Lee as he looked at them with such seriousness in his eyes, everyone looked at each other in confusion and whisperes were exchanged as Jessica and Kayin slowly walked towards Lee who drew his sword as they stood before him 'Kneel down,' spoke Lee, Kayin and Jessica looked at each other and then got down on one knee, 'Kayin Cloud, Yesterday you had shown bravery and courage and aided us in a time of darkness when you could of stayed back...and for this loyalty, willingness and courage your name will be heard throughout the great Kingdoms and spoken upon the land of Valahria forever as Sir Kayin Cloud...Knight of Sorian,' spoke Lee loudly as he pressed the flat part of the blade upon the right shoulder of Kayin and then moved it to the left side and then placed it on his head 'Rise Sir Kayin Cloud Knight of Sorian,' spoke Lee as Kayin rose from the ground and the crowd cheered Lee then turned to Jessica 'Jessica Lanyca, Yesterday you had also shown bravery and courage and aided us in a time of darkness when you could of stayed behind, The Kingdom of sorian is deeply sorry for your loss but stands proud for your courage and willingness to go on..because of your loyalty, willingness and courage your name will be heard throughout the Great Kingdoms and spoken upon the lands of Valahria forever as..........,' at that moment Lee stopped and looked at Alvadon wondering what you call a female knight..Lee shrugged his shoulders and continued, 'As.....Lady Jessica Lanyca...the first Sorian Female Knight,' spoke lee out as he repeated what he did to Kayin 'Rise Lady Jessica Lanyca Knight of Sorian,' spoke Lee as Jessica rose slowly and the crowd cheered Kayin and Jessica stood looking around as the people roared their names something they never thought anyone would do... 'But we are commoners,' spoke Jessica 'No, in the eyes of the people and I...you are loyal and courageous heros,' spoke Lee as he gave them both a warm smile[/COLOR]________________________________________ [COLOR=Navy]Departure _______________________ The crowd watched the medallion holders, the wizard and knights prepare themselves for the journey, they mounted thier horses and what ever they were riding and slowly make their to the kingdom gates 'Ride with courage!!,' called the towns people as they threw them white flowers 'Prince Lee come home to us!!!,' they roared, 'All ride safe and strong and return to us!! return to Valahria!!!!!,' 'Be strong!!!,' roared Lee as they stopped outside the kingdom and looked back 'RIDE SAFE!!!!,' the crowd roared back with tearful eyes but with hope in them. Lee looked at the others and gave a wicked smile, 'Lets ride!!,' he roared as he took off southward with the roars and cheers bellowing out from the Kingdom[/COLOR] OOC: Yes Long again...had to put in the knighting ceremony.
  16. The death of King Sorian ______________________________ When they returned to Sorian...there were no cheers.....no horns of victory, the people looked on as there King clutched his side..his face pale and his eyes dark, blood had now soaked his clothing..... They all climbed the staircase to the palace, King Sorian had straightened himself up and sat boldly in the saddle, they stopped in the courtyard Lee slid out of the saddle watching his father carefully, at that moment his father swayed in the saddle as the palace gates were closed, people stood outside the gates....in silence Lee's heart jumped as his father fell from the saddle 'No!,' exclaimed Lee as he ran across the courtyard...everyone stood frozen as they watched Lee manage to catch the falling King, Alvadon was there in in seconds Rain began to pour down as Lee held his father 'It's ok...we'll get you inside...' whispered Lee as he fell to his knees, the king then looked up at him with a smile rimmed with blood 'My son...,' smiled the King his eyes darkening even more Lee brushed the hair out of the kings eyes, 'Father....please,' 'My son...it is your duty to protect this kingdom....I am old, I have lived out my life....and it has come to an end...but yours will start here,' smiled the King faintly 'How do I do that?....without you.....How can I fill your shoes..the ground you walked on this kingdom worshiped......What right do i have to take what is yours..what you built with your own bear hands,' whispered Lee his heart feeling heavy 'My son... you'll become a great king...I will always be with you....you don't need to fill my shoes....you don't need to prove anything..because in my eyes....you are a King,' smiled the King, 'the only thing I ask of you....is that you bestill your heart...it knows no fear..and Thorian will see that as a weakness, you have a kingdom to protect...don't fear your duty,' whispered the King as he raised his bloodied hand to Lee's face, Lee looked down at his father and watched the tears fall from his fathers eyes 'Father.....' whispered Lee 'Live for your people....Live for Valahria,' whispered the King, 'My son..I love you,' Lee watched the life disappear from his fathers eyes, he heard everyone gasp as they watched the Kings hand fall limp and land gently in the muddy water, Lee sighed deeply, Kissed his fathers forehead and with all the strength he had left, he stood up with his father in his arms, holding him tightly Alvadon then moved to Lees side 'Give him to me,' spoke Alvadon with tears in his eyes....Lees heart sank as he looked at the army who watched on in dismay, Lee slowly handed his father to Alvadon, 'Go speak to your people,' 'I don't...know what to say,' replied Lee as he looked down at the ground feeling embarrassed 'Say what you feel, they will listen and understand,' smiled Alvadon as tears rolled down his face, 'I will prepare the ceremony,' Lee looked around and then sumonded to the gurads to open the gates...as Lee took the pedestal..the army didn't know what was going on....the whole of Sorian had flooded in through the gates and waited in silence...confusion in there eyes Lee looked around..his face went red..he had never taken the pedestal before, he looked at the medallion holders..who hope was gone from their eyes...all hope seemed lost...what could he say...the crowd grew restless and began demanding for the King, their chanting grew louder 'Silence!,' lee's voice echoed around the courtyard....he stared at the crowd.as they bestilled their voices, 'People of Sorian....Your King has.....passed away, his life taken by an arrow of pioson,' The crowd gasped in horror...there faces turned ghostly...then came the crying, the wailing....the screams for their King, Lee then stepped down from the pedestal and walked inside....the crowd's cries echoed out of the kingdom and across the plains...rain poured down __________________________________ The ceremony ____________________ Alvadon had prepared the King, putting the King in his battle clothing and armor, Lee looked at his father laying on the bed, his face pale and his body cold, at that moment the coffin was brought in. Lee stood with the others, He hadn't spoken a word all night, you could still hear the cries from the Sorian people who stood outside demanding to see their King. They began to lift the king into the coffin, Lee looked at the men who were lifting the king, tears rolled down their faces, they were hesitating on putting the king in...they didn't want to see him in there... 'Stop,' spoke Lee as he walked over, 'Put my father down,' The men looked at Lee 'But prince..this is the only way we can do it to get the king up to the ceremony pedestal,' spoke a man wiping the tears away 'No, you have done enough..rest...I will carry him down..he is my father...I will carry him,' spoke Lee as he gave them a warm smile, he then walked over to the bed and with all his strength he lifted his father up into his arms, the men gasped 'But prince Lee..he is too heavy for you,' spoke the other man 'He is my father...I will carry him,' spoke Lee as he walked to the door, the guards opened the doors and he walked out...they all followed. People fell silent when they saw Lee walk out of the palace with the King in his arms, Lee was struggling but he swore to himself that he will make it... 'People of Sorian...If I can't carry my own father to the Ceremony pedestal...then I will not become your King....because how can I rule in the place of this man...the man who gave you all hope....the one who built Sorian with his own hands...the one who raised me...How can i rule in his place..If I can not carry him,' spoke out Lee, the crowd looked on with tear filled eyes...and hope. Lee began the massive hike to the pedestal...the crowd of Sorian and the medallion holders followed, Lee struggled...his legs felt weak...sweat dripped from his brow but still he staggered on..halfway up the hill he collapsed, he was tired...it was a two mile hike up a 80 degree slope, he held his father tightly, everyone crowded around him, the people of Sorian ran to help him...but Alvadon stopped them, Lee could hear them calling out for him to carry on..but his hope was dieing...fast as he buried his face in his fathers chest 'STAND UP!!!,' roared Alvadon standing above him with a deep frown, Lee looked up 'I can't..I thought I could,' whispered Lee 'BULLSHIT!!!..NOW STAND UP....IF YOU FAIL NOW...YOU LET DOWN YOUR PEOPLE!!...THE KINGDOM....AND YOUR FATHER!!!...NOW STAND UP!!!,' roared Alvadon Lee looked down at his father...that was the one thing he couldn't do, he looked back and saw the people of Sorian..there faces looking toward him for hope but that was slowly fading.....it was dark..but yet he could see it, he then took a deep breath and lifted himself off the ground with his father his his arms....he groaned as he walked on...the people began to cry...for the loss and the gain..as they saw the hope in Lee as they walked on...at the same time they began to sing the eerie song of Sorian...a song that drifted around them..the song of Mourning and the rain fell, which made it harder for Lee to walk, He fell over twice, on the second time he took off his fur coat and put it over his father and carried on Finally they reached the top....Lee wearily placed his father on the wooden pedestal and then collapsed, even though the people cried they cheered as Lee pressed his head against the pedestal, the rain stopped. He then slowly rose, and then Alvadon began the ceremony as he smiled at Lee who pulled the coat off his fathers face but leaving it on him. Alvadon then finished the ceremony and Lee was hande the fire torch, cries for the people sang out 'Good bye....a Great Father......The King of Sorian....A king of Valahria,' whispered Lee loud enough for everyone to hear....as silence fell upon them...Lee looked at his father, kissed his forehead, 'I love you Father...and I'll miss you...we all will,' Lee stepped back, his hands shaking but he lit the pedestal, people crowded around and bowed to the Great King of Sorian with tears following from their eyes. Lee stood watching...no tears had fallen from his eyes...but a deep pain had set in his heart..but he couldn't show it..for the kingdoms sake...for everyones sake _____________________________________ The Task........ _______________________________ After the ceremony everyone was able to rest properly, the medallion holders, Kayin and Jessica sat in the thrown room, Lee sat at the foot of the throne with his back lent against it, his eyes distant and his mind seemed gone 'So what are we to do now?' Lee heard Aria question Lee then stood up, 'We continue to destroy Thorian...we stop him what ever it takes..we must stop him,' 'But we don't have much of an army, even if all of our Kingdoms joined together..we still wont have enough,' spoke James 'We didn't have much to start with anyway..but we can not give up, we must fight on,' spoke Lee At that moment Alvadon entered the room 'And you are right King Lee,' smiled Alvadon, Lee looked at him 'Alvadon, do not call me King..I have done nothing great to achieve that kind of respect,' spoke Lee, 'I will earn it...like how my whole family and ancestors have,' 'I was just testing it out,' smiled Alvadon, Lee smiled faintly at him, 'But Prince Lee you are right but then so is King James, which means we need more aid to help us,' 'But the Five Kingdoms are the only...' began Tellar but then was cut off 'No..the five kingdoms aren't the only places that hold army forces....Alvadon...aren't there Kingdoms beyond the five Kingdoms boundries?' spoke Lee looking at Tellar as if to say sorry for interupting 'Yes, and that is where we'll get our help from,' spoke Alvadon 'Beyond the boundries...noone has ever been beyond the boundries before,' spoke Ziarre 'No, but it must be done,' spoke Alvadon, 'and the first place we will go is Far south...to the Vorn Plains...the the Red Cliffs, home of the Giant Hawks, but we must be quick, it is a three day ride, we must keep our wits about us, its going to be dangerous..but it must be done, We ride tomorrow at noon, when everyone is well rested,' spoke Alvadon They all agreed. And then departed to their rooms. Before Lee returned to his bed he walked over to Jessica and Kayin 'Thank you for your aid,' he spoke softly and then turned to Jessica, 'And I'm truely sorry for your loss, I heard what happened,' Jessica looked at Lee and he gave a slgihtly warm smile then walked out Lee retired to his room and lay there on his bed, he missed his father....he missed him deeply..but he couldn't let it distract him...even though his heart ached he slowly drifted off into a deep sleep [COLOR=DarkRed]'I will find you...son of Sorian and I will find the others,'[/COLOR] the voice entered his head [COLOR=DarkRed]'I will have what should of been mine....I will have it all....Son of Sorian...I will have it....I will find you,' came the voice...a haunting laugh..suddenly there was a shadow.....a dark shadow...it reached out......it reached for the medallion..........[/COLOR] 'NOO!,' called out Lee as he sat up and looked around clutching the medallion in his hand, he frowned angrily into the dark, 'Dammit!...you will not have it,' Lee flopped back down on the bed. He drifted in and out of sleep. until dawn hit and he was up, he had a wash, and got dressed into his armor and walked down the corridor..he passed his fathers room and slowly ran his hand across the doors and carried on, he walked down the stairs and out into the courtyard, the sun had began to rise up from behind the mountains.......he then walked up to the ceremony pedestal.....the pedestal was cleaned and his ashes were taken into the burial vault for the royals of Sorian, he then sat on the edge which looked down on the palace courtyard, and the kingdom, he just sat there....waiting for the breakfast bell..which shouldn't be too long. Lee gazed out across the land...wondering when everyone was going to get up....suddenly the bell rang...Lee stood up looked back at the pedestal, his heart pained badly..but he didn't show it...he then walked down the hill to the palace....he then saw Ziarre 'Sleep well?' he questioned as he looked at her but at that moment Veradon appeared beside him and nudged him in the back OOC: Excuse the long thread but I had to write up three parts.
  17. Lee didn't say anything while Robin spoke. when she finished he watched Gray take off without waiting for anyone else. {Syn lets ride} Lee spoke to Syn, the white horse reared up and took off with such speed, the only thing anyone actually saw was a white haunting streak as they disappeared into the dark dense woods with a white panther following close behind them and something that wasn't visible pushing apart the trees. Lee could still hear the screams in his head...as they ventured further away from the warzone his mind became alot clearer and settled...it felt soothing. [Master Lee...please rest at the town...] spoke Dusk {My mind never rests....} spoke Lee Dusk looked up at Lee and then turned his attention back to the front ___________________________________ They stopped just on the out skirts of town, Lee slid off Syn wearily, something wasn't right he could feel it....something moved behind them Veradon growled and the hair on the back of Dusks body stood on end as he crouched down into a attack stance, Lee slowly turned around as he did that a horde of beasts jumped them, they were deformed and smelt of the swamp, One beast jumped at Lee pinning him against a rock slab, its claws dug into his shoulders, Lee managed to draw his sword and lunged it through the heart of the beast as it was about to rip off Lee's head, Dusk ripped one of the beasts apart 'Damn beasts!,' growled Lee as he took out another with his sword which sung violently At that moment a beast grabbed him from behind and dragged him back into the woods, he tried to kill it with his sword but as he disappeared into the darkness he was lifted off the ground and shook violently until he dropped the sword, it landed on the ground with a thud, The creature was huge at least stood at twenty feet, it held Lee in its claws trying menacingly to tear him apart, at that moment the beast was attacked by Veradon who torn the beast to the ground while it held Lee tightly Veradon became wild and out of control as he tried desperately to grab Lee suddenly Veradon let out a shrill cry 'Veradon NO!!,' called Lee as a white mist rose hauntingly from the ground and the sky grew dark 'VERADON!!!,' called out Lee as a mad rush of spirits rose from the ground and flew down from the sky, the red eyed spirits lifted the beast off the ground and crushed it against the trees with Lee still in his grip, the beast was thrown about and torn up with ease as Veradon let out another haunting cry, blood was splattered everywhere and Lee was flung from it's grasp with such force that his body smashed against a thick oak...when it was over there was nothing left of the beasts or the enivronment of trees and stone when the spirits had finished, they had created a huge mile wide and mile long path with pieces of the beasts scattered everywhere Lee slowly sat up as Veradon, Dusk and Syn ran towards him to see if he was alright He was deeply grazed down one side of his body, his rib cage was bruised badly from the impact of both hits and pale red blood ran from his mouth, his blood also stained his armour and clothes [Master Lee...] whispered Veradon as he appeared in form as they gathered around him, Veradons appearance was beautiful as Lee looked at Veradon..Veradon didn't appear the way he thought Veradon was....Veradon was a female!!!.....From her torso up Veradon was human but from there down Veradon had a lions body and she was slender and stunning, Her hair was white and long and stopped midway down her back...her eyes where a pale blue....and she had pale skin and fangs, around her body she wore a white fur vest..she was beautiful and amazing to look at...Lee couldn't stop stearing at her...this was the first time anyone or anything amazed him 'Veradon...why didn't you tell me that you were female...after all this time?,' questioned Lee as she put her head down 'You never asked' she spoke softly with a smile, 'and I was frightened that you may think less of me because me being a female,' 'Veradon..I could and would never think anything less of you,' spoke Lee 'Thank you master,' she spoke, 'Are you alright?' Lee had forgotten about the pain until she questioned his condition, 'I'm ok...just don't do that again...well not while I'm being held by something that you want to kill,' Veradon smiled, 'Yes Master,' Veradon then began to fade when Lee spoke out 'I wish you wouldn't hide yourself' whispered Lee as she stopped fading, 'You know I wished you wouldn't do that,' 'I know...but I'm just....' she spoke her voice fading 'i know....if you want you can...but I wish you wouldn't,' spoke Lee 'For you...i wont hide...,' she spoke softly They then entered the town, Lee limped slowly, everyone looked at them, Veradons movements were hauntingly graceful and mesmerised those who steared at her 'Master Lee...they keep stearing,' spoke Veradon 'Don't worry about them, just egnore them,' Lee smiled softly for a moment..a smile only they see..and then it turned back to the way it always was OOC: Hope this is ok amgoddess..pm me if it isn't
  18. OOC: Now thats what I call Imagination!...very impressive!!....hope you all can keep it up...cheers!...amgoddess..thats cool...I enjoyed Dragon Riders! IC: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Lee fought hard, although he grew tired he wasn't about to give up, battle raged around him, he could hear Veradon running down the creatures of Thorian... King Sorian then joined Lee's side, Lee looked around in the mist of all the fighting, he could see Ziarre not far from him fighting with pleasure in her eyes, he saw Tellar fighting his hardest and his best..such strength for one who was wounded badly, James was also not far from him also fighting with determination, Aria also never held back as well as Jessica and Kayin very bold as he swung his sword and cut down a creature...Everyone was growing tired...while the hordes kept coming....... Lee swung his sword and slashed through a creature's mid-section cutting it in half, blood splattered all over him but he quickly moved on to the next without hesitation as he swung his sord again...but it was stopped by a creature who held a shield and a sword, their swords clashed a couple of times...while their swords were locked together and with his free hand Lee smashed the creature in the frace with a fist, he felt bones crack against his knackles and he repeated that twice before the creature dropped it's sword and howled in pain, blood running down its deformed face, Lee then spun around with his sword and cut the creatures head off without any mercy, its head left its shoulders with force behind it and landed infront of a horde that ran towards him...they stopped dead in their tracks. lee ran towards them with his sword raised high At that moment something caught his attention out the corner of his eye, he turned to see a purple arrow glisten....it was aimed at his father who fought only meters away from him...noone had seen it.... 'FATHER!!!!!,' roared Lee his voice traveled arcoss to his fathers ears who turned...Lee tried to get to him, tried to storm his way through the battle..Lee's heart raced The arrow was released...Lee then drew his bow..quickly kissed the tip..loaded...and fired...the arrow whistled through the air....the pruple arrow struck his father....while the arrow of Sorian struck down the creature who fired it....Lee looked at his father who stood stearing at him...the purple arrow enlodged in his side.....it was a moment where everything seemed to be gone as they steared upon each other...there was no sound....only silence..he watched his father smile..grip the arrow and tear it from his side..the King broke it in half and raised it above his head 'FOR VALAHRIA!!!!,' roared the King, His voice powered over the battle and the Sorian army roared as they found strength in the Kings voice Lee then quickly put away his bow and drew his sword...in anger he swung the sword as his mind returned to now..the battle...he struck down those who ran at him and anything that stood close by which wasn't or their army The Creatures were depleting fast...as they fought back with everything they had...Alvadon appeared on the horizon and joined the fight with another army of Sorian fighters....it was the women....they couldn't sit back and watch the men go out and fight...they had to join.... This caused all creatures to flee from the area...as the women brutily slaughtered anything that stood between them and their husbands...their sons...their families...This battle was over....but it was only the beginning........ Lee was down on one knee leaning against his sword surrounded by blood shed and torn bodies..human and creature..Lee looked around at the others who were just finishing off what was left..and he saw his father redrawing his sword from the back of a creature...The kings face was pale...his eyes were dim and dark...his wound left a huge trail of blood running from his side which stained his clothes more than what the creatures did 'Father....are you alright?' whispered Lee as he walked towards him, The King turned with a smile 'My son..I am fine..we shall all return to the Kingdom,' spoke the King as he turned to the army Lee looked down at the ground and saw the arrow which struck his father....a normal arrow but bathed in pioson....which gave it the purple tinge...Lee looked at his father who spoke to the army which stood before him....knowing what was to come...Lee looked at Alvadon and slowly advanced towards the wizard 'Alvadon...the arrow,' whispered Lee with a frown 'I know Prince Lee....but....,' spoke Alvadon Lee put his head down, 'I know....' he whispered as he mounted Veradon and followed behind the King as they left for the palace with the army following slowly[/COLOR] OOC: Ok when we get back to the palace that is were the tasks will be given...OK..if you have any problems or concerns about the tasks pm me
  19. Lee looked around unphased by the bloodied boodies which lay about them, at that moment his head filled with screams from those who were killed, Lee closed his eyes for a moment and put away his sword and spear, [Master...are you alright?' questioned Dusk who walked up beside him {I am fine} replied Lee coldly, his eyes turning back to their original colour as he slowly walked up to beside Robin but he never said a word..He gave no name but silence as he listened to the screams in his head
  20. Lee stood watching the crowd silencing themselves by the comotion coming from the gates of Sorian. 'I won't be long,' spoke Lee as he called to the black steed Veradon, he mounted the beast and they took off down to the gates to find a lady waiting, around her neck was the fire medallion 'So finally you have arrived,' spoke Lee as he slid off Veradon 'Not by choice,' she growled fuming by something that upset her 'Follow me,' growled Lee and she followed them up to the palace. As they came before the doors of the castle Alvadon stepped out 'Ziarre,' spoke Alvadon At that moment the area became hot Lee slid down from his steed with a deep frown upon his face 'I'd cool that temper now if I were you...Fire holder,' spoke Lee coldly Fire burned in her eyes 'You are here to fight for Valahria and your home....not for your own personal problems...there is something more important than your own grudges,' spoke Lee as he walked passed her Alvadon looked at Ziarre and slowly shook his head which hung low as they all entered the palace King Sorian sat waiting for them in the throne room 'Now that you are all here...we must discuss this matter,' spoke the King from the throne, 'and it is good to see you with us princess of sorcerers,' 'So Father, what shall we do?' questioned Lee At that moment before King Sorian could speak a guard once again bursted through the doors in dismay 'King Sorian please excuse my intrusion, a village east of here is under attack by Thorians's army they send for aid!!...there is said to be a thousand unspeakable creatures,' spoke the guard as he tried to catch his breath 'What!,' spoke the King his voice echoed throughout the hall, 'Get ready the army!...we go to battle!!,' At that moment they all rushed from the palace, the men of Sorian gathered to give aid, women set up posts within Sorian township and gave out medical supplies, food supplies and anything else that they needed, everyone was given a horse They all waited as the King rode out on a white horse beside him was Alvadon 'Father your not serious,' spoke Lee 'My son I am...I will not stay behind while my people fight for cause..I will fight with you,' smiled the King Lee looked at his father who sat boldly in the saddle and held his sword high 'My people!!....and those who aid Sorian!....Let us show Thorian that we will not fear his wars!!..Let us show him the courage of our hearts....Reunited!!.....We'll fight for the freedom of Valahria!!!!!!!,' roared the King as he took off out the gates and five hundred followed with battle crys and thunderous roars from the horses hoofs hitting the ground. _________________________________________________ They arrived at dusk as the battle was beginning to end with the village being burned, people began to flee and scream as they all looked down, the creatures that covered the land began roaring in victory...then it was silent....as they realised an army stood upon a hill 'There are so many of them,' spoke James, 'And yet we are only a few,' 'Yes...but we are medallion holders,' spoke Aria as she spreed her wings, 'and we will bring them down At that moment Lee then drew his sword 'Son wait!,' cried the King as Lee took off towards the sea of creatures 'For Valahria!!!,' roared Lee as he raised his sword high and the Sorian army followed him They rushed down the hill at a tremendous speed Lee was the first to clash with the beasts, his sword drew first blood
  21. Lee, King Sorian and Alvadon then entered the room of where the others stood talking with the man and women 'What is going on here?' questioned King Sorian looking a little confused by the two that stood with the medallion holders At that moment the two strangers knelt down infront of the king 'We are here to asist you King Sorian..we want to fight in the battle,' spoke the man as they both looked up 'Please, stand up,' smiled the King, the tow looked at each other and slowly rose from the floor, 'Why do you wish to fight?...why would you put yourselves in harms way when it is not you they are after?' 'I want to fight for my family..for my father,' spoke the women 'And well...I fight for my sister...I want to rid this world of what ever darkness is ready to consume it..I don't want my sister to grow up in a place filled with war...I want her to live in this world the way it is now,' spoke the man The King then turned to Lee who stood showing no reaction to their request 'My son...you will be king soon...what do you think?' questioned the King Lee looked at his father with deep concern in his blue eyes then turned his attention back to the other two without any emotion shown 'What are your names?' Questioned Lee as he walked towards them 'I am Jessica,' spoke the women 'And I am Kayin' spoke the man Lee studied them for a moment, silence filled the room 'For your bravery and willingness to fight with reason....then I see no reason why you cannot fight...,' spoke Lee coldly as he put out his hand towards Kayin, Kayin looked at his hand and then shook it, 'Thank you for aiding us,' Lee then turned to Jessica and put out his hand and Jessica took it, 'Thank you for aiding us,' 'So does this mean we are in?' questioned Kayin Lee gave them a slight nod And Kayin and Jessica bowed to Lee and the King 'Thank you,' they both spoke in sync 'It is us who thank you,' spoke Lee but in a more softer tone At that moment one of the guards bursted through the doors 'Great King! Please excuse me for my intrusion but..the crowd has grown more violent..they want to know what is going on!,' They rushed out to find the crowd pushing and shoving the gurads who wouldn't allow them to pass, 'My people!..please bestill your impaitent minds,' called the King as the crowd settled 'Great King what is going on..we stand here in the dark because you say nothing...please King speak,' called one of the townsfolk The King looked at Alvadon who gave him a slight nod 'You all have heard the legend of Thorian Wrath,' spoke out the King The crowd whispered and nodded 'He has risen, his men have taken over the Gates of Valahria and are now searching for the medallion holders...Thorain Wrath will not stop until he has found them all and he will bring down anyone....all of Valahria is in grave danger!,' spoke the King with a hint of saddness The towns people gasped at what was said 'Great King does this mean the Sorian will go to battle?' questioned a man from the crowd 'Yes it does..if needed which it will,' spoke the King 'Then we shall asist you...for all that you have done...we will stand beside you!!!!,' the crowd roared, 'We will stand against the bastards who threaten our lands!..who threaten our King....who threaten our Prince!!...We will fight for Valahria and its many Kingdoms!!!!!!!!!!!' Tears rolled down the Kings face as he looked on at the people of Sorian who raised their arms and roared for their Kingdom Sorian. 'Father...we must start planning now if we are to win against Thorian,' spoke Lee 'But the fire medallion isn't here yet,' spoke the King 'I know...hopefully it will be,' spoke Lee as they all looked down at the crowd that roared. [B]OOC: Please excuse the waiting, we are still awaiting amgoddess's post into the story and then we can begin...[/B]
  22. The crowd that gathered around in looked confused with everything...they all demanded to know what was going on....why the medallion holders are here... 'Alvadon....there is medallion holder missing,' spoke Lee as he stood by the great wizard 'She will be here...the sorceress will be here,' spoke Alvadon Lee turned to gaze at the others 'What are we going to do?' questioned Aria 'There's not much we can do until the bearer of the fire medallion arrives,' spoke Lee as he watched the crowd, whispers were passed around them as they grew restless 'My son, I must speak with you,' spoke the King Sorian Lee looked at Alvadon and the others and then walked over to his father, they then walked to the other side of the courtyard 'What is?' questioned Lee 'I am getting old my son...soon it'll be time to hand over the thrown,' smiled King Sorian as he placed a firm hand on Lee's shoulder 'Father...you can't be serious,' spoke Lee in disbelief 'Oh but I am...,' smiled the King 'Not....now,' whispered Lee 'No, but the time will come...the time will come' spoke the King with a deep sigh 'Father what are you talking about?' questioned lee with a hint of demand The King just smiled 'Father...I am not worthy enough to rule such a place...' whispered Lee 'That is only what you think my son...it isn't what lies in your soul,' smiled the King Lee didn't respond, so many things rushed through his mind 'Something is bothering you?....I see it written on your face..tell me,' Lee then pulled out his medallion and took it off, they both gazed at it 'I know not what it does...noone knows,' spoke Lee looking strangely confused 'You will,' spoke the King 'It's been dormant for one hundred years....what if it doesn't work anymore?' 'Don't under estimate it my son...it may be dormant..but it is very powerful,' 'But it's not like the other elements....I know I was taught never to under estimate it...I guess I just don't know enought about it,' spoke Lee 'Noone does...that medallion is a mystery...last time it was used was one hundred years ago...and that was it, all we here are tales of what it did...noone but the one who last used it knows what it can do...My guess is...you'll have to wait and see,' Lee looked down at the medallion, 'Please aid me...please aid us all' he whispered as he kissed the stone His father smiled and they walked back to the others and Alvadon with a crowd that grew bigger
  23. Hey thanks for all that. I did get it sorted and cleaned my computer....where they came from I really don't have a clue??????????????????....It was only OB I logged into....but oh well...although it is pretty funny..LOL, I'm still stumped on where it came from though...it proberly was my email..but I hadn't gone into it. I used AVG virus detector to get rid of it...very glad about that..although it took me most of the night...lol Oh well thanks for the replies and help!..please excuse the way I posted this thread...didn't mean for it to come out like that and sound confusing or what ever.
  24. 100 years later... [COLOR=RoyalBlue]{ I will rise....i am coming to claim whats mine!!!} [/COLOR] echoed a voice in his head as he lay in the lust green grass of the Sorian plains [COLOR=RoyalBlue]{One hundred years...I have waited for this...One hundred years....I rise to take what should be mine!!!} a dark figure danced above him...the dark figure reached out....[/COLOR] 'No!!,' Lee bolted up from his slumber in the medow, clutching his chest and breathing heavily he looked about him with one hand on his sword, 'A dream....but yet so real...' His blue eyes blinked and he fell backwards letting his arms stretch out, a warm breeze blew gently passed his face and he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. At that moment a white dove landed on his chest, he opened his eyes and looked at the dove, around it's foot was a message with the seal of Sorian on it, Lee took off the message and the dove flew away. He opened it, it red: [COLOR=Indigo][I]My son, Return to Sorian Kingdom, at once Sighed King Sorian[/I][/COLOR] Lee frowned, his father had never requested him home before...it was strange 'Veradon!,' he hollared out over the pasture, within an instance a black steed ran towards him, its coat glistened in the suns light, The huge steed galloped towards him without stopping, Lee grabbed hold of the main and lifted himself on while the beast was in full speed, Lee landed in the saddle and grabbed the reins as they took off 'Veradon, make haste for home,' spoke Lee. Sorain Kingdom was imbedded into the Shadarian Mountains, flags of Sorian flew high and a horn was sounded when Lee approached the gates, the gates opened and without stopping they pased threw at full speed, galloping through the township and up the long twisting stair case the lead up to the Sorian Castle which stood strong and grand Lee dismounted his horse as it pulled to a hault outside the doors of the castle where his father and another man stood pacing the ground 'Father?, why have you sent for me?' questioned Lee as he approached them 'My son, this is Alvadon...Guardian Wizard of the Gates of Valahria,' spoke the King 'Gates of Valahria...isn't that the gates to Graedia...the gates..that...' spoke Lee as his voice trailed off as he looked at the wizard 'Yes,' spoke the Wizard, 'That is the gate way to Graedia..and this is the reason why I am here,' Lee studied the wizard who stood before him, his features were stern but he had kind green eyes, his hair and beard was long and white and so were the clothes he wore, he was a tall man in his late forties or he could be older because of his wizardry 'Speak,' spoke Lee growing anxious of what was happening 'The Gates of Valahria have been over run.....Thorian Wrath has risen,' spoke the Wizard 'WHAT!,' growled Lee , 'But how?....Those gates....' 'I know, an army of creatures from the Island Graedia came....too fast for just me to stop...everyone there was whiped clean, I managed to escape, I ran to give warning to those who hold a medallion, Thorian has sent out his Shadow riders to find all of those who hold a medallion..esspecially the one you hold, he hungers for the medallion of four elements..spirit, soul, light and dark, although he doesn't know where you all are...he soon will..and if we aren't ready and you all arent ready..he will take what he wants....and he will rule over Valahria,' explained Alvadon Lee then turned and walked to the ledge which over looked the Sorian township below, he clutched the medallion which he wore around his neck in his hand, the medallion was bigger than the palm of his hand, it had a black crystal stone in the middle of it set in a gold trim, the trim was a strange design but noone knew what it meant, in the middle of the crystal there was a dark blue Saphire. The huge medallion hung from a thick gold chain...it was heavy to others except Lee. As Lee looked down on the township Alvadon walked up beside him 'I know you hear him,' spoke Alvadon, 'You've heard him for a while,' Lee's face turned red as he casted his eyes in the oposite direction 'Yes...although...I didn't know that it was him,' spoke Lee as he then turned his attention on the wizard, 'What are we to do?' 'Don't worry about that, messages have already gone out to the other main kingdoms, they will arive soon,' spoke Alvadon 'And what if they don't come?' questioned Lee 'Then they will die, Thorian has grown strong and wise over these past hundred years..this battle will not be easy and we will all need to join together once again...all kingdoms will need to join together if we are to win,' spoke the wizard as they looked down on the township [B]OOC: Ok medallion holders! you must come to Sorian Kingdom as for Kayin and ... you will already be there (only because you are both human) but you'll bein the crowd you must find away of meeting with the medallion holders or meeting with Lee and as soon as you are all there the adventure will begin!!. For the Medallion holders please keep in mind what I have pm'd you. Oh and by the way...the royal blue writting is Lee's dreams, as I said in the sign-up this is going to be hard but I think we can all pull this off[/B]
  25. OK Thanks everyone for signing up. Hope this goes well!. [B]SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED!!![/B]
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