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Heero Darkangel

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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel

  1. Hey does anyone know if it's possible to get a virus from OB!!!......I logged in and checked my messages and suddenly my virus detector just picked up the Trogen Virus....!!....Can you get a virus through messages????!!!!!!!!!!......if you can i suggested everyone do a virus check now!!!! Ok I think I may of gotten the virus through the smilies when someone sent me a pm...but I'll talk to one of the site directors...well James about that Ok before anyone gets the wrong Idea...OB isn't full of virus's..ok.....so please get mad...i'm just concerned...I'm trying to get rid of the damn thing!!..its a 16bit Trojan Virus...... Noone reply to this...it's just a warning message
  2. Ok!!...hugoxx has taken the water medallion, just awaiting for the sign-up from hugoxx....ALL MEDALLIONS ARE TAKEN....thanks everyone for joinning. I will start the story and close the sign ups as soon as hugoxx signs-up....ok, I will send out pm's to tell you when i've started this story.....hopefully those who hold medallions have a good imaginations
  3. Lee stood amongst the bodies he brought down, blood stained his arms and face as he turned around to see the wall of Ice {[B]Master more come[/B]} were the words that filled his head when Veradon spoke (Then we shall strike them down....by the spear of the mist.....we shall crush their souls) Lee replied They then ran at the demons that swarmed out from behind the woods, Lee stood and awaited them (Veradon....raise the souls of the underworld and bring these bastards down) smiled Lee demonically Veradon moved infront of Lee....he then howled into the dark...repeating this howl many times over.....until it became haunting and echoed across the battle grounds..at that moment eerie moans echoed with the howl of Veradon.....and became louder...red eyes appeared in the shadows....dark shadows rose up from the ground..the demons stopped in their tracks as the moans became louder....the demons snarled and then lunged at them....the spirits then retaliated and engulfed them....the demons screamed.....as they were devoured by the spirits.....Lee then mounted Syn who stood close by with Dusk, he drew his spear and they rode towards the remaining demons ripping through them with ease.....more spirits appeared and devoured many more demons.....Veradon attacked them crushing and tearing what ever he lay his claws on which threatened their lives... (Thank you Veradon) whispered Lee as he beheaded more demons Dusk knocked down a demon who was running towards Lee....his jaws locked on to the demons head and he shook it wildly, you could hear the crunching of bones between his teeth....and then suddenly....the body flew in an awkward angel while the head remained in his mouth.......and he repeated this over and over again...tearing and shredding a demon one by one
  4. Ty walked outside....his mind as far gone......his heart now at a stage where....all he cared about was gone.....and he couldn't concentrate on the job anymore...he looked at his guns..remembered what his life was like *BANG*.......a bullet shot through his skelp....killing the memorys that haunted him...why?.....because an assassin who can't concerntrate....is an assassin who's already dead.............. OOC: Ty is now dead......my character is gone from this story
  5. Lee watched as they all attacked the demons that stormed the inn, Lee wasn't the type to show any kind of fear or excitment, as he rose from his seat more demons smashed through the windows, the others rose with him...One demon landed on the table and looked at Lee, its fangs were like razor blades, its eyes were fearless and hungry....it let out of deep growl as Lee stared deep into it's eyes....and deep into its soul....Lee's eyes then turned a pale blue..the demon let out another growl 'Heed my words..those who threaten my life..i will kill.,' spoke Lee coldly The Demon growled and was about to attack lee when Lee suddenly drew The Devine Sword and cut the demons head off, the demon screamed in his head...although it made no sound before it was beheaded 'Veradon! Kill!' growled Lee as they joined the others, the sord sung its eerie tune everytime Lee swung it and it slashed its way through the demons that surrounded them At that moment two demons grabbed Lee from behind and threw him out the window..but they were the torn in half by Veradon and Dusk, Syn jumped out the window to aid Lee as he was then surrounded by demons Lee gave a slightly demonic grin but then it disappeared as he then ran towards them 'Spirits of mir..aid me..' he whispered as he flipped over a demons head, as he did that his eyes grew red...and a hundred or so spirits rose from the ground with haunting moans and screams they charged down the demons that he had flipped over tearing him apart and they followed closely behind Lee attacking anything that threatened his life, Syn galloped threw the demon mass tramping on them hard and growling as he went..his haunting cry sent a shiever through the demons bodies
  6. All very cool sign-ups..just waiting on a couple medallion holders and then we can start..ok..
  7. Lee looked around...so many had come in without him knowing.... {Elements.....I feel them...they're all element holders} spoke Dusk as the white ghostly Pantha lifted his head 'Why are they all hear?' questioned Lee, 'Why would elemental holders be all in the same room..let alone...a tavern....does fate hold a secret that we not know of? or is this a coincidence?' {Seems to be more fate than a coincidence...shall we go see?} questioned Dusk 'You know that i don't like crowds...' whispered Lee as he turned his attention back towards the window {Yes I know..but it might do that mind of yours some good...it might even take away the souls that haunt you..even if its for a little while} spoke Dusk as he stood up and nudged his nose against Lees leg 'That maybe true....but I haven't been around....other humans for a long time...nor have I spoken with one.......since....,' replied Lee as his voice faded out At that moment Syn and Veradon appeared beside them {[B]We couldn't sleep knowing that you were out here Master[/B]} Soke Veradon 'I'm ok,' whispered Lee {where'd they all come from} spoke Syn as they looked around and noticed all the other elementals sitting in the lounge 'I was wondering the same thing....I didn't see them come in,' spoke Lee as he too fixed his gaze upon the others in the room {You hardly notice anything anyway...apart from a fight and spirits} said Syn Lee didn't reply as he once again turned his attention back to the window {Master...one day..your eye's will be filled with warmth...and warm blood will flow through your veins..oneday we will not see that deep saddness, coldness in your eyes like many years ago} spoke Dusk as they looked at him 'That day is only a memory..and that day will only be a dream...for the future only holds many more ghosts for me,' spoke Lee as he didn't return their gaze
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: ..Ok scrub the first post I made..!![/COLOR] His blue eyes scanned the dark....something moves without sound and image beside him...he smiles...a smile only they see but know what truely hides behind it....something moves in the shadows..its ghostly appearance brings him comfort..they all do...a night breeze rushes past him..it is warm to his skin which is always cold to touch {You should rest}...came a voice so hauntingly in his head..but a voice he knew well 'No..I'm fine Syn,' he spoke as he stroked the steeds ghostly form from the saddle {Lee..you must rest} came the voice again 'Syn, I am fine...do not worry about me,' replied Lee as the great ghostly steed stopped Lee looked around and the ghost in the shadows walked over to them, It appeared to be walking on air as it approached him... {Syn is right, we all need to rest...we have been travelling for days} came a different voice..a voice so deep and distant like in his head 'Ok Dusk,' he spoke to the white pantha as he looked down upon it They carried on....walking along the path....he heard them....[I]screaming..wailing...begging[/I]....as they came upon a village....burned and flattened to the ground....they came again but stronger and louder....echoing in his head...it was like someone was pounding on the inside of his head....he closed his eyes tightly as the echoing became worse..clutching his head he opened his eyes..and there he saw....spirits...screaming, wailing....getting torn apart...He had seen this many times..but not as merciful as this....bodies were being torn in two..children were being swept of the ground and swallowed..... Lee lowered his throbbing head 'What the hell happened here?' he whispered into the night [B]{they have returned...the demons...only demons can cause this much distruction} [/B] came a husky, deep, ghoslty voice from his side...a voice that belonged to Veradon..the spirit Sphinx Lee slowly slide out of the saddle of the steed he called Syn....they followed 'So much blood...so many lives slaughtered...but for what purpose?' Lee questioned as they walked through the trampled village...walking around the many bodies that lay in pieces....the voices still screaming in his head The Pantha walked up beside him stepping carefully around the corpses {The demons have moved on...there is no movement here...nothing lives} Dusk growled 'We will find somewhere to rest' spoke Lee as they walked out of the village...the voices slowly fading from his head....and he closed his eyes and sighed as if he felt relief..but there was no relief after hearing and seeing what had happened...there was never any comfort in it Lee mounted his white steed Syn and looked back at the smouldering village...he could still see the ghostly visions of it all... 'Dusk...go search for somewhere to rest....,' spoke Lee as they walked along the track Within a few minutes Dusk returned to his side {There is a large travelling inn a few miles south from here where we can all rest} spoke Dusk through a telepathic link 'Good..thank you Dusk,' spoke Lee, 'Lets make hast,' To his right he could feel Veradon the sphinx...but couldn't see him, and to his left ran Dusk...his ghostly form darting in and out of the shadows...and the great white steed, Syn, which he rode... They stopped on a hill top over looking a huge Travelling tavern {that place is huge} came Syn's voice 'Yes...by the looks of it it's made for travellers like us,' spoke Lee The walked down the hill and stopped outside the huge doors, Lee slide out of the saddle..at that moment there was a shrill scream from behind them, Lee drew his sword within seconds to find an old lady passed out on the ground 'What the??' questioned Lee rubbing the back of his neck {I only looked at her} growled Dusk 'Come on lets go in, she'll come around,' spoke Lee tiredly as he pulled open the doors and they walked in...everything stopped as they entered the room..but Lee took no notice as he walked up to the counter 'Do you have any spare rooms?' questioned Lee hauntingly The man looked at him for a second and then looked at his book 'Ah..yes...we do,' replied the man bewildered by the ghostly appearance of Syn and Dusk 'Will they fit them?' questioned Lee 'Yes,' replied the man....at that moment the door opened and then closed but nothing was seen or heard coming in 'Don't worry..that ones with me,' spoke Lee...the man gave a slight nod as his face turned pale and he quickly handed Lee a key....Lee paid for the room and they carried on, as they walked down the hall there was a bar room on the left..there were many people in the room but the one that stood out the most was a girl...with a hound beside her..he had heard of her..but he had never met her Lee opened the door to his room and walked in, the three followed {Now we can rest for once without worry} spoke Syn 'I will return soon, you all rest,' spoke Lee as he opened the door {I will come with you} spoke Dusk as the other two lay down on some hay which was in the corner of the room Lee closed the door and proceeded back to the bar lounge...and they entered..suddenly it went quite...eyes gazed upon them..but Lee took no notice as they walked over to the bar and Lee sat down 'Ah...what would you like?' came a man's voice from behind the bar 'Ale,' replied Lee as the man poured him a glass...he paid for it and walked over to a table in the corner and sat down, Dusk curled up on the ground at his feet..but his eyes didn't close as they all gazed upon them {why don't they just ask?} questioned Dusk with a growl 'they are only curious Dusk..that is all, bestill your heart that hungers,' spoke Lee and an eerie tone as he looked around the room..and there he saw her again....his sad, cold eyes gazed upon her for a moment then turned back to gaze out the window into the night OOC: excuse the long post....
  9. One question??..where does the Sphinx come from seens how its spirit??..just wanting to know...I might of stuffed up my sign up
  10. OOC: Ok I don't know if I can post...but if there's anything wrong Amgoddess just give a holla!! IC: Lee had been travelling for days...his mind ached as if someone was beating on the inside 'Lee, you are tired, we should rest,' spoke Syn as the mighty steed pulled to a hault 'carry on,' spoke Lee coldly as he looked up and peared out over the land before them A growl echoed around them...eerie and ghostly 'Easy Veradon,' spoke Lee as he felt something move passed him..but couldn't see Veradon but he knew he was there At that moment screaming filled the air....and screaming filled Lee's head, Birds flew over the top of them in a mad rush......and animals darted from the woods, Lee looked around wondering what was going on....Screaming still filled his head making it pound Suddenly at his side...he stood 'Lee, Demons attack a village east of hear..just beyound the woods,' hissed a white Pantha looking up at him 'Syn make hast!!,' Lee's voice echoed chilingly as they took off through the woods... The screaming became even louder as they came out on a hill top looking down over a half burning village 'mmmm....time to fest,' whispered the white Pantha hungrily 'Dusk..this is no time to think about food.....think about it later,' spoke Lee, 'Lets go,' Syn reared up and then took off down the hill.....Lee then drew his Spear as they entered the Village...he jumped down from Syn who stampeeded through a horde of Demons, Verdon ghostly existence smashed his way through them with ease..but more came, Dusk took down a demon one by one Lee swung his spear and it sang its eerie tune and slashed open a demon who's shrill scream echoed around him....a demon suddenly came up from behind but then was crushed by Veradon...it seemed the more they killed, more would appear.... Lee then pulled his sword and with both Devine weapons in hand he made them sing....as he killed one after the other trying to shed some light in this dull moment OOC: I hope this is ok??....
  11. Yes it truely does sucks....I mean....why whould they accuse the lady of attempted murder when all she was doing was trying to defend her self...its absurd!!..and it makes me boil.....oh by the way..this happened in New zealand!!!
  12. Ok....amgoddess tell me if I've screwed up...I have permission to join from amgoddess....and I have permission to change the name........ *********** [B]Name:[/B] Lee Draedon [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Agenda:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachments, everything in picture..he stands at Six foot one, normally has saphire blue eyes but turn a cold pale blue when angered or in war [B]History:[/B] Lee grew up in a village which was situated high up on one of the highest mountains in Mir...they were called Thunders peak...these mountains were always capped with snow....it hardly saw any sun. Lee's parents died three years after he was born, he ended out living with a man called Serthon, this man taught him every thing he knows Serthon was a good friend of Lee's father, he trained Lee excellently in sword, Spare and Horse....Serthon was a great warrior but he was old now...and gave all he knew to Lee..he also gave Lee a sword and spare (I will explain them in the weapons part) At the age of 18....the village became attacked by a horde of red eyed mountain beasts and Serthon who tried to help the villages was killed brutely....Lees heart sank as he watched the only one he's ever cared about get mangled like a piece of meat by the beasts...and he snapped.....his eyes turned red as he called forth Veradon the Spirit Sphinx..and with it a wave of souls took out the beasts..slaughtering them until they died...sadest part..it also wiped out those who he was ment to save...Veradon left noone standing apart from Lee...leaving the place silent and cold....From then on he travelled around mir...stopping only for a rest...although rest was also hard to come by.... Now at the age of 25...he has become cold...and silent, and fears nothing...not even his own death....because in death....would be the only way he'd regain freedom from all those he killed........ [B]Element:[/B] Spirit ( this element can also be a burden only because when he enters or isn't far from where someone has died or a war has gone on..then he can hear the haunting sounds of screaming..yelling..etc.. from those who have fallen) [B]Elemental partner: [/B] Veradon the Spirit Sphinx, his appearance is ghostly, He can disappear and move without making a sound, most of the time he is invisible...but only Lee knows where he is and only Lee can sense him...he stands at 15 ft..he can sense when lee is in trouble [B]Weapons: A sword:[/B] it has a pale white ghostly blade and a dark blue handle....called the Devine White Sword made by the creatures of mist and soul and stands over a meter and a half long, This sword is known for its ghostly form... which sends a cold chill down anyones spine who casts their eyes upon it for the first time, it can cut through just about anything and never bluntens..the sword also sings an eerie tune when it is swung, the eerie tune is said to be those whos blood fell upon this blade in war...and the only one that can make it sing is Lee.... [B]A Spear:[/B] This spear is called the Devine Blue Spear also made by the creatures of mist and soul....it stands over two and a half meters long...it's handle is white but the tip is a light blue...also a ghostly form...when swung it is said that it reaches out well over 8 meters.....and can cut through nearly anything..it also sings an eerie tune when swung [B]Skills[/B]: Horse riding, Sword, Spear, unarmed combat....Lee is fast on his feet and is wiry, he has alot of stamina and is quite strong for his size, he trains everyday...all day if he could [B]Spells[/B]: Anything to do with spirits and souls....(I would explain but I'm trying to hurry) Companions: A pure white ghostly Panther: Dusk, on all fours he's 4'5"..with pale blue eyes..only answers to Lee..can sense when he is in trouble A pure white ghostly horse: Syn, 19 hands high....with pale blue eyes..only answers to Lee..can sense when he is in trouble I think its right????
  13. Ok I've been thinking about this for sometime now...I don't know if anyones done a thread like this before..but I'll try it Ok a while ago ( i can't remember when it happened so i can't give any time lines) I was watching the news on t.v...i was really bugged about one of the news reports...you see there was a lady ( i think she was a sercurity guard..I can't remember too well)...who was attacked and beaten by two or three men...she defended herself by pulling out her gun and she shot one of them in the leg...and she was had up for attempted murder....while her attackers got let off with a warning (I think) There have been a number of cases where someone has either defended their lives...or defended what they worked hard for by using a weapon..whether its a gun, knife, stick..whatever and have been charged for doing the wrong while their attacters are set free What i'm trying to get at is....what else are you ment to do when your own life hangs on a thread of existence and extinction....there's no way in hell you can make a call to the police when your getting your arse kicked!..... So I'd like to know what your opinion is on this and what you'd do in a situation like that...would you stand there and get you arse kicked or even get murdered or would you stand up for it all? my opinion...I would of done exactly the same if I was in a situation like that, I too would pulled the trigger if anyone attacked my existence and tried to kill me..but I would of aimed for the head only because I know that I'd be charged..so i would of made it good and gone down for a murder not an attempt...noone threatens my life and gets away with it.
  14. There really is no point...only that its a Gundam wing wish list...for others to see what I think they might be wishing for christmas..its kind of like a fan fic (Fan fic's i've only just started learning about)...I've proberly got'n their wish lists wrong because I don't really know much about them and their personalities...it's more or less something to read kind of thing...I was bored
  15. Well..I was bored..I had nothing to do....so I thought I'd write out this seens how its getting close to christmas.....don't know if this is ok....and I don't know what the gundam boy's attitudes are..but it was fun [COLOR=DarkRed]Heero's wish list: Santa, I want: 1# Gun 2#Ammo 3#Parts for my suit ( so I don't have to steal Duo's) 4#Gun...I think i've already stated that 5#Death I will kill you... Heero[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Duo's Wish list: Dear Santie!! Hey whats up man..anyway..I would like 1#..."there's so much to choose from.......um.." 2#... I'm really excited....I don't know what to choose 3#...Um.....ah.....I can't think.....mind over load!! 4#....I want so much.....ah......my head hurts..... 5# Dammit!! I need new parts....Heero stole mine!....... Thanks Duo[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Wu Fei's wish list: Santa are you there!!!!..can you hear me!!! I want! 1#..For Duo to **** up!!.. 2#...dunno....friends..(Don't Laugh!!) 3#..I can't believe I'm writing a wish list!!! 4#..I don't believe in christmas!!!! 5#...I want a gun so I can shoot Duo!!..Damn his mouth..damn you!!! You mention this to anyone and I'll hunt you down like the rat you are!! Wu Fei[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Trowa's wish list: Dear Santa.. I would like... 1# A new Mask 2# Wu fei to shut up 3# Bigger pants for my act in the circus..(the others are abit tight..especially when i need to do flips) 4#something for my sister 5#and I lost part of my memory....have you seen it? Thank you Trowa[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Quatres Wish list: Dear Santa I would like..if you don't mind 1#for everyone to get along this christmas 2#For Heero to at least smile on this occassion instead of raising his gun (he rarely does....if he does smile its usually for something synical and pshycotic) 3# For Wu Fei to stop yelling..(he has a bad temper) 4# Duo to stop annoying everyone 5# Trowa....well...to talk..(he hardly talks) Thank you Santa Quatre[/COLOR]
  16. This is the underground of my new story..Valahrias Burden....in the adventure inn: [COLOR=Indigo][I]Valahrias Burden is something I created with a mix of Lord of the rings....but instead of a Ring...there are medallions which hold a unique element...earth, fire, wind and water....these medallions were made by four wizards, each wizard was given a medallion and with that medallion they put into it their own elemental ability....then they created the fifth medallion and within this medallion they each placed an element that didn't correspond with their own elements....so the fifth medallion held the elements of Spirit, Soul, Light and Dark......These medallions were then seperated and given to the Five Main Kingdoms....The Elf Relm, Dwarf Relm, Fiary Relm, Sorcerer Relm and the Human Relm But there was one who disapproved of all this.......Thorian Wrath... A man who was raised by the four wizards...teaching him all they knew.....he wanted the Fifith Medallion and longed for it...in his mind he thought that it would be given to him....but he was sadly mistaken....for the Fifth Medallion was passed down to the King of The Human Relm...King Sorian....Thorian Wrath became cold and bitter and tried to steal the Fifth Medallion but was caught and then banished to Graedia Island... Graedia island....an Island situated off the shores of Valahria...an Island where no man or creature would ever survive....but..Thorian did....he survive out of rage, betrayal and jealousy.....he turned it into a kingdom....a kingdom of pure evil...there he created an army and sought out to find the fifth medallion and if lucky to claim the other four medallions but...he lost the war....and was banished to Graedia Island with no return But now 100 years later....he rises......he wants what wasn't his..........[/I][/COLOR] ______________________________-- this story had been in the making for a long time...I created it after watching the last part of Lord of the Rings....there is alot to it...and it may prove to be harder than I exepted only because the ones who have a medallion will be sent on quests....of their own ( for those without medallions will be sent on the quests to asset them)....which means that they need to be very creative and have a good imagination...and they need to be reliable........ I'm hoping that this story goes well and turns out better than what i hope for..you may comment how ever you like on this story...I appreciate what ever you have to say on it whether good or bad..any questions feel free to ask!!!
  17. [COLOR=Green][I]One hundred years ago...Valahria's four wizards created the Medallions of Valahria..The Western Wizard held the element of Earth..there for he created the Earth medallion, The Southern Wizard held the element of Fire so he created the Medallion of Fire, Eastern wizard held the element of Wind and created the Wind Medallion and the Northern Wizard held the water element and created the Water Medallion....and then they created a fifith Medallion...a medallion that only those who they gave it too could unlock its power..a medallion that ruled over the other four....each wizard put in an element that didn't corresponde with their elements....so that medallion holds Spirit, Light, Soul and Dark ...as these were made and handed out to loyal and worthy guardians who these wizards knew that they could trust...they were handed out to the five main Kingdoms...Elf Relm was given the Medallion of Earth, Dwarf Relm was given the Medallion of Water, Fairy Relm was given the Medallion of Wind, Sorcerer Relm was given the Medallion of Fire and Human Relm was given the Medallion of Spirit, Soul, Light and Dark..... Within that time a warlord known as Thorian Wrath lived under the wing of the four wizards...and in his mind he thought that he would be given one of those medallions....and the one he wanted was the fifth medallion..the medallion of Spirit, Soul, Dark and Light....but he was wrong....and he grew angry, bitter and cold...in anger he went against all that the wizards had taught him and tried to steal away with the fifth Medallion but he was caught and then banished to Graedia....an Island off the shores of Valahria...a relm of black lands, dead twisted trees, dry rivers and lakes....no man or creature could ever survive there....but Thorian did...and there by using what the wizards had taught him he created a relm of evil...and within it an army of merciful creatures...ones that know no fear...and with that he fought against the wizards..but he wasn't strong enough and so they banished him forever with no return...... Now...100 years later.....Thorian rises and with him an army from hell...........[/I][/COLOR] _______________________________________ [B]I need good reliable posters...(your either in or your out....if you haven't posted for at least three or four days and you haven't given a reason why..then your character will be wiped from the story and if your a medallion holder then your medallion will go to someone else)[/B] [B]If you want to be a medallion holder then you must pm me first...first in first served...for the medallion holders there will be certain quests for you so you must have a good imagination and must be very reliable, Medallion holders come from royal blood and only royal blood, you must create your own Kingdom and tell me[/B] No halflings, no guns...this story is set in the days of fantasy so there is no technolodgy...so its armour, swords, staffs, horses etc..., plus we [I]aren't[/I] invincible ok so we can get hurt and bleed. [B]This RPG is rated M[/B] __________________________________________ [B]Medallions[/B]: [B]Spirit/Soul/Light/Dark[/B]: [B]This has been taken by my charcter[/B] [B]Fire medallion[/B]: [B]Sorcerer Kingdom This is taken by amgoddess [/B] (Has to be a sorcerer of royalty) [B]Earth Medallion[/B]: Elf Kingdom [B]This is taken by Mage15 [/B] [B]Wind Medallion[/B]: [B]Fairy Kingdom has been taken by Ohkami [/B] (your character must be a fairy of royalty) [B]Water Medallion[/B]: Dwarf Kingdom [B]This is taken by hugoxx[/B] [B]Relms[/B]: [B]Elves[/B]: Elves are very quick and have good stealth, good fighters and have highly sensitive hearing...can sometimes hear things before they can be seen [B]Dwarfs[/B]: Dwarfs are very strong and witty, not as quick as others but are excellent fighters [B]Fairies[/B]: Winged creatures...very graceful, peaceful and compassionate creatures until they have to fight...very good at fighting, [B]Sorcerer's[/B]:Magicians....spell casters good fighters and very wise [B]Humans[/B]: Warriors, good fighters, stealth and quick ----------------------------------------- [B]*Sign-ups for normal posters and medallion holders*[/B] [B]Name[/B]: [B]Age[/B]: (20 and up...For medallion holders if you are King or Queen then you are aged from 40 years and up.....and if you are Prince or Princess then 20 - 30) [B]Sex[/B]: [B]Relm[/B]: (For Medallion holders please put in King, Queen, Prince or Princess of what ever relm. For others: you are either : Elf, Dwarf, Fairy, Socerer or Human..there is no other..no halflings) [B]Weapon[/B]: ( 1 or 2 ) [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: [B]Weakness[/B]: (all posters must have a weakness) [B]Bio[/B]: ( doesn't have to be long) [B]Magic[/B]: Only for Fairies and sorcerers (only one) [B]Medallion[/B]: (This is only for Medallion holders) **************************************** *My Character Sign-up* [B]Name[/B]: Lee Sorian [B]Age[/B]: 23 years old [B]Sex[/B]: Male [B]Relm[/B]: Human, Prince of the Human relm [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet and shy, doesn't like the attention much, doesn't say much but will speak his mind when something isn't right, doesn't show much emotion and can be cold hearted sometimes, becomes suicidal in battle (meaning doesn't care for his own life) and one track minded [B]Appearance[/B]: see attachments...everything in the attachment is included except for the spear [B]Weakness[/B]: Knowing no fear in war [B]Weapons[/B]: Sorian Sword which his father gave him (double bladed silver thin sword stands over a meter long, on the blade has his ancestors names who fought with it, the handle is black and in the shape of a dragons head) and a Sorian Bow which his mother left to him ( stands over a meter and a half long, made from a special white wood from the elf kingdom, arrows are also made from the same wood but the arrow heads are red made from the red canyons of Valahria...very fast and can be used long and short range) [B]Bio[/B]: Lee is the only child of the King and Queen of Sorian, A Kingdom embedded in the side of the Shadarian Mountains. He was born and breed there, his mother died from an illness when he was five. His Father ended out taking care of him. He saved a black stallion after it slipped down a bank near Sorian and named it Veradon, his stallion is 18 and a half hands high and is pure black. He was given the medallion when his father turned fifty at that time he was fifteen and he has had it ever since...His father taught him how to fight with a sword and how to use a bow which he became very skilled at....and now time has come to use what he was taught.... [B]Medallion[/B]: He has the Medallion of Spirit, Soul, Dark and Light....but noone has ever seen it used, the last one to use it's true power was Lee's ancestors and after that...it lay dormant..for one hundred years...it was never needed ************* Well i don't know how this is going to turn out but I hope it goes well!!
  18. Ty heard Sage and what she had said, silently he dropped down behind her and she spun around at the sound of his feet hitting the ground which was unusal for him 'Ty...' she spoke softly as he looked at her, she saw that his eyes....were dark 'I have never tried to change you,' he spoke sounding distant 'No..then what was that back at the hideout where they held Senki?' she questioned with anger in her eyes 'That was a mission,' he replied bluntly 'A mission you pushed me out the window and fired upon me to run,' she exclaimed 'You know for a fact that that's how it has always been with me....i've always done the job alone,' he growled as he turned away folding his arms cross his chest 'I know that..but we are all a team..you and i are a team..ty why can't you see that?' she questioned, 'I never want you to change..just let me be there,' 'It's just hard...having someone....,' he whispered 'i know...but i need you to trust me enough to be there beside you,' she whispered as he turned around and looked at her 'I'll try...' he whispered as he pressed his back against the tree with his arms still folded across his chest, he then lowered his head slightly and then slid down to the ground, Sage sat beside him carefully not knowing what he was thinking 'being an assassin is easy..but being an assassin with feelings..isn't,' he whispered 'i know,' she whispered beside him, Ty never said anything else after that as he lent his head back and looked up at the sky, Sage looked at him and smiled slightly as she saw the peace in his eyes then he broke the silence, 'Its beautiful isn't it?...the dark..the night,'
  19. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]There?s something about that statement that I find very chilling, I can understand hitting an animal that darts out of the road in front of you, but in the case of the kitten what exactly stopped you from getting out of your car and just moving it instead of simply crushing it ? You obviously knew it was there and yet you blatantly killed it because it wouldn?t move, by your logic if I were to ever see [B]you[/B'] lying in my driveway be you unconscious or passed out then I would have full right to just reverse back and crush the sadistic little life out of you. But the again I guess that?s something you wouldn?t laugh at.[/SIZE][/quote] LOL... hey if i was ever passed out or unconcious in the driveway..I too would run over my sadistic little exsistance..lol...in other words...I really don't care...
  20. Ty didn't know what to think...his heart was racing...but in anger 'Stop it!,' spoke ty as he pulled away from her 'But i need to show you....I want you to know....' she whimpered 'I already do.....'he whispered as he looked out the window...he wanted her more than anything but his mind was too distracted by the recent events 'Ty don't push me away....' she whispered 'I'm not...it's just...getting too much....,' spoke ty as he pressed his head to the window, the cold glass sent a refreshing coolness through his mind, 'You ask me for things....which I don't understand Sage,' 'I can help you...' she whispered 'That is so...but...what if I don't want to be helped...your basically asked me to give up on being an assassin....I can't do that...being an assassin is all i've ever known,' he whispered 'Don't you understand how much you mean to me!!!!,' Sage roared as she gripped his shoulder and spun him around 'And dont you understand how much it hurts....,' growled ty his eyes cold and dark as the moon light seeped through the clouds casting an eerie glow over his half naked body 'You risk your life to save me!...If you die then so will I!,' she cried Ty closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his damp hair, 'you knew what I was like...you know what I'm like...I can't change that for you Sage....being an assassin means putting your life on the line..why do you doubt me?...do you have such little faith in me?....' 'It's not that...I just don't want to lose you...I love you so much..Why can't you see that?' she questioned looking at him with a deep saddness in her eyes 'you speak of love....something...I'm learning and don't know alot of but yet you expect me to know it straight away...you say you love me but here we were only moments ago..you wanting to take your life because of love....then....I don't want any part of it....I don't want this to happen again....I don't want to be the one....the reason why you took your own life...you cannot do that to me..infront of my own two eyes....and expect me to live with the guilt of watching you take your own life because of me....right now I look into your eyes...i see the suffering of what I put you through.......It killed me more than you'll ever know.....,' he spoke coldly as he walked to the door, 'I will always look after you....,' 'Ty please....where are you going?' she questioned as she watched him walk to the door after putting on his clothes 'I just need to be alone right now....,' he whispered as he left the room Sage looked around and noticed that he didn't grab his guns...that was the first time he left them behind Ty walked passed everyone and then walked outside where he disappeared into the dark. Slowly he walked in and out of the shadows, and then climbed a tree and sat in it...looking back he could see the hideout clearly..the visions of what happened began clouding his mind 'Sage...,' he growled into the night...and from that moment on he supressed everything he felt, his eyes grew colder and darker than ever, 'Sage..you have shown me alot....but i can't change for you...not now...not ever....this is all i know....this is all I will be..although I will protect you.....for as long as I can...,'
  21. Ty moved swiftly in the dark, he could hear the others following close behind him, the night was quite...too quite as they came upon the old hideout, Ty waved them down and Hyo and Sage stopped dead in their tracks and crouched down, Ty searched the grounds and noticed a man standing outside the hideout, 'Ok, lets go, Hyo get senki out of there, we'll distract them,' said Ty as Sage and Ty left and Hyo took off in a different direction Ty and Sage walked towards the man who stood waiting 'I want to speak to Iodias,' spoke ty coldly and calmly 'So...your the Shadow Dragon...the only one who lives,' smiled the man, 'Iodias will be pleased to see you,' the man then opened the door and they walked in and there they found Iodias 'Shadow Dragon....you have finally come,' spoke a stocky, bearded man as he turned around with a smile 'Where's senki?' questioned Ty menacingly 'Oh he's around,' smiled Iodias 'i've changed my trade....Senki and Sage will be set free only if you join me...' smiled Iodias 'What makes you think I'd join you,' smiled Ty demonically 'Because if you looked around..you'd notice...' iodias began 'that we're surround,' laughed Ty as if it was amusing, Sage looked at Ty in confusion while Iodias stared at Ty with a deep evil 'How dare you mock me!!!!,' roared Iodias 'Can't really help it...your just one big joke!,' laughed Ty, 'Only the dumbest of all humans wouldn't beable to see that this is a trap!,' 'How dare you!!,' roared Iodias as he pointed a gun at Sage, 'Join me or she dies!,' At that moment Ty quickly pushed sage out of the way and she hit the ground just as Iodias pulled the trigger, the bullet missed her and hit the wall, Ty then drew both guns and began firing upon the surrounding enemy, he quickly knocked Iodias to the ground, at that moment Hyo radioed to the reciever that ty carried 'I have him!,' spoke Hyo over the reciever, Ty then ran to sage and pulled her up off the ground, 'GO! I'LL HOLD THEM OFF JUST HELP HYO GET SENKI OUT OF HERE!!,' roared Ty Sage looked at him with tears in his eyes 'GO DAMMIT BEFORE I SHOOT YOU!!!,' he roared over the gun fire and he pushed her out the window Sage looked around and saw Hyo carrying Senki, she looked back at the window Ty had pushed her through and he was looking at her 'RUN DAMN YOU!!!!,' roared Ty as he then fired upon her, she dodged the bullets and got up and ran with tears streaming down her face, she grabbed senki and along with Hyo they ran as fast as they could and behind them they could hear the gun shots echoing and getting further away 'He'll be ok,' smiled Hyo as he looked at Sage they bursted through the doors of the hideout and landed on the floor, their breathing was heavy, Mahony and syn then appeared Sage stood up to go back for Ty but Hyo stopped her 'Don't go back, we need all the help we can get here, we don't know if they followed, so they both reloaded their guns and waited....waited to see if anyone had followed Ty shot down most of the men who fired upon him, Iodias suddenly aimed at him after being knocked down, he shot Ty in the leg and in the arm, Ty flinched but didn't stop firing, he then turned to iodias who now stood and when he pulled back the trigger to shot him *click*..it was empty, Iodias laughed 'now we have you Shadow Dragon,' smiled Iodias, Ty quickly put his guns away and looked around and on the wall he saw a sword, 'Soot him!!,' laughed Iodias, Ty suddenly made a mad dash for the sword, bullets nicked him but didn't stop him as he tore the sword down from the wall and ran at Iodias who had just realised what he was doing and turned to face him, Ty ran at him dodging the bullets as he went and took a swing, the blade cut off Iodias arm which held the gun and then took another swing, Iodias stpped back in pain but was still focussed but the sword slashed him across the right eyes striking his eye as it made its mark, leaving a deep cut which made iodias scream in pain and he fell to the floor, the others were still firing on Ty as he picked up the gun and fired upon the remaining enemy as they all dropped dead Ty then dove head first threw a window and rolled into the stand where he disappeared into the night shadows..Iodias voice rang out at him 'SADOW DRAGON!!!....I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!...I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!!,' Iodias voice echoed in the night as ty ran back to the hideout where the others were As he reached the hideout he could feel himself tiring...his body ached and the pain from the bullet wounds serged through his body like lightning, he then slowly and wearily walked threw the door of the hideout out to find Sage and Hyo ready and armed 'Ty!!,' exclaimed Sage as they lowered their weapons....Ty looked at her with distant eyes and slowly walked towards her but then blacked out and began to fall to the ground, Sage made a mad dash towards him and caught him before he fell to the ground, Sage couldn't hold him properly and both of them ended up sitting on the ground, Ty's limp head rested on her shoulder and she pulled him in closer 'Ty...' she whispered as tears rolled down her face
  22. Well i've run over my share of road-kill...LOL...possums, cats, birds....plenty..LOL....my way of looking at it is...[B]if they don't move and take their time then they need to die[/B]..it's as simple as that. I remember once I was backing out of the driveway and there was this kitten sitting in the way...it was grey and white and fluffy with big round eyes.......it wouldn't move so i ran it over..LOL....some how I think it was def..only because you think it would of heard me and moved but oh well....a def Kitten is like a dead one walking...I just saved it years of pain and misery..LOL
  23. Well doukeshi03....I'd have to agree with you..what the hell makes humanity so special to survive that?....i mean all we do is ****, shave, shower and shag....(ok some work, some dont, some have families..etc..but you know what I mean)....what i'm trying to say is this... There's a hole in the ozone layer...half or even most of the worlds pathetic excuse for humans don't give a damn!..or else they would of put an end to the polution..... Cyclones hit Florida..poeple stayed and celebrated the cyclones arrival!!! I mean whats up with that!! People are killing people, there's terrorist about us...buildings are blowing up, there's shop lifters, drug addicts, rapests, women bashers, men bashers..damn humanity could sell a book on its self if humanity was one person...but hey who am i to judge..I'm not perfect....so where would I be when the world comes to an end????.........Celebrating the death of humanity and sreaming "TAKE ME" at the top of my lungs because to me we all need to be killed...and for those who do good things and arent happy with what I just said...who cares, get over it your going to die someday!!....(Laughing Pshycotically!!) Well that was fun!!
  24. Well...I don't know what its like to have kids because I'm a male (and damn that sounds painful enough)....but I guess my most recently painfull experience happened about a few months back...my best friend and I were arguing and we started fighting.. so I grabbed him and pushed him towards the opened window (I live in a two storied house) which was open, he flipped out but grabbed my shirt as he was falling, i tried to stop him but I was off balance and we both fell out the window, the freak landed on the hedge bush and I landed on my mothers rose garden.....I don't know which was more worse...the fact of falling out the window or the fact that I missed the hedge completely and landed in the rose garden on my side...I mean the landing was kind of soft but...the thorns...Damn...thats one trip i wont be taking again...LOL
  25. Ty and Hyo ran still firing upon the gurads that swarmed around them, 'Where are they coming from!,' spoke Hyo as he slashed his way threw the guards, limbs dropping to the ground and blood splattered everywhere They gurads were tracing them with ease 'Dammit,' whispered Ty as they ran behind a wall for cover, 'Now what?' questioned Hyo, Ty looked around and saw an air duct above them, he began shooting at it and the metal grate fell to the ground 'Quick, I'll divert them this way you get back above ground, If they're here then you can guarantee that they had been waiting for us and Mahony maybe in danger,' said Ty as he helped Hyo up into the air duct 'Ty come on,' called Hyo as he put his hand down 'There's not enough time, Just go!!!,' growled Ty as the footsteps got closer, Ty then stepped out from behind the wall and opened fire on the approaching guards shooting them down but more still came 'Ty come on!!,' called Hyo 'Go Hyo and quickly!!!,' roared Ty over the gunshots, Hyo watched Ty as bullets nicked Ty in the arm and leg, ty then pointed a gun at Hyo, 'If I don't make it...Tell Sage I love her....always,' spoke Ty as he fired at Hyo which made him disappear into the duct Ty waited until he knew Hyo had gone and took off down the tunnels with the gurads behind him, shooting as he went although he didn't miss, each one who fell more appeared, 'Dammit,' Ty growled at himself under his breath..., 'I should of seen it....no wonder it was easy to get in...' Ty rounded a corner and another, it seemed as though he had been running for miles, blood now stained his clothes, he managed to loose them and he stopped for a quick brake inside a dark hole which was in the wall, he could hear footsteps as the gurads got closer and then they stopped outside the hole 'Did you see where he went?' questioned a guard breathing heavily 'No, it's like he disappeared, dammit, we have to kill him...if he gets away we'll be done for,' spoke another 'Well at least we have Mahony...and Gervines men got Sage, the rest are to be killed esspecially that ex-assassin, if he lives then you can bet he'll hunt us down,' 'Who is he? why is it so important that he dies?' questioned one 'Have you not heard?...he was the one who took out the greatest smugglers, assassins and thieves you could come across,' 'Whos that?' 'The Shadow Dragons, he was their number one hit man, he could slip in and out of shadows with ease and never be seen and his aiming was always a perfect hit..he was truely deadly, the Shadow Dragon boss made him his right hand man but then some of the shadow dragons got jealeous of the close relationship between the Shadow Dragon boss and him, they were like father and son..and many didn't like it, so they pulled a dirty on him, they went on a heist, shot him three times and left him there to be caught by guards...but the bullets didn't keep him down, he got out of there, and slaughtered every single Shadow Dragon by himself, he even killed the Shadow Dragon boss and disappeared but now he's shown up out of the blue with the dark Angels..that is why the boss wants him dead, he's been missing for about a year, everyone thought that he was dead.....but clearly he's not,' spoke the guard 'Oh great..well lets track him down, we've wounded him so he can't be far,' spoke another as they split up into two teams and went seperate ways Ty waited until he couldn't here their footsteps and crawled out of the hole, his eyes were stern and cold as he gazed down the hall ways, he then took off in the direction he had came from knowing that the guards wont be far behind him
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