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Everything posted by Heero Darkangel
OOC: WOE I MISSED ALOT!!..LOL...excuse the lateness...had a few things to take care of....... IC: Ty walked around in the dark as if it were daylight...and Sage smiled..she couldn't help but smile at him...she could see the young boy she met along time ago burning in his eyes..he was like a child let loose in a area full of toys.... After a while they went back inside to find everyone laughing and talking 'Hey TY!...SAGE!!!,' smiled Syn whos face was red Ty just looked at them, Sage smiled 'Hey you go have fun....I'll be in the kitchen,' smiled Ty softly as he walked away He walked over to the counter and made him a hot coffee and then sat down at the table, He could hear them all laughing and talking and he could hear Sages laugh which made him smile as he drank somemore. It brought back alot of memories from his old group he was in...he remembered when they all use to drink after they cleared a mission...although...there wasn't much to smile about on those times...only because you could guarantee that there was a fight.... He sat there for a while before Syn stumbled in through the door with two bottles in his hand and he sat down 'Here...at least have one!,' smiled Syn, Ty frowned slightly and then got up washed out his cup and put it away..he then sat back down at the table 'Just one,' spoke Ty seriously as he took the bottle, 'COOL!....' smiled Syn as they drank hoping that Ty would get drunk on the first one and ask for another...but he didn't...he made himself another coffee, 'OH spoil sport!,' Ty didn't turn around when Syn said that..Ty just smiled slightly and then sat back down at the table
RPG The Dragon Riders of Celebrynn [M - LSV]
Heero Darkangel replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Cyrus stirred behind Heero, Heero sat up and looked around, He knew that there was something wrong but he couldn't place a finger on it Looking at Brielle who seemed distant and deeply concerned Heero raised an a hand and placed it on hers 'What's going on?' Questioned Heero as Brielle's head snapped back to look at him, 'Brielle please!,' Heero then began to stand up, his legs were weak but he used Cyrus as leverage, He groaned as pain shot through his body, 'Heero please No!,' begged Brielle as she tried to stop him but then she saw his face turn cold and his eyes grow distant '....The....Capital....,' were the words that trailed softly out of his mouth, he slowly looked down at Brielle, who now stood infront of him 'Please Heero....' she whispered 'You lied..to me....why?' he whispered as He looked back at the capital as he saw flames flare up towards the sky...suddenly his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, Brielle dropped down beside him 'Please understand....your too weak, I can't bare to loose...someone who I love..not again...just rest abit please....' she spoke with tears in her eyes 'But we can't sit here while the others are fighting...we have to do something,' he said looking at her, Brielle knew that Heero would say something like that....at that moment Heero gently raised his hand to her face and stroked her cheek, ' I love you more than life itself Brielle...I'll die for you many times over....I can't rest while the others fight....,' Tears ran down Brielles face and he wiped them away, he then kissed her passionately on the lips and then held her close OOC: Ok I haven't been on for about a week...so if i've done anything wrong amgoddess please tell me -
RPG City of Angels: Fall from Grace (M)
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy]Jin and Desery were just about to take off when Lucifer and Thalion stood before them, Thalions eyes were black aswell as Lucifers[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]'So....you think its that easy to getting the collars off...well I have a little surprise for you....'[/I][/COLOR] spoke Lucifer but it wasn't in his voice..the voice they heard was raspy and deep [COLOR=Navy]'Razendis..you bastard!!!..let my father go!!,' roared Jin as his eyes grew wild[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]'You think I'd listen to a twit like you...' laughed Razendis, 'Poor pathetic little fools...you have no idea....,'[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]'You freak!!,' roared Jin as his abilities went wild, suddenly everything was lifted into the sky around him and fire swirled up around him into the sky, 'You will pay!!!,' Jin roared as everything flew towards Lucifer and Thalion smashing against them hard, a wave of fire struck them hard sending them flying backwards, Lucifer then stood up his eyes were normal 'Son.....the only way...to get these colars off....is by destroying Razendis....that as faras I know..is the only way..' whispered Lucifer as his eyes changed to red and he growled Jin stood as his father threw bolts of darkness at him, one struck Jin in the chest as he tried to dodge the first, the darkness engulfed him...he cried out in pain as it stung and threw him back....he was surrounded by demons while trapped inside the dark saphere...and played with his mind...Lucifer laughed...Jin became more enraged and managed to regain his mind....he broke threw the darkness as it exploded as he flew towards Lucifer with his sword held high, he brought it down and slashed a deep gash across Lucifers chest who stumbled backwards, Lucifer sent bolts of darkness at Jin but he used his telekinesis to deflect them back towards Lucifer who tried to dodge them but was knocked to the ground as the bolts of darkness broke against him causing him to howl out in pain, Jin then cause a massive conflagation around him...everything began burning..and raging around him violently[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Razendis growled in anger as he looked into his staff and saw threw thalions eyes what was going on 'Dammit!...they're stronger than what I thought...Lucifer...Thalion...come back now!,' roared Razendis, 'I'll have to prepare my armies again..bastards they will pay...if they think that they can hunt me down..they'd better think again,' Razendis stood out on the belcony and awaited what was left of his army[/COLOR] -
Heero brought his sword down as Revonair blocked the attack, Canons raged from the Rose as she fired upon Revonair and Her brother....Satans Sin Heero swung his sword again and slashed Revonair in the chest, but no blood was drawn Suddenly Revonair stabbed Heero in the arm and he clenched his teeth against the pain, at that moment the Rose began to glow and beside it floated yumura..the ghost ship 'Damn you to hell!!!,' roared Heero as he stumbled backwards as Revonair laughed Heero then took another swing as Revonair stabbed Revonair in the eye..but all Revonair did was laugh 'You sick son of a bitch!,' exclaimed Heero looking at Revonair coldly, Heero looked around and saw that the crew wasn't getting anywhere, 'Dammit,' Revonair suddenly lifted Heero off the ground and slammed him against a rock, he hit his head hard causing it to bleed, he turned around to see revonair lunge at him and just missed him with his sword The fighting was intense and everyone was getting tired....laughing from the pirates filled the air as Heero and his crew were backed against a rock 'You will never win boy!,' laughed Revonair 'I wouldn't be so sure of that!!,' roared Heero as he ran at Revonair in an attempt to save his crew, He knocked Revonair to the ground and then looked back over his shoulder 'RUN FOR THE ROSE!!!,' he roared as the pirates tried to pull him off, Everyone took off, Vey didn't want to move but Byron grabbed her 'Heero!!!,' she cried out 'It's ok...he knows what he's doing,' whispered Byron unsuringly as Vey screamed Heero pulled out his gun and blew away one of them in the head...he then drew the sword that Vey had brought him and swung it around....suddenly....he heard his fathers voice [I]'My son....trust the rose...she knows what to do..' [/I] came his fathers voice Heero slashed off the head of one of the pirates and pushed through them as the tried to grab him, Revoniar was now furious and they ran after him 'HEERO!!!,' roared Vey from the deck as the Rose began to turn, Heero ran along a broken dock and jumped, the rose let out a long rope which caught him and pulled him aboard, Vey ran to him and threw her arms around him and he held her tightly 'It's ok,' he whispered 'YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!,' roared Revonair who was now standing on the deck of Satans Sin...who eerie ships stood blocking the way out...Satans Sin closed in on them...suddenly Satans sin wrapped itself around Rose using it's ropes and pirates boarded her, Rose crushed as many as she could and Heero and his crew ran to engage the pirates in battle Revonair laughed as if victorious, Heero growled deeply as he swung across to Satans Sin he dropped down on the deck and began fighting with Revonair.... OOC: don't worry there is a way of killing revonair ok..but i'll post that in my next post when I end the fighting....and don't forget the ending is drawing near...but I will let everyone know ok.
Syn walked down towards the school buildings when suddenly there awaited a teacher, he had his arms folding across his chest and wore a deep frown up on his face 'Mr Selwyn!!,' he growled, Syn looked at him coldly as the girls appeared out from behind him, Syn frowned deeply as he stopped 'He did that to her...,' exclaimed one of the girls as she hid again The teacher walked towards Syn and Syn backed away slowly, the teacher then grabbed him by the arm and tried dragging him inside but Syn pulled away suddenly he came around with a left hook and smacked the teacher to the ground, the teacher lay on the ground, blinking wildly at Syn who seemed pretty pleased with himself suddenly Syn looked around and saw two teachers running towards him, Syn smiled and then took off....he was going to be in the bigest trouble of his life...he wondered where he could go, looking down at his watch, there was only five minutes to go before school was over so he headed out the gate and ran to where the plaza was...the only problem was...he didn't know where it was....
Ty was silent....as they quickly moved through the bushes, his eyes darting around them 'Hurry up!,' snapped Mahony But Ty had stopped as a twig near by broke before Mahony spoke, she turned around and was just about to say something else when he grabbed her and pulled her to the ground and silenced her by covering her mouth, she elbowed him in the rib cage trying to break free but he didn't flinch 'Shhh,' he whispered scanning the dark and then Mahony heard the voices, she stopped struggling and Ty let her go as he sank back into the shadows, Mahony looked around 'Stay low,' he whispered from the shadows, Mahony suddenly got down deeper as they listened to the voices [I]'Our orders are to take out those who are going after the zeal crystal and Mahony and her band of thieves are one of them,'[/I] came the voices...it sounded as though there were three of them standing in a clearing not far from them Mahony heard Ty shuffle closer to the voices...she tried to follow him but couldn't see him, she peared over a bush to find Ty standing behind one of them leaning against a tree..stealthly he walked up behind them and tapped one on the shoulder 'Really,' he smiled as they spun around and he shot each one of them in the head, the gun shot was muffled by the silencer, he then ducked down and scanned the area, Mahony then walked over to him as he waved her over, 'I suppose they're after Sage?' she questioned 'No they were after you..seems like theres another gang going around taking out those who are after the zeal crystal,' said Ty as he stood up and looked around one more time, Mahony looked around her eyes narrowing to the dark 'Lets go,' she said as they took off, She watched Ty, he was focussed alot more than before and his mind was clearly on the job and nothing else
Ty looked around and carefully scanned every part that surrounded them, Sage looked at him..his eyes were darting around them 'Come on,' he said as he grabbed her arm and they ran taking the long way back to the hideout, and with every second Ty searched around them...watching the darkness carefully 'They not around anymore...we've gotten rid of them,' he spoke coldly They carefully walked through the forest making sure that they weren't being followed...but they never were Ty sent Sage in to talk to Mahony to tell her to get ready just incase of something happened, This gave Ty a better chance of making sure that noone had followed them, He smiled as he slipped into the darkness and waited..but noone had followed, Ty then searched the area one more time going over every inch before walking back inside 'Hey your back,' said Syn, Ty looked at him as he closed the door, Ty was back in full focus once again and his mind was on the job, as he walked into the kitchen and made him a hot coffee and then sat down at the table
RPG City of Angels: Fall from Grace (M)
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
Jin flew hard at Lucifer, Lucifer swung his sword, it slashed jin across the arm but that didn't stop him..Jin hit Lucifer hard and spun around onto Lucifers back, Lucifer shook violently, Jin grabbed the collar and pulled on it as hard as he could 'JIN STOP!!,' roared Lucien as he flew at the both of them, he grabbed a hold of Jin and pulled at him at that moment another bolt of electircity flowed through jins body and passed through Lucien and they were thrown back at a great speed, they hit the ground hard, Jin looked up to see Lucifer clutching his head as if in pain, Jin then got back up but Lucien grabbed him 'Fool don't do that!!....think about it...if those collars were that easy to remove do you think we'd all be still fighting!!,' exclaimed Lucien, Jin looked at him and then shoved Lucien off 'I need to help him!,' growled Jin at that moment Thalion roared as a light shot passed them, they looked around to see Desery and a mix of angels battling Thalion 'Shit move!!,' roared Lucien as they quickly flew out of the way as a light stream hit the spot where they sat 'Dammit!!,' growled Jin 'Jin come on, do you think Razendis would make it that easy?' spoke Lucien without yelling at him, Jin looked at Lucien, he then turned to see desery doing exactly the samething he had done 'Desery!!,' roared Jin as she was suddenly thrown back and Thalion roared clutching his head aswell, Jin quickly flew over to where Desery had landed 'Hey are you alright?' questioned Jin as he helped her up 'Yeah...man that shocks badly,' she spoke dusting herself off 'It's the collars...looks as though we have to find another way of removing them..and only Razendis would have the answer,' said Jin, they looked around to see Thalion and Lucifer now standing together and firing upon anything that moved including them 'Move!!,' exclaimed Jin as he grabbed her arm and a bolt of Darkness just missed them and they both flew at Thalion and Lucifer -
Heero lay beside her looking up at the cabin roof, after what she had said...it kept him awake for most of the night until daylight seeped warmly over the top of the hills that surrounded Tellin...a town his father loved. Heero stood on the wheel deck as the sun Rose from behind the hills at that moment everyone emerged from below and Vey walked out from their room, she looked around and then looked up at Heero who seemed to be in deep thought She ran up to him and hugged him and he kissed her gently...he loved her more than life itself...he also feared that something could happen to her if ever they came in contact with Revonair...he didn't want to loose her 'Lets set sail!!,' he roared over the deck as Byron and Tanzin gripped the ropes and Rose pulled in her anchor and with a slight jolt, Tazin and Byron pulled down the sails and at that moment they filled with wind and The Devils Rose groaned softly as she sailed out of the bay 'Now,' said Heero, 'Ten miles north rose,' She groaned in response as he spun the wheel and she turned north 'How long do you think we'd get there?' questioned Vey standing beside him, 'Should only take half a day at the most,' smiled Heero..but Vey knew that something was wrong with him as she watched him look out over the sea and she lent against him about an hour or so had passed 'Hey look!,' called Jericho from the crows nest, 'Clouds or Garn!!,' They all looked up and there hanging in the sky were three black clouds and they stretched out as far as the eye could see Heero looked at Vey and then looked at his crew, he looked down and saw Vahn Jericho then climbed down from the crows nest 'By the look of those clouds...i aint staying up there,' said Jericho as Heero turned Rose around and they headed in the direction of the clouds, they all looked up as they passed underneath them and followed it's long smoke shaped body, although they thundered violently..the water lay calm and there was a slight breeze..but the Rose sailed swiftly, Heero's eyes darted around them. It had taken four hours but finally....there it stood...Twin Mount, Black clouds circled around the top of it, its eerie form casting a haunting image in the water, Heero looked around...looking at the cliff side of Twin mount 'So this is twin mount,' spoke Byron, 'Never thought I'd see the day when i actually saw it for myself,' They sailed around it...and there they see it...the tunnel....the undying mouth of hell....Hells pass 'Oh shit....that isn't a tunnel....thats a death wish,' Spoke Tanzin as they walked to the side of Rose Vey moved closed to Heero as he looked at the magnificent hole in Twin mount 'Heero..what should we do?' questioned Byron as they all looked at Heero 'I am going...if any of you want to turn back now...then leave...i don't mind...but if you want to stay..then let me know,' Heero spoke with a deep seriousness Suddenly everyone roared out and raised their weapons 'Heero we didn't come all this way to turn around and go back,' said Vahn Heero looked at them and they gave him a nod as if they agreed to stay, he looked at Vey and she gave him a nod and kissed his cheek 'Well Rose...if you are sure that you can do it...then show us all,' smiled Heero as the Rose then turned on her own and headed into the haunting tunnel, the Rose suddenly tied everyone down with her ropes...she held on to them as tight as she could....and entered the tunnel, Everything went dark, Heero could feel Vey beside him then suddenly a loud roared ehoed around them and the Rose was hit with a violently wave which rocked them back and forth....the waves crashed against the side of the Rose and spilled out onto the deck, the Rose held onto everyone as tight as she could as she powered her way through the massive waves, Heero gripped the wheel tightly aswell as holding on to Vey, he could hear everyones roars as the waves knocked them off their feet Suddenly a familiar noise..Rose shuddered... 'Everyone!!...brace yourselves!!!!!,' roared Heero down at the crew, everyone grabbed onto something as a freak wave smashed down on all of them and it repeated over and over again....*CRACK*...was the noise as the middle mast broke against the top of the tunnel...Rose groaned in anger as she pushed through and then it was calm... bright....and warm Everyone stood up and looked around...they were all drenched 'HEERO!! WE MADE IT!!!,' roared Jericho Heero and Vey lay on the wheel deck holding each other tightly when they heard Jericho, they both sat up and looked around and Jerico was right they had made it through the tunnel...Hells Pass....they all roared in victorious The rose let go of them all, Heero looked around and their sitting along the shore line and on the rocks was Raverns treassure....gold...jewels..diamondes....pearls...everything he had collected over the years of his plundering, everyone cheered. The gold was scattered everywhere around them, they looked over the side and it even glistened in the shallow waters, Twin Mount didn't look as haunting from the inside, the sun shone brightly and high above them The rose anchored close to shore and everyone jumped off, 'come on lets get this all aboard Rose,' smiled Heero as they stood on the shore and they began loading Rose at that moment Rose let out a low groan and shuddered Heero looked around....and there he stood....Revonair and his pirates 'Not so fast!,' he smiled wickedly Everyone dropped everything 'How'd you get through Hells pass?' questioned Heero Revonair laughed, 'Very easy when your dead...but not to worry...you can have Raverns treasure..I only want whats mine...Rose!,' 'She aint yours!!...Rose belongs to me..you can't have her...,' snarled Heero as he drew his sword 'Boy there is no where else to go the only way out is the way you came....look around...it's either your crew or her,' smiled Revonair as he drew his sword Heero gave a slight smile and turned to Vey, 'If we survive this....will you marry me?' Vey looked at him in shock as she saw the fear in his eyes, she was just about to answer him when he placed his index finger over her mouth and then kissed her and pulled away from her 'I choose both!,' roared Heero as he ran at Revonair, 'I will kill you..and this time..you wont ever return!!!,' OOC: Ok everyone..we are nearing the end..this is the last fight with Revonair ok so make it good...I will inform you when I'm going to write up the ending ok.
Syn sat under a tree looking at his hands...the hands that killed his parents the hands...that pulled the trigger 'Why did I pull the trigger...' he whispered trying to remember..but couldn't...all he did remember was the gun going off and him standing there laughing as he watched his parents fall..was it normal? was it normal to do such a thing? Syn looked up and saw some girls staring at him..suddenly one approached 'Hey there...' she smiled wickedly, Syn ignored her as he stood up and began walking away, she then grabbed his arm and he quickly pulled away from her, he spun around and stared at her coldly He grabbed the girl around the neck and stared at her menacingly 'Don't ever grab me like that again,' growled Syn as he pushed the girl to the ground and walked away Then once again the whispers came [I]'We told you not to go near him...He's a phsyco!...he killed his parents..he'll kill you if he was given a chance,' 'But he's so mysterious...so handsome....' 'and So Phycotic!!,'[/I] Syn frowned as he walked away..he then realised that he didn't know where the plaza because he was still new to the Island and shook his head as he cursed under his breath
RPG City of Angels: Fall from Grace (M)
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy]Jin looks up at the stream of Drakness that sored towards him, Jin then dove under the water to dodge the darkness, it just missed him as it impaled the water, swimming to the shore Jin dragged himself up, he then quickly got up, Lucifer turned around to him and started shoot spares of darkness a him, Jin ran...his wings feeling heavy, dodging every strike Lucifer made upon him, suddenly he tripped and Lucifer laughed 'Run!,' laughed Lucifer as he fired another spare of Darkness 'NO!!,' roared jin as the spare stopped in mid air Lucifer raised an eyebrow as he stoped laughing, 'I see your powers have increased,' Jin didn't say anything as the spare turned and flew at a great speed towards Lucifer who tried to dodge it but Jin made sure it connected, Lucifer let out a shrill roar which shook the ground as he dropped from the sky and hit the ground, Jin then drew his sword and ran at Lucifer, Lucifer was quick to his feet and he drew his sword and at the same time sent a ball of Darkness towards jin who dodged it and swung his sword around, Lucifer growled as he stopped the strike with his own sword 'So you are worthy...' hissed Lucifer with his eyes glowing red 'You taught me..' growled Jin knowing full well that it wasn't his father speaking, Jin quickly glanced over his father who stood before him their swords locked, Jin noticed a collar around Lucifers neck and remembered the word his father yelled at him before he attack, Jin suddenly spun around and grabbed the collar with his bear hands suddenly pain serged through both their bodies which sent both of them spiralling away from each other at a high speed, Jin hit into a huge boulder while Lucifer crashed through some near by trees creating a path, Jin shook off the pain but his arm was shaking violently, he clutched his arm and grunted, rubbing it until the pain subsided Jin looked around to see Lucifer charging at him with his sword held above his head, Lucifer brought the sword down and Jin dodged it and the sword sliced through the boulder as if it were butter, Lucifer swung his sword again and Jin sent a fire ball blazing towards Lucifer, he dodged it and they fought hard with their swords clashing of red and black[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Razendis smiled as he looked through the eyes of Lucifer 'So your fighting you son...' smiled Razendis, 'This should be good,' 'Lord Razendis..you must call off the fight before Lucifers collar breaks...after his sound nearly tore it off...' spoke a creature who stood beside him 'He can pull it off...if he does they'll both be killed...thats the beauty of those collars,' smiled Razendis 'Yes but you can't afford to lose Lucifer and Thalion...you need their abilities to create Darkspire and make it stronger,' spoke the creature Razendis suddenly turned around, aimed his staff at the creature and a green beam shot out from the green crystal ball that sat on top of the staff and disintergrated the creature 'Anyone else who wants to judge my authority?' hissed Razendis Noone said anything as the room grew quiet 'Good,' smiled Razendis, 'I will call them back soon...Lucifers son is strong...very strong just like him...I want to see what these angels can do...and I also see thatThalion has a daughter..this should be very interesting...very interesting' smiled Razendis as he walked out onto the belcony of the Darkspire Tower and looked out over the duanting lands below him 'Soon...I will rule over both worlds...' whispered Razendis as he laughed and raised his arms up towards the dark skies and the sky thundered around him as his mocking laugh echoed throughout the valleys and over the fields[/COLOR] -
Ty suddenly pushed Sage away as a bullet smashed through the window and missed them both, Sage looked up at him and watched him, he ran to a nearby closet and pulled out a sniper rifle, he ran back to the window, and peered out looking down on the streets below....*movement* something moved out the corner of his eye....an assassin.....he lined up the dark figure...pulled the trigger....a smouldered gunshot and then the figure fell.....he searched the streets making sure that nothing else moved...but there was nothing Ty then looked at Sage, 'If they know your here then they'll know where Mahony's hideout is....lets move,' Sage quickly put on a pants and still wore Ty's shirt, Ty quickly put on a black singlet and his jacket along with his black pants and boots and they ran out the door and down the many flights of stairs Ty suddenly stopped 'What...' Sage started but Ty placed a hand over her mouth, his eyes narrowed, he then pulled out his magnum and kissed it, he then carefully moved to the railing, shadows moved along the walls, a hand appeared on the railing below them, Ty then aimed his gun at the point where they would appear Ty pulled the trigger as an assassin apeared running up the stairs towards them, the man fell, then another and then another, Ty listened again, grabbed Sages hand and they ran down the rest of the stairs, passed the bodies and out into the streets, he grabbed her around the mouth and pulled her off into the shadows where he covered her with his jacket and turned his face away from the street, three men then ran passed dressed in black, they quickly ran inside not noticing Ty and Sage who sat about two meters away from the entrance, Ty slowly turned his head, scanned the streets making sure that it was safe and they ran for the alleyway across the street and disappeared 'We need to get to the hideout...hopefully....they haven't been there...mind you i'm sure the others would beable to take the bastards out,' spoke Ty coldy as they ran
Syn whirled around as fast as it had come out of Kits mouth, his eyes burning coldly, Tom who stood there looking shocked by Kits sudden out burst and wondered what Kit was talking about, Syn didn't have to say anything as Kit stepped away from Syn who looked as though he was going to kill Kit Syn then quickly grabbed Kit around the throat and sqeezed, Kit tried to lash out at him but Syn sqeezed even harder, Syns hands were cold and sent terror into his heart, Tom tried getting in between them but Syn pushed him away 'Syn stop!,' exclaimed Tom 'I'm sorry...' gasped Kit as Syn stared down into his eyes, Kit saw the deep emptiness in Syns eyes..and saw the cold and bitterness that burned brighter than a flame At that moment they heard the whispers 'Look the Physco's going to kill the Vampire...' came the whisper Syn suddenly turned on the small crowd who was watching, the group suddenly took off as Syn stared at them, he had let go of Kit who now lay gasping on the ground, Kit looked up at Syn who looked as though he was going to finish him off Syn just sighed deeply and Kit saw a deep saddness in Syn's eyes...although his face was expressionless his eyes told a story Tom watched on as Syn then walked back over by the tree and sat down as if nothing happened as if all of that was normal...Tom then helped Kit off the ground Kit without any thought walked over to Syn rubbing his neck, Syn had left a hand print around his neck and it began to bruise and felt as thought it was burning 'I'm really sorry...' spoke Kit as he looked at Syn who looked up at him and then looked away, Syn then stood up and Kit stepped back, Syn looked at him again, gave a slight nod and then walked away without a word
Ty felt a serge of pleasure roll over him....he gripped the sheets as she arched up into him and gripped his shoulders, they groaned as their passion hit high and he drove in one last time, he felt as though he was going to explode as his heart raced as she pushed up harder into him 'Ty.....,' she cried out his name as she dug in her nails and he shuddered on top of her and groaned softly...he then colapsed on her, both of them breathing rapidly, Ty was shaking as he cocked himself up on one arm both of them drenched in sweat, Ty brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her gently as he slid to the side of her and rolled on to his back and she turned to face him, she rested her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her, the sheets were wrapped around them as they lay there Ty's heart was still racing and his body still shaking from the moment 'Sage...' he whispered her name as she looked up at him, 'You are right...I have been hiding my feelings from you for a long time....I was just scared..although i'm still confused about Love...I know one thing....if love is what these feelings are..then I've...loved...you for a long time,' 'Oh Ty...' she spoke softly as she sat up and kissed him gently which made his heart beat fast again, Ty looked at her as she pulled away, 'Thank you...' he whispered with a soft smile
Ty's body shuddered in excitement but still in fear as he looked down at her...he had never felt like this before...first it hurt...and he buried his face into her hair as he had slid into her, his body shaking at the pain but within that instance it turned into the pleasure that he had never felt...and it excited him he wanted more...he wanted it all A groan slipped passed his mouth as she pulled him in, he lowered his head and kissed her bare chest as she arched into him, he cocked himself up on one arm as he caressed her body with his lips and she shuddered to his touch The passion was intense as their heat mingled with groans of pleasure and excitement and he drove in deeper as she moaned and moved beneath him, she placed her hands on his waist and pulled him in more and he put his head back as sweat formed all over their bodies and they became drenched, their breathing was heavy and hot, she could feel him throbbing, his heart racing against her chest as was hers as he lay put all his weight on her and kissed her neck, as her hands ran over his back feeling every muscle that tensed with every movement and her nails dug in hard and pierced his skin and he softly groaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain
Ty stood rubbing the back of his neck as he looked at her, his eyes still blood shot, he then grbbed her again and hungrily kissed her, she smiled as he began taking off her clothes..he wanted her..suddenly he pulled away from her again his breathing was rapid, 'It's ok,' she smiled as she took his hand and led him to the bed that was situated on the other side of the room She then kissed him gently sending his emothions everywhere as he pulled her towards him, his mind went into another world..a world...he actually liked as she ran her hands up his chest, she could feel that he was scared..but she could feel his need..his need for the one thing he had never felt before....love
Ty's body shuddered as her kiss sent his emotions flying out of control, he tried to back away but Sage wouldn't let him and he couldn't because of the counter, he wanted her badly and this time he let his emotions go....he put his arms around her and pulled her closer to him, as she wrapped her arms around his neck Everything he had closed up and hidden for most of his life now came to surface which made his need grow stronger, his heart pounded violently inside his chest 'I can't....stop it any more...' he whsipered as his body began to tremble as he looked at her...'I can't fight it anymore...' And Sage silenced him with a kiss of longing and wanting
Ty looked up at her...his face looking lost, confused..even tormented by it all...he was craving for something he had been able to supress for most of his life...he even hated it..but now...it had over come him...and left him feeling confused Quickly he let go of her hand and stood up and walked into the kitchen and lent against the counter looking out the window Sage wasn't going to let him suppress it any more, she quickly moved up behind him and spun him around 'Ty! look at me!,' she growled, Ty turned his back on her and again she spun him around, 'Look at me!!,' Ty backed away from her, 'Please don't..' 'No I will make you see Ty!...now look at me,' she snapped again as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him forcefully, Tys heart felt as though it had stopped within that moment...but he could resist it anymore, he wrapped his arms around her as she pulled him closer pressing her body against him, they then walked back into the fridge where he pressed her against it while still kissing her, he ran his hand over her chest but then suddenly realised what he was doing and quickly pulled away His body shaking nervously and Sage could see it..the fear in his eyes grew wild as back up into the counter and looked at her, both of them were breathing heavily and their hearts racing out of control
Stood at the window at the top of the old building, it may have been old on the outside but inside was amazing...with all the money he made by selling everything that he stole...helped him to do the ole place up, he sat out on the ledge next to a delapidated gargoyle , there was one at every corner of the building making it seem haunting...he liked it, The old building was situated around many trees which had grown around it just about covering it completely except for the top where he could see the strees below and he could look out over the city.. He sat there and watched the sun set for a while until it grew dark, he lent back with his feet gangling over the side and his jacket blowing in the forceful winds 'How could she not trust me....,' he said fianlly standing up and walking back inside, blood had stained his clothes from the shot that Sage took at him...he then found him a black shirt in his wardrob, grabbed some other clothes and had a shower, he then walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, he walked into the kitchen, the whole place was open living, he grabbed the kettle and put it on, he then went to the fridge and pulled out a steak and threw it in the frying pan and began cooking himself something to eat But while doing that all he could think about was Sage...the one girl who ever got close enought to him to see the real him...the only one who could aim a gun at him and he wouldn't retaliate against her..the only one who touched his heart in a way noone else was able to do.... While his steak was cooking he put on a pair of boxer shorts and decided to walk around in those He then walked back into the kitchen prepared his tea... 'Sage....why?....I suppose you have your reasons just as I have mine.....I can't say that i've been honest...esspecially with my feelings..i've hidden them from you for most of my life....only because....I don't understand.....' he whispered at he sat down at the table with his food and coffee
Ty turned around with his gun aimed at her, his face expressionless but yet his eyes confused, Sage turned around at that moment Ty pulled the trigger, and Sage cried out in pain as the bullet pierced her leg, she dropped to the ground holding her leg in pain and she looked at him, Sage drew her gun and fired at him, ty didn't move as the bullet nicked his side..but he still stodd there with a cold expression and he walked towards her, tore a piece off his shirt and wrapped it around her leg, when he tightened it she flinched in pain 'That should stop the bleeding,' he spoke coldy 'Ty...your side..' she spoke knowing why he had shot her in the leg.. Ty stood up not looking down at her, 'No amount of pain can ever overcome the bullet you so kindly drove into my heart with your distrust in me,' With that Ty walked inside leaving her sitting on the ground Sage slowly stood up and walked inside, Right now Ty should of been yelling at her and calling her a fool...or something...but he didn't, he reacted totally different to what she was use to from him...ages ago he would of yelled at her and cursed her...but now....his attitude was haunting to her..she would of rather him just yell at her than shoot her...mind you...she had seen him many times shoot people in the leg or foot and most would take that as a compliment..because if he shot you to kill you then he hated you but if he shot you to hurt you then it was either because you pissed him off or he wanted to or he just didn't like you...but either way he still shot her and she knew that she had hurt him Ty had gone into the kitchen to make him a coffee, he then sat down at the table at that moment Syn entered the Kitchen after seeing Sage limping to her room 'Hey Ty what happened to Sage?' questioned Syn 'Shot her,' spoke Ty coldly Syn looked at him in shock, 'What!...you shot her!,' Ty just looked at him and then continued to drink his coffee 'Man you shot her,' spoke Syn as he sat down across from Ty, 'You guys have got one wierd relationship going on there....anyway...Mahony's going to be down and out for the next week, she got stabbed but she'll be alright,' Ty raised an eyebrow, 'So whats happening with the raid?' 'Its been put on hold for now...she said to tell everyone to either train or visit family or do something...' replied syn ty gave him a slight nod and he drank his coffee, 'We'll right now...I'm going back to my home..tell mahony i'll be back..just need to sort out a few things...' Ty the stood up from the table and washed his cup out, dried it and placed it back in the carboard in the exact same spot and same way he found it 'What things?' questioned Syn 'My life...' spoke Ty as he walked out, he went to his room grabbed his gear and left without a word to anyone
RPG City of Angels: Fall from Grace (M)
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
[COLOR=Navy][I]'Father...' [/I] whispered Jin as he watched his father approach them...his eyes glowing red...[I]'I know that you are still in there somewhere and this isn't your doing...but if we must fight you...then we will'[/I] Jin looked at Desery, 'Lets go,' he said coldly as they took off towards them, the two mixed angel armies came to blows with the dark creatures and screams echoed around them, Jin drew his sword and slashed threw two creatures with deformed wings flying towards them, elements we're used to rip through the powerful army Jin looked around to see his father laugh as he caused the sky to grow dark around them 'Father please!!!,' roared Jin as he flew towards him, his father turned his head with eyes glowing of the deepest red, Lucifer looked down at his son 'Jin No!!,' yelled Thyne as Lucifer smiled evilly at jin 'Pathetic!,' snapped Lucifer as he shot a beam of Darkness towards Jin, Jin had just managed to dodge it and his rage grew 'You leave me no choice!..I can't let you destroy us,' roared Jin, 'Damn you Razendis!!!,' Jins eyes grew red and his body glowed with a red aura around him at that moment the birth tattoo he inheritted from his father appeared across his forehead and across his chest burning its way into Jins skin, Jin let out a shrill cry as pain proceed down his body, he looked up at his father who floated above him 'Father!..don't make me fight you!!,' roared Jin and anger But Lucifer showed no mercy as he sent another beam of the black burning darkness towards Jin, Jin's eyes grew wilder as he dodged his fathers attack and then he let his rage take over, A stream of fire raged towards his father and who sent a stream of darkness towards Jin, both elements clashed and exploded as they met, both floated in the sky looking at each other while trying to over power one another with their element Jin looked deep into his fathers eyes who suddenly appeared normal 'My son....,' whispered Lucifer as his eyes changed red again 'FATHER!!,' roared Jin as fire bursted out of the ground below them, he knew his father wasnt fight to the fullest, when his element broke through his fathers and hit his father in the chest, Lucifer howled in pain as he was sent flying backwards, at the same time Jin had dropped his guard and his fathers darkness beam struck him in the side sending him flying out of control at a great speed, Lucifer smashed through some trees while Jin hit the ground and slid across it, and flew off the side of a cliff and into the sea 'JIN!,' roared Thyne as she battled her way threw the heartless creatures Lucifer then stood clutching his chest and in rage he began striking down some of the angels who fought against him[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Razendis laughed as his messengers flew back with information of the fight 'So my slaves are doing a good job..' he laughed 'Lucifer...your son wont be too pleased about that...' laughed Razendis as he made a telepathic connection into Lucifers head by using the staff of Darkspire 'You bastard!!,' growled Lucifers soul Razendis laughed as Lucifers soul grew enraged[/COLOR] -
That night something happened between them...something that had never happened before...something more meaning full and passionate..their souls joined together as if they found what they had been searching for..for all their lives... Their bodies twisted around each other in the heat of passion, he ran his hands down her body and she shuddered, beneath him. They both tore off each others clothes hungrily until they could feel each others bare skin, they rolled until Vey was on top of him and she moved gently as Heero slipped inside of her, their groans intwinded with each other, Heero sat up and pulled her body closer to his and began kissing her chest as her head hung back, his hand slipped down to her tigh as he pulled her down, his other hand ran up her arched back and up to her head where he ran his fingers throught her hair, her hands gripped his shoulders where she dug her nails in as she could feel every inche of him throbbing deep inside of her 'Heero...' she whispered into the candle lit room, their silhouette's dancing on the walls as she brought her head forward and he looked up at her, she kissed him deeply as what he had done to her while still in motion, she ran her fingers through his hair and she heard him whisper her name into her mouth as he gripped her waist and pulled her down as he drove into her deeper, their bodies became drenched in passion...and their hearts raced hungrily for each other.....
OOC: Who's Ty??? Syn stopped when he heard a raspy voice call from behind him 'Thank You!!!,' Syn turned around to see the boy who stood by the class room running towards him, he raised an eye brow as the boy stopped to catch his breath and then stood up and looked at Syn 'Thank you...' he gasped Syn didn't say anything as he gave the boy a slight nod and was just about to carry on walking when the boy stopped him again 'Hey...ah...whats your name?' questioned the boy as Syn turned around 'Didn't you hear...Physco...' replied Syn coldly 'No...I mean your real name,' spoke the boy, Syn could tell that the boy hardly ever spoke by the way his voice sounded strained everytime he said a word 'Syn,' replied Syn not understanding why anyone would want to know his name, 'And you?' 'Kit,' he spoke softly Syn then gave Kit a slight nod, suddenly the bell rang and was just about to walk away when he was stopped by Kit again 'Hey..is it ok if...I can walk with?' asked Kit, 'It's just that it's no good for me to go to class...I'm already late,' 'What ever,' spoke Syn as they continued down the hall way at that moment Kani walked passed them 'Hey there,' she spoke looking at the two, 'I can't stop and talk but here,' she said handing Syn the note Syn looked at it with a frown 'Make sure Tom see's it aswell,' she said as she carried on Syn then opened the note [U]Ok We will all meet after school at the plaza and from there we'll go to the cafe. Ty, I am really glad to meet you...Plus I'll try to get the girls to come ok Love Kani[/U] Syn looked back over his shoulder at Kani who disappeared around the corner and then he slipped the note into his pocket and they carried on 'What was that about?' questioned Kit, Syn then handed him the note and he read it 'Sounds serious,' said Kit giving the note back to Syn, 'Do you think I could come?' 'Don't see why not,' spoke Syn as they walked out of the building 'Cool,' spoke Kit softly They walked around for abit and noticed Tom walking towards them Syn then pulled out the note and handed it to him when he got closer 'Whats this?' questioned Tom looking at it, Syn didn't answer he then walked away from the two of them and stood under a tree for a bit, he looked down at his torn shirt, he then took off his shirt behind the tree hoping that noone would see him, even though he wore a singlet...the scars on his back were still noticable, he then pulled out another shirt from his bag and put it on and then walked out from behind the tree and looked at the other two, his side hurt from the bashing he got in the boys changing rooms so slowly he sat down and thought of what punishment he was going to get when he got home
Ty looked at Sage with a deep frown 'I don't hide behind anything,' he spoke 'Then why are you hiding your feelings?' questioned Sage 'One reason..you don't trust me enough to tell me why you actually came here,' said Ty raising an eyebrow, 'which stands to reason..you never came back for me...but in saying that...I trust you enough to not turn on me,' Ty looked at her and then walked away and down the hall, he then found Mahony sitting in the kitchen 'I'm going back to my place...i'm going to need a few things for this raid,' spoke Ty as he walked out the door, Mahony then jumped out of her chair and ran to the door 'Ty!..you'd better be back!!,' she exclaimed in fustration, she looked around and she couldn't see him...it was as if he had disappeared within a matter of seconds 'He's good at doing that,' spoke Sage behind Mahony 'What?' questioned Mahony 'Not even I can track him when he pulls that stunt...at night time its worse...he just disappears,' smiled Sage as she remembered what he could do Ty arrived at his apartment, He grabbed everything he needed which was a decoder, scanner and miniture computer and then quickly left without a trace He arrived back at the hideout 'I told you I wouldn't be long,' he said to Mahony who just looked at him as he went to his room and began sorting out his equipment for the raid
RPG City of Angels: Fall from Grace (M)
Heero Darkangel replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
OOC: Lucifer and Thalion have been released to fight ok..just thought I'd let you all know IC: [COLOR=DarkRed]Razendis slammed his fist down on the arm rest of his throne 'So...they've managed to destroy my second army...looks as though I'm going to have to put Thalion and Lucifer to the test,' smiled Razendis as he turned to the two that stood beside him 'Lucifer!...take my third army and attack those fools from the west....Thalion...you take the fourth army and attack them from the east,' smiled Razendis Thalion and Lucifer tried to egnore his orders but the colars powers were too strong and they were soon under Razendis's control 'Yes Lord Razendis,' they both spoke in a harmonious tone as their eyes grew red 'Lord Razendis...the angels have landed on Darkspire!,' exclaimed a messenger who flew in threw a window 'Well this should really be interesting....Lucifer...Thalion...show me what you can do!,' laughed Razendis and Lucifer and Thalion took off 'Lord Razendis..what if they turn on you?' questioned the messenger 'Believe me...if they do...they will soon pay the price...it may take sometime to fully convert them but with those colars around their necks it'll make it hard for them to turn against me,' smiled Razendis as he watched them and the armies of dark creatures fly off[/COLOR]