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Everything posted by Kidate

  1. Man the worst fanfiction couple I've heard of is Jaken and Rin from Inuyasha. :sick: That wrinkly nasty smelling toad with that care-free girl thats got to give you the willies!!*runs toward the bathroom*
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The best anime charater in my opinion is Inuyasha!! He's just the cutest and even powerful with his sword an all!! He's a pretty boy in my eyes!![/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray]Whoa thats some freaky stuff you got there Eli! Thats reaaly scary!! Did you feel pain? As if it were real?![/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]I had had a nightmare about...like last week. I went like this Some crashing sound woke me up and I looked to see if any body else had heard it to so I looked in my mothers room and found her dead. There were no wounds she just wasn't breathing any longer as if she was never mean't to breath. So then I checked my brothers room and found the same thing. Since I didn't know who did it or how it happened I ran away from my house into the street screaming for help but nobody came. Its as if I was thee only one who survived whatever it was that killed everybody. I looked around in the middle of the street and called out again but nobody came!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Weird huh?[/COLOR]
  4. [quote name='Heero Darkangel']Hey she's only eight!!!!! don't diss her.. some people that do think like that, why just look as us now, we're all acting out playing an anime character and you don't think that's weird????, some of them act out that character in really life, and sometimes some people find sanctuary in that character because it's the only thing in their lives that they can relate to and some just like it but I suppose your intitled to your opinion[/quote] I agree please don't diss her!!! :( But I also agree with you Heero Darkangel about how some people can act just like an anime character. Sometimes I must say I do just look at my friends and see how they act just like some people off anime. Like Sango off Inuyasha. I've seen her in one of my friends when she telling me how she almost beat this girl down because she was lieing about her to other people. It was a hit to her pride. And she did just what Sango would have did if somebody was dishonoring her family.
  5. The anime that has affected my life is Inuyasha. I really don't know how but it just does and did. It must be how many sides he has to him thats got me. :D I don't know but its there ......I feel like a miko. :wigout: But yes Inuyasha has affected me!! Most likely by his bad boy thing he's got going on, on thee outside. Then his all soft on thee inside!! :excited: Yep thats gotta be it!!
  6. I've had plenty of anime dreams about Inuyasha, Naruto, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Get Backers(isn't that a manga...oh well), and Rurouni Kenshin. But mostly of Inuyasha it helps me sleep in a way. But when I dream about them its either because I just got done reading a fanfiction about that anime or I've just read the manga. But its pretty cool I have so many story plots from fanfiction of Inuyasha. And dreaming of them is kinda like a meditative state for me!! Even though I'm kinda sleeping to. :sweat:
  7. :D Yes, that was funny when Miroku had said that about Kagome. Anyhow, another halarious scene in Inuyasha was when Kagome and Miroku were yelling at Inuyasha to be more gentle. Then when you couldn't see them arguing anymore and you just could hear them. Miroku said"Yes be more gentle like this!!" It was so funny you could hear Kagome's scream and Inuyasha yell"I told you not to touch her!!!" :laugh:
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