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Black Moon

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Everything posted by Black Moon

  1. Yes ... *Raises hand* Anime fan here ... The first on that popped into my head was: "Pacifa!!" >_< But I'll give you some "normal" names. Elizabeth (Haha, always have to give your name as an option) Kala Maya Mai Ami (Can be pronounced either way ... depends if you want the English or Japanese. Japanese: Ah-mee) Saphron Mercedes Leah Indigo Faye (:P) But I think the best is, when you see you child, if it's actually a girl (sometimes doctors -can- be wrong), look at her for a while; sometimes the name just .... clicks.
  2. Oh ... I would simply love to wear Lolita-style clothing ... It's so beautiful .... but, alas, things like that cost money ... of which I have not. So I'm stuck owning three pairs of old jeans and a couple shirts. -__- But I love looking at the outfits ... just imagining them on me ... then I realise I'm not good-looking enough to wear stuff like that. >_< But it's okay to dream, ne?
  3. Hmm. I guess it all depends. Their gene pool probably has about a million different options, just as any normal human (or youkai;hanyou). It's completely random ... So the child may or may not have puppy ears. ^_^ I guess it's just to be left up to the imagination.
  4. Well, I've cried inside a lot during an anime, and a couple of times out loud. [spoiler]When Wolfwood died in Trigun.[/spoiler] (Outloud cry) [spoiler]When Inuyasha said he needed Kagome in the first movie, and when Kagome saves Inuyasha in movie two and three.[/spoiler] [spoiler]When Spike died in Cowboy Bebop.[/spoiler] (Out loud) [spoiler]When Faye tried to stop Spike from leaving in Cowboy Bebop.[/spoiler] (Out loud) [spoiler]A LOT of times in Full Metal Alchemist.[/spoiler] [spoiler]When in Princess Mononoke he says: "I'm human ... and so are you." and they hug. And a lot more in that movie, though none out loud. When in Spirited Away Sen lifted the curse off Haku.[/spoiler] And I'm sure there is a lot more, I just can't think of them.
  5. Okay, I'll only comment on your Cowboy Bebop ones because I don't want to make assumptions about anime pictures that I know nothing about. Heh. Anyway, your first CB one. The darkening of the rose is great, I liked it. But as for the second part of the picture, the text hides Vicious, which is the main focal point. So now all you can see is the wings of the bird on his shoulder, which makes people think that it may be a raven. The tect can be moved up a line, so it goes: "Tell me again ... If the choice made is right." Bring "If the choice made is right" down, and you can see him again, and the text won't really bother the rose if you only bring it up for enough room for the next line. And your wallpaper. I agree, it does seem kind of choppy, but it's hectic. Which works very well for Ed, since she (yes, to those unfamiliar with Cowboy Bebop, Ed is a she) is whacky, and the blockyness portrays her. As for the others, all's I can say is I like 'em, andI can read the text fine. ^_~
  6. Now, before you start getting my brain all jellied, when you're saying "yaoi" are you actually meaning "yaoi" or are you actually meaning "shounen-ai"? Anyway, if you ARE actually meaning "yaoi" I haven't ventured that far yet, just shounen-ai. I have the first DVD of Gravitation, the first four mangas of Gravitation, and, which I'm surpised isn't mentioned yet, the first two manga volumes of FAKE. FAKE has intense kissing scenes bewtween the main two male characters, but hasn't gonw over it's 16+ rating yet. And the whole conflict between one of the two characters, Ryo, is "Wow, Dee (the second male character) kisses really good ... but wait ... I'm not gay ... I can't like him ... Or can I ..." just yanks you around. And I'm begging for the third volume, because this romance actually is so great, and there's TONS of action in it, too! Yuri/shoujo-ai doesn't really apeal to [i]me[/i], but I'm not against other people reading/watching it. (After all, if I (a girl) can watch two boys kiss and enjoy it, who am I to say a boy (or another girl) can't watch two girls?)
  7. As long as I'm not reading one of my MANY mangas during working hours at school, my teachers don't mind. (Of course, they also haven't realised the 16+ rating on the back.) I own 66 manga, about 19 DVDs, a hard drive with over 98.5% of its space full of anime pictures, plushies, action figures, and posters. As long as my anime/manga is not disturbing my classmates or studies, my teachers have no justification to take away my manga. But for you, like QuincyArcher said, since your wallpapers are in full visual of your fellow students and teachers that may find something offensive (even if to you maybe it's not), the teachers have to stick to the rules and guidlines.
  8. The term [I]actually[/I] derrives from the French word animé ... or is it animè? Never the less, in fact, several Japanese words come from French. Anyway, it's a common misconception thank the word "anime" comes from "animation". But, anyway, like many have stated before, anime is a style of art creacted by Japanese in Japan, that can include many different styles of art. It can be called "cartoons" but many hard-corse anime fans will lash out at the term.
  9. (Possible Spoilers) I've seen the first and second in Japanese and in English (and own them both in English and Japanese) and I've seen the third movie in Japanese (borrowed from my cousin). The second movie was great, I think I liked it a little more than the first, and a lettie better in English than in Japanese. Becuase in the Japanese version, Kagome doesn't tell Inuyasha that she loves him. But I did enjoy the first movie a lot ... Menomaru was so cute. :animenose Some people crack down on the animation of the movie, simply because it differs from the style of the TV anime. But I think it was great, so don't let people tell you otherwise. ^_~ Take it from an expert. :catgirl:
  10. Well, I have a couple friends which I'd tell important things to ... My cousin Laura, my friend Emily, my other friends Alexa and Mercedes, Alexis ...And possibly Leah, andI can't forget Kelli-chan or Heather-chan! But that's about it, I'd say.
  11. Well, technically, no. But sometimes, like after being sick for around two days, and I still feel a little crappy on the third day, but I COULD make it at school if I needed to, but I stay home anyway. Thus giving myself even MORE make-up homework ... But overal, if I haven't been sick, I can't fake it since my dad is really good at illnesses and such.
  12. Yeah, my little baby cat. (Okay, he's not a baby, but I think of him as one.) He goes where I go in the house, and he's my little bunny. :3 (He's like a minx or whatever, so he has a bunny-like tail.) And there's also my other cats, which are like family. I have four cats, and ALL of them are treated better than my dad and I put together ... Tee hee.
  13. [QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]This is almost as entertaining except that it's done over and over again. But yes, enjoy: [url=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=621&item=7302326437&rd=1]Free Shipping![/url] How'd you like them apples?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Oh dear! Where'd my change purse go! I've been looking for one of those FOREVER! Someone, please, toss me a quarter!
  14. [quote name='kabapu'] He (more rediculously) sold a piece of his fecal matter for (get this!) £125.00!![/quote] Oh. Dear. Gods. Who BOUGHT it?! Anyway, as you can tell, many people make silly jokes on eBay to make money or a few laughs. For instance, "CAPTURED- Mr. Boogeyman Needs a New Home." Eight bids. "Evil Kermit Needs a New Home- Fraternity or Mob House He drinks, parties, plays with knives A BAD INFLUENCE!!" 47 bids ... I'm not surprised someone tried to sell their life. It's a shame that no one bid on him, though. Poor guy, now he probably feels even more worthless ... Teehee.
  15. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]*I hate it when I make the effort to reply to a thread here on the OB and I get ignored.[/color'][/size][/quote] I do too. Especially when the post has some deep meaning ... Of course, I've found more. - When people in respetible RPs type like they're five. "i cant seem 2 find wut he wuz looing 4, can u hlp me" - When family rags on my for a "C" on my Midterm, when "C" is average. - Excessive smilies, one or two is enough. - Being woken up by my father shouting: "Damnit! What the ******* are you doing?!" at the top of his lungs at seven in the morning on a holiday. - Being "cool". I like being "uncool" so lay off. - Judgment. - My coat. - Teachers who talk too much ... - Teachers [I]pets[/I] that talk too much. I think that's it ... for now. Ta.
  16. I don't think I've ever cried on a good occasion, but my mom cried on a happy occason one time infront of me, like a month or two before she died. But I have cried before. Last time was about three weeks ago, when my best friend moved away. I hadn't cried for months, and haven't cried since. I hardly cry really bad. But I do enjoy crying, when it's a release of something.
  17. [QUOTE=Godelsensei] I hate having morons in my school and listening to them whine about how stupid and boring George Orwell's books are. [/QUOTE] :eek: [I]1984[/I]? [I]Animal Farm[/I]? How COULD they?! Next think you know, they'll be trashing [I]A Clockwork Orange[/I]! I hate... ~ People who don't enjoy a good book ~ People who call anime "silly cartoons" when they've never seen any anime shows ~ My computer ~ Writer's block ~ People with poor grammar ~ Too much school work ~ My dad shouting at the computer/other cars/me/the cats/other ~ "Chat speak" Example: wut wuz ^ w/ that???!!1! ~ Teachers who don't know what they're talking about ~ People who marr precious books. *Pets her books* ~ People who do stuff just to get on TV I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of any right now ...
  18. [quote name='elfpirate][b][color=navy]I don't really understand your association between pirates and eyeliner... I'm not trying to be a jerk- I just don't know where the association comes from... unless it comes from Johnny Depp....:confused: [/color'][/b][/quote] No. : 3 It doesn't. I just always thought pirates were dark and misterious, and nice black eyeliner would help with that. _> And I wear a lot of eyeliner, so there'd probably be a stain on my eyelids if I didn't keep wearing it. ANd all my pirates would be nice a clean. If they didn't have a bath at least every three days, we'd throw them in the nearest cove until they WERE clean. So, yes. We wouldn't be very like most pirates. But we'd be very rich. Do I have a life? No. No I don't. *Waddles off to go dream about her pirate crew*
  19. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2][COLOR=Blue]I liked his early stuff, but "Titanic" made me want to go out an eat garbage. Sheeze, the obsession with that movie just wouldn't die! And the ******* STUPID SONG! MAKE..IT...STOP... MAKE IT STOP!!! All I can say about that movie is this: The Boat sank. GET THE **** OVER IT! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] ANd the fact that anyone with half a brain knew that the ship was going to sink before they even got to the previews. -_- I think it might be kind of hard to please some hardcore fans of any anime with a live action movie. There's almost always going to be something people don't like. "Oh my gods! Did he just misspronounce that?! What was he THINKING?!" or "That's not how it happened ... That's NOT how it happened!!" I know. I did it with the Harry Potter movies ... ^_^;; And some series are just not meant to be live action movies, but I think I'd go see the Witch Hunter Robin on if it ever happened. But like in an article in a Beckett Anime magazine, they had some actors for live action movie ... and, let's just say they weren't the best. Orlando Bloom for Inuyasha? He's too pretty. Jake Gyllenhaal as Spike Speigal from Cowboy Bebop? No, no, no. Not Bubble Boy. (If anyone would like to read the entire article about this, I typed it up and can PM it to anyone that wishes.)
  20. Wow, yeah, I want a lot that none of y'all want. [B]Come in, come in![/B] [B]Rin[/B] from Inuyasha- She's cute, and she can take care of herself. She could honestly brighten my day. And I'd really like to brush her hair. Not to mention she'd bring Sesshomaru along for visits, too. ^_~ [B]Kasumi[/B], Akane's olderst sister from Ranma 1/2- She can cook and clean, and she never complains! [B]Plum[/B] from Chobits- Okay, so she can't do much, but she's so cute! And she's a laptop, so she'd be a handy thing to have. [B]Spike and Ed[/B] from Cowboy Bebop- Spike would keep everything lively, as well as the couch warm. ^_^ Ed could fix my computer, and we'd be so much a like we could stay up all night chatting. [B]Buyo[/B] from Inuyasha- I like kitties. He can stay, he looks like a good lap cat. [B]Out, out, out![/B] [B]Miroku[/B] from Inuyasha- Okay, no pervs alowed. Plain and simple. [B]Usagi[/B] from Sailor Moon- She'd be nice for a visit, but I don't know if I could deal with her complaints about her weight and all that crying. So, I'll have a pretty packed house, since I can turn away hardly anyone. C'mon! Any stray peoples out there? Come and live with me!!
  21. [quote name='elfpirate'] I guess I wanted to be both when I was a kid... (okay... I never really grew out of it, I admit).[/b][/quote] Do we EVER grow out of it? I still sometimes put on thick eyeliner, put a big earing in one ear, and steal my dad's sword and go around, saying "Arrg!" ... Of course, I still also put on the short pink wig, red lipstick and pink eye shadow on occasion, so maybe I shouldn't be talking ...
  22. I'd want to be a pirate, always have. They always looked so sexy, with their black make up. Plus, I'd get to sword fight, shoot guns, and haves lots of money. Mind you, I'd want to be the old-fashioned kind of pirate, not the ones these days with their little speed boats highjacking big yhats. I'd really like to live in a boat on the ocean. And I'd have an all-girl pirate crew, me being the captian, of course. And we'd pit up hot guy pirates until I married one and our crew got smushed together in one big boat. Uh. Hehe. Not that you care, or anything.
  23. Ah. Well, I forgot two. [B]Goth Chick/Goth Girl-[/B] Well, aparently since my cothes are black, I'm a goth. Several people call me this ... Nevermind that I wear blue jeans. No. I wear black gloves and black shirts, and my nails are sometimes black, so I [I]must[/I] be goth. [B]Mama Duck-[/B] My best friend, Emily calls me this. Simply because our other friend, Kelsie, pointed out that Emily followes me everywere like a baby duck. So she's Baby Duckie and I'm Mama Duck. Only very rarely used out loud, but secretly we call eachother that a lot. I've also been dubbed Mousse and Pixie by her. Those aren't used at all anymore, but I like Mousse.
  24. Wow. Well, mine was bad. I was sick. And still am sick. Bleh. So I still haven't given my boyfriend his card and sugar (the food sugar, not to think kisses or anything). And I'll have probably ended up missing something really cool that happened in school on the 14th.
  25. Well, let's see. I have a few. [B]Lizzy-Monster-[/B] My friend Alexa, who I've known since I was two, calls me this on occasion. My fist name is Liz, but I don't know where she got the Monster. [B]Monkey/Monkey-butt-[/B] Uh... Long story. My dad insists he bought me from an L.L. Bean catalogue for half price because I had a monkey tail. And of course, he told Alexa's mom, so now she calls me Monkey and my dad calls me Monkey or Monkey-butt. [B]Fern Girl/Fernie-[/B] One day I [I]had[/I] to comment to my U.S. History Teacher that his ferns looked a little dry, as my dad grows a lot of plants and flowers and such, so I knew. And now every once in a while I have to water his ferns and he calls me Fern Girl. Two years before this, I had the same teacher in Study Hall, and back then he called me Computer Girl, because I'd always have to fix his computer for him. [B]Hotdog-[/B] Oh, gods. I hate this one. My Public Speaking/Drama teacher doesn't know my first name, but my last name is Armour, like the hotdog company, so he calls me that. WHY can't I have a nice, cute nickname that everyone could call me?! Okay, I'd even preffer "Monster" from some of those. O.O But, you know what, I'd really like everyone to call my by my MSN Messenger name, which is Red Rabbit. No idea why. But it's in Japanese characters, so it looks like this --> 赤 ウサギ (Don't know if that shows up), so no one but my cousin who can also read it knows what it says. ^_^;;
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