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Black Moon

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Everything posted by Black Moon

  1. Umm. I live a few minutes away from Springfeild, IL, which has a a lot of stuff about Abraham Lincoln. ... And ... LP came to Springfeild once on tour? xD ... Psst. What else. Oh! I live in the big black hole that no one knows about between Chicago and Kentucky. And I'm a few (3-4) hours away from Chicago or the other direction, St. Louis. Wow. We so rock, don't we?
  2. Hehe. Those are funny. Well, I've had a few, one of the most simplest, yet funniest ones was when I was in fourth grade, and my teacher was writing "sweat shirt" on the black board. Well, she forgot the "r" in shirts so it said, well. . . Yeah. Hehe. If I think of any more, I'll be sure to post it. Semi-off topic: One of my classmates was writing on the board, and she didn't know how to spell "wore". I was standing nexted to her, and notcied she added an "h" in the mix. I don't know if this is allowed in the forum, so if it's not, I'm sorry, but then I'm like: "Er. . . Emily, that says whore." Since it was a white board, I quickly marked it out with my finger and wrote it for her. ^_^;
  3. [B]Saddam:[/B] "One day, I shall rule the world! And one day I will learn to shave! And one day, I WILL learn how to use toliet paper!!!" Okay, stinks, but I tried.
  4. Well, I think it might be a bit hard for me. ^_^;;; It might be dreadfully hard to be a moon. A black one at that. But I'm not sure what caused me to go by "Black Moon", but I know it was a good choice. Now I use it everywhere, or a form of it. Like on other forums, I'm Black Moon or Black_Moon. My penname for my Inuyasha fanfics on fanfiction.net and mediaminer.org are Black-Moon-Goddess. So, in a way, I do act like my name. ^_^;;; If you like Inuyasha fanfics you can chek me out a [url]http://www.fanfiction.net/~blackmoongoddess[/url]. Or at [url]www.mediaminer.org[/url] with the name of Black-Moon-Goddess. ^_~
  5. Wow! We have like, 8 people! This is great! I can't wait till we start! heh heh heh MUAHAHAHAHA! *cough* Sorry. Just a little hyper. Well, see you guys later!
  6. [quote name='ArunueShekamari][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Oka! so far, everyones sign up are good, exept for Box Hoy, i hope you ment to put 22 instead of 222. Lol. ^^;;[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Umm, I think he meant it. If you read his bio. it says he's from a race or somethin' that makes you live like 1000 years.
  7. ((Heh heh. I'm here!... )) [B]Name:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Zoe Kiato[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Age:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]18[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Sex:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Female[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Apearance:[/B] [url]http://www.universomanga.com.ar/R1/057/sinopsis/blue.jpg[/url] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Short, poofy black hair. Cold blue eyes. Always, unless in battle, wearing a long black trench coat. Vairying black pants and shirts. She either wears big combat boots, or no shoes at all. (She preffers the latter of the two)[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Student[/B] [B]Class:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]hand-to-hand combat, multi-wepon combat[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Posetions:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]A necklace her mother gave her and her sword her father gave her. (The police wern't too happy with the sword.)[/FONT][/SIZE] [B]Small Bio:[/B] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]She was hidden by her parents during a war in a distant land when her parents were being arested. She was 5 at the time and ever since she'd been on the streets, often stealing food or clothes, doing dirty jobs (not preverse) to get some quick cash. Untill one day, or night, I should say, when she was waundering through some dark alleyways the cops abushed her, said she was wanted for theft. She put up a good fight, martial arts skills came in handy in that situation. The police decided if she could be turned "good" she'd be handy, she they threw her into Kurakow: Training Academy. She didn't think she'd fit in, but she instantly loved it.[/FONT][/SIZE] (Hope that's long enough, tell me if Ineed to add/ change anything)
  8. I agree with the many states above. (and on the first page.) I think your boss was (as stated before) trying to find an easy way to fire you, but, incidently, had an excuse that mad no sense. Me and my pal were bored one day (and happened to be in the library) so we decided to do some research about, well... you guessed it, Wicca. I'm appauled that your boss fired you supposedly because of your beliefs; Wicca, from what I remember, is a fairly "good" religion. In all I read (which was about two pages XD) there was no mention about how you should worship Satan. It's very hard to remember since it was nearly a year ago, but isn't there two parts of Wicca?
  9. Thanks again. You can feel free to PM me too, if you wanna few laughs or someone to chat with. Well, since I think I'm getting off topic, Ja! Hope to see you around!
  10. Thank you! It looks great! *hugs you* I love it! *bows*
  11. Some of you may know, Jonny Depp lost his virginity at the young age of 13. My veiws on this are very disturbed, how can a thirteen-year-old boy get a girl to, well, you know have sex with him? Now, all I ever heard about it was that he lost it at a young age, for all I know, he could have been raped. I was just wondering what others had on this subject, if you don't think it's that bad, and why, if you know what happened, or, even rumors you've heard. Feel free to tell. [COLOR=Red][B]EDIT:[/B][/COLOR] And yes, I know, I spelled his last name wrong in the title, please forgive me, it was a simple mistake.
  12. [quote name='Black Moon]But don't jump to conclusions if you're thinking about a friend, I have a friend who does thing, like cutting, just to get attention, [SIZE=2][B]she may have deeper issuse[/B][/SIZE'], but the things she does are to get us to notice her, which she doesn't need because a lot of people notice her, while I, on the other hand, am left waiting for someone to talk to me, which rarely happens....[/quote] I didn't say that she didn't have anything wrong with her life, I have be friends with her since we were two, and I know that her parents smoke excessivly. But you can tel by the cuts if they were meant to do harm to herself or just to get people to look at her. And it's not that I haven't tried, but my friends have so many other freakin' freinds it's hard to get time to talk. Of course, it's probably all my fault (not said sarcasticlly) because I don't address my problems, but I'll take your advice on talking to her. I mean, she talks to me a lot about this stuff, she usually comes to me to ask about her hard life... which kind of dumps an emotional load on me, but I help her anyway. But I'll tell her about my problem then maybe she'll tell me about hers.
  13. I LOVE it! Thank you! I would ask for a banner, but I'm not sure how to put it in...
  14. I know it's not going to help with the actual point, but what I think what vash-san wants is to make it look like it was painted, but, you know, not actually go get the paints out of the drawer and sit there for hours with a paint brush in hand. Does that help you experts understand anything? ...Or maybe I was completle wrong and that's not what they want. O_o Either way, I tried.
  15. Hey, I don't know about [I]all[/I] girls, but I like to get to know the guys. Maybe your problem with "befriending them" is that you don't show any possiblity that you might have feelings for the girl. Maybe try when you talk to her, you touch her arm in a casual way, or look into her eyes. They way I got hooked on a guy was he seemed really open, for instance, he told me the problems he was haveing with his mother. That showed me he trusted me with his secrets. Have you maybe hugged them in a friendly manner? Asked them out for a cup of coffee of a burgar? I highly recomend this, but try to be suttle, but not too suttle, about it, though. Don't make it seem like you're going really fast with the relationship.
  16. Hello, and thank-you for taking you time to look here. I was wondering if someone could give me an avatar with a moon on it. I'm going to be open-minded as to what the moon looks like, but preeferable (I know I'm not using the correct turm for this) but like a 3/4ths moon, one that's in shadow a little on the left side. Also, in text that's ledgable and doesn't cover up the moon (or as little as possible) it says: Black Moon, as it is my name... not that you hadn't figured that out yet ;) I thank you again. *bows respectufully*
  17. I really enjoyed it. As some have stated before, it flows. In my head, I can kind of hear it as a song. (my mind does weird things like that.) I actually enjoyed this because of it's "darkness". The way you're rhymes go it realy makes it all connect together, when some people do stuff along the same lines as this, they tend to sound like three or four small poems smashed into one, but not yours, it's easy to continue from one word to the next without breaking the beat. (Or at least the beat my head makes XD.)
  18. I'm really enjoying, though I'm only catching bits and pieces. I guess I like it because I was young and actually [I]playing[/I] with some of those toys... like tamagotchis. I swear, I'd have an I.Q. of 157 if I didn't play with those. XD Of course, I watched a lot of stuff from the '80's (even if I wasn't born in that time) like Speedracer, Smirfs, and yes, untill I was seven I was always wearing a pair of... JELLIES!!! By the way I grew up, you'd never know I grew up in the 90's. But, this show really brought back some funny memories, the commentary is REALLY funny!.. and don't even get me STARTED on 1993! Man! I never knew some of that stuff! (like the "incident" with the lady, her husband, and a misplaced knife XP).
  19. [quote name='Semjaza Azazel']A new Illinois person. Awesome.[/quote] AWESOME?! Well, you're from Chicago, I'm from Chatham. Have you even [I]heard[/I] of Chatham?! (I doubt you were actually talking to me, but, anyway: ) See, to go to a doctor, I need to tell my Father, therefore, making him uncomfortable. And even if I went to a doctor, I'd choose a shrink... even though the only thing I'd do is talk back to the person. But I do think anyone who needs help, should get it. Depression is a serious thing. But don't jump to conclusions if you're thinking about a friend, I have a friend who does thing, like cutting, just to get attention, she may have deeper issuse, but the things she does are to get us to notice her, which she doesn't need because a lot of people notice her, while I, on the other hand, am left waiting for someone to talk to me, which rarely happens.... But I guess that's a good thing since then I'm not disturbed from my arguments in my head XD... which get quiet anoying, but it's fun to yell out "STOP TALKING TO ME!"... but I'm getting off the subject.
  20. [quote name='Japan_86][COLOR=Navy']Ever since I moved from Illinois to England I had this depression.[/COLOR][/quote] I've live in a very small town in Illinios for all my life, and it's boreing! I would really like to explore the world, but true, I would still always like to be with my "friends". [B]KNOWING IT:[/B] As many have said before, you don't always [I]know[/I] you're deprssed, you think it's just a mood you're going through at it will get better. You lock it up and push it in the back of your mind, going on with your normal life, actually being happy at one point or another, but it always comes back and hits you like a ton of bricks. [B]HARD TO TALK ABOUT:[/B] It's really hard to talk about your depression with your loved ones, especially if the reason (if you have one) of your depression may affect them, too. And, [I]yes[/I] this knowledge comes from first-hand experiences, which I have yet to overcome.
  21. One: Probably to become Kagome and be able to be with Inuyasha. I would try and get him to open up and get him to understand that he loves me and wants to make-out with me. The downfall would be... there would be no plot and it'd turn into a full-on romance anime, with only about ten episodes where I find my true warrior instinks, going on a major killing rapange leaving only those who are good... mainly killing Naraku, then the battle scenes would almost always end with me and Inuyasha kissing in the rain, blood and all. ...... Oh, and my other wish that has to do with anime: My Inuyasha the 2nd movie would work propally. XP So, you [I]really[/I] don't want my Inuyasha wish to come true... unless you really love romance, ;)
  22. [B]Jean Reno:[/B] I'm only saying him off of ONE movie, too. The Professional. He had such great acting skills in this moive, he played a cleaner, quiet well, but always managed to look so sweet and inoccent. He always kept the suspense at a maximum. I GREATLY recomend anyone who loves soemthing that can make you scream, cry, laugh, stare in awe, to see The Professional. Reno playing Leon is one of the best things I've ever see. [B]Vin Diesel:[/B] He's got that sexy voice and can play the inocent one, and the bad one great. Probably more, but my brain isn't working right, I need to take it into the shop and get it fixed. ;)
  23. Okay, I don't have 10 fav. so I'll just post those I do have. BTW: I haven't watched latly, but I do own the wrestlemainia book that has all of 'em trought the ages. MY LIST IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! 1.) The Rock: Not only does he posses "The Peoples Elbow" he has great skill. 2.) Litia: Damn. SHe shows power for us girls every where! 3.) Andre the Giant: If I must elaborate, you must get a brain. 4.) The Undertaker: He just has so many reasons, but mainly, I like his attitude twoards others. And I've seen him live in Springfeid, Illinois. *insirt evil laugh here*
  24. I have to say one of them was "Invisable" By Clay Akien. I was waching Mtv and the music video came on. He says something like this: "If I was invisable, I could watch you in your room" man that was creepy. I like Bloody Valintine, actually, now I want to go listen to it again! I'm sure therer are TONS more that've creeped my out, but that poped into my head first.
  25. Oh, I'm a big sap when it comes to cring in movies. Here's a few: [B]Armagetton:[/B] (may be spelled wrong) I never actually [I]saw[/I] this, but my dad told me what happened at the end, and I broke down. [B]The Professional:[/B] If you've seen it, you wouldn't blame me. [B]The Lion King:[/B] Do I [I]really[/I] need to elaborate? [B]Jacob the Liar:[/B] First I was crying because I was sad, they killed him, damnit! Then I was crying because I was happy that they were saved. [B]Moulin Rouge:[/B] They had just decalaired both theire true un-dieing loves, the she went and [I]died[/I] how ironic is that?! [B]Bambi:[/B].... [B]Fox and the Hound:[/B] The part where he was left all alone and it started to rain. I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help it... I bet there's probably A LOT more, but I can't remember.
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