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Black Moon

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Everything posted by Black Moon

  1. Girl's bathrooms are probably MUCH worse because most girls don't give a damn about who has to clean them, they "just wanna have a moment of fun" which is a bad excuse, I know. My bathrooms (as in the girls at school's bathrooms) have probably been painted over atleast twice a month. It really appauls me, I know I stated earlier that I'd write something, but it was in pencil, and could easily be erased, but that's still no excuse, either. [QUOTE=Gelgoog Pilot] Btw...Why is it that women are crueler than guys? I'venoticed this for a while...if two guys who are firends get in a fight they are usually back together by the end of the week. But when ftwo girlfirends fight...man they hold that grudge FOREVER![/QUOTE] I take offence to that. I've seen some men that "duke it out" and never become friends again... all over the last slice of pizza. And I'm serious about that. While I've never been mad at a friend for over two days. And the longest one I had was because my best friend was going out with my boyfriend behind my back, I fogave her after two days, him, five days. The only majorly bad "girl fight" I've ever seen in my school was over a boy. Yes, a boy that probably doesn't even remember their names. Whitney and Kassidee were fighting over a damn guy (and, mind you, they're in the seventh grade) and Kass. was making death threats. That was the worst in my school's history. Of course, they haven't made up yet, but can you blame them? Granted, we girls can get a little... testy, but [I]I[/I] think more men have fights resulting in deaths than girls (correct me if I'm wrong). There may be a few times (-cough- about a million) where women take it over the edge... for example, that lady in '93 who cut off her husbands penis. That was over the top, but he lived. I've seen some with men where someone's body is flung all over the street, and I believe that was over something that didn't deserve something so harsh.
  2. [SIZE=3][FONT=Arial][quote name='Heero Darkangel']Well...I'll tell you one thing thats only mild...compared to some of the others...[/quote] You must be really attractive if that's [I]mild[/I]. I'm not [I]at all[/I] attractive to have something like that happen to me... so probably the one that scared me the most was when I thought this guy was following me, whic was kind of surprising 'cause there's a lot prettier girls than me close by... but, of course, he dissapeared soon after.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. Let's see... I've done so many things, let's put some up! - You put sugar water on you and walk outside and watch as tons of mosquitos bite you. (I do not recomend this, it really hurts) - You stand out side during winter in only your bathing suit and wait for someone to give you a coat - you pack a bag, but on your dirtiest clothes and go outside bare-foot with the bag and the bat and start walking around like you're homless and wait for someone to give you some money, and laugh when they do (may never happen) - You get into discussions with your best internet-buddy that takes up 50, 200-post pages... but you're talking about something stupid - You break into song... on the internet like so: Hakuna Matata! What a waunderful phrase! Hakuna matata! A'nit no passing craze! - You watch your cats fight over the food, laughing when one gets hit - You tie a string to your belt-loop and run around the house watching your cats chase you - You walk into a fast-food place with no shirt on, or no shoes on and wait for someone to kick you out - You bring you cat on a leash into a fast-food resturaunt and when someone asks you about it say "It's my seeing-eye dog" Then they coment on how it's a cat and you say "it is?!" (repeat untill someone throws you out) - You enjoy the internet connection noise - You wait and wait 'till someone replies to a message you posted and get really happy when someone does - You train birds to fly around straling people's toupe's, then laugh when they freak out (A lot of these would be better put under "You know you're pathetic when..." or "You know you have too much time on your hands when...")
  4. Oh! I can be a pixie!... Okay, now back to the main point. Yes, I fully hate any discrimination for any reason. Gender, religion, race, anything you can think of. Even ranking in school: Prep/ Jock, Punk, goth, outcast, loner, ect. Why does it matter? I'd happily be friends with the chearleaders if they were a lot nicer. Yes, my last never is blown-up with discrimination. *nods, making it final*
  5. Oh, I just thought of one that really botherd me. Aplications, resumes, ISAT, ect. Anything you have to fill out information. They ask you your race. Why [I]is[/I] that? I have half a mind to write in the "other" spot and put: Human. What does my skin color, or where I come from matter when I want a job? THat gets on my VERY last nerve. I have some "black" friends, although, I never look at them that way, and I know if I'm applying for something and she's applying for the same thing (let's say a job) and she has more qualifications, what am I supposed to think if I get the job, is it because of the fact that my skin is white? [B]Does this bother anyone else?![/B]
  6. Okay, I wish I could help you with this, but my dad *grumbles* has this stupid parental control servicies on my computer (he's really immature and thinks I don't know anything) and I can't see what it is... anyone mind informing me?
  7. Hmmm... I don't know if it's embarasing, but I got really red and felt really bad (for the other guy) I was hanging around with my guy-friend, Chase. Now, mind you, I'm a very agressive woman and we were making jokes, and I pretened to punch him in the face... well, what I thought was a pretened punch. I ended up hitting him square in the nose, it wasn't bad... just red for the entire 9th peoriod of school. Now this is emabrassing for me: I like really baggy mens pants. (Damn you men, they make all your clothes so much better!) Well, I was running thru the court yard in a REALLY baggy pair... and there was a crack in the side walk. I stepped on the edge of my pants, tripped on the crack, and went flying to bruise my bum, scrap up my left hand and and right elbow. My floders went flying and everyone laughed at me... damn 6th graders, I coulda beaten them up, too. Well, the only good news outta that was, the class I was running to was Language Arts (which Ihate) and I ripped up my left hand... and I'm left handed. :) Didn't have to write any work down. *evil laugh*
  8. Why do we do it? Well, it's been mainly stated above, I'm sorry to admit that when I was skipping advisery or sumthin' I'd write sutff just to make the prep. girls mad. The didn't know who the hell did it, so. *shrugs* We get bored waiting for the bus, and it takes girls longer to got to the bathroom than men. (As you all should know.) Most girls (not me) really bawl their eyes out over stuff like that. They might cry into their friends should saying: "Someone thinks I'm a b****!" Or something like that... which, they usually are, but their heads where hit so many times in chearleading practice to notice. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3] [FONT=Arial][B]MAIN REASON: MOST GIRLS DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE FEELINGS, OR, THEY GET BORED[/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. Yeah, I'm mainly the person who gets angry at the people who start an argument that they don't know Ican easily beat them in... which I do. Or people who think money makes the world go round... 'course, without money, Iwouldn't get my Inuyasha movies for my b-day. ;)
  10. I'm trying to think of a clean (as in language) comeback.... Oh, this damn guy tryin' to sell me somethin', and you know how they usually tell you their names? Well, let's say his name was Frank. "Frank": Hello. I'm Frank Something-or-other, would you like to buy--- Me: Frank? Oh, Frank! It's you! Haven't seen you in a while! How are you?! We need to talk more often! Frank: Um.... Hello? Me: YOU INSISITVE JERK! I outta come over and slap you 'till your barber screams! Frank: What? Me: You take me out on a date, say I'm the prettiest thing you've ever seen and you never call back! I'm fed up with you! I hope I never see you again you jackass! Then I hang up and no one called me to sell something for a month... 'course they were really calling my dad... but I happened to pick the phone up at the time ;)
  11. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]I've known that for only a few weeks. I'm very mature for my age and I think I'm growing up too fast, for I'm only 13, but that's not my fear. I guess since I've been alone most of my life, mother dead at 4, being shoved into day-care centers when I was young because my dad had to work a lot, I guess I've always felt alone. I never want to feel alone again... of course, I still am. My biggest fear is not having someone at night when I wake up sweating from a terrible night mare or if I loose a job or something, I always want that one man to comfort me. I don't care if I have barely any friends, I just want that man at night that will let me sleep right next to him so I know someone's there for me. I just want to have that guy who I can't stop staring at... I guess my greatest fear is not falling in love... Kinda cheesy, huh?[/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. I've got perfect game/anime: [B]GAME:[/B] Link (adult) from the Legends of Zelda (LoZ) [B]ANIME:[/B] The Celtic Guardian from Yu-Gi-Oh! [B]REASONS:[/B] 1.) They both have that green tunic 2.) They both have Ear-length blonde hair 3.) They both have fairly large swords 4.) They both have what I call "elf-ears", or, "Hylian" ears from LoZ I can probably go on, but I think that's enough... -with great love, Black Moon :love2:
  13. [B]Why wont they put anime in theatres?[/B] I look around my school and only (and this is litterally) about 3 people (including me) are aware of Japanese animation such as Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, ect. I also go to the mall in the DVD section, barely anything there, about 10 different Inuyasha DVDs, and maybe 5 other animation. It's just not as popular (as many have stated) as we think. Only one person in my entire family, not encluding me, was aware of "anime", and that was my DAD! I swear, no one in my HUGE family had ever heard of it, they always assume when they hear "animation" they think of Spongebob Squarepants or Rugrats or something else American-made. I know it's been stated many-a-time before me, but it just isn't as popular as we anime freaks would hope. :grumble: (Apologizing: I was not reffering to everyone when I say "anime freaks". I am just thalinh about the ones that believe they are anime freaks.) -With great love, Black Moon :love2:
  14. A lot of great animes such as [B][U]Cowboy Bebop[/U][/B] would be really hard to creat a second season. Maybe you want more of a single episode (or session) to explain what happens to each characters, well... the ones that live. In most anime, They (the creators) [I]plan[/I] to only have one season, hence, why they kill of some (or all) of the charactors. Another exapmle, [B][U]Wolf's Rain[/U][/B]. They (the creators) gave it that kind of an ending (you know if you've seen it) because they aren't/weren't planing on a second season. Granted, that little "happy" moment at the very end makes you think that they did that so they [I]could[/I] have another season, but what's left? Some anime's aren't meant to have a continued plot. (Pretty much all that don't have one, were never [I]meant[/I] to have one.) -With great love, Black Moon
  15. [quote name='kat4000']i the ending i hate the most is to cowboy bebop. i mean its good in all but i think the left alot of things unanwsered and the don't tell what happens to the people after the end which really sucks! :flaming:[/quote] I totally agree on this one. It left me thinking "Shouldn't there be more? What the heck happened?" of course, then I was yelling: "STAND UP DAMNIT!!!" [spoiler]I was wonder if he was [I]actually[/I] dead or not! And what happened to Ed? Did she find herself? Did Faye pay all her bills? I mean, come on! Did Jet finally move on?[/spoiler] It felt like a fanfic that forgot it's epilouge!
  16. The episode in Inuyasha where we first meet Miroku, he sees Kagome in the hot springs with the large shard of the Shikon jewel around her neck (BTW, Kagome's not wearing anything) And Miroku says: "Wow they're huge-- er, I mean it's huge!" He's head was obviously in the gutter (As usual)
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