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    Safer Omega

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  1. [color=purple][size=1] Im sorry, im a afraid i do not undertand. How is this spam? the only way this can be classified as spam is if we are all operating undet the Comunist Soviet Union. I was told by james to move this to a games forum. [/color][/size]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] ...yeah, it is.. Sadly, no-one cares... See You, Space Cowboy Final Flash ^( '' )^ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple][size=1]Your right. No one cares. Thats the problem with the United States today. Very few like my self have true patriotism and honor for king and country. [/color][/size]
  3. [color=purple][size=1] The world is full of infidels. You raise a good point Sephiroth. It is like here in America. Many of us that live in the north have this thing against people who live in the south. The northern people beleive that all people living in the South are hill billies, red necks, or what have you. It just all goes back to what I stated earlier. The world is full of infidels. I have companions from all aroun the earth. All are different in culture but not in the fact where all humans. Many people today are to stupid and, as you said, spoilt to realize or even try and realize this fact. So the conclusion to this: The world is full of infidels.[/color][/size]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji v2.0 [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Adult Swim starts tommorow, right? I don't know, I'm not American, but that means you[b] fools[/b] are graced with Cowboy Bebop tommorow...The best anime in the history of the world ^_^. How many of you are going to stay up and watch it? See You, Space Cowboy Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Thats rather insulting.
  5. Are there any games that touch you or send you a message? For me FF7 was really meaningfull. I was like cloud. I dint know who I was or why I was here. Im still not sure, but FF7 made me realize this and manny other things. Maybe its just me, but I would like to here others comment on this.
  6. [color=purple][size=1] I ask all of you, What game that you have played has ment the most to you. In that I mean touched you in some way or delivered a message to you? For me it would be FF7. The whole story was meaningfull to me because at the time I was like Cloud. I was not really shure who I was or why I was here. Im still not 100% sure but FF7 made me realize that and many other things. Maybe its just me, but I would like to here from others on this too. [/color][/size]
  7. [color=purple][size=1]Theres no one that knows when the end of the world will come or how it will come. One theory that I have is based on the teachings of the Holy Bible. Most everyone knows the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. They could eat of all trees except the one in the midst. When the seprent spoke of the tree as the trea of knowledge and that it will make them as gods. Thus when they ate, their eyes where opened. This is where my theory comes into to play. True the tree will make them as gods. Thats why God said do not eat of that tree. Its not something though where you just become god like. No one knows the begging of time or how God himself was created. Most say he was just there. Maybe so maybe not. What I am trying to say is because of them eating the fruit, theirs eyes are being opened but slowly over time. We are building up higher and higher. We get smarter by the day. Who knows, by sometime in the near future we may be able to do things only thought possible by a god. all this comes to the point of when we reach that limit. The limit of being us being as gods. then the one raining over us, God. Will say, "Enough." I probably confused alot of people. Some may disagree with my religous and theological beliefs. Thats fine. Its just my theory. [/size][/color]
  8. [color=purple][size=1]Space[/color][/size]
  9. [color=purple][size=1]Chances of that are slim. The anime is practicly murder here in the US. All you see is the Politically Correct version. It will definetly die out soon if it continues on its current pathway.[/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=purple] All true. Ecept for I never had any luck with limit brakes. They only worked when extremly low on health. Junctioning system was horrible too. Forgot, Bring lots of Aurors (sp?) Use them to get your limit.[/color][/size]
  11. [size=1][color=purple] I doupted it. Its rather ignorant to even say that. [/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=purple]Can anyone confirm this? Fight Crusher WEAPON: First, have Cait Sith in your party at level 99, have the sheild and the "X" materia at master level. Then go to the sunken ship and enter. Go to the EXACT spot where you got Hades and fight Serpent. use sheild on him first then use X from Cait sith (in order to work) and Crusher will arise and kill Serpent. Now fight him(he has 600000000 HP). Make sure you're at VERY high levels. Found it at some site. Its probably a rumor. I have not tried it yet. Just thought I would ask before I wasted my time. By the way, Hello all.[/size][/color]
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