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Everything posted by Davethestampede

  1. Its been like 2 months since i last posted....but anyway The first anime I saw and watched was Sailor moon when i was like six or seven. I am now deeply ashamed of that, but it's ok because I turned out fairly normal. :sweat:
  2. Yea, we get it, everyone wants Kurama or Kiaba, Kurama beacause he's sensitve. Girls only think they wnat a sensitive guy like Kurama, but when he comes to you crying you're going to wish you had picked some one more manly, and with a better weapon. Someone Like Sanoske from kenshin or Gene Starwind or something. :laugh:
  3. [quote name='satan665']I totally disagree with that, there isn't a single recorded second of Trigun that is better than Cowboy bebop. The whole crowd of villians in Trigun were so cheesy, you just can't take them seriously. How many times in anime can you stand there being the 7 demons, or sinister 12, or whatever they always call the group of bad guys that come one at a time.[/quote] Trigun was supposed to be funny like that. Its far more light than Bebop. Its more action, while Bebop is smooth. I'm not sure which I like better although I'm leaning towards Bebop.
  4. Wow. I don't know. Some one who would give me the three S's Sex Sandwiches Silence That's hard in an Anime because all the women are either dominant loners or needy little girls.
  5. Yea, pretty much. He's the spoiled rich kid who needs to just relax
  6. The characters in Yu-gi-oh are not as annoying as many others. Its just the whole "Yugi always getting the card he needs at the right time" thing gets old fast. Kaiba is a pretty chilche' character though.
  7. oh god, it must have been about ten years ago when i watched trans formers at the age of 5. I also watched Sailormoon at the age of 6-7, which now thinking about it creeps me out that i liked that show then, What was wrong with me I'm a dude.
  8. DB and DBZ were not over rated they were good animes, until the Buu Saga. Gt was just horrible, it seemed to lack the cleaverness of Db or DbZ, Iknow Akira wasn't in on it, but i think the series just got tired. The most overrated anime is Inuyasha. Its not a bad show, but nor is it great, The plot of the Onimusha game series would make a much better Anime than Inuyasha. The plot is tired and cliche, and the characters and fighting are alright, but nothing special.
  9. Anybody can say pokemon is the worst, because it is. But you have to understand there is a whole other world of bad anime out there. I is intersting how each DBz and Gt Saga is weirder and less cool than the last. Or maybe I just out grew it i don't know. Now to go into detail why i think Yughoh is actually a stupider show than pokemon. In pokemon the initial concept of catching animals and forcing them to fight one and another, is not so bad. It is just the lame ness of the charachters and the animals themselves that bring the show down. Yugioh the concept is just totally lame. A card game Wow!, big deal. and now they add that cards hoave the power to rule the world. Give me a break! I think the creators were playing too much Magic the gathering :nope:
  10. I loved dragonball Z but hated GT. I actually did not like the Buu saga of Z either. Personally the best was the Sayan and Freeza Sagas. but anyway Yugi-oh is actually so bad that it is funny. How could someone possibly believe that someone can take over the world with a card game, it is so dumb. :laugh:
  11. The game of choice for most animes are either fighting games or RPG games, with the occasional puzzler. I really would prefer instead of Rpgs and one on one fighters. is an anime games made in the style of dynasty warriors or Samurai Warriors, made by koei. I would even play an inuyasha game with that engine.
  12. It is whatever all of the little kids jump on to, that is going to have the biggest impact. I'm not going to repeat what everyone else has said about Pokemon, DBZ, Sailor Moon etc. Its just that the ones that appeal to the little kids ages 7- 12 usually do the best because, little kids are the easiest to merchandise to. It's not like some older teen or adult will go out and buy every little Bebop or Trigun or Evangellion toy out there. It's all about merchandising! :eek:
  13. I've finally found a good idea for a thread. Which Anime would make a good video game and why? What kind of video game would it be? (RPG, Platformer, etc.) Please give me some high quality posts with good expalinations.
  14. So It turns out that Its a lot dirtier and explicit than I had ever thought. I always thought that It was a goody goody show and it is, but only because the translators made it that way. so the japanese version was a lot wose than i had ever thought. Oh, and who's Minako? I do not know the japanese names you'll have to forgive me. Endymion was the guy that the greek goddess of the moon put in eternal sleep so she could lay with, spoon and admire him all the time. Not a real happy story.
  15. My parents hated it, and thought I was gay for watching it. My brother would not watch it for fear of looking gay as well. I think it was because I watched Sailor Moon and not one like kenshin. oh well. I'm not gay though, just to make that clear.
  16. I would say my favorite character is Vash.... no wait, Spike or Vash . No It's Wolfwood, yea Wolfwood. I like Wolfwood because he's and awsome gunfighter but a crappy priest, he acts all tough, but he's really nice to kids and starts up orphanages all over the place. I also love the portible confession helmet that he has.
  17. Hmmm.... I don't think TV should be edited for content at all. Only because you as a viewer have the option to turn it off. You do not have to watch TV so therefore you should be responsible for what you decide to watch and I don't think anime or any show should be banned. Its kind of like "Swim at your own risk". The only reason i believe they edit it is because of its easy accessibility.In case of an accidental view.
  18. If you have read at least two of my posts you probably know that I used to like, but now despise sailor moon, and the "Power of Love" endings sickened me. I know they were trying to give a good positive message, but I think they went a little much on the love thing. But really what I would like to know is: What exactly did the Americans to the series to make it so bad? I hear they changed it a lot, I just want to know what sailor Moon was really about before the american translations and changes. If someone could tell me that would be great.
  19. Hey, i said insulting to me, not insulting to the male or female community. Why are you picking on me anyway? Isn't this what the forum is for, talking about bad endings? I thought those endings were bad and you tear into me about how masochistic i may be. Ok fine, i dont represent the entire male community and i became too overzealous in thinking i did. I apologise for seeming like a jerk to you and the female community
  20. Please give me one of those exeptions and are you saying the Sailor Moon ending is better than the cowboy bebop one? And you are a girl right? How old are you if you old enough to call me boy.
  21. wow that's......wow. that kinda kicks the crap out of my wish [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please watch the length of your posts- this is really too short, and the quality isn't amazing either. Try and use proper punctuation, please. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  22. the spoiler what now. most people know that ending anyway because its so good and not sappy and lame
  23. you must be a girl, because there is no guy that would rather watch a hero vanquish the villian with love and friendship, over a huge display of action. Besides [spoiler]spike seemed peaceful to me when he died[/spoiler] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags, again. Please take note of them, because you could unintentionally ruin a series for someone. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  24. I like to consider myself to be somewhat manly, so any ending that uses the power of love or friendship makes me curse at the TV. i really do not understand why anime creators have to do that, to teach us aboud friendship. If i wanted that i would just watch Sesamie Street or something. The ultimate insult to me was the ending for the first Pokemon movie i saw when i was 11. It actually made me hate pokemon from that moment on. I do like the cowboy bebop ending because even though [spoiler]Spike bites the dust, he bites it alone and like a man.[/spoiler] [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  25. Anime is something you watch from the safety of your own home. Its hard to pick up chicks when the know you used to watch Sailor moon or DBZ or even kenshin. It would be nice to see vash or kenshin on the big screen, but i still wouldnt go because i would have no one to go with. I also believe it's just not popular enough on the wide american scale, much like soccer.
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