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Everything posted by Davethestampede

  1. My anime wish would be to watch vash and spike get into a fight. I would also like to see Yugi lose a duel he could not win. Because he's been getting by on some lucky breaks. I was watching today where he duels that guy with the other dark magician and convienently his Dark magician Girl increses in power when other DM are dead and convienently enough it's just enough to win the duel. i just seems kind of cheap the way he wins by lucky breaks in every episode, even if he tries to plan it.
  2. my dreams some times involve me having anime-like powers. it would just be me blowing stuff up with Ki blasts or something, because as I said before in other forums, anime girls are too much drama.
  3. I agree with dagger. Although Trigun is not the greatest sample of animation. Its story kicks the crap out of the cliche' Inuyasha. I still don't understand why Inuyasha is so popular it seems like it has been done before the whole Samurai demonslayer thing. Bebop is still original and is a classic and the fact that Jet and Spike treat faye as a nusance rather than an item of desire is pure gold.
  4. im not saying all lesbians are humorous, just those two trying to pull it off in a child's cartoon. its obvious they just tried to make it not seem that way without changing the character's personalities. Im sorry if i have offended you I did not mean to.
  5. Anime girls are too much drama. but the worst probably has to be Serena (from Sailor Moon) her whiny nature is too much for me. Also I hate gold diggers so Faye Valentine is out as well. Whimmy Wham wham Wazzle!
  6. this is an interesting topic. I think inuyasha and Sailor Moon would suck together because of all of her baggage. Thats why i would never date an anime girl too much baggage. However I do find humor in the two lesbian salior scouts. lol
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