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Everything posted by Ronin_K

  1. thas amazing!! its not to the "T", but its really nice nonetheless! if i could pay tyou for it, i would but its kinda hard over the internet. i just have to ask 1 more thing, could you please IM me the code? thanks!
  2. i just want a pic of link raising his shield to defend a blast of magic from Ganondorf. below that, i want it to say "Legends Never Die" and "Ronin K" flashing back and forth. and i'd like the words to be in red if possible.
  3. sorry, no reward. by the way, just for those of you who didnt notice, its only sixty double-dollars :p . a little trick i learned from cowboy bebop :cool: . anyways, all i want is an..."interesting" avatar with vash. i want something with a little humor yet still showing the darker side of vash. maybe one where one half the avatar shows half of vash's face when he's drunk with the gunsmith from Ep.3 (i forget his name) and the other half showing the other half of his face from the Ep. where the guy training in the basement is sent to kill vash. you know, the part where all the townspeople are killed and vash tells Meryl and Millie to stay away from him. ya know what i mean? well, anyway, if anyone could do this then i'd appreciate it greatly! :D :D :D
  4. Ronin_K


    [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082]I don't think the name Navi has any sort of meaning other than being short for "navigator," as Sciros and Siren mentioned. In the Mega Man Battle Network games, online personas such as Lan's MegaMan.EXE are called Navis (the characters use the Navi programs to [i]navi[/i]gate through the internet), so the name isn't exclusive to Zelda and Lain and I doubt there's any connection between the various uses of it. I'd say it's just a coincidence. Oh, and because I seem to be the only one in the entire world that doesn't dislike Navi in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I feel the need to stand up for her. :p The most useful thing that she does (short of giving you the ability to target things in the first place), I think, is something that Siren didn't mention: She tells you about enemies and their weaknesses when you target them and push C-up, which is something I really like. Not even so much for learning the weaknesses, but just for the general information about the enemies. To me, stuff like that is interesting, so I appreciate Navi for it. In general, I think most people take Navi's abilities for granted and only look at her annoying side when they develop a dislike for her.[/color][/QUOTE] Desbreko, i completely agree. everyone's always bashing Navi like she's just talking just to talk. if you listen, you realize she's got some nice stuff to say. to be honest, i must say that i kinda missed Navi and Tatl when i played MM. but, back to the topic, when you censider Navi and the Navi system as [I]navigators[/I] then it starts to make some sense. maybe it was just a coincidence. maybe the translators changed the name from something else (however, the chances of an anime translator and two video game translators all thinking of the same names is pretty slim). wel, at least now i have a bit more of an understanding behind this strange coincidence. thanks! :D
  5. Ronin_K


    i didnt know exactly where to put this so i flipped a coin and this one came out. well, here goes... i am a veteren of almost all Legend of Zelda games. i am also a patron of the Serial Experiments Lain saga. while lying in bed awaiting sleep that i felt would never come, i had a revalation, so to speak, i realized that the name of the computer system that Lain got was called a Navi. also, the fairy that aids Link is named Navi. is Navi a popular Japanese name or is there some connection? or is it just plain coincidence? ...help... :confused:
  6. hey, i wanna say thanks again Vash_IDK, and Arunue. i have one more favor to ask, though. could someone size down this avatar for me? i dont have a clue how :confused: . [IMG]http://theotaku.com/trigun/pictures/trigun02/image_11.jpg[/IMG] thanks. :D (i just realized how big that picture is...wow...big...)
  7. it's very interesting what you said about how you can make your own views based on those of others. i never thought about it, but now that you mention it i completely agree. and yes, as many have said before, the theme song is very very cool.
  8. anyone know the song title of the intro? or at least where to find it. or the band, or album, or anything?
  9. i may be new to anime, and i might not have watched this series as often as some of you others out there(current total views---1, minus eps.8,9,10,11) but i think i got the jist of it. [spoiler]i think it involves Lain on a more mental, tought-based manner. it seems that the show involves certain aspects of insanity and severe depression, such as the visioans of Lain in the sky and Lain standing alone in the middle of a busy street. however, the series begins in the outside world and works it's way into her head. Lain probably knew about the upgrade chip she found in her locker, albeit at a subconsious level, but was somehow drawn to Siberia and merely needed an excuse to go there. the men with lasers could signify the paranoia experienced in a later form of depression and Lain's sister's apparent depression could show how the feeling might seem, at times, contagious. the spiritual and religious references could be used to explain the final stages of severe, untreated depression...considering death. i believe that when it seemed that people were "forgetting" was actually when people stopped worrying about Lain's depression because of her sudden happiness and socialability. finally, to wrap it up, the last episode portrays a specter-like quality that could be experienced after death. although Lain is not dead, it seems that she is realizing what life in the world could have been like if she were not alive. however, she has a hard time with her desire to end life and a natural instinct to live and places herself in these thought like when Alice decides to contact Lain in the last episode, Lain accidentally had included herself into the world without her and the stress of all of these aspects together had forced her concious self to overload which led to insanity. it is my belief that the last episode was spent in Lain's dream world in which she existed but was unknown and thus, in her reasoning, non-existant on a "normal" level.[/spoiler] i understand that some of you may not agree, but from wat i have read hear, it does seem to be a more complete answer that involves [u]most[/u] of the main aspects of the series. [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  10. Ronin_K

    Game Wars!

    [quote name='tzen][FONT=Arial Black'] hehe .. ok well i just started this thred to know one thing. whats youre favorite consol and game? :devil: i have Xbox, ps2 and gamecube... for a moment my favorite was the gamecube... but i cant play it now couse its in for repairs, and when i thought about it. the gamecube doesent have to many fun games, but the Xbox and PS2 has loads of fun games. right now my absolut favorite is the PS2 couse they have THE best game series in the world FinalFantasy, i mean who doesent think FF is a great game series?? [/FONT][/quote] i really have to disagree here. from what i understand, you like graphics, and epic RPGs. correct? well, i dont understand how you could believe that FF is better than Tales of Symphonia for GC. i mean, it has a great storyline, and amazing graphics. not to mention, the controls and the battle system is very agreeable. A is attack, X is block, etc... and the battle system includes ATK, DEF, HP points and also a live-action battling so you can actually plan your attacks. for example, you're facing a short opponent that is blocking your attacks...here's what you do: 1) jump over the enemy 2) attack from behind so guard breaks 3) keep attacking so enemy will recoil and be unable to attack. or if he is a strong opponent: 1) move away from enemy and avoid attacks 2) modify other characters strategies so that they use long-distance attacks and stay a distance from the enemy sorry for the long shpeil but i hate when people overlook games as good as this one. i mean its better than any FF game i personally know of. so, for the record, my favorite system is GC because of TOS and Zelda. i also want to apologize for any hard-core responses i may have had. im sorry for sounding like a madman but i always hate it when people always talk about how great FF is :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: . personally, i think it was better on GC... :p . not to mention, theyve had too many too fast(lets see, seven games in 5 years :eek: !? tha's just silly) personally, i think that GC does have better games rather than more games,(honestly, of all the PS2 games, how many are actually good? bout 80% of all PS2 games are all crap!! im tellin ya, quality is MUCH better than quantity) not to mention the multiplayer capabilities, and i also think the graphics are way better than the other two systems. sure theyr not as realistic but it goes together much more smoothly (lets use LOZ: WindWaker from GameCube and that one James Bond game from a couple years back from XBOX) now, i think i finally said my piece...but if i need to say more then ill just edit this again
  11. there ya go, all fixed. thanks again for the pic, i really really like it alot :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ...sorry, got kinda outta control
  12. no, its fine. in fact...i think...*sobs*...its the most beautiful thing ive ever seen!!! THANK YOU!!!!! i rweally appreciater all the effort you put into this...or, if it didnt take much effort...well, thanks alot all the same!!! Many thanks, [FONT=Century Gothic]Ronin N Karel[/FONT]
  13. [quote name='Vash IDK']Hey it's alright. I made it that size for your avatar. But if you want a banner, I think I can work something out. I'll get back to you with one soon :)[/quote] thanks so much, i really appreciate it.
  14. [quote name='ArunueShekamari]You copy the url for the banner and put it in [img]tags[/img'] when you go to edit yer sig. I'll also say that the maximum size for a banner on the OB is 500x100. Hope I helped.[/quote] i think i got it...but how do i make it wider and taller? and could you please give more detail? sorry, but im just not good with computer code and all that stuff :(
  15. [QUOTE=Vash IDK]Sorry, I don't know how to create a flashing Avatar, but I think this is pretty cool too. Hope you like it! And if you meant a Banner, I can create one for that too :D[/QUOTE] dude! thats awsome, now how do i make it my actual sig? just copy/paste? that's really ausome man, you really got skills.
  16. hey, i was hopin someone could make a signature for me. i want one where Vash shoots Link, Link deflects it with his sword, and Vash ducks just in time so that his hair is parted from the bullet (:laugh:) . then i want my sn to flash along the bottom. if anyone could do this for me, thanks alot :D . of course, ill give you credit for making it so i dont get drilled by the moderators.
  17. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=indigo]Okay, I just deleted about 15 posts. If you don't know the answer, please don't just guess. And if no one knows, the person asking should just ask a different question. Anyway, if you're refering to the key holes at the entrance to the dungeon, there are three. One for the Silver Key Quest, one for the Gold Key Quest, and one for the Hero Key Quest. If you mean actual key doors/blocks in the dungeon itself, it can vary, since the dungeons are made up of random pieces. [b]Question:[/b] In A Link to the Past, why is the "fat fairy" in the Pyramid of Power fat?[/color][/QUOTE] the fairy's fat because Ganon cursed her. i got one now, is it possible to see all three pieces of the triforce? if so, where and how?
  18. thanks for the help guys (and girls). if i need any special help, i ll pm you
  19. i just joined the boards tonight and i was wondering if anyone woulc take the time to walk me through a few things.
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