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Everything posted by foxtu78

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]"All right Rattata. Time to finish this. Use your head on this one." [/COLOR] Ashin said. Rattata took the hint and ran at Nidoran top speed with her head down. Sergei reacted quickly, though. [COLOR=Blue]"Nidoran, Return." [/COLOR] He said, holding Nidoran's Pokeball out in front of him. Rattata skidded to a halt where Nidoran had been a couple seconds earlier and turned around, panting from fatige and poison. [COLOR=Blue]"Charmander, let's go."[/COLOR] Sergei said as Charmander came out, looking ready to battle. [COLOR=Blue]"Charmander, lets heat things up." [/COLOR] Charmander opened his mouth and fire engulfed Rattata, who didn't have enough time to react. Ashin whipped out Rattata's Pokeball and called her back before the fire was gone. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Nice job Rattata. Alright Shinva, your turn."[/COLOR] Ashin said as Shinva stepped up. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Shinva, fire won't work. Let's stick with physical attacks. Use speed to your advantage, then follow up with and attack."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]"Go Charmander, take that Vulpix down."[/COLOR] Charmander and Shinva took off. Charmander dominated the offensive, but nothing was hitting. Shinva just kept avoiding the attacks. [COLOR=Blue]"This isn't working Charmander. Give yourself some space and try some fire."[/COLOR] Unfortunately, that didn't work either. Then Ashin got an idea. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Shinva, use a fire attack, then follow with a physical attack when your done." [/COLOR] Immediately a ball of fire was coming towards Charmander. He jumped back, only to be hit by Shinva's tackle. [COLOR=Blue]"Charmander, you'll have to catch the Vulpix off guard. Go at it till you get a good hit." [/COLOR] Finally Shinva slipped up and Charmander landed an attack. Shinva was scratched on the side by Charmander's claws. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Go now Shinva, attack it with fire while you can."[/COLOR] Shinva's attack seemed to merely glanced off Charmander's leathery skin. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Now run around it in a circle. Confuse it and wait for your chance to attack."[/COLOR] As Shinva began to circle, Charmander was having trouble following and began to look dizzy. Then a red light hit the field and a yellow streak hit the field and began chasing Shinva, who, startled by the yellow following him, ran away from Charmander and back to Ashin, knocking her down by jumping into her arms. The yellow streak swerved, narrowly missing them, and turned back towards Charmander and skidding to a halt in front of him. [COLOR=Blue]"Pikachu?"[/COLOR] Sergei said in disbelief. [COLOR=Blue]"How did you get out?" [/COLOR] Pikachu, startled by the shouting, ran up into a tree. Ashin started to smile. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Poor little Pikachu didn't want Charmander to loose, so he decided to help." [/COLOR] Ashin stood up, holding Shinva. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I guess the battle's over. Let's go to the Pokemon Center before dinner."[/COLOR] ------------------- ooc: I added colors. Tell me if you'd rather have another color Vicky.
  2. "Yeah. This will be a great chance to test our skills for Brock." Ashin said. "Lets go out back. It will make a perfect battle arena." Ashin's backyard was mostly clear, with a few trees here and there. It was about half a footbal field in size, though part of that space was occupied by a garden. "My mom can be the judge." Ashin said as they walked outside. "So how many Pokemon will we use? You only have two." Sergei asked "I guess you'll just have to pick the two you want and your other Pokemon will have to sit out this time." Ashin said. "Yeah, okay. That should be okay." Sergei said to himself. "Hey Sergei, you know Brock is a rock-type trainer. Consider who you'll use to battle him." Ashin said. Sergei thought for a minute. "Pikachu's got speed, but his attacks probably won't do much damage. Do I want to use Nidoran instead?" Ashin knew she had made him think for a moment. Would it be smart to use an electric Pokemon against a rock-type, knowing the huge disadvantage. Then another thought struck her. "How am I going to use a Rattata against Brock?" The type disadvantage was just as bad as if it were electric. "Ready Sergei?" Ashin said a couple of minutes later, as they faced each other on opposite sides of the yard. "You bet." he replied. "Alright. Each of you will be able to use 2 Pokemon each. Whoever faints both of the opponent's Pokemon wins. Ready, set, go" Ashin's mom said. A second later two Pokebals hit the ground. Out of Ashin's came Rattata.
  3. "Mom, I'm home." Ashin said, opening the door to their house. Quilava ran up to greet her, freezing when he saw the Vulpix. "Hey Quilava." Ashin said as she knelt down to rub him. "What do you think about Shinva?" The two pokemon walked to eachother and after a few minutes of sniffing, they looked back up at Ashin. "Where's Mom, Quilava?" He ran to the back door and sat down. "Thanks. Make yourself at home Sergei. This shouldn't take too long." When Ashin walked outside, her mom looked up from her gardening. [COLOR=Blue]"Hi sweety. So which Pokemon did you choose?" [/COLOR] "I knew you were behind this Mom." Ashin said. "I picked a Vulpix." [COLOR=Blue]"I had a feeling you would get a fire Pokemon. You always were more like your father. So what do you plan to do? Be a Pokemon Master, a Breeder?"[/COLOR] "I'm not sure yet. I'll have to think about it. Maybe just a trainer." [COLOR=Blue]"Well I'm sure you'll be great."[/COLOR] "We have company." [COLOR=Blue]"Really? Your not travelling alone, then?"[/COLOR] "No. It'd be too boring." [COLOR=Blue]"Well let's go inside and I'll work on dinner. Your favorite?"[/COLOR] "I should ask Sergei first." Ashin said as they walked inside.
  4. "I think we go this way to get out." Ashin said, looking around some trees. "I've never been this deep. I'm not sure if this is the right way to go." Sergei, amused by the newly added Pikachu, didn't hear her. "I wonder why the tips of his ears aren't black?" Sergei asked. "I'm sure all Pokemon don't look exactly the same. They have to have some differences. Hey, there's the main path! And the exit!" Ashin said with a grin, relieved to be out of the forest. "Finally, I was tired of all those bug Pokemon." Sergei said. "We should get to the Pokemon Center and make sure our Pokemon are ready for Brock." "Who's Brock?" Sergei asked. "He's the Pewter City Gym Leader and an amazing trainer. He uses rock Pokemon." They quickly walked to the Center and gave their Pokemon to Nurse Joy, who was relieved to know Ashin had made it back to town okay, and with two Pokemon at that. It didn't take very long and when they had gotten their Pokemon back they left. "I have to go see my mom. Your welcome to come if you'd like." Ashin said. Sergei pondered for a minute or so before saying, "Sure. We can go fight Brock in a little while."
  5. "If we go through this forest, we'll be in Pewter." Ashin explained as they approached the entrance. "I had to come though this way and it's not fun so be ready." she warned. "You mean you came through here on your way to Oak's?" Sergei asked. "Yeah. I ran into a pretty nasty Weedle, too." she said. "How did you fight it if you didn't have a Pokemon?" he asked. "Well.....I didn't fight it. I ran away from it. I can get my revenge now, though." she said, looking at Shinva. "Let's go." Sergei said as he stepped in. "See that big tree?" Ashin pointed out. "That's in the middle. The thing about Viridian forest is it's like a maze. The trees are so close together there is no short-cut though here. You pretty much have to follow the path." she explained. "So how long is this thing?" Sergei asked. "It's about a half-day's walk, but you have to be ready for wild pokemon at all times." she replied. When they had been walking around for about an hour they saw two people up ahead. "They were at the Lab." Sergei said. "Yeah, that's right." Ashin said after getting a good look at them. "So should we go over and talk to them?" Ashin asked Sergei. -------------- ooc: sorry its short. i should be on later tonight.
  6. "What ever works best for you. I think I'll leave Shinva out. I'm hoping to run into some wild Pokemon to get a feel for battling. We should get going before it's too late. The path from here to Veridian is treacherous at night." Ashin said as she prepared her stuff to leave, slipping her Pokedex in her pocket. "So I never caught where your from." Sergei asked. "Oh, I'm from Pewter City. I know the route from her up until Pewter pretty well. Any farther than the entrance of Mt. Moon and I'm clueless, though." She replied. "Well, lets go." When they left the town, they noticed alot of common Pokemon running around. When they were further along the overgrown path, they noticed a Rattata was following them. "It seems we have a visitor." Ashin said. "Yeah. He's a cute little guy, isn't he?" Sergei replied. Shinva was eying the rattatta suspiciously. "Well little Rattatta, What are we to do with you?" Ashin said. Rattatta looked up at her, then at Shinva. It became jealous of Shinva because he had a trainer, and in an instant was on top of him. Ashin's smile and good mood dissapated in seconds. "Quick Shinva, throw that Rattatta off and give it a good headbutt." Shinva quickly obliged and the Rattatta was thrown off and ended up hitting a tree and falling to the ground unconsious. Ashin pulled out one of her Pokeballs and threw it at the Rattatta. After a couple of shakes, Rattatta was caught. Ashin walked over and picked up the ball, which now contained her newest Pokemon. "I'm not really sure if I wanted a Rattatta." She said. "Well, you can always release it." Sergei said, trying to be helpful. "Your reaction time to that situation was amazing for a new trainer." "Really? I just didn't want that Rattatta to hurt Shinva." she replied as she picked Shinva up. "I'm going to carry you for a little while if that's okay with you." she said to Shinva. He nodded contently as they began to continue.
  7. "This is so exciting!" Ashin thought as she rushed to grab her gear. This was her chance. "Alright Shinva. Lets head out." she said as she put her pack on. "I trust Prof. Oak has everything we'll need in here." Shinva nodded in agreement. As she walked out of the lab she saw Sergei not far away. "He has a fire Pokemon also." she thought. "It would probably be alot of fun to travel along with him." she said to Shinva. Shinva looked over at them closely. HE was moreso inspecting the Charmander, wondering if he was a friendly Charmander or not. "Lets go see if we can tag along." When they reached Sergei and Charmander, Ashin sat down opposite him. "Hi, my name's Ashin. It's nice to meet you." "Oh," Sergei said looking up in a surprised manner. "Hey, I'm Sergei. Likewise." They shook hands and smiled nervously. "Oh, and this is Charmander." Sergei added quickly. "It's nice to meet you Charmander. This is Shinva, my Vulpix." Shinva nodded his head and then went over to Charmander, cautiously at first, until Charmander walked towards him and they examined each other closely. They quickly decided they liked each other and within minutes were acting like best friends. "I can't beleive they get along so great." Ashin said, watching them tumble along in the grass. "Yeah, they seem to like each other's company. Hey, would you like to travel with us?" Ashin looked at Sergei, then at the Pokemon, and pretended to think it over. This was exactly what she wanted him to ask, however, so she agreed a few moments later. "It's no fun to travel alone, anyways." she said. "So what spurred you to pick a fire Pokemon?" he asked her. "Well, it's not as much because he's a fire-type. I just love Vulpix's. They're beautiful Pokemon. What about you?" "I live on Cinnibar Island so I'm used to being around them. All my family except on of my brothers have fire Pokemon. I'm sure they'll be pleased with my choice." Sergei replied. "We should probably head out soon." he added, noticing many of the trainers leaving.
  8. On her way back, Ashin and Shinva ran into Professor Oak. "It's nice to finally meet you, my dear." Oak said to her. "I see you've picked a Vulpix. You know, your father picked a Growlithe as his starter and your mother a Cyndaquil. It seems Fire-types run in your family." "I've always liked fire types, but actually, my second favorite Pokemon is a Skitty." she replied. "I hope to see good things from you, Ashin. Not just because of your father, but because your mother has told me of the promise she sees in you. Good luck and no doubt we'll meet often in the future." He rushed off after his short speech, so Ashin and Shinva went into the meeting room to wait. Only about half of them had made it back so far. Ashin quickly grabbed the last remaining armchair to wait for the others. Shinva jumped up into her lap and made himself at home while Ashin began to stroke him. He was a beautiful Vulpix, and the first male Vulpix she had ever heard about or seen. He was very calm and laid back and seemed pretty low maintinence. She was very curious as to how he would do in battles, though. She hoped he wouldn't be too laid back. She knew Vulpix's could handle alot of fire power, however, she wanted speed on her side as well. "We'll just have to see." she thought to herself.
  9. Ashin wasn't entirely surprised at what Oak had just said. In a way it was kind of expected. When they reached the nursery she was surprised by the sheer size of it. It was huge compared to any other she had ever seen. As soon as Oak said they could go she was off. She bolted to the left through some brush and trees and began to explore. Left and right there were many diverse Pokemon, ranging from common Pidgeys, to less common Pokemon like Marill and Swinub. She had a few ideas of Pokemon she would like. Something cute like a Growlithe or a Pikachu. Definitely not a common Pokemon and she preferred fire types. As she came to the lake, she saw a Vulpix on the other side. "A Vulpix?" she mumbled. She pondered for a few seconds, then decided, "That's definitely the Pokemon I want. It's perfect." Now she had to find a way around the lake, though. "Maybe...." she pulled out a Pokeball and threw it across the lake. It missed and rolled up to the Vulpix's paws. Vulpix bent down to sniff it and hit his nose against it. A red glow engulfed the Vulpix as he was absorbed into the ball. It shook for what seemed like forever to Ashin. When it finally stopped, Ashin let out a sigh of relief. Now all I have to do is get over there. She ran all the way around and picked up the ball. After holding it for a few seconds, she released the Vulpix. When he came out, he shook his head in dissaproval in regards to the pokeball. Ashin knelt down beside him. "Hello my little friend. It seems we are partners now. Sorry about the ball. I won't make you stay in it if you don't want to." Vulpix looked up at his new owner. He walked around her a few times, sniffing and getting to know her. Then he rubbed his head against her. She would be good enough for him. She seemed nice and sincere. She rubbed him for a few minutes before saying, "Lets head toward the others. I assume we're leaving soon. When they arrived back, Ashin was so excited and proud. She wished she knew some of the new trainers that were being made today. She also hoped she wouldn't have to travel alone. She didn't know whether she could defend Vulpix and herself. "I'll have to trust that Vulpix can handle anything that comes our way." she decided. Then she realized something. Vulpix didn't have a name yet. She looked down at him and thought for a few moments. "How about Shinva?" she said to Vulpix. He looked up at her with a bewildered expression. "For your name, I mean. What do you think?" He seemed to be pondering for a moment before he nodded his head with satisfaction. He liked the idea of having a name. It seemed to bring equality to them. "Oh, my name is Ashin, by the way. It's nice to meet you Shinva."
  10. The same question kept running through Ashin's mind as they were waiting for everyone to arrive. "Why did Oak choose me for whatever this is?" She began to search for the answers. She had never met him, although her mother had when she was younger. He had been a good friend of her father's, though. She remembered from her mother's stories that he had helped Oak out with some important reasearch. "This still doesn't tell me why he chose to include me. I wonder.....it must have something to do with my father's history with him, or something like that." Just then she got a text message from her mom. "Hey sweety. Did you make it okay? Has he told you yet?" She quickly texted back, "I'm here and fine. Told me what?" As she waited for the reply, her suspicions arose. "She makes it seem like she knows.....Of course! It was her doings. She told Oak about me." A few seconds later her mom's reply came back. "Glad you made it okay. Call me when you're done." That proved it. her mother knew. Ashin focused her attention on the others in the room now. She noticed one girl in particular seemed overly nice, not a bad thing but it might get annoying. One guy in particular caught her eye. He kept looking at his watch and looked quite aggrivated. Her curiosity was growing rapidly over him. She wouldn't go over and talk to him but he seemed very mysterious, a quality that piqued her intrest. The other guys all seemed normal, with the exception of one (Andrew) who seemed a little childish. As for the other girls, one (Mika) looked like she did alot of outdoor type stuff, one was wearing summer-type clothes, and the other seemed nice.
  11. "I'm late!" Ashin mumbled angrily as she was running into Pallet Town. "I knew I should have left sooner." The long journey from Pewter City had not been fun at all. "Atleast I'm warm." she sighed as she stopped running and began a brisk walk. She had on a blue T-shirt, light jeans, brown eskimo boots, a heavy cream jacket, and a black scarf. "There it is." She said as she approached the address on the letter. Her mom had been thrilled by the news. She was following in her father's footsteps. She had always been more like him anyways. Her mom packed her backpack full of all the items she would ever need, even though she was only going to Pallet Town. "It's dangerous in Viridian Forest and you need to be prepared." her mother reminded her before she left. It was true, which contributed to why she was late. A weedle had decided to stand in her way and be a nusaince. As she walked up to the door, she heard alot of voices inside. She knocked and heard some shuffling until the door was thrown open, causing her to stumble back in fear for a moment. "Come in! Quickly!" sai Professor Oak as he ushered her in. There were already a bunch of people there. She couldn't find a seat that would provide any seclusion, so she opted for standing out of the way as she usually did.
  12. Name: Ashin Songari Age: 16 Physical Description: She also wears glasses. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/girls211.jpg[/url] Personality: Ashin is a naturally calm, quiet person, though she's very determined. She tends to come off as mysterious, and to some people strange. For that reason she doesn't socialize with others. She's not a strong or brave person and has trouble defending herself without help. She has always loved Pokemon ever since she can remember. Her mother has two Pokemon, a Quilava and an Oddish, that Ashin has always cared deeply for. Her father was a trainer back when he was young, but when he was 27, when her mother was still pregnant, he was in a terrible storm at sea and they never saw him again. Ashin was raised on the beliefs her mother was raised on, never give up, don't forget who you are, know that money can't bring happiness, ect. Pokemon: Vulpix (k, it's fixed)
  13. [COLOR=Indigo][B][I]Section A[/I][/B] Name: Ta'lista of the Pel'orgal Clan Codename: Phoenix Gender: female Age: 187 Earth years, 54 Tallorian years [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][B][I]Section B[/I][/B] Species: Tallorian; Their body's are similar to that of humans. They have a small beak instead of a nose, and their ears are pointy at the tips. They also recieve a set of wings when they come of age, which are fused to them by the Prime Minister. They must first pass a test, though. While their hair(on their head) is either black, white, or brown, their color of their feathers range dramatically. They are based on the color the individual is most connected to. Solar System: Tallorian Solar System, consisting of Tallor (the star); Talloria (the biggest planet) and her moons, Nibia and Sha'lin; Vin'potur, 1 moon-hae'len; Sibiam, 3 moons-Calio, Bel'or, and Jan'do; and Ple'tar, 1 moon-Ploe Planet: Talloria Century: 3903 TD, (Talloria Days since settlement) The 40th Prime Minister, Prime Minister Cor'heli the 5th from the Pel'bani Clan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][B][I]Section C[/I][/B] Weapons: She weilds a 4 foot blade forged of the strongest metal on her planet, Tallorian sheloth (looks like platinum, 10 times stronger than diamond when hardened).engraved on it is "To Each Her Own Path Is Walked, It Cannot Be Walked By Another." Items: stuff for cleaning her sword Secondary Power: She manipulates wind. Not just basic stuff. Everyone on her planet can do that. She can create twisters, and generate 30 mph winds. [/COLOR] [B][I]Section D[/I][/B] Appearance: instead of a nose, she has a beak [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/Angels_of_the_Universe_001.jpg[/url] Personality: She's normally very quiet and calm. Even when she fights. She fights like water, fluidly and gracefully, but also forcefully. She is a very good judge of one's character which sometimes helps her in battles, predicting an opponents next move. She loves to relax in forests by streams, flying, and fighting. Even though she cannot die except by immortals, she is not cocky. She's a brilliant strategist, which helps her to ascend ranks quickly. Because she went into the military, she has not married, though her parents pressure her about it sometimes. She's very picky about who she hangs around. She doesn't like to be surrounded by idiots. She likes itelligent people she can have a conversation with. She doesn't like the smart, boring kind of people either, though. She likes to have a good time. Bio: She was the second of 8 children. A few days after she was born he naming ceremony began. The normally last close to a week, but it only took her 2.58 hours for her naming ceremony (a record speed). It's based on process of elimination by the infant. The first name the baby smiles at becomes his/her name. Her name was the feminine version of the Second Emperor. At her comming of age ceremony, she was given the hardest test of all. To remain alive in the wilderness for a week, alone and isolated. Because she normally stayed in the woods alot, it didn't cause too much of a problem, except she did have a run-in with a Bohrid ( [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/paroxysmus_th.jpg[/url] ) , She managed to get away with minor injuries, a bruise on her right arm, and a hairline fracture on her lower left rib. When she returned, she was fused with her wings, which became silver, one of the more rare colors of wings. Soon after she enlisted in the Army and soon rose to the next to highest rank. She never did anything that concerned politics She was a revered War hero, that is, until they came. It was the first battle she had ever lost. She was also seriously wounded. Any normal Tallorian would have been dead. She recovered shortly, only to find most of the Army had been destroyed by the Immortals. She went out to fight again, against the wishes of the Emperor, and when the blow that was about to kill her was falling, she vanished. When she came to, she found herself in a room, similar to a dorm. A man was there, observing her biosigns and told her everything. He told her her planet had been destroyed, along with her solar sytem, about the others they had saved, and why they had been saved. She agreed to join and help.
  14. Name: Andrea Satis ; goes by Ashin in the City Gender: female Age: 16 Appearance: She's 5"5', slim, has red hair with blonde bangs, blue-grey eyes, glasses, and will normally wear jeans, black converse, a black t-shirt, and a tan jacket. She also wears this around her neck. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/P134.jpg[/url] Personality: She is very smart and quick-witted, but also quiet. She used to be trusting, but not so much anymore. She prefers not to lead but voices her opinion when necessary. She's easy to get along with and is normally fun to be around. At first she comes off as very mature, but once you get to know her she opens up. Background: She had a very normal life before the Virus. She had an older brother, a mom, and a dad. She never had to worry about poverty or stuff like that. Her parents both worked and made a decent living. She lived in a nice, two story house near some woods and was fairly happy, with the occasional let down here and there. She was walking around in the woods when the virus struck and when she arrived home, she found her parents and brother dead, as were all the other adults in the neighborhood. When she talked to some of the kids, they said something about going to the City to find out what was going on. She decided to not get involved with them and packed up her precious items and set out by herself to go to the city. She made it to the outskirts of the City by noon the next day but stayed hidden in the forest until night. She had a bad feeling about the City and figured she would be better off to wait until night to advance any farther. She went in that night and explored some and got some information. This thing was supposedly a virus that had killed everyone over 20 years old. She learned of the three main tribes and decided it was best not to get mixed up with them. She also found out the kids from her neighborhood were forced into joining the Motorbulls or they were killed. She found and abandoned house and took refuge.
  15. Before Death Name: Ashin Calder Age: 16 (before the died) Appearance: she wears glasses, too. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/girls211.jpg[/url] Personality: She's very smart, kind, and very shy. She's the quiet one in the back of the class stereotype to those who don't know her. Otherwise she's optimistic and fun to be around. Bio: She had a typical life until one day at school during her Junior year. A new boy transfered and ended up in almost all of her classes. It wasn't long until she noticed he would watch her. Every little thing she did. One day during lunch he came over and sat down next to her and a couple of her friends. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear and then started to eat. She hid the shocked look on her face from her friends and tried to act normal as to not alarm them. Of course they were pressuring her to tell but she didn't tell. It would be better that way. That afternoon she was dead. They never found her body, though they suspect it to be out in the woods by the school. The new kid was never even suspected for her murder, and as for people at school, the only ones if affected were her few friends and family members. After Death Name: Ashin Appeared Age: 16 Race: Human Appearance: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v42/foxtu78/girls80.jpg[/url] Personality: About the same as before, but she's not nearly as nice as she once was. She is close to emotionless when fighting. she's still sort of optimistic and is still happy and fun overall. Weapons: A dagger, a rose whip, and leaves/petals can be used as throwing stars Powers: She controls certain aspects of nature like leaves, branches, flowers, and the rate stuff grows at. She can also communicate with animals.
  16. Name: Andrea Shiner aka: Ashin Age: 16 Appearance/Weapons: Ashin is about 5"5', athletic, with redish blonde hair that goes down to her shoulders, and small, black glasses over her blue/grey eyes. She wears tan, baggy pants, a black turtleneck, and a pair of black boots. Over that, she will wear armour she made from salvaged parts that covers her chest, arms, and legs so far, and she's currently working on adjusting a helmet she has recently found. As for weapons, a Desert Eagle .44 magnum pistol with an alloy frame to reduce weight, and a 18 inch knife are strapped to a belt she always has on. Group: Rebels Links to others: She was 13, almost 14 when they came. They killed her mom, dad, sister, and brother while she was in the tree out back. As soon as they left, she climbed down and went inside, though she knew what had happened. She gathered a few things, (the gun, the knife, and a couple of other things she thought she would need to survive), and put them in a backpack, and left. It was about 4 months or so of fighting, running, and trying to survive before she ran into Zad and joined the shadow wolves and worked under Zad's supervision. Personality: Before everything happened, Ashin was a very optimistic person. She lost alot of her optimism when her family was killed, though she still has her moments. She was, and is even more so now, very shy around people she doesn't know very well. She's very good at taking orders and is very intelligent. She used to have a problem with killing but not so much anymore. She normally comes off as a little up tight but she loves to just hang out and chill.
  17. Andy stayed on the bed through all the fighting. She knew there was no point in getting up. It's not like she could have helped, even if she had wanted to. And unlike many people, she didn't want to kill Voris. She knew it wouldn't bring her brother back. Although he did deserve to die, as long as someone else killed him it was fine with her. She did sort of hope Luna would kill the Slayer. She deserved to kill him if anyone did.
  18. Andy graciously accepted the ice the angel gave to her. She could tell he really was a nice one, despite what he was. She really had nothing against angels anyways. Only rumors about what they could do to people. "So what's your name anyways?" she asked the angel. "My name is Gaurdian. And as for your's?" he replied. "Oh...my name's Andy.....Anyways, it's nice to meet you." she said as she started to blush "The same to you." he said, as he sat down on the bed next to her and held the ice up to her shoulder. Just then Luna came in and looked at the others. "What an interesting group. I'd never thought I might see a group like this." Andy looked up at her. "Luna, you made it." "Yeah, I'm okay. It'll take more than a Slayer to stop me." "But what happened to your arm?" Andy said with a grave look. "Luna looked at it for a minute before saying, "Don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt now."
  19. Andy slowly came to. As she did she felt a sharp pain in her head. "How did I get here?" she thought as her vision bounced back and forth between clear and double. She layed there until everything was clear before trying to sit up. Finally, when she was sitting, she looked around the room. There were several other people, one, already awake. She decided she would let him notice her first. She began to survey the room. It was very old and dirty. It looked like no one had been in it for a long time.
  20. When Andy came to, she was over Kybrax's shoulder and he was walking to the inn. She looked up and saw the Angel following a few steps behind. She didn't really know what she was going to do now. Her brother had just been killed, her parents had been gone, life just wasn't what she had expected. What was she going to do now? She didn't even have any friends.....or did she? The vampire she had seen earlier and helped her out. And maybe these two. "I'll just have to wait and see." she thought. "No use telling him im concious. Then I'd have to attempt to walk. I'll wait until he gets to wherever he's going first."
  21. Andy was perfectly still once she heard the footsteps. "As if it would matter. He knows where I am anyway. I still don't know how he found me so soon though." she thought. Then a large figure stepped in front of her. She flinched, expecting it to be the Slayer who chased her all night, but instead of killing her, he streached out his hand. She tried to grab it with her sore arm, but recoiled in pain. He helped her up and asked "I heard gunshots, are you ok?" "Oww, my- my arm, it's pretty beat up. I landed on it wrong." "Yeah it looks dislocated...My name is Kybrax,me and my partner are staying at an inn just down the road. I could take you there if you'd like?" replied Kybrax "Thanks, but no thanks. I have to get away from....." She couldn't finish the phrase before she blacked out.
  22. Andy noticed the sun was beginning to come up. "No point in me continuing to look for her. I'm sure she's found somewhere to hide from the sun or.....worse." she mumbled. Her arm was killing her. She definitely landed on it wrong. "Well, where am I going to go now? My apartment has been taken over by a Slayer." She went down an alley and sat down behind the dumpster. "I know this isn't a safe place but it's going to have to do for now."
  23. Luckily a building was under her and she only fell about 12 feet so it didn't kill her but it did manage to jam her right shoulder. She slowly sat up, careful to not hurt her arm more. She looked back to the apartment and saw him aiming at her now. She quickly ran to the edge of the building and down the fire escape, just as 2 shots whizzed past her ears. She stopped for a minute and heard him cussing before climbing down the fire escape. She wanted to find Luna and as soon as she got down she began her search.
  24. "I don't know anywhere else to go. You might as well just have left me." Andy said miserably. "He was the last person I had in this world. I have to kill that Slayer." Luna replied, "You shouldn't talk like that. Your death would benifit no one." Andy was quiet for a long time. She was thinking about what had happened. It wasn't even the same Slayer.
  25. "We can go to my brother's apartment. It's over there. What are we going to do about that Slayer. I can't afford to let him follow us." There was a brief pause before Luna responded. "I don't think we have a choice. He seems to follow us no matter where we are. When they arrived at the building, they went through the alley and entered through the basement. Then Andy led Luna to the apartment and they went in quickly. "Atleast I didn't make it out empty handed." she sighed as she emptied her pockets. She had two small hand guns and 5 knives, all different sizes and lengths.
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