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- Birthday January 2
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh the cat-filled memories... When I lived in Italy I had many fun times with stray cats, which, if you've ever been there, you'd know that the two things Italy has in abundance (besides art and excellent food) are pigeons and cats. This one gray cat, Mama Cat, as she was known to the neigborhood (it was mostly military people where I lived) had 3 or 4 litters of kittens while I was there, and they were irresistable to every kid there. We named them, played with them, made them a home, and you can be sure, everyone had a favorite. Mine was a little gray stripey kitten that I named Playful. Ah, she was soo cute. Unfortunately, since most of us couldn't take the kittens home, they usually met tragic fates. Playful was hit by a car ;_; In the end though, Mama Cat was adopted by one of the families, and you can be sure they spayed her. My favorite cat though, had to be a Siamese with bright blue eyes who hung around my friend Lauren's house. We named her Blueberry, and she was gorgeous, stray or no. Haha, we'd bust out Lauren's sister's t-ball stand (that little toy that has the soft rubber ball attatched to an elastic string on a stand, you know what I'm talking about...) and would play "fetch" with her until she was tired and would wander off. It was so fun, and that cat was so sweet. But she wandered off one day and we didn't see her again. We decided she probably fell in love with a nice boy cat and was going to be a mama cat. Silly, but hey, we were only 10. ^_^ At any rate, I had a lot of fun with stray cats when I was younger, but we didn't actually get a cat of our own until we moved to Hawaii. When we did, we got two. So now, I have Jade and Rocky, my awesome cats. I'll be really sad when I have to leave for college the year after next, you can't have cats in a dorm, lol. [/COLOR]
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']I watch the Daily Show sometimes. The sad part is that what basically amounts to a comedy show goes over news and problems that other news outlets don't even attempt to go after for some reason.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Haha, yeah but at least someone's doing it and people are paying attention to it, even if it is a comedy show. You're right though, it's quite sad that the "real" news only seems to care about which celebrity wore the wrong Prada pumps with her Versacci dress while the "fake" news actually gives some insight as to what's going on in the world. ...And when the news isn't busy playing E! channel with a stock ticker at the bottom, the only news you get is about grisely murders, car accidents, and generally tragic situations. No news, just fear mongering. And watching CNN or MSNBC you'd think there wasn't a world beyond U.S. borders, and that important stuff actually went on there besides the London portion of the Live 8 concert...Honestly, the news is sensationalized and slanted and just damn depressing. Lol, that's why I stopped watching. It's much easier to just pull up the internet and go to BBC or Euronews.com to find out what's up. And there, Martha Stewart doesn't ever make front page news! :P[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well, I just finished reading the book earlier today, and I must say, it didn't really impress me all that much. It lacks the flair and intensity (with the exception of a few scenes) that Prisoner of Azkaban or Goblet of Fire had. Quite honestly, Half Blood Prince just had too many random threads thrown in seemingly for the hell of it. Oh it had a plot, but Rowling just kept throwing in [spoiler]useless drama[/spoiler] that did nothing to advance it. [spoiler]Barring Harry's visits with Dumbledore, trips into Voldemort's past, and Draco Malfoy being a sneaky but less pompous arch nemesis, it felt like reading a teenage soap opera. "Oh I really love Hermione, but just to get her back for kissing Krum two books ago I'm gonna have a make out fest with Lavender..." "I really love Ron but I'm just going to be upset with him or ignore him for half the book because he keeps kissing Lavender" "I love Ginny but she's going out with Dean, maybe I should punch him..." Ugh. Just, ugh. It was tiring to read after a while. I just wanted to shout "GET OVER IT!" to everyone. I admire that Rowling was trying to show a more human side to the heroes, but she could've handled it better. And really, those 100 pages or so of drama would've been better spent elaborating (as many have said before) on Snape (who I think deserved more "page time" than he got) or any of the supporting characters, like Lupin (who I adore) Tonks (who just seemed to randomly pop up with declarations of love) or Neville and Luna.[/spoiler] When all is said and done, it was a decent enough book, but it simply didn't delve deep into much of anything except the mysterious Lord Voldemort, a.k.a. Tom Riddle. [spoiler](His transformation from orphaned youth, to outstanding student, to power hungry man, to completely evil was fun to read about though!) And then to kill off Dumbledore like that, was just, well, sad. I wasn't about to write Rowling a nasty letter like I felt like doing after Sirius was snuffed, but it was still a blow. I understand why he had to die, but really. It was sad.[/spoiler] Anyway, though I wasn't impressed, I feel a kind of loyalty to the series and will see it through till the end. I just hope book 7 imporves tremedously on this one. p.s.- This is just a thought, but about the ending: [spoiler]Dumbledore says "Severus...please" asking Snape to kill him. I wonder if Dumbledore realized that Draco would be killed if he failed (since his task was to kill off D) and since we all know that Dumbledore loves his students more than anything (yes, even the naughty ones) I think perhaps he was willing to give up his own life for Draco, and that Snape was doing what he wanted. At least, I would hope so. I hope Snape doesn't turn out to be Voldemort's flunky. That would just blow everything for me, I think.[/spoiler] :P[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh god, the spam song, that was definitely one of my favorite sketches ever! "Eggs and spam, baked beans, eggs and spam, spam and spam..." "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!" hehehehe. But the Spanish Inquisition is the best ever. "NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!" ahh, it never gets old. Seriously though, Monty Python, whether it's the show or the movies, is so much fun, and just so damn...[I]silly[/I]. To me, there is nothing better than flipping through channels and landing on a marathon of Flying Circus on BBC America. It never fails to make my day. ...I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day... ^_~[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Oh man, really bad pickup lines are just about my favorite thing on the planet! This is my favorite of the more mainstream ones I've heard: [B]"Excuse me, but do you have a band aid? I scraped my knee when I fell for you."[/B] And these, my friends and I made up when we were taking chemistry sophomore year. They're chemistry themed pick up lines, hehehe: [B]"I'll be your cation if you'll be my anion" "Baby, you charge my ions." "What's a nice guy like you doing in a lab like this?"[/B] And one slightly more risque history themed one: [B]"Babe you seem like the dictator type, why not invade me?"[/B] Lol, wow, we had a lot of fun with those. I think if a guy knowlingly used a really bad pickup line on me I'd probably go out with him, just because it would make me laugh. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ah, the food industry. I'm currently at my first job...making sandwiches...at Togos, which, awesomely, is attached to Baskin Robins. Hahaha, therefore, I get 50% off of dinner and a free scoop of ice cream for dessert! I'd say, that pretty much makes everything worth it. Well, that and I really like the people I work with on the evening/night shift. They all pretty much rock, and so the slow times go faster with people to talk to. Quick story of the nastiest sandwich I've ever made in my life: This woman comes in on her cell phone talking to her son, asking him what he wants on his sandwich. Tuna she says, with Swiss cheese. Okay, that's not so weird. But hot, she says. Okay, still not so weird, it's like a tuna melt. Could you add a scoop of avocado to that? Umm, okay. And also, as scoop of hummus. [B]Ewwwww[/B]. A hot tuna and cheese with avocado and hummus. It was the most mushy, awful smelling sandwich [I]ever[/I]. Ugh. But other than nasty sandwiches, the occasional pissy customer, and doing mountains of dishes, I rather like my job! ^_^[/COLOR]
Request Last Exile banner and avatar, please ^_^
Azure Rose replied to Azure Rose's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hey thanks! They're very good, and I really like them. Haha, I must go edit my signature...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I would be [I]extremely[/I] grateful if someone could make me a Last Exile banner and avatar...I even have pictures! The one of Claus and Al with the sky in the background for the banner and the one of Al by herself for the avatar. And if it's not too much trouble, I'd like "With my head in the clouds" on the banner. Other than that, I'm not picky ^_^[/COLOR]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Azure Rose replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Wow there are a lot of great quotes in this thread! [I]"At the end of the game, the King and Pawn go back into the same box"[/I] is excellent. I'm definetely gonna remember that one. But, on to my quotes... [CENTER][B]"Love as thou wilt." [/B] [/CENTER] This is hands down the quote that runs through my head the most. It's actually taken from one of my favorite books, Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. Love as you want to love, it doesn't matter what other people think. I guess, it just serves to remind me that I should never be afraid to love, whether it's friends, family, or a guy. [CENTER][B]"Everything happens for a reason."[/B][/CENTER] Haha, second most thought of thought. When things suck, it's important to remember that everything in life has a purpose, and that regrets are pointless. You are who you are because of the things you learn in life. Even the bad things. [CENTER][B]"Blaming your faults on your nature does not change the nature of your faults."[/B][/CENTER] Simply, take responsibility for your actions. Be honest with yourself and others. And [CENTER][B]"This I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world. And this I would fight for: the freedom of the mind to take any direction it wishes, undirected. And this I must fight against: any idea, religion, or government which limits or destroys the individual." [/B] -John Steinbeck[/CENTER] I second Mr. Steinbeck. [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]My AP English teacher this year, Ms. Lucas, would have to be my favorite high school teacher. The first day of school I remember thinking, "Wow, this teacher looks so formidable, I think I may have to switch out of this class..." but I'm really glad I didn't. Ms. Lucas is strict, but she's also incredibly nice and really funny. I really hated writing before this class, and even in the beginning of the year, but Ms. Lucas really helped me learn to love it- and excel in it. When a teacher has that kind of ability, you know they're one of the best. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I like so many authors, I'd be hard put to pick just one as my favorite, but Jacqueline Carey and Anne Bishop wrote two of my favorite trilogies ever: the Kushiel's Legacy Trilogy and the Black Jewels Trilogy. Both authors have the ability to create characters and worlds you become attached to, and the stories are such that when you finish the book, all you want to do is read more. At least, that's how I feel ^_^ Seriously though, as far as fantasy writers go, they're some of the best. Ray Bradbury. Haha, a lot of my friends say they absolutely[I] hated [/I] [U]Farenheit 451[/U], but I thought it was seriously awesome. His style is so unique and gripping, I could read his stuff forever. The short stories I've read are equally awesome and equally freaky ("The Veldt" for example...) He's just incredible, and I wish I had half his skill as a writer. [/COLOR]
Anime The Official Otaku Boards Top 50 Anime Series: Voting Thread
Azure Rose replied to EVA Unit 100's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Haha, I've really not watched a whole lot of anime, so my list is somewhat generic, but from what I have seen, these would be my favorites: 1. [B]Last Exile[/B]- Quite honestly, the most amazing anime I?ve ever seen. The visuals! Absolutely gorgeous, and fitting for the setting of the show, way up in the clouds. On top of that, the music is beautiful and the characters memorable, with a steady plotline to match. I could watch it over and over again (and I do ^_^) 2. [B]Azumanga Daioh[/B]- Like chicken soup or chocolate cake, nothing?s lifts your mood like watching Azumanga. That?s why it?s #2?each character is funny in a different way; it?s quite a nice little series about nothing special. Just a group of friends living life in all its hilarity. I guess that?s why I like it so much! 3. [B]Fruits Basket[/B]- Okay. There was no way Furuba was not gonna be in the top 3. It?s sweet, funny, and even dramatic without being sickeningly so. The characters are all lovable, and I must say, I love the style in which they?re drawn. The show is just right, all around. 4. [B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B]- Although I haven?t finished it, FMA was a winner (in my eyes) from episode one. Ed and Al are wonderful to begin with, but their interactions with each other and the other characters is what really shines I think. And the plot- it?s funny and sad in all the right moments, moving you to laughter or tears quite easily. Good stuff. 5. [B]Lunar Legend Tsukihime[/B]- Again, I still have 4 episodes to go, but Tsukihime is great so far. Although it moves a little slow, the atmosphere is haunting enough and the mystery deep enough to keep your attention through it all. And, personally, I think Arcueid is just the coolest character ^_^ 6. [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B]- Haha, CB is down further simply because I figured it wouldn?t need my help to make the top 50 list?Seriously though, it?s a classic, there?s no denying that. The jazz theme and the futuristic setting?what can I say? It?s just a wonderful show. 7. [B]Ghost in the Shell: SAC[/B]- Animation, music, mind games and mysteries?what more do you need in an anime? It?s beautiful to watch- every episode- from beginning to end, and always makes you think. And with Yoko Kanno added to the mix, well, when has she [I]not[/I] made an anime even better? 8. [B]Trigun[/B]- Ah, my very first ?grown up? anime- meaning not Pokemon. Honestly, all I can say is: Vash the Stampede. He can hold the show all by himself! Let?s face it, the music is nothing special, and the animation is okay, but it?s Vash and his struggle that makes this show list-worthy. That?s why I love it anyway. 9. [B]Yu Yu Hakusho[/B]- For all that people criticize the animation, YYH is a good show. Unlike a lot of anime in the same genre, it?s not trite and boring, and the characters can actually seem heroic without being overbearing. It?s still your classic ?good guys vs. bad guys? scenario, but that, I think, is part of the appeal. 10. [B]Gundam SEED[/B]- It?s fun to watch, and despite myself, I?ve come to really like the characters?well, except for Flay, because she?s a self-centered twit, but everyone else I like for some reason or another. It?s your typical Gundam series plotline, but done better, in my opinion. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I have indeed faked being sick before, generally to catch up on sleep, or just because I don't feel like dealing with school that day. Although, unlike super easy freshman and sophomore years, I've found making up missed work as a junior is a LOT harder (especially with 2 AP classes) and a day off really isn't worth the hassle, so I don't do it often. Still, I think the best sickness to fake if you want a day off is a seriously bad headache. That's always worked for me, and it's a great excuse to just go back to bed and sleep the rest of the day. Ooh, I feel a little evil right now. But hey, everyone deserves to sleep in some days![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Haha, I read this thread and decided that this was, indeed, a slightly stalker-y, albeit wonderful, song. [CENTER]"Spitting Games" -Snow Patrol I broke into your house last night And left a note at your bedside I'm far too shy to speak to you at school You leave me numb and I'm not sure why I find it easier to sit and stare Than push my limbs out towards you right there My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes As blue as oceans and as pure as skies I struggle for the words and then give up My heads up with the birds on the t-hut A little piece of mind that I know better Than the plain disgrace of all my letters But after that the floodgates opened up And I fell in love with everyone I saw Please take your time I'm not in any rush And it's in everything I ever write It's not as if I need the extra weight Confused enough by life so thanks a lot Lonely written words for company Just raise the roof this once and follow me[/CENTER] See? It's rather sweet, but a worthy song for the list I'd say. Especially that bit about breaking into her house, lol. ^_~ [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]My knowledge of Japanese music is limited mostly to what I hear on the anime that I watch, so I can't say I have a fair basis for my favorite song. However, as of right now, I absolutely adore 'Over the Sky' by Hitomi and 'Cloud Age Symphony' by Shuntaro Okino, both from Last Exile. Not only are the lyrics to both songs quite beautiful, but the music itself is great too. 'Over the Sky' is light, almost feathery sounding, and has a airy cadence to it. 'Cloud Age Symphony' gets a little bit techno at the end, but it's an upbeat engaging song, and I just can't stop listening to it. On another note (no pun intended), I love pretty much all of Yoko Kanno's music (especially in GitS:SAC and Cowboy Bebop) and the pillows are great too. Nothing is more fun than trying to sing along to 'Ride on a Shooting Star', lol ^_~[/COLOR]