Random Fan Girl
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me and my friend were using it. every time we use it we get the same guy. hes my stalker -_-. we even talked to my grandpa. my mom knows i use it, she just wont let me use it in our house. Because my dad is philipino, and philipinos are supersticious(sp?) So, i have used it before but they can be scary at time. like this one guy we were talking to said he was goin to come kill us. we had candles and the light was turned out and it was storing and it was frekin scary. but i dont really mind useing it. i just take it really seriously. because you dont want to goof off with it. cause you dont know what will hapen :nono: and dont you just hate it when people say they dont move it and then you find out they really were?
hey ^^ can anyone please make me a banner that is 468x100 with Nuriko from Fushigi Yugi. and i would just want it to have the name Faye on it. Thanks very much i would really appricate it. ;)
hey people! i cant find my other thread i hope i dont get in triouble -_- well, ive been trying to improve my graphics [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/cagalli10224x768.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/800-021.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/800-0211.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/normal_lh21280x960.jp[/IMG] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/st_springblossom1024.jpg[/url] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/lacusclyne.bmp[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/untitledw.bmp[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Ran_Kotobuki/gundamseedsoig.bmp[/IMG] well...thats all for now. lately ive really been into gundam...
thank-you. yeah its the Asian girl. o wouldnt like the snake O_o
hola! can anyone make me a avi with BoA?
no, its jsut one set. and much appreacted for giving it a try ^_^
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Random Fan Girl replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
i like ur set ^_^ avatar: i like how its just that one picture. 10/10 sig: now i love ur sig. its awesome. i like the edges.ant the circles are cool 1o//1o -
i was wondering if anyone could make me a sig and avater with Sakura from Naruto for a diffrent site. i want the sig to be 468x85. and i want the avi to be 100x100. and i want the sig to hav Faye on it. and on the avi i want F in the lower right hand corner. thanks to n e one who can do it. RFG!
lately, ive benn wanting to die. just kill myself. ive had trouble eating lately and everyday ive had a busy schudle. and im pressuring myself. and i dont know what to do. ive just wanted to end my pain, but the closer i get to do something to myslef. i get scared. and i just dont know what to do anymore
ok. after karater this moring my mom told me to put the mail in the mailbox cause there was a mailbox in front of our karate place. so i got out of the car and there were there two REALLY cute guys and i knew them. so i was staring at them and pulled the door open WAY too fast and my hand got jammed in it. and i yelled out OW! MY HAND and they looked over, and my friend was walking over. i felt really stupid.
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Random Fan Girl replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
i really like your set, they are awesome. avatar: 9/1o. i like it but its kinda blury like.it kinda hurts my eyes sig: 1o/1o. i really like your sig. its awesome. i like the middle how its black and white. and i like the blu boreder around it. -
sure. i dont caure who make its. i just want some one to make it ^_^
okie. i was wondering if anyone could make me a set with Kagome. (hence the name) i would like the sig to be 357x100. and the sig to say Whatever Happens i'll always be on your side. well thanks to anyone who can, Rfg~
okie. i found some more stuff. When i was little when i wanted to get people's attention i would hit myself on the head. So one day my mom gave me a wooden paddle then she walked away. So i hit my head with paddle. trust me it hurt. and another thing is i didnt know what Shampoo or Conditioner was. I was like 2 or 3. so i was sitting im my high char. we were eating hotdogs so i took the Ketchup and poured it all over my head. I was like "Mommy! look! its Shampoo!!!" then i took the mustard and squarted on my head too. When me and my sister were younger, we would go to our grandma's house. so we were racing to the door and i hit the door nob. it hurt really bad. and my front 2 teeth were completely black. and they stayed black until the fell out. well. thats all i could think of
[B]Ok. a cupple years ago i didnt have a door to my room. So, i would run to my room and just run right in. But the next day, little did i know my dad put a door up. so i ran to my room and BANG!!! straight into the door. my head jerked back and i was knocked out for a few munutes. it was funny but it hurt really bad.
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Random Fan Girl replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
i really like your avatar. its pretty even though its kinda small. i like it the sig is ok. i like it. But i couldnt really read what it said. i like the font though. it nice. overall: 9.5/1o -
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Random Fan Girl replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
its really cool. i lke the look . it remindes me of a painting. and i like the colors. Verry nice. 9/1o -
i like the first sig better then the seceond one. its cooler im my opinion. an i really lke the bactround
Art Rate the Sig and avatar of the member above you.
Random Fan Girl replied to Burori's topic in Creative Works
nice! i like the person. its very nice. and the color. i like it. and i like the font. 10/10 :) -
thanks. nah. its ok, i like it how it is. ^_^
ok, i have no idea if this goes here, but if it dosent could a mod close it or move it to where its suppost to be. ok any way. DDR. has anyone played it before? i actually am in love with this game. it is so cool. my friend actually got me into it. cause at her birthday party they played but i didnt iknow how to. but now. im actually pretty good at it. At first my feet hurt so bad after playing for ever. but then i got used to it. and i kept playing and got better. [color=#4B0082]I merged this with the original DDR thread. Before creating a thread, please use the search function to look for similar threads that cover the same topic as the one you'd like to create. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
no, my parents couldnt care less that i watched anime. but they purposly make fun of the names. like one time my dad Called 'Yu Yu Hakusho' Yu Yu ho ho sho. he only dose that casue he knows i'll get kinda mad. but they dont really care that i watch it. and sometimes my dad will watch it with me. he likes InuYasha and all the ones with Fighting. casue we both like Finghting so, i get along with my dad. :)
okie. im looking for an avatar with Blackmage Yuna or Rikku.
Art Random Fan Girls Random Stuff
Random Fan Girl replied to Random Fan Girl's topic in Creative Works
yes thanks. This banner has to be the weirdeat one i have ever made in my entire life..so far. its kinda weird...but ture [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/Sango007/Rikku.bmp[/img] ^ the weirdness its really weird cause im using paint. but i think its kinda good for paint Edit: Here. i made my new set. i reaaalllllllyyyyyy like it. Word canot describe my feelings for it..lol [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/Sango007/randomsiigg.bmp[/img] [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] i made my new set. how do you like it? edit: i made another sig. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v196/Sango007/sakurasig.jpg[/img] [color=teal]Please avoid double posting. Even if your thread has fallen back a little bit, it is not acceptable for you to double post to bring it back. -Syk3[/color]