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Everything posted by alekx

  1. [QUOTE=Shikari]:babble: [FONT=Fixedsys][SIZE=2][COLOR=Teal] Hey, I found inuyasha quite awhile ago, but i have yet to purchase any of the inuyasha movies, I know that there is a new one coming out but I am unsure of the names of any of the other inuyasha videos. I was hopping that someone could let me know what the titles are. Oh ya I am totally into inuyasha I love watching it. I'm trying hard to find the compleat dvd, so i have all the episodes. Inuyasha and sesshumaro are my favorit characters, sessy is so calm and cool , while inuyasha is a spaze but yet he's pritty cool. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] ____________________________________________________________________ cool. i knew inuyasha before they put it on Cartoon Network. So you can call me a fan from the start, and not those people who have seen the shows like once on t.v. and think that they know everything about it then.hehehehe :sweat: phew. im glad i got that out of my system! lol I want to see the IY movies but i dont now when im going be able to....waaaa :( i dont know the name of the movies either, and i am so jelous, my friend has already seen the japanese version...unless they are lying :shifty: :twitch: HAHAHA i was on e-bay and they had a bid 4 the whole first season and 2 movies of IY on dvd.. i bid but there were too many rich ppl online so, they outbid me... :bawl:
  2. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=crimson][size=1]I LOVE MIROKU! He's probably my favorite character. He seems so NOBLE...but of course, he's not all that noble and stuff...but I still love him to death anyway.[/color'][/size][/quote] ____________________________________________________________________ I luv miroku too. he is so funny. he has so many split personalities!! He can be very sirious and determened, then the next moment he's grabbing a girl lol! Him and Inu Yasha always nag at eachother, and inu yasha doesnt trust miroku alot in the begginng, but grows on him a little...... but Miroku remains his funny self. Like i love the episode when they are trying to tend Inu Yasha's wounds and IY wont listen so miroku starts to stomp on him to make him stay down!! LOL i was laughing so hard i almost threw up!!! :laugh:
  3. B]Name:[/B] snow white (lil' white) [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Appearance:[/B] see this: [IMG]http://img11.exs.cx/img11/7014/snowwhite.jpg[/IMG] blck hair, fress, red ribbon on hair. pale skin [B]Fairy Tale:[/B] Snow white, [B]Personality:[/B] sweet, but gets to business when needed. sarcastic... loving! [B]Bio:[/B] step mother hates me!! i have no prince charming, i have to do slavery work 4 my mom! dad died, has no friends!!
  4. Let me in! heres mine: Name:Alendra (alekx) Tsugo Age:12-35 (yes, 13) Gender:female Weopans: (max 6) magic, sword Occupation: lonely outlaw, no occupation.. wandering soul Appearance:long brown hair, red eyes, medium height, wears all black , a blck shirt and pants with a cloak hood and jacket, with sword dangling at right site. long black boots and countless scars on arms, one big scar on left eye. pale. loose gloves and emerald necklace around neck. History: i was a loner all my life. i did anything to get a good bargain outta life. travels everywhere to find meaning in life, came to town to find somethingg to do. known for doing favors and stealing, and making it out without a trace. always friendly and can be sirious, but also can be happy at times. quite and always focased on my goal. my family was killed in a fire caused by a man named Shijo and on my journey, i have been searching to kill him, for taking my life away! ive always been up to a good fight and challeng and will try at everything! Side:Heroes/Villains, both thats 4 u to deside! i do my duty when i want. ps. am i doing this right?! ^_^ *sweat drop*
  5. [FONT=Arial]undefined[/FONT][COLOR=Red]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=1]undefined[/SIZE] Hi everyone what are we talking about? well bye!
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